10x08 - Hung High

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x08 - Hung High

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


(soft groaning)

Reveille, Sergeant.

need your stupid jokes.

I need breakfast.

Well, we don't feed
common drunks in here.

Just bank robbers,
murderers... High-class criminals.

Maybe I could work my way
up, Marshal, with your help.

No chance, Sergeant.

That's why I put you in here.

Keep you from doing just that.

Aw, come on, Marshal,
you can do better than that.

You got a hold of a man's knife,

and you were about
to cut his throat with it.

You're a liar!

Sergeant, I've had
a hard morning.

- Don't push it.
- Don't push it?

You know what you've cost me?

For the last two years, I've
had a post job at Fort Dodge,

an easy one... no horses,

no chasing around on
the prairie, no nothin'.

What do you think the
colonel's gonna do with me now?

If he does what I think
he will, he'll send you out

on the longest patrol he's got.

And all because I
was protecting myself

from a guy who was
trying to beat my brains out.

He never laid a hand on you.

I suppose I got these
bruises from chewing taffy.

I did that, Sergeant.

You go down pretty hard.

When I'm drunk, Marshal.

I ain't drunk now.

I'm sick of you, and I'm sick
of your manners, Sergeant.

Now, get out of here
before I lose my temper.

You're gonna
regret this, Marshal!

Things don't really change,

do they, Marshal?

Jim. Jim Downey!

Matt, how are you?

By golly, what's it
been, ten, 12 years?

- At least.
- Jim, you haven't changed a bit.

Oh, I don't know, a little
thicker through the waist,

a little grayer at the temples.

I don't think I'd want
to tangle with you.

(chuckles) The way that
sergeant came out of your office,

I wouldn't want to
tangle with you, either.

I swear you've growed
another six inches

- since you left Abilene.
- Jim, come on over and sit down.

By golly, I want to
hear all about you.

- How about a cup of coffee?
- Well, I could use some...

I've been riding all night.

Oh, yeah, I know what
you mean about that.

You know, I sometimes think
that I spend more time on a horse

- than I do on the ground.
- Well, you ain't a lawman

(chuckles): till you develop
a cast-iron backside.

(chuckles): Well,
if that's the case,

- I ought to be one of the best.
- (laughs)

Jim... what brings you to Dodge?

Chasing somebody?


All through with that.

What do you mean?


20 years of being a
lawman is long enough.


always thought of
you as indestructible.

I kind of guess I figured
you'd go on forever.

No one is indestructible, Matt.

A man could be shot at or
knifed up just so many times.

The law of averages is
bound to close in on him.

I wanted to turn in
my badge myself,

not have some coroner

- turn it in for me.
- Sure.

Well, Jim, you always took
more chances than most.

Is there any other
way to do this job?

That's what you taught me.

Along with about
everything else I learned.

You were the best
student I ever had.

I don't know about that.

Well, you have to be...

All the others are dead.

Jim, how about some
breakfast to go with the coffee?

(laughs): Oh, thanks.

I don't think I can stay
awake long enough to eat it.

What I need is a bed
and a bath, in that order.

(whooping, squealing)

(lively piano music playing)

This big saloon girl has
this cowboy hanging out

a two-story window, see,
and she's shaking him like

a hound dog shakes a possum.

Well, big Jim here, he
hollers out and he says,

"Let go of that man!"

Well, she did, and this cowboy
fell about 15 feet into a buggy.

(Jim laughs)

And that horse took off,

and nobody in Yuma
heard of him since.

(laugh) For all we know,
the horse is still runnin'!

(Jim laughing)

Well, look, I got to
make my rounds.

Jim, enjoy yourself. I'll,
uh... I'll look in on you later.

JIM: See you later.

So he was a big
lawman out in Arizona.

That's the way it looks to me.

He don't look so tough to me.

- He's an old man.
- Why don't you go tell him that, mister?

There ain't a lawman I
ever seen I'd even spit on,

let alone talk to.

Well, maybe you got reasons.

Yeah, I got plenty of reasons,

but they're all my own.

I'd like to see 'em all done in.

Well, you're not gonna do
nothin' about it now, are you?

Well, don't think I
couldn't if I was a mind to.

(chuckles): I'll tell you...

the things some men find
in a bottle of a whiskey.

What would a bum
like you know about it?

You know something, mister?

I'm gonna do my
drinking someplace else.

That just suits me fine.

(lively piano music playing)

I could buy you
another beer, Jim.

Thanks, but I promised myself

a hand of poker
tonight... Better stay sober.


all right, I better be
running along, I guess.

Well... tomorrow the
drinks are on me, Doc.

Thank you, thank
you. I'll be here.

Well, I got some
work I can do, too.

I wish you a lot of
luck with your game.

Thanks, Miss Kitty.

Well, good night, boys.

We've had it. See you tomorrow.

How'd you do?

I didn't get rich, Miss Kitty,

but I didn't lose
any money, either.

That puts you way ahead.

How about a nightcap?

I thank you kindly, but
I better be going to bed.

Matt's taking the day off
tomorrow... we're going fishing

early in the morning.

He hasn't done that in years.

Well, it isn't the best way

in the world to take
care of the law, is it?

You and Matt must be
just alike: too conscientious.

Nope. Not me anymore.

I'm a man of peace.

A believer in the easy way out.

I notice you still carry a g*n.

A lawman makes enemies.

I may be shot in the
back sometime, but, uh,

any other way,
I'll give 'em a fight.

I bet you would.

- Good night, Mr. Downey.
- Good night.


(dog barking in distance)

(footsteps approaching)


DOC: Matt.

Is he gonna make it?


Nope, not a chance.


Jim, it's Matt Dillon.


Who did this to you, Jim?

I don't know.

Didn't even see his face.

Was somebody after you?

I don't know who it was.

He shot me in the back.

I'm in bad shape, Matt.

Now, you just hang on, Jim.

You've made it this far;
you're not through yet.

A man's luck runs out.

Law of averages.

No, not yet, Jim.

Not for a long time.

Matt... tell me the truth.

Tell me the truth.

I thought I'd be ready, Matt.

I guess... I guess
a man never is.

(faint gasp)




MAN: Morning.

- Morning. Come after your horse?
- Unless you want to buy him.

Ah, another wandering
cowboy gone broke in Dodge.

- I ain't broke. I got three dollars.
- Just enough

to pay your stable bill.

Yeah, I figured that when I only
ordered one egg for breakfast.

You could've ordered
a whole plate of eggs

if you hadn't ordered
but one drink of whiskey.

I didn't come here to eat eggs.

Well, you win, cowboy.

Anyway, I'll take three dollars.


- There you are.
- Much obliged.

Where'd you come from?

I saved a hotel bill
and slept with my horse.

But don't you get any ideas
about charging me extra.

Well, anybody that sleeps
with his horse deserves it free.

Maybe you didn't know
where you slept last night.

It's no business of yours.


How much do I owe you?

Three dollars.

You kept on drinking
last night, didn't you?

Seems to be a whole
lot of interest around here

about my drinking.

I ain't sure I welcome it.

Don't you remember
talking to me?

Look, I was drunk, okay?

Otherwise I wouldn't have
been talking to scum like you.

But I'm sober now, so beat it.

Well, you said you hated lawmen

and you'd do one in
if you had a mind to.

You saying I k*lled that man?

- What man?
- That lawman that was shot.

Somebody get shot last night?

Sure did... Marshal
Dillon's friend.

I was in there asleep...
with my horse. I told you.

Well, who said you wasn't?

(three g*nshots)


- What's going on, Hank?
- I think there's the man

that shot Jim Downey...
The one in the checked shirt.

(blows landing, grunting)

All right, that's enough!

That's him, that's him.

What's the matter with
you? I didn't start this.

Oh, you practically admitted
you shot Jim Downey.

Is that true?

Why would I k*ll him?

To get himself a
lawman, Marshal.

He didn't care who it was.

You want me to break your
neck? You want me to k*ll you

- right here?
- You can't; you're a lawman.

Now, you're witnesses... I
get a trial just like any man.

- What's your name?
- Serpa. Tony Serpa.

What'd you have
against Jim Downey?

He didn't even know him,
Marshal! He told me so!

Get up.

- Morning, Doc.
- Morning.

Sit down.

Thank you.

You want some coffee?

No, no, thanks.

Matt gone?

Yeah, yeah, he left
about an hour ago

for Hays City with
that... that fella.

He must've been in a hurry;
he didn't even say good-bye.

Well, you know how... how
he's been feeling since the k*lling.

I thought a couple of times
in the trial he might just...

just tear him apart.

Yeah, I know.

It's a terrible thing,
just a terrible thing.

Well, I... I suppose
his disposition

will improve some once
he gets rid of Serpa.


Once he gets rid of Serpa.


(insects chittering)

Hey, Marshal, you gonna leave
me chained up like this forever?

Don't tempt me.

Ah, what a way to treat a man.

Tied up like a pig
going to market.

You know, Marshal,

if we're ever gonna be friends,
you better start liking me soon.

(laughs) I mean, there
ain't a whole lot of time left.

You talk too much.

It's the only pleasure I got.

Tell you the truth, Marshal,

I ain't enjoying
this ride too much.

I'll make it as short
for you as I can.

(horse approaching)

TONY: We got company.


Marshal, I'm, uh,
sorry to break in on you.

Are you a prisoner?

I'm Tony Serpa.

This here is Marshal Dillon.

I'm Joe Costa.

You live around these parts?

No, Marshal, I'm
just... passing through.

Where are you taking him?

Hays City.

They're gonna hang
me up there, Costa.

Hang you?

You k*ll somebody, did you?

Well, to some people,
sh**ting a lawman's...

like sh**ting a snake.

You k*lled a lawman?

Shot him in the back.


TONY: See, the
marshal is extra mad

'cause it was a friend of his.

Well, mister, it sounds to me

like you're gonna get
everything you deserve.


Hey, Costa, you ought
to come to the hanging.

You'd enjoy it.

Have a good trip, Marshal.

(crickets chirping)

(horse approaching)

JOE: Take it
easy, boys. It's me.


(Joe sighs)

I found him.

In Dodge?

No. Been there, though,
just like we figured.


Hang on to your hats.

Our young partner

has shot hisself a
lawman in the back.

- (sighs)
- Well, ain't that somethin'.

That stupid...

They caught him?

Caught him, tried
him and convicted him.

Well, he ain't been
there but three days.

That's got to be some
kind of record, even for him.

Where is he now?

On his way to Hays
City... to get hung.

In the company
of a U.S. Marshal.

A marshal?

By himself?


Ain't that a pretty picture?

Serpa and a lawman...

all by their lonesome.


We stopping here long?

We're gonna rest the horses.

Get off and loosen your cinch.

(birds chirping)

Best thing about getting into
a saddle is getting out of it.

(horse neighing in distance)

- What is it?
- Stay here.

(horses approaching)

Who is it, Marshal?

DILLON: Couple of riders.

Oh, good. I could
use some company.

Howdy. Whew, it's hot out there.

You mind if we use the shade?

Suit yourself.

Hey, you're a lawman.

U.S. Marshal.

My name is d*ck Corwin.

This is my buddy, Bud Evans.

- I'm Tony Serpa.
- Hold it right there.

Hey, he's wearing handcuffs...

He a prisoner or
something, Marshal?

Ain't no business
of yourn what he is.

Now, shut up.

He done something wrong,
and you're taking him in for it?

He ain't got no manners at all.

Where are you men from?

d*ck: We been working on a
ranch just a little bit west of here.

- JOE: Hands in the air, Marshal.
- (g*n cocks)

Drop it.

Steady. Steady.

Hey, you got him,
Costa, you got him!

- Get these off of me.
- Hm?

Uh... give me your keys.

You know, you had me worried.

I thought you was
never gonna get here.

Well, we got here.

Nothing to worry about.

Hey, Corwin, give me his g*n.

You know, I like that idea, me
having the marshal's own g*n.

Just... keep your shirt on.

We got plenty of unfinished
business right here.

Take that rope off your horse.

You mean you're gonna hang him?

Well, that's what
ropes is for, ain't they?

(laughs) Oh, by golly,
this is something.

You hear that, Marshal?
We're gonna hang you.

We're gonna hang you...

right there. That's a
good place, ain't it?

- That's the best place, Costa.
- Yeah, that's a dandy place.

Why don't you take the rope
on over there and fix 'er up.

Oh, you bet I will.
I'll get it all ready.

And I can make a good
hangman's knot, too.

- Fine.
- Marshal...

(laughs): I just can't tell you
how much I'm enjoying this.


Evans, bring my horse up.

Corwin, you watch theirs.

Move. Move!

Well... you're taking
this right calm, Marshal.

I can cry for you; don't
want to spoil your fun.

Also, you couldn't do it.

I'm gonna enjoy this
for a long time to come.

TONY: All ready
for you, Marshal.

JOE: Evans, keep
your eyes on him.

I said on him!


All right.

Here, take a look.

Well, looks all right to me.

It's gonna hold. (grunts)

I told you I could
make a good knot.

Yeah, I've seen
a lot of good knots

that have slipped
through at the last minute.

Got to be sure this time.
Here, you try it on a second.

(laughs): Come on,
now, that ain't necessary.

Aw, quit. Just for a
second... that's all.

There. That too tight?

No, it's okay.

I don't know, it
looks all right to me.

Might just do the job. Get
up on the horse for a minute.

- What?
- Get up on the horse.

- Wait, is this some kind of joke, huh?
- Go ahead. Go on.

Come on.

Now, hold that horse's
head, and hold it tight.

(birds chirping)

Yeah. That's about right.

- You look kind of guilty up there.
- (Tony laughs)

JOE: There we go.

Hey, come on, Costa,
wha... what are you doing?

This has gone far enough.

Just set tight a minute.

I got to measure
the blessed thing.

He's a little taller than you.

Should be all right.

What are you
doing? What is this?


All right, Serpa,

you hate lawmen, don't you?

Well, I k*lled one, didn't I?

Yeah. And got caught doing it.

Well, Evans and Corwin and
me hate 'em just as bad as you do,

and we're gonna get us one, too.

But we're sure not
gonna get caught out at it.

What are you talking about?


We got it all figured out.

You're gonna be
a big part of it, too.

So don't you
worry about a thing.

Corwin, send him along.

- Hyah! Yee-haw!
- Yo! Come on!

JOE: Rock-steady, now, Marshal.

If he opens his
mouth, sh**t him.

Evans, get out there
and watch the trail.

They ought to be
along any minute.

Now, then, Marshal,

I told Serpa we
was gonna k*ll you...

but it ain't all that simple.

Plain sh**ting's too
good for a... lawman.

We got something a little
more interesting in store for you.

We're gonna disgrace
you, Marshal...

and then let the law k*ll you.

Fellers like you have been...

pushing me and my
partners over half this country,

so this is just evening
up an old score.

BUD: Costa!

They're coming, five of
'em, just like we figured.

How far off?

A good distance yet.

Keep your eye on 'em.

Take the whiskey
out of my saddlebag.

Up here, Marshal.

He went real easy, considerin'.

Get around behind the
marshal, will you, Corwin?

Keep your g*n right on him.

All right, now, Marshal...

watch this.

Well, that ought to hold him.

BUD: They're getting close!

Bring your horses down here!

- You get back.
- Hurry it up, Costa.

I wouldn't want
to get caught here.

(birds chirping)

Let's go, Costa.

Let's go!

(horses approaching)


(birds chirping)

Who is he? He's wearing a badge.

This is Marshal
Dillon from Dodge.

- MAN: Marshal Dillon, huh?
- (groans)

You men dismount
and bring the r*fles.

Holden over there. Jones there.

Kelly, you here.

- Whiskey.
- You can smell it all over him.

- Okay, Marshal, up.
- (grunts)

(Dillon exhales)

Who is that, Marshal?

- Tony Serpa?
- That's right.

He shot the
marshal's best friend.

He was sentenced to hang.

You was taking him to
Hays City, wasn't you?

But you couldn't
wait, is that it?

You had yourself a
little party right here.

No, wait a minute.

Got so drunk, you passed
out. And knowing you,

I'll bet you didn't even
give poor Serpa a shot of it

before you strung him up.

- Now, hold on a minute, Sergeant.
- Holden,

you and Jones cut
that poor devil down.

- Now, listen to me...
- Kelly, you stay here

- and keep him covered with your r*fle.
- Sergeant, listen to me.

The three men that hung
him just rode out of here

a few minutes ago,
after setting up this scene

and making it look like I
did it and knocking me out.

They heard you people riding in.

- That's a mighty wild story, Marshal.
- It's true.

Now, look, they
couldn't have got far yet.

Let's get out and
start after 'em.

Hold it, Marshal... I'm putting
you under military arrest.

- Don't be a fool.
- sh**t him if he makes a move,

- Kelly; that's an order.
- Yes, sir.

Now, look, you're letting
three murderers get away.

You're gonna answer for this.

I'm doing my duty
as I see it, Marshal.

And as I see it, you
are the m*rder*r.

We're taking you
back to Fort Dodge.

Without even going
after those three men?

You're gonna have a lot
to explain to the colonel

up in front of a court-martial.

Maybe he's got a
point there, Sarge.

I didn't say we wasn't
going lookin' for 'em!

I'm going myself, and
I'll take Kelly with me.

I'll be back by morning.

Take off that g*n belt.

You men camp here
and get Serpa buried.


Your orders are to sh**t
him if he tries anything.


(insects chittering)

(rock thuds)


- (horse neighs)
- (object drops to ground)



(g*nshots continue)



He ain't in there.

Gone fishing?!

You oughtn't to be complainin'.

The sheriff ain't
partial to strangers.

Well, I'm a stranger, all right.

- Like it here?
- Well, I don't know yet.

Say, you haven't seen
any other strangers

- riding in lately, have you?
- Mm-hmm. Three.

One with a black hat;
tall, mean-looking one;

and one with a
squinty look. He's, uh...

Let's see, Costa, d*ck
Corwin and Evans.

All bad.

You don't miss much, do you?

My name's George. You
don't have to tell me yours.

- Well, George, glad to know you.
- Yeah.

The men you're interested in,

they generally hang
out in the Crest Saloon.

Well, now, I didn't say I was
interested in them, George.


Get a g*n over there
in the general store.

You're gonna have
trouble getting one, though.

I am?


You're broke, ain't you?

Say, have I been traveling
alone or you been with me?

(chuckles) Well,
a man like me...

has got to have some
talent, don't he? Huh?

(chuckles) George,
you're all right.

I think I'll try that
store anyway.

right. I'll go with you.

I'll wait outside.

Good luck.

No luck, huh?

(sighs) Oh, you
were right, George.

- Which way is the stable?
- Down that way.


How long since you've
had anything to eat, friend?

Oh, it's been a while.

Big man like you needs fuel.

Whenever he can get it.


Board's 50 cents a day,
with grain payable in advance.

Mister, I was thinking
of boarding him here

- with you permanently.
- What?

He's a good horse; I'll
sell him to you cheap.

You will, huh?

And you won't find a
horse like him every day.

- Oh, I won't, huh?
- Want to make me an offer?


- What's wrong with him?
- Nothing I can see.


He got no saddle, no bridle.

Mister, I'm selling you a
horse, not a saddle and bridle.

Fella rides in here
bareback, rope halter,

wants to sell a good horse,
how do I know it's his horse?

Do I look like a horse thief?

No man sells his horse unless
he's in big trouble, mister.

If it is his horse.

All right, so I stole him.

I'll still sell him to
you cheap. $20.

Take your troubles
someplace else, mister.

(steam hissing)


(hammer clanging)

GEORGE: Hey, friend. Over here.

Bring your horse. Follow me.

Come on.

Tie him off here. Nobody
will see him back here.

It's better than out
on the street, isn't it?

Yeah. This looks a
lot better, George.

Guess you knew he wasn't
gonna buy this horse off me,

- didn't you?
- Oh, well, people in this town,

they're suspicious of strangers.

Here, these are
hard-boiled. You eat 'em.

No, no, thanks, George.

A man offers you
something to eat,

it ain't polite to refuse him.

All right, George,
I'll tell you what.

I'll eat this one,
you eat the other.

All right.

Come on, let's
go over here, huh?


Mighty grateful to you.

I saved them out
for... for hard times.

George, you're a remarkable man.

I'm a bum. Every dollar I get,

I spend on hard liquor.

I'm the most worthless
fella you ever saw.

You've got troubles,
haven't you?

Well, I got a problem
or two, George.

Yeah. That's gonna take
some thinking out, too.

That Costa and his friends,

they strike me as
pretty rough men.

Uh, you got a plan?

George, I'm going to
explain a few things to you,

and I could sure use an extra
pair of eyes, if you're willing.

I ain't doing nothin' today.




Hey, barkeep?

- Give us another.
- (quiet chuckling)

(laughs) Go on, you get it.

Get it!

(Bud laughs)

I never felt so
good in all my life.

(laughs): Aw... yeah,
I'd give ten years

just to be there when
them soldier boys find him.


Hey, Costa?

You don't reckon he
could've talked his way out?

(d*ck laughing)

Aw, sh**t.

You got no faith in the
United States Cavalry, partner.

Not a chance.

Right now... they're
back at Fort Dodge...

and the big old
marshal is getting a taste

of what it's like behind bars.

Just like you told him.

As neat a piece of
work as I've ever seen.


I feel kind of bad, though...

(clicks tongue)

about old Serpa.

You know?

He didn't get to say
good-bye nor nothin'.

(d*ck laughing)

(continues laughing)

(d*ck and Bud laughing)

(laughter continues)

(d*ck and Bud continue laughing)

Hello, Dave.

Oh, what'll it be, George?

A bottle of good rye?

- I'd like that, Dave.
- (d*ck laughing)

DAVE: I only hope I'm here
the day you can afford it.

I'll be proud to serve you.

Uh, how about a
little credit, huh?

Well, you know what
the boss man said...

- No more credit. Sorry.
- (d*ck laughing)

Hey, barkeep, what
kind of place is this?

Where are the girls?

What in the world would
you do with a woman?

- You can't even stand up.
- (grunts)

(d*ck laughing)

(others laughing)

MAN: Look at him.

What are you grinning at? Huh?

Out! Out!


They're in there,
Matt, all three of them.

What kind of shape are they in?

Well, their morals
are plumb ugly.

I sure admire their
drinking habits, though.

Yeah, well, if I had any money,
I'd buy 'em a bottle myself.

The drunker they are, the
better. Now, do you know

a couple of men around this
town that could be counted on

- to give a stranger an even break?
- I think so.

Can you get 'em
down to the saloon?

Well, I can try. Now?



Well, what are
your plans, Sarge?

He's got to be here somewhere.

- All we got to do is flush him out.
- How?

I'll take Kelly, and we'll
go into these places

and look around
and ask questions.

You keep an eye on the street

- with Holden and Jones.
- Okay, Sarge.

If you see him, k*ll him.


He's a prisoner trying
to escape, ain't he?

Is that an order, Sarge?

It's an order.

Let's go, Kelly. We'll
try the hotel first.

You know something?

I am getting tired of this town.

Well, what's the
matter with you?

You got a roof over your head

and whiskey in your
glass, ain't you? (laughs)

Hey. There's your friend.

(Bud laughs)

Uh, it seems to me
that I told you to...

keep out of here.

Something bothering you, mister?

Yeah! Him!

He's with us.

- What's your pleasure?
- JOE: Corwin.


Set down.

Set down.

(Bud laughing)

Three beers.

(Bud chuckles)

I could've taken 'em.

Will you get it
through your nut?

The last thing we
need now is trouble.

All right, all right.

(Bud laughing)

(indistinct chatter)

He ain't in here, Sergeant.

Shut up!

Shut up, everybody!

(quietly): What's he doing here?

Listen to me!

I'm Sergeant Wilks of
the United States Cavalry.

I'm here looking for
an escaped prisoner.

A m*rder*r.

Anybody who's seen
him will remember him.

He's a big man,

about six and a half feet tall.

(low, indistinct chatter)


(quietly): Don't get
yourself in a stew.

Sergeant didn't believe
the marshal's story,

or he wouldn't be after him.

All we got to do is set
tight till he catches him.

Nothing to worry about.

He's around here
somewhere; we'll find him.

I wish you luck, Sergeant.

- Keep your ears open.
- Oh, you bet your life.

Hold it right there!

Out the front way! Move!

Now, men, my name's Dillon.

I'm a United States
Marshal from Dodge City.

You get moving or I'll k*ll you.

He says he's a U.S.
Marshal, Sergeant.

He's my prisoner is what he is,

and it ain't none
of your business.

No rum-dumb cavalry
sergeant tells me what to do.

- I say let him talk.
- I agree with him, Sergeant.

Why don't you let
the man have his say.

All right, Dillon, talk.

But when you're
through, I'm taking you in.

Go ahead, Dillon.

I was taking a prisoner
to Hays City for execution.

These three men here jumped me.

What are you t...

I never saw you
before in my life.

You ever see him before?

He's a liar!

The sergeant's right.

DILLON: They hung my prisoner,

they hit me over the head

and left me for
the patrol to find.

Stay put. I want to see
what's going on in there.

All right.

DILLON: That's the whole story.

What are you gonna
do now, Sergeant?

I'm taking you in, like I said.

And letting Costa and his men
go in front of all these witnesses?

Well, why shouldn't
he let us go?

All he's got is
your word for it.

- His word sounds good to me, Sergeant.
- Me, too.

Lock 'em up,
Sergeant, all of 'em.

The sheriff won't
mind you using the jail.

We'll send a telegram

and find out if Dillon's
a U.S. Marshal or not.

I've got some more men
outside... You want to take us all on?

Too many witnesses, Sergeant.

The Army'd have your head,
you use a fancy trick like that.

All right, all right!

But you ain't
hardly out of this yet.

Corporal Miller, get the
rest of the men in here.

I got your back!

Now, mister, you're
gonna find out

what it's like to be on
the other end of that rope.


Ah, very good,
Corporal, very good.

Well, we'll be riding to town
in about an hour, Marshal.

Well, good. Would you
mind swinging by the camp?

- I want to pick up my saddle.
- It's right on the way.

Then I want to ride into
Fort Dodge with you, too.

- I got a report to make to the colonel.
- Yes, sir.

Let's go.

I, uh... I seen the whole
thing in there, Marshal.

(laughs softly) You
took an awful chance.

George, you know, I
got a pocketful of money

and about an hour to k*ll
in town here. Now, uh...

what do you say you and I
belly up to this bar in here

and, uh... talk about old
times or something, huh?

I'd like that.

Yes, sir, I surely would.

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