09x11 - Extradition: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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09x11 - Extradition: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


Oh, Miss Kitty. Hello, Doc.

We want to talk to you.

Oh, about what?

- Sit down.
- Why?

Just go on and sit down
now. We want to talk to you.

Well, for heaven sakes,

I don't understand
what-what's this all about.

Now you know that I am
not the kind of a person

that meddles in
other peoples' affairs.

Oh, no, no. Since when?

Just shut up now!

Uh, where is he?

Now, we know that he took
that stage south, and I think

that he went after that
Hacker fellow, now, didn't he?

Well, I-I just...

It ain't my position
to say yes or no.

I just ain't got the right.

Well, is he in trouble?

Well, I don't know.
I-I hope he ain't.

Have you heard from him?

No, Miss Kitty, I
ain't, and so help me,

that there is the truth.

Oh, for heaven
sakes, come out with it!

Well, Doc, I'm-I'm just as-as
worried about him as you are.

He just hadn't ought
to have done it at all.

Hadn't ought to done
what? What did he do?

Well, you're right... He
went after this Hacker fella.

He went down to Texas to
a place called Cedar t*nk.

Now you know as well as I do

that that ain't
in his territory.

You think that'd make
any difference to him? No.

I tell you, he's going
to get this Hacker fella,

and he ain't gonna ask
nobody's leave to do it.

It certainly explains
an awful lot of things.

But I still don't
see why in thunder

you couldn't have told
us this a long time ago.

Well, let me tell
you something, Doc.

Now, I've got a
job with Mr. Dillon,

and there's things that
I have to do in that job,

and one of them is to keep my
mouth shut when I'm supposed to.

Well, I'm certainly
glad you told me that,

because I never noticed
that trait in you before.

Oh, don't get so smart.

Chester, will you let us know
when you hear from Matt?

Well, I sure will, Miss Kitty.

By golly, we've all been worried
about nothing, you know it?

If I know Matt Dillon,
he's got his man,

and he's on his way back
to Dodge this very minute.

They're as spooky of you
as a green bronc, Dillon.

'Course I'm an older
man, but I can sure think

of a lot easier ways
of getting their respect.

You know, it seems to me

that-that two
days, more or less,

waiting for your friend
would be a lot easier than this.

Oh, I... I ain't
complaining, though.

You know, time don't tread
too heavy on me right now.

Mmm. Good soup.

'Course I, uh...

I could wish for more
pleasurable neighbors.

But then, they do say

that stone walls do
not a prison make,

nor iron bars a cage.

Whoever thought that one
up hadn't been in this place.

Now, you see,

that's the difference
between you and me.

A man like you,
lives by the law,

gets a mighty uncomfortable
feeling in a place like this.

Man like me... Two
jumps ahead of a hanging...

Don't bother me a bit.

Free as a bird song.

Yeah? I've heard men
like you before, Hacker.

You're running scared.

You talk big just
to keep yourself

from thinking about the
thing you're scared of.

Maybe you're right. Maybe so.

Why'd you k*ll that Mexican
out on the trail anyway?

Well, if I hadn't,
he'd have k*lled me.

There were two of 'em.
That's where I got the horse.

Two of 'em? What
happened to the other one?

Well, as near as I can figure,

he's got a pair of mighty
sore feet right now.

You know, Dillon,
I can have you shot

for striking an officer.

But there's no sense
for us to quarrel.

Well, none that I
can see, Lieutenant.

- You agree?
- I agree.

Good. In two days, my
chaparrita will be rested.

Then we can take the
prisoner back to the border.

What about the bandits?

Ah. By then, my
cousin will have...

all of them.

Well, that'll be convenient.

I have an idea.

Let's leave the m*rder*r
here, and you be my guest

in town until we're
ready to go, huh?

Well, thanks a lot, Lieutenant,

but when I walk
out of this jail,

Hacker walks with me.


Well, I'll tell you
why, Lieutenant.

'Cause I don't think I can
trust you too much anymore.

I think you're a
little too interested

in that reward for Hacker.

You think that's why I
keep you in Chupadero?

Yeah, that's
exactly what I think.

I'll make a deal
with you, Lieutenant.

What kind of a deal?

Well, Dillon here's
taking me back

to hang for mail
robbery. You know that.

- Uh-huh.
- Well,

there's $5,000
that I got hid away.

You can do better than
that, can't you, Hacker?

I'm making you
an honorable deal.

Yeah, right off the
bottom of the deck.

No. No, sir. No, sir.

There's my cards.

They're all showing, Lieutenant.

All you got to
do is bury Dillon,

and I'll give you $5,000.

Now that's a fair deal.

The reward for
me is only $2,000.

Dillon ain't going to
share that with you.

You know that.

I make no financial
arrangements with criminals.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Gives a man back his faith

to know that there's still
honesty left in the world.

Dillon, I am a patient man.

Two days’ rest, and, uh, I
help you take this man back.

Lieutenant, I've had about all
of your kind of help I can use.

Now, when I
get out of this jail,

I'm heading back for
the border with Hacker,

whether you're with me or not.


You know, I had me a mule once.

Stubbornest beast I ever knew.

Kept backing up
to the edge of a cliff,

and I kept hauling him away.

Do you know what happened?

Yeah, the rope broke.

No, sir. I let go.

And that animal went
down a hundred feet...

broke every bone
in his fool carcass.

All right, so, you
lost a good mule.

I did, I did,

but I saved my own neck
by not following him down.

Marguerita, I
want to talk to you.

I am listening.

It's important.

I just talked to Dillon in jail.

You call that important?

Listen, chaparrita,

if I keep Dillon in jail until
you are ready to leave,

he will never share
the reward with me.

And if I release him now,

he will take back
Hacker without me.

Oh, go with him. Let him go.

No. I can't go without
you, you know that.

And another thing.

That cousin of
mine... I don't trust him.

I never have.

That cheap politico.

Now he's asking for
a share of the reward.

You told him about the reward?

I had to in order
to get his help.

Oh, Julio. Well,
it is very simple.

You have to go with him.

You know I won't go without you.

I told you that.

I am not sure I will
ever leave this place.

The owner has given me a job.

I don't want you to
work here or any place.

You understand?

I'll give you until tomorrow
to make up your mind.



You feel like talking?


Well, I do.

Hacker, you're the
talkingest man I ever met.

Well, that comes
from living alone.

Keeps you from
thinking too much.

Hacker, why don't you
try to get some sleep?

Well, lies weighty on me.

God and the like.

You see, I'm about the
wickedest man I know,

and it don't bother me none.

Now if God's taking
a disliking to my sins,

seems to me, he'd have done
something about it by now.

Don't worry. He will.

Well, that gives me some relief.

I hate to think I was a sheep

going to slaughter
just on your account.

Hacker, why don't you
try to talk sense for once?

Well, they're just
words, Dillon, just words.

You afraid of me?

Well, now.

No, I got that Lieutenant
thinking about my $5,000.

He just might put
a b*llet hole in you.

I'm getting along, all right,
but I'm not just about ready

to be... to be kicked into
a funeral procession yet.

You got to watch out for me.

Oh, I will.

Ah, you see, while I'm
talking, sometimes I think.

And I think that, uh,

with you and that
reward out of the way,

that money-hungry lieutenant...
He ain't got but one choice.

You got to convince him
you got the $5,000 first.

Oh, I'll talk him
into that, all right.

I already got a start.

You, uh... you married, Dillon?


Man like you
ought to be married,

raise kids.

Raise 'em up in
the sight of the Lord

so they don't stray.

What's the matter? Your
conscience bother you?

No. I can't afford one.

I'll leave that up
to fellers like you!

Hacker, you ought not to
rattle so much before you strike.

¡Abre, abre!


Sit down.

Well, you ready to go, Chavez?

I ask the questions.
You are the prisoner.

The captain and I have
been discussing the situation.

He has come to a conclusion.

The resolution
remains in your hands.

He does not speak
a word of English,

so you can confide in me.

I am your only chance to
be released from here, Dillon.

Chavez, what do you want?

The captain wants
you to make restitution

for damages inflicted
upon his person

and his soldiers.

How much?

¿Cuanto dinero quieres?

Bueno. Seis
soldados, veinte pesos.

Uno official, yo,
cincuenta pesos.

The fine will be 20
pesos for each soldier,

50 pesos for the captain.

Well, that's robbery.

He thinks he's being generous.

Who to, himself?

You tell him it's no deal.

No quiere pagar nada.

Dile que confiscare
toda la cuenta...

y despues lo mando fusilar.

He will confiscate the entire
amount and have you shot.

Well, he might find
that a little difficult to do.

It so happens I'm a
United States marshal,

and if I don't show
up back there,

they're gonna start missing me.

¿Qué pasa? ¿Que dicé?

Shh. Esparate, esparate hombre.

You are here illegally.

You have no papers,

no extradition to
take back the prisoner.

No permit of entry.

We've been all
through that, Chavez.

Seems to me that's
why you're here, isn't it?

I'll be frank with you, Dillon.

This cousin of mine is
an avaricious, greedy man.

I hate him.

I always have.

Now he suspects that
there's a reward for Hacker.

I cannot convince him otherwise.

Yeah, well, try harder.

I have not told him
of your illegal entry.

If I did, he could hold you
prisoner for a long time.

Seems to me, you'd be in
the same fix, wouldn't you?

What can he do to me?

He's my cousin. Look...

give him 100 pesos,
and to hell with him.

He'll accept that.

That's part of the
money that Hacker stole.

It has to be returned.

You can pay it
out of the reward.

All right.

You tell him I'll pay
him 100 pesos, no more.

Pagar cien pesos
por todo. Tambien.

¿Yla recompensa por el bandido?

Acuerdate que soy tu primo.

You dirty crook.


Muchas gracias, señor.

You're welcome.

I go saddle the horses,
and we go on our way.

Good. I want to get Hacker.

Muy bien.

He will give you your g*n.

All right, Hacker, time to go.

Yeah. There for a while, I was
hoping that maybe your friend,

the lieutenant, had decided
to take me up on my offer.

I was waiting to
hear 'em sh**t ya.

Hacker, we got two
days' ride to the border

and a long way to go after that.

You better take a look at that.

Now, you notice that
that says "Dead or alive."

I'm supposed to
bring you back alive,

but, mister, it wouldn't bother
me much to bring you back dead.

You understand that?


You're a young man, Dillon.

You ain't savored
enough of life yet

to even talk about death.

You get to where I'm standing,

the smell of death
gets mighty strong.

So, you can bury me
down here or in Boot Hill.

Don't make that
much difference to me.

Well, it don't make much
difference to me, either.

Now let's go.

You wait here.

I want to see that
chaparrita for a moment.

Last time you did that, we
had her with us for two days.

We'll ride on.

I'll catch up with you.


I have work to do.

Have you changed your mind?


I told you before, I don't want
you to work here or anyplace.

You are my woman. I love you.

I give you anything you want.

I have what I want here.

Why are you so cruel?

We were happy together.

You were happy!

At the border, I
am your prisoner!

I cannot leave my house
without your permission.

All day, nothing to do.

I sit and I wait till
you come off duty.

And that was not too often.

No dancing, no music.

No more, Julio, no more.


Ay, chihuahua.




Vi al viejo.

El que mato a Francisco.

Lo viste, y no lo mataste?

Un Americano alto,
grande. Van juntos.

Llevan armas?

Sí. El viejo va
montado en mi caballo.

Hey, how about some more coffee?

Yeah, sure.

Say, you like to
hear about the time

I sat in jail with Jesse James?

Up in Wyoming country.

I'd been out carrying on,
drinking, having myself a time.

Anyway, when I woke up,

well, there was this feller
keeping me company in this cell.

Of course, I knew
him right off, you know.

I'd met his brother a
couple years before.

I don't recollect what Jesse
was doing in there right then,

but that fool sheriff
just didn't know

who he had on his hands.

And he let him go right along
with me the next morning.

Well, anyway, a
couple of weeks later,

folks in town
found out about it.

When that sheriff left town,

he was dragging
his navel in the sand.

How'd he find out, anyway?

Somebody talked, I suppose.

Hey, did I ever tell you

about the time I was
prospecting in Montana?

Hacker, you really
get around, don't you?

Oh, when you're not on
speaking terms with the law,

that's the best way.

What's ailing him?

Oh, he's got woman trouble.

Seems like his girlfriend
wouldn't come with him.

Oh, ain't that just
like a woman?

Coffee, Lieutenant?

Say, I'm... I'm sorry
to hear about your loss.

Real sorry.

You know, uh, a woman can
be a real nourishment to a man.


How would you know, amigo?

Say, now listen,

I may be getting along.

I still know a little
about women.

You know, uh, it's surprising

what a little money
can do sometimes

to change a woman's mind.

Like, uh... like if you was
to inherit $5,000, say?

Hold it.


- What is it?
- Look.

I see.

What do you think?

I don't know. Maybe
farmers on the way home.

Yeah, or it could be those
bandits, or your cousins.

My cousin is a coward.

He just makes a big
show of searching for them.

Keeps the people happy.

Well, I don't think we ought

to take a chance on
they're being farmers.

If they are bandits,

I think it would be safer
for us to be on our way.

Well, there's some good
cover up here. Let's go.


Hacker, if you've got
a mind to try anything,

I can always put
the cuffs on you.

I got a mind, Dillon...

but not the inclination,
not right now.

All right.

Well, let's just make
ourselves comfortable, boys,

and see what happens.

El Pinon and his bandits.


Do not sh**t!

We are peaceful!

What do you want?

Just a little talk, that's all.

What have you
been following us for?

I told you, a peaceful talk.

We are peaceful.

I don't trust him.

What do you think
we ought to do?

Well, if it was me, I'd
smoke 'em down right here.

I think I'd better find
out what they want.

You don't know this kind.


All right, put down
your weapons.

Walk up here slow.

I wish to bring another.



Ese es el viejo.

My friend here...

he says that old
man k*lled his brother.

He knows him from that time.

Your friend and his
brother jumped me.

I only defended myself.

That's the truth, Dillon.

He's a liar.


The old man we take to
avenge my friend's brother.

Forget it.

He stays with us.

We are peaceful,

but maybe we will
not be so peaceful.


I ask justice for my friend.

This man's going back
to the border to hang.

He's done other killings.

It is not the same.

Give him to us.

Not a chance.


There goes a fella mad
as a bear with a sore tail.

I should have shot him.

Looks like there'll be
a pretty good moon.

We'll camp here for the night.

Let's get our gear.


Better keep awake.

Any sign yet?


I tell you something, my friend.

With these kind of bandits,

you sh**t first and talk later.

Cover the trail.

I seen some tall
fools in my time,

but they don't
measure an inch to you.

I told you to sh**t 'em before.

You ain't done much
doctoring, have you?

Only on horses.

Yeah, I figured that.

Looks like it went
clear to the bone.

Feels like it.

Chavez, some water.


Any sign of 'em?


Ah, they probably won't
be back for a while yet.

How bad is he?

It's bad enough.

I'm gonna have to try
to stop the bleeding.

All right, take it easy now.



Oh, mean and dirty.

Chavez, what do you
think about El Pinon?

You think he might have
given up after last night?

These bandits never give up.

You ready?

I was born ready.


No disparen.

El viejo esta herido.

Los seguimos.


He's passed out.


There's only one thing to do.

What's that?

The man is finished.

He can't ride anymore.

Well, what do you want to do...

Leave him here for
them to carve up?

It would be more
merciful this way.

Forget it, Chavez.

I'm gonna tie him
back on his horse.

Get a rope.


I was...

I was dreaming.

I was dreaming of my
place in Cedar t*nk...

and them weeds are
taller than the corn...

And all I see is you.

You just rest easy for a minute.

You're the weed in my
garden, and that's a fact.

Better save your breath.

For what?

I ain't gonna ride anymore.

We got to ride, Hacker.

I'm gonna tie you on your horse.

You're just...

you're just bound to get
me strung up, ain't you?

Let's get him up easy.

All right.

Hacker, I'm sorry about this.

I wish there was something
I could do to ease you.

Don't soft-talk me, Dillon.

I get a chance, I'll k*ll you.

I'll k*ll you.

Yeah. You do that.

A sack of dingbat.

That's all I am...

just a sack of dingbat.

Se cayo el viejo.

Ya caminan mas despacio.


What's the matter, amigo?

Listen, get me down
from here so I can lay flat.

In a little while.

Dillon's gone ahead to try
and find a place to camp.

How far we come?

Oh, about nine miles, maybe ten.

We'll never make it to the
border before night, then.


My leg... it feels hot.

You reckon it's putrefied?

Not so bad, amigo.

Them bandits?

Still behind.


Listen, Lieutenant,
you gonna help me?


That $5,000 I told you about...

it's hidden under the
floorboards back at my place.

As things are now,
what good will it do?

I mean later,

after we get out of this.

Before we get to the border,
you take care of Dillon,

or lend me your
g*n, and I'll do it.

And then you and me...

we'll go back to
Cedar t*nk, and we'll...

Listen, get me down from
here so I can lay down straight.

It's all right, amigo.

It's all right.

Well, there's a
deserted pueblo up here.

It ought to make pretty
good cover for the night.

Let's go.

We can defend
ourselves from there.


This way up.


How much water you got?

Half a canteen.

Well, we'll need some for him.

All right, Hacker,
come on, easy now.

Put your arm over here.

All right.

Let's get him up here.

Well. Come on.

Come on.

Well, if they follow
our tracks here,

we got a clean
line of fire at 'em.

Suppose they decide to
wait until we're starved out?

You got any better ideas?

You said Hacker
was going to hang.

He won't live long
enough to see that day.

We still have time.

You don't have to
stay if you don't want to.

You don't understand.

The man is dying.

It's a kindness.

Chavez, I'll take this side.

You cover over there.



Quiet, Hacker.

Some water.

All right.

That's enough, Hacker.

They coming?

You can bet on it.

How about me?

You figure I ought
to have a g*n, too?

We'll take care of the g*ns.

I wouldn't be fool
enough to sh**t you now.

Hey, Dillon!


Over there.

All right, now hold your fire

till you can get a
real good shot at 'em.

- Wait till they get closer.
- Right.



Get back!

Lieutenant, give me your p*stol.

I got a right!

Hey, Dillon?

I ain't rattling now.

You're gonna let me go?


Give me your word,

solemn, like your bible,

and I won't sh**t.

Sorry, Hacker, I can't do it.

I don't want to sh**t you.

Lord knows I don't.

I thought he was
going to k*ll you.

So did I.



It's a mighty comfortable
feeling, Dillon.

Thanks for what you did.


I figure,

I already had
three tries at you.

No sense in wishing
for another one.

Ask your friend
about the $5,000.


see you after a while.

So long, amigo.

I gave it to him.

He wanted to defend himself.

That's why I did it.

Believe me.

I believe you.

He says, uh,

there's $5,000 buried
under the floor of his house.

I don't think so.

Neither do I.

Shall we, uh...

Shall we bury him here?

No, I think I'll take
him back to Texas.

Bury him on his own place.

That's good.


Will you do me a favor?


I'm not going with you.

I'm going back to Chupadero.

What about your border post?

The girl.

I want to see the girl.

The chaparrita.

Give this to, uh,
Private Rivera.

He will know what to do.

I promote him to sergeant.

He will command the post.

Good luck.


Wait a minute.

Seems to me,
according to regulations,

I owe you some money.

Not a thing.

Two dollars a day.

We, uh, won't count
that time I spent in jail.

No, thanks.

It's your share of
the reward money.

Rest of this goes to the widow.

Give it all to her.

All right.


so long, Chavez.

Good luck, amigo.



All right, Hacker,

I'll take you home.

I, uh... I have a message here

from Lieutenant Chavez.

You don't read?

Well, all right,
I'll-I'll try it myself.

"Julio Chavez."

Good luck, Sergeant.

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