14x14 - The Money Store

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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14x14 - The Money Store

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.



Hi, Dad!


- Hi there, monsters. How are you?
- We both got a hundred in spelling.

"I" before "E" except after "C."

And work before fun,
except after school, huh?

- Hoo-hoo! Children!
- Whoa!

- Ezra. Louise. How are you?
- All right.

- Here.
- Thank you. Oh!

Hello, you little angels. Well!

- Darling!
- Ezra.


I, uh, I thought you were gonna
have this seeded last week.

Well, that was the plan.
It just didn't work out.

Well, the weather won't
hold forever, you know.

Well, it's not only the
weather, Ezra, I... I just...

I brought something
for you. It's in the back.

Come on. Let me show you
what your Uncle Ezra got for you.


Things ain't so bad I can't
put food on the table, Louise.

Louise, you didn't happen to mention
to Ezra about me getting a loan, did you?

You know Ezra. He...

He won't talk about those
things outside the bank.

Yeah, I know Ezra.

Thank you for your
kindness, Ezra. Much obliged.

A man has a responsibility
for his relatives.

- What do you say?
- Thank you very much, Uncle Ezra.

I just might drop in on you
at the bank tomorrow, Ezra.

Any time between nine and three.

See you, Ezra.

Why do you want to talk
about money with Uncle Ezra?

Well, you see now, if a
man wants to grow things,

wheat or kids, he got to have
himself a mighty chubby pocketbook.

Are you going to get some
money from Uncle Ezra?

I'm gonna try, darling.
'Bout all I can do.

Now, you two get inside
there. I still got work to do.

Race you.

- Quit that.
- What?

Well, every time you get that badge
on, you strut up and down the street

like a big banty
rooster with a stiff neck.

All right, you ornery old
bat. There you go again.

- Just pick, pick, pick, pick.
- You're some deputy.

If you can't handle somebody like
Drew Naramore in a simple fistfight,

I don't know how Matt can pin
that badge on you, leave town...

- Whoa, whoa! Wait, wait! Hush! Hush!
- And go away...

Simple fistfight, my foot.

He winged me up side the head
with a singletree when I wasn't looking,

- that's what he done.
- Yeah, that's your story.

- Well, it's true.
- Well, I'll just give you

a medical fact. If he had
winged you up against the head

with a singletree, like
you said, you'd be dead.

All right, Mr. Smart Aleck.

Now, which is it you're
gonna chew at me about?

Wearing the badge and
a-deputying for Matthew,

- or my hard head, which is it?
- Exactly.

- Exactly what?
- Your badge goes to your hard head.

Simple fistfight, my foot.

- Go ahead.
- Well, I can wait until you're done,

- Ezra, I...
- I can listen

and count at the same time.

- Well, this... this is important...
- Well, so...

All right, all right.

- Let's hear it.
- I imagine that Louise

- mentioned this to you, did she?
- No.

Well, Ezra, I'm asking you for a
loan. It's... it's all wrote down there.

For seed and
fixing up the place.

It'll only take one
good crop, and I'll be...

Before I read this, Raymond,
I would like to explain

that my first responsibility
is to the bank.

The fact that you're my brother-in-law
has no bearing on this matter at all.

Well, Ezra, I'm not
asking you for no favors.



There's no collateral.

Well, it's not as if I was asking
you for a million dollars, Ezra.

- I'm sorry, I truly am, but...
- Well, don't shut me off, Ezra.

We already hold the
mortgage on your farm,

and I can't possibly
loan you any money

if you don't have
any collateral to show.

Well, I got a good
name in Dodge.

Well, you... you had a good
name in Dodge, Raymond. But...

Well, I'm sorry, but
in the past four years,

you've been arrested a number
of times for public drunkenness.

And I simply have to
take that into account.

Well, now that's
not exactly so, Ezra.

Marshal Dillon did lock me up
three times, I'm not denying that.

But it was just to
let me sleep a bit.

And there weren't any
charges against me.

And all three times
was on Karen's birthday,

and a man just don't
lose a wife like her

without paining
some on days like that.

But the fact remains that
you don't own anything,

and if you don't own anything
you don't have any collateral,

and if you don't have any collateral,
the bank cannot lend you a cent.

Well, then I'm
asking you personal.


Please don't make it any more
unpleasant than it already is.

- Ezra...
- I don't have the money.

It's as simple as that.

You're lying in your teeth.

No man has ever
called me a liar.

Well, you're a liar, and I'll call
you a liar if you're a liar, and worse!

That is my personal
financial statement.

Now, if you'd care to look at it,
you'll see that I have obligations

- that preclude...
- You just forget it, Ezra.

You can't afford to give me none, and
I can't afford to lick your boots no more.

But if you ever get yourself robbed,
don't expect no sympathy note from me!

Here's a penny.

Now, you go over and see what
Mr. Jonas might have in his candy counter

that's of interest.
I'll be back directly.

Oh, yeah, that shipment
came in three days ago.

I think maybe you'd better
take an inventory again, Sam.

- All right.
- Miss Kitty.

- Ray.
- How's my credit running?

- I'd like some whiskey.
- Sure thing. Sam.

- Sure.
- I'll pay you when I can.

No problem.

Yeah, no problem.

Because we don't have
any "collaberal," that's why?


What's that?

It means something valuable
what you get money for.

We own Porely,
and he's valuable.

Yeah. Come on.

What do you two want?

Are you deaf? I said
what do you want?


Stop it, you beast! You
brute! Get him off of me!

- Bad dog!
- Ah! Help, help!

Don't! Don't! No, Porely!

Bad dog! Bad dog!

- Mad dog?
- How dare you!

Get down, Porely!

- Oh, my files!
- Ezra!

- What in the devil?!
- We'll get them, Uncle Ezra!

I don't know, Mr. Bodkin. I
was just going over the files here

and... and these children brought
this monster in here to as*ault me.

Isn't that your
niece and nephew?

Yes, they are. That's true.
But, you see, I was... Oh!

I was just going through
the files, Mr. Bodkin...

Uncle Ezra, when we're
done, can we talk to you about...

- Let's go, Annie.
- But we haven't asked about...

Come on, Porely!

I don't understand children.

Well, who does?
Put that stuff away.

Yes, sir.

But that's stealing.

Maybe he woulda
lent it to us anyway.

I don't think even
Porely's worth that much.

We did a bad thing, I bet.

- Huh, a singletree.
- Yeah, singletree.

That's what he hit me with and
I'm getting tired of you and Doc

a-hoo-rawing me about it too.

- Let's get out of here!
- Come on!

- Well, what's going on here?
- Nothing, Marshal.

Hold it!

You dropped something.

We got it for our Dad.

You got to tell him pretty soon.

I will, just waiting to
finish the dishes, that's all.

That's it.

Maybe there's some
more on the bottom.

We finished the dishes, Dad.

- Okay.
- I'll wash this cup for you.


Dad, Mike wants to talk to you.

Oh. What is it, Mike?

About going to the bank
and not getting the money.

Now, wait. Whoa
up there, little fellow.

Now, people your age are
supposed to worry about catching frogs

and flying kites, not
about making money.

That's my department.

Boy, I never saw two such
glum faces in all my born days.

You two look as sad as the
people in the cornbread story.

- What cornbread story?
- Well, for heaven's sake.

Haven't I ever told you
that story? Well, I'll tell you.

It's a bedtime story,

and if the two of you just get
yourself into bed, I'll tell it to you.

Now, it's not lost.

It's, uh, it's just
misplaced, that's all.

It's probably
someplace very obvious.

But it's not lost. It
just can't be lost!

All right. All right. Let's
see. Let's just see now.

Miss Flanner took it out of the
vault when we first opened, yes.

And she gave it to
me to double check.

So I... I didn't get to
it until around 11:00.

Then I sat down at my desk,

and I started to
count it when...

when Ray Jarvis
came in. That's right.

And I, uh, I put
it away in the file

and then we talked
about his loan and he left.



I went to the filing cabinet
while he was still here,

but I had my back turned to him.

He could have...

We've been robbed!

I don't give two hoots in
Hades what you're saying.

I just know that Ray couldn't have
did what you're saying he done.

I am saying that he had the
opportunity to take that money.

And if I understand Ezra
correctly, he also had a motive.

- Exactly.
- Well, golly Bill,

Ray wasn't the onliest one
in that bank this morning.

You must have had a
hundred people in there.

- I know that, but...
- And we're just gonna see

if you can't remember who they was
and we're gonna get us up a posse

and we're gonna go out and
talk to every last one of them.

You mean to say that you're not
going to question Ray about this money?

Well, of course I'm gonna
question him about the money.

Looks to me like you
ain't gave me no choice.

Festus, if anybody else would
have said anything like that to me,

I'd drag him off that mule and
dig a post hole with his head!

All I done was to ask, Ray.

Well, fine then!
You got your answer!

Well, all I done was to tell
you what I've heard from...

Don't you see, Ray? I
got to get up a posse.

What wouldn't you be willing
to go along and help us out?

Well, if I didn't, Ezra'd be telling
everybody in Dodge I'm guilty,

if he hasn't already.

Well, why don't you just saddle
up then and join us in town.

We'll see you in town directly.

Mike! Annie! Come
here quick, will you?

You're gonna have to
get your own breakfast.

I gotta join up a posse.

Some rotten lowlife has gone
and robbed the bank in Dodge.

But you said... you said
the bank ought to get robbed.

Mike, you ought to know
better. A man gets steamed up,

he's liable to say
any dumb thing.

Some ways, stealing
is worse than m*rder.

k*lling's quick.

Stealing, you bleed a man slow.

You take away money that a man's
saved, you take away part of his life,

a part that he just can't never
get back, a part that's gone.

No, I'm saying that,
as far as I'm concerned,

they can throw away the key
when they find out whoever did it.

You two be good now, you hear?

Let's go, Annie.

Come on, Porely. Here, boy.

Whoa. Mike, Annie, what are you
doing here? Why aren't you in school?

- It's a holiday.
- It is? What holiday?


Come here, children.

Come on, Porely.

All right, fellas! Water them down!
Get yourselves a little rest for a spell!

I wonder what
Louise is doing here.

Ray, I'm sorry to tell you this,

but I found Mike and
Annie out along River Road.

They were playing hooky.


Thank you, Louise. I'll
handle this from here on out.

It seems to me that a man who won't
teach his children to stay in school

probably wouldn't
hesitate to rob a bank.

Playing hooky isn't exactly
a hanging crime, Mr. Thorpe.

Maybe. But I never did it.

I can believe that. I
pure can believe that.

Festus! Festus!

That dog! He has the money
that was stolen from the bank!

Come on, Porely.

Come on, Porely.
Bring it here. Thattaboy.

If I told you once, I've
told you a thousand times,

that going to school is the most
important thing for you to do!

Ray, come out here. There's
something you ought to see.

Look, Festus, whatever
it is, it can wait...

Ray, come here a minute.

I had to get you out here,
away from your young'uns,

- 'cause I got to arrest you.
- Arrest?

For robbing the bank.

- You don't have any evidence.
- Oh, yeah, we do, Ray.

Your... your dog come around the
corner of the house with this envelope

in his mouth just a
minute ago. See there?

Well, I'm not guilty, Festus.

- Ray, just don't cause no trouble.
- I just ain't guilty now, fellas!

- I ain't guilty!
- Dad!

- He didn't do it!
- Now, stay here!

Everything will be all right.
Your Uncle Ezra and I will...

- Dad!
- Children, stop!

Let him go! Daddy!

Don't hurt him! Don't hurt
him! Don't you hurt my daddy!

- Listen to me, please!
- You gotta!

- Daddy!
- Daddy!

- Daddy!
- Daddy!

And he will stay out. At all times,
he will stay out of this house.

A dog in the dining room.

Well, eat, children.

Michael, soup is meant
to be eaten silently.

Yes, sir.

You know, I'll bet you can't guess what
we're going to have for supper tonight.

I'll bet it's something
you've never had before.

Don't you want to guess?

All right, I guess I'll
just have to tell you then.

Liver and eggplant.

Festus, will you please
stop beating yourself?

You had plenty of
reason to put Ray in jail.

Oh, Miss Kitty, I had
plenty of evidence,

but all the evidence in the world
don't make up no good reason

why a feller like Raymond
ought to get thrown in jail.

Does any of you
think that he done it?

It doesn't make any
difference what we think,

or you either, for that matter. A
judge and a jury is gonna decide it.

Well, I'll just tell
you one thing.

I ain't gonna be a-deputying
for Matthew no more.

- Oh, for heavens sakes.
- Oh, Festus, you can't mean that.

I mean it! I mean it. No
more. I ain't gonna do it.

I'd just rather take
over old Doc's job here.

Whoa! Wait a minute.
You'd rather do what?

Well, it's a whole heap
better to be a-patching folks up

than it is a-tearing
them apart like I did.

A whole heap better.


Evening, Miss
Thorpe. Mike. Annie.

Evening, Festus.

You all come to see
your papa, did you?

- We sure did, Festus.
- Oh, that's nice.

Ezra didn't think it was the
wise thing to do. He relented.

Well, it blame sure
is the right thing to do,

and that's a whole
heap better than wise.

- My daddy didn't rob the bank.
- Well, Mike...

Me and Annie did.

They've been
telling me that all day.

Lord love you, boy. That
there does you proud.

Well, it's so. We
did rob the bank.

All right, Annie. Now, you... you
all run in and see your papa now.

- Come on, sweetheart.
- You don't believe me, Festus!

Mike, I'll tell you what we'll
do. We'll talk on that later.

You go on in and see your papa.

Just go right through that door
over yonder. He's right in there.

Hi, kids.

We... we snuck you
a piece of pie, Dad.

Oh. Well, looky here now.

That's just about the
nicest-looking piece of pie I ever saw.

- Dad?
- What, Mike?

We got something
to tell you, Dad.

Right nice evening, ain't it?

Mr. Haggen, what will
happen to Mike and Annie

if their father's found guilty?

Well, Miss Thorpe, you and Ezra,

you being their closest kin, I
reckon they'd be staying with you.

That doesn't seem quite fair.

Well now, if you feel like maybe
that's putting you and Ezra out

a-keeping them
young'uns, maybe we can...

Oh, I didn't mean
it was unfair to us.

I meant it seems so
unfair to the children.

Liver and eggplant.

I believe you, Mike, but you're
not to tell another soul, you hear?

- But Dad, it's true.
- I know it's true.

But if I was to
tell that to a judge,

he'd just think that I
was using the two of you.

But we'll tell him we done it.

I know, honey, that'd just put
us right back where we were.

Three church mice
without a church to go to.

This way you're gonna have
somebody to tend for you.

Better house, better clothes.

Better everything, I imagine.
You understand what I'm saying?

Now, I want you to go back
with your aunt and your uncle

and I want you to do
everything that they tell you to do.

It's getting late, Ray.

- You get along now, kids.
- Goodbye, Daddy.

Goodbye, Daddy.


You know that lawyer
you were talking about,

the Josephson that you
were gonna see tomorrow?

- Yeah?
- Well, when you see him,

you tell him that I'm
gonna plead guilty.

The chances are he'll get a
much lighter sentence this way.

Five, maybe six
years, at the most.

Five or six years?

Now, don't jump on me,
Louise. I don't make the laws.

Dad's going to jail for us and
we'll have to live here with them.

- Do you want to do that?
- No.

But Dad said we had to
do everything they told us.

All they told us was to brush
our teeth and sleep tight.

They didn't tell us we had
to sleep here. Come on.

It will be quite a change for
us, but we'll just have to adjust.

You make it sound as if the
children were two unruly house pets.

Well, that's not
altogether unfair, is it?

Ezra, they're my
brother's children.

Oh, of course they
are, Louise. I know that.

And I will do my best to maintain an
even temper, Louise. I promise you that.

That's like a turtle solemnly
swearing never to fly.

- What?
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I should think so.

No, by heaven, I'm not sorry.

What the devil is the matter?

- I want a drink.
- Louise!

Are you going to
forbid me to have one?

No, no, you're an individual.
You're capable of making your own...

Oh, Louise. Louise.

Why didn't you forbid
me to have one?

I'll tell you why.

Because you don't care
enough to get mad, that's why.

- But that's not so.
- You don't know how to get mad.

Or if you do, you're...
you're too afraid to let it out.

And if you can't let anger out, then
you can't let anything out, including love.

Well, I just try to
be a rational man.

Why don't we have
any children, Ezra?


Well, you... you know that we
can't afford to have them right now.

Ezra, we can't afford
not to have them.

I'm... I'm just... I'm just
trying to be logical, Louise.

Yes, dear.

You've always been logical.

I suppose you are about the most

logical man... I
have ever known.

Festus! Festus!

Ezra, what in the tarnation
you so fussed up about?

Those children ran away.

I just started up to bed
about ten minutes ago,

I looked in on them
and they're gone.

Well, you go over to the livery stable
and wake up Ed. I'll wake up Ray.

Why are you gonna wake
him up? Just a minute.

You're... you're not
gonna let him out, are you?

Well, of course I am.

Ray? Ray. Get up
and get cracking.

Your young'uns ran off
from Louise and Ezra's place.

We need you to help find them.

That's absolute
madness to let him out.

The first time you turn your
back, he'll be off into the hills.

If he does, it'll be a-looking
for them young'uns.

Why'd they run off? Did
you do something to them?

Of course not.

Well, if you did anything to them,
Ezra, so help me I'll tear your head off!

Raymond, you want me to
unlock this here door, or don't you?

All right.

Behave yourself
and let's get going.


It's the marshal.

But, Mike, he don't
know we done anything.


Hi there, Marshal Dillon.

What are you kids doing out here?
You're a long way from home, aren't you?

Well, sure. That's because we're
gonna visit our aunt in Chicago.

Visit your aunt in Chicago?
Does your pa know about this?

Well, uh, he's the
one what sent us.

What's your aunt's name?

- Pearl.
- Sally.

- She's got two names, see?
- Uh-huh.

Well, uh, I'd offer
you something to eat,

but I guess you're probably
in a hurry to get started, huh?

- Well, maybe just a bite or two.
- Can Porely have some too?

Oh, I guess we could
spare him a little.

All right. Now, you fellas go on
and feed and water your horses,

and get some vittles for
yourselves and come on back.

We'll be leaving in
about an hour, all right?

Yes, sir.

Raymond, I want you to quit
fretting about them young'uns.

We're gonna find
them. I promise you that.

We'll find them. Come on.

- Matthew.
- Hello, boys.

Am I glad to see you. Did you
know that Ray's young'uns...

Yeah, Ray. Your
kids are right in there.

- You mean you found them?
- Yeah. They're... they're asleep.

Matthew, I don't know
how in the world you done it,

but you sure took a
heap of fretting off of me.

With them young'uns running
off and all them other things,

well, I's just about
frazzled plumb down.

What do you mean?

Well, you know Raymond,

he ain't just in there a-visiting
them young'uns, Matthew.

He's gonna have to stay.

I mean, I just don't see as there's
anything else I could have did.

No, I guess not.

And them little young'uns, they
just like to busted my heart, Matthew.

Do you know what
that little feller done?

He come to me and he told me
that they stole that bank envelope,

him and his sister.

Wait a minute. You mean
this money was in an envelope?

Yeah. About so big.

Now, when was this?
Along about last Tuesday?

Tuesday morning.

And then them little
old tykes a-coming over

and trying to take
the blame for it.

Festus, I'm gonna
tell you something.

Those two little tykes
are to blame for it.

Matthew, how could you
even think a thing like that?

Festus, I saw it.
I was out in front.

They came running around
the corner, bumped right into me

and dropped this envelope
right on the boardwalk.

Well, Matthew, if
you seen them, why...

Festus, I saw it. And
let's just leave it at that.

Festus, you mind if I
get a cup of coffee?

Raymond, I don't give a hoot
if you go clean to Kansas City

and get yourself a bucket of champagne.
Matthew just told me you didn't do it!

That's right, Ray. I saw Mike
and Annie with the bank money.

- Did you really, Marshal?
- Sure did.

Festus, the horses are all taken
care of, and... and as soon as the...

- Oh, hello, Marshal.
- Ezra.

Huh. Well, anyway, we can
leave in 15 minutes or so.

- Well, we... we ain't gonna...
- No need for that.

You can tell the men to go
home, Ezra. I found the kids.

- You did?
- He did.

Quick as they get done taking
theirselves a little snooze there,

well, Ray's fixing to
take them on home.

Ray is gonna take them
home? What's going on here?

Ezra, you got yourself robbed
by a mongrel and two kids.

Porely knocked some
papers out of your hand,

and Mike saw the envelope
with the money in it and took off.

I'm sorry.

Well, why did you confess?

I just been getting
pushed so hard lately,

I didn't know what
else to do, that's why.

You don't believe that?

Got a witness,
the best there is.

- Who?
- Me.

Well, I... well.

Now, it doesn't seem to me
that a man can be a fit parent

when he teaches his children
to be little sneak thieves...

Ezra, you say one
more word about my...

I have been out to that farm and
seen those children so dirty that you...

Not half as filthy as the inside
of your money-grubbing skull!

Marshal, there is no point in
avoiding the issue that this man

cannot raise those
children properly.

Ezra, I've heard all I care to
from you about me and my kids.

Now, where was you
when I needed help, huh?

Don't push me.

Where was you when I asked
you personal for help, huh?

- Don't push me, Ray.
- I'll tell you where you was.

You was out biting rattlesnakes and
k*lling the poor things, that's where.

- Don't push me, Ray!
- Get out of here!

Get out of here, you...

Festus, pour me a
cup of coffee, will you?

Now, Matthew?

Look at all this mail
stacked up here.

You don't know what's
going on out yonder, Matthew.

A lot of noise. Why
don't you close the door.

- But Matthew...
- Festus, close the door.

Marshal. Marshal, do you
know what's going on out there?

Oh, yeah, Burke.
We know all about it.

- Two men out there, they're really...
- Burke, we done know about it!

- Here's your coffee, Matthew.
- Thank you.

- Here, stop that!
- No! Leave them alone.

- He's gonna be hurt.
- I know!

It's not logical at all, is it?


Old Ray's tearing him up
like a sow's bed, Matthew.

The funny thing is neither
one of them know how to duck.

You know, old Ezra
surprising. I'll tell you, he is.

Ezra! Ezra, are you all right?

Yeah. I lost my tooth.

- Oh!
- My gold tooth.

Oh. Here comes Ray, Matthew.

Marshal, I've come for my kids.

They're right in there, Ray.

Oh, thank you, Louise.

I, uh... I'm sorry
you had to see that.

Why? You were magnificent.

- I was?

You were like a...
a wild bull, Ezra.

A wild bull?

I've never seen such...

Well, such... Well,
still waters, you know.

In all these years.

Wild bull, huh?

- Good day, Marshal.
- See you, Ray. Mike, Annie.

I want you all to take care
of yourselves, you hear me?

We will, Festus.

- Oh, Ray?
- Louise, let me handle this.

- Oh now, Ezra, don't you think...
- Louise.



Ray, I... I would like to invite you
and the children out for Sunday supper.

I think we've got a
few things to talk over.

- I can't think of one.
- Now, don't be stubborn.

Do you mind standing
out of the way?

There is the matter of
the farm and of a loan,

it comes right down to it, and
there a few other things too.

A loan?

It... it will have to be a
strictly personal loan.

I mean, I have my
responsibilities to the bank.

Oh, Ezra.

Well, shall we say around 5:00?

It'll gives us time for a
drink or two before supper.

Well, why don't you
come to my house.

There's more room for
the kids to play there.

Oh. Well, that could
be arranged, I suppose.

- Louise?
- Oh, absolutely, dear.

- It's a deal.
- Good.

Well, Louise.

Wait a minute, Daddy!

Bye, Marshal, thank you!

Come on, Porely!

I don't know when I've ever
seen anything quite like it.

I'll bet you that that is almost
as good as Drew Naramore

whamming you up against the
side of the head with a singletree.

- Oh, there you go with it again.
- With what again?

Oh, a-twisting things around so
you'll get a chance to pick, pick, pick.

I'll swear, Doc, if a
day was to ever go by

when you didn't find
something to hoo-rah me about,

I'd know blamed
well you was ailing.

- Is that a fact?
- But don't you quit.

- Oh?
- No, you keep it right up

because I want to see you
keep feeling as good as you can

- for as long as you can.
- Well, thank you...

Because as ornery as you
are when you're feeling good,

I sure wouldn't want to be around
you when you're a-feeling peaky.

Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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