09x01 - Kate Heller

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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09x01 - Kate Heller

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


You better shake a leg, Andy!

Andy, do you hear me?!


I'm coming, Grandma!

Day don't wait for no one, boy.

Moves right along.

Oh, well, I was, I was
looking for my food.

Well, I packed it
long before sunup.

You mind the way
to Gus Riley's ranch?

Yes'm, you told me enough times.

Well, you tell me one time then.

It is two miles west of
Dodge on the stage road.

You mind you introduce
yourself proper-like.

I've known Gus these long years
now, and he knew your daddy.

Yes'm, you told me that.

And be sure you
call him "Mr. Riley."

Grandma, are you
gonna give me the money?

Proud day, Andy,
paying off this debt.

You tell Gus Riley,
we want more horses,

we'll sure come to him.

Well, this is only $30.

To the penny.

Well, I need something for me.

Well, you got
food and a blanket.

You'll be home here tomorrow.

Well, I can't go into
Dodge with no money!

Now, you know I can't!

Then don't go to Dodge.

There's no need.

There's a want, Grandma.

You tell that saloon girl
she better give up on you.

50 cents or-or a
dollar, it's not much.

We ain't got it, Andy.

Ain't got another penny.

Not till the stage line pays
up the first of the month.

We're lucky to
have food and a roof.

Don't seem lucky at all.

I mean, a man ought
to have a little money.

A ways to go to be a man.

We're a long time old, boy.

Look out I, uh, don't
hurt you, Grandma.



Mr. Riley?

Mr. Riley?

Mr. Riley?

Who are you?

You... you got all this
money; you don't need this.

Now, wait a minute, young fella.

What are you doing here?

It ain't right that one
man should have so much.

I don't know you, boy,

but if you got business
with me, you better say it out.

I-I ain't got no business
with you, not now.

An old man with money,
now... now, that's kind of a sin.

Get away from it.

You gonna sh**t
me just for looking?

You just tell me who you are.

You ain't never gonna know that.


You're just a... boy.

I figure I'm a man now.


It's, um, Andy, isn't it?

Hello, Miss Kitty.

I thought we agreed you
weren't gonna come back in here.

"Till I grew up."

Well, I, uh, think I
got that job done.

Andy, you're lost again.

I'm right where I want to be.

We got things to
talk about, Tess.

Well, talk's cheap.

Well, I'll-I'll buy
you a drink then.

Well, I'm a little
short on time,

and I know you're
short on money.

You've been, uh,
practicing being masterful?

I come to take
you with me, Tess.

I come to marry you.

Oh, Andy!

Now, I don't want
to see that look,

and I don't want
to hear that tone.

I can take care
of you now, Tess.

Oh, no.

Not in any way.

Tell me, don't they have girls
out where you come from?

Will you stop that?

I'm sorry.

What ails your hand?

I, uh, I burned it.

Just bound to play
with fire, aren't you?

That is marrying money, Tess.

It's money.

There's more.

There won't be
anything we can't do,

anyplace we can't go!

Where'd you come
by money like that?

I, uh, I come into it.

Andy, I never said it.

I know I never said it.

Said what?

I never said, "Bring
me money, Andy boy,

and I'll run off with you."

Well, you said you liked money.

I said I loved it.

Well, then?

I said something else
I don't think you heard.

There's one thing I like better
than money, and that is a man.

A grown man.

I'm more of a man
than you know, Tess.

It's not something you
can wish yourself into, Andy.

You got to grow to it.

Now, wait a minute. We're
not through talking yet.

Both of us together can't talk
you into being a man either.

See her, Bo?

Yeah, I sure do, Quint.

See you later.

Huh. Keep you waiting, Tess?

Not very long.

Well, I guess you
can let go of her now.

She's with me.

Andy, I'm going with him.

Now, we've had our little talk,
and that's all we're gonna have.

We got things to settle.

Please be a nice boy
and go find a nice girl.

And show the money to her.

You're gonna be mine.

If I wanted a boy,
I would adopt one.

I'm not afraid of you.

Yeah, I guess that
makes us a standoff.

Now, you simmer.

Just simmer.

All right, all right!

Why don't you quit while
you're still alive, boy.

I came for one woman;
I'm gonna take her.

Quint, get him out of here.

What's the matter
with everybody?!

Just trying to
keep you alive, boy.

Now, come on.

Out you go.

It wasn't your fight!

Well, you act like you're
itching to fight anybody.

Why don't you fight me?

I was... I was fixin'
to leave anyway.


All right, boys,
bring him in easy.

Gus Riley, Doc.

Thanks, boys.

I just happened by his
place; I found him like this.

There was an empty
strongbox on the table.

Whoever did this to him
must have stole the money.

Gosh, he's lost a lot of blood.

Did he say anything?

No. Is it all right if I ask
him a couple of questions?

Well, yeah. I-I don't
think he can hear you.

Gus? Gus?

Gus, it's Matt Dillon.

Can you hear me?

Gus, who did this to you?


But did you know him?


Can you tell me anything else?

He... he...


Golly, Matt, he's
just about through.

Gus never had an
enemy in the world.

He had one, Doc.

Well, yes, but who?

Some thieving, murdering kid.

Don't bother with
that anymore, Quint.

Well, this is the
last leg, Kitty.

Well, wait a minute now.

Hold on there.

Hit a man while
he's down, Kitty.

Well, this isn't
exactly a fair fight.

Can I give you a hand, Quint?

Well, it's just like you to show
up when the work's finished.

What happened here?

Oh, some young fool
kid got in a fit over Tess.

Young fool kid?

What was his name?

Andy's all I know.

Quint threw him out.

How long ago this happen?

About a half hour ago, I guess.

Where'd he go?

Well, he rode out of town.

Did you notice
which way he went?

Yeah, west.

Oh, come on, Matt.

Don't go after him over
a couple of busted chairs.

I won't. Excuse me.

I'll see you later, Kitty.

Thanks a lot, Quint.

- Hello, Tess.
- Hello, Marshal.

Say, that young fella that
was in here a while ago,

can you tell me
anything about him?

You say most of it
when you say "young."

Yeah, but I want to
know who he was.

Well, his name was Andy;
I don't know his last name.

I don't even know
where he lives.

He's only been here a couple
of times, hasn't he, Kitty?

Yeah, once in the last month.

I told him to stay
away until he grew up.

He's not a bad boy, Marshal.

But he is just a boy.

Matt, what's this all about?

Well, I'll tell you, Kitty.

Old Gus Riley's up in
Doc's office right now,

and he's dying.

Some young kid
shot him full of holes

and took his money.

Well, Andy had
some money on him.

He said he'd come into it.

He, uh, he wanted to marry me.

Why, Andy never had
the price of a beer before.

Wait a minute, Marshal.

He doesn't look
like he'd k*ll anyone.

Can you be sure
about that, Tess?


But can you be sure he would?

Well, he's young,
his name's Andy.

I think he's worth looking for.






Uh, Grandma.

How many times I
told you to make a sign

when you come home at night?

Oh, well, I-I was, I
was just coming in.

I could've scattered
you in all directions.

Did I give you a fright, boy?

Yes'm, you did.

Well, you give me one.

Come along.

Let's get washed up for supper.

Well... I'm glad
you're home, Andy.

When night come on, I
figured you'd wait till morning.

Well, no, uh... no reason to.

What happened to your hand?

Oh, I-I just burned it a little.

Lay some bacon fat on it.

Grease it up good,
but don't wrap it.

Needs air to heal it.

- You ready to eat, Andy boy?
- Yeah.

Well, go set yourself down.

Well, God, we've lived
through another day,

and we thank you
for your blessings.

I guess you know Andy got
home safe, and I don't mind that.

We're grateful for the food
and the roof you provide, and...

well, I'll say an amen to that.

Everything go all right, Andy?

Yeah, sure.

Well, tell me all
about Gus Riley.

Oh, h-he was fine.

Only-only, he was awful busy.

You know, folks
around him and all.

Well, you give him the
money and you told your name?


Well, he must've said something.

Well, I-I told you, he was busy.

Gus Riley don't know busy
when one of mine comes to call.

Well, he-he said to say hello

and-and that he was
obliged for the money.

He say how much you
look like your daddy?

Yes'm, he-he remarked on that.

Well, the menfolks was
all talking about horses.

And you wouldn't want me
to force myself on Mr. Riley,

him being busy and all.

Ain't your way to
push yourself, Andy.

I know that.

But I kind of had hopes that...

that you and Gus
might have a good visit.

I’m sorry.

I worry about you
sometimes, Andy...

Growing up around
here without no men.

I had in mind that-that
you and Gus might hit it off.

Later on, might be you
could go to work for him.

I did the best I could.

Ain't no blame to it, Andy.

I'm awful tired, Grandma.

Well, don't force
food, you ain't hungry.

You ain't ailing, Andy?


I'm just, I'm just tired.

Good night, Grandma.

You see that girl
again, did you?

No, ma'am, I didn't.

Ain't I don't want you
to have a girl, but...

but you ought to find
yourself a proper one.

I was married to my first
husband when I was your age.

Good night, Grandma.

Good night, Andy.



Whoa! Ho!


I could stand a warning
on a stop like that.

What's the matter?

There's a, there's a
man lying over there.

What's wrong?

That's what I'm gonna see.

Now, come on.

Is he dead, Sam?

Looks it, sure.

No, he's breathing some.

We'll take him with us.


Got him?

Giddyup! Hyah!

Ha! Hyah! Ha!

Hyah! Ha!

Giddyup! Giddyup!


- Ho! Ho!
- Howdy, boys!


Got you a hurt
man, Kate, inside.

You right sure he ain't dead?

He wasn't when we found
him about ten miles back.

Get him inside.



Well, who is he?

I don't know; just
found him lying.

Wh-What are you bringing
him to Grandma's for

if you don't know who he is?

He's most dead, Andy.

Besides, Kate's not
alone here; she's got you.

Now, come on. Help me.

You got a knife?


Well, he's got more
than one b*llet in him.

And I don't know
what all ails his head.

Anything we can
do to help, Kate?

Well, I... I'd be obliged if
you could undress him for me.


Well, it ain't
modesty, you know.

I-I'm four times married,

but I can get to the
work of him sooner.

Gentle him all you can.

You fetch you some cloths,
Andy, a whole stack of them.

Andy thinks we brought
you too much trouble, Kate.

We'll manage it.

You rooted there, boy?

Grandma, we don't
even know who he is.

I mean, he might
be any kind of man.

We know he needs our help.

Ain't no strangers
on the prairie, boy.

Here's his clothes, Kate.

Just set them on the chair;

I'll clean them
up for him later.

Now, we'll be making
the return run tomorrow.

We'll look in on you.

Andy and me will be
doing our best for him.

Won't hurt none of you to
give him a prayerful thought.

Now, you take care.

Let's go.

See you later, Andy.

I'm gonna need all
your strength, boy.

Better hurry up and
fetch those cloths.

Somebody wanted
him good and dead.

That shoulder's full of lead.

He's shot in the back, Andy.

Ain't nothing meaner than that.

He's got a-a pretty big
bump on his head, too.

Well, that's
likely from his fall.

You never cut a b*llet
out, Andy, so watch this.

Knowing this can
be the difference

between life and death.

I give this to you when
you was feeling faint.

You ain't meant to swill it.

Well, my head's
still kind of swimmy.

You take it to bed then.

In this house, whiskey is
just strength when we need it.

You mind that.

How is he?

Well, I ain't seen much worse.

He's-he's gonna die?


It ain't up to us now, Andy.

We best say a prayer for him.

Well, God, you got
your work cut out for you.

You can see that.

And Andy and me, we're glad
to serve you and his needs.

And our hearts
are full of prayer

that they will be done.

And I'll say an amen to that.

Say an amen, Andy.


Did you chore?


- Feed his horse?
- Yes'm.

Well, you better go to bed then.

It ain't been a pretty day.

Well, you going?

Mm, no, I'll set with him.

Oh, I-I don't mind.

I mean, you need the sleep.


Them two fingers of
whiskey will keep my eyeballs

dancing the whole night long.

No, I won't sleep, boy.

Them things make
mighty poor keepsakes.

Oh, I, uh...

I just ain't never seen b*ll*ts
taken out of a man before.

You mind what I say.

The only b*ll*ts worth
using are to destroy a k*ller.

Or to ease an
animal's mortal pain.

You mind that.

Good night, Grandma.

Sleep well, Andy.


I, uh, I couldn't sleep.

I just dozed.

I-I figured you
could go stretch out.

I mean, as long
as I couldn't sleep,

I-I'd set with him.

It's his bad night.

I wouldn't leave him, boy.

Well, I-I could call
you if there was a need.

Boy like you wouldn't know need.

Don't know what all
ails that head of his.

Well, as long as you're here,

I'll-I'll go get me
a cup of coffee.

Time was when
whiskey kept me awake.

What happened?

Well, he... he-he
made a sound, and I...

I moved nearer
to hear him, and I...

I guess I knocked the glass off.

Well, read it up, boy.

We don't need cut feet.

Well, I'm sorry.

No harm; we're both on edge.

Just... just read it up, and
try and get some sleep.

You're gonna have all
the work to do here...

until he lives or dies.

I know you mean well, boy.

Bless you.

Here, now.

Here, you, ease now.

Ease now.

I need that water, boy!

I'm coming, Grandma.

Working your tail
off, ain't I, boy?

There's lots to do with
you setting with him.

Well, won't harm you none.

I die off, you'll have to run
the whole shebang by yourself.

You ought to take a
pride in what's yours.


Is, uh... is he any better?

Mm, a while last
night, I thought so.

Opened his eyes
and said a few words.

That was the end of it.

Well, what'd he say?

Oh, I don't know, wasn't much.

Did you feed the horses?

Well, you must remember
something he said.

I asked if you fed
the horses. You deaf?

I fed them, I watered them,

I got the team
ready for the stage.

Now, that's no
tone to take with me.

Well, I-I just...
wondered what he said.

Just wanted to know
who I was, that was all.

You off your feed, boy?

A dying man takes a
little getting used to.

Well, like you said yourself,
we're both kind of on edge.

Hard work will take the
edge off worry any day.

You mind that.


I remember.

Well, you feeling a
little sociable, are you?

Last night, you...

you were here.

I been here four nights running.

Had to cut your
shirt, but it'll mend up.

Fever broke a little while back.

I figured you'd be
opening an eye.

Hey, uh... you gonna
tell me who you are now?

Name's Kate Heller.

This your house?

Relay station.

You new to these parts?

Well, uh, I don't know.

Where are these parts?

West Kansas.

I'm a little dinky spot

in the middle of
the wide spaces.

Where you from?

- Dodge.
- Dodge?

That's a long ride.

What are you doing out here?

I was... I was trailing a man.

I... I must have got ambushed.

Next to you, I know
that better than anybody.

You said you were
trailing a man?

A k*ller.

I'm the marshal over in Dodge.

My name's Matt Dillon.


Are you?

Well, what... what
kind of k*ller you after?

Well, I don't know; I
never got a look at him.

Well, Marshal Dillon,

you got here without
a g*n or a badge

or anything to
show what you are.

The stagecoach picked you up

down the road a
piece... Ten miles.

Brought you here to us.


Me and my grandson.

We're all the "us" that's left.

I sure am obliged to you.

Law, I was glad of the
chance to get that old nightshirt

out of the drawer.

Was Mr. Beasley's.

You know, you put me
in mind of him some.

Big and strong and
not awful bad-looking.

He was my first.


Husband. I had four.

Buried them all.

Them and a son.

Mr. Beasley...

Mr. Carney...

Mr. Poe...

and Mr. Heller.

Mr. Beasley was the biggest.

I guess I never
quite got over him.

We was young together.

But... they were all fine men.

We lived all we could.

Well, won't be
long till morning.

You go back to sleep now.

When you wake up,

I'll start feeding the
strength back into you.


Uh... what-what
are you looking for?

Eggs, and I'm finding them.

Got to fix a special
breakfast for the marshal.

The m-marshal?

Can you beat that, Andy?

A real U.S. marshal
been here with us,

and I didn't know it till
the dead of last night.

He's gonna be all right, he
takes his patient time with it.

Come along, boy.

He, uh...

started to talk late
last night, did he?

Oh... fever broke
some after midnight.

Long about 3:00, he come around.

Seems like a fine man.

He, uh, he talk much?

Ah, you'll both get
the chance to visit.

I want you to take
his food into him.

I've got a big wash to hang.


And, uh, see you
give this to him.

I found it in the
barn this morning.

Can't figure out
how it got there,

but says "U.S. Marshal"
on it plain as day.

Well, I'll give it to him.

Now, he's to eat
this, every bite.

And he's not to
stand or even try to.

Another fall on that head
of his, it'll k*ll him sure.



You must be the grandson.


Uh, she says you're a marshal.

Uh, Grandma found
this out in the yard.

I guess it must've come off you

when they carried
you in that day.

Oh. Thanks.

That for me?

Uh, yeah.

Only, uh, Grandma
says you're to stand first.

Uh, you know, you-you
being so weak and all,

you ought to try yourself, you
know, get your strength back.

I don't know about that.

I'm still pretty fuzzy.

Well, uh, I-I could
give you a hand.

Grandma says it's
the best thing for you.

Well, maybe a little bit later.

Well, you ought to try it now.

I mean, you could
bear your weight on me.

Uh, thanks, but maybe after
I've had some of that breakfast.

Well, it's just that Grandma
said you ought to try.

It's... it's the
best thing for you.

Yeah, well, how 'bout
some of those eggs first?



Uh, I was... I was
only trying to help.

You work with your
grandma, do you?

Yeah. Why?

Oh, just wondered.

Well, you and Andy
having a fine talk, are you?

Andy, the marshal's
name is Dillon.

I brought your
clothes in, Marshal.

Not that you're to
think of putting them on.

I told Andy you're
still too weak to stand.

Well, the, uh, the
stage will be coming in.

I better go check the horses.

That all you can go?

I'm not too hungry.

Well, you didn't do bad.

Now you just lay back
and let the food set.

I've got me quite a
grandson, haven't I, Marshal?

I'll say you have.



Hyah! Hup!


Ho! Ho, ho!

- Howdy.
- Howdy, Andy.

Here are those things
that Kate ordered in town.

Oh, good.

There's one more.

There you go.

Oh, thank you.

- Boys.
- Well, morning, Kate.

- How's that patient of yours?
- He's alive.

What do you think of that?

Well, I knew we brought
him to the right place.

Know who he is?

U.S. marshal from
Dodge City, that's all.

- Really, Kate?
- True as can be.

Well, he never had
nothing on him that said so...

No-no badge or nothing.

Well, he's gonna be all right.

And I thank you
for your prayers.

He say how come
he was out this way?

- Trailing some k*ller's all I know.
- Oh.

Well, we'll keep an eye out,
and you do the same, Kate.


Hyah! Ho!

Well, you never told
me he was after a k*ller.

Well, you talked to him.

He might've told you.

Some k*ller he's never seen.

Now, what are you doing in here?

You ain't in no shape
to stump around yet.

I thought I better
start trying, Kate.

Well, you fall in a faint,

you're gonna just
lie on the floor.

I've got me other things to do.

Kate, I need your help.

You mean some more?

Some more.

Well, try me.

Kate, this k*ller I'm after,

he k*lled an old
man, a friend of mine.

You say you never seen him?

I didn't see him,

but Gus told me about
him just before he died.

Said he was a young
fella, real young.

You say "Gus"?

Yeah, Gus Riley.


Well, Gus Riley was
an old friend of mine, too.

We go back, him and me.

You think maybe you're
looking for my Andy, Marshal?

I think I am, Kate.

Gus Riley was robbed
after he was shot.

Short time later, a
young fella named Andy

showed a lot of money
to a saloon girl in Dodge.

I wanted to tell you first.

We can settle this
right quick, Marshal.

I'll go fetch Andy.

Where you going, boy?

Oh, uh... just off riding.

It's been a while.

I want you to tell me
about Gus Riley, Andy.

Well, I told you.

You want to change any of it?

Um, no, ma'am.

Gus Riley was shot
dead by some young fella.

Now, Grandma...

His money was took.

And some later, a
young fella named Andy

showed a lot of money to
a saloon girl in Dodge City.

Well, I-I don't know
what you're saying,

but it's got nothing
to do with me.

That's fine.

Then we'll go and tell
the marshal together.

No, no.

Well, I-I don't have
a thing to tell him.

I didn't do anything.

That same young'un must've
ambushed the marshal.

And it don't set right with me I
found that badge in here, Andy.

Well, you're running
so many things together.

- Did you do it?
- No.

Then come with me
to tell the marshal.

I can't!

Now we'll go together,

and we'll face
what we must face.

Now, you put the
g*n away, Grandma.

I'm-I'm your own; you
can't turn me over to him.

Marshal's a fair man.


He's after me.
He's been after me.

And that old man...
don't you see?

He... he had all that money,
and we never had nothing.

I don't see nothing
fair about that.

You did it, Andy.

You did it all.

I wanted Tess, Grandma.

I wanted the money for
her and for you and for me.

You're going with me, Andy.

You're going in to
see the marshal, Andy.


No, I ain't going.


That'd be Gus's
money, I guess, Marshal.

I was telling Andy the other day

how b*ll*ts was
to destroy a k*ller

or to ease an
animal's mortal pain.

I don't understand
the impatience.

Why would Andy be in
such a hurry to grow old?

I'd give something
to be young again,

to be starting over,
doing things better.

I'm sorry, Kate.

Sorry it ended this way.

We'll set him back
here with his own.

He needed these
menfolks growing up.

He can rest with them now.
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