08x14 - Uncle Sunday

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x14 - Uncle Sunday

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(guitar playing quietly)

(Chester singing simple
melody to strumming guitar)

♪ Da... da... ♪

Hey, hi, Doc.

Hey, do you want
to hear something?

- Not particularly.
- I just wrote a song.

- You got any coffee?
- Yeah. Help yourself.

I just-just now
finished writing it, Doc.

Just take a listen to it here.

(chuckles) If I could
remember how it goes.

♪ Walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ Pack on my back,
pack on my back ♪

♪ A-walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ Gettin' along
to Californ-i-a... ♪

Well, now, that kind of
wore you out, didn't it?


Well, it's a long
walk to California.

(laughs): Well... I don't
mean that I actually walked

all the way to California.

For heaven's sakes, that's
just a manner of speaking.

♪ Along come a man
with a g*n in his hand ♪

♪ A g*n in his hand,
a g*n in his hand ♪

♪ Along come a man
with a g*n in his hand ♪

♪ A-gettin' along
to Californ-i-a ♪

♪ He took that pack
right off my back ♪

♪ Off my back, off my back ♪

♪ He took that pack
right off my back ♪

♪ Gettin' along
to Californ-i-a... ♪

I guess he must've...
must've thought

you was a long-eared mule, huh?

What do you mean?

Well, you said that he
took the pack off your back.

Well, Doc, it can't all be true.

I mean, when you...
you write a song,

everybody knows that
you got to make up part of it.

You didn't like it at all?

Well... I don't know.

Let me hear it again.

(Chester sighs)

♪ Walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ Pack on my back,
pack on my back ♪

(Doc joins in, harmonizing)

♪ Gettin' along
to Californ-i-a... ♪

- (laughs): Hey, that's good!
- Well, you see,

even a bad song can
be made to sound good.

- Yeah.
- Just run through it again.

♪ Walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ Pack on my back,
pack on my back ♪

- (door opens) -♪ A-walkin'
down the road with a... ♪

CHESTER: Oh, Mr. Dillon,
did you hear Doc singing?

Yeah, I'll say I did.

Heard him all the way
down at the post office.

Oh, you was over at the
p... Oh, you got a letter?

Yeah. For you.

Oh. For me?

By golly, well, Mr. Dillon,
I would've sure went over

to the post office
and got the mail,

but I... I just got so
doggone busy here.

Well, I just came by to see

if you wanted to have
some dinner... with me.

Well, fine, if you're
buying, I'll join you.

Oh, for heaven's
sakes, he can't do that!

DILLON: Well, what's
the matter, Chester?

(coffee pouring)

DILLON: Where you going?


Mr. Dillon, I don't, uh, suppose

that you could give me
any kind of a raise, uh...?

- A raise?!
- Well, no, uh, never mind.


DOC: Huh.

Well, what in thunder
brought that on?

Huh. I don't know.

Well, why don't we just go
get something to eat, like I said.

Yeah, good idea.

Unless you, uh, want to sing
me another chorus of that song.


- Hi, Quint.
- Quint, how are you?

Matt. Doc.

Am I seeing things here?

DOC: Well, what's the
matter with him? Is he sick?

No, he said he was broke.

All I can pay him
is 75 cents a day,

but he said that was
better than nothing.

Be back in about a
half hour, Chester.


Watch the shop.

(hammer clanging)

Well, Chester.

What's going on here?

Uh, well, I ain't
workin' here, Mr. Dillon.

I mean, I ain't workin' here,
only when you don't need me.

You need me now?

(chuckles): Well, I guess not.

Chester, just hold
everything a minute, now.

Why don't you just tell us
what was in that letter you got?

Oh, it was just a letter
from an uncle of mine.

Which uncle?

Uncle Sunday Meachum
from Waxahachie, Texas.

Oh, yeah. Oh, he's that one that

you don't have anything
to do with, isn't he?

Never wrote to him or nothing.

Somebody must've told him

that I was working
for the marshal here.

- So?
- Well, so, according to the letter

he has to leave
Waxahachie and...

he's either going to California

or he's coming to
live with me here.

Well, why don't you just
tell him to go to California?

He ain't got no money.

Well, you mean he's only got

enough money to get
to Dodge City, huh?

So I've got to scrape
up enough money

to get him to California,
or to China, if I can.

(chuckles): Well, he
can't be that bad, Chester.

Well, he's just probably
the biggest crook in Texas.

DOC: Crook? Well, then
wouldn't it be better if, uh,

if you just kindly
had him come here

and you could keep
an eye on him then?

(clattering, steam hissing)

I just don't think
that's very funny.

I don't think it's safe here.

(chuckles) Don't
work too hard, Chester.

What's-what's going on?

I think we got it
all out now, Quint.

- You got what out?
- The fire.



Chester? Chester!

Oh! Hey, Quint.

Wh-What's happening here?

Oh, gosh, I'm just as
sorry as I can be about this.

Yeah, well... well,
how'd it get started?

Well, it was this doggoned
old shovel's fault here.

You see this old
bent shovel? Well, I...

I-I tried to fix it for you,
and I put it in the forge there,

to heat it up, you
know, like you do, and...

well, the mistake I made,
I just grabbed it right there

and it was so doggone
hot I just give it a flung and...

(sighs): well, there's a
couple of three little old coals

left in it, I guess, that...

landed right there
by that coal oil can,

and I'll tell you,
before I knew it,

it just... shwoo!
Went up into flames.

I-I just... couldn't do
nothing about it at all.

(groans) Boy, it sure
didn't do my hand no good.

Yeah. Didn't do my
shop no good, either.

- No.
- Well, what happened here?


Oh, well, don't you
remember how you told me to...

to put the rim
back on this wheel?

Well, I-I missed it
a couple of times

with the hammer, and...

it-it kind of bent the...

Oh, yeah, that.


Well, I was hitting
the rim there with it,

and-and, uh, I guess I missed
it a couple of three times,

and I... hit the handle,

and it just... give
way completely.

Boy, you know, that
sure will sting your hand.

Did you ever do that?


Well, I'm, uh... I'm
stinging all over, Chester.

Well, I... I kind of
figured that you might be.

Look, about you
working here, I...

I don't think I can afford you.

Well, I... I sure can
understand that, Quint, and I...

- Yeah.
- I tell you,

I'm just as sorry as
I can be about this.

- Sure.
- It's just...

I'll make it up to you
just as soon as I can. I...

I don't... (blows)
hardly know how long

that's gonna take, though,
the way things are going.

(people chuckling)

Oh, well, morning, Mrs.
Perkins. How are you?

My goodness, it's-it's, uh...

it's kind of a nice...
nice morning, isn't it?

Are you all ready to buy
a whole bunch of stuff?

Chester... you been drinking?

Oh, no, no, no,
I'm a working man.

Then why ain't you out workin'?

Well, I'm-I'm working
for Mr. Jonas here.

Oh, land sakes!

What can I show
you this morning?

Well, I was looking for some
cloth to make me a dress from.

Oh, we got it right over here.

Just step right over
here, Mrs. Perkins.

We got all kinds
of material here.

- You just take a look...
- Well, for goodness sake, Chester,

wait, wait, give me a chance
to look at 'em, will you?

(sighs) Yeah, just go
ahead, take a nice, long look.

How much is this?

Uh... this?


Mrs. Perkins, I don't think
I'd buy that, if I was you.

Why not? I been
wearing it for 20 years.

Well, it's so cheap. I mean,

you buy something like
that, it's just gonna wear out.

I'll tell you another
thing about it, too...

It just looks terrible.

But I can't afford
nothin' better!

Well, then just do without...
That'd be my advice.

- Just do without.
- What's going on here?

What's the matter
with you, Chester?

- What do you think you're doing?
- I never seen a store

that didn't want
business before!

Now, wait a minute, Mrs.
Perkins, I'll take care of you.

I ain't stayin'.

My money isn't good enough here!

Oh, no, ma'am, ma'am, wait,
wait a minute, Mrs. Perkins.

Why, your money is good...
It's just as good as anybody's.

Heavens, we got a lot of
things that you can buy.

Here, this is something
that come in last week.

It's real cheap, and I
know that you could use it.

I could...

- Well, I never!
- Uh...

M-Mrs. Perkins?

That does it...
get out, Chester.

- Well, I was...
- Chester, out of here, out!

I cannot afford you.

- Get out! Get! Get!
- Well... All right!

(Jonas muttering)

I was just doing
what I thought...

- Chester!
- What?

The apron.

Doesn't pay to be honest at all.

I was...

DAN: Chester?

Chester, what happened?

Well, I thought maybe
a little bit of water here

might help sort of hold it down.

Little water?!

Oh, my table's ruined!

Who done it?

Well, it was a couple of
cowboys come in, Dan, and, uh,

they was a little bit
drunk at the time.

(laughs): You know
how cowboys are

when they get a little drunk.

Well, I wasn't even here;
I was out back at the time.

I was working, that's
what I was doing.

Chester, I got to
tell you something.

I know, Dan...
You can't afford me.

(sighs) Well, I'll...
I'll make it up to you

as soon as I can. I...

I just... the way
things are going,

I don't think it's
gonna be too soon.

Just go, Chester.

(quietly): Yeah.



My name's Cury, Burt Cury.

All right.

You, uh, live here in Dodge?

Yeah, I live here.

Things are not doing too
good for you though, huh?

Things is terrible.

I know. I, uh...

I saw what happened
back there in the pool hall.

I said to myself, "There's
as gloomy a fellow

"as you're ever gonna see.

Maybe there's something
you ought to do for him."

You don't look like
no preacher to me.

(laughing): Not hardly.

What are you then?

Well, I'm just a fellow
that's looking for a way

to make some money, that's all.

Easy money, know what I mean?

(scoffs) Well, ain't no
easy ways, I'll tell you that.

I've-I've tried 'em all.

Not with Burt Cury, you ain't.


what was it you had in mind?

I don't know.

I just rode into town.

I see you got a couple
of nice stores, though...

A few saloons and a bank.

And there's always the
stage depot if you get wind

- of a shipment.
- What are you driving at?

All you got to do is get
me some information.

Everybody around here knows you.

Then you kind of act
as a lookout for me

while I do all the hard work.

Why, you ain't nothing
but a bandit, an outlaw!

I tell you what I'll do...
I'll give you one-third.

Fair enough?

- One-third.
- Do you happen to know of Marshal Dillon,

- by any chance?
- There's a lawman in every town.

Well, I happen to
work for this one.

You what?

That's right. My
name's Chester Goode,

and I work for Marshal Dillon.

Well, stick 'em up!


Good ol' Chester, you really
went for that one, didn't you?

Huh? You believed
every word I said on it.

Oh, boy! Man, that's
a pretty good joke

- if I say so myself, huh?
- Oh, you...

- (guffawing)
- You wasn't jokin'.

Don't give me that.

Oh, of course I was, Chester.

Everybody knows
you and the marshal.

That's why I had that
fella point you out to me...

So I could rib you about it
a little bit, that's all. (laughs)

You just better watch
your step around here,

I'll tell you that.

Oh, Chester, you can
take a joke, can't you?

Now, come on, I'll tell you
what... next time you see me

in the saloon, I'll
buy you a drink, huh?

Okay? Come on.

It'll be my pleasure.

And you'll be laughing
about it afterwards, too, huh?




Doc, for heaven sake,
you scared me to death.

What the nelly's
the matter with you?

(sighing): Well...

Well, you look like
you lost your last friend.

Well, I might as well
have, Doc; I lost my last job.

Oh... well, I wouldn't
worry about that.

Anybody that can get fired
off of three jobs in one week

got nothing to worry
about... That takes initiative.

You know, Doc, I think
that I found me a crook.


Yeah, I really do, and I'm just

gonna watch him
just as close as I can.

The first time he makes a
wrong move, I'm gonna catch him.


Get myself a... bonus
or reward or something.

There's no doubt
about it, you'll catch him,

ball of fire like you.

I think you better
get up, Chester.

- Well, what's the matter?
- Well, I just saw Jim Dobie.

He said there's a man over at
the Dodge House waiting for you.


Well, he just came in
on the morning stage.

He's getting cleaned up now.
Said as soon as he's through,

- he's gonna come out looking for you.
- Well, who is it?

Well, Jim Dobie said he'd
never forget a name like that...

Said it was Sunday Meachum?




Oh, come on, Chester.

It can't be as bad as all that.


(low, indistinct conversation)

- Is that him?
- Can't hardly miss him.

He's been wearing
that same flower

and that coat for ten years.


Chester? By golly!


Oh, my dear boy.

How are you? (chuckles)

I never did see
you looking so good.

- CHESTER: Yeah.
- Why, it's a pleasure to see you.

Well, doggone me,
Chester, you must've...

- you must've growed another six inches!
- Well...

- And strong and healthy-looking, too, eh?
- Uncle Sunday...

SUNDAY: Hard as a
rock, that boy! That boy!

I'd like for you to
meet a friend of mine.

- This is Marshal Dillon.
- Why, Marshal, I'm right proud

to meet you, Marshal.
It's a real pleasure.

How do?

It ain't often an
old sinner like me

gets to shake hands
with the law, eh?

Back home in Waxahachie, Texas,

the law knowed my back
better than it did my face.


Always running, get it?


Ooh, uh... Ooh, I'm sorry.

This here's my niece Ellie.

- Ellie, this here is
Chester, - How do you do?

And, uh, Marshal Dillon.

- ELLIE: Nice to meet you.
- DILLON: How do?

Your niece? I-I didn't
know you had a niece.

Oh, well, um, she
was just a baby

when you left home, Chester.

Hardly worth mentioning.

But, uh, she has changed
some, you got to admit that, eh?


I heard a lot about you,
Chester... all my life.

And, well, seeing you like this,

it's kind of like a
dream come true.

It is? I mean, uh... really?

I waited a long time.

(chuckling): My goodness.

(Sunday chuckles)

Yes, sir, Marshal,
it is a real pleasure.

And I'm proud that
Chester's working for you.

Well, we heard about it...

clear back in Waxahachie, Texas.


"I'm proud to be that
boy's uncle," I said.

(grunts) Yes, sir.

Chester, why don't you show
the folks around Dodge a little bit?

Maybe we can get
together and have a drink

at the Long Branch later.

Boy, that's real kind of
you, Marshal; real kind.

All right, fine. Good-bye.

- ELLIE: Good-bye.
- SUNDAY: Bye.

Now, ain't he a nice fella?

Well, if we're gonna
walk around town,

I-I better go freshen up a bit.

I must look a fright
after that stage ride.

I'll only be a minute.

Uh, we'll-we'll wait
for you down here.

Well, I'll hurry back.

Ah, Chester, she gets
prettier every minute.

Uncle Sunday, I... I
want to talk to you.

Well, what is it, boy?

- You look mighty serious.
- Well, I am serious.

I... Just... Let's
sit down here.

I want to know what
you're doing here.

I want to know
what your plans are.

- My plans?
- Yeah.

Why, Chester, I don't
know what you mean.

Ellie and me just...
come to visit you, that's all.

Uh, uh, kind of a
holiday, you might say.

I wish that I could believe you.

- Well, Chester, are you doubting my word?
- Yeah, I am.

Well, now, that's
no way to be talking

about your poor old uncle.

Oh, don't you
"poor old uncle" me.

You're so dern full of
cheats and tricks, you...

I want to know what
no-good scheme

has brought you to Dodge.

Well, Chester, you shouldn't
even be thinking that way.

Well, how can I
think any other way?

I know how you had
to come to Waxahachie

dressed in woman's
clothes, driving the buggy

'cause that was the...
that was the only way

that you could get rid
of the sheriff in Dallas.

- No, that ain't true.
- Well, what about them glass beads?

- And that box that you sold for diamonds?
- Glass beads?

Yeah, glass beads.

That's unfair, Chester.

I was... I was set
upon by hard times.

- And a man has got to eat.
- Well, it's all right to eat.

You didn't seem to care
much about who ate at the time.

I mean, the Widow Simmons
dern near starved to death,

her and her four kids, trusting
you before the-the citizens

found out about
you and dern near...

run you out of town on a rail.

(sighing): Oh.

Who told you that story?


I heard it.

I heard it all, and I've-I've...

had to live with it.

I just...

It's embarrassing.

I'm ashamed.


you don't have to worry
about me no more, Chester.

'Cause I'm reformed.

I'm totally reformed.

You can count on that, son.

ELLIE: It's an awful
big town, Chester.

I-It's almost kind of scary.

Aw, there ain't nothing that
can scare you and me, Ellie.

Not with Chester
and the law behind us.

I know.


I just can't understand the
lack of responsibility and...

respect for property nowadays.

Well, it's a doggone shame
what some people'll do, ain't it?

That's the truth, Mr. Meachum.

They just busted in
here one night, huh?

Yeah, a couple of
drunks, the way I figure it.


Well, I was, uh... (chuckles)

hoping maybe that you'd
had it fixed by this time, Dan.

I mean, y-you've
had quite a while, it...

Well, we might say it's
a lack of funds, Chester.

A failure to be rich.

Well, I-I'm just...
(sighs) I'd-I'd sure like...

(laughing): Well, Dan,

I'm sure things are
gonna work out for you.

You got an honest face...
You deserve the best.

Well, thank you, sir.

Uh, speaking of money, Chester,

uh, you ain't showed
us the bank yet.

- Well, it's just an old bank.
- Well, it might be fun, Chester.

I'd kind of like to see it, too.

Oh, well, all right.

- Have a good day, Mr. Binny.

It's been a pleasure, miss.

You drop in anytime,
Mr. Meachum.

Well, I will, I will. Thank you.

And remember, you
have any more trouble,

you just call on Chester
here and the marshal, right?

- DAN: I sure will.
- CHESTER: Sunday...

You know, Chester...

this here's one game I
never could get the hang of.

Why, you come in
anytime, sir, I'll start you off.

(Sunday humming)

Doggone me, Chester.

What have I done now?

I went and lost the
balls in the hole.

For heaven's
sakes, Uncle Sunday,

- will you get out of here?
- (Sunday laughing)

Been a great pleasure
meeting you, sir.

Drop by anytime.
We'll have a little chat.

I just might do that. Thank you.

And bring Miss Ellie
with you, of course.

Well, how very kind, Mr. Botkin.

Fine bank you got
here, Mr. Botkin.

Mighty fine bank.

Why, thank you, sir.

- Good day. -SUNDAY: Good day.
- ELLIE: Good day.

- (Kitty and Sunday laugh)
- Kitty, Mr. Meachum.

Hello, Marshal. (laughs)

- DILLON: Sorry I'm late.
- Oh, well,

a busy man like you,
Marshal, with the...

the safety of the whole
town on his shoulders,

why, I'm honored that you
could spare any time at all for me.

Everybody he meets.

Just everybody he meets. Just...

Bring me a whiskey,
will you, Sam?

Mr. Meachum was
just telling me all...

Now, Miss Kitty...
(clicks tongue)

(laughing): Oh, all right.

Uncle Sunday was just telling me

all about life in
Waxahachie, Texas.

SUNDAY: I was just
telling Miss Kitty that, uh,

we never even dreamed of
having a fine, elegant place

like the Long Branch down there,

especially run by a
beautiful woman of real class.

Well, now, that makes me wish

I had opened a place
in Waxahachie, Texas.


You'd be welcome as the
flowers in spring, Miss Kitty.

KITTY: I think you better
have another drink on me.

SUNDAY: Why, I'd be delighted.

KITTY: Sam, can
you fill this up for me?

I'm real anxious
to meet your niece.

Oh, I was going
to bring her over,

but Chester was dead against it.

Well, Miss Kitty, I-I really
didn't think that this was

quite the place for a-a
nice young lady, you know.

Oh, we'd all be here with her.

Well, uh, I really
think that, uh,

she's better off there
at the Dodge House.

At least there we're, we're
going to know that she's safe.

CURY: Would you, uh, would
you mind telling me your name?


(Cury laughs gently)

I figured it'd be a
pretty name like that.

You live here in
Dodge, do you, Ellie?

For a while... My uncle
and I are staying here.

Gee, that's, that's fine.

You wouldn't, uh, wouldn't
like to be my guest...

You and your uncle both...
At supper tonight, would you?

Oh, uh, we couldn't do that.

Oh, why not?

Well, it just wouldn't
work out, that's all.

Well, uh...

how about you, uh, coming
out and meeting me yourself...

Just, just you alone?

Really, Mr. Cury.

Why don't you call me Burt?

What kind of a woman
do you think I am?


Well, you're a lady.

Anybody can see you're a lady.

Thank you.

You know there's a, uh...

there's a back
porch onto this hotel.

Did you know that?

I've seen it.

Well, why don't
you come out there

to meet me, tonight at midnight?

I mean, just you.

We can, we could
talk freer there.

I can't go anywhere at midnight.

Woman like you can
do anything she wants to,

if she wants it bad enough.

I'll think about it.

I'll see you then.

(door opens)

(door closes)

♪ Walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ A pack on my back,
a pack on my back ♪

♪ Walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

- ♪ Gettin' along... ♪
- Hello, Matt.

- Doc.
- (Chester humming)


(Doc sniffs)

what's this?

What's what?

Well, you're getting
all slicked up.

You got a boiled shirt
on and everything.

Now, Doc, you don't
bother me one little bit,

not one little, eensy bit.

You got your shoes all
greased up and everything.

What is this, Matt,
we gonna lose him?

By golly.

We got a courting
man, looks like to me.

Well, he's going
on to have supper

with his Uncle Sunday
tonight, Doc... and Ellie.

Oh, and Ellie.

Yeah, and Ellie.

I wouldn't stomp the
mud off of my boots

to have supper
with Uncle Sunday.

Well, what... what'd
I do with that tie?


You've sure got it in
for him, haven't you?

Well, he's a phony and a fraud.

Well, why do you
keep saying that?

Yeah, there something about
him you're not telling us, Chester?

Well, I just have a
feeling about these things,

especially when it
concerns my blood uncle.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, I mean that
my Uncle Sunday is

a little bit low on character,

and you and Mr. Dillon
ought to be smart enough

to see through it.

Well, I don't know
about that, Chester.

Sure, he flatters
people a lot and all,

but maybe that's just
his way of being friendly.

Yeah, well, I sure ain't
going to talk no more about it.

There... there.

- DOC: Chester.
- Eh?

There's just one thing I
want to ask you about this.

If Uncle Sunday is your
uncle and Ellie is his niece,

then, uh, doesn't that make you

kind of a relative
of hers, some way?

You know, Doc, that
kind of worried me at first,

to tell you the truth, but,
uh, it's actually very simple

if you got half a brain at all.

Ellie ain't his niece.

Well, too bad, Doc... guess
we don't have half a brain.

Very fine cuisine, my
friend... (continues indistinctly)

Well, Uncle Sunday's
paying the bill.

I can't hardly believe that.

Chester, sometimes
you're too hard on him.

Now, Ellie, I wondered,
while we got a minute here,

uh, could, could, uh...?

Do you... you like me?

Oh, why, certainly, Chester.

Uh, he'll, he'll be
coming out in a minute.

I... maybe I could meet you
later on tonight somewheres.

Oh, uh, no, I-I-I can't.

I, uh, I-I can't leave
the hotel late at night.

Well, you don't have to leave.

The hotel's got a back porch,
and I-I could meet you there,

and Uncle Sunday
would never know.

Oh, n-no, really, I-I, I can't.

I'll meet you there later on.

Oh, no, please, I...

M-Maybe tomorrow night?

No, tonight.

- I won't be there, Chester.
- Yes, yes, you will.

Well... (exhales)

Shall we take a little
walk to settle our supper?

Well, I think that maybe
I ought to get on back

and see if Mr. Dillon
needs me for anything.

I'll see you tomorrow.

All right, Chester.

Yes, tomorrow, Chester.

Oh, thanks a lot for the supper.

Why, it's a pleasure,
my boy. Good night.


Until tomorrow, Chester.

(dog barking in distance)




CURY: Hello, Chester.

It's me... Burt Cury.


What you doing out
here so late at night?

You figuring on robbing the
Dodge House or something?

I think that's more your
kind of a job, don't you?

Chester, come on,
you got me all wrong.

You're not still
sore at me, are you,

about that little, that little
joke I pulled on you, huh?

Why don't you just go get
yourself a drink somewheres?

Hey, gee, those are
awfully pretty flowers.

What, you got yourself some kind

of a little secret meeting
out here tonight, huh?

I don't think that's any
business of yours at all.

Oh, uh, Miss Ellie.

Why, Chester, I... I didn't know
you'd have friends with you.

Oh, he ain't no friend of mine.

Why don't you just
move on out of here?

We don't need you at all.

Well, I...

- (chuckling): Oh.
- Oh.


- Well, don't, uh...
- Thank you, Chester.

Don't stay out too
late tonight, Chester.

Well, who's he?

Oh, h-he ain't
no friend of mine.

Actually, I think he's some
kind of a crook, I really do.

Oh, here, I brought you
a little something there.

Thank you. Isn't that sweet?

It was, uh... it was, uh, it's
awful nice of you to come.

Well, I-I, I can't stay, though.

Well, just, just
for a little bit.

Well, I only came

because I didn't want
you to be waiting around,

and, uh, well, I've only
got a minute or two.


Now, Uncle Sunday
don't own you now.

Oh, now, please,
Chester, let's not argue.

Uncle Sunday said he
was going out for a drink

and he'd be back in 25
minutes to say good night,

and, well, you
know that he will,

and please don't
make it hard for me.

Oh, well, I, I didn't
mean to do that at all.

Well, i-it'll be different
tomorrow night, I-I, I promise.

I-I'll meet you here
at the same time and...

I-I'll be thinking
about you, Chester.

Good night, Chester.

CHESTER: Good night.



♪ Pack on my back,
a pack on my back ♪

♪ A-walkin' down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ Gettin' along to... ♪


(dog barking)

(door opens)

(door closes)

Hello, Ellie.

Burt, please
remember, I'm a lady.

I know.

(Cury sighs)

What was Chester
doing here, anyway?

It couldn't be helped,
but I, uh, got rid of him.

(chuckling): You
sure did; you did fine.

You and I are
going to do just fine.

Burt, that's enough.

I don't suppose
I'll ever get enough.

Burt... Chester's
convinced that you're, um,

a crook of some kind.

(Cury chuckles)

Is it true?

CURY: Is it true the
old man that came

to Dodge with you is your uncle?

Is that true?

I made it my business
to check up on you, Ellie.

Now, it's true that Sunday
Meachum is Chester's uncle...

but to you he's
more like a friend.

Wouldn't you say?

How'd you know that?

I seen you two at
Delmonico's tonight.

Anybody could see, from the
way he looked at you, what he was.

You're smart, Burt.

I like men who are smart.

And Sunday Meachum...
Is he smart, too?

He's smart enough to know
that Mr. Botkin... the banker...

Is going to be working
at his office at the bank

tomorrow night.


So, Sunday and I are gonna
go over there tomorrow night,

and Mr. Botkin will let us in.

Of course he wouldn't
let just anybody in, but, uh,

knowing that Sunday
is Chester's uncle...

Well, we won't have
any trouble at all.

What are you telling
me all this for, huh?

I need someone younger...


Well, you got him.

This is the luckiest
day of my life.

Burt, we can be rich.

- You mean the bank?
- Mm-hmm.

Now, Sunday's idea is for me
to put the money in my purse.

And, well, I could go along

with everything that Sunday
has planned, except for...

for one thing.

I... I could leave
before he does, and...

- and, uh...
- And then I, uh...

You could have two horses
waiting down the street, and...


we could leave town before...

before Sunday
knows what happened.

Two horses, huh?

You're a wonder, Ellie.

You're a living wonder.


(knocking on door)

Come in! Come in!


Well, hello, Chester.

How are you this morning?

I'm fine.


Sit down.

I'll be through in a minute.

(Sunday sighs)

Sleep well?

Huh? Oh, my, yes. Always do.

(Sunday laughs)

Uncle Sunday, I thought, maybe,

later on this
afternoon, we might, uh,

take a buggy ride...
You and me and Ellie.

A friend of mine has a real
nice ranch... Amos Stratton.

He-he invited us out
to spend the night.

Spend the night?

Oh, no, Chester, I'm
afraid I couldn't do that.

You got something better to do?

Huh? No, no. It's...

It's just that, uh, well, I hate
to impose on people that way.

Oh, you do, huh?

Well, now, Chester,

I ain't imposed on you
since I've been here.

No, sir, I've paid my
own way every time.

You call robbing banks
paying your own way?

Well, now, Chester, I've
put up with a lot from you,

but this time,
you've gone too far.

All right, Uncle Sunday, but
I'm gonna tell you something.

When you come out
of that bank tonight,

I'm gonna be waiting
for you with a shotgun.

Now, wait, wait! Wait.

Chester, hold up, hold up.

How did you find out about this?

- Ellie.
- Ellie?!

Boy, has she got a
beaut planned for you.

What are you saying?

Well, she throwed in with
a crook named Burt Cury,

and she's running off with him.

She's taking the money, too.

That ain't true!

She'd never tell
you such a thing!

Well, of course
she wouldn't tell me.

She didn't even
know I was listening.


I just can't
believe it, that's all.

Little Ellie double-crossing me?

Uncle Sunday...

you have done some
bad things in your time.

I mean, you've cheated people,

you've lied to 'em,
you've misled 'em...

but for heaven sakes, this
time you're just going too far.


Chester... I want you
to listen to me good.

I like women.

I like to have 'em around.

It kind of helps to make things
a little more pleasant, somehow.


But... (chuckles)

things change as
the years go by.

Women like Ellie, they...
they just ain't interested

in an old dog like me
without I have money,

a whole lot of money.

Life's a hard business,

and it sure don't get
any easier with age.

Money was just about the
only way I had to hold her.


I sure did like
that little girl.

I guess I'd have done just
about anything in the world for her.

(groans): Eh...

Let him have her.

She'll do the same
thing to him some day.



(slaps hand down)

You can put your
mind to ease, now.

I don't need money... anymore.

I ain't about to rob no bank.

That's the truth, son.

The honest truth.

(lively piano music playing)

(Sunday mutters)

(Sunday hums quietly)

(singing along with piano music)

We just about have time
to make that 22:00 train.

This is going to be real easy.

I told you, honey.
Stick with me.

Why, I will.

Ah... (laughs)

It's me, Sunday
Meachum, Chester's uncle.

- Evening. Good evening, miss.
- Good evening.

I sure hate to bother you
this late at night, Mr. Botkin,

but I got something awful
important to talk to you about.

All right, come in. Come in.

Thank you.

BOTKIN: What's this?

It's a holdup, Mr. Botkin;
a bank holdup.

Now you just do as you're
told, and you won't get hurt.

But you can't do this!
You're Chester's...

Chester's uncle, I know.

But Chester don't know
anything about this.

Now you go on and open
that safe and make it fast.

Come on.

You won't get away with this.

You just hush up
and get to work.

And a girl.

How could you bring
a young girl into this?

Your job is to open that
safe and nothing else.

There it is, Ellie.
Help yourself.

I'll keep an eye
on Mr. Botkin here.

BOTKIN: How'd you know
the money would be in there?

Well, where else
would it be, Mr. Botkin?


Oh, look at that, Ellie.

(inhales) Oh, just
look at that! Mm!

It sure is a pretty sight.


You'll both end
up in prison for this.

And you'll end up on Boot Hill

if you don't hush
up, Mr. Botkin.

There it is. Uh...

You need to tie him up,

and, uh, I'll be waiting
out front for you.

You bet you will, honey.

(Ellie laughs)

Good evening, Mr. Botkin.

SUNDAY: Turn around, Mr. Botkin.

Go on. Go on.

I got it!

Wonderful, Ellie.

It's wonderful.

Oh, we better hurry up.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Burt, where's my horse?

Burt... where's my horse?!

Thanks for the money, honey.

I'll see you in church, huh?

Burt? Burt! Burt!

You yell too loud,
somebody's liable to hear you.


He ain't gonna get very far.

Dr. Dillon's waiting for him.

Well, I don't know
what you mean.

Well, it ain't no good
acting lies anymore, Ellie.

We'll just wait
for him at the jail.

Chester, you planned this!

Yeah, that's right, I did.

I planned it.

Course I...

I never figured

that Burt Cury would
run out on you like this...

after what I seen behind
the Dodge House last night.

Let's go.

(keys rattling)

Hello, Ellie.

What happened to Burt Cury?

Well, he took the money
and run off from her, and...

I'm sorry, Ellie. I...

I wish things had
turned out different.

Well, that's just
real sweet of you.

- (door opening)
- DILLON: All right.

Well, look who's here.

So you got caught.

Yeah, I got caught.

He was waiting for me
at the end of the street.

I wish he'd shot you!

Hey, what about him?
He was in on it with us.

- (keys jangling)
- DILLON: Yeah.

Yeah, he did a pretty
good night's work.

- (keys jangling)
- Helping Chester the way he did.

Better get this money
back to Mr. Botkin.

You know, he's gonna be
pretty nervous till you do.

Well, I sure can
understand that.

I'll do that right away.

Chester... if you was
to come along with me,

I'd be proud to buy
you a drink after.

Well, I, uh...

It's my last night
in Dodge, Chester.


is that there a...

a promise, Uncle Sunday?

That's a promise, Chester.

By, golly, I think I'll
just buy you a drink.

(Sunday laughs)

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