07x27 - Wagon Girls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

07x27 - Wagon Girls

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


Barkeep, I'll tell
you what you do,

you give me that
bottle right there

- and about two glasses.
- Well, it's late, gentlemen,

and we're gonna close soon.

Oh, that's all right...
We're fast drinkers.

Now, you just get that bottle.

Harve, I... I'm
just about broke.

Yeah, well...

- Here's all I got.
- I think that'll do it.

Hey, uh, barkeep,
that just about does it.

Come on, fill me up here.

Lookie here, now!

Hey. Where you
going with that bottle?

- Well, now, you just never mind.
- Mm.

Yeah, go on, pour
yourself a little drink.

I'm not drinking, and
we're about ready to close.

- "We"?
- I run this place.

Now, you just better drink
your drink while you got time.

You're kind of sassy, ain't you?

Lee... what makes you think

you can corner the only
woman in the house?

Harve, will you get out of here?
Now, I saw her first, didn't I?

- Now, go on, get out of here!
- Well, we're partners, ain't we

Well, not when it
comes to women.

Now, go on, get out of here!

Uh... you just come on
over here to the table.

I got some plans for you.

I said for you to come
on over here to this table.

I've seen your type
before. Now, come on!

Hey, ma'am, that's my partner.

You're really one of them
little hellcats, ain't you?

Now, I'll tell you
what we're gonna do...

Now, you get out
of here, mister.

Barkeep, you stick your head up

over that bar one more time,

I'm gonna blow it
clean off, you hear me?

And for you, pretty little lady,

you've got so much
steam left in you,

I'm gonna let you
work some of it off.

Now, you're gonna do a
little dance for me right now.

Come on, now, dance!

You hear me? Dance!

Go on, dance!

Come on, now!

Let's go! Let's go, Lee!

We'll show her, huh?

Hold it! Right there!

Now, drop the g*ns.

Go on!

Get over by the bar.

We were just playing around.

We didn't hurt nobody, Marshal.

Get over there
and get your friend.


Kitty, are you sure
you're all right?


All right. Well, I guess
you better close up

- for the night, huh?
- Yeah, I will, Matt, right away.

All right, let's go.

You okay, Lee?



Well, just what kind of
breakfast you call that?

That's jailbird
breakfast, I guess.

- You're smart, ain't you?
- Well, I'm smart enough

to be on this side of the
bars and not in there, yeah.

Oh. Mr. Dillon.

- Morning, Chester.
- Morning.

You men sober this morning?

Yes, sir, Marshal, we're sober.

Come on out of there.

- You gonna turn 'em loose?
- Yeah.

In here.

Come on, Harve,
let's get out of here.

- I need a drink.
- Just a minute.

You're not gonna have time

- to do much drinking.
- Why is that, Marshal?

You've got 15 minutes
to get out of Dodge.

Well, Marshal, we... we
just got here last night.

You heard what I
said; get moving.

Come on, Lee.

Sure are a worthless
pair, if you ask me.



- Morning, Doc.
- How are you? You gonna eat?

Yeah, yeah. I'll be
with you in a minute.

All right. No hurry.

Hey, what's... what's
new in St. Louis, Chester?

Oh, ain't nothing
new here in this paper.

It's two months old, about.

Well, I'm glad to see you're
keeping up with current events.

Say, you know, now, here is
kind of an interesting thing here.

Says: "Notice... young ladies...

"a rich gold miner is waiting
to marry you in Colorado.

"The gold fields are swarming

"with handsome, adventurous
bachelors of great wealth.

"These men have found gold

"and are now looking for wives

"to share it with... them.

"As its pat... "as
pat... "triotic duty...

"the Feester Overland
Trail Company

"is organizing a
group of young ladies

"of charm and
high moral standing

"to go to Colorado
and choose a husband

"from among the many
wealthy young miners

who await them..."

uh... "who await them.

"Apply now.

"Consti..." Building, room 30.

"Do not delay... The
number we can take

is limited."

Now, what do you think of that?

Well, if, uh, if that's true, I
think he ought to be in jail.

- What feller?
- Well, that-that Feester,

what you said there.

Oh, maybe he is, Doc...
It's two months old.

Well, let's go get
something to eat, shall we?

You bet.

I'm getting a
little weak myself.

You ought to read
the papers, Doc,

keep your brain exercised.


- Marshal! Marshal, I've been robbed!
- Robbed?

Not more than five minutes
ago. Those two cowboys.

I went back in the stockroom
to get some rope they wanted,

and while I was gone,
they robbed the cashbox

- and they took off.
- Cowboys?

Strangers to me, but I think
one of them's named Harve.

Harve? Well, them dirty crooks.

- Do you know 'em?
- Yeah, we know 'em.

Now, you two go on to
breakfast; I'll get started.

Oh, Mr. Dillon, hadn't
I ought to go with you?

No. That man from the
w*r Office is coming in.

- Somebody's got to meet him.
- Well, uh...


All right, come on up
out of there or I'll sh**t.

No. No, please.

- What are you doing in there?
- I just woke up.

- You alone?
- Y-Yes.

- You live around here?
- No.

Then how'd you get there?

On a horse.

I-I hid him over there.

All right, come on out of there.

All right, now, what's
your name, young lady?

Polly Mims.

Where you from, Polly?

Back east.

I see.

Well, I'm Matt Dillon; I'm
a United States Marshal.

I haven't done
anything wrong, Marshal.

That horse belongs
to me; I paid for him.

Well, now, wait a minute,

I didn't say you'd
done anything wrong.

I'm just kind of curious to
know what you're doing out here.

I'm escaping.

I escaped last
night right after dark.

I just couldn't
stand it anymore,

so I picked up and ran off.

- You ran off from what?
- Wagon train.

You mean to say you ran
away from a wagon train?


Well, aren't your folks
gonna be worried about you?

I don't have any folks.

Well, you must have
somebody you belong to.

No, I don't belong to anybody.

And I don't want to
talk about it anymore.

All right, let's get your horse.

Where are we going?

We're gonna find
that wagon train.

Oh, fiddlesticks!


Mmm, that was good!

Sure am glad I ran
into you, Marshal.

You are, huh?

Well, at least you know
how to sh**t rabbits.

Too bad you don't trust me.

Of course I trust you.

- You sure don't act like it.
- Why? What'd I do?

You still haven't told me
why you left that wagon train.


The wagon master's
name is Karl Feester.

He's a bad man.

How do you mean bad?

He... he wouldn't let me alone.


Ever since we left St. Louis.

What about the other
men in the wagon train,

why didn't they stop him?

Kelly Bowman's
the only other man.

The only other man?

What kind of a
wagon train is that?

Well, there's Florida Jenkins...

She sort of runs us girls.


There's eight of us altogether.

Not counting Florida, of course.

Now, wait a minute.

You're not by any chance
part of a wagon train

going out to Colorado to
marry some gold miners?

Yes, how'd you know that?

I read about it in
the St. Louis paper.

That's where I first
read about it, too.

They made us each pay for a
horse and for half the wagon.

But they said they'd
give us back the money

when we got to Denver.

That's the craziest
thing I ever heard of.

I don't think I want to marry

a rich gold miner
anymore, Marshal.

I don't see how you got mixed up

in something like
that in the first place.

Seems to me, you got
a lot to learn, young lady.

Well, maybe you'll teach me.

We got a long ride
ahead of us tomorrow.

You don't like me?

Yeah, Polly, I like you fine.

I'm gonna check the horses.

You better get some sleep.

I'm not sleepy.

How you know that's gonna fit?

I'll fit right there.

Come on, Norma. I've got
more wood in the wagon.

Do you believe that talk

about those Indians being
on the warpath, Florida?

Indians are always on
the warpath, aren't they?

Well, what if they
catch Polly out there?

What if they catch us?

Listen, if there's
any such thing

as fool's luck,
that kid's got it.

I hope you're right.

I'll see you later.

Cat got your tongue?

Well, what's the matter now?

It ain't gonna work, Florida.

That horse of Emma's can't
pull that wagon alone another day.

Well, we'll have
to leave the wagon.

Emma can ride with me.

Doggone that Polly anyway.

She messed things up
good running off like that.

You get a hundred dollars a head

for ever girl you deliver
in Denver, don't you?

What's that got to do with it?

A whole lot.

That, and the fact

that you can't get your
dirty hands on her anymore.

You got a big mouth, Florida.

It'll take more than a
cheap bully like you to shut it.

Now look here.

Well, well, well.

Looks like your little
bird come home to roost.

Polly! -Hi!

And look at what
she's got with her.

Gosh, we've missed you.

Polly's back.

That's Marshal
Dillon. He's my friend.

Whoever he is, we don't
need him around here.

Why don't you
sh**t him, Feester?

Probably be your last chance.

Where's...? Oh, there she is.

I want you to meet her.

Hi, Florida.

Well, Polly, you had us worried.

Florida, this is Marshal Dillon.

Florida Jenkins.

How you do, ma'am?

We're awful glad you found her.

Finding her was
the easiest part.

Uh, this is Karl Feester,
the wagon master.

It's nice of you to
bring her back, Marshal,

but we don't want
to hold you up.

Not holding me up at all.

Oh, there's Emma. Excuse me.

Emma? Emma?

I came back.

Emma's her wagon mate.

Yeah, she told me about that.

I guess, uh, Polly must've
told you a lot of things, Marshal.

Yeah, as a matter
of fact, she did.

What do you mean by that?

Marshal, I got a
nice stew cooking.

You'll stay and have
some with us, won't you?


if I could have a
drink of water first.

Come on, I'll get you some.

Don't mind him.

He's always short-tempered
at the end of the day.

What is he, the
only man in here?

Well, there's Kelly
Bowman, his helper.

He's out hunting, probably.

Thanks. That really tasted good.

It's here anytime you want it.

Just, uh, what
did Polly tell you?

Just that you're
going to Colorado

to marry some rich gold miners.

Nothing wrong
with that, is there?

Well, no, except that
most of the gold miners

I've met aren't very rich.

Oh, the girls'll find
'em. I'll see to that.

How about you? Aren't
you looking for yourself?

Marshal, I never did
care much about money.

The only thing I ever
really wanted was a man.

A real man.

Well, I, uh, wish you luck.

That, uh, stew's about
ready. Are you hungry?

Well, I'll tell you,
I could eat a wolf.

I hope it tastes
better than that.

You go get Polly and
Emma. I'll get us some plates.

All right.

There's Bowman.

Probably forgot his b*ll*ts.

Well you're a pretty
good cook, Florida.

Oh, you should see what I can do

with a stove and
fresh vegetables.

Gee, it'd be fun to live in
a house again, wouldn't it?

Don't worry, Polly.
You will soon enough.

You will if we get
past these Indians.

Indians? What do you mean?

Arapaho. They're on the warpath.

Oh, no! Where'd you hear that?

A cowboy rode in this morning,

told us they were
raiding west of here,

right where we're headed.

Well, how did he
know? Did he see 'em?

He had a fight with them.

Mr. Feester is taking you

right into 'em, huh?

Matt... would you ride
along with us for a way?

Oh, please do. Y-You
can't leave us now.

I think I'll just go over and
have a talk with Mr. Feester.

Kelly Bowman... is that it?


Well, so you men are
Indian fighters, huh?

Well, uh, I ain't much
of a one, that's true.

He's a horse wrangler, Marshal.

Not much good at that, either.

But there ain't nothing wrong
with being a horse wrangler.

No, I'll tell you what's wrong.

That's taking a wagon party
full of women across the prairie

into Arapaho country
when they're on the warpath.

My job's to get them
women to Denver, Marshal.

Even without the Arapahos,
I never heard of anything

as crazy as a wagon party
like this with only two men.

Well, maybe we should
have asked your permission

before we started.

Well, when you
get to Fort Wallace,

the Army'll give you
an escort from there.

And, uh, you're
thinking of escorting us

to Fort Wallace, is that it?

That's it.

Ain't you got some bad men
you can chase or something?

Feester, you can
stay in charge here

as long as you do
what I tell you to.

I'm taking these women through.

You can stay or
go. It's up to you.

Now, wait a minute, Marshal.

A man like that, you just
got to sh**t in the back.

Ain't no other way.

You think I'm scared of him?

No, no, but I sure am.

He's right, Bowman.


He'll come in handy

in case we do have
trouble with the Indians.

Yeah, maybe so.

Once we're out of danger,

we'll have plenty
of time to k*ll him.

Get him alone somewhere.

One less marshal ain't
gonna make no difference

to nobody nowheres.



Morning, Florida.

Matt, I sure am glad
you came with us.

When do we get to Fort Wallace?

Tomorrow, with luck.

Well, we've been lucky so far.

I'll just keep our
fingers crossed.

I checked the water
barrels this morning.

There isn't one of
'em over a third full.

This country's the
driest I ever seen.

Bowman, you and I are
going to be scouts today.

We'll ride flank.

I don't want the
Arapahoe surprising us.

Go ahead. You got
to keep the law happy.

You take that side, and keep
your eyes open for water, too.


Emma, I'll tell you a secret.

I think I know the secret.


You're in love with Matt Dillon.

How'd you know?

Every girl on the trip has
been smitten with him,

including Florida.

Oh, that's not true.

You listen to me, and leave
the marshal alone, hmm?

He's not available.

How do you know?

I can tell. If I thought
there was any chance,

I'd make a play for him myself.

You don't know him the way I do.

I know men.

Yeah, well, Marshal
Dillon's different.

They're all different,
honey, at first.

I don't see what
you've got against him.

I don't have
anything against him.

I was just trying to save
you from heartbreak, that's all.

Emma, I can take care of myself.

If you could take
care of yourself,

I don't think you'd
be on this trip.

What do you mean?

Do you really believe
all that nonsense

about rich gold miners
wanting to marry us?



Marshal Dillon?!

Help! Oh, Marshal Dillon!

They're gonna k*ll us!

Come on, Feester!

Put the g*n away.
I'll handle this.

For the Indians, ain't they?

Go on, put it away.

Water. Need water.

Why does Indian come
to white man for water?

Young brave out there.

Fall from horse, hurt bad.

Water far.

Need water fast.

Now do you understand, Feester?

The Indians want water.

It's a trick. Rest
of that w*r party's

probably out there just
waiting their chance.

Now, Feester, I'm gonna
give these Indians some water.

If you want to use that
g*n, you better start on me.

Come on, Bowman.

It's all right, now. There's
nothing to worry about.

Go in peace.

We go now. We remember.






Hey, Matt.


- Want some coffee?
- Sure.

Sit down.

Well, I guess you were right
about those Indians today, hmm?

I was right about them, but
there's always other Indians.

I'll be glad when we
get to Fort Wallace.

If I knew what this
trip was gonna be like,

I'd never have signed on.

Well, things will be all
right once you get to Denver.

For you, at least.

What do you mean by that?

I mean running the girls
in whatever dance hall

you put 'em into.

They're gonna marry
rich Colorado gold miners.


But they're gonna put in
a long apprenticeship first,

aren't they?

You're kind of smart.

It's none of my
business, Florida.

Nothing I could do
to stop you anyway.

All right.

Maybe I did fool
the girls a little.

I'll make it up to them.

They'll get used to
dance hall work. I did.

I bettered myself.

Must be another
way to better yourself.

I thought I'd find you here.

He's only having
a cup of coffee.

I just came to say good night.

Yeah, well, that's a good idea.

Guess we all better turn in.

Good night, young lady.

Thanks, Florida.

You're welcome.

Hope you sleep well.

I wish he'd stop
calling me "young lady."

I wish he'd call me that.

- Polly...
- What are you doing here?

- Shh, there's nothing wrong.
- Now, you get out of here.

What is it?

Shh. I just want
to talk to Polly.

- You let me alone.
- Now, come on, Polly,

I want to talk to you.
Let's take a little walk.

A walk, are you crazy?

Come on, Polly,
we're wasting time.

Hey, Feester!

Come on, Feester, get him!

Indians, Marshal?


Matt, what we we gonna do?

Well, it's not likely
they'll attack before dawn.

Get the girls back to the
wagons... they'll be safe there.

Hurry up.

All right, get him on his
feet. We're gonna need him.

How much longer are we
gonna have to wait, Matt?

Well, if they don't show
up in an hour or so,

well, we'll chance moving out.

Come all the way from
St. Louis to stand around

waiting for a bunch of Indians.

Waiting's always the
hardest part, Florida.

Kind of like, uh...

waiting for a man to
show his hand, huh?

Sometimes you got to call 'em.

Are you listening to me?

Oh... Here they come.

Oh, Matt.

There's so many of them.

The three of you
can't stand them off.

All right, get all the girls over
behind your wagon, Florida.

- Go on.
- Yeah.

Hey. Come on, come on. Hurry!

Marshal, there's a
whole... passel of 'em.

Them two you were
so good to yesterday,

they've told them
how many we are.

Might as well get at it.

Hold it.

I think they want to talk.

- I'll talk to 'em with this.
- Just a minute.

I'm going out there.

You're crazy.

Chief Red Knife.

Matt Dillon, United
States Marshal.

Big Cloud say...

you gave water when needed.

My son hurt.

Your son?

Water saved his life.

Chief Red Knife grateful to...

white lawman.

Your wagons... we not burn.

You mean you'll
let us go through?


Rest your horses!

Take a break!


Looks like we'll
make Fort Wallace

in a couple of hours, Florida.

Fine with me.

Best part of it is we'll lose
that bullheaded marshal.

Yeah, I know.

Well, it won't make me sad.


I see him.

Hey, hey!


I can't stop! Stop!

- Oh, Matt. Matt.
- It's all right.

- Take it easy, now. Easy.
- I nearly...

I could... Polly!





How do, ma'am? Corporal King.

Private. Private King.

How do you do?

Uh, can I help you down?

Why, thank you,
Corporal. Corporal?

Uh, Private King.

Oh, Private, thank you.

Morning, ma'am.

I'm Acting Sergeant Stone.

You look like a corporal to me.

Oh, well, you see,

I have seniority on
the other corporals,

and, uh, when there's
one in line then I can...

Don't just stand
there, Acting Sergeant.

Help me down off this thing.

Yes, ma'am.

Ach, would you
look at all those girls.

Hello, Captain.

What in the world is all this
you've got with you, mister?

A few young ladies
heading for Colorado.

Gonna marry up with
the gold miners out there.

Marry up with the gold miners?

Yeah. My name's Karl Feester.

This is Kelly Bowman.
I'm the wagon master.

I figured you could
put us up for the night.

We'll be on our
way in the morning.

All right, see to it, Sergeant.

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you, Captain.

Everything's taken
care of, Marshal.

I'll bet.

Captain, my name's Matt Dillon.

United States Marshal
out of Dodge City.

Captain Grant, how do you do?

Oh, it's quite a reception.

I'll put a stop to
it soon enough.

I imagine you're
probably wondering

what this is all about.

A bunch of women
going to Colorado

to marry gold miners, I'm told.

Sounds kind of
unlikely, doesn't it?

It seems unlikely

with a man like Feester
heading the outfit.

Well, the girls
believe it, Captain.

A couple of nights
in a Denver dancehall

ought to clear that up.


Yeah, and I've got to
leave them here, too.

I just happened along
in time to bring them

through the Arapaho country.

You're lucky you made it.

Captain, I don't suppose
there's anything you or I

could do to keep this man

from taking them on
to Denver, is there?

I'm afraid not.

In fact, I'm gonna have to
provide them with an escort.

You, uh, you have any
married men here on the post?

I mean, with their wives?

Just those over there.

Captain, you
know, I got an idea.

Could your mess hall be cleared
out after supper for a dance?

A dance?

I've got a bottle of whiskey
in the office, Marshal.

We might as well sit down
while we're organizing this.

Well, it looks like everybody's
doing fine, Captain.

My men surprise me, Marshal.

I didn't think they
could stop swearing

long enough to talk to a lady.

Oh, it must be
thrilling to be a soldier,

saving people's lives
and fighting Indians.

You must be very brave.

Well, uh, it ain't so
much being brave

as learning to
sh**t straight. Polly.

Oh, fiddlesticks, you're
just being modest.

Saving this dance for me, Polly?

No, I'm not.

- Come on.
- Hands off her, mister.

You want to get your neck broke?

Having trouble, King?

Nothing I can't
handle, Sergeant.

How many times
do I have to tell you,

this is the cavalry.

One man gets into trouble,
we all get into trouble.

We all fight together.

I make that quite clear?

Now, I give the order,

every man in this
room goes into action,


Have you ever been torn apart

by a group of iron-handed
troopers, mister?

You know something, sergeant?

You are a rare bird.


Well, I-I didn't want no
fight to spoil the evening.

Come on, Bowman.

Who needs these tin soldiers?

Uh, would you dance?

In a minute.

Excuse me.


Captain, excuse me.

Florida, how do
you like the dance?


I've only met a handful
of men in my time,

real men, I mean,
and you're one of them.

Sergeant Pickens
over there, he's another.

But, uh, if you was to ask me,

I'd go back to Dodge with you.

Florida, it's been a real
pleasure knowing you.

I won't forget you.

Thanks, Matt.

And, uh, thanks for the dance.

Mighty handsome woman, Marshal.

Why didn't you dance with her?

I did, Captain.

I did.

- Corporal, what do you think

- you're doing?
- Morning, ma'am.

Why, we're hitching
up your wagons, ma'am.

Who told you to do that?

The wagon master, he come
by and said to get them ready.

Since when do you take
orders from a civilians?

- Well, I...
- Now you take them horses

and you put them right back
in that stable, you hear me?

Now look, lady, you're
a civilian yourself.

Corporal Spate,
you got it wrong.

The lady's not such a
civilian as you might think.

What? As the future wife

of the first sergeant
of this outfit,

what she says goes.
Now you hop to it.

All right, you men, get
those horses unhitched

and in the stable
where they belong.

Well, Emma, I reckon you
owe me an answer now for sure.

Well, Polly, I, uh... I, uh...

You know, for such a brave
man, you sure are bashful.

Well, I just didn't... Come on.

What're you men doing?

What's going on here, Sergeant?

I don't know, Feester.

Maybe the ladies have changed
their minds about travelling.

You know how women are.

Are you in on this?

You might put it that way.


Well, I won't stand for it.

I'll settle this
with the captain.

Sergeant, do you
always propose in public?

Well, ma'am, will you accept me?

With pride, Sergeant
Pickens, with real pride.

Captain Grant, I
want you to order

that first sergeant of yours
to hitch up them wagons.

We got to get out of
here, and time's wasting.

Did you talk to the
sergeant about it?

He's a rock-head,
all your men are.

They see a couple of skirts,

they get all froze up.

From what I've
been seeing, Feester,

I'd say just the opposite.

Well, never mind that.
Get them men to work.

There's a preacher lives

about ten miles away
from here, Feester.

I sent for him an hour ago.


A trooper's wife
doesn't have it too easy,

but it sure beats being a
dancehall girl in Denver.

You had something to
do with this, didn't you?

Feester, next time why
don't you try driving cattle?

You may not get a hundred
dollars a head for them,

but you'll sleep
better at night.

What's this?

I'm doing you the honor

of providing you with
an escort, Feester.

We don't need no escort.

You're not getting one for far.

Corporal Rogers has his orders:

five miles outside
of Ft. Wallace

and watch you out of sight.

Now move out.

You got no rights
over me, Captain.

You can ride out of here free

or you can ride out
roped to your saddle.

Take your choice.

Well, you have pretty
good service here, Captain.

I didn't mean to
hurry you, Marshal.

But you said you were leaving,

knew there was no
point in arguing with you.

Well, I do have a long ride.

Thank you.

I'll walk you to the gate.


Say, Captain, halt that
detail for a second, will you?

Halt that detail, Sergeant.

Detail, halt!

Those two men in front,
where are they from?

Oh, they're deserters.

But we ran into them
out on the prairie.

Got two years of hard labor.


Well, those are
the men I was after.

I didn't find any money on them,

but I guess we can try
them again on your charges,

- if you'd like.
- No, no.

I think they're in
pretty good hands here.

All right, move
them out, Sergeant.

Yes, sir.

Detail, forward, march.

Come on.

Well, Captain, nine
new families living here.

You'll have to build
some more cabins.

Right. Say, Marshal,
I just remembered

you haven't said
good-bye to the girls yet.

Looks to me like
they're kind of busy.

Well, you say good-bye
to them for me, will you?

All right. Good luck, Marshal.

So long, Captain.
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