08x11 - Abe Blocker

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x11 - Abe Blocker

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

How's she doing today, Bud?

Ah, worse than ever.

This is the poorest excuse
for a milk cow I ever seen.

'Tain't worth getting
a pail dirty for.

Just about enough for coffee.

Well, it ain't the
cow's fault, Bud.

What she needs is
some good green grass.

Yeah, if it'd only rain.

I could sure use a
bucketful of water now.

I'll see what we can spare.

(pours water)


MAN (distant): Yee-ha! Yah!

What's the matter... You
trying to k*ll somebody?

If I was, you'd be dead.

What's this, a
joke or something?

What are you people
doing out here?

We own this place.
We're farming it!

You don't belong
on this prairie.

Why ain't you living in town?

What business is
yours where we're living?

Nesters, ranchers, whatever
you call yourselves...

It's people like you
that are ruining this land.

Who are you, mister?

Name's Abe Blocker.

That mean anything to you?

No, it doesn't, but
you got no right

to come around here
sh**ting and threatening.

How long you been here?

About a month.

What's that got to do with it?


I should've smelled
you out before.

I must be getting old.

We ain't done you no harm;
we never even seen you before.

You live within 20
miles of me, don't you?!

That's harm enough!

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about
you leaving this place.

Get out of here, go on
back east where you belong,

but get out of here!

Quit spoiling this land.

This country don't
belong to you.

It belongs to the Indians and
the buffalo and men like me.

I got a right to be here
'cause I've earned it.

He's crazy, Bud.

I was here fighting,
scratching, and living

before you two were born.

I've rode this country, I've
walked all over it, I know it...

Even to the mountains back west.

I know it like you know
your mother's face,

and now you people come out here

putting miserable
sores all over it

with your shacks and your
wagons and your ranches and farms.

I reckon you just
got to be burnt out

'cause you ain't
nothin' but poison here.

Got no right to talk like that.


I got 60 years of right.

Now, I'm warning
you, young fella,

and I'm going to come back
here to see how smart you are...

and don't be giving her no
g*n when the time comes.

I ain't never k*lled no woman...

but I ain't gonna
let one k*ll me either.


Come back here!

You ain't gonna
get away with this.

There's something
wrong with that man.

There's plenty wrong.

He can't run us off this place.

We own it fair and legal.

No, that ain't what I mean, Bud.

There's something
wrong in his head.

He ain't natural.

Oh, Bud, I'm scared.

Now, now.

He's only bluffing.

But, by golly, I am gonna
take to carrying a r*fle.

Oh, Bud.

(lively music playing)

That's it, Marshal.

Now, you'll do better next time.

You're gonna show him.

You know, Dan,
sometimes I get the feeling

maybe you're on his side.

No, no, the proprietor
never takes sides.

That's bad business.

Yeah, you might get hit
over the head with a cue

once in a while, too.

You threatening me, Mr. Jonas?

Me threat...? Don't be silly.

But if you don't want to
get hit over the head...

Do you hear that, Marshal?
You hear what he's saying?

Ah, you can't pay any
attention to him, Dan.

He's just a bad loser.

Bad loser? Who's losing?

- You just watch this.
- Marshal Dillon.

Oh, confound it, what's
the matter with you?

Well, hello, Bud.

I've been threatened
by some crazy man.

Are you calling me crazy?

Now hold on, Mr. Jonas,
you got things mixed up here.

What'd you do... hire that
man to come in here like that?

Bud Groves, Mr. Jonas.

How do, Mr. Jonas?

I'm sorry if I done
something wrong.

Now, what could
you do wrong, son?

Except you probably
cost me the game.

What could I do for you, Bud?

Like I said, Marshal, I been
threatened by some crazy man.

He said if we didn't leave
our place, he's gonna sh**t us.

Crazy man... well, who is he?

His name is Abe Blocker,
and he said he'd sh**t us

if we didn't leave our place.

Abe Blocker?!

That's a friend of
yours, ain't it, Marshal?

Well, he always has been.

That doesn't sound like Abe.

Well, ask Mary; she's
right outside in the wagon.

You sure you
understood him right?

Oh, he meant it,
Marshal; I know he did.

All right, let's go talk to her.

Well, not 'fore you finish
the game, you don't.

Well, sorry, Mr. Jonas.

That's all right; I'll,
I'll play Mr. Jonas.

Good. You're getting off easy.

Good. It'll be even more
of a pleasure beating you.

Uh, Matt's shot?

No, it wasn't Matt's
shot and it ain't your shot.

It's my shot.

ABE: Yee-ha! Yah!

Hey, Matt!

Now, you sure got a strange
way of greeting a man, Abe.

I didn't hit you, did I?

No. I'm grateful to you.

(wind whistling)

I always like to get
the drop on a man.

You don't have to get
the drop on me, Abe.

Didn't know it was you at first.

I wanted to be sure.


Well, you gonna ask
me up to your place?

I'm dying of thirst.

Tell you what I'll do... make
you some herb tea, Indian style.

That'll quench your thirst

and thin your blood
at the same time, huh?

(Abe grunts)

Yes, sir, Matt,

you're gonna say this
is about the best stuff

you ever drunk
in your whole life.

Eh, your word's
good enough for me.

Most anything's good
for you city people,

living the way you do...

All mashed up together, walking
around on everybody's feet,

pushing and shoving.

I declare, Matt, I'd
rather live in an ant hill.

(chuckles) You know,
you're right about this, Abe.

Now, that's really good stuff.

You couldn't get anything
like that in Dodge City.

You can't get
nothing in Dodge City

but some poison
and doctors' pills.

Uh... hey, Matt...

you're gonna stay here and set

and have supper
with me, ain't you?

Sounds mighty good.

We got meat in the camp.

I shot on a young
antelope at daybreak.

There it is.


ABE: Wild meat.

It ain't like them tame cattle

they're overrunning and
ruining this country with.

Oh, I don't know, now, Abe.

I've had some pretty
good beef in my time, too.

You know that's like
chawing on sawdust.

Sets in your stomach
like a ball of lead.

Wild meat... that's different.

You can eat all you want of it.

You know something, Matt?

I've been starved for days
and days and then found meat

and I've set and
eat it all night long.

You do it with them tame
cattle, you'll swell up and die.

Abe, you sure are a loner.

Abe, I'd like to
ask you a question.


Did you ride over
to Bud Grove's place

and tell him he'd have to
move on or you'll sh**t him?

You mean them people that
live 20 miles east of here?


out here, in the early '30s,

I helped Bill
Bent build his fort.

Then I took myself up into
the high Rocky Mountains,

hunting and trapping

and trying to save my
hair from the Blackfeet.

Every year, I used to
take my pack of beaver

up to them big rendezvous

with the traders and
the fur companies

up on the Platte River
down at Brown's Hole.

Bought myself a few supplies
and gambled and I drunk up the rest,

and then I'd take myself
up the mountains again,

or maybe for a season
on the Siskadee River.

Matt... it was all here then,

yes, sir, all here and it was
all up in the mountains, too.

Millions of buffalo,
deer, and antelope.

There was, there was
wolves to keep 'em smart

and ducks and geese,
just about every kind

of good-eating bird
that a man would know.

A man had an
appetite in those days.

He didn't have no trouble
keeping his belly full.

Of course they was Indians, but
they only took what they needed.

They didn't k*ll
everything in sight;

they didn't ruin the land.

Yes, sir, Matt, it was all here.

It was all there.

And you know something?

I was right smack-dab
there with it, too.


Yeah, Abe, those must
have been great days.

I'd like to have
seen that myself.

But, you know, Abe...

things change.

They got to.

No, they don't got
to change, Matt.

Not if there's enough men
to stand up against 'em.

Well, that's just
the trouble, Abe.

There aren't enough men.

Seems like there's more
men trying to change things

these days than there
is trying to stop 'em.

Just kind of a law.

No, ain't no law.

Ain't no law for
old Abe Blocker.

This is my country,
it belongs to me,

and it don't belong to
no sniveling dirt farmer

or no hog raiser or no
cattleman or rancher.

Well, where were they

when a man could go
for a whole winter out here

without seeing
another white skin?

Those times are gone, Abe.

They ain't gone, Matt.

No, sir, they...

Gosh, I reckon we'd
better start setting to eat.

I, I'm gonna put
this meat on the fire.



Then I'm gonna show you

where I got a jug of
mountain lightning.

I made it myself.

It's the best whiskey
you ever drunk.

Now, you...

you think you're man
enough, Mr. Dillon?

I'll sure try, Abe.

Yes, sir, we're
gonna eat tonight.

We're gonna eat just like
a couple of mountain men

that just got off the trail.

(coyote howling)

Yee-ah! Let's make the
coyotes happy tonight, Matt.

Mm-hm. Want some more?

Thank you.

Every man helps himself.

Abe, that is good meat.

Mm, it's wild meat.

I tell you, it'll
never hurt you.

You know, I've sit down
and ate seven, eight pounds

of buffalo meat, one setting?

Sleep a few hours,

get up and eat seven,
eight pounds more,

all over again.

Ah, you know something?

I ain't never seen
a sick hunter,

less'n it was from
lead or liquor.

Yeah, they must have
been great times, Abe.

But, you know, you
got to give it a chance.

Life can be pretty good in
these times, too, you know.

The whiskey of mine ain't
too strong for you, is it, Matt?


Abe, I've known you a long time.

I've never seen you
like this before, though.

I mean, running
around the countryside,

threatening to
sh**t people and all.

- (coyote howling)
- Matt...

let me ask you something.

Did you ever squat down
on a little knoll somewhere

and watch a valley
of bluestem grass

under a gentle breeze?

Yes, sir, looks
like wind on water.

Just a-ripplin' and a-movin'

for as long as you want
to set there and watch it.

Sure, Abe, but
what's that got to do

with what I'm talking about?

Well, you take that
same pretty valley.

You put some cussed,
ugly shacks on it,

plow it up all around,

and graze some stinking sheep
on it, and what have you got?

You got yourself a few acres
of hell, that's what you got.

That's what's gonna happen
to this whole country if...

if somebody don't stop 'em.

They can't stop 'em,
Abe. That's the point.

This is new country now... New
people, new laws, new ways.

New people?

What would they know?

What would they know
about what it was like?

Why, when I was a young fellow,

out here years ago,
in the summertime,

I used to ride up into
the high mountains...

up out of the cactus
and greasewood country,

up past the cedars and piñons,

up to them tall
stands of yellow pine.

Tall? Tall enough to reach up

and shake hands
with the Creator.

And there was always
little patches of snow

laying around on the ground.

(inhales deeply)


In the winter, I...

I used to come
down on the prairie.

I had me a cave, Matt.

(coyote howling)

And I had me a woman.

Is that so?

Well, you never mentioned
that you had a wife before, Abe.


Had me a son, too.

MATT: A son?

Matt, when I first
come out in this country,

I never asked no man the way.

And when I took myself a
woman, I took her quick-like.

I didn't do no studying on it.

And I kept her.

I kept her the best
way that I knowed how.

She was a fine woman.

Fair and flowering.

Her name was...

her name was Sana.


Well, that sounds
like a Blackfoot name.


Her folks was good to me.

I-I never done them no harm,
they never done me no harm.

But... one day, we left...
Me and Sana... and...

we found us this here cave.

It was up where
the north fork runs

into the main water
of the Cimarron,

high on the side of a hill,

all growed over with the
yellow poplar and beech.

There was a spring there.

A spring flowing
sweet and fresh.

Must have been a good home, Abe.

For three years, it was the
finest home I ever knowed.

No, there wasn't nothing
that Sana couldn't do,

from making moccasins
to... to telling ghost stories.

And there was
always meat on the fire.



Matt, she was small-footed,

and clean-limbed,
trim in figure,

and... and a face...

she had a face like
the quintessence

of feminine loveliness, and...

you know, every night, I...

I see that face.

I reckon I'm gonna
keep on seeing it...

till the last day that I live.

Sana. (sniffles)

She was always
happy and laughing.

She sang like a lark
from daylight to dark.

Must have been a real woman.

Finest woman God ever
put a breath of life into.


then she got with child, and...

when it come time
for the birthing, I...

I wanted to get a
woman from the tribe,

but Sana... Sana said no.

She said, no, it was our child,

and we was gonna
see it born alone.

Well, it got born, all right.

It was a boy,

our son.

It was born at daybreak,

and by night, it...


Sana, the mother,

sh-she died about
an, an hour later.

And I tell you,
Matt, all at once,

that cave got to be the
most lonesomest place

in the whole wide world.

Then the wind come up and...

it brought some dark
clouds and rain with it.

And I just stood there staring

right into the black face
of an empty nothingness.

And all of a sudden,
my blood got cold.

And it ain't never
got warm since.

I reckon it never will.

(coyote howling)


I buried 'em...

right outside.

Ain't been back since.

But I'm going.

Day I smell death, I'm going...

The day I smell death
on old Abe Blocker,

I'm gonna get back there if
I... if I have to claw my way.

And... I'm just gonna
lay down beside 'em.

And there we'll be,

the three of us...

lost and alone...



(hoofbeats approaching)

Hi, Marshal.


It's a pleasure to see you.

Won't you have a cup of coffee?

Well, no, thanks.

I got to be heading
back on into town.

Well, what you
doing out this way?

Well, I spent the night
over at Abe Blocker's place.

Abe Blocker's place?

Well, I hope you pounded
some sense into his head.

I tried. I tried real hard.

Don't sound like you
made much headway.

Well, it's a funny thing.

Abe's a fine man.
He always has been.

But it seems like
something's happened to him.

Like he's cracked
a little or something.

I couldn't get
through to him at all.

The man is a danger, Marshal.

He sure is.

I'm afraid you're right.

Why don't you jail him?

Well, I can't do that till
he's broken some law.

You mean you have to
wait for him to k*ll somebody

to jail him, is that it?

Yeah, have to wait
till he tries, anyway.

Sorry I can't do more for you,
but that's about the way it is.

I've warned him, and
I've warned him hard.

But it didn't do no good.

Well, I got an idea.
Why don't you, uh...

Why don't you just
pack up your stuff

and come on back
to Dodge for a while?

Yes. Please, Bud.

No, no.

No man's running
me off my place.

I'm here, and I'm staying here.

I don't want no
argument about it.

Well, all right, but
keep your eyes open,

and keep a r*fle handy, too.

Good luck.

Bye, Marshal.


Why, no, don't tell me you
can remember my name.

Well, I had to go
out to Abe Blocker's,

and I stayed there all night.

Is something wrong with Abe?

Well, he's got
me worried, Kitty.

Seems like he's
taken it on himself

to stop the growth
of civilization.


Well, in some ways,
I got to side with him.

Well, sure, but not when
it comes to k*lling people.

Well, he hasn't k*lled
anybody, has he?

No, not yet, but
he's threatened to.

And the frame of mind
he's in, anything can happen.

Well, that man's
lived alone too long.

Yeah, I think you're right.

He never comes into town.

I don't think I've
seen Abe Blocker

more than three
times in my whole life.

Howdy, ma'am.


There's trouble,
Marshal; bad trouble.

What is it, Joe?

I was riding into town
from up Rock Canyon way,

and I come past those new
people's place... the Groves.

The Groves... what about 'em?

There was a m*ssacre.
They're both dead.

Oh, no!

The Indians.

I didn't stay to bury 'em.

What makes you
think it was Indians?

Well, the burned wagon
and both of 'em scalped.

I better get Quint Asper.

He'll know if it was Indians.

Thanks, Joe.

Give me a beer.

Sam, let's have a beer here.

That's bad. Terribly bad.

(wind whistling)

Scalped. Both of 'em.

Look at here...

Look at the g*nsh*t
wound on the woman...

There's powder
burns all around it.

Yeah, he must have shot her
to keep her from being captured.

Well, do you suppose it
could have been Indians?

Let's have a look around first.

(wind whistling)

There's a lot of
hoofprints around here,

but none of 'em look
like Indian ponies.

Well, Indians'll ride any kind
of animal these days, Matt.

Yeah, and they're using
r*fles mostly now, too.


What'd you find?

Take a look.

That's a moccasin print.

There's another one,
almost too light to see.


I figure this is where
he got off his horse.

He had all his
weight on the foot.

That cowboy found the bodies,

just about wiped out all
these tracks, walking around.


That's a mighty
big-footed Indian, Matt.

I know.

Your friend Abe Blocker...

His foot about that size?

Yeah, just about.

I'm sorry, Matt.

You want me to go with you?


No, thanks, Quint.

I didn't figure you would.

Look, why don't you get going?

I'll take care of things here.


(wind whistling)

(wind whistling)

Abe? Abe!

(wind whistling)

(horse sputters)

ABE (echoing): Yee-ah!


Abe! Abe Blocker!

It's Matt Dillon!

(wind whistling)

Well, he can't be gone.

Where would he go?

I know I saw him;
these are his tracks here.

(wind whistling)



(coyote howling)


ABE: Yee-ah!



(wind whistling)

That man's a ghost.

(water trickling)





(horse snorts)


You may have beat
me for now, Abe...

but I'll be back.

(sighs) Hmm.

(door opens)


(sighs) Oh.

Hello, Quint.

Did you have a good sleep?


Yeah, fine, I guess.

How about you?

Well, it's past noon.

I didn't ride in here
at 4:00 this morning.

Well, I guess you heard
what happened then, huh?

Yeah, the boy at
the stable told me.

How you feeling?

Well, I'm feeling all right.

I feel like I've been
out chasing a ghost.

(clears throat)

Gonna start out after
him again pretty quick.

I got a feeling you better.

What do you mean?

What time did
you lose his trail?

Oh, about noon
yesterday, I guess. Why?

He's been busy since then.

You don't mean he's
k*lled somebody else...

You know Jim Kelly?

You mean the one who lives
out west of here, by the butte?

He did live out near the
butte. He's dead now.

Hired hand rode into
town this morning.

Description of the k*ller
fits Abe Blocker exactly.

Well, how come Abe
didn't k*ll the hired man?

He was hiding behind a tree.

He ain't the most
man I ever met.

Folks in town don't know
you're back yet, Matt,

but they're pretty
worked up about Blocker.

Yeah, I suppose they are.

Why don't we get some breakfast?

All right.

I'll meet you over there
as soon as I wash up.

Steak and eggs all right?

Sounds good.


Well, hello, Jake.

What are you doing in town?

I'd like to ask
you that question.

Now, what does that mean?

This Abe Blocker's an
old friend of yours, ain't he?


JAKE: Well, word
travels fast, Marshal.

First, it was that
new nester couple,

last night, it was Jim Kelly,
this morning, it was Pete Bryce.

We come by his place
not two hours ago.

Pete Bryce?!

That's right.

Shot in the head, and
his cabin burned down.

Well, what makes you
think it wasn't Indians?

Oh, now, Marshal, I
know it wasn't Indians,

and you know it wasn't Indians.

The man's gone crazy, Marshal.

We gotta hunt him down,
just like we would a rabid wolf.

Now, Jake, I've been out
after Abe for three days,

and I'm just about
to head out again.

You leave it up to me.

You better hurry it up.

There's been too much
of this going on already.

I'll get him, but you sit tight.

Maybe I will...
for a little while.

Come on, let's go.

Like I said, Matt,

people are getting pretty
worked up about Abe Blocker.


Well, I gotta head out
after him again right away.

I could sure use
some help, Quint.

I'll go along with you.

Good. Get my horse shoed.

I'll be down in a little bit.

All right.

Well... can a working
man still buy a beer in here?

I keep thinking I'm
running a liquor palace,

but for you, I'll
make an exception.

(Dillon chuckles)

Sam, will you bring
the marshal a beer?

Yes, ma'am.

What's the latest
on Abe Blocker?

Well, as soon as Quint
Asper gets through

reshoeing my horse, Kitty,

I'm gonna start
out after him again.

It's a bad business.

Yeah, it really is.

Everyone to the
bar. Drinks on me.

- (crowd murmuring)
- Set 'em up, barkeep.

Well, I never heard of Emmett
Bowers buying drinks before.

Wonder what he's celebrating.

Drink up, men.
One's all you get.

We're riding in 25 minutes.

It's about time, too.

They're forming a posse.

Excuse me, Kitty.

Emmett. Sam.

Well, if it ain't the marshal.

Hello, Marshal.

Who are you going after?

You know who we're going
after, and you ain't gonna stop us.

Folks hereabout
can take just so much.

They got a right to
protect themselves

if the law won't do it.

Emmett, I've been out
after Abe for three days,

and I'm just about
to head out again.

Well, maybe he's too
slick for you, Marshal.

Meaning no offense,
but you got to admit,

a bunch of men
got a better chance

of getting him then just one.

Sam's right.

There ain't no arguing it.

Marshal Dillon?

- Yeah.
- Marshall, I've been looking for you.

My name's Till Gant.

Say, don't you have a homestead
out near Joe Clark's place?

That's right, and
Joe Clark's the one

I come to tell the
marshal about.

What about him?

He's been m*rder*d and
his place burned to ground.

Another one.

Abe Blocker.

Now what do you say, Marshal?

Just hold on a minute.
Let's get the straight of this.

What happened?

Well, I was near Clark's place
when I seen the smoke coming up,

so I rode over there, and
I seen this man riding off.

Did you get a look at him, Gant?

Well, he was a big fella,

dressed in buckskins,
it looked like.

Had a white beard.

Abe Blocker.

What'd I tell you?

And Joe was dead
when you got there?

Yes, he was shot through
the heart from real close.

We've heard enough, men.

Get your horses.

We'll meet on the edge of town.

Well, I can't blame
those men, Kitty.

Abe's got to be stopped
any way possible.

Are you going with 'em?

Yeah, I sure am.
I'll see you later.

(horses approaching)

Emmett, Sam.

Thought maybe you could
use a couple extra hands.

- All we can get.
- (horses approaching)

Now what?

EMMETT: You ain't
stopping this posse, Marshal.

I'm not trying to
stop it, Emmett.

There's something I think
you men ought to know.

We know all we need
to know, Marshal.

Now, listen to me, all of you:

I know how you feel
about Abe Blocker,

and I feel the same way.

He's got to be stopped.

But there's something
you have to know

and that is that he's
no ordinary man.

I've been out there tracking
him for three days and I know.

He's more of a ghost
than he is a man.

I had the feeling he could've
k*lled me out there easy,

anytime he wanted to.

Quint, here, and I are going
out tracking him, and I think

it'd be a whole lot better if
the rest of you stayed here.

- (all protesting)
- DILLON: Can't you see why?

All you men milling
around out there

are just gonna be so
many targets for Abe.

He could make mincemeat
out of this posse, if he wants to.

This is his game,
and he's better at it

than any of us ever
thought of being.

No, Marshal, we're going.

He can't k*ll all
of us, Marshal.

Be like sh**ting at
him with a shotgun.

We'll start tracking him
from Joe Clark's place.

Let's ride.

You did the best
you could, Matt.

Those men don't know
what they're getting into.

Hank, you and Pete,

you stay here and
get him underground.

The rest of you fan
out and look for tracks.

What are your plans, Emmett?

Ever hunt prairie wolf, Marshal?

We'll hunt Abe the same way.

We'll pick up his trail,

I'll spread the men
on both sides of it.

Then when we catch up
with him, we'll surround him,

make a big circle.

Easiest thing in the world.

Figure we'll have
his hide by sundown.

Don't suppose any point

in trying to talk
you men out of it.

Ain't no use at all.

Emmett knows what he's doing.

You had your chance at
him, Marshal, now it's ours.

MAN: Here's
his trail! I found it!


Them tracks are getting
mighty fresh, Emmett.

It's almost like he's trying
to let us catch up with him

a-purpose, ain't it?

Yeah, maybe he
wants to give himself up.

That he should. Look!

That's him!

He's in them rocks!

Ride out and form a circle!

Ride out and form a circle!

They're gonna
surround him, Matt.

Yeah, they're hoping to.




DILLON: Both of 'em.

You haven't been
much help, Marshal.

You nor Quint either.

This is your party
so far, Emmett.

What do you mean
"my party so far"?

You haven't caught
him, have you?

No, doggone it,

but I told 'em to
keep looking around.

You know, you keep
this up, you're liable

to get all these men k*lled.

Catch up to their
horses, will you?

Let's take a look around
on our own, Quint.

Marshal! Marshal!

I seen him, Marshal.

I got hit, but I got a good
shot at him... my last one.

Come mighty close.

I hollered over
to the camp, but...

I guess nobody heard me.

Where was he?

Up in the hills,
but he rode off.

How about your leg?

Could be worse.

Be right back.

QUINT: Matt.

That fella Gant's a better
shot than he thought he was.

Oh, that's a lot of blood.

He's hurt bad.

Well, we won't have any
trouble tracking him now.

Yeah, Quint, if
he's hurt that bad,

there's no need to track him.

What do you mean?

Oh, a place he told
me about once...

where he's going the day
he smells death on himself.

Well, I'll go back
and take care of Gant.

All right.





Abe, it's Matt Dillon.

You can't come in here, Dillon!

Nobody can!

I'm here to help you.



I got myself gut-shot.

Never thought I'd take a
b*llet from them crazy fools.

Abe, let me do what I can for
you and then get some help.

(strained): I don't
need any help, Dillon.

From nobody!

Abe, you can't stand
there and bleed to death.

(grunts, panting)


you better start making
tracks back to Dodge City.

Abe, don't you know
what you've done?

Don't you know I
got to take you in?


You're just like the
rest of 'em, ain't you?

Them new people.

They wouldn't know
what it was like.

They don't belong here.

You don't belong here!

On the prairie or
in the mountains.

You don't belong nowhere.

Nowhere! None of you!

Abe, I'm your friend.

But I'm a lawman, too.

And you k*lled a lot of people.

(panting, muttering)

Hounding me, ruining my land.

Sure, I k*lled 'em.

I'll k*ll some more of 'em, too.

I'm gonna get 'em
all before I'm through.

Wipe 'em out, destroy 'em.


You're just like
the rest of 'em.

No difference.

I'm gonna get me one more...



ABE: Go away, Matt.

You don't belong here.

None of you do.

This is my land.

It's my country.

Go away, Matt.
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