08x17 - Louie Pheeters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

08x17 - Louie Pheeters

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.




You come for breakfast?

No, had mine, thanks.


Just as well.

There ain't hardly enough
here for one man alone.

Well, you're not far from Dodge.

You can get more supplies there.

I aim to.

Say, you're wearing a badge.

United States Marshal.

My goodness,
ain't that exciting?

What do you do,
peddle this stuff

around the countryside, huh?

My name's Tom Wiggins.

I come all the way from Ohio.

But I ain't sold much.

Not in Kansas, leastways.

Well, folks out
here aren't as rich

as they are back east, I guess.

It don't take a rich
man to buy a pot or two,

or a couple of yards of cloth.

No, but it still takes a dollar.

Pretty bad drought
around here last season.

People aren't over it yet.

I heard about that.

Say, you ain't out after
a bad man, are you?

Well, I was.

What happened?

I found him.

Well, where is he?

I buried him this morning.


Oh, my goodness.

Well, I'll see you
back in Dodge.

So long.

Nice knowing you, Marshal.



You can feed now.

You talk like I was
some kind of an animal.

Do I?

Maybe I ought to fetch you one.

You try it and I'll blind you.

You sure are some
lady, ain't you?

That's something you would
know nothing about, Bart.

Bring my coffee.

(smacking lips)

(mouth full): Now
what's the matter?


You disgust me.

Yeah, you disgust me, too.

Why don't you comb your hair
and put on some decent clothes?

You look like a pig.

Which is just what you deserve.

You didn't waste much
time cooking this, did you?

I started wasting time

the minute I got
up this morning.

What's that mean?

It means life with
you is a waste of time.

Want me to put it on paper?

Why don't you just shut up?

Don't make no difference
one way or the other.

Say, what day's today?



I'll be going into town tonight.

You and Murph Moody, I suppose.

What's wrong with Murph?

Have a good time.

You bet we will.

And lay off Murph...

He's a good man.

I don't care whether
he's good or bad.

You don't care about
nothing, do you?

Nothing you'd
know anything about.

Always talking smart.

Where you riding this morning?

Out to the east spring.

I won't be back till dinner.

Try and have it ready
by noon, will you?

I'll try, Bart.

I'll try real hard.

MAN: Hey, Bart!

I seen it was you, Murph.

Yeah. Where you headed?

Oh, out to the east spring.

Want to ride along?

Oh, no. I got a lot of
work to do at my place,

if we're going to town tonight.

You bet we're going.

I wouldn't miss Saturday
nights for nothing.

It's about the only
pleasure I get anymore.

Your old lady still
rattling at you, is she?

Oh, she don't never let up.

I'm gonna cut her tongue
out someday, I swear.


It should happen to all women.

Especially her.

Ah, forget her, Bart.

A couple of drinks tonight,

you'll forget you ever knew her.

I'm counting the minutes.

Where we gonna meet?

How about in front
of the Long Branch?

Say... 8:00?

- I'll be there.
- I'll see you.

- So long.
- So long.

- Come on, boy.
- Go.

(hoofbeats approach)

(knock at door)

Good morning, Clara.

Come on in.

I thought you'd never get here.

Well, I had to wait for Bart.


Got some coffee for you.

Oh, I don't want any coffee.

Well, you're gonna
have some anyway.

You know, you look awful
pretty this morning, Clara.

That's not what Bart said.


Bart don't see too good.

That's the sad truth...

sad for Bart, anyway.


I wonder what he'd do

if he knew what his
best friend was up to?

Well, I reckon there'd be a
little dust raised around here.

He's bound to find out someday.

Well, let's just put it off
as long as possible, huh?

But, Murph, why
let him catch us?

If you was really
serious about me,

you wouldn't say
"let's put it off."

Well, what do you want me to do?

k*ll him.

k*ll him?

Just like that, hmm?

You're gonna have
to sooner or later.

You know, for a pretty woman,
you're mighty bloodthirsty.


I'm practical.

That is, if you mean what
you've been telling me.

Oh, honey, you know I do.

Then prove it.

Clara, you ain't
been leading me on

just to get somebody to
k*ll Bart for you, have you?

How can you talk
like that, Murph?

(laughs) I'm sorry,
I was only teasing.

Well, stop teasing,
I don't like it.

Come here.

- Now, Murph...
- Come here.

No, Murph.

I got a little surprise for you.

Whiskey at this
time of the morning?

Well, it's Saturday.


I really feel like a sinner now.

Oh, that's the spirit.

(wagon wheels creaking)

Who is that?

I don't know.

TOM: Whoa.

It's some stranger with a wagon.

He's coming up to the door.

We can't have him see me here.

Well, I won't let him in.

Oh. Hello.

What do you want?

I was just about to knock,

and then you opened the door.

Well, I asked, what do you want?

My name is Wiggins,
ma'am, Tom Wiggins.

Well, is it water
for your horse,

or are you lost or something?

No, ma'am, I ain't lost.

I'm on my way to Dodge

and I seen your house
and I said to myself,

I'll bet the lady in that house

would appreciate my coming by.

- I'm very busy, Mr. Wiggins.
- Oh, wait.

It won't take but a minute.

Look, ma'am, I come to help you.

I bet I got a dozen things
you'd be glad to have.

Real cheap, too.

And you can come
take a look if you like.

No, I don't need anything.

Oh, every woman needs something.


Just let me take a look
around your kitchen.

I can tell you in a
minute what you need.

No, I don't need
anything. I told you.

- But if you'll only...
- Look, mister.

My husband's out at the barn

and he don't like
strangers around here.

Now, do you want
me to holler for him,

or do you want to leave
without getting hurt?

No, don't holler.

Me and husbands
never did get along good.


I'll go.

Well, that was smart, Clara.

You done that real good.

That's the first peddler
I've seen around here

since I can remember.

Better make sure
that he's really going.

He's on his way.

Ah. Good.

And I'd better be on mine, too.

Why, I forgot about the time.

Bart'll be home for dinner soon.

Well, now, you
give him a good one.

He's had a hard ride, you
know, he's apt to be hungry.

(both laugh)

You k*ll me, Murph.

When'll I see you again?

In a few days.

I got some work to do
at my place, you know.

I'll be waiting, Murph.



You some kind of
peddler or something?

Yes, sir.

Need anything?


I got all sorts of
handy items here.

Would you like to take a look?

I don't reckon I do.

Won't cost you a thing.

Don't have to buy
anything if you don't want to.

You been by my place?

Back there a mile or so?

That's right.

Your place, you say?

Yeah, my place.

She didn't buy nothing, did she?

No, she said you
was in the barn.

How could I be in the barn

if I'm clear out
here on the prairie?

I don't know.

Then don't talk like an idiot.

Keep away from my place.

We don't want no
peddlers, never.

Now, you hear me good?

Yes, sir.




Clara, you in there?

CLARA: I'll be out in a minute.


Do you have to
yell all the time?

Your dinner's ready.

Sit down and I'll dish it up.

Since when did you
take to drinking whiskey?

What are you talking about?

Are you gonna tell
me this is perfume?

Oh, that.

Yeah, that.

Well, I felt a little
cold coming on.

Now, what's wrong with a nip?

Don't lie to me, Clara.

Well, it's the truth.

Th-There's no law that says
a grown woman can't have

a medicinal drink
now and then, is there?

Now, don't fool with me.

You never have
no whiskey in here.

Now, I want the truth, Clara.

Who brought that bottle?

Now, you tell me
some neighbor woman

and I'm gonna
slap your head off.

Well, all right, but let me go.


Now, start talking.


It-it was a man.

It-it was a peddler
with a wagon.


he forced his way in
here and threatened me

unless I took a drink with him.

So I did.

Till I got a hold of that
carving knife and drove him out.

The peddler?

Did you see him?

Well, why didn't you
tell me that right out?

Well, I...

I thought you'd be angry.

Stupid woman.

That still don't mean
that anybody can come

in here like that.

You going after him?

He don't travel fast.

I'll have dinner first.

I knowed right off
there was something

I didn't like about him.


(birds chirping)


You move faster than I figured.

You almost got to Dodge.

You mean, you've
been following me?

I've been following
you, all right.

You changed your mind
about buying some things, huh?

What's your name, mister?


Tom Wiggins.

You don't look like
such a ladies' man to me.

Ladies' man?

(quiet laugh) My goodness, no.

A little pip-squeak like
you... It's hard to believe.

You carry a g*n, Wiggins?

No, I wouldn't know
how to use one.

I can believe that.

Uh, you, uh, want to take
a look at some things?

I've got a lot more inside.

Like what?

Little bottles of whiskey?

No, but I've got cloth.

All kinds of cloth.

Your wife can
make you a fine suit.

Get down off that wagon.

Why, certainly.

You sniveling little pip-squeak.

I'm gonna learn
you once and for all.

TOM: Let me go,
please... I didn't do nothing!

BART: Fool around
with my wife, will you?

I'll show you.

Please, mister.

I-I ain't done
nothing to your wife.

I never even sold her anything.

I reckon there's only one
way to shut you up, ain't there?

You gonna k*ll me?

No, you can't k*ll me.

I don't want to die.

I like living.

No man messes with what's mine.

Don't, please, don't.

No, no, no...




Nobody home... they went
out to live in the country.

Well, for heaven's
sakes, it's you.

Surprised you, huh?

Yeah, sure did.

You know who I thought you was?


Well, I just thought you were
some bum sleeping off a drunk.

Well, knowing you,

I can understand how
you'd think that way.

Well, I'm not arguing
about you getting your rest.

I don't know of anybody
who needs it more than you.

I'm all in favor of that.

Who said anything
about getting rest?

Well, now, you're
not gonna tell me

that you were
sitting there thinking?

As a matter of fact,
I was, Doc, yeah.

- Is that so?
- Yeah.

- What about?
- I was thinking about you.

I was just thinking about
how nice it'd be to be like you,

be able to walk around, up
and down the streets all day,

nothing to do, just kind
of loaf around, and...

Is that so? Well, let
me tell you something.

If you got up...

Here comes one of
your old drinking pals.

- Louie.
- Hello, Louie.

Marshal, Doc.

Well, want to see me, Louie?

Uh, no, Marshal, I
wanted to see Doc.

But it can wait.

Oh, don't have to...
Sit down, sit down.

No, no, it's nothing...
It ain't important.

Now, Louie, come on, sit down.

We're your friends... just tell
us what's on your mind here.

I don't hardly
know where to start.

Well, you sick or something?

No more than usual.


Hey, Louie, I've
told you, you know,

if you'd just ease
off on the booze,

you'd feel good
most of the time.

Oh, I'm off it now, Doc.

Well, that's good news.

H-How long has it been?

All afternoon.

I had to quit.

I started seeing
things in my sleep.

Like bad dreams.

Snakes, elephants?

No, no, it was
different this time.

That's what I wanted
to ask you about.

It was people, no
animals or stuff.

It was two men.

And they was having
some kind of a row.

And one of 'em k*lled the other.

Drowned him.


Well, that's a new
way of doing it anyway.

Where'd this happen, Louie?

In the old slough.

He drug him in and
shoved him under

and held him there.

Hmm, this anybody you knew?

No, they were
strangers to me, Doc.

But it sure give me
a fright, I can tell you.

Oh, you bet it... I bet it did.

Louie, why don't you
quit drinking altogether?

It's just gonna keep on getting
worse on you if you don't.

Well, he's quit.

He hasn't had a
drink since noon.

That's right.

I'm off it, I quit.

I won't touch another
drop as long as I live.

That's fine.

Thanks for listening to me, Doc.

Any time at all, Louie.

So long, Marshal.


So long, Louie.

My gosh.

Wouldn't I be some
doctor, though, Matt,

if I could... if I
could help him?


It's too bad...
He's a nice fella.

Sure is.

Now, what kind of a rig is that?

Say, that looks like Gus
Thompson driving that wagon.

It sure does.

Hello, Marshal.

- Oh, hello, Gus.
- Gus.

- Doc.
- Where'd you get the wagon?

Out beyond the old
slough about a mile.

Just standing there,
nobody around at all.

Figured I better bring it in.

Well, you did right, Gus.

Well, whose do
you suppose it is?

Well, it belongs to a peddler.

I met him out on the
prairie this morning.

Any sign of him?

Not a thing, Marshal.

You got time to go back
out there with me, Gus?

Well, I'll make time, Marshal.

All right, fine, why don't you
take this down to the stable?

I'll meet you down there.

Sure thing. How's it going, Doc?

- Oh, fine, Gus, fine.
- Come on, boy.

It's right where we're
standing, Marshal.

There's plenty of
tracks around here.

Yeah, lots of riders
pass through here.

But I looked real close before.

There wasn't no
boot marks at all.

I guess his horse
ran off with the wagon.

Well, we'll just have
to start backtracking.

It's the only way
we'll find him, Gus.

Well, one thing, the
trail ain't hard to follow.

Come on.

He must have stopped
here to water his horse.


Well, I don't see
anything here, Marshal.

Well, we'll just go
on backtracking then.

We have to go all the way back
to where I met him this morning.

Come on.


- Hello, Bart.
- Hello, Marshal.

- Bart, this is Gus Thompson.
- Howdy.


Uh, what you doing
out this way, Marshal?

Well, we're looking for a man.

Thought you might
be able to help us.

What did he do? k*ll somebody?

It's more likely he
got k*lled himself.

- What?
- Some kind of a traveling peddler, Bart.

Gus here found his wagon
down by the old slough.

You mean just his wagon?

GUS: Not a hide nor hair of him.

We followed his trail this far.

Oh, he was here this morning,

but the missus
didn't buy nothing.

Were you here?

No, sir, I-I run into him, uh,

out on the prairie, coming
back from my east spring.

Well, that would
put him somewhere

between here and the old slough.

We must have missed his trail.

I don't see how we
could've, Marshal.

He ain't been back here.

I told him to keep moving
and not bother us no more.

Well, thanks, Bart.

- So long.
- So long.

Good luck finding him.

(laughter and
indistinct chatter)

(lively piano music playing)

Hello, Kitty.

Hmm, you're out early.

Yeah, I'll be out late, too.

It's Saturday night.

Yeah, I know it. I've
been dreading it all day.

Mean to say you don't like
the idea of making money?

I love the money.

It's the noise and trouble that
goes with it that bothers me.

Well, maybe you ought
to get out of this business.

That an offer?

Come on in the office.

I want to show you something.

I thought he was
gonna quit drinking.

Oh, he'll never quit.

Give us a couple
whiskeys, barkeep.


We're gonna howl
tonight, huh, Murph?

Oh, I'm for that, Bart.

Just a couple more, bartender.


Excuse me, mister.

Beat it, you bum.

I ain't after a drink.

Oh, no, of course not.

You're going to
buy us one, right?


It's you I seen.

Didn't you hear me
tell you to beat it?

You and that fella you drowned.

Just like it was real.

What's that? What'd you say?

Down at the slough.

I seen you just
like it was real.

What do you mean, you seen me?

You held him under,

and he drowned.

Then you went
off with his wagon.

You was right there?

Sleeping on the bank.

Like it was real.

Who all have you
told about this?

Nobody, nobody.

Except I had a dream.

I'd been drinking.

Mister, I'm gonna
have to k*ll you.

No, no, please, please.

Hold it, Bart, let him go.

- Not hardly.
- Don't be a fool.

Listen to me.

I got an idea.

You, go on, beat it.

Go on, beat it.

What's the matter with you?

Hold your voice down.

Come here.

Is this true?

You k*lled a man?

You heard him.

A man with a wagon?

He deserved it.

Some peddler... He
forced himself on Clara,

drank whiskey there.

I found the bottle,
Clara told me about it.

So I tracked him to the
slough and drowned him.

And this little drunk,

he seen it all, huh?

Well, maybe it's
not so bad at that.

Who'd believe him?

Besides, he thought
he was dreaming.

Yeah, but I wouldn't count
on people not believing him.

You said yourself
he was just a drunk.

But what he seen was true.

Now, if he starts
talking about it,

there may be some
way of proving it.


I don't know; that ain't my job.

That's the marshal's job,

but he has proved out
tougher cases than this one.

Now, look, Bart, we
have got to do something.

I offered to k*ll him, didn't I?

Yeah, sure, right here.

You listen to me.

I got a better idea.

I think it'll work
out just perfect.


Why don't we drown him?

Just like you done
to that peddler?

I kind of like that.

I thought you might.

I'll tell you what we'll do.

Now, we'll get him
drunk, but real drunk

so he don't holler none.

Then we grab him, we
drag him down to the slough,

and we throw him in.

By golly, Murph, we'll do it.

All right, now listen.

You go ahead and
you get him drunk,

and I'll hang around
in the background

just to make sure
everything is all right, hmm?

But you'll be there to help
me take him to the slough,

- won't you?
- Oh, sure I will.

I'll be nearby all the time.

Let's get going.

Barkeep, give me a bottle.

I didn't mean what
I said back there.

You didn't?

No. Can I buy you a drink?

Drink? Sure, sure.

No hard feelings?



Have another.

Oh, thank you.



Where you been?

Oh, I had a little errand.

My, he looks in
fine shape, don't he?

He ought to.

Ain't never seen a
man drink like him.

Let's get him off
the street in the alley.

Come on.

Stand right there.

Have another drink.


Oh, Bart, that's enough.

He's full up.

Just the way I want him.

Right to the eyes.

Look at him.


Now we'll take
him to the slough.

That sure was a good
idea of yours, Murph.

You're a good friend.

Yeah, Bart, I'm a good friend.

Where'd you get the g*n?

You didn't have two
when we started out.

Oh, that?

That's where I went,
over to my horse.

I remembered I had this
one in my saddlebags.

You got some idea
you ain't told me about?

Yeah, Bart, I kind of wanted
to keep it as a surprise.

What are you doing?

Don't point that thing at me.

Well, how else could
I k*ll you with it, Bart?

Murph, what's the
matter with you?

But poor Louie
Pheeters here is the one

who's gonna
hang for this k*lling.

Murph, you're plumb
out of your mind.

It's gonna make it real
good for Clara and me.

You and Clara?

I don't want to talk
about it anymore, Bart.

(dog barking)

Now, you just better sit
down here for a little while.

Thanks, Doc.

- Matt.
- How is he, Doc?

Well, he's...

better, I guess, he ought to be.

I've been walking
him half the night

and feeding him coffee.

Here, come on, Louie.

Drink the rest of that.

I-I'll bust, I drink
more coffee, Doc.

Well, I don't care if you
bust; just go on and drink it.

That's all there is
left anyway. Go on.

Now, Louie, you want
to tell me about it now?

About what, Marshal?

Doc, you better go heat
up some more coffee.

Oh, no, no more coffee,
please, please, Marshal.


you were found
about six hours ago

lying in an alley near
the Bull's Head Saloon.

You had a g*n in your hand,

and there was a dead
man lying beside you.

You're saying I k*lled
a man, Marshal?

It looks pretty bad, Louie.

Now, the man's
name was Bart Felder.


That's the man I was
drinking with, Marshal.

That's right, you were seen

in just about every
saloon in Dodge with him.

Oh, I wouldn't
k*ll him, Marshal.

I wouldn't k*ll nobody.

Well, who is this man, Louie?

Where'd you meet him?

Well, I just run into him at
the Long Branch, Marshal.

Yes, but then you went
on with him from there.


I remember.

I went up to him

and told him it was
him I seen in my dream

drowning that man

down in that old muddy slough.

You know the place about
five miles west of town?


And it was him, too.

I even remember dreaming
how he led the man's wagon off

after he k*lled him.

His wagon?

Yes, sir.

Bart was kind of
sore at me at first.

Said he'd k*ll me,

but he found me later
and apologized for that.

Now, Louie, was there anybody
with you and Bart last night?


It was just the two
of us, all I remember.

Was he alone when you met him?


He was having a drink
with some fella at the bar,

but he left.

How about the g*n?

Was it your g*n?

I mean, do you carry one?

Oh, my goodness, no, Marshal.

What would I do with a g*n?

Well, I don't know.

You said this man was
threatening your life.

Maybe you went
out and found one.

I don't remember doing
nothing like that, Marshal.


I can just hear all that
on the witness stand.

Kind of a bad spot, ain't he?

- Louie.
- Yes, Marshal.

Do you feel up to going out
there to this slough with me

and showing me
just what happened?

Sure, sure, I'll
show you, Marshal.

All right, let's
get started, then.

All right.

Good luck to you.

He'll need it, Doc.

Was it around here, Louie?

Right there's where the
wagon stopped, Marshal.

And right out there's
where Bart drowned him.

Well, I was here yesterday.

Over in there's
where I was sleeping.

This whole thing has got
me terrible confused, Marshal.

You just stay here. I'm
gonna have a look around.


My head's about
to bust, Marshal.

Louie, I got news for you.

You weren't dreaming or
seeing things yesterday.

I wasn't?

No, sir. There's a
drowned man in there.

Well, my goodness.

Louie, I'll take you
back to town now.

I'll come back for him.

Can I go to bed now, Marshal?

Yeah, but I'm afraid
it'll have to be in jail.

What for?

I'll explain that to you
when we get back to town.

Hello, Louie. Thought
you might be hungry.

I brought you a little soup.

Thank you, Marshal.

I'm sure feeling a sight
better. I needed that sleep.

You look a lot better, Louie.

Matt, is he gonna
have to stand trial?

Yeah, I'm afraid so, Doc.

Maybe they'll hang me.

Well, don't talk
like that, Louie.

Don't give up so easy.

I never had no luck
all my life, Marshal.

Oh, Marshal, I remembered
something a while ago.

The man Bart was drinking
with when I run into him

at the Long Branch... He
was there later at the end.

I remember seeing
him in the alley.

Well, now, that might make
a lot of difference, Louie.

Who was it?

Oh, I wouldn't
know that, Marshal.

Well, what'd he look like?

I'd be hard put to say
what Bart looks like.

My brain ain't too clear
when I'm drinking sometimes.

Well, I'd better go down
and see Bart's widow.

Maybe she can
tell me who it was.

Have a nice ride, Marshal.



Oh, Murph, I'm
so glad to see you.


I told you I'd be back
in a couple of hours.

And now we're gonna
do a little celebrating.

(both chuckle)

Get some glasses, huh?

All right.

Now, this first one is
going to be to us, Clara.

Now, we made out real good.

It couldn't have
worked out better.

(Murph chuckles)

Oh, just think,
Murph, we're free.

Nothing in the
world to worry about.

Bart's gone and gone for good.

That's right.
It's all over with.


I didn't hear nobody ride up.

Get in the bedroom quick.

Hello, Clara.

Marshal Dillon, what
are you doing out here?

May I come in?

The house is a mess. I...

Well, this won't take long.
It's pretty important, Clara.

What's the matter, Marshal?

I'm afraid I got some bad
news for you about Bart.


He was k*lled last night.


You don't sound very surprised.

He was bound to get
k*lled sooner or later.

Bart was a troublemaker.

Oh, I didn't realize that.

I've just been waiting
for it to happen.

Did he go to town with
somebody last night?

What? Why do you ask?

'Cause he was
seen drinking earlier

in the Long Branch with a man.

I wouldn't know, Marshal.

I mean, he was by
himself when he left here.

DILLON: Mm-hmm.

Oh, he had a drink
with me before he left.

I just haven't had
time to straighten up.

Like I say, the house is a mess.

There's a horse tied out in
front. He's not yours, is he?

Well, whose would it be?

Well, that's what
I'm asking you.

Bart probably left it there.

He probably forgot
to take him in.


Wait, Marshal, wait!


- No, no! He just...
- Out of my way.

He just came by
to say hello to Bart.





Hello, Louie.

You come sooner than
I expected, Marshal.

I've been thinking this
afternoon hard, real hard.

About what?

About my sins
and transgressions,

about my worthless ways.

About how I ain't been much
good to nobody these last years.

About it's time I
went. High time.

So I'm ready, Marshal.

Let's get it over with.

You're ready for what, Louie?

Why, the hanging.

Louie, there isn't
gonna be any hanging.

Come on in here.

Louie, how about
a cup of coffee?

Fine. What happened
to your arm, Marshal?

Well, I'll explain that to you.

We'll have to wait a
minute for it to heat up.

I don't understand
this, Marshal.

Louie, I found the man
that was drinking with Bart

that night he saw you.

You did?

Name was Murph Moody.

He was having a drink
with Clara out at her place

and he tried to
get away from me.

That's how I
happened to get shot.

Anyway, Clara told
me about it afterwards,

and it was this man that
k*lled Bart, not you, Louie.

Well, I'll be darned.

Well, you're a free man.

That's fine.

What you gonna do, Louie?

About what?

About yourself.

Gonna go on cadging drinks?

That ain't very nice
of you, Marshal.

Maybe I'm not trying to be nice.

Did you ever think of
getting yourself a job?

Who'd hire me for
anything? They'd laugh.

I don't know about that.

I might hire you.

I need somebody around
here from time to time.

Someone to do the
chores, clean up.

You ain't serious.

You wouldn't really
let me, would you?

Couldn't pay you much.

Oh, that don't matter.

One catch to it, Louie.

What's that?

Your drinking. You'd
have to quit that for good.

You mean that, don't you?

You bet I mean it.

Let me try, Marshal.

All right. You got
yourself a job, Louie.


You can start in the morning.

You know something, Marshal?

This is gonna be like
having a home to me.

I ain't never had a home
as long as I can remember.

And anyway, Marshal, it
sure does beat hanging.

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