16x08 - Luke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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16x08 - Luke

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

Man: Wonder which is gonna
wear out first, you or that saddle.

Man #2: I can't figure anybody
heading for the flats west of the river.

There's no crossing there.

If it was an "anybody."

Hot enough today to
stir up some dust devils.

That was trail dust. That
wasn't no dust devils.

Think I'm gonna have to get
you a pair of eyeglasses, old man.

- "Old man," is it?
- Yep.

Who's complaining
of the saddle sores?

Just 'cause your seat's
as hard as you head,

that don't mean the rest
of you ain't going downhill.

Hold up. Hold up.

Let me tell you something
about the law, boy.

They ain't gonna
tag two days behind.

Not when they can ride into the
nearest town and telegraph ahead.

Probably a wild mustang
you've seen back there.

Not a horse and rider.

Maybe going through
Kansas is making me edgy.

We should've stayed
in them back hills.

Man: If we'd have stayed
in them hills another week,

you and me both would be
looking for new horses to ride.

We're doing pretty...

Who was it?

Moses Reedy.

Oh! I should've known!

- That dirty...
- Take it easy.

How bad is it?

Shoulder one, that
one can be dug out.

The other one went
clear through. It's bad.

- I'm taking you to Dodge.
- No. I ain't going.

What, are you crazy?
There's a doctor in Dodge.

- No!
- What do you mean no?

- You wanna die out here?
- Not Dodge.

Look, you want the wolves
to scatter your bones?

You want Moses
Reedy to get you again?

Get up! Dodge is only
six hours from here.

With any luck, you
won't even make it.

Come on!

Get up.

Just pretend it's my cooking.

You survive that, you
can survive anything.

Well, I'd been
fishing all afternoon,

and that cork started bobbin',
and what do you think happened?

Here came Festus
and that mule and they...

That's the end
of a beautiful visit.

- Doc, can I talk to you for a minute?
- What about?

Well, it's kind of a
medicine problem.

The office is closed,
except for emergencies.

Well, this here is kinda.

Uh, maybe you better
listen to him, Doc.

Oh. What is it?

Well, I got this
here thorn back...

well, kinda back in
my upper leg there.

You're just in time to
inaugurate my new policy

of charging double
after office hours.

Doc, I ain't got no money.

Oh, I know you
haven't got any money.

But I'll tell you
what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna take that thorn out for you,
and then I'll take your note for 30 days.

And if you don't pay
me when it's due,

I'll put that thorn right
back where it was.

Luke. Luke.

Let go, Luke. Let go.

- Where are we?
- We're in Dodge.

Come on. Let me help you down.

Can you stand?

Come on. This way.

Come on. You gotta
walk to the lobby.

You have to, Luke.

Easy. Here we are.

How am I doing?

Not good.

That ride didn't help none.
I gotta get you to a doctor.

- No.
- You're gonna die if I don't.

I'm gonna die if you do.

I can feel it coming.

You're too cussed mean to
die of nothing except'n old age.

We're in Dodge City, ain't we?


- Let me have some more of that whiskey.
- Here, here you go.

It's right here. I
got it right here.

- These b*ll*ts is k*lling me.
- I got it here for you.

I promise you something, Luke.

I'm gonna find that Moses Reedy,

and I'm gonna k*ll him just
like he tried to do to you.

I promise you.

Had enough?


I got something
to tell you, boy.

You tell her I didn't
wanna come to Dodge.

- You tell her you made me, you hear?
- Who?

She's only...

six, seven years
old when I left here.

I forget.

Must be more than 20 now.

What are you talking
about, Luke? Who?

Last time I heard, she's
usin' her Ma's name.

So nobody would
know I was her pa.

You got a daughter?
Here in Dodge?

You go fetch her
for me, will ya?

She probably won't come, but...

you tell her...

you tell her how
much... I want to see her.

She'll come. Don't worry.
She'll come. What's her name?


Her ma's last name was Allen.

She wrote me once
when I was in prison.

She told me she
was a schoolteacher.

I'll find her, Luke.

I got... you gotta
get to a doctor, Luke.

- No!
- That's much more important.

No. No.

I just... I just wanna see...

my little girl.

Mister, do you know where Cathy Allen
the schoolteacher lives here in Dodge?

Cathy Allen? Well, now, Mary
Crowley's the schoolteacher.

- She lives at Ma Smalley's.
- No. Cathy Allen's her name.

Now I remember a Cathy Allen...

but she wasn't no schoolteacher.

Far from it.

Hey, Doris!

Come here!

- Yeah, what do you want?
- Someone here wants to talk to you.


- Uh, the fellow...
- Thanks for the drink.

Huh, it's kinda
expensive, isn't it?

I'm working.

Wow... that's really expensive.

Look, what do we
do, play dice, talk?

Uh, I've been told that
you know Cathy Allen.

I did. She's dead.

- When?
- You a relative?

No. Her father's dying.

- He wants to see her.
- Father?

I didn't know she had one. I
mean, she never mentioned him.

How did it happen?

She was working here about
the time I come into town.

Some dude-eyed drummer
come in, all flash and white teeth,

and promised her love
forever, or some such.

So she went off
with him Hays City.

Last I heard,

she got caught between a drummer
and some kid cowhand she liked

and wanted to marry.

Drummer k*lled her.

She's buried over in the Hays
cemetery if that's any help.

Nothin's gonna be any help.

Except for that old
man to see his daughter.

What am I gonna tell him?

She wasn't no
schoolteacher at all.

Just some saloon girl

running around with
a lot of different men.

Until one of them k*lled her.

That's what I'm supposed to tell a
dying man that's been like a father to me?

So lie.

Tell him she was a
schoolteacher that married

a fine, upstanding Baptist preacher
and went off to Colorado or something.

- Thanks for the drink.
- Wait.

I sit, I drink.

Rule of the house.
Can you afford it, bucko?

Yeah. I can afford it.


How well did you know her?

As well as any one of
us knows anyone else.

Maybe a little better.

We didn't like the
same type man.

Tell me something about
her, so as I can tell him.

Like what?

Like... how'd she look?

How'd she fix her hair?

If he's her father,
he knows all that.

He don't know that. He ain't
seen her since she was little.

She was, uh, kind of ordinary.

Brown hair, mousey.

Eyes were, uh...
I don't remember.

Brown, maybe.

Little big in the hips.

I don't know. She
was just a girl girl.

She had a funny laugh,
when she laughed...

Wasn't all that often.

When she got tickled,
it was kind of funny.

It was kinda of like...

I'm not helping you much, am I?


Listen, Doris,
when I came in here,

I had $31. Now I got 29.

I'll give you 20 of it if you
come back to the hotel with me.

Your mind sure scutters
back and forth, don't it?

Luke ain't seen his
kid since she was little.

He ain't gonna know
that you ain't her.

- Oh, no.
- It's important.

Look, I can't pretend
to be somebody I'm not.

- Wouldn't work.
- Doris, listen to me.

There's an old man over in the
Dodge House, and he's dying.

He ain't gonna see the sun
come up tomorrow morning.

Ain't gonna have
a hot cup of coffee,

and he's not gonna pull
his boots on no more.

He ain't gonna
laugh at nothin' either.

He's not gonna have
anything like that no more.

And he never asked me
for one single solitary thing.

All the time we've
been traveling together,

he never asked me for nothing.

All he did was give to me.

I owe that old man.

I'm not a play
actress. I can't do it.

I can't think of
nothing else to do.


Being sorry's not gonna
do nobody no good.

That old man is gonna die sad.

That's the worst of it.

Make it 25.


- She wouldn't come?
- Get up here.

Drink this.

That's it.



She's coming.

She had to get herself
fixed up, you know.

I mean, it's late.

Middle of the night.
I had to wake her.

Tell me, what'd she say when...

when you told her I was here?

She said, uh...

"I wanna see my papa."

Those are exact words.

- "I wanna see my papa."
- Oh.

- That's nice.
- Yep.

When do you think
she'll come to see me?

Oh, any time... about now.

I got to get a shave. I
need to get cleaned up.

Stay down. You're
all right. Get down.

Well, your hair could use
a curry comb or something.


Real pretty. That's it.

Oh, that's... What
am I gonna say to her?

Say whatever you like.

You won't leave
us alone, will you?

No. I'll be here if you want me.

Hello, Papa.

I'm Cathy.


how are you?

Fine. How are you?

I mean, are you all right?

I'm all right.

Been a long time, ain't it?


It has, hasn't it?

Ma talked about you a lot.

- Did she?
- Yeah.

What'd she say?

Oh, just that... she
missed you a lot.

And, um, you know.

You had a rough
time, huh, didn't you?

Yes, but we made out.

I, um, became the
schoolteacher here.

Make $14 a month.

Come sit down by me.

Sit down by me.

Cathy... I just
want you to know...

I'm awful sorry for everything.

Being sorry don't help nobody.

Somebody once told me that.

What's past is gone forever.

I had to keep running.

I had to.

I always loved you and your ma.

I hurt when she died.

She had a nice burial.

A lot of people turned out.

There were flowers.

I don't guess she
ever got nothing

from that old
farm I left, did she?


Farm. The old farm.

No, no. No, no, no, Papa.

Kinda never amounted to much.

When she died,

I sent some money back
to the bank here at Dodge...

Pay the taxes so
you wouldn't lose it.

I just kinda

moved away from
the farm, though.

Not wanting to be there
alone with Ma gone.

I don't wanna be here.

Get back there.

Tell him you love him.

Go on.


I love you.

Turn your back.

Go ahead. Turn your back.

- Austin.
- Yeah.

Help me.


My money belt.

What you want
your money belt for?

What do you need this for?

What's this?!


here's $300.

I know it don't
make up for nothing,

but I want you to have it.

I wanna know... I wanna
know where that come from.


Where'd that come from?

I saved it.

You saved it?!

You mean all the time we've been together
we've been miserable and had no money

and no place to stay or
nothing and you saved $300?!

I saved it for my little girl.

Papa, I don't know what to say.

Say "no thank you."
That's what you can say.

Papa, I do owe a lot of bills.

It's yours.


thank you.

You're tired now.

I'll come back
after you've rested.

No. Don't leave just now.

You sleep.

I'll be back in a little while.

You promise?


You sleep.

- You're not planning on keeping that.
- He gave it to me.

You wanna give it to
me or do I dig for it?

You do, I'll scream
clear to the Rio Grande.

Start screaming.

I'll tell your old gent.

What then? I swear I will.

I'll tell him that she's dead and
that she worked at the Bull's Head.

He gave the money to
me, and I'm gonna keep it.

There's nothing
you can do about it.

All right.

You keep it, but
you're gonna earn it!

You're gonna nurse
him and wash him.

You're gonna wash his back
for him if he wants you to.

For $300, I'd do a
lot worse than that.

You bet you will.

You'll be his daughter, and
you'll make his last days happy.

The way he looks,
that can't last long.

Get in there and
start earning it.

I-I don't think these
britches gonna work.

They ain't the right color.

It says right here in the paper,

six of them...

Look, I can't stand it anymore.

- I'm going for Doc.
- No.

You're just gonna let
him die suffering like this?

- Won't be long.
- How do you know?

I thought you
were a friend of his.

I'm the best friend he ever had.

Going by the law,
don't you understand?

Law or no law,

what do you think
he'd do if it was you?

Look, I gotta go tell Bull I
won't be coming back tonight.

- All right?
- Go on.

I told you, mister.

They're too tight.

- Come in.
- Sorry to bother you, Doc.

- It's all right.
- A friend of mine rode in

with his broken arm, I
figured you'd take a look.

- Sure. Where is he?
- Dodge House.

- Room 12.
- All right.

- Luke Dangerfield.
- Yeah.

Shot up bad.

We make a deal, Doc?

Deal? I don't know
what you mean.

He ain't going anywhere.

You patch him up and
don't call no marshal up here.

I don't want Luke dying in jail.

Well, he won't die in jail.

You go down and tell Marshal
Dillon that Luke Dangerfield is up here.

I'll get busy and see
what I can do for him.

Go on. Do as I told you.

- Is he any better?
- Same.

The doc's with him.
I'm getting the marshal.

Count me out.

What do you mean "count me out"?

You got his $300, remember?

- I figured I earned that.
- Well, figure different.

I feel kinda creepy talking to
a guy thinking I'm his daughter.

I don't care how you feel.

Don't cross me.

- Austin.
- Right here, Luke.

Can we ride out?

Don't worry about anything.

Cat... Cathy. Cathy.

Still here.

Go to sleep now.

Doris, there's something
I don't understand here.

What's your part in all this?

Let's just say I have
an interest in it, Marshal.

How come he called you "Cathy"?

Had more than one
name in my time.

How's he gonna do, Doc?

Well, he's pretty tough.

I'd say if he gets plenty
of rest, reasonably good.

You mean he's gonna live?

I said his chances were good.

Thanks, Doc.

Matt, I'm gonna need somebody
to take care of him up here.

That's her job.
She's being paid for it.

All take those, Festus.

You and Newly will have to
stand... Take turns outside the door.

- Sure, Matthew.
- All right, let's go, Austin.

What for? I'm not
wanted for anything.

We'll find out.

Doris, that's laudanum

in that little bottle
on the table.

When he wakes up, I want you
to give him a couple of teaspoons.

- I'll be back in a couple of hours.
- All right, Doc.

- How long will it take?
- Shouldn't take more than a day or two.

- What about Moses Reedy?
- What about him?

What about the bounty?

Well, it was his b*llet
drove Luke in here for help.

If he comes to claim
the reward, he'll be paid.

I don't figure on giving
him a chance to spend it.

Well, if I were you,
I'd think about that.

I'd think about whether
it's worth your hanging.

You've sure come a
long way back in two days.

I feel like I come
a long way back.

You're supposed
to leave the skin.

I never done this before.

You ain't gonna do it to
me again, that's for sure.

Quiet so I can
get your lower lip.

What are you gonna do
with it when you get it?

- Cathy.
- Mm.

You don't even hate
me a little bit, do you?

For what?

For leaving you and your ma.

Why did you?

I don't know.

I do.

You're one of those
restless people.

You just couldn't stay
anywhere for very long.

Most people, they
don't understand that.

They think that everybody's
got to be like they are.

Rooted in the ground, hard
and fast, like an oak tree.

You talking about
me or yourself?

You, of course.

Thanks, Festus.

The deputy out there is
seeing you stayin' in here.

Gonna open these?

Hey, what's this here?

It's like Christmastime.

Oh, these is nice.

Oh, you shouldn't
have bought all this stuff.


- Like these?
- Oh, them's nice.

Look at that biggin' there.

Get in here.

Oh, that... Oh, yeah,
that's awful nice.

Did you get this for
me to go dancing in?

The boy's worth a new dress.

He sure is.

- Marshal let you out, did he?
- Yep.

Surprising the number of
sheriffs that don't know my name.

That's a good way to keep it.

Luke: Well, howdy.

How are you?

You look like a buryin'.

Goin' or comin', I can't tell.

Cathy bought me the outfit.

Got me some extra
duds over there, too.


Well, if you don't need me no
more, guess I'll go get some sleep.

You run on along.

Austin here will walk you home.

Oh, I got some things
I gotta attend to here.

Cathy, that old farm out there,

what kind of
shape's that in now?

Uh, I haven't been
there in a long time.

Well, the way land prices
is going up around here,

that place oughta be
worth quite a bit by now.

Austin here is an old farm boy.

Why don't y'all take a ride out
there tomorrow and have a look-see?


Well, so we'll know
how much it's worth.

Maybe the old house needs
fixing up before we sell it.


- And what?
- The money you get for selling it?

Well, it ain't gonna
do me no good in jail.

I'll see Cathy gets it here.

Thank you, Papa.

- Good night now.
- Good night.

Well, I might just
walk her home after all.


the marshal says that Moses Reedy
can claim that bounty money if he wants to.

- So?
- So I figure him coming in,

doin' the claimin' if he
knows you're in Dodge.

I'm gonna find that Moses
Reedy, and I'm gonna k*ll him

just like he tried to do to you.

You want me to give
you some advice?

Marshal already give it.

Oh, just hold on
there, if you would.

That little brain of yours is
sure working away, ain't it?

What's that supposed to mean?

You buyin' him clothes
with some of that 300.

You're really thinking
about the farmland.

- So that's how you figure, huh?
- That's not. That's how you figure.

What time you bringing the
carriage around tomorrow?

- Huh?
- I live here.

Top floor in the rear.

Call for me right
after breakfast.

- We'll go and look over my property.
- No, I ain't...

Oh, better find out
where it's located, too.

No wonder she left
here to work in a saloon.

- Austin: What's so bad about it?
- You got eyes.

Austin: I guess you don't.

What's the trouble, no trail
hands pawing you out here?

Who said I let trail
hands paw me?

I can just picture it.

Get up at light,
work till it's dark,

six kids crawling all over
you, and your back aches.

My ma did it.

She did a lot more
laughin' than she did cryin'.

How's come you left the farm?

I don't know.

Rode out and wanted to
see things for myself, I guess.

I'm gonna fix this place up.

Sell it on shares
to some family.

How much you figure it'll bring?

You ain't getting a smell
of it, so don't worry about it.

It's gonna be an income for
Luke, in case he goes to prison.

In case he goes to prison?
Where else you think he's going?

If we break out of Dodge,
maybe we'll be riding again.

Maybe you'll end up in
jail right along with him.


But I owe him to try.

Yep, I figure about $300 a
year for a piece of land like this.

Something you keep forgetin'...
He's turning it over to me.

Yeah, but you ain't taking it.

You intend on pushing me around?

Nope. Don't have to.

I figured it out.

You like him.

Like him just about
as much as I like him.

You're wondering right
now what's gonna happen

when he finds out
you ain't his daughter.

Yeah, he'd probably think
I did it just for the money.

Well, you did at the start.

$25 I give you.

Maybe not.

Maybe it was the way you looked

when Bull gave you only a
nickel change from a dollar.

Like you ain't never
been in a saloon before,

buying for a girl.

Well, maybe I ain't
accustomed to it. So what?

I kinda thought to myself,

"He never had a girl before."

I mean, a real girlfriend.

Did you?

Yeah, I thought that.

Well, not much doubt about you having
plenty of men friends, though, is there?

Whatever I did, I'm not ashamed.

I had nothing,
and I was nothing.

Maybe I still ain't.

But whatever I am, I
earned my own way.


What's left after I
bought the clothes.

It'll help Luke.

Good lawyer maybe.

Hey, Deputy.

Heard Luke Dangerfield's
in town, bad wounded.

That's right.

My name's Moses Reedy.
Maybe you heard of me.

Yeah, I heard of you.

I put a b*llet in Dangerfield. I
come to collect the bounty on him.

You're gonna have to talk
to the marshal about that.

- Where's he at?
- He's up the street. I'll go get him.

I'll wait up at the saloon.


What's the matter, Reedy?

Can't you find no
friend to drink with you?

- I don't know you.
- Don't recognize faces, huh?

- Just backs, is that it?
- I never seen you before.

Well, you're gonna see me, Reedy,
'cause I'm the one that's gonna k*ll you.

Man not wearing a g*n
shouldn't talk like that.

Well, I'll tell ya how
it's gonna be, then.

You and me is gonna
meet each other again.

And when we meet, you look
and see if I'm wearing a g*n.

And when you do... I want
everyone here to hear this...

When you do, you got the right to
draw and fire first without being invited.

You get that split-second
difference, Reedy.

You wait that split second,
and you're a dead man.

Enough out of you, Austin.

Marshal, I come into
town for my money, $3,000.

It's my b*llet in Dangerfield.
I run him to ground.

I'm sending a wire off
to Hays for confirmation.

Should be a check for you
at the bank in about an hour.

You remember what I said
about that split second, Reedy.

Wet-eared kid.

As soon as you get your
money, I want you out of Dodge.

You and Austin hittin' it off?

Look at that.

Almost let it slip by.


I know I ain't ever been
good for much of nothing,

but let me do one
good thing in my life...

Give you some advice.

Grab a hold of
Austin and hold on.

He's a good man.

Take that $300 I give you,

start a new life.

- Cathy...
- I'm not Cathy, I'm Doris.

Doris Prebble, and I work at the
Bull's Head Saloon hustlin' drinks.


I know you ain't Cathy.

I don't know just when I knew.

Maybe when I got
to feeling better.

Seeing good again.

Do you know what
happened to her?


married a Baptist preacher
and moved to Colorado.

I'm glad.

No, she didn't.

She's dead.

I'm so sorry, but she's dead.

If you knew all this time,
why didn't you say something?

Because... maybe I needed you.

The same way maybe you need me.

- Howdy, Festus.
- Hold on there, Austin.

I ain't gonna carry no g*n
into Luke's room, Festus.

Well, I know it wouldn't
make a lick of sense,

but then I got my orders
from Matthew, you know.

Just felt better having a g*n.

Youse fixin' to
take this in to Luke?

You oughta be ashamed
of yourself, Austin.

Stupid idea, I guess.

- Luke, Moses Reedy's in town.
- Austin.

He's collecting. He's waiting
for a voucher right now.


- Doris and I have been talking.
- Doris?

You know, Luke.

Yeah, I know.

And I know why
both of you done it.

And I'm thankin' you.

He knows you ain't his
daughter. Why don't you get?

Don't need no saloon
tramps hanging around now.

- Boy, don't you talk to her that way!
- No. No.

You lost whatever
brains you had.

It's all right.

It's all right, Luke.

Good-bye. I'll see you later.

- You never talk to her...
- I had to get rid of her fast...

I had to get rid of her fast so the
law won't blame her for nothing.

- Wha...
- Look, I got these at the Bull's Head.

- Can you ride?
- Ride?

Austin: Two minutes Moses
Reedy's coming out of that bank.

- I aim to face him down.
- You can't get away with it, Austin.

You think any jury in the
world's gonna convict someone

- that kills Moses Reedy face to face?
- That ain't what I mean.

Don't you understand?

- You can't k*ll a man and not be changed.
- There's more to it.

There's a horse saddle in
the alley behind the hotel.

As soon as the sh**t' starts, there's
gonna be a lot of confusion on the street.

- Everyone's gonna go out there...
- No, don't try it.

- Don't try it.
- That's when you get down them back steps,

and you get on that
horse and you ride.

- Do you hear me? You ride.
- Don't try it, Austin.

- I'll meet you later in Indian territory.
- No.

I'll see ya, Luke.

Good luck.


All the way in, Deputy.

Get back behind that
desk, and stay there.

- Drop the g*n, Luke.
- sh**t him, Marshal.

Go on, drop it.

- Go and see if you can find Doc.
- Yes, sir.

You could've got away,
Luke. You could've got away.

But... but you couldn't.

Better get him up to his room.

I wouldn't advise you try spending
any of that money in this town.

I ain't that crazy.

I'll be back to see
you tomorrow, Luke,

unless you try to get
out of that bed again,

in which case, I'll
send the undertaker.

I'm obliged to you, Doc.

Why don't you two get together

and get that old farm
in shape out there

so if I ever get out of jail,

I'll have a front
porch to rock on?

Well, it's not really up to me.

I guess.

You guess what?

I guess you've probably
had worse offers.

Well, don't just set there.

It's your time to walk him
home... That game leg and all.

Git. Both of you.

All right, Luke.

- Howdy, Marshal.
- Luke.

You sure put a big price
on my head in Kansas.

Well, you were a pretty tough
customer when you were younger.

How long you think they're
gonna give me this time?

I don't know. It's hard to say.

Well, I figure I'm gonna
live about 100 years.

That'll still give me time
to teach my grandkids

how to ride.

Well, I'll tell you, I think
that'd be a pretty good bet.

You said I had "worse offers."

Better ways of
saying things, I guess.

Might try saying
them straight out.

Sorta find you pretty.

That's not too bad for a start.

Announcer: Stay tuned for
scenes from next week's Gunsmoke.
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