10x27 - The Lady

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

10x27 - The Lady

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


- Hi, boys.
- Whoa!

Inside, everybody.
Coffee's waiting on the table.

We'll be leaving in 20 minutes.

Thank you.

I wish he'd stop looking at me.

Just ignore him.

How long before we get to Dodge?

I don't know.

I'm going to ask the
driver when he comes in.

Give me a couple
plates of that stew.

Have some stew, ladies.

That's very kind
of you, Mister...?

Hare. Sam Hare.


Go on.

No, thank you. I'm not hungry.

Well, it'll... just go to waste.

I have to pay for it anyway.

It's good.

Go ahead.

You're very generous, Mr. Hare.

HARE: That's better.

I've been watching the two
of you since we left Tulsa.

You ain't hardly eaten
enough to keep a bird alive.

Neither one of you.

Oh, would you excuse
me a moment, please?

- I want to speak to the driver.
- Sure. Sure.

Don't be afraid of me, miss.

I'm just a harmless
old whiskey drummer.

I'm not afraid.

I know I ain't the... the
best-looking fella in the world,

but... I could see that you
two were kind of hard up,

and I just wanted
to be neighborly.

You've made that
very clear, Mr. Hare.

- Now, if you'll excuse me...
- Uh, uh... wait a minute.

Wh-What'd I do wrong?

I was just trying
to be friendly.

Look... I know you is a lady.

I could tell that the
minute I seen you.

Maybe I'm not like the
gentlemen you're used to,

but, miss... this
isn't New Orleans,

this is the Kansas prairie,

and if I ain't wrong, you're
gonna need some help.

- Please.
- Oh, sure, sure.

But look, when you get to
Dodge, if you need a friend,

you look me up... Sam Hare?

Sam Hare?

Uh, thank you,
driver, very much.

What did he do?

It's all right.

I'm sorry, I never should
have left you alone with him.

How long is it going to
be before we get there?

Just 48 hours, and we
will be in Dodge City.

That at least passes
for civilization.

What good is that going to do
if we don't have any money left?

We'll get the money, child,
don't you worry about that.

One way or another,
we will get money.


I have been everywhere.

The restaurants don't
use women as waitresses,

and the laundries
are all Chinese.


Beggars can't be choosers.

I wish there was
something I could do.

The problem is, I have to be
careful where I ask for work.

If the hotel finds out that
we don't have any money,

they'll throw us
out in the street.

Well, how long can we stay
here before they ask for payment?

I don't know.

Aunt Hattie, I'm scared.

That makes two of us.

Don't give up hope.

I'll be right back.

(door opens)

(door closes)

- Morning, Miss Silks.
- Good morning.

I was, uh, asking
about you earlier,

and the clerk said
you'd been out

and your niece
was still sleeping.

If you don't mind,
I'm in a great hurry...

No, I... don't want
to hold you up.

I just thought maybe I could
buy you and the girl some lunch.

I know you're a little
short of money, and, uh...

Mr. Hare, my niece
and I would be delighted

if you would not concern
yourself with our welfare.


Sure, I... I'm just
trying to be friendly.

I appreciate that.

Now, as I said before, I am
late for a business appointment.

You will excuse me, please.

(knocking on door)

- Miss Russell?
- Yes?

I was told that I
might find you here.

My name is Silks.
Henrietta Silks.

And what can I do
for you, Miss Silks?

Well, on the contrary,

I think there's something
I might do for you.

- Really?
- I could explain it better

if I could persuade you to
step out here for a moment.

Well, uh, all right.

(indistinct chatter,
laughter downstairs)

Look down there.


Well, do you see the
young men at the bar,

with the girls,
laughing and talking

and having a good time...
They're spending money, right?

That's the purpose
of this place.

In some instances, Miss Russell,

the purpose is
not being fulfilled.

I'm afraid I don't
understand what you mean.

Well, look at that
table down there.

There are older men like that,

Miss Russell,
all over the world,

men who are lonely,
and they're ill at ease

with younger women.

They need companionship just
as much as those young men do.

Do you understand?

I'm beginning to.

If those men were
made to feel important,

if they could be understood
by someone their own age,

I'll bet that they'd spend more
money than the youngsters do.

Miss Silks, are you
asking me for a job?

That is precisely
what I'm doing.


Is that important?

In this case, yes.

Eight months ago, my
sister died in New Orleans.

I'm taking my
niece to California,

and we seem to
be short of funds.

Surely there must be
somebody in your family...

The family was completely
wiped out in the w*r,

along with the family fortune.

Liz and I are the
sole survivors.

(Kitty sighs)

Miss Silks, I'm...
I'm not in the habit

of lending money to strangers...

Oh, uh, thank you very
much, Miss Russell,

but I prefer to do it my way.

Now, you do admit
that there's some truth

in what I said... You
could use me here.

I'd hate to do this
to you, Miss Silks.

My friends call me Hattie.

If I were a weak
woman, Miss Russell,

I'd have been dead long ago.

All right, Hattie...
you're hired.

You come on back
along about... 6:00,

and I'll fill you in.

You're very generous,
Miss Russell.

It's been a pleasure
meeting you.

The pleasure was mine.

(lively piano music playing)

Her name is Hattie Silks,

and she was on her way
to California with her niece,

and she's broke.

- Well, isn't she a little, uh...
- Well, yeah,

maybe just a little, but, uh,
she tried everyplace else.


Kitty, you always
were a soft touch.

Don't kid yourself...
She's earned her keep.

Charlie Hodgkiss has
bought more liquor tonight

than he has in
the last six months,

and he hasn't picked
a fight with anybody.

I think I'll go home.

(laughs): Ah...

What do you think of that?

Charlie on his way home
under his own power,

and no swearing or nothin'.

Kitty, if I hadn't have seen
it, I wouldn't have believed it.

I'll be back tomorrow.

I'll be here. (laughs)

(laughs): Whoa!

Excuse me, honey,
I didn't see... you.

Well... well, well.

If it isn't... Miss
Silk, the great lady...

from New Orleans.

How are you, Henrietta?

How do you know my name?

I saw it at the Dodge House

where you're registered
with a great flourish.

I do everything with
a flourish, Mr. Hare.

Excuse me, please.

Boy, you sure had me fooled.

"Mr. Hare, my niece
and I would appreciate it

if you would stop concerning
yourself with our welfare."

Why don't you go to
the bar and have a drink.

You and your highfalutin
airs and your grand talk.

Y-You're nothing but
a cheap saloon woman.

Where's your niece,
Henrietta? Out in the street?

HARE: You're
nothin' but a cheap...

Hold on, now, Jud, hold on.

Leave me be, Marshal.
He's got it coming to him.

I know, but we
don't want to k*ll him.

That's enough.

- All right, get up.
- Marshal! Marshal...

that man... that man hit me.

Yeah, that's only
'cause he got to you first.

Now, get out of here
while you can still walk.

You all right, ma'am?

I'm all right,
Marshal. Thank you.

KITTY: Are you sure?

We met Mr. Hare
on the way into town.

I'm afraid he doesn't...

take rejection
very well; I'm sorry.

It sure wasn't
your fault, ma'am.

(quiet laugh)

When you get mad, you
get mad all over, don't you?

(laughs): Yeah, I reckon I do.

May I buy you a drink?

I'd be honored.

If it's all right
with Miss Russell.

Please do. (chuckles)

My name's Justin Briar.
Most folks just call me Jud.

I'm Henrietta Silks. My
friends call me Hattie.

Sure is a pleasure, ma'am.

Well, won't you sit down, Jud?

Bring us another bottle, Sam.

Jud, do you live here in Dodge?

No, ma'am, I...

I got a little cattle ranch
a few miles south of here.

Ah. Big family?

Just me.

My wife died 12 years ago.

I'm sorry.

She was a good woman, Hattie.

I'm sure she was.

Thank you, Sam.

Let's talk about you.

What are you doing here?

Well, it's very simple, Jud.

I'm broke.

Oh, that sure is a shame.

You'll be staying
in Dodge, then?

Only till I get enough money
to continue on to California.

And what's in California?

Well, the most
civilized city in the world.

I've heard.

San Francisco.

I have friends in San Francisco.

And I'm hoping that the
world will look a little brighter,

if I can get there.

Well, it'll be a little darker in
Dodge, ma'am, when you leave.

But here's to your success.

Why, thank you, Jud.

(speaks indistinctly)

Good morning.

You waiting for somebody?

I'm waiting to go
shopping with my aunt.

I been, uh, away for a few days.

Been up to... Elkader.

I'm back now.

I'll be here... till Friday.

How nice.

I'll be working days

but my nights'll
be free and I...

I-I thought maybe,

with your aunt working
over at the Long Branch,

and you being alone,
maybe you'd, uh,

like to go out and
have some fun.

What about it?

If you don't mind,

I think I'll wait for
my aunt outside.

Now wait a minute.

Now, I know that...

you think I'm some
kind of salesman...

on the make,
but that ain't true.

Now, I don't care
about your-your aunt

working over at the
Long Branch or what...

you do, I-I ain't asking
any questions, but

I'm willing to make a
home for you and I and...

Well, you ought
to think about it.

Excuse me.



I just can't decide.

Take them both.

Oh, well, I couldn't.

Why, of course you can.

Would you pack
them for us, please?

And the gloves, too.

Yes, ma'am.

I'll get a very
special box for them.

- Oh, Aunt Hattie.
- (laughs)

You are so good to me.

Nonsense, you deserve it.

You have had a very bad time.

I don't know what in the
world I'd do without you.

Go and pick up the change.


Buy it. It's very becoming.


Do you really think I should?

I certainly do.

You know, if you spent
one-tenth on yourself

that you spend on
the niece of yours...

I remember what it's...
was like when I was her age.

I still say you spoil her.

I suppose I do.

(both laugh)

I, um...

I noticed that, uh, Jud
Briar wasn't in last night.

It's the first night he's missed

since you've been at work.

He's fixing up his house today.

He's gonna take me
over to see it later.


Kitty, there is
nothing between us.

We are just friends,
nothing more.

If you say so.

I say you ought to buy the hat.

All right, I will. (laughs)

Hello, Miss Russell.

Hello, Liz.

Say, Hattie, is Liz going
with you today, out to Jud's?

Well, I don't know. Would
you like to come along?

You're going to Jud's?

Well, just to see
the house, dear.

Well, I'm sorry, I...

I just thought Liz could
go shopping with me

if she was gonna be alone.

You didn't tell me you
were going to Jud's.

You're perfectly welcome
to come along with us.

Jud is very fond of
you, you know that.

N-No, I-I think
I'll stay in town.

Liz, is there some reason
why you don't want me to go?

No, no, no.

What possible
reason could there be?

I don't know, that's...

You go and enjoy yourself.

You've earned it.

Thank you for the
invitation, Miss Russell,

but I think I'll go
back to the hotel.

Well, what are you
going to do at the hotel?

Thank you for the
presents, Aunt Hattie.

I'm afraid I hurt her feelings
by not inviting her earlier.

You don't really think
that, do you, Hattie?



Jud, you mean this is all yours,
all the way back to the gate?

As ranches go,
Hattie, it's not very big.

Oh, it seems awfully big to me.


I want you to close your
eyes for a minute now.

(laughs): All right.

You can look now.

Well, there she is.

What do you think of her?

Oh, Jud, you know what I think.

It's beautiful; you
must be very proud.

I had a feeling
you might like it.

But you said you raised cattle.

I don't see any.

(laughs) Cattle don't
stay around the house,

they way out on the prairie.

Well, I don't know very
much about cattle. (laughs)

Jud, I don't see how
you get everything done.

Well, to start with, you
have to go to bed early

and get up before daylight.

Well, you haven't done
very much of that lately.

Not exactly.

Well, you want to
get a closer look?

I do.

Some more bread, Hattie?

No, thank you, Jud.

Imagine your getting
up early this morning

and baking that bread yourself.

When a man lives alone,

he learns to do
for himself, Hattie.

Yes, I can see that.

- I'll get some hot coffee.
- Oh, no, Jud.

No, let me.

Jud? Is something wrong?

Marry me, Hattie.

Marry me.

You've seen the place,
you know what it's like.

You've got some
idea of what I'm like.

Well, what about it?

Take your time. Think it over.


You're a fine woman.

I'll be proud of you...

all my days, if you'll have me.

Oh, Jud, I'm so proud you
asked me, but I can't leave Liz.

Oh, I'm not asking
you to leave her.

I want you both
to stay here. I...

I want to make a
home for both of you.

Liz can stay here
as long as she wants.

I-I know you got your
mind set on California,

but California's just a
place... It don't mean nothing

unless you share it
with somebody you love.

I know.

This place ain't meant
nothing to me for a long time.

Till you came along.


Oh, Jud.

You-You can explain
to Liz, can't you?

You can make her see.

I'll make Liz see.

Oh, Jud, of course
I'll marry you.

You can't!

I can and I will.

He's a good-for-nothing
dirt farmer.

You hold your
tongue, young lady.

He is the best man
I ever met in my life

and I don't intend to let you
say anything against him.

Well, he's ruined everything.

You promised we wouldn't stop
until we got to San Francisco.

Liz... San Francisco is a dream.

How can you say that?

After everything we planned?

You want me stuck out
here in the wilderness.

What am I gonna do?

Who will I talk to?

I'll still be there.

But it won't be
any good anymore.

Oh, Aunt Hattie, please.

Please don't do
this to me, please.

Liz... Liz, I love you.

I have done my best for you.

I've done a lot of
things that I didn't even

have much stomach for.

But that's all over now.

We have a good
man and a good home

and I think we ought
to thank God for both.

Darling, I'm late for work.

We'll talk about
this in the morning.

(grunts, yells)


Mr. Hare?

I need your help.

You've got to
listen to reason, Liz.

You've got to listen to reason.

It just ain't that easy.

Mr. Hare, ever since we
met, you've been telling me

what a good friend you'd
be if ever I needed you.

- Yes, I know.
- Well, I need you now.

And the first thing I ask of
you you tell me is impossible.

Well, you just don't know
what you're asking, Liz.

Yes, I do and I know
you can deliver it.

You're a salesman. You told
everybody on that stagecoach

that you worked
every town in Kansas.

Well, if you work
that much territory,

then you know where to
find the kind of man I want.

- I don't, Liz. I d...
- Yes, you do.

I know you do.

Who do you want k*lled?

Jud Briar.

That... big farmer

that's been hanging
around your aunt?

That's right.

Well, I don't understand.

Oh... I see.

If she marries him, you have
to go out on the farm and live.



And hoe corn... (laughing)

And slop pigs... (laughing)

And turning out the wash!


Have you quite finished?

I want to help you, Liz.

Before I take a
chance, a thing like this,

I want to know
what I'm doing it for.

Well, Jud Briar
beat you, didn't he?


I'm not gonna have
him k*lled for that.

For what then?

I like, um, pretty things, Liz.

I've got, uh, more money
than most people think.

Enough to buy us a
big house in St. Louis.


I want to marry you, Liz.

What about it?

I want Jud Briar dead.

I... It'll take a
couple of days. I...

have to send a
telegram to Wichita.

(door opens)

(door shuts)

He's here.

I see.

Name's Pate.

Ray Pate.

Where do I meet him?

Room 52. I made a reservation.

When can I talk to him?

As soon as he's
sure it's not a trap.

Well, how do we do that?

Well, you have to write
him a note. "Dear Mr. Pate,

I want to meet you on a
matter of urgent business."

Then sign your name...
Elizabeth Beaumont.

Why should I have to
associate myself with him at all?

Oh, listen, Liz, he's in
a dangerous business.

Now, you've-you've got
to prove you're on the level

by sharing some of the risk.

How will he know my signature?

Oh, he's a professional, Liz.

He'll check, uh, your
name on the hotel register.

Now, you'll get the note back
as soon as he gets the money.

It's his only protection.

All right.

Sign your name.

Now what?

I'll give him the
note, uh, personal.

The rest is up to you. When
do you want to meet him?



After Hattie goes to work.

Now, we had a deal, remember?

It had to do with a
house in St. Louis,

not a hotel room in Dodge.

Okay, Liz.

I can wait.

PATE: Come in.

Close it.

What'd he do?

Take up with another woman?


Your husband.

It's not my husband.

Well, that's a switch, anyway.

What's his name?

Jud Briar.

He's a rancher.

He come into town much?

Every day, to see my aunt.

He's going to marry her.

And you're against it.

They want me to go out
there and work my head off.

Well, you don't have to go.

I have no money.

No money?

My aunt works.

I've never had to.


Well, you're lucky.

When I work, Miss
Beaumont, my fee is $500.

For sh**ting one
b*llet out of that g*n?

It's not quite that easy.

What could be easier?

He's never armed.

I'm a gunman, Miss
Beaumont, not a m*rder*r.

I'll have to get him
to put on a g*n,

then I'll have to
get him to draw first.

Got to be a fair fight.

I never spent a day in jail in
my life, and I don't intend to.

I'll get your money.

Where are you going
when this is over?

Out to Colorado.

I was on my way to California.

Maybe we could travel together.

Miss Beaumont, you
got yourself a deal.

When will it be?

I don't know.

Like I say,

I got to get him
to put on a g*n.

(crickets chirping)

Excuse me, ma'am.

You Hattie Silks?

- Yes.
- I'm Ray Pate.

I'm a friend of Jud Briar.

He told me I'd probably find you
at Delmonico's with your niece.

Well, she's back at the
hotel. Is something wrong?

I'm afraid there is, ma'am.

Jud was kicked by a
horse this afternoon.

Is he hurt badly?

Well, he's in some pain.

He wanted me to explain
he wouldn't be able

to get into town
to see you tonight.

Look, um, a-are
you from the ranch?

I'm kind of a neighbor, ma'am.

Could you take me
out there, please?

If it's not too much trouble.

It'd be my pleasure, ma'am.

My buggy's right down the alley.

Oh, thank you very much.

Who did this to you, Hattie?

Uh... He was a stranger?

He said that... he was, um, a...

a friend of Jud's,
and then he beat me.

Did he say why?

Uh, he said I was to tell Jud

what he done to me and then, uh,

that, uh, Jud could...

come into town and
he'd... be looking for him.

What'd this man look like?

Marshal, why would he...

why would he want to beat me?

If he has... a grudge

against Jud, why doesn't
he just get on his horse

and go out to the
ranch and face Jud?

HATTIE: Please...

Well, Hattie, I'm sure there
was more to it than just a grudge.

This man was probably
a hired gunman.

What do you mean?

He wants Jud to put on a
g*n and come looking for him.

Then he can k*ll Jud
and claim self-defense.

Why would anybody
want to hurt Jud?

I don't know.

Now, Hattie, if this
man was a professional,

he must've given you his name.

Otherwise Jud wouldn't
know who to go looking for.

He said... I wasn't
to mention his name

or else something
might... happen to Liz.

He said he wasn't...

working alone and
that I shouldn't...

talk to the law.

Oh, excuse me.

She doesn't look
as bad as I expected.

She going out to see Jud?

She's going out to see him,

but she's not gonna
tell him who beat her.

What's she want to see him for?

She wants to tell him
before someone else does.

She wants him to
see she's all right.

But if she doesn't tell him,
Pate's scheme won't work.

Don't worry.

If I have to, I'll tell Jud

Hattie said Pate's
name in her sleep.

But I'm betting Jud
will change her mind.

Hattie, you've got no
right to keep it from me.

I have every right.

I love you, Jud. I don't
want to see you k*lled.

Nobody's gonna k*ll me.

The marshal sees it differently.

He thinks whoever did
this to me simply wants you

to put on a g*n
and go and find him.

Hattie, listen to me.

You're my woman now.

It's my job to protect you.

That man who hurt you,

he's daring me to
come out and fight.

If I don't, everybody's
gonna brand me a coward.

I don't care what
everybody says!

I know you're not a coward!

Listen to me.

Maybe it takes more courage
not to go out and find him, Jud.

If it was just a question of
that, maybe you'd be right.

But unless somebody
stops that man now,

he's gonna go on
beating up women

and gunning down
helpless citizens

until somewhere,
somebody stops him!

You may be right, Jud,
you may be right all the way,

but nothing...
under God's blue sky

is going to make me
let you go out there

and get yourself k*lled,
and that is all there is to it.

Where are you going?

I'm going to town... If
somebody's looking for me,

I'm gonna give him
a chance to find me.

Oh, Jud, you can't. You mustn't.

Hattie, now, listen to
me, you had your say,

now I'm gonna have mine:

I'm going into town.

Now, you can come along with
me, or you can stay here alone,

whichever you like.

But I'm going. Now,
which is it gonna be?

Hank says he rode in
a couple of days ago

on a Sorrel gelding.

Oh, sure, I know
who he is, Marshal.

Uh, Pate, I think
he called himself.

Here, wait a minute. Let's see.

Yeah, here it is: Ray Pate.

Uh, room 52.

- He up there now?
- No, he isn't, Marshal.

He was sitting out in front
when I come back from lunch.

- Show me which one he is, will you?
- Sure thing, Marshal.

Well, howdy, Matthew.

Hey, I brung down that
Sorrel gelding you wanted.

- He's tied right out yonder.
- Thanks, Festus.

Golly Bill, it sure don't pay

to do nobody favors around here.

You Ray Pate?

That's right, Marshal.

How come I haven't seen
you around Dodge before?

I live quietly.

No trouble to anybody.

Get up.

Anything I can do
for you, Marshal?

Who hired you to
take care of Jud Briar?

I don't know any Jud Briar.

Pate, I want you
out of town right now.

There's your horse.

You're in a real hurry,
ain't you, Marshal?

You get on that
horse and you ride out.

And don't try to
look up Jud Briar.

I see you in town
after 20 minutes,

I'll k*ll you on sight.

You don't mind if I pack my
saddlebag and pay my bill?

Just make it fast.


Keep an eye on him... be sure
he gets out of town, will you?

You can depend on me, Matthew.

Where are you going?

I'm leaving.

But you can't! We had a deal.

You better keep your voice
down; you may find yourself in jail.


The marshal just
ordered me out of town.

And you're going,
just like that?

Honey, I'm not taking on
Matt Dillon even for you.

And what about Jud Briar?

Be a sport, honey, let him live.

You better watch
that temper of yours.

It's gonna get you in
trouble one of these days.


(Hattie gasps)

That's him, ain't it?

Jud, please.

Stay here.

You looking for
somebody, sodbuster?

I'm looking for you.

- Well, you found me.
- That's right, I have.

You got a quarrel
with me, mister,

you better put on a g*n.

I don't fight with g*ns.

I don't fight any
other way, sodbuster.

Mister, you ain't got a choice.

I'll drop you where you stand.

No, you won't.

You won't sh**t an unarmed man.

You're right, sodbuster.

Some other time.

What is this?

- Hattie?
- Yes?

This here the feller
that beat up on you?


It appears to me like old Jud's

got some settling
up to do with you.

I got 20 years on him.

Mister, you're gonna
need every one of 'em.

Anytime you're ready, sodbuster.


(onlookers chatter excitedly)

(women scream)

You had enough, old man?

- Get up! -Come on, Jud!
- Get up!

- Move around!
- Come on!


(onlookers shouting)


(onlookers shouting)


Come on, Jud! Come on!

Louie, go tell Matthew they's
a-fixin' to be a fight, there.

- Yes, sir.
- Just take your time, Louie.

- Yes, sir.
- Now jab him!

I gotcha!

Kick him while he's down!

(clamor continues in distance)

Going somewhere, Liz?

You and me had a deal, remember?

Get out of my way, you filthy...

I wouldn't marry you if you
were the last man on earth.

I wish you hadn't
a-said that, Liz.

I wish you'd come with
me, like you promised.

Get out of my way!

If you don't get
in the buggy, Liz...

I'm gonna have to
give this to the marshal.

It's the note you wrote Pate.

You could go to
prison for 20 years.

You wouldn't make
me go with you.

The fight's almost over.

(clamor continues in distance)

You ain't got much time.

Whoa! Whoa, boy! Whoa!

Mrs. Sam Hare.

Ain't that a caution.


(onlookers clamoring)

(onlookers chattering)

DILLON: Break it up.

Let's move along, now;
it's all over around here.

(Hattie sobs, sniffles)

(laughs): We're gonna
have to get you to a doctor.

Doctor nothin'!

- What I need is a preacher.
- (laughs)

That is if you haven't
changed your mind, Hattie.

Of course I haven't
changed my mind.

What is it, Hattie?

Well, Liz... we can't
get married without Liz.

Hattie, in five minutes, there
ain't gonna be nobody in town

don't know we gonna get married.

Liz is old enough to find
her way to the church,

if she wants to come.

You know, the
funny thing, Matthew,

nobody's ever asked who
got Pate to try to k*ll Jud.

Well, nobody bothered to ask

'cause I guess everybody
already knew, Festus.

She sure ought to get
what's coming to her.
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