13x24 - Mr. Sam'l

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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13x24 - Mr. Sam'l

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Gunsmoke,
starring James Arness as Matt Dillon.

- Hello, Doc.
- About what I figured.

What's that?

That you'd be sitting
here just taking it easy.

[CHUCKLES] Taking it easy, huh?

Had a wife beating and
three street fights since noon.


Sounds like the fourth one.

MAN: You ain't done no deal
with me and you ain't gonna.

Now, get out of my way.

You don't sound like a
man with his back to the wall.

You know, a few
more weeks of this

and you and the others around
here will be begging me to buy.

All right, hold on
here. That's enough.

- What's going on?
- It was his doing.

These people
will vouch for that.

Ben here swung first, Marshal,
but this feller, he was waiting.

- Ben, what about it?

All right, boys, that's all.
Break it up now. Let's move on.

What's this all about?

My name is Trainor,
Marshal. Norman Trainor.

I'm from St. Louis.

I'm in Dodge on business.
In fact, I just got off the train.

- Land business?
- Why, yes. How'd you come to know that?

I been marshal of this town
for 13 years, Mr. Trainor.

I've seen a lot of droughts.

And many times I've seen
land speculators come in

and try to take
advantage of the situation.

Sir, I'm a businessman. I
have letters of reference.

And I've got a letter of credit
drawn on a sizeable account.

Uh-huh. You tried to talk Ben Akins
here out of his ranch, I suppose, huh?

He's one of the handful I
intended to discuss matters with.

The people here are a little
touchy about selling their property

- that they spent years developing.
- That's been made quite clear.

Well, maybe you better keep it in
mind when you talk to the others.

I'll do that, Marshal.

If for any reason you want to
contact me, I'll be in the Dodge House.

- Ben, how are you feeling?
- I'm all right, Matt.

Look, why don't you come on up
to the office, have a cup of coffee.

- It might cool you off.
- Thanks.

When's it going to end, Matt?

When is it going to rain?

There's no denying it, Matt. I'm
just about at the end of the string.

Ben, you lived through
that dry spell of '68.

You'll live through this one.

It's a dry spell in Dodge.
It's a drought out there.

Well, you're not going
to give up your ranch?

DOC: Of course not.

Ben, your pa would turn over in
his grave if you ever sold that ranch.

Well, I'll tell you this much, Doc,
I wish to high heaven he'd left it

to Dave to manage instead of me.

Well, now I know
the heat's got to you.

I mean it. What have I
got for the whole 15 years?

Bills, callouses, an
empty bed to sleep in.

Well, I know an awful lot of farmers
that have got bills and callouses,

but as to the last one,
that's your own fault.

I happen to know that the preacher
has just been itching to say the words

to you and Marcie
for a long time.

I know it, Doc. You know
how I feel about Marcie.

But for me it's just as important not
to take on that kind of responsibility.

Not yet. This just
isn't the right time.

Ben, let me tell you something.

You're a young man.

One of these days,
you're going to wake up

and wonder where in
thunder all the time went.

Awful lot of life can be missed
just waiting for the right time.


Well, I got other things
need looking to now.

We all know I'm not gonna
walk away from the ranch.

So I'll keep my appointment
with Mr. Bodkin from the bank.

- Oh, is he going to make you a loan?
- We got him talking about it.

Ed O'Conner, Walt
Sommers, Lathrop,

we're going to have a
meeting with him at his house.

I'll see you later.

Matt, I'm sorry for
the ruckus I caused.

Forget it.

If you two are going to be over at the
Long Branch later, I'll buy you a beer.

- Sounds good.
- I think I got the price of one.

Can I help you, mister?
You looking for something?

That sure is a top-notch, Sunday
go-to-meeting mule you're riding there.

Withers to haunch, he's a
pearl button-bangled billy.

I'm a mule man myself.

Name's Festus, Festus Haggen.

Festus, I'm called Mr. Sam'l.

Sam'l? That's a good name.
Straight out the Book ain't it?

Mr. Sam'l what?

Sam'l's good enough.

Yes, sir, reckon it is.

I'm, uh, I'm heading
for the Long Branch.

Long Branch? It's right down...

I'll tell you, with this
here drought we're having,

it just makes a feller thirsty
inside and out, don't it?

- Here, I can show you where it is.
- No need to do that.

- I'm looking for somebody.
- Oh.

Evening to you, Festus.

Mr. Sam'l.


Oh, now, you are too
big for holding hands.

- MAN: How's about kissing?
- WOMAN: I am gonna tell Ben on you.

Go ahead, I always
share with my brother Ben.

I wanna talk to a
girl named Marcie.

I'll tell her.

- Oh! Huh?
- Marcie.

Old timer over
there asked for you.

- Marcie?
- I'll be right back.

Hello, Marcie.

I've been looking for you.

Have you? All these years?

Girl, don't look at
me like I was trash.

That's as good a word as any.

I done a heap of
thinking on you, I have.

Now, you listen to me.

Don't you think you can ride
in here and sweet-talk me,

'cause I won't have none of it.

And I won't have folks here
knowing about Sam Basset.

- Marcie.
- No!

No, it took a lot of years
and I took a lot of shame.

I ain't gonna
take no more of it.

Now, you get
yourself out of my life.

- Marcie, please.
- No.

Now, I got a life here,

and I got a man, a good
man who cares for me.

A man this whole
town looks up to.

I ain't going to lose him by
having folks find out who you are.

It ain't fair, Marcie. 15
years I've lived with it.

So have I.

And I ain't gonna
have no more of it.

You get yourself out of this
town. I don't want you here.

Marcie, you're just
too darn popular.

- Some of them are never too old.
- Well, I can't say as I blame him.

You know, I was working
up a bit of jealousy there.

Well, it's not hard to choose
between a young one who's broke

and an old one who's broke.

Well, us young ones might come
up with a pot full of pesos someday.

Dave, you're safe from that. Your
brother Ben, now that's another story.

Yeah. I'm late for a meeting.

Uh-huh. Well, you
tell her hello for me.

Well, I got to have consolation,

what with you turning
the cold shoulder to me.


- Miss Kitty.
- Hello, Ben.

- Hello, Marcie.
- Ben, what happened to you?

Oh, talking to a man
about selling the place.

Selling the place?
You didn't get the loan?

No, I didn't get the loan.

I'm sorry, Marcie.

I'll be back in a minute.

- Miss Kitty.
- Miss Kitty.

Doc, Festus.

- Phew! Sure is a hot one, ain't it?
- Yeah.

Complaining about it don't
make it any cooler either.

Me and old Doc's bringing
you some business.

Well, good. What's
it going to be?

I'll have a beer.
Thanks, Festus.

What are you thanking me for?

Well, I usually thank
anybody that buys me a beer.

I ain't bought you no beer!

- Well, you said you would.
- I never said no such thing.

In the street you said, let's go over
to the Long Branch and have a beer!

- And what did you say?
- Well, I said that's a good idea.

There, you see?

Listen, you mangy,
flea-bitten bum!

- If you think you're gonna...
- All right. All right.

All right. Hush!

You old skinflint,
I'll buy you a beer.

You bet you will.

Where in tarnation did
I put that? [MUTTERS]


- Appears like I've been robbed.
- Oh, he's been robbed, he says.

I didn't say I was. I
said appears like I was.

You just going to stand there
and let a feller die of thirst?

I could have told you before
it was all a waste of time.

It's sure something when a bank
won't trust honest and decent men.

Ed, that's not so.

Mr. Bodkin extended himself
as far as he can. That's all.

If I don't get another loan,
I'm going under, and that's that.

And if it doesn't rain, every
farm in this county's going under.

O'CONNER: Rain? I've
forgotten what that is.

Well, it looks like there
ain't going to be any rain.

And for sure there ain't
gonna be any bank loan.

So... that leaves
me with only one out.

You mean sell?

By Tophet. No, sir.

O'CONNER: Besides,
who'd want to buy?

- BEN: I had an offer today.
- LATHROP: I heard about that.

There have been times when
these hands were raw and bleeding

from holding a plow
16 hours straight.

Up all night in the winter to
keep the stock from freezing

and watching a summer sun
burn them down to the bone.

I've worked, I've
sweated for what I've got.

I'm not about to
let it go for nothing.

I never said nothing. I
made you a fair offer.

A dollar an acre for land
and a dollar a head for stock?

It'll cost a lot less for your
place, and yours, at a tax sale.

- He's right.
- And he's got money.

to buy out you three.

I'd like your place
first, Mr. Akins.

I'd even raise the price,
say, 50 cents more an acre.

Certainly worth no more, unless
there were water on the place.

And there is no water.

SAM'L: That's only 'cause
you ain't looked for it.

You want water, I
can find it for you.

Been my calling for
years, finding water has.

Come on. Come
on, light the lamp.


Ten minutes after you
left, I had us that land.

- A minute after that, I lost it.
- What are you talking about?

Some old coot claims
he's a water witch

and he's offered to find water for
your brother and those other farmers.

- A water witch?
- That's right.

So now we just have to wait till that
old fake does all his mumbo-jumbo.

Why didn't you get Ben to sell?
You had enough money behind you.

Now, you hold on now.

I've waited too many
years for this chance.

I'm not going to lose it on
account of your bumbling.

They find water, I'm whipped.

- You believe in that hocus pocus?
- I've seen it done.

If you've seen it
done, it's a fluke.

If there's water on some land
it's found by a lucky guess.

It ain't no fluke, and
there is water on the ranch.

What do you mean by that?

Last year when Ben was in
Denver, I brought an engineer in.

And he told you there
was water on your land?

He even told me where to dig, in
the hollow not too far from the barn.

Well, why didn't you tell me?

You not only want to stick
a knife into your brother,

- you figure to swindle me too.
- It wasn't no swindle.

Our deal was the ranch is mine. And
those other lands are going to be yours.

But nobody will sell
until your brother does.

- So we'll try it my way.
- No.

If I'd wanted Ben dead, I
wouldn't have dealt you in.

You just want to
strip him clean, huh?

I'll give him a job.
Thirty a month and keep.

Let him live like I have.
Let him see what it feels like.

I just wish the old man was still
living so that he could watch it all.

Well, if we can't do it my way, and
that old man is all you think he is,

there's only one thing to do.

You really believe
you can find water?

Only 'cause he put it there.

Everywhere. The very first
thing, before he even made man.

And his spirit moved
across the face of the waters.

Genesis, chapter one, verse two.

We're drying to dust and
you're quoting Scriptures.

On account that's where it all
starts. Right there in the Book.

In trusting and believing

and... and knowing that
the good Lord sent me here,

a purpose to ease
you out of your thirst.

For a slight
consideration, of course.

Yes, sir. $200 for my services.

$5 for every wet hole I find.

Only fair you want
to think on it a while.

I'll be at the boarding
house across the street,

first room the
top of the stairs.

You've a mind, I'll
be waiting to talk.



You've been warned, old timer.

Now get yourself out of town.

She told me.

No need for her
to do me like this.



- I thought it was one of them farmers.
- I'll bet you did.

I was aiming to stay
here, to make me a stake,

what with the drought.

Folks need me here and all.

The man you were
talking to is my man.

I love him. And I won't
have you hurt him.

Now, you stay away from him.

I was just aiming to help him.

Ain't you done enough to me, Pa?

Maybe I never knew just
how much till this night.

I don't know what that means.

I just know I want you
to get out of this town

before it starts all over again.

That's years past.
I was innocent.

The judge said so.
Everybody knew.

But you ran off and those same
"everybodys" started talking.

You remember that rhyme, Pa?

I used to go to
sleep hearing it.

- And I woke up hearing it.
- I know.

I heard it from gold camps to cow
towns and way stations in between.

Why do you suppose I
don't use my last name?

But you ran away, Pa.

Ma and me, we
had no place to run.

Marcie, I am sorry.

- Old Sam Basset took a hatchet...
- Oh!

- But not for what he should.
- Not from you!

Chopped up a friend is what
he did, instead of chopping wood.

- Marcie, please!
- You, please!

Please get out of this town!

I just want to stay here
to get me a stake, is all.

Here, there's every penny I've
saved. Now you take it and go.

You pay me to go?

Yes, if it will do any good. I
can't think of any other way.

No, I... I can't go, and I
won't take your money.

I got to stay and do
what I come here to do.

A man's got a feel for the
word, it's got to be heeded.

Whether it's a curse or a
blessing, it's got to be heeded.

Don't you see, Marcie,
these people need me here.

I saw water witched a many
and a many a time, Matthew.

I recollect when I was just
knee-high to a beetle-bug,

my aunt Torrie Heebs went out
and cut herself a applewood fork.

She went a-walking
out on a piece of ground

that didn't show no more sign of
water than the back of my hand.

Well, sir, she started
sashaying around,

directly it started to dip,

and then a-darting and
a-pulling and a-pulling her.

And pretty soon
the fork of that thing

just dipped right down
to the ground and just...

Marshal Dillon, I
got to talk to you.

- What about?
- Huh?

What about, Louie? What
do you want to see me about?


I come to say I seen
an old man get beat up.

- You did? Where was this?
- Where?

Uh, it was in the alley
near the Long Branch.

Uh-huh. Is he still there?

- No, he's gone.
- He's gone? Well, where did he go?

- Went to Ma Smalley's.
- Ma Smalley's?

Well, that's where
Mr. Sam'l's staying, Matthew.

- Well, you better go and check it out.
- You betcha.

Louie, if this here's another one
of them visions out of a bottle...

Wasn't that, Festus.

All right.

Now, Louie, did you see
who it was that did this?

Did you recognize any of them?

I didn't, Marshal.

Well, thanks, Louie.

All I can say, it's like putting
everything on one card.

Seems to me.

Well, I ain't got it
to put. Not $200.

What if you split
it up between you?

Well, I guess I could
raise most of my share.

Of course I would have to pay
Mr. Jonas some of what I owe him.

Oh, and then there's
Hank at the stable.

- How about me staking you?
- You?

You're good customers. I
don't want to lose your business.

- I couldn't do that.
- Me neither, Miss Kitty.

- I'm obliged, but...
- No buts about it.

You'll sign a note,
just like at the bank.

And I'll charge the
same rate of interest.

I'll take the gamble that we have
lots of rain and you have good crops.

Ben. Miss Kitty.

I'll get you a beer, Dave.

- Where you been?
- Well, I was here earlier.

- Went out to Liz Foley's place.

Dave, you know I sure
envy you. I truly do.

Look, you got youth,
you got good looks,

and you live like you haven't
got a care in the whole world.

You always have
and you always will.

[LAUGHS] Can't see living
no other way, Mr. O'Conner.

One of Liz's hands told me
you had some trouble, Ben.


It sure ain't much you can share
with me, is there? Who was it?

It's all done and
past, Dave. Miss Kitty.

- The loan?
- It's yours, Ben.


We're going to hire
ourselves a water witcher.

See maybe he can
find some on the farm.

A water witcher?

Miss Kitty, that's just
good money after bad.

Ben, you don't really
think he can do it, do you?

Honey, I don't know
whether he can or not,

but it's worth a
gamble for both of us.

Won't it just be
another disappointment?

At this stage, I'm
willing to try anything.

Afraid it was a waste
of your time, Festus.

Oh, foot. It wasn't no
waste of time, Mr. Sam'l.

I'm just glad old Louie was mistook.
And I'd ought to have known better.

Say, has them fellers from
the Long Branch been up yet?

Not yet.

Well, they're fixing to directly.
Now, you mark me on that.

- BEN: Mr. Sam'l?

Howdy, Ben. What did I
tell you? Mark me on it.

Mr. Sam'l, I've come to
talk business with you.

I'm putting my last
bit of hope on you.

Festus hasn't even come back
from talking to that old man yet.

You know, I just been thinking.

If it's true, now who would
have done it, and why?

Well, you said the old man
was going to go over and try

and find water on
Ben's land, didn't you?

Yes. For $200 he was.

Well, the most logical person would be
somebody who was superstitious enough

to believe in all this
water witching business

and didn't want Ben
to be able to hold out.

Well, I'll tell you, my opinion,
that feller from St. Louis.

That Trainor, he
fits that pretty good.


Doc, let me ask you something.

You go along with this
water witching business?

I don't know
whether I do or not,

but it doesn't make much
difference what I think.

I've seen an awful lot of
things happen in my life, Matt,

just because somebody
believed they would.

No explanation for it, either.

I remember, and so do you,
Maggie and Cart Colliers' fifth child.

Or was it their sixth?

Anyway, that young'un
was awful sick.

And I did everything I
could to save his life.

Yet, everything in medical science
said that boy was going to die.

That is, everything except Maggie
and Collier's belief that he wouldn't.

And he didn't.

- Yeah. I see what you mean.
- [g*nsh*t]

FESTUS: Matthew?

Anybody get hit?

No. But it sure wasn't
for lack of trying.

- Where'd the sh*ts come from?
- Over yonder, next to the Long Branch.

- Festus, that old feller all right?
- He says he wasn't beat up none,

but I'm fixing to have
another talk with him right now.

- Matt?
- It's all right, Kitty.

Mr. Trainor, where were
you just a minute ago?

Now, hold on there, Marshal.
I'm not going to stand...

I asked you a question.

I've been inside this
establishment for the past hour.

He's right. He's been in here.

Good night, ma'am.
Night, Marshal.

I still don't like his looks.

- Trainor.
- Well?

- I missed him.
- You don't say?

Don't snap at me.

Listen, I'm going to
tell you what I'll do.

I will walk.

Now, either we do this
thing my way or I will walk.


You got a better way of
getting what you want?

- Look, what I want is for him...
- You told me.

And when I see
him, I'll fill him in on it.

Look, I don't want
to hear about it.

It's your idea,
it'll be your doing.

Your way. It's none of mine.

Matthew. Mr. Sam'l, he's
just as calm as cotton.

He swears that he wasn't beat
up, and there ain't a mark on him.

But he don't know who'd
be a-sh**ting at him.

Was Ben Akins with him?

Well, he left right before the sh**ting.
He went over to the freight office,

then he was going to the stable
and then back out the ranch.

All right, check the
freight office for me.

Yeah, but...


Hold it.

- Trainor?
- That leaves one more.

I don't understand.


Newly, get over to
the telegraph office,

tell Vern I'll be there
in a couple of minutes.

- Yes, sir.
- Bert.

You boys get him
over to Percy Crump's.

FESTUS: Matthew.

Ben, is Dave still out at the
farm? His life may be in danger.

He was at Liz
Foley's earlier, but I...

Festus, see if you
can find him, quick.

Oh, no. [SHOUTING]

Who is it?

The only one I've seen
wearing fancy clothes is Trainor.

The one who tried
to buy Ben's land.

I didn't figure on this,

sh**t, killings, beatings.

Pa, get out, please.

I can't.

I can help them.

I can find water for them.

Can you, Pa?

You know I can.

You seen me when you
was a little girl, you seen me.

Yeah, I seen you
when I was a little girl.

But I heard about an
old water witch up north

who got run out of half a dozen towns
because he claimed he could find water,

- but he never did.
- It ain't true.

Sure, I missed sometimes. But
nobody can do it every time. Nobody.

You got to have the
spirit moving in you.

You know that, girl.

Is the spirit moving
in you, Pa? Is it?

Or are you just stealing from good
and decent men who are looking to you

as the last hope
of saving something

that's taken them their
whole lives to build?

- Morning, Doc.
- Kitty.

- Marcie's on her way out.
- Good.

I'm anxious to get out there and
see if old Sam'l can pull this thing off.

Our whole family is.

- Hello, Marcie.
- Morning, Doc.

Miss Kitty, I want to thank you
again for giving me the time off.

That's all right. You just get on out
there and root that water in for Ben.

- All right.
- Let's go.

FESTUS: Matthew, you just don't
know what it is to find that young Dave

once he gets it in his head
to go polly-foxing around.

Where all did you look for him?

Well, sh**t, I looked every place
there was that I could think of.

I even went out to
Ben's place an hour ago.

Ben said that Dave didn't
even come home last night at all.

Well, that's not unusual.
Guess we'd better get started.

Mr. Sam'l.

You ready?

- It's an awesome thing, Marshal.
- What's that?

Witching at times like these when
so much depends on succeeding.

Ah, fiddle.

You'll do plumb good,
I'll guarantee you you will.

I appreciate that, Festus.

Wished I felt as sure.

How'd you like a
nice mess of oats?

Figure we can afford it.

Price of oats being what they are,
you better not be too generous, Dave.

- Ben?
- Who were you expecting?

Well, I thought you'd
be out at the hollow

waiting for Moses
to smite the rock.

You missed a little excitement
last night. Matt was looking for you.


Yeah. That feller
Trainor tried to k*ll me.

Matt was worried you
might be in danger, too.

He figures there might have
been somebody else in with Trainor.

There's no reason I can think of
anybody would want to harm me.

Ben, you know all
this is pure crazy,

getting all these folks out
here and boosting their hopes.

You know we ain't
gonna find no water.

Well, there's no harm
in letting the old man try.

You're throwing good money
away. Money we ain't even got.

If there was something
else we can do...

There is! We could sell.

Save what there is left, and get
out of this lousy, dried-up country.

- Sell to who?
- You had an offer.

That feller from St. Louis.

Now, if he wanted it,
there's got to be others.

If this doesn't work, we'll see,
maybe we can find somebody else.

Now, come on, we better go.
All I've gotta do is feed the mare.

If you'll wait we can
go down together.

Yeah, sure.

What's the matter?

It... it just don't feel
right for balance, Festus.

Well, there ain't
no pull on it yet.

Directly that water's going to
be pulling on that so blamed hard

that you ain't gonna have
time to worry about no balance.

You sure there ain't no
elm around? Or peach?

I could do a whole
lot better with peach.

Oh, I don't know
about no peaches.

There ain't no orchards
in this part of the country.

I'd feel a sight
better with elm.

Can we look, maybe? I can
spot a elm five miles away.

Mr. Sam'l, will
you listen to me?

It's just like my aunt
Torrie Heebs used to say,

if you got the feeling for
it and the spirit's in you,

it's a-going to happen.

If the spirit's in you.

Now, it don't make a lick of difference
what kind of wood you're using.

Not a lick.

- Ben.
- Morning, Mr. Sam'l.

- I been waiting for you.
- Any time.

Make it a good show, old timer.

What do you think
of all this, Marshal?

Well, Dave, I've learned not to be
surprised at anything that happens.

Mr. Sam'l, you want me to
kind of shoo everybody back?

Just so long as I
have wandering room,

don't make no nevermind, Festus.

All right, sir. Just go ahead. Show
them how the cow eat the cabbage.

I can't do it.

I got no feeling. It's gone.

- I got no feeling at all.
- You can try.

I can't. Feeling's gone.

Ah, you never had it.

He did too have it,
and he's still got it.

Go on, show them, Mr. Sam'l.

- No.
- That's a lot of money lost.

SAM'L: It ain't lost.

I'm giving you the money back.

Oh, well, it's not just the
money. You promised us.

- You promised us you'd find water.
- O'Conner, leave him be.

Like blazes I will! Not after
he suckered us like this!

I said leave him be!

Mr. Sam'l, it's all right. I didn't
really think it would happen.


You all want me to find it.

But you don't believe.
You don't have faith.

- That's why...
- No, you don't lay it on to us.

You can do it,
Mr. Sam'l, I know you can.


He's your father?

Yes, he's my father.

He can do it.

I've seen him.

He can do it now.

Just like the times
when I was a little girl, Pa.

When Sam Basset was the most famous
water witcher east of the Mississippi.

Sam Basset? The hatchet k*ller?

Yes, Sam Basset.

And he's no k*ller!

I've heard that
rhyme too many times.

You remember that rhyme,
but you forget a judge

and jury said he was innocent.


You show them you can do it.

I know you can.

You thought my knowing who
he was would make a difference?

Nothing's changed between us.

Dig right here.
You'll find your water.

Dig right here.

Bully for you, Mr. Sam'l!
Get them shovels!

Get them on over
here! Let's go to work!

Get 'em on down here now!


Where are you headed?

Going to town to celebrate.
Brother Ben's done it again.

Let me give you
a piece of advice.

Why don't you ride on out
of town and just keep going.

What's the matter with you?

I just got an answer to a
telegram that I sent to St. Louis.

That letter of credit that Trainor
had was drawn on a bank account

that you opened there three
years ago, right after Ben Sr. died.

I'm losing all the way around.

But then I always
did to my big brother.

Now, I can't prove that it was you
that took those sh*ts at Mr. Sam'l,

but I'd sure hate for
Ben to find out the truth.

So you ride out of Dodge
and don't ever come back.



Mr. Sam'l, I knowed that anybody

with the gumption to ride a mule
could find water, and you done it.

Thank you, Festus.


I'm proud.

Real proud.

ANNOUNCER: Stay tuned for
scenes from next week's Gunsmoke.
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