14x10 - The Miracle Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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14x10 - The Miracle Man

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon,

Now, I'd like the ladies of
the audience to step forward

and judge for themselves
the fine quality of these goods.

Irish lace from Cork County,

custom-made suits
hand-tailored in New York City,

oriental rugs direct
from far Cathay,

fine British woolens
direct from...

I'll let this young lad answer. Where
do British woolens come from, son?

- Britain.
- Be a cold August day

this bright lad won't
have an answer.

I never yet heard of licorice
dulling a young one's mind.

Now, I know what
you're asking yourselves.

How can anything be
sold for half its value?

A good question.
An astute question.

It does credit to the
people of Dodge City.

Irish lace, you say?

As Irish as your
lovely eyes, ma'am.

Half its value? Indeed not. A
quarter and perhaps a tenth,

because right here, ladies and
gentlemen, right here and now,

I'm accepting any reasonable
offer. My health dictates I must retire.

But my loss is your
gain, as they say.

How much you
say this here suit is?

Now, you're not gonna believe
the price of the suit, friend.

This hand-tailored, New York,
Fifth Avenue cut garment is $100.

A hundred dollars?

Retailing in New
York, of course.

But you, you can have
the finest garment to be had

for the price of its
stitching. Just 30...

No, I'm going
to do it. Just $20.

Well, now, that's more like it.

Festus, would you walk me
back to the Long Branch, please?

'Course, Miss Kitty.

All right. All right.
Cash is scarce.

Now, the lady of the
house wants her fine lace,

but the man, the man is going
to need the fine British woolen

for a good Sunday
meeting suit of clothes.

So I'll tell you what I'm gonna
do for you good folks in Dodge.

Festus, the closest that Irish
lace ever came to Ireland is Joplin.

Well, I thought it looked
plumb lacy, Miss Kitty.

- Good morning, Miss Kitty. Festus.
- Newly.

I see you didn't fall for
that drummer's spiel.

Oh, no. But I had
to rescue Festus

from a hundred dollar suit

that's probably worth
eight in St. Joe, if that.

Oh, I wasn't a-fixing to...

His goods aren't
what he's claiming?

I think the only money's worth the
people are getting down there is...

- Fine Irish lace...
- in charm.

- I'll see you all later.
- Miss Kitty.

See you, Miss Kitty.

You'd better take that
as a warning, Festus.

He's liable to leave this town
with your poke in his pocket.

Oh, flip! Newly, you think I don't
know a skunk when I see one?

I don't give a hoot
if he's got his stripe

hid under that slickerly
tongue of his, I know him.

I recollect Matthew getting a telegram
from that sheriff over in Stillwater

about some drummer who got mixed
up in a sh**ting scrape here a while back.

Yes, thank you very
much. And for you, yes...

Very much. Good, thank you.
Yes, madam. Oh, that's lovely, yes.

It's him all right, Pa.

We should get us
our money back, Pa.

When a man makes a fool of
you, he owes you more than money.

I just wonder...

Festus, if you could
send a wire to the marshal

over at Point Ferry
before the trial's over,

maybe he could stop off at
Stillwater before he gets back.

Indeed, my loss is your gain.
Goodbye. Goodbye. Thank you.

- Appears he's leaving, Pa.
- Well, let's go.

We'll wait for Mr. Fast-talking
Smart Mouth outside of town.

♪ But still the hairs
♪ Of Mary weave

♪ My blissful
dreams ♪ Of long ago

♪ Sweet, ,,

You sound happy, drummer.

Well, it's a pleasant
afternoon, friend.

And a man alone with pleasant
thoughts is apt to burst into song.

You might quarrel
with the rendition...

For one, I ain't your friend.

And two, I learned a long time ago a
man that run off at the mouth so much

don't believe in
what he's saying.

- You got a match?
- Huh?

- A match?
- Why, sure, friend. Of course.

I'm surmising there's some
sort of difficulty between us.

A bit of dissatisfaction perhaps
in some dealings we've had.

Last winter, up in Hays, you
sold my boy a silver saddle.

Rusted up, first
rain we rode through.

Shut up.

Silver belt you let go real
cheap done the same thing too.

Well, I think that
only proves, friend,

that you just can't trust
some people these days.

- But I have a letter from...
- Light it.

Sure, friend. Of course.

I guess I'm going to have to remind
you again that I'm not your friend.

To prove that, you just touch
that match to them wagon goods.

'Cause if them goods ain't afire
by the time that match burns out,

you ain't going to have a
care in the world, drummer.

You've no intention of
cooking my horse, I hope.

Get the horse out of here.

Well, it seems we're
pretty much even,

with you perhaps getting
the better part of the deal.

Not quite.

Look, Ma, it's Mr. Miller
and them mean boys of his!

Fetch up that shotgun,
Jacob. Come on!


Jacob, hand me that shotgun.

Now, you children stay
in the wagon and be good.

Quit that.

Well now, how come you to be interested
in a swindling drummer, Lorna Wright?

Stomping a man who can't
fight back concerns everybody.

Get on with it.

I won't be wasting the second barrel,
you boys don't get to your horses.

I count to three, you boys
be prepared to pick birdshot

out of your hides
the rest of the night.

One. Two...

Get to your horses. Go on!

Next time that milk cow of
yours wonders over onto my land,

you count yourself out one cow.

I'm asking no favors
from you, Mr. Miller.

I never did and I
have no intention.

Why, are you hurt bad, mister.

Well, it'll be a help, ma'am, if the
ground would stop moving around.

Well, it might do if you had a
place to rest for an hour or two.

My farm is a mile down the road.

I accept your kind offer.

- Oh, my carpetbag.
- My youngest will get it. Come on.

Prudence, tie the man's
horse to the back of the wagon.

Jacob, go get his carpetbag.

- Trees this time.
- It'll be a fence.

- Dolls.
- Yours is trees.

- Uh-huh.
- Yours is a fence.

- Uh-huh.
- And yours is dolls.

- And you, Mrs. Wright?
- Horses.


Now, there's a prize on
this one. Anybody changing?

- Mm-mm.
- Nope.

- Okay.
- Trees! I won, I won!

Indeed you did.

Indeed you did, my dear.

Thank you, Mr. Sullivan.

Well now, that seems
to be the only coin I had.

So I guess you two are just going to
have to conjure up your own prizes.

- Conjure?
- What's that mean?

Oh. Well, I can see you've
had little to do with magicians.

- Hold out your hands.
- Are you a magician?

Well, I've been a bit
of everything, honey.

Now, the genie on the isle of
Abracadabra taught me this one.

I don't know how it works or why, but
it always does in a situation like this.

Now, nothing in my hands. Okay.

Now, you close very tight,
close them up real tight,

hold tight and squeeze.

Now, the first most important
thing is believing it's going to be so,

that a piece of silver is
going to grow in each hand.

That's very important,
to believe it can happen.

Money can't grow in your hand.

But that's the most important
thing in bringing anything to pass,

- to believe it's possible.
- I'll believe, Mr. Sullivan.

- Me, too.
- Good.

Now, all that's left is
recalling the magic word.

Let me see. I think it was...

I think I've forgotten.
Perhaps it was "deedledum."

Shall we try that?

Okay. All right. Here we go now.


Aw... Well, we'll
have to try again.

That's another most important
thing in making anything happen.

You must try again.

Now, this time we'll
all say it together

so we'll be sure
not to forget, yes?

The word the genie told me so I'd
never forget was the name of the isle.

- Abracadabra.
- Abracadabra.

How did you do
that, Mr. Sullivan?

Me? Well, you had more
to do with it than myself.

You believed, and it happened.

Let me take a look at that head.

Oh, good, the
bleeding has stopped.

Mrs. Wright, you've the
hands of a healing angel.

Oh, well, we'll
credit the liniment.

All right, children, it's time for bed.
Now, you say goodnight to Mr. Sullivan.

- Good night, Mr. Sullivan.
- Good night. Good night.

Good night.

You make nice
magic, Mr. Sullivan.

Well, thank you, darling.

You certainly have a way
with young ones, Mr. Sullivan.

Well, I'm the oldest of nine,
and the father of the family

when my own mother was widowed.

Speaking of that, Mrs. Wright,
I'm surprised you've not remarried,

with three young
ones to care for.

Well, most men shy away from a
ready-made family, Mr. Sullivan.

Well, that only shows
their lack of good taste

if that stops them
from courting you.

Mr. Sullivan,
you're full of blarney.

Well, no Sullivan man
ever shied from the truth,

or a pretty woman.

Well, I'd best be going if I'm
gonna get to the ferry in time

to make a crossing tonight.

I'm sorry I can't offer you
a place for tonight, but...

Oh, no need to explain,
Mrs. Wright. I understand.

Well, what are you going to do
now? I mean, with your wagon burnt?


I hope your taking my part has
not made trouble for you with Miller.

No. No more than I've
already got, I'm sure.

Oh, some dispute between you?

Oh, it's about a piece
of scrub land I own,

it's right next to
Miller's property.

He wants to buy it and I refuse
to sell it. It's as simple as that.

- Well, how much land is it?
- Well, it's quite a bit.

It's a thousand acres.
But there's no water on it.

I'm what... one of those
folks you call land-poor.

I see. Has he offered
you a fair price?

Well, fair in dollars, I
suppose. Two thousand.

Well, that's a nice bit
of money these days.

Why not sell it to him?

Oh... because of the
kind of man Miller is.

Someday, I'd like to sell it to
somebody who'd make a good neighbor.

I'll help you saddle
your horse, Mr. Sullivan.

Oh. Oh, yes.

Mrs. Wright, I want you to know that
I'm eternally grateful for what you've...

Mr. Sullivan. You sit down.

I think Miller's boys were a bit
more thorough than I'd imagined.

I've got some brandy.


Mrs. Wright, I'm downright
embarrassed in being so much bother.

Oh, don't be foolish. Now,
I insist you stay the night.

Well, I think a
good night's sleep

without too much moving
around would do the trick.

Well, you just sit there and rest
and I'll go make up the extra room.

Hey, ain't that the
drummer up there?


We can start in where
we left off yesterday.

Now, you two just
tend to your work.

What business you
got here, drummer?

Hardly any of yours, seeing it's
the boundary of Mrs. Wright's land.

You got off easy yesterday.

Well, I live by a
philosophy, Mr. Miller:

Yesterday's gone, it's
tomorrow's worth the worrying.

Now, that creek down there,
that's a waste of good water,

the way it runs off into
the sink further south.

Well now, that ain't no concern
of yours, being as it's my creek.

Divert just the run-off
onto Mrs. Wright's section,

and she'd be able
to support cattle on it.

That water's going to
stay right where it is.

Unless she sells
to you, you mean.

Mr. Sullivan, do you think you
ought to be working so hard?

Well, I wouldn't
worry, Mrs. Wright.

A good night's sleep, a
nice ride in the open air

and your fine breakfast
seems to have done the trick.

Can I help you carry the
wood inside, Mr. Sullivan?

Well, sure you
can, Nettie. Sure.

One piece at a time.

Nettie, don't run. Nettie!

You seem to have a well-organized
workforce here, Mrs. Wright.

Well, they say many
hands makes light work.

I been a looking for you
pretty near half the day.

I seen your burnt-out wagon back
yonder. What happened to you?

Well, I appreciate
your concern, Marshal.

Who was it that burnt you out?

Well, yesterday's gone,
and today's a new day,

as my grandmother
was fond of saying.

Your grandma was
a fast forgiver, I'd say.

Yes, it runs in the family.

What's your business
here on the widow's place?

Just a hired hand.

You seem to object, Marshal.

Well, let's just
put it this way.

Whilst you're here I'm fixing to
keep an eyeball peeled on you.

Do I have to, Mom?

Nettie, Dr. Adams
said three times a day.

- But it tastes bad.
- Oh, Nettie. Here.

I've got some lemonade
to go with it. All right?

- Oh, Festus, come on in.
- Mrs. Wright.

Hello, Mr. Festus.
Want some lemonade?

Oh, much obliged, Nettie, but I'm
fixing to go right on back into town.

See, I'm kind of holding things down
for Marshal Dillon while he's away.

Oh, Miss Wright, this
here letter's for you.

I figured I'd just
drop it by to you.

Thank you, Festus.

- Got a nice man working for us, Festus.
- Oh, you have?

He does magic and he's a friend of
a genie on the isle of Abracadabra.

Is that so?

Well, I knowed a genie
once myself in Oklahoma.

She was one of the prettiest
gals that you have ever saw.

Nettie, here, honey. I want you
to take this out to Mr. Sullivan.

- He's been working very hard out there.
- All right.

When they told me that
was from Doc Adams

plumb from Kansas City, I
figured I ought to bring it out to you.

Yeah, I appreciate that, Festus.

It's... it's the results of some
tests that Dr. Adams took.

He wanted to talk to a doctor
in Kansas City about them.

Well, I... I hope
there's good news in it.

No. Uh...

I'm afraid Nettie's condition
hasn't changed at all.

Well, I sure am plumb
sorry to hear that, ma'am.

Well, I suppose I ought to
be grateful that she's happy.


Think it'll work, Mr. Sullivan?

Work? Of course it'll work,
child, if you believe it will.

As my grandmother used to
say, half the trouble with this world

is half the people telling
you you can't do something

and the other half listening.

The trick is, I've
learned, not to listen.

There. That ought to do it.

Well, now we test the
ingenuity of humble man.

Humble man, come forth.

It ain't gonna work.

Of course. Now, close your eyes.
What are we forgetting, Nettie?

- Always believe.
- And try harder.

Mrs. Wright, this is
going to take all of us.

Now, we wish water to be
inside the house instead of out.

We believe it's going
to be inside the house,

and Io and behold...

Ah... well, well, well,
well. It never fails.

You believe something,
try very hard, and it's done.

You can do
anything, Mr. Sullivan.

They're sound asleep.

You know, you've been a
tonic for them, Mr. Sullivan.

It's been real good for
them having a man about.

- Would you like some more coffee?
- Oh, yes, please.

I took a ride about
your place today.

Look at this map. You see, if you could
divert this creek onto this scrub land,

you could support a small
herd in your very first year.

No, no. That creek
is on Miller's property.

And he'd never allow us to
put the water on to my section.

- Well, perhaps I could talk to him.
- But he burned your wagon.

Oh, I know, I know. An
unfortunate misunderstanding.

But, I... I'm sure Mr. Miller and
I could settle our differences.

Well, that may be, but he's
not gonna do nothing for me.

We've talked it
over in the past.

Well, then perhaps he's not
been approached in the right way.


He don't keep riding our
boundaries for nothing.

All right, what's on your
thieving mind, drummer?

Just making sure of my ground,
Mr. Miller, before we had our final talk.

Now, that gulch that comes
off the bend of the creek

and eases onto
Mrs. Wright's land.

Now, you figure a couple
of sticks of dynamite

would spill the creek
onto her section?

Now, I know a man once lost a
nose sticking it where it didn't belong.

It wasn't a pretty sight.

Mr. Miller, you've offered
Mrs. Wright $2,000 for that land.

Now, it's worth a bit more
than that, wouldn't you say?

- Maybe.
- Closer to, say, $4,000?

She won't sell, not
even for four. Not to me.

Well, perhaps we could arrange
it so she'd be forced to sell.

We? What do you get out of this?

Well, let's set up a
hypothetical situation, Mr. Miller.

Let's assume that
you divert the water,

and that Mrs. Wright
obtains a loan to buy cattle.

And let's further assume that
she's trusting enough to place, say,

$2,000 in my
hands to buy cattle.

And further, let's assume
that I send Mrs. Wright a wire

explaining I've had trouble with
rustlers bringing the cattle up.

And closing with my sympathies.

No herd to graze,
no loan to be paid off.

Forced to sell.

Oh, I've been hankering for
that land for some time now.

All right, I'll pay the $4,000.

But you take something
from me, drummer.

On my word, if I find out that
you've been double-talking me,

and I've been spilling good
water onto that widow's land,

me and my boys
will come hunting.

Mr. Miller, I long ago learned that
when you stop thinking of number one,

meaning yours
truly, Robert Sullivan,

a short end is
too often awaiting.

We have a deal.

- Hi, Mr. Festus.
- Howdy, young'uns.

- Hi.
- Howdy, Festus.

Mrs. Wright. Nettie.

Hello, Mr. Festus.

You got quite a crop of
chickens this year, ain't you?

Well, they're doing fairly well.

Uh, Mrs. Wright, could I
jaw with you for a minute?

- Well, of course, Festus.
- It's about this here Sullivan fella.

Did you know that him
and that old man Miller

is just getting thicker
than sorghum molasses.

- Well, how do you mean that, Festus?
- 'Cause, I've seen them over yonder

just a-gabbing like two
old biddies over the fence,

and they're cooking
up something.

Festus, they're not cooking
up nothing. I know all about it.

Well, if you know all
about it, why did you...

Mrs. Wright, I got to tell
you about this here drummer.

He's just crooked
as a dog's hind leg.

He tried to sell me a suit for a hundred
dollars that wasn't even worth ten.

But I was too foxy for him.

Festus, it's kind of you to be so
concerned, but there's no need to worry.

Mr. Sullivan went
to talk to Mr. Miller

about diverting that creek water
of his onto my land. That's all.

You mean, you think he's fixing
to turn his creek on to your section?

He ain't going to do
no such a thing. Why...

- Well, it's all set.
- We're going to be ranchers.

That creek's going to empty onto
the old section by mid-afternoon.

You mean he done that
just for your asking him?

Well now, Marshal, it took a
little hard-nosed bargaining.

You're gonna have to give Miller
half your profits for the first year

in return for the water rights.

I just can't hardly believe it.

Well now, Mrs. Wright,
you're forgetting something.

What's she forgetting, Nettie?

When you want something,
believe you're going to get it.

And do something about it.

It's a miracle.

Mr. Sullivan, you
truly are a miracle man.

Well, miracles happen
every day, Mrs. Wright.

You just have to know how
to give them a little assist.

A pinch of faith,
a dab of doing,

a whole lot of believing
it's gonna be done.


It just don't figure at all.

Whoa! Whoa!


I hope the children weren't a
bother in getting them off to bed?

Oh, no. An hour of bronco
busting, my ribs are a bit tender,

but they're now in dreamland.

- The loan?
- Oh.

I had no trouble getting it,
not with water on the land.

Two thousand dollars.

Real fine, Mrs. Wright.
I'll... I'll leave tonight.

Mr. Sullivan...

Uh, have you ever pondered
on... on being a ranch foreman?

- Foreman?
- Well, uh, me raising cattle,

I mean, it needs a man's hand.

Well, I've never been much
of one for the land, Mrs. Wright.

Well, I suppose a man gets used
to being alone, you know, traveling.

But I... if you have
any plans to settle,

uh, well, that... that
herd you're sending back,

you could come back with it.

Well, uh...

Well, a woman can't
say more than that.

All right. All right. Come on.

Mr. Sullivan, can I talk to you?

Now, what's this, young lady?
Out of bed, you'll catch cold.

Please, Mr. Sullivan.
I'm not cold.

I just have to talk to you.

Well, can't it wait
until I get back?

- How long will you be gone?
- Well, not very long.

A couple of days.

Well, here now,
child. Here. Here.

Come on, now
you're freezing. Here.

All right, come on. Up
you go. There you are.


Do you know what happens to
children who sneak out of bed after dark?

- Nothing bad, I hope.
- No, not really.

- Now, what shall we talk about?
- Miracles.

Oh, that's my favorite subject.

Can you make miracles
happen for anybody, Mr. Sullivan?

Well, that depends, honey. You know,
a miracle has to be something good

that people want. It
has to be important. Is it?

- Yes.
- Well then, madam,

Robert Sullivan at your service.

Now, what sort of
miracle would you like?

I... I want to live
till I'm ten years old.

You want to live to be ten? Well,
that's not fair to be joshing me.

I'm not joshing.

I heard the doctor from St. Louis
tell my ma I wouldn't live to be ten.

Is it too big a miracle?
For me to be ten years old?

I didn't want to ask you,
but I kept thinking in bed,

you made so many
nice things happen.

Please, Mr. Sullivan, couldn't
you make a miracle happen for me?

Well... well, you know, Nettie,
now miracles aren't easy.

Oh, I know that. Somebody
special has to do them, like you.

Well, no. No, not
exactly, darling.

All right. All right.

What's the first thing we do
when we want to make a miracle?

Close our eyes.

Then we believe, very
hard, for what we want.

- Do I wish for a miracle?
- Very hard.

Even if it's only good for me?

Darling, it's not only for you,

because you'd be missed
by the people who love you.

I forgot that. I'm wishing.

And we're gonna
believe something,

that pretty Nettie is
gonna be ten years old,

- and 11 and 12...
- Twelve?


And believing, it will be so.

It will be so.

I'm believing.

I think we can
open our eyes now.

- Did it happen?
- Do you believe it happened?

I believe you can do
anything, Mr. Sullivan.

I know a miracle happened
because I feel different.

Good night, Mr. Sullivan.

Good night, Nettie.

She's right there. Her
and her young'uns.

I'm telling you, Festus,
it's none of our business.

What do you mean it
ain't none of our business?

A widow woman
getting flim-flammed?

That Sullivan left here with
$2,000 of her money in his pockets

and I don't think he's going to
come back with no cattle, neither.

And him and that Miller is
just a-using that widow woman,

- I can see it clear as crystal.
- Festus, we don't know that.

My point is, no law
has been broken.

Now, until someone's
proven himself to be a thief,

you just can't go
around saying he is.

- I ain't saying...
- The best thing for us to do is wait

until the marshal gets here.
Now, when is he due back?

Well, I...

Oh, Barney brought me this
telegraph from Matthew, but I...

I just been so busy, I ain't
had a chance to read it yet.

Let me take a
look at that, Festus.

Says it was sent from Stillwater.
Says he's checking on Sullivan.

That ought to make
you feel very happy.

It does. Does he say
they found out anything?

No, sir. But he says he'll be
back here in Dodge early today.

All right then. We'll just
find out if this here Sullivan's

the straight arrow you've
been a-saying he is.

- I'm not saying that he is, Festus.
- Well, you want...

But for Lorna and the
kids' sake, I hope he is.

That wouldn't be a bad
idea if you'd ride out there

and tell the marshal
what's going on here.

Newly, there you go again,
a-trying to tell me my job.

Now, quit that. I ain't
going to do no such a thing.

What I'm a-fixing to do is go saddle up
old Ruth and I'm going to take me a ride

out yonder and see if
I can run into Matthew

and just tell him what's
a-been a-going on here.

That's the thing to
do, don't you see?

I guess maybe you're like
me, you don't like to drink alone.

No, I'd buy except, you're too
good to drink another man's whiskey.

You're all right.

She's no worse off
than she was before.

She just has to sell land
she wasn't using anyway.

Yeah, well, that... that
sounds all right to me.

And there's no way to
help Nettie by going back.

Can I pour for you, mister?

Might even be for the best.

Miller gives her $4,000
for land she's not using,

she pays off the loan,
she has $2,000 left.

Well, that sounds about right.

And with that money she might be
able to get another doctor for Nettie.

Yeah. A doctor cured me once. I
had a wart down there on my nose.

'Sides, they're better off farming.
Cattle's a risky business. Risky.


So, it's off to California,
Robert Sullivan,

- in $2,000 style.
- Two thousand what?

Well, it's a simple
equation, friend.

You see, it's common
sense against conscience.

- Conscience is a very bad thing.
- Another trick.

The trick is to close your mind because
once you get involved, you're lost.

You see, the next
thing you know,

you'll be helping little old
ladies across the street.

Now, fella, look...

If you ain't feeling too good, well,
there's a doctor over there in Dodge...

Common sense,
Robert, common sense.

Each man is worth his labor
and you've been laboring.

Yeah, I wouldn't
mind drinking to that.

On the other hand...

Bottle's all paid for, you'll probably
be taking it with you, won't you?

On the other hand...

On the other hand, it
might not be a good thing

drinking out there
in the hot sun.

My friend, let me give
you a piece of advice.

Never start performing miracles.

Because once performed,
they seem determined to remain.

- Our cattle!
- We got a ranch.

I don't see Mr. Sullivan.


Matthew, I came out here to meet
up with you about that Sullivan fella.

- Well, what about him?
- Well, he got a whole big mess of money

off of Lorna Wright
to buy cattle with,

and I figured he'd just kind of
featherfoot off with it, you know,

but he didn't. 'Cause I just
passed a herd back yonder

and the trail boss is
a-cutting out prime calves

to be drove to Lorna's place.

You mean, he bought the
cattle he's supposed to?

He sure did. I just
can't figure him out.

Well, I'll tell you. I got kind of
interested in this Mr. Sullivan myself.

He's wanted in Stillwater. I
got a warrant for his arrest.

Well, I've been
tracking him, Matthew.

It appears like he's headed
back east across them flats.

- Let's go.
- Come on, Ruth.

You're right, Pa. That herd's
headed for Lorna Wright's.

That drummer's
got more salt than...

Sure suckered good. Handed
that woman grazing land.

That's exactly what
she's using it for.


Was on my way to
pay you boys a visit.

Well, you talk real
good, drummer.

You got about 30 seconds
of my time to get it all said.

Well, Mr. Miller, it occurred to me
that you might be blaming Mrs. Wright

for what you imagine to
be a double-cross here.

- What you calling it?
- Shut up, son.

Your time just run out.

I had to let you know it
was none of her doing.

There's no sense in
making things rough on her.

More sense skinning your
hide, maybe you'd agree.

Well, I hear tell Dodge
has pretty good law.

I don't think it would take the
marshal long to tie you and your boys

to me turning up
looking unhealthy.

Mister, you're going to be the
unhealthiest looking drummer ever

- crossed the Missouri.
- Put that g*n up, son.

You heading any
place particular now?

Nothing keeping me here.


Just bad luck when a man gets
throwed by his horse, drummer.

Here's that water,
here, drink it!

Hey! You getting
wet, drummer boy?

Come on! Get that!

All right, finish him!

Hold it.

All right, drop the
g*n belts, all of you!

Go on!

All right, Miller. You
three are under arrest.

- You're going back to town.
- He's a thief, a swindler.

- Why, we was just...
- Yeah, just trying to k*ll him.

As far as that creek water's concerned,
that was going to be the driest piece

of land in this state,
that widow's scrub.

Miller, once that water's
on Mrs. Wright's land,

- there's nothing you can do about it.
- What are you talking about?

It's the law.

- Get them into town, Festus.
- All right, go on. Go on.

All right, Sullivan, just
take... take it easy now.

Here. Wipe your
face off with this.

Sullivan, you know
you're wanted in Stillwater.

Wanted? I didn't think those
two men would say anything.

They att*cked me, Marshal.

Well, the sheriff over in
Stillwater seems to think

he's got a case against you. It'll
be up to you to prove him wrong.

Sullivan, you just don't sh**t
somebody and then run off.

Well, Marshal, running
away is a hard habit to break.

- Can I have a moment, Marshal?
- Yeah.

Mrs. Wright, I...

Well, I'd like to say that I
have the highest regard for you,

that's one way of putting it.

So do we, Mr. Sullivan.

We owe you so much.

No. No, the debt is mine.

Will you be coming
back, Mr. Sullivan?

- We want you to.
- Me, too.

Well, of course
I'll be coming back.

But just to make sure
there's no slip ups,

let's all close our eyes
and wish it to be so.

- Mine's closed.
- Mine, too.

Me, too.


I can feel it.

I can feel it!

You're coming back.

You're coming
back, Mr. Sullivan!

Nettie, don't... run.

You're coming
back! I can feel it!

You're coming back! You're
coming back, Mr. Sullivan!

You're coming
back! I can feel it!

I can feel it! You're
coming back!

You're coming
back, Mr. Sullivan!

You're coming back!

Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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