08x28 - I Call Him Wonder

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x28 - I Call Him Wonder

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Three queens.

You don't miss, do you?

Never learned how.

You buy a poor man a drink?


Buy all you poor men a drink.

Oh, here, you might need
these cards again sometime.

Well, you, uh, sure are
some poker player, Jud.


Where'd you say you was from?

Well, up till last night,

I was a drover on the Chisholm.

But this morning,

trail boss had me
figured to ride drag.

We just didn't see
eye to eye on that,

so I had to fight him.

And I lost.

Well, it's nice to know
he loses at something.

Oh, yeah.

I've been riding drag all
up through the Nations.

I had all the red
dust I want to eat.

Well, maybe you'll stay in
Caldwell a while yet, hmm?

No, no.

I... I got me a job
lined up near Dodge

Big spread.

Think I'll mosey on over there.


Maybe I've had enough of that.

I got me a snoot full.

I got a bellyful myself.

Well, I'm gonna... I'm gonna
take my snoot and put it to bed,

so you do what you
want with your belly.

Holt and Keogh and me...

We don't like being
cheated out of our money.

Now, we played your
game with your cards.

I just played better
than you, that's all.

Don't do that.

Ain't nobody leaving yet.

He do all your talking for you?

If Docker says you
cheat, you cheat, that's all.

I can arrange to
stay out of this town.

He wasn't cheating,
was he, Docker?



Well, what do you...?
What's the idea?

You come sit down here.

Come over here, sit down.

What do you do,
file your teeth, hmm?


This what you come stealing?

Well, that's all the
Pawnee I know.

Guess you ain't a Pawnee.

Wundah! Wundah!

Yeah, well... well, not
with my knife, you don't.

Now, you want to... you
want to pack out of here,

why, uh, it's fine with me.

Go on.

Ate most everything
I got anyhow.


Now, why don't you go and
get yourself another word, hmm?

'Cause we're not getting
anywhere with that one.

Now, go home. Go home.

Leave me alone.

Come over here. Come on.

Come on. Come on.


Yeah. Yeah.

Now... now, you... you show me,

uh... home, your home.

Point-point me
where-where your people are.

Your people.

Now, look, look.

Figure-figure this...
this your teepee.


You... you.

And your ma.

And-and your pa.

Uh, other teepees, see?

Other teepees.

Now, look.

You point, point.

Point me.

Is it over there, over there,

or is it way over there?


Your-your teepee.

Teepee. Point.

Wundah! Wundah!

Over there?

Well, I sure hope you're right.


I'd have run, too, boy.

Come on, get down.


Few of these would do the job.

That was your teepee, was it?


Lot of it's still standing.

Your pa must have
built it pretty good.

Uh, nothing for you to see, boy.


I told you, you're gonna
have to get another word.

Wundah. Wundah.



Oh. You mean, my teepee?

I got no home, boy.

Got my horse, blanket.

Don't seem how you'd
be the only one left.

But you are, ain't you?

Ah, I don't know what to do.

But I can't rightly
take you, boy.


Guess you're stuck
with that, ain't you?

I guess I am, too.

All right, Wonder.

Come on. Come on.

You come on up here, now.


You know anything about
these papers, Chester?

Well, they come
from the land office.

Mr. Dillon just asked me
to bring them out to you

since I was coming this way.

Well, I don't know.

Used to be, a man'd find a
piece of land that suited him,

he'd settle it, work it.

Now it all has to be
put down in words.

You can't put land
into words, Chester.

Well, is there anything
wrong there, Enoch?

No, no, just a lot
of devilin' details

take up a man's time.

Uh, some more coffee, huh?

No, no, I got to save
some room for pie.

How's that?

Well, I make it my
business every Friday

to go by the Widow Feemster's.

She... she makes
a real nice pie.

You ride ten miles out of Dodge
every Friday for a piece of pie?

I'll tell you, Enoch, her
crusts is just as light and flaky

as they can be.

Not a crust in the world
worth all that riding.

Oh, I don't mind that at all.

Gives me a chance
to get out of Dodge.

That town is getting
so big and overcrowded.

You feel it's kind of
closing in on you, Chester.

Maybe you ought to take
a job out here with me.

Well, no.

I just don't know what
Mr. Dillon would do without me.

Well, every man for
his own work, Chester.

Th-There's one thing you
could do to help, though.

What's that?

You go back to Dodge.

Anybody looking for work,
you can tell them about me.

Well, I'll sure be
glad to do that, Enoch.

And much obliged for the papers.

Well, thanks a
lot for the coffee.

All right.


- Howdy.
- Howdy.

I-I'm looking for
Mr. Enoch Miller.

I'm Enoch Miller.

Well-well, I-I'm Jud Sorrel.

I hear you're
hiring, Mr. Miller.

Who told you that?

Oh, a friend of mine
named Ed Huxtable.

Where did you know Ed Huxtable?

On the Chisholm... we
was on a trail drive together

up out of San Antone.

Mr. Miller, I sure
could use a job.

Who is that?

Well, I... call him Wonder.

I found him yonder
out of Caldwell.

Well, I need a hand
right enough, but...

I don't need an Indian kid.

Well, I guess nobody does,
except maybe a squaw.

So there's no job for you
here, as long as you got him.

Oh, I plan to find a
place for him, Mr. Miller.

His village was burned out.

He's the only one left.

I'd get rid of
him if I were you.

Oh, yes, sir, I plan to.

You do that, and then
come back about that job.

Well, just as soon
as I can, yes, sir.

So long, Mr. Miller.


Hey, hey, hey.

Quit beating on me, will you?

Oh, you got a bellyache?

Oh, you mean your belly's empty.

Well, so is mine.

We're gonna get some food.

Just don't go
hammering on my back.


Easy, now.

Nothing to get scared of.

We can get some eats in there.

We can fill up in there.


Sit down, Wonder.

Come on, sit down.


We want all the food...

that this much money will buy.

It won't buy any here.

I ain't et nothing in two days.

You better take him
and leave, mister.

Well, I told you, we're hungry.

You ought to know better
than to bring an Injun kid in here.

He don't know better
than to be hungry.

It ain't me. I don't
care he's Injun.

But these are all
regular paying customers.

We're paying customers.

Look, I'll tell you, you
go on outside, easy-like,

and then come on around to
the back, and we'll feed you there.

It's the only way
I can do it, mister.

Now, it ain't worth
making trouble.


I tell you, I've never seen
the like of her gooseberries.

They're just as big as
the end of my thumb,

and she grows them herself.

She showed me her bushes.

But it wasn't gooseberry
last time, huh?

No, it was logan, remember?

A new kind of pie every week.

Listen, Chester, with you
going over there every Friday,

the Widow Feemster's
liable to get the idea

that you're courting
her, you know.

- Oh, no, no.
- Well, you've been going over there

pretty steady for the
last couple of months.

Well, but courting,
Mr. Dillon...

Well, women get that
idea awful easy, you know.

Well, Mr. Dillon, I ain't
never been over there

except in the daytime,
and then I never told her

that she was pretty
or nothing like that.

I just told her that her crust
was flaky and nice and light,

and that her fillings is...

well, you know, I told you
about the gooseberry pie.

I'm gonna get something to eat.

Well, you got to help me
figure this thing out. I mean...

Yeah, but, Chester,
look, I'm hungry;

I haven't been eating
all those pies, you know.


Uh-uh. Let's see your money.

That's what you're
used to, ain't it?

Take it easy, now. Easy.

Why don't you get
him on up to Doc's.

If you'd just gone
on like I told you.

- What's your name?
- Jud Sorrel.

Were you out to k*ll
him or something?

No, I just came
here to get a meal.

Uh, didn't work out that way.

This boy with you?


All right, Sorrel, looks like
I'm gonna have to run you in.

Well, you'll have to
take us both, then.

Well, Mr. Dillon, you can't
take the boy in, can you?

It looks like I'll have to.

Uh, it'd be a lot safer if... if
he went with me, Marshal.

What is he, pretty
rough customer?

Well, forevermore!

Yeah, he's... pretty
rough, all right.

Uh, it wouldn't be amiss if
you'd wash that good, Marshal.

He's a kind of a wild Indian.

All right, let's get started.

Go on.


He sure ain't got nothing
against food, has he?

Well, he's got a belly
just like everyone else.

Well, heavens, I know that.

He ain't the first Indian boy
that I've ever seen, you know.

Mm. Mm-hmm.


Gonna eat this
one all by myself.

Don't he talk?

Well, he's got a word.

Sounds like "wonder."

That's what I call him.


Yeah, "Wundah."

Well, that's a nice name.

Hello there, Wonder.

How do you make up to him?

I don't know.

I didn't have to.

He did all the making up.

Feel kind of sorry for him.

Oh, do you want him?

No. For heaven's sakes.

I was just being friendly-like.

What in the world would
I do with an Indian boy?

I don't know. When you find
out, let me know, will you?

You don't want him, neither?

Look, I got enough
troubles of my own.

Sure don't need
me a small Indian.

How is he, Doc?

Oh, he's gonna be all right.

He's just kind of bruised.

What happened to you?

Oh, nothing. Why?

Well, somebody bit you.

Now, what makes you think that?

Well, I'm just guessing
because I can see

some teeth marks there.

Here, let me swab
that off for you.

Suppose you need
the practice, huh?

Thunder, you're so stubborn
about it. Who bit you?

Well, it was a
little Indian kid,

if it's any business of yours.

A little kid?

Yeah, a little Indian kid.

This fellow Sorrel was beating
up on this cook over there

in Delmonico's, and he had
this little Indian boy with him,

so when I went to
arrest Sorrel, well...

Little kid bit you.

Yeah, that's about it.

And, of course, uh...

you managed to...
overpower the little boy, huh?

Sure glad of that.

What in thunder was the
fight about in the first place?

Well, they wouldn't let the
little kid eat at Delmonico's

or something like that.


Well, uh... oh, I see,
you're gonna have to hold

this Jud Sorrel
in till you find out

if the cook's gonna
press charges, huh?


Well, where's the little boy?

Well, I got him
over in the office.

In jail?

Well, what else can I do?

I couldn't even
get him separated

from this fella Sorrel.

Well, you can't keep
a little boy in jail!

I know that, yeah.

Well, what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna think about it awhile.

Don't you have
something to think about?

Am I, uh, gonna hang, Marshal?

Well, not so far, but
you're sure gonna

have to cool your
heels for a while.


Well, I-I cooled them before.

How about him? Uh, how
long have you had him?

Well, now, let's start
this right, Marshal.

I don't have him so
much as he's got me.

He found me a
couple-three mornings back,

and he ain't let me go since.

Where was this?

At a camp out of Caldwell.

He'd come stealing food.

I figured maybe I'd take
him back to his people.

When we got to the village,
why, it had been fired.

I couldn't leave him.

It's been that way ever since.

You're trying to get
rid of him then, huh?


I got a fine job waiting
for me when I do.


Well, I've got to find
some place for him.

I can't very well
keep him in jail.

Got to be somebody
around town that'd be willing

to take a boy for
a few days, but...

I don't know, his being
an Indian and all...


Well, they won't give him food,
they sure won't give him a bed.

What tribe's he from?

Well, my Pawnee
dialect didn't work on him.

That's all I know.


Well, maybe you ought
to check out Fort Dodge.

There's a few Indian
scouts out there.

Would you like to
wake him and tell him?

Oh, no, no. He can
sleep here tonight.

I'll do it tomorrow... might give
my hand a chance to heal up.

♪ My daddy come west to Kansas ♪

♪ To make his
home in Kansas... ♪

- Good morning.
- Oh.

Yeah, well, I-I reckon
it is, Miss Kitty, yeah.

Something wrong?

No, no.

Well, just kind of makes
me sad to think about it.

I'd rather not talk about
it, if you don't mind.

All right.

I, um, see you brought
Matt's horse around.

Where's he off to?

Well, there you go again.

I just asked you
not to talk about it,

and you just keep
bringing the subject up.

You're sad about Matt's horse?

Well, kind of, yeah.

You see, he's gonna
carry him off on it,

and... well, I just don't know
what's gonna happen to him.

Miss Kitty, you wouldn't
like a nice little Indian boy,

would you?

Well, not too much, thanks.

Yeah. Well, that's
what everybody says.

Nobody seems to feed him decent.

He's just a little orphan.

Nobody wants to give him a home.

Nobody seems to want him at all.


Wundah! Wundah!

Hey, now, cut that out,
you little Comanche.

Mr. Dillon, how'd you find
out he was Comanche?

I didn't; he just
fights like one.

I never realized how
dangerous your job is.

Listen, if he was 26 years old,

I probably couldn't
handle him at all.

You ought to get
Quint to help you out.

Well, he's out
hunting somewhere.

I'm gonna take this
boy out to Fort Dodge,

see if some of the old scouts
out there can handle him.

Well, good luck to
you, Wonder-boy.

I hope you find some folks

who'll take real
good care of you.

Now, cut that out.

That was kind of
a mean trick to do.

Well, at least you're
not sad anymore.

Well, he just ain't gonna
make no friends that way at all.

Arapaho boy.

People all gone.

Yes, we know about his people.

Not many Arapaho pass this way.

Tribe make camp.

Move up from Nations.

Go up Wyoming.

Old home.

You know of any Arapaho
encampments, Charlie?

Up Solomon River.

Many times Arapaho.

He'd be a lot better off
with his own people, Colonel.

We're gonna send a scouting
party up there before long.

Will you take care of
him until then, Charlie?

He want to stay with friend.

Well, you see, he can't do that.

His friend's in jail, and
there's just no place

for him to stay now.

The boy's young,
Charlie. He'll forget.

Well, much obliged
for your help, Colonel.

Glad we could
be of service, Matt.

Hey, Charlie, tell me something.

What does that mean, that
he keeps saying, that "wonder"?

What does that mean in Arapaho?

- "Wonder"?
- Wundah!

Wundah! Wundah!


Means "help, help."

Chester says I'm a
free man, Marshal.

Yeah, you're lucky.

Cook's so glad to be alive,

he's not even gonna
prefer charges.

Well, I spent near a week here.

That's the longest I
ever spent in one spot.

Yeah, now just do
me a favor, will you?

Do your eating somewhere
besides Delmonico's.

- Yeah.
- I mean it now.

I don't want you in any
more trouble around here.

I know how you feel, Marshal.

Enoch Miller's still
looking for a hand.

I was by there yesterday.

Yesterday was,
uh, cherry pie day

at the Widow
Feemster's, Marshal.

Well, good luck.

Well, thanks. I'll take that.

Stop by and see me
of a Friday, Chester.

I might just do that.

Oh, no.

This can't be.

Well, how in the
world did he get here?

Hey, now, breaking out of
Fort Dodge, that's not easy.

There ain't nothing about
this boy that's easy, Marshal.

Well, now what are we gonna do?

What do you mean "we"?

I've thought of
everything I can.

Uh, that widow of yours
need an Indian boy?

Well, that's a fool way
for you to be talking.

I stand to say a
lot of fool things.

Where'd you stable
my horse, Marshal?

Right down at the end of
the street, Moss Grimmick's.


My throat's dry.
How about a drink?

Yeah, sure.

Well, now, look at that.

Now, ain't that a sight?

Why, that's old Jud.

He's tagging an Injun.

He never let on he
was a squaw man.

Hey, Jud!

Well, this is my day for luck.

Kansas ain't near as
big as it seems, is it, Jud?

Well, right now, it
seems kind of confining.

That your boy, Jud?

Could be.

Why, you never told us
you was a daddy, Jud.

It looks like he takes after
his ma's side of the family.

Oh, you can see that, can you?

Oh, yeah.

Now, then, might
not be that way at all.

Might be Jud just won
him in a poker game.

No, I gave up poker.

You just ain't had the
right men for a game.

I kind of got queered on poker.

But us being here, that
changes all that, don't it, Jud?

Somehow, it don't.

Oh, now, come on, Jud.

What about a friendly game?

I, uh...

I ain't got over
the last one yet.

Let's get a drink.


Oh, hello.

Uh, Marshal said my
horse would be here.

I don't remember you
bringing a horse here.

Oh, well, like as not,
Chester brought it.

I-I been, uh, staying with
the marshal in his fine jail

for a week now.

Oh, that one.

Oh, yes.

Stable and feed, uh, $5.50.


He's been eating better than me.

He's been eating
good, all right.

Well, the truth is I didn't make
no money sitting in that jail.

Sorry, can't let him
go till he's paid for.

I bet you could use
a nice pocket watch.

I bet I couldn't.

Sure hate to part with it.

Well, I'm sorry, but
you don't have to.

Just pay me the $5.50
and take your horse.

W-Well, would-would
you keep him for me?

What do you mean, "keep him"?

Well, I mean, till
I get the money.

Must be somebody in
Dodge needs a nice watch.

Will he behave himself?

Oh, you got a bale of hay
inside and a... and a blanket,

you won't even know he's here.

Well, all right.

Guess there's nothing
else I can to do about it.

Bring him on in.

Come on. Come on.

Come on, Wonder.

Sure hate to part with it.

Was my granddaddy's.

I never saw a gold
watch that wasn't.

You know, some ladies
just don't feel dressed

if they don't have a
pocket watch, Miss Kitty.

Some ladies don't even
know the time of day.

Wonder and me sure
could use a stake.

Matt said he showed up again.

Just what you needed.

Well, I figure, when I get old,

I'll melt them all
down, fill my teeth.

You won't ever
get old, Miss Kitty.

Still want to play that game?

My cards?

Your cards, your
friends, your game.

I still play it better
than you do, Docker.

Jacks and aces.

Someday, I'm gonna build
me an outdoor poker palace,

and I'm gonna be the
richest man in all the world.

Well, you're not
laughing, Docker.

You are a tiresome man, Jud.

I sure hope you don't
have any more money,

'cause I can't stand
being indoors this long.

Leave anytime you want.

Can't he, Docker?

Uh, can I buy all you
poor men a drink?

Go on, get out of here.

Uh, I'd like my
granddaddy, Miss Kitty.


Freddy, can I have the cash box?


I didn't get to
know him very well.

Oh, he'd have broke your heart.

Miss Kitty, uh, you
are now looking

at one of the greatest
poker players in the world.

And one of the drunkest.

Yeah. Good night, Miss Kitty.

Good night, Jud.

Oh, now.



You're just bound to
be around, ain't you?

And we're going
over to the stables,

get some sleep with
them horses till morning.

Come on.

Come on.

Let's find out where they go.

What for, Docker?

Marshal's got to
sleep, like anyone else.

Best time to steal
an Injun's at night.

What are you gonna do with him?

I figure Jud's got to
pay, one way or another.

I got to win something from him.



You leave the boy alone!

You just plain got to
lose sometime, Jud.

Look, you want me, not him.

Here. Here, take the money.

Injun boy mean
all that to you, Jud?

Don't you hurt him!

Don't mean to hurt him none.

Just take him out on
the prairie and dump him.

Might get a little
footsore, that's all.

Holt's dead, Docker. He's dead.


Holt's dead. He's gonna die.

Not yet.

It's too easy.

Help me string
him up by his heels.


You awake, Jud?

I want you to be awake.

I want you to hear
everything I say.

You k*lled Holt, and now
you're gonna pay for it.

You're gonna
die, Jud, real slow.

Take him up higher.

All right, hold it.

Now, get him down
out of there fast.

You two want to get
strung up like that,

I can fix it up real easy.

He shot Holt, Marshal.

Yeah, the three of you

against him and a
little boy, is that it?

You all right now, Jud?


I'm gonna give up
whiskey, Chester.

Whiskey and poker.


They can k*ll a man.

You-you better look to the
old man in the room yonder.

I ain't heard a peep out of him.

I didn't hurt him,
I just tied him up.

Honest, Marshal.

All right, you two, let's go.

Well, you're not even sure
where you're headed, huh?

Oh, it don't matter much.

Ain't nobody gonna
be glad to see us.

Well, you'll have your
problems, all right.


But he saved my life, Marshal.

I know he did.


Now, look, don't forget.

There are some Arapaho
camps up on the Solomon.

There are some mission
schools out west of here.


But the way I figure, Marshal,

well, Wonder here's
gonna grow up

to be a man one of these days.

I think maybe I'll
keep an eye on him,

just to make sure
he stays on our side.

Well, good luck to you.

So long, Wonder.

Hey, you know, I found
out what "wundah" means

the other day out at Fort Dodge.

Oh? What's that?

Means "help."
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