12x07 - The Wrong Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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12x07 - The Wrong Man

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

You got your eyes shut tight?


All right, now, don't you
look until I tell you when.

All right, I won't.

All right.


(Doc chuckles)

Oh, Hootie!

Oh, it's just lovely!

Oh, Lucy shouldn't have
gone to all that trouble.

Oh, why, she
prided herself on it.

Now, you wouldn't believe
it, but she made this thing

out of some old cloth
and some of that material

you gave her to make the
girls' dresses that was leftover.

She's pretty good
with a needle, isn't she?

Just amazing how
anybody does that.

It's really just lovely.

And I know right where
I'm gonna put it, too...

Right in front of
my dressing table.

And what's more, I'm
gonna pay her for it.

Sam, would you bring
bring me that cash box?

Oh, no, no, now, Miss
Kitty, now don't do that, now.

Lucy wouldn't like that at all.

You've done an
awful lot for our girls.

And this is just the
way she wants it.

And when she's
definite about something,

I've learned not
to go against her.

Got him pretty well-trained,
you can see that.

HOOTIE: Yeah, well, she's
got seven kids out there

to help her, though,
uh, I kick over the traces

every chance I get.

Don't you worry.

Bet he does at that.

Well, you can't kick very
high on just one beer.

How about letting
me buy you another?

No, no, no, Miss Kitty, no.

The one's my limit.

Hootie, I haven't seen
you in quite a while.

How is everything out there?

Things are, uh...
well, you know,

we haven't got any
water out there yet,

but I can pert near smell
it about 15 feet down.

We're gonna bring in
that well one of these days,

and then everything's
gonna be just dandy.

Everybody healthy, I guess?

Well, Lucy's not too pert,

but, like as not, it's the
weather as anything else.

You know, about the only
thing this weather's good for

is your business, Miss Kitty.

If Lucy isn't feeling well,
why in thunder didn't you

send one of the
boys in after me?

Well, Doc, to tell
you the truth...

Lucy wouldn't hear
anything about it.

She and I both
agree that we owe you

just about as much
as we ought to.

That's foolishness.

- Hey, Pa!
- Pa?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You got those supplies
loaded already?

We're all set to head home, Pa.

Well, you can, uh, you can
have a glass of beer if you want.

Ah, no, thanks, Pa.

It's gonna be a
scorching ride home.

You better wet your
whistle while you can.

Thanks all the same, Pa,
but we'd better head home.

- Miss Kitty, Doc.
- Miss Kitty, Doc.

James, Wilton.

Kids is always hurrying
someplace even in the heat.

Well, you be sure and
thank Lucy for me, Hootie.

Yeah, I will, Miss Kitty.

I will. Bye-bye.

Thank you, Doc, for the beer.

Don't mention it, Hootie.

(whistles loudly)

Come on! If you've got
the supplies in that wagon,

- we can get going.
- (boys clamoring)

Now, I hope you didn't forget
to get ten pounds of coffee,

- 'cause that's how much we need.
- Pa, we didn't get anything.

- Pa!
- Look at this holder here...

Pa, listen, you got to
know. Pa, now listen to me!

You got to know!

Wouldn't he give you nothing?


Well, what'd he say?

"Tell your father I can't
extend him no more credit."

Is that all he said?

Well, all right.

You boys, uh...

just go on home.

Go on.

What are we gonna...?

Go on home, like I say!

I mean, uh...

you'd better get
on back to the place

and take care of everything,

and I'll-I'll be along directly.

We could take the wagon,
cut some wood, maybe...

Mr. Purvis ain't
got no right to...

He's got a right!

He has got a right.

That don't matter.

Mr. Purvis will get
what's owing to him, and...

we'll get the supplies we need.

Now, you better go on out home.

Just go on.

Well, go on.

(theme music playing)


(whistles loudly)

Matt Dillon?

Oh, hello, Hootie.

Come on in.


Be through in a minute here.

Here, let me hold that
end of the slat for you.

Oh, thank you.

I'm not much of a carpenter,
but maybe this will hold up

till Red Mitchell
gets back on the job.

Why, is he drunk
and hollering again?

Oh, yeah.

You know, you don't even
need a calendar in Dodge,

as long as Red Mitchell gets
his paycheck first of every month.

(both laugh)

- How's Lucy and the kids?
- Oh, she's fine.

Here, let me get
this end for you.

Oh, thank you.

You know Lucy, Matt;
she never sits down.

And those kids, why, they're
just about as ornery as ever.

Well, you wouldn't want it
any different, would you?

No, no, no, they're
a great bunch of kids.

And Lucy, why, she's just...

Well, Matt...

Lucy ain't so good.

And the baby, Mary Lou...

She ain't been right
for a long time now,

and she ain't
getting any better.

Doc Adams was out there two
or three months ago to see her,

but the way everything
is with me, why,

I can't give her
the things he says.

She's poorly, Matt.

I-I think she's losing ground.

I tell you the truth, I'm...

just about at the
end of my string.

You know, when a man
can't even give his family

the right kind of food,
well, that's pretty bad.

What about the well?

I thought you'd hit it by now.

Ah, well, you was there.

You seen the mud
we was hauling away.

Anybody else would have
had a well before sundown,

but we dug 15 more feet
and ran into sandstone again.

It'll come in for you, Hootie.

I got to get that water, Matt.

My corn will go the
same as the cows if I don't.

Hootie, look.

Oh, no, no, no,
Matt, now, I-I couldn't.

I don't know when
I'd be able to pay you.

I want you to take it.

I'll tell you something else.

I'm not worried about
when I get it back.


Much obliged, Doc.

You're welcome.

My old guzzler was dry
as the inside of a anthill.


Draw us up another
beer here, will you?

Be with you in a minute, Festus.

Well, what are you looking for?

I had me a nickel
here someplace.

I wish I had me a nickel

for every time you've
looked for that one.

Smart aleck.

Look at that.

Ten-dollar gold piece?

Where in thunder'd you get that?

What? I got it for painting
Arnie Goontz's barn,

that's where.

Ten dollars for
painting a little old barn?

Little old barn, my foot!

That's the biggest
barn I've ever saw.

It took me pert near
three days to paint that,

and that's from
sunup till sundown!

I'll tell you this.

Ain't nobody can paint
a barn like a Haggen.

Now, you take my Uncle
Hogan "High Speed" Haggen.

He could paint a barn
before you could say

rabbit on a river
with a nice piece

of raw liver in his mouth and...

Hey, there's Hootie.

Have you seen
Mr. Purvis, have you?

- Howdy, Hootie.
- Haven't seen him.

Oh, howdy, Festus.

Howdy, Doc.

How are you, Hootie?

I just been looking
around for Mr. Purvis.

You ain't seen him, have you?


He's, uh...

not over in the
store, I guess, huh?

Well, no, he wasn't directly.

Uh... I got to see him.

Course, I don't reckon
he wants much to see me.

How much do you owe him, Hootie?

About $100.

See, he won't give
me no more credit.

But I can't blame him much.

I mean, after all, every man's
got to look out for his own.

Well, now, Hootie, I've...

I've always found Mr. Purvis
to be a reasonable man.

I think maybe if...

if you offered to hire out
one of your boys to him, he...

Yeah, well, uh, I talked
to him about that, Doc,

and he said if he needed any
help, why, he'd take on Wilton.

No, I, uh, happen to
have a little money,

and I figured if I give him
something on account, why...

Yeah, if you, if you just
give him a little bit, you know?

Uh, how much you got, Hootie?

Ten dollars.

Well, you got 20 now.

Oh, now, Festus, you work
hard for your money. I...

Oh, my foot!

Painting a little
old barn like that?

Why, sh**t, I painted
that in less than a day.

I didn't even hardly
get up a sweat.

And when old Arnie Goontz
laid his eyeballs on that,

he said, "Festus, I have never
saw a barn that's painted..."

- Festus.
- "...as good as..." What?

Hush up.


I got to be going, Doc.

Just wait a minute!

Like I said, Mr. Purvis has
always been a reasonable man.

Why don't you try
being the same way.

See you directly, Hootie.

SAM: Hootie?

Can I draw you a beer?

Howdy, Sam.

Well, uh, hello, Mr. Purvis.

Hootie, let-let's
not go into it again.

I told your boys.

Now, wait a minute, Mr. Purvis.

Uh, I hate to break in
on your eating this way,

but I've got some money for you.

There it is... $30.

All right.

That still leaves close to $67.

Yeah, well, I know
how much it is,

but, uh, I just need
a little bit more time

and I-I need them supplies.

Hootie, if I give you all the
things you had on that list,

you'd... you'd be right
up to $100 again, Hootie.

You pay this bill off,
you get more credit.

Yeah, well, now,
all right, but...

just let me tell
you what I need.

I can't do it, Hootie.

Nobody gives me them supplies.

Now, I got a family, too.

Now, you leave the $30.

You can have the
shovel and the pick handle

and some flour, but...

that's all I can do.

Well, now, Mr. Purvis, I
sure could use some coffee.

I said I'd give you the tools.

And some salt pork.

Please, Hootie.

Don't ask me for any more.

You're into me deeper
than you'll ever be able to...

All right!

You'll get your money.

And just the way you
want it... All in one piece.

I'll get you your money.

Don't worry.

(humming a tune)


Can't you see he ain't here?

Well, I just thought
he might be out in the...

Well, get your hands off!

Now, Thad, can't you
see that's wet paint?


What are you grinning about?

I'm not grinning.


Where's Doc?

He's out to Hootie
Kyle's place, working.

Some folks work, you know,

instead of standing around
asking silly questions.

Well, it just so happens it's
about Hootie Kyle that I'm here.

What about him?

Well, I can't find Matt, and I
thought maybe if I found Doc...

What about Hootie?

Well, I was over in the
Bull's Head a while ago,

and old Hootie's in there
drunker than a skunk.

And he's also stuck
in a poker game.

A poker game?

Uh-huh. And I know he
doesn't have a cent to his name.

Well, why didn't you
just get ahold of him,

yank him out of there?

Festus, I don't
even know the man.

He isn't about to pay
any attention to me.

All right, well, I'll go over
yonder and get him out.

Look out. Get out of the way.

Hootie never drinks more
than one beer at a time.

He ain't got a Indian
head penny to his name.

Who got him in... Look out.

Who got him into that
poker game, anyhow?

I don't know.

A big boy.

An eight.

A two.


Big boy bets.

King will bet a dollar.

Pot's right.

Pair of big boys.

An ace.



King's pair, bet.

Well, a pair of kings.

Well, bet five dollars.

I'll see the last
card for five dollars.

I fold.

Too much for me.

Pot's right.


Pair of fours to
go into the king.

Pair of eights.

King's the pair,
and four's the bet.

Well, I reckon two
kings and two fours

makes that the
winning hand, don't it?

Your bet.

Well, now, I haven't got any
more money in front of me.

I'm all in for
that pot as it is.

Table stakes, Dutch?

Not here. This is a open game.

Bet or check.

Your bet, mister.

Rules of the house.

Well, if I was to bet, I...

I mean, I'll-I'll bet $20.

That's a good bet.

I don't see any
money hitting the table.

Listen, mister, I
don't need no money.

I got a farm.

You give me time,
and I can raise...

Bet him or check him.

All right, then, I'll
just check to you.

'Cause that pot's all right with
me just the way she's laying.

Thirty dollars.

Kings and fours.

That's the winning hand now.

You just, you just beat
that hand or that pot's mine.

I don't care anything
about your $30.

Not likely.

Call the bet or fold.

What do you mean, fold?

House rules, mister.

Now, look, you ain't got
no third eight in that hole.

Or if you have, you
would've never dealt that card.

(Festus muttering)

Hootie, now, you hadn't
ought to be in this game...

Just a minute, just
a minute, Festus!

- Yeah, but, look...
- Just a minute!

Look at this here hand here.

I got two kings and two
fours. Now just a minute here.

And I'm saying to you,
Mr. Tenner Jackson,

if you got three
eights in that hand,

you never got them in no deal.

I ain't been dealing, mister.

Anybody see me palm a card?

$30's the bet.

You know I ain't
got no $30 here.

- Guess the pot's mine.
- Now, wait a minute.

Hold on there.

Hey, Dutch,

I got that rig of mine
out there, you know...

I don't need no rig.

Sorry, friend, I'm not in
the market for a wagon.

Listen, I...


- Festus, I got to raise $30 on that rig.
- I ain't got no money.

Now, Hootie, you
better just get on out...

Nah, nah, Festus!

- I got to have $30!
- Come on.

- Get on out of here.
- Look at this hand here, Festus!

Thad, help me
get him out of here.

Now, just a minute
here! Let me alone!

Kings over fours... that's a
winning hand in any stud game.

You're stealing a man's money.

You never got three eights!

If you got another eight there,

you picked it out of
somewhere, mister!

- Let's get out of here.
- You let go of me!

Thad, hold it! That's
my hand in there!

He stole my hand!

- I got that winning hand!
- THAD: Come on, Hootie.

HOOTIE: I tell
you, that's my hand!

Dutch, I'd ought to stomp you

for filling him up
on that hooch.

Well, I ain't no keeper.

He come in, wanted a bottle.

Well, he's a growed man.

Ah, you'd ought to
have knowed better.

Friend, I got me a
idea that Marshal Dillon

will want to have a talk with
you when he gets back to town.

That's fine, friend.

But just so we'll know
what we're talking about.


You was a-bluffin' him.

HOOTIE: All right, Thad!

Let me go. I won't
go back in there.


Now, you, Festus, siding
with them people in there.

Nobody was siding with nobody!

Nobody was cheating
you in there. He was...

I had two kings and two fours.

Hootie, he was a-bluffin' you.

He was a-bluffin' you.

I don't believe he
was bluffing me.

He cheated me.

No, don't you understand, he...

I ain't gonna let
it pass, Festus.

- Hootie...
- Did you hear what I said?

I ain't gonna let it pass!

Now, you better
listen. (stutters)

Honest, he was a-bluffin' you.

He didn't have no three eights.

Hootie, listen to me.
Did you hear me?

(whistles loudly)

He didn't have no three eights!

If that don't make
you want a dip of snuff.

Ten of them dollars was mine!

What's he mean, he
ain't gonna let it pass?

I don't know, but he'd ought to
soak his head in Squaw Creek

and cool off.

Ten dollars.

In gold!


He lost it gambling, huh?

Every cent of it, Doc.

Well, if he lost it, he lost it.

Lucy needing help like she
does and them kids hungry...

What in thunder's the
matter with Hootie anyway?

Well, it seems he
needed more than $30.

Well, tell you what.

You go over to Jonas's
and get some, uh...

well, just get whatever a
hungry family needs, that's all.

And tell Jonas
put it on my bill.

Sure thing, Doc.

Oh, and, Thad, you... you
better get ahold of Festus

and have him help you load
up and take the stuff out there.

And just...

well, just tell Lucy it's
part of the treatment.

- That's all.
- Right.

I'll be glad to leave this town.


We're so rich.

Have some supper.

How much money do you figure

will be on that stage
tomorrow, Squeak?

I don't know.

Sight more than
we got, put together.

One of these days, we'll hit one

carrying enough to last
us more than a few weeks.

Yeah, if we're lucky.

Speaking of luck.

No luck to his winning.

Old Tenner's one
smart gambling man.

He must've won a couple
hundred or better just today.

Well, I guess off and on,

I've dropped a fair piece
of change in his poke.


I'll bet there's not a
drop of your sweat

on any part of his money.

I never did cotton to that man.

He ain't so bad, Harmon.

Yeah, but you tell that
to that scruffy old farmer.

He'd like to see old Tenner's
hide tacked to his barn.




- (whistles loudly)
- (horse neighs)

Hold up there, Tenner!

Better put that away, old man.

You just throw your leg
over that horse and get down.

Now... I want my $30.

Man can't afford to lose

ought to have better sense
than to get in a poker game.

Yeah, well, I
didn't lose nothing.

That money was stole from me.

Why steal what a
fool will give away?

Yeah, well, never mind that.

I'll just take that $30.

Another thing I
can't afford to do

is argue with a stubborn man.

Now, just a minute.

Get them hands up there.

Now, I'll get that money.




Mr. Tenner.

This just ain't your day.

(men chattering)


Whoa, whoa.



Mercy, mercy, mercy.

How did this...?

You can just quit
what you're thinking.

Hootie was mad enough...

I said quit.

You get that buggy and
take them vittles on over

to Hootie's place, and I'll
try to get him back to town.

And don't say nothing
to Lucy, hear me?

I won't.

Matthew, it could've been
any one of them Jaspers

who seen Tenner
win that poker game.

That's right.

Well, I sure ain't gonna
believe that it was...

Well, neither am I.

Not unless I know a
lot more than I do now.

It don't look good, does it?

No, it doesn't.

You know something, Matthew?

It ain't gonna be
easy to tell Lucy.

Well, no need to
tell her, Festus.

Not yet.

You know, Matthew, I
never have saw it to fail,

but the minute a fella
gets flat on his back,

well, sure enough,
somebody stomps on him.

Well, it may be his own fault
for staying down on his back.

Well, you can't mean Hootie,

'cause I haven't ever
saw a man work as hard.

DILLON: Well, I'd
hate to think it was him.

Well, if that don't tie the pup.

I expect you want
to see me, Matt.

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do.

Matter of fact, I was about
to ride out to your place.

Yeah, well, I guess you already
seen Tenner Jackson, huh?

Yeah, we've seen him, all right.

Yeah, well, I didn't
mean him no harm.

I just wanted to
get back that $30.

And that's all, and here it is.

It's his and he can have it.

Well, I know it don't
square things up any.

Tenner Jackson
wants to press charges,

why, that's his right;
he can go and do it.

I'll take what's coming to me.

Meantime, why, you can
find me out at my place,

'cause I got a lot of
things to tend to out there.


Tenner Jackson is dead.

Well... he wasn't.

I-I mean, when we
was out there, he, uh...

well, he-he come at
me and my g*n went off.

He had, he had a hold of
me, but the shot went wide.

And, uh...

uh, next thing
was I-I hit him...

and then I took that $30.

But that's all.

Well, just $30?

Well, there was a
pocketbook full of money, but...

I only took that $30
he took off of me.

Why, you remember,
Festus; y-you give me ten of it.

Well, I-I know I
did, Hootie, but...

Now, wait a minute.

Matt, you know very well

I couldn't k*ll nobody.

No, I don't think
you could, Hootie.

Not if you knew
what you were doing.

But maybe you didn't
know what you were doing.

I know I didn't k*ll him!

He wasn't even wearing a g*n.

Now, he had a g*n.

I seen that.

We couldn't find no
g*n no place, Hootie.

He had a g*n!

I'm telling you he had!

The money could have
blown away, disappeared,

but not a g*n, Hootie.

Well, I don't know
anything about the money.

Except that $30 I took.

Well, I don't know
what this is all about,

but until I find out, I'm
gonna have to lock you up.

I'll take your g*n belt.


Come on, Hootie.

This here's the
better bed, Hootie.


(door closes)



Poor Lucy.


(chickens clucking)


takes a loaded g*n to
go through that again.

I figured she'd carry
on something awful,

but she's a fine woman.

She knows you was just
a-doin' your job, Matthew.

Yeah, I wish she, I wish
she had have carried on.

All she did was stand
there and stare at me.

When I got through
telling her the story,

she said, "I know my man, and
I know he couldn't k*ll anybody."

She's bound to feel
that way after 20 years.

But then, sh**t, you... wasn't
nothing else you could do.

You're just doing your job.

DILLON: Hootie, you
understand that I'm on your side.

I want to do anything
I can to help you.

But you've got to remember.

At the trial, it could
make the difference

between whether you hang or not.

Now, if the jury thinks

that you didn't
mean to k*ll Jackson,

if they think that
maybe he did something,

provoked you in some way...

No, no, no, Matt, I can't.

You want me to say he threatened
me, come at me with a g*n.

You didn't even
find a g*n out there.

There was a fight.

My g*n went
off... Didn't get him.

That's the story.

All right, why don't
you go eat your supper.

I told you the truth, Matt.

That's all I can tell a jury.


(door closes)

But thank you.

- Hootie, you in the holding?
- Hold it, Festus!

- What, what are you...?
- Now move!

- What are you doing?
- Move on in there!

- Get in there.
- Hootie, what in tarna...?!

Festus, they came in here
asking to see their pa, and when I...

- Well, now, you can't do...
- We ain't letting Pa hang.

You put them g*ns down!

You're looking like outlaws!

They're good boys, Festus,
and they know I didn't k*ll nobody!

Let's go, Pa, now!

Hootie, this here
ain't no way to...

After Pa's on the end of a rope,
there wouldn't be no right way!

He's a long way from
being on the end of a rope.

- But you go pulling something...
- Get that gag on him!

We don't mean to hurt nobody.

We're just getting out
of the territory, clean out!

Somebody else ought
to be here, not me.

Have you gave
any thought to Lucy,

what it's gonna
do to these boys?

Yeah. I can't do my
family no good if'n I'm dead.

We can't let our pa hang.

Not for something he didn't do.

Come on, let's
get on out of here.

I'm sorry about this, Festus.

(muffled): We'll be
coming after you, Hootie.

I know it.


(Festus mumbling)

What happened?! Where's Hootie?!

Just what it looks
like it is, Matthew.

Wilton and James
came in after him.

- How long ago?
- 20 or 30 minutes ago.

They took off in
Hootie's old wagon.

Shouldn't be too hard to track.

- Here.
- Came in here half scared to death.

Get the horses, Festus.


Give me the knife. Come
on, give me the knife.

Give me that. Come on.


Aw, Pa. It's no use.

The thr-threads are stripped,
and it won't stay on now.

We should've stuck
to the main roads.

The wagon won't work no more!

We couldn't stick
to no main roads.

Matt Dillon would be after us.

Old Prince nearly went down
when we lost the wheel, Pa.

Yeah, but he didn't go down.

He run right along.

I reckon he'd run just
about as far as I'd tell him.

We got to get us
some riding horses now.

Where we going, Pa?

On up into Wyoming,
maybe into Montana.

Get us a fresh start.

What about Ma and the kids?

They'll be all right.

We'll send for them when we can.

They'll be all right.

You think they'll have a
posse out after us, Pa?

Yeah, I reckon.

Hey, Pa...

Codge Collier's place
is right over that ridge.

He's got a fine
string of horses.

Yeah, well...

we'll just borrow some of
Codge's riding stock, and...

later on, we can pay him.

It looks like they're still
headed on up, Matthew.


I don't see how you can tell

with all these
tracks around here.

Ah, fiddle, the way one of
them childrens runs down behind,

I can follow him through
a buffalo stampede.

(men clicking tongues, grunting)

Hold on, boys!

It's all right. I'm
a U.S. Marshal.

What's happened here?

A holdup, Marshal...
A try at one, anyways.

Lucky this fella knew
how to handle a g*n.

Was he alone?

No, there were three
of them, Marshal.

Any of your other
passengers hurt?

Just shaken up some.

Well, what about the other two?

They headed north.

They turned over the
stage and cut our team loose

to give theirselves time.

Matthew, this here's
one of them fellers

in the poker game
with Hootie and Tenner.

You sure?

Of course I'm sure.

Look... look here at
this wad of money.


Well, how about this?

That there's my
ten-dollar gold piece.

(chuckles) Festus,
you got any idea

how many ten-dollar gold
pieces there are around?

There's mighty few of
them that's speckled with red

- like that one.
- What do you mean?

Well, that there's paint
off old Arnie Goontz's barn,

when I painted it.

Looks like Hootie's
telling the truth, don't it?

We got to get some food, Pa.

We should've thought to
bring some beans, something.

I'd just settle for some
sleep, just a hour's worth.

Ah, we got about another
half a day's ride north.

Then we'll get plenty of sleep.

You think we'll lose
them by then, huh, Pa?

Yeah, I think we'll lose them.

They'll be hard to lose, Pa.

We saw them at sunup no
more than a half a day back.

What do you think,
they're gonna take me?

Unless we stop them.

There's gonna be none
of that, you understand?

Can't let them
take you back, Pa.


Pa, come here. Come here, Pa.

I told you. I told
you, they're here.

Now, wait a minute.
Put that g*n down.

There ain't gonna
be no sh**ting.

We ain't gonna let
them take you back, Pa.

All right, now, don't
start getting so bravo.

Let me look.

It ain't the law, anyway.

Just a couple of cowhands

stopping at that
water hole down there.

Down yonder.

It's Dillon and them deputies
that's been following us.

That's the law.


Let's move.

Hey, hey, what are
them cowhands doing?

Them ain't cowhands.

They're laying for the marshal.

They're heading this way.


Looks like it, don't it?

They'll take care of them first.

Come on, Pa, let's go north.

No more looking back.


These horses ain't
Hootie's horses.

Could belong to them two
fellers who followed him.

Let's take some cover.

- Hootie!
- (g*nf*re)

Festus, you and Thad
circle around that way.

I'll cover you.

(g*nf*re continues)

(g*nf*re continues)

You get the marshal.
I'll get the other two.


(g*nf*re continues)




All right, hold it!

It's all over! Hold it!

I'll say it's all
over. Pa is dying.

All right, throw the g*n
down. We'll get him to a doctor.

It's too late for that, Marshal.

But nobody's gonna
hang him, so you stay back.

Now, Hootie, you
got to talk to your boys

and tell them, make
them understand.

If you'd have obeyed the law,
none of this would've happened.

Now, do you want
them to suffer for it?

Throw down that g*n, James.

Go on, do like I say.

Throw it down.



Hello, Matt.


you go easy on
these boys, will you?

They ain't got much sense,

but they're pretty
good old boys.

I know they are, Hootie.

I'll do everything
I can for them.

Now, James, you tell your ma...

Oh, Pa! (sniffles)


ANNOUNCER: Stay tuned for
scenes from next week's Gunsmoke.
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