08x27 - Two of a Kind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x27 - Two of a Kind

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Marshal Dillon!


Ah, and a good
morning to you, Marshal.

You get down, I'll be
making you some coffee.

Oh, no, thanks. I'm
heading for Jake Wirth's.

You look like you're
about to leave anyway.

I'm going to take a
morning look at me property.

Well, how's your friend?

Now, who might that be?

Well, that neighbor of yours.

If you're talking about
Tim Finnegan, Marshal,

he is no friend of mine,
as you very well know,

so I wouldn't be
knowing how he is.

I thought you two would've
had that feud patched up by now.

Well, that's not
likely, Marshal,

as long as the man
lives in the same county

or in the same country

for that matter.

Well, I guess there's no
harm in a friendly little feud

as long as you don't
let it get out of hand.

A friendly feud, is it?
There's nothing friendly

about Tim Finnegan.
You know that.

Well, there was before you
two had that fool argument.

Now, O'Ryan, why
don't you take my advice

and go on over there
and patch things up

before they get out of hand?

It was a very nice morning
up until a few minutes ago.

Now, good day to you, Marshal.

So long.

♪ I'll take you home
again, Kathleen ♪

♪ Across the ocean ♪

♪ Wild and wide. ♪

Stay where you are, Finnegan.

Blast you for a
murdering sneak, O'Ryan.

If it was m*rder I had in mind,

you don't suppose that
you'd still be standing there,

do you, Finnegan?

And as far as
being a sneak goes,

you've got the handle
on the wrong pot.

You're on my land.

You're building
yourself a fence.

Your land? You liar!

Finnegan, I'm not going
to argue with you again,

and if I ever catch
you trespassing

ever again on my land...

That goes double with
me, and you can be assured

I won't be wasting
any b*ll*ts on your hat.

Now I'm going to tell
you something, Finnegan.

I'm going to tell it to
you for the last time.

There is where your land ends,

and if you weren't such an
ignoramus of a greenhorn,

it wouldn't be necessary for
me to keep reminding you of it.

Ah-ah, stay there, Finnegan.

What do you think you're doing?

What I do on my own property
is my own affair, Finnegan.

Don't you tempt me, Finnegan!

I'll k*ll him!

As sure as my name's
Finnegan, I'll k*ll him!

Finnegan and O'Ryan,

they filed a claim on
the whole piece together.

It was a joint tenancy deed.

Then one of them
discovered a deposit

of rock salt in the hill.


But everything seemed fine.

The future seemed assured.

Then, about, uh, oh,
about seven weeks ago,

they notified me
over at the land office

that they wanted to
split the property 50-50,

the western portion to
Finnegan, and the east to O'Ryan.

- And that's a matter of record?
- Oh, yeah.

You find out what
made 'em split up?

Oh, it was something
about a girl in Ireland.

Finnegan's girl.


Yeah, he and O'Ryan come
from the same town in Ireland.

They were friends
since they were kids

until O'Ryan started
making these insinuations

about the girl.

And that is when
the trouble started

over the dividing line.

Well, couldn't they
settle it legally?

Well, sure.

But I guess maybe
they thought perhaps,

if they had a legal settlement,

one of them might be
kept away from the salt.

The point is,

if one of them suddenly died...

Well, since there are no heirs,

anyone could file a claim
on one half of the property...

That is, the half belonging
to the fellow who was dead.

And with it, half the mine.

I don't see why we're getting
all worked up about a salt mine.

I don't hanker to spend my
day swinging a pick and shovel.

And I don't figure you're
looking for any calluses either.

Any idea what salt in the
rough is going for today?

Better than a dollar a bushel.

And one man can take out a
couple of wagonloads a day

for a hundred years
from the look of the mine.

What do you think you
could sell a thing like that for?

Uh, Mr. Bealton, I think
perhaps you should sign this now

so that I can have it ready
to date it and witness and all

as soon as something comes
up upon which to file a claim.

Nothing in writing
until afterwards.

If somebody got his
hands on that ahead of time,

he'd have something
against me, wouldn't he?

Oh, ja, ja, ja.

Yeah, I guess you're
right about that.

And what-what, uh,

what I was thinking
about was, uh,

my part in this.

Well, you're protected.

No way anybody will be able
to prove anything against you.

No, no, I meant about my-my cut.

Your five percent is not...

It's very generous.

What are you bellyaching about?

Five percent of this deal
could be a lot of money.

Calm down.

These walls are thin.

Hello, Finnegan.

Hello, Quint.

There's a sign on
Moss Grimmick's stable

which says "closed" to see
you here at the blacksmith shop.

That's right; he went up
to Larned for a few days.

What can I do for you?

Well, my horse is
hungry and thirsty.

- Can you see to him?
- Sure.

That's his horse, ain't it?


Sean O'Ryan's.


He have his r*fle with him?

Well, I don't know.

I didn't really, really notice.

I, uh, I guess he did.


I don't yearn to hang for
k*lling an unarmed man.

Now, when you're good and ready,

you can reach for
your r*fle, O'Ryan.

I appreciate you're slow of
wit, so I'll give you a moment

to let it sink into
your thick skull.

I'm going to k*ll you, O'Ryan.

Sam, you better move.


You better stand out of
the line of fire, Miss Kitty.

That harebrained Irishman there,
he's got the nerves of a woman.

He's as liable to hit
you by accident as not.

I'm waiting.

Drop the r*fles, both of you.

Pick 'em up, Sam.

I thought Matt warned
you two last week

to leave your fight at home
or else stay out of Dodge.

I have no fight with
anyone in Dodge, Miss Kitty.

Just as long as that
one's somewhere else.

Well, you listen to me.

If either one of you
bring a r*fle in here again,

I'm gonna have Matt
put the both of you in jail.

What do you want me to do
with these r*fles, Miss Kitty?

Just lock 'em up
behind the bar, Sam.

I'll let Matt decide when
you can have them back.

Now, if you think you
can behave yourselves,

you can do your
drinking in here.

If not, you're gonna
have to get on out.

Yes, ma'am.

- Can I have a bottle, Sam?
- You bet.

Whiskey, Sam.

You know, I've come
to the conclusion

that this town don't
need a marshal anymore.

Well, I can handle
it in here sometimes,

but I couldn't handle
the whole town.

Sure handled that all right.

You know, those
two young roosters

sure have a habit
of causing trouble

wherever they light, don't they?

They're really
pretty nice fellas.

When they're apart, you mean.

When they start sh**ting
at each other, though, Kitty,

you know, a b*llet don't stop
and ask who pulled the trigger.

It's pretty dangerous.

Well, they've had a
hundred opportunities

to k*ll each other if
they really wanted to.

A barking dog doesn't bite.

Well, are you trying to tell me

that they're not serious
about hating each other?

Oh, well, they think they are.

It's the same thing, ain't it?


Anyhow, I don't think

there's gonna be any
more trouble tonight.

Well, maybe not, as
long as they're not armed.

You better leave now, Harris.

Yeah, yeah.

I think perhaps it
would be just as well

if we weren't seen too much
in each other's company.

What's everybody
looking at me for?

We didn't know it was you.

I was just over to the
Long Branch saloon.

Them bums were
over there together.

Oh, dear, have they made up?

Oh, no, they almost
k*lled each other,

but Miss Kitty stopped
them with a shotgun.

They're still there, getting
drunker by the minute.

Is the marshal there?

No, I heard he's out of town.

Good, then maybe
this will be our night.

Let's get over there. You
coming with us, Harris?

No, I think I'd better
get back to my place.

It is long past my bedtime.

How can you
possibly think of sleep

with a plan like this coming up?

Well, I may drop
by a little later on,

but I don't think I
should go with you.

He's right.

- ♪
- 'Cross the ocean wild and wide ♪

♪ To where your heart ♪

♪ Has ever been. ♪

Peaceful enough now, ain't they?

Harmless as kittens.

Yeah, you see, sometimes
alcohol brings out

the best there is in a man.

Somehow, anymore it
just makes me sleepy.

I think I'll go to bed.

Well, I got some
work to do in the office.

I'll see you tomorrow, Doc.

- Good night, Kitty.
- Good night.

Bottle, barkeep?

Do you know that a man gets
very lonely after working all day

in a hole in the ground when
all the company he's got at night

is a plate of cold beans and
the distant wailing of the coyotes?

You ought to get to town
more often, Mr. O'Ryan.

It's Sean to you,
little darling, Sean,

and I've made up my
mind to do just that.

Hey, bartender!

Never mind, barkeep.

Unless you've got some
objections, Mr. O'Ryan,

I'd like to buy your next bottle

for you and the young lady.


Why would you be
doing that, mister?

Just being friendly. I
overheard what you said

about spending your
days and nights alone.

But I can assure you that
wasn't meant for your ears, sir

No, but, you know, it
doesn't make too much sense,

two old friends like you and
Tim Finnegan feuding, does it?

Well, I don't see that
that concerns you at all.

Well, I suppose
it doesn't really,

but I know you two
settled that place together.

A terrible mistake.

It was very stupid of me to
think that I could work it out.

You go along, you think you
know a man, and, and then...

It's not the first time a
woman's come between friends.

Come between...?

Man, you don't think that,
that I was gone on that biddy?

Why, I wouldn't have her

if they threw in the whole
of County Cork for a dowry.

I was just trying
to keep the man

from making a
worldwide fool of himself.

Well, it doesn't seem to me

to be anything that
couldn't be straightened out

with a little calm reasoning.

No. No, even if it could,
you'd better forget it, mister.

Just the same...

- I'd like to try.
- Mm.

♪ You home again, Kathleen ♪

♪ Across the ocean
wild and wide... ♪

Mind a little company,
Mr. Finnegan?

My name's Clay Bealton.
All right if I sit down?

You Irish certainly know
how to put a tune together.

And women, too.

"Colleens," isn't that
what you call them?

Blue eyes, black hair,

and a way of talking that's
practically like... like music.

I guess that'd be a
pretty good description

of your friend Kathleen, hmm?

You were just sitting with
that O'Ryan, weren't you?

Well, he and I were...

What did the
foul-mouthed liar say?

Now simmer down, Mr. Finnegan.

I'm sure he only had
your best interest at heart.

I'm asking you what the
backstabbing toad said

about my Kathleen.

Well, he, he only said

that he knew the
girl before you did,

and that she wasn't
exactly the sort of girl

a fella would want to marry.

On your feet, Judas.


Ha! Not another step, Finnegan!

Ah, you're flying your
true colors at last, O'Ryan!

Finnegan, protect yourself.

Drop it, Finnegan!

The only thing I intend
to drop is you, O'Ryan!


He's shot!

See if he's dead.

What happened?

Finnegan and O'Ryan
again. It was an accident.

It was a hair trigger.
It just went off.

That's Elton Harris.

Some of you men get
him to Doc's right away.

All right, Finnegan, O'Ryan,
this time you're going to jail.

Now get going!

Let's see. Four
tables and three chairs

and 34 bottles of whiskey.
$224 ought to cover it, Matt.

That's twice what
they did last time.

- Oh, hello, Doc.
- Doc.

Coffee free around
here this morning?

- Help yourself.
- Thank you.

Say, how's Elton Harris, Doc?

Oh, he's all right. A
little shoulder wound.

Nothing serious.

You know, the sight of his
own blood did him more harm

than the b*llet did.

Say, he made a point of this,

and I think it's
kind of strange.

He wanted me to
be sure and tell you

that he wasn't gonna prefer
any charges against Finnegan.

He said it was all his fault.

He had no business roaming
around that time of night.

Now, that's kind
of funny, I think.

- Yeah.
- He's a funny little man.

Well, maybe he just didn't want
to cause anybody any trouble.

I suppose not.

Well, those two ought
to be punished anyhow.

Well, they will be, Kitty.

By golly, they sure wrecked
your place again, didn't they?

$224 worth.

Well, I guess they
figure they can afford it.

Well, that's not the point, Doc.

Kitty doesn't want to have
her place busted up every time

those two come to town.

That's a fact, ain't it?

Well, don't know what
you could do about that.

Well, I don't know.

Thought maybe I'd talk
to Judge Brooking about it.

He's coming to town tonight.

Of course, once it gets into
court, it's out of my hands.

You know, those two
aren't really criminals.

If I turn it over to
a judge like that,

he's liable to hand down
a pretty harsh decision.

Well, I-I guess you maybe
just ought to talk to the judge

and-and fill him in on
the whole thing, then.

Well, that's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

- Would you warm that up for me?
- Sure.

Very nice to have made your
acquaintance, Your Honor.

You don't think it was nice

that he made your
acquaintance, do you, Finnegan?

Why don't you learn to
keep your mouth shut?!

Well, they both seem
like nice fellows, Matt.

They are, Judge, but
it's just like I was saying.

Yeah, this feud of theirs, huh?

I haven't been able
to do a thing about it.

Yeah. Say, Matt,
how would you like

to walk down to the
Dodge House with me?

It's been a long,
hard day, you know.

Fine, Judge.

Oh, thanks.

You know, just what is it,
seems to be troubling you, Matt?

Well, for one thing,
Judge, it's this mine.

That mine means a
lot to a lot of people.

For another thing,

you don't know either of
these two fellas very well.

Now, ordinarily that wouldn't
make much difference,

but, well, if I do decide
to bring 'em to trial,

it's, well, it's just not

an ordinary
cut-and-dried legal case.

Well, wherever people
are involved, it usually isn't.

What I mean is, I'm not
sure that bringing 'em to trial

is the right way to handle it.

Matt, are you asking me
to prejudge them for you?

No, I'm not.

Well, now, this may help
you make up your mind.

Based on what
I've learned so far,

this is a problem of prevention
rather than punishment.

Now, that's my studied
opinion as of right now.

However, I reserve the
right to change that opinion

if there's any testimony

at the trial that
might point otherwise.

Well, good night, Matt.



All right, I'll have
Finnegan and O'Ryan over

in your court tomorrow.

Thanks very much, Matt.

- Good night.
- Good night.

There isn't any doubt

but what Sean O'Ryan and
Timothy Finnegan are a threat

to the peace and the
quiet of this community.

Marshal, you have testified that
fines levied against these men,

even short jail sentences,
have had virtually no effect

in preventing continual
and dangerous repetition

of their offenses
against this community.

Therefore, we must
find a harsher remedy.

Now would you two men
step before the bench, please?

I'm gonna read this to you:

"Damage to the Long
Branch saloon... $224,

"reimbursement to Elton
Harris for temporary disability

"and inconvenience... $250.

"Now this court fines
you in addition $200

"for disturbing the peace.

"Before you are
released from custody,

"you will pay to this court
the total amount of $564

for fines and damages."

This court has not
concluded its remarks.

Now, you men, upon
payment of this amount

in fines and damages,

you are free to go.

However, I'm going to warn you

that for your own
sakes and for the sakes

of the people in this community,

I'm going to hold
you responsible

for the lives of one another.

Now, I'm going to explain that.

It is the verdict of this court

that if either you, Sean O'Ryan

or Timothy Finnegan,

are found dead under
suspicious circumstances

and there's no third
party involved in the case,

then the survivor is
going to be taken out

and hanged for
m*rder without trial.

This has in effect been
your trial for m*rder

before the fact.

Since you're sworn
enemies and since you reside

in a place remote
from this community,

this court has taken

the only effective
course open to it.

This court is adjourned.

Ah, Marshal.

Well, good-bye now... I'd say
it was a bit of an expensive visit

for me this time, wasn't it?

You headed for home?

Aye, back to the salt mines.

Well, all right, you
be careful now.

Who, me, Marshal?

But I don't have a
worry in the world.

The judge has given me
a nursemaid, remember?

What do I owe you, Quint?

Well, let's see, uh,

three days board and
lodging, uh, new shoe.

That'll be, uh, three dollars.

He's gone.


He left about, um,
three hours ago.

Good, then it's not
likely I'll overtake him.

You two, uh,
through fighting now?

As long as he has the brains
to keep his ugly countenance

out of my sight.

Well, you better not go
battling with him anymore.

Well, that depends
on Mr. Sean O'Ryan.

I heard what Judge
Brooking said.

I heard, too... Good
day to you, Quint.

Well, all ready to leave, Matt.

Aw, well, fine, Judge.

Hey, you're still
worried about that verdict

I handed down in
court today, aren't you?

Well, you know a lot more
about the law than I do,

but a verdict before the
crime is illegal, isn't it?

- Oh, no, no, it isn't.
- Well, then...

Well, you know, the highest
purpose of man-made law

is the prevention of crime.

If the law were only
used for punishment,

that would demean it.

Well, sure, Judge, but what if
your verdict can't be enforced?

Well, we know that.

I never intended
that it should be.

My only hope is that the threat
of its enforcement will cause

O'Ryan and Finnegan to
think twice before they commit

some act that may
end in disaster.

Well, I hope you're
right, unless they let their

Irish tempers get the better
of 'em and one of 'em's k*lled.

Oh, well, I certainly
hope that doesn't happen.

Well, if it should, you know
where to get in touch with me.

All right.

Well, see you in about
seven weeks, Judge?

Yes, in six or seven
weeks, I guess, Matt.

I'll drop you a note and
let you know just when.


Oh, say, Matt, you know,
it might not be a bad idea...

Uh, that is, if
you got the time...

To ride out and look in
on O'Ryan and Finnegan,

you know, just to see
how they're getting along.

Yeah, I think you've
been a little bit worried

about 'em just like I have.

- Well...
- I was planning on doing that.

Thank good... good-bye, Matt.

O'Ryan's horse...
What sort of trick is this?


Help... get help!


Is someone up there? Help!

I'm down here!

Help... here I am!

Oh, it's you, is it, Finnegan?

Well, when you're
through enjoying yourself,

would it be asking you too
much to throw me down a rope?

Oh, what a
perfectly lovely sight.

You can't get out
at all, can you?

What did you want to get
down there for anyways?

That's a very stupid question
even for you, Finnegan.

Well, then, top of the morning

to you, Mr. O'Ryan.


Finnegan, you come back here.

There may not be anybody
here for weeks, Finnegan.

I get a hold of you, I'm
gonna cut you into little pieces.


You filthy beast, Finnegan.

Oh, you better run, man.

Those compliments couldn't
be meant for your rescuer,

could they, O'Ryan?

I wouldn't want
you to be arriving

at any false conclusions.

I only just come back
because I recollected

the judge's words
about being hung

if they ever found what the
vultures would leave of you.

Now grab a proper hold now.

Come in.

Oh, sit down, Harris.

Oh, thank you.

Wills told me you
wanted me to bring

along the land claim paper.

That's right... you got it?

Yeah, but you said the other day

that you didn't
want to sign it until...

well, until afterwards.

- Well, I changed my mind.
- Why?

Because things are going
to be moving very fast now,

and we want to be ready
to move when they do.

Well, all right, like I
said, it is better this way.

By the way, that was
pretty smart of you

not to prefer charges
against Finnegan.

I usually manage to keep
my wits no matter what.

How's the shoulder?

Very well, thank you.

Just sign right here.

Now, you witness it
with your signature.

Oh, well, I can do that later
when I, when I put in the date.

Date it "tomorrow."

But there's no
need to do that now.

In any case, how
do you know it will be

a valid land claim tomorrow?

I tell you, it is much
smarter to wait.

We're going to be riding out
first thing tomorrow morning.

By tomorrow afternoon
both sections of that land

are going to be up for
grabs, and we're going to have

first claim on both.



Judge Brooking
fixed that for us.

If one of 'em gets k*lled,
the other one's hanged, right?

I see.


Well, it will be right
here in my pocket,

- and as soon as I hear...
- Uh-uh.

It's gonna be in my pocket...
That way nothing can go wrong.

That way you can't
suddenly get cold feet.

Or decide to do business
with someone else.

Why should I want
to do a thing like that?

Well, you won't want
to... You won't be able to

because you're
gonna sign it right now.

Sign the paper, Harris.

Excuse me.

I'll see that he gets it.

- Morning, Doc.
- Well, how are you?

- I thought you'd had breakfast.
- Well, I did.

I saw you here, I thought I'd
come in and let you buy me

a cup of coffee if
you can afford it.

I think I can
manage that all right.

Ed, bring the marshal
a cup of coffee.

Besides, I, uh, kind of
wanted to talk to you anyway.

Is that so... what about?

You know, I think
you've been looking

a little peaked lately, Doc.

- Peaked?
- Yeah.

I think you need a little
fresh air and exercise maybe.


Yeah, well, it's good
for what ails you, isn't it?

Well, yeah, except
nothing ails me.

Well, it isn't good for a man
that just lays around town

all the time... it's just
not a healthy way of life.

All right, what is it?
What are you up to?

Well, I'm not up to anything.

I was gonna ride out
and see those Irishmen.

I got a letter for Finnegan.

Thought maybe it'd do you some
good to come out along with me,

get some exercise.

Exercise... four or five
hours on horseback.

What's the matter with you?

- Not me.
- Well, we can take it gradual.

Besides, they tell
me that the, uh,

trout are biting over
at Elm Creek way.

We could camp
overnight there maybe.


Well, Doc, the way you
cook up a mess of trout,

might be a mighty good
way to spend some time.

Yeah, I'm wise to
you... Now, flattering me

about my cooking's
not gonna get anywhere.

I'm... I'm not gonna go
flapping around any hills

with you on horseback.

Well, I suppose you're right.

I guess a man's smart if
he knows when he's too old

to go out and
enjoy those things.

You, uh, you having a
little trouble there, Doc?

Really? What?

Well, you kind of act
like you got saddle sores.

Oh, no, of course not, I'm...

Never been more comfortable...
How much further is it anyway?

Oh, it's a few more miles.

Well, that's what
you said this morning.

We've been on these
horses a half a day.

Listen, you get up there
and catch that first trout,

you'll forget all about
those saddle sores.

I don't believe
there's any trout.

I'm never gonna let you
trick me like this again.


♪ I'll take you home
again, Kathleen. ♪

Who's there?

Don't sh**t, Finnegan! It's me!

All right, it's you.

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Finnegan, you don't
think I have anything to do

with those men out there?

Now, who else would
be hiring an army

to take potshots at me?

What do you mean, an army?

There's only three men.

You sure you don't
know anything about it?

Well, if they ain't
your friends, I don't.

Are you satisfied now, Finnegan?

Well, who are they, then?

How would I know?

And what's it to you

if I get my head blown off?

Have you forgotten what
the judge has said, Finnegan?

Because if anything
should happen

to that scrawny neck of yours,

it's mine that's going to
be stretched on the gallows.

Well, I knew there was some
sort of self-interest involved.

Well, you don't
think for a minute

I'm going to make a target
out of me self for love,

do you, Finnegan?

I suppose you know
we're trapped in here

like a couple of rats
in a dead-end alley.

How much amm*nit*on
did you bring?

What's in my r*fle.

Oh, that was clever of you.

Finnegan, I heard the
sh*ts, I came a-running.

How was I to know
you'd pulled a gaff

and got yourself in a hole here?

Well, there's no point

in accusing each
other of stupidity.

Our problem right now is to

figure a way to save our skins.

Well, Finnegan, if we can
hold out until the dark comes,

we might be able to
make a break for it.

If we can.

With the few sh*ts we
have left between us.

Well, I tell you, we
won't do any sh**ting

until one of them shows
himself right in the entrance.

Well, all we have to do is wait.

Sooner or later,
they got to come out.

If they hold out till dark,
we might have trouble.

Well, they can't have
very much amm*nit*on.

We'll have to see if we
can make 'em use it up.

You two start closing
in from the sides.

I'll keep them busy from here.

They're coming! Get back!

That was stupid of me, Finnegan.

I wasted two sh*ts.

From now on, we fire
only one shot at a time.

The next one's mine.

I've only got two left.


Finnegan, you don't think
we should make a break for it?

We wouldn't get ten feet.

I'm all for staying here

and fighting 'em
with sticks and stones

or whatever we can
get our hands on.

All right.

Sean, duck!

Ha, Finnegan, you got him!

One down!

Finnegan, I'm
out of b*ll*ts now.

So am I.

It's in my arm.

All right, get back
to the horses.

We'll take care of them.

Go on. Hurry!

That's O'Ryan's place there.

That's too bad,

I was just beginning
to enjoy the ride.

That's a keg of
powder, Finnegan!

What's going on in
your evil mind now?

I expect our friends outside
to be ready to rush us.

They must have
figured out by now

we're out of amm*nit*on.


Maybe this'll work.

We hide here, and
they come rushing in.

And when they go by us...

It's a grenade, Finnegan!

You're a genius, me boy!

A mighty big
grenade, if it works.

They haven't fired a shot
in 20 minutes, Bealton.

Don't you think we
could go in now?


But we'll take it slow and sure.

We'll go in now together.

They're coming.

Put out the candle.

Get ready to light it.

What are you doing?

I've dropped me matches.

Ah, here's one.


Let's go.

What was that?

A sort of a grenade, Marshal.

Grenade? What are
you talking about?

Well, we had a bit of a
w*r this afternoon, Marshal.

Who-Who's he? Who's that fella?

Ain't you the doc
from Dodge City?


Would you help me get
the b*llet out of this arm?

I certainly will.

That's one of the
enemy there, Marshal.

What's left of the other
two are up there in the mine.

Here, here.

Wasn't a very pretty sight back
at the mine, was it, Marshal?

No. Now, you fellas
will have to take care of

burying those two
around here somewhere.

We'll do that, Marshal.

Oh, did you find
out who they are?

I sure did. And I found out

what they were
doing out here, too.

One of them had
this claim on him.

It's for this land, all of it.

For this land?

Yours and Tim's.

And it's dated today.

You mean they had it in mind
to k*ll us and to take our land?

Well, either that, or maybe
just m*rder one of you

and figure that the other
one would hang for it.

Marshal, that's right.

Anyone could do
that, couldn't he?

They sure could.

Of course, I, uh... I know a
way that you two could fix it

so nobody'd want
to try that again.

Just put your land together.

Now, that wouldn't
make it very profitable

for anybody to try, would it?

Well, no... I suppose not.

Um, Marshal... how
would we go about that?

Assuming that we
wanted to do it, of course.

Well, it'd be real easy.

All you have to do is go
down to the land office

and sign a paper.

Of course, you'd
have to wait a few days

till they get a new
clerk down there.

This Elton Harris is gonna
spend a long time in jail.


That fellow I shot by mistake?

Well, according to this thing,
he was in on the whole scheme.


Well, the saints preserve us!

Oh, uh...

thanks for the use of the
water and the towel, O'Ryan.

Don't mention it, Finnegan.

Well, I guess Doc ought to
have that fella patched up by now.

Well, I got him all
ready to go, Matt.

But he's kind of weak.

We're gonna have
to take it easy.

Oh, well, I guess you won't
miss your fishing trip, then.

I haven't been counting on
going fishing for quite a while now.

I want to get him into
Dodge before dark, let's go.

Come on, get on your horse.

Oh, say, Tim...

I almost forgot.

I got a letter for you.

A letter?

From Ireland.

Thanks, Marshal.

Good luck, fellas.

Oh, good-bye, Marshal.

- Sean.
- Hmm?

It's from my mother.

Take a look at that last part.

"I've a bit of news about
your little friend Kathleen.

"Last Sunday, at
the grand church

"on Swarthdon Street
in town, she was...

she was married
to Squire Mulvaney."

To Mulvaney?

Why, the man is
three times her age!

At least.

But he's as rich as Croesus.

And he's sick.

He probably doesn't
have much time left at all.

Oh, she knows what she's
doing, that "sweet Kathleen."

Ah, Finnegan, I'm
sorry, truly I am.

Sorry? Ah!

It only goes to prove

what you been saying
about her all along.

To tell the whole truth,

I suspected something like this

was brewing for quite a while.

That's why I always
got so angry with you

when you went on about her.

I didn't like the
sound of the truth.


we'd better get to
cleaning up our mine.

"Our mine," is it, Finnegan?

Tim, old boy,

I think we'd better
be doing just that.

- ♪ I'll take ♪
- Yeah.

♪ You home again, Kathleen ♪

♪ Across the ocean
wild and wide ♪

♪ To where your
heart has ever been ♪

♪ Since first you
were my bonny bride. ♪
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