16x22 - Lavery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

16x22 - Lavery

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

Go on.

Hide peddlers.

I'd rather fandango
with a blind buffalo.

Miss Kitty, you oughta
open up a dancin' school.

That's not a bad idea, Verna.

You all right, April?

I'm fine, Miss Kitty.

You'll get used
to bein' trampled.

And it ain't as if you never seen the
inside of a saloon before now, is it?

Goodnight, Verna.

Well, what'd I say?

I didn't say nothin'.


Sure. Night.

Goodnight, Miss Kitty.

Goodnight, April.

Sam, that peddler that
you hustled outta here.

If he comes back,
don't serve him.

I'm glad you said
that, Miss Kitty.

I'm gettin' too old to butt heads with
that redneck every time he comes to town.

Oh, buck up, honey.

Tomorrow night the
freighters'll be rollin' in.

And when their dust settles, we can look
forward to pay day for the soldier boys.

It's a continuous round of
gaiety and broken arches, this life.

- Goodnight, Verna.
- Sweet dreams.

I didn't mean to
scare you, April.

I can't have you
yellin'... talk low.

Please, April.

Get out of here, Keith. Now.

I didn't expect
much of a welcome.

Get out.

I can't.

Found him nosin' the water trough
when I opened up this mornin', Marshal.

Sweatin' just like he
is now, only worse.

Must've wandered in
sometime durin' the night.

This horse has
got colic pretty bad.

You never saw the
horse before, Hank?


I'd say he was a fair work
horse one time, though.

This blood couldn't be more
than three or four hours old.

Expect that's the reason this horse
was rode pretty near to the ground,

'cause somebody was
a-chasin' the rider on it.

Maybe. Yeah.

There's no maybe to it.

I'm the one that
chased him in here.

Appears like I give him a
little bit more than a nosebleed.

- This your horse, Arno?
- Wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

Where is he, Marshal?

That horse thief didn't
turn toes up on me, did he?

Sound like you'd be
plumb disappointed

if we was to invite you
to a funeral, Mr. Arno.

Not if there was
a hangin' first.

That's what every
horse thief deserves.

Arno, suppose you just
tell me what happened?

Well, I caught this horse
thief ridin' outta my corral.

- When?
- Oh, last night about sundown.

Emptied my r*fle at him.

Sun was right in my
eyes. Don't know if I hit him.

- He kept ridin'.
- Oh, you lit out after him?

You don't think I'd be fool enough to
light out after him with dark comin' on.

Take a chance at gettin' bushwhacked
for the likes of this crow bait?

That's what this town pays high
prices for law officers to do, Deputy.

Arno, I'm gonna need
your mark on a complaint.

Suppose you wait in my office.

The last time I give you my
mark, I didn't get nothin' for it.

Seems like that's all
you collect, Marshal,

is a lot of paper.

Matthew, how you
got the patience

to put up with his blabberty
mouth is somethin' I'll never know.

Festus, why don't you double
back along the road to Arno's place,

see if you can
pick up any signs.

Could even be this
fellow, whoever he was,

might have fallen off in
the brush or something.

Right, Matthew.

And, Newly, why don't you check
the hotels and lodges around here?

See if anybody's
checked in hurt.

Yes, sir. You bet.

They found the horse.

Marshal know who
they're lookin' for?

A wounded horse thief.

I didn't steal
that horse, April.

I borrowed it.

You borrowed it?

So Mr. Arno shot you
to show his gratitude.

My horse went
lame east of Arno's.

He wasn't around, so I left mine
there and I saddled up one of his.

You couldn't have
waited for him?

Clint and Harry were
waitin' for me in Garden City.

I was in a hurry.

Just my luck.

Arno rides up just as
I'm... Just as I'm takin' off.

Was it luck when you and your two
friends got caught cross-branding cattle?

Oh, we've been
through that, April.

A few strays we rounded up from that
trail outfit... they never were missed.

I mean, it wasn't like we was
doin' harm to anybody, was it?


you grew up in this town.

The people here know you.

You could give yourself up.

- Explain things.
- Explain?

You know I've got five years'
probation hangin' over my head.

That judge said I come before him
again I serve every bit of that five years.

You know that.

So why do you run to me?

'Cause you're my wife.

What do you want me to do,
drop someplace in the dirt?

You know better than that.

But I know I can't keep
hiding you in this room.

Why not?

It's only gonna be a couple
days until I'm well enough to ride.

You owe me
something, April. I... I'm...

The only time you come to me is
when you're hurt or you're in trouble.

And I owe you.

Oh, Doc.

April, here are these
pills I told you about.

Now you just follow directions.

Thank you, Dr. Adams.

How are you feelin'?

Fine. Thank you.

Stop by and see me this evening.

What was that all about?

Oh, it's nothing
need concern you.

You sick or something?

Just nervous sometimes.

About me, huh?

Well, you sure
haven't helped much.

I can stay, can't I?


Better get a fresh
bandage on you.

How's April this morning?

She's gonna be fine.

Kitty, you knew she
was pregnant, didn't you?

Yeah. I knew it.

You know, it's not good
for her to be workin'.

It's not good for
her not to be workin'.

She's gotta eat, you know.

She needs some help.

All right, you do
what you can, and...

I will, too.

You handled me rough
last night, Barkeep.

It was closing time, Mister.

Well, it ain't anywheres
near closin' time now.

So you just set up a bottle and
we'll sip a little and talk a little

about how you treat
cash-on-the-counter customers.

I'm sorry, I can't serve you.

- What was that?
- Boss's orders.

And who might the
boss of this slop-pen be?

I am. I gave the order.

Well, you sell watered
whiskey, saloon woman.

And this barkeep here
short-changes the customers.

Get out. Now.

I spent ten dollars
in here last night.

I figure that entitles
me to space at your bar.

Same as any other man.

Sam, give him his money.

One false move outta you and I'll
hand your head to the boss-lady.

Let him go.

I don't take to a g*n
pointing at me, Red.

If you don't let him go, I'm
gonna do more than just point it.

Nobody throws
me out of a saloon.

And that's something I'll
be provin' to you, woman.

Hold on here. What's goin' on?

He starts trouble every
time he comes in here.

I got a right to drink here.

Get out.

Now get out of here.

Next time you show up in
this town without being sober,

it'll be your last
time. Get movin'.

Maybe you shouldn't be
sitting up so soon, Keith.

Sooner I'm up and
movin', the better.

Gettin' restless.

Restless? For what?

I told you.

Clint and Harry are waitin'
for me in Garden City.

Off to another rainbow.

It ain't no rainbow.

Those Dakota hills are
honeycombed with gold.

That deal I told you about with
old man Thompson, that's still on.

I get a third of a share
for working his claim.

Why don't you come with us?

And live in a mining town shack?

Just at the beginnin'. Then
it's gonna be a mansion.

I'm tellin' you. I got
a hunch about this.

Keith, you've been living
your whole life on hunches.

This is different.

Listen, when I get back
from them Dakota goldfields,

well, then we'll talk
about settlin' down, right?

But it's not gonna be a crummy
place. It's gonna be a fancy place.

It's gonna be a spread with a herd
of cattle and ranch houses, right?

Fancy carriage for you and
pretty... Where you goin'?

I've gotta go to work.

I'd have sure bet against
you savin' Matt Dillon's life,

or anybody else's
for that matter.

You never did like me
too much, did you, Doc?

Well, you never gave
me very much reason to.

I was at your mother's death
bed, Keith. Where were you?


Well, I'll give you this much.

It was a pretty unselfish
thing for you to do... savin' Matt.

Especially when you knew
you'd just get prison out of it.

I wouldn't want you to think that
you were wrong about me, Doc.

Well, now, what... What's
that supposed to mean?

Well, plinkin' that
peddler, tell you the truth,

that was just a...
just an accident.

I was cleaning my
g*n, and it went off.

You know, I don't
understand you at all.

Me neither.

It's not a question
of the bail, Kitty.

You could put up ten thousand
dollars. I still couldn't release him.

I'm sorry, April.

I always thought you could
get out on bail for horse stealin'.

Yeah, but not if
you're on parole.

I'm still gonna have to take
him up to Bucklin for a hearing.

And then off to prison?

The judge is bound to go easy
on him. Isn't that right, Matt?

Well, it depends.

He could've let
you die, Marshal.

I realize that, April.

Can he travel, Doc?

Any time you say.

All right, Keith. Let's go.

Keith, I want to
thank you again.

You saved my life.

Just saw a chance to make a
little character for myself, Marshal.

- Nothin' personal.
- Marshal, please.

He didn't steal the horse.

He... He traded it.

Almost call it borrowed.

It don't make no
difference, April.

If you take a horse that don't belong
to you, it just don't make no difference.

Especially with Arno bringin'
that complaint against me.

Like you to write.

Let's go, Keith.

That's the one. The
blaze-faced mare.

- Are you sure?
- Sure.

You see she's lame.

Just a bruise on the knee, though.
She'll be all right in a couple of days.

Bring this filth on to my property
without my permission, Marshal?

Arno, where'd you get
that blaze-faced mare?

That's my business.

Well, did you buy it, or
does it belong to Lavery here?

Belong to him?

Whose word are you gonna take?

Mine or the word of a thief?

The livery in Bucklin
will back me up, Marshal.

I paid $80 for that mare.

She's got the best seat
on her a man can ride.

Well, what about that, Arno?

Now, if what he's
saying is true,

he left his horse here with
you when he took yours.

Now, why'd you withhold
that little piece of information?

Don't you legal-tongue
me, Matt Dillon.

I got rights.

What rights is that?

You're preferring charges against this
man and yet you're holding his property.

Seems to me like maybe you're hoping
he won't be able to prove ownership.

I think Judge Brooker's gonna have
a few questions to ask about that.

Whose word are you gonna take?

Mine or the word of this scum?

You didn't answer my question.

It was a... It was a...
It was a legal swap.

It was a legal swap.

He brought this
horse in here lame.

Nobody's gonna take
his word against mine.

I see. Now it was a swap, then?

You're droppin'
the theft charges?


Maybe. Maybe. Yes.

But the swap still sticks.

The swap still sticks.

Don't you come back
here with that crow bait

and then say that
you've been cheated.

You understand me, sonny?

Yep, I understand, Mr. Arno.

Well, Keith, I'll wire Judge Brooker
and tell him he's droppin' charges.

Looks like you're a free man.

Yes, sir. I wanna
thank you, Marshal.

Yes, sir.

April tells me you're
headin' for the Dakotas.

Yep. Goldfields. Me
and my two sidekicks.

Pretty rough life
for a woman, isn't it?

Well, I'm gonna
send for April later.

She's gonna be
livin' in style, Marshal.

Not workin' in no
saloon no more.

Keith, I've known
you for a long time.

You're always running off
somewhere, tryin' to set the world on fire,

and yet you're always
coming back empty-handed.

Why don't you
settle down for once?

I could get you a job
right here in Dodge.

- Doin' what?
- Well, maybe workin' at the tannery.

Scrubbin' hides?

What's wrong with that?

Marshal, when I get
back from the Dakotas,

I just might be
buyin' that tannery.

What I might be doin'.
I might be buyin' it.

Thanks again, Marshal.

Drink up, folks.
All on me tonight.

Well, at least to the tune
of what I got in my pockets.

Startin' out fresh.

Empty pockets and a light head.

There's a heap of
truth in that, I'd say.

They ain't nothin' in his head.

Verna, honey, you know what we
need? We need some champagne.

Hmm? Why don't you... Why
don't you get a bottle of champagne

and pour some for Miss Kitty
and my lovely wife there, hmm?

Why don't you tell him, April?

I made up my mind about that.

If he won't stay for
me, I don't want him.

I don't want him out of
pity or feeling obligated.

I'm not sure you're
doing the right thing.

Well, everybody
havin' a good time here?

Say, Newly, you know
Doc really fixed me up good.

Right about now, I feel like I
could wrestle me a herd of steers.

That's not a bad
thought, Lavery.

There's pretty good wages in it.


I'm gonna tell you somethin'.
I'm gonna make you a bet.

In about six months, I'm
gonna ride in town, right?

In the fanciest, biggest
carriage this town's ever seen.

And then I'm gonna... I'm gonna
pull right up in front of the bank.

Whoa, there.

And Old Man Bodkin's gonna
come out with the red carpet, see?

Now, why's he got a red carpet?

Well, he's got a red carpet because
half the money in the bank belongs to me.

I set it all down.

And you know what
I'm gonna do then,

I'm gonna throw the biggest
party that this town has ever seen.

Hey, April.


You know, I've seen
some fools drinkin' in here,

but you deserve
some sort of a prize.

The Marshal got you a job, and
you're throwin' it over your shoulder.

You've got a good wife upstairs who loves
you, and you're treatin' her the same way.

That gold mine of yours is
nothin' but a hole in the ground.

What you've got here
doesn't need provin'.

Now, I'm gonna
make you a little bet.

In six months, you won't have
a wife and you won't have a job.

I'll lay you odds right now

that any future rainbows you see
are gonna be through a cell window.



We got something to drink to.

I guess we have, Keith.

I've been thinking it over.

Thinkin' over what?

We stood in front of the preacher
and we said certain words.

Well, maybe I didn't
know what I was saying...

the meaning behind those words.

I... I guess I'm
not followin' you.

Accepting you for what you were.

For what you are.

A man bent in his ways.

I guess you'll
never change, Keith.

And I... I suppose it's not in
my right to try and change you.

I... I do love you.

Enough to see you go your own way if
that's what will make you the happiest.

That love you're talkin' about,
that... That goes both ways, you know.

You never doubted
that, did you, April?

I guess... women
always do some doubting.

We got a toast to make.

To the Dakota goldfields.


Mr. Hubert's tannery.

- Night.
- Oh, goodnight, Mr. Hubert.

Clint! Harry!



Do you know them, Mrs. Lavery?

Yes, I know them.

They're Keith's friends.

Looks like the

The boss-man.

Mr. Hubert, hey, this is
my friend, Clint, and Harry.

They're my friends.

Well, I'll... I'll get this
straightened right away,

Mr. Hubert, sir.

Yes, you do that, Keith.

Your wife brought
your lunch pail.

Um, appreciate that.

Thank you.

Do you actually
work for that old coot?

Yeah, I'm learnin'
the old tanner's trade.

That's what I'm doin'.

Well, I hope you're
learnin' somethin'.

How do you stand this place?

We're gonna have to cut our own
hides off to get rid of the stench.

We waited for you, Keith, boy.

Well, that's a story.

Yeah, we heard. From
the Garden City paper.

Oh. Well, you know, I
guess, why I didn't show, then.

Yeah, but you got freed.

The charges was dropped.

Well, I...

I figured you two would be
long gone by the time I got there.

- Without you?
- Sure.

Hey, Old Man Thompson's
waitin' for us in Kansas City.

He expects you to be with us.

Hey, look at this, Keith boy.

Old Thompson gave us this.

I had it assayed.

It comes out to
almost 80 dollars a ton.


We'd be rich in
six months, Clint.

Buy everything we ever wanted.



I changed my mind
about goin', though.

I knew it. What'd I tell you?

Hey, Keith.

The three of us, huh?

Everything together.

Easy money.

Pretty gals to steal it from us.

That's what it's all about.

Not workin' for nickels
and dimes in a hog wallow.

Not for you.

Well, I won't be
doin' it forever, will I?

You know, I think this
stench done rotted his brain.

I'm gonna give it a try.

Keith, everything together.

At least it was.

Until that saloon gal got her
fingernails in his curly hair.

Clint, you boys'll
do fine without me.

Well, I guess that cuts it.

No, it don't!

Now, it's your fault
that we're flat broke!

What are you talkin' about?

We had to wait around for you.

Lost our horses,
saddles, outfits, everything.

Harry here ain't got
much poker sense.

We got swamped in that saloon.

We had to dig post holes

for the stage fare to come
over here and fetch you.

Now ease off, Harry.

It ain't his fault.

He didn't force you to sit
down with that jackleg gambler.

I can ask Mr. Hubert.

Maybe he'll take
you two guys on here.

Oh, thanks a lot.

No, no, we'll...

We'll... we'll figure out how
to outfit ourselves somehow.

Here, Keith boy, you keep that.

Time we get back
from the goldfields,

we'll be pavin' the
streets with that stuff.

You haven't said a word
since you came home.

I'm tired.

Do you wanna talk about it?

I saw.

The three of you.

Like school boys.

Glad to see each
other, that's all.

You said they'd
go on without you.

I figured wrong.

Don't let your dinner get cold.

Oh, I'm not hungry.

Oh, I was praying they
wouldn't come back.

At least until we
had a little more time.

I still said no to 'em.

But did you tell them
to get out of town?

To leave you alone?

They're my friends.


Who left you guarding
those stray yearlings?

Who ran when they
saw trouble coming?

There wasn't any point
in us all getting caught.

We've been through this.

I didn't go to jail.

It was no thanks to them.

What's the matter with you?

What is it you got
against them two?

Couple guys like a little
excitement. That's all.

Who don't care how they get it.

You talk as if they're
outlaws or somethin'.

Someday they'll want something
bad enough to cross that line.

You've always had it
in for them, haven't you?

You can't stand
seein' us have a laugh.

Raise a little dust.
Little excitement.

You can't stand that, can you?

- That's not true.
- Yeah, that is true.

I think it's only a matter
of time for those two.

And you, if you
don't cut them off.

Oh, Keith, I've seen a
lot of Clints and Harrys...

Right. I keep forgettin'
that I met you in a saloon.

That door opens from
both sides, Keith Lavery.

Well, the point is, he
came back to you last night.


It happened in Bucklin, too.

The night before he left me.

And you thought he'd gone off
with those two friends of his, right?

Where else?

He was right here.

Concentrating on his
bottle all by himself.


I was certain he
went straight to them.

Kitty, I'm sorry.

What for?

I don't mind being rooted
out of bed at 6:00 a.m.

by a panicky wife.

Did he go to work this morning?


But he didn't say
a word at breakfast.

You still haven't told him

that he's working for more
than just the two of you?


I felt sure his
friends would return.

I... I just wanted to
see what he would do

feeling he had no
responsibility except to me.

You came to me
for advice, right?

All righty.

Let's get right
down to the facts.

A normal, healthy,
pregnant female

is supposed to be selfish.

So be selfish.

Honestly, with no
more silly excuses.

Be sure of your man.

Yes, but, Miss Kitty,
what if he panics?

What if I drive him away?

It's better to find out
about it now than later.

Now, look...

you go home and you fix
him a good dinner tonight.

Open that.

And tell him.

Now, if you don't mind,
I'm goin' back to bed.

Oh, you're lookin' a little
peaky today, Keith, boy.

Now, if I didn't know
you was a family man,

I'd swear you'd been tippin'
a whiskey bottle last night.

I think it's this stench that
makes him look like a sick frog.

What do I have to do to get
you two off my back, huh?

Just hold out your
hand and say goodbye.

We're leavin' for the Dakotas.

Got our problem
just about solved.

Got yourself outfitted, huh?

Will be tonight.

Horses, everything.

Everything needed.

How'd you swing that?

Well, let's just say were taking
advantage of any opportunity

that comes our way.

Meanin' I shouldn't ask
any more questions, huh?

You always were the
smart one, Keith, boy.

We're gonna miss you.

Same here.

Not too late to
change your mind.

Well, I got to admit, you had
me sorely tempted for a while.

No hard feelings.

Oh. You know that.

We'll be at Arno's
later on tonight.

He's sellin' us the horses.

There'll be one for
you if you show up.

No, I... I don't think
I'll be showin', Clint.

Good luck.

Keith, when you are finished,
you will please lock up.

And then I want to talk to you.

Yes, sir, Mr. Hubert.


Come in.

Um, Mr. Hubert.

Ah, Keith.

Um, I seem to have
misplaced the key somewhere.

Oh. We have a spare.

Thank you, sir.

- Keith?
- Yes, sir?

You have been handling
the hides how long?

Uh, shy of three weeks.

You learn very quickly.

And you work hard.

Oh, yeah. Yes, sir, Mr. Hubert.


I think I will hire
somebody to do your work.

I think it is time

for you to learn the buying
and the selling of hides.

Maybe go out to the ranches.

See what they may wish to sell.

And then bring
back the hides raw.

Well, yes. That'd be great.

Ah, good.

Tomorrow we will discuss it.


And maybe somebody
will take the work

off of an old man's shoulders.

Well, what's this for?

With a saloon down
the street, you ask that?

Oh, I'll bring you a
pail, huh, Mr. Hubert?


Half a pail.

- Okay, Mr. Hubert.
- Now, out, out, out.

I have work to do.

Right. Thank you, sir.

Get him!

Oh, his friends. He
gave you the key!

- You really clobbered him.
- He was gonna holler.

Come on, let's get outta here.

Mr. Hubert. Don't
move, Mr. Hubert.

You're hurt bad.
I'll go get the Doc.

- Don't move, Mr. Hubert.
- Keith.

Why did you do it?

You let them in.

Your friends... Your friends...

- I'm in big trouble.
- What?

Go get Doc Adams. Get
him over to the tannery.

Mr. Hubert got hit over the
head and some hides were stolen.

Keith. No.

I was at the Long
Branch when it happ...

Your first thought, right?
Your first thought I was in on it.

You're not alone.

Mr. Hubert thinks
I set him up, too.

It wasn't me. It
was Clint and Harry.

- You're running.
- Yes, ma'am.

Now go find Doc.

No, this is dumb. It's stupid.

You've gotta go to Matt Dillon.

Are you kiddin'? He'll
nail me to the wall.

Listen, I'm gettin' a horse
from the livery stable.

I want you to wait
till tomorrow morning.

Then you tell Hank
it's out at Arno's place.

You're meeting your
friends at Arno's?

Please, listen to me,
Keith. This is wrong.

I know it's wrong. It was wrong
that Mr. Hubert blamed me.

It's wrong that your first thought was
the same. I'm not gonna fight it anymore.

You're throwing everything away.

Everything? What
did we ever have, huh?

What did we ever have? Some
foolish hope we could make it together?

We should've known better.
I should've known better.

Do what I tell you now.
The old man needs help.

You pick the place
I work to break into?

Knowin' I got a five-year
sentence over my head?

We didn't think of that, Keith.

Well, they'll all figure
I'm in on it with you.

- You know you nearly k*lled Mr. Hubert?
- He went for his g*n.

You just left him
there bleedin'.

He would have died if I
hadn't gone back there.

We couldn't very well stop
and doctor his bumps, could we?

We got an hour's
start on a posse.

You in with us, Keith?

I told you they all
think so, didn't I?

I don't have much
of a choice, do I?

They for Arno?

We're swappin' 'em
for horses and cash.

Let's go.

How is he, Doc?

All right. I think it's
a mild concussion.

Now you tell me
where he was riding to.

You've just got to
believe me, Marshal.

He said he didn't do it.

And he didn't.

Well, Mr. Hubert
here says different.

I... I just believe Keith.

Well, I know he was ridin'
out to meet his friends.

Now, if you'll tell me where they
went, that'd make it a lot easier on 'em.

I can't put him in jail.

I just can't.

You better start thinking about
where else he's going if you don't.

Might be someplace a
whole lot worse than jail.

Give you them two
horses for the lot.

How much cash?

No cash.

Promised us horses
and cash. We're broke.

Mr. Hubert paid over $8 a
piece for those hides, Arno.

I was there when he bought 'em.

We oughta get them nags
and a couple of hundred dollars.

You heard my offer.
There's the horses.

This your way of gettin'
even with me, old man?

- Get outta here.
- You made a deal with Clint and Harry.

Why don't you go complain
to your Marshal friend?

You're gonna keep your word.

Go ahead and finish me.

I always said you'd hang.


Hey, that's my money.
That's my money.

Leave it.

- Leave it?
- He owes us.

No, he don't. He
don't owe us nothin'.

What are you
talkin' about, Keith?

I'm talkin' about the
fact that I'm scared.

I'm scared because I was a
step away from killin' that old man.

Just the way you two
almost k*lled Mr. Hubert.

Keith, there's a posse after us.

There's always gonna be a
posse after us unless we stop now.

- You're crazy.
- No.

We're goin' back. Listen to me.

And this time we're all goin'
back before it gets any worse.

I'm tired of bein' some kind
of dog you can kick around.

I ain't goin' back, and
I ain't goin' to no jail.

And I ain't gonna leave
this. Not while I got this.

You ain't gonna sh**t me, Keith.

We been together too long.

I said to leave it.

Oh, I get it.

We bust your little tannery bubble,
and now you're gonna make us pay for it,

is that it?

Let me tell you
somethin', Mama's boy.

You take us back to Dodge, and we're
gonna tell everybody that you planned this.

You stole the keys.

You opened the door.

You set up this deal with Arno.

And with your record, there
ain't nobody in that town

that ain't gonna
believe us. Yeah.

We may get a couple
of years for taggin' along,

but they're gonna send you up for
the rest of your natural, stupid life.

How do you feel
about that, Clint?

Well, like he says, Keith.

We're in pretty deep.

I don't guess me and Harry
have much other choice.

Let's go, Clint.

Hold it.

You heard him.

Let's go.

I didn't figure you'd
wanna see me off.

I'll wait for you
outside, Keith.

I told him where to find you.

That's all right.

Guess I'm having to see
that judge sometime, anyway.

The Marshal says
he'll speak for you.

And Mr. Hubert
said he would, too.

And I'll wait for you, Keith.

You forget about me. You hear?

You find yourself
some other man.

Somebody that
ain't all puff and dust.

That's gonna be difficult
with your baby to explain.

Announcer: Stay tuned for exciting
scenes from our next Gunsmoke.
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