07x12 - Nina's Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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07x12 - Nina's Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


Well, you've tore it.

Yeah, yeah,
becau-because of you,

because you's,
uh, standing there,

looking over my shoulder,
breathing down my neck.

I could feel you,
that's what happened.

No, no, Chester,
what happened was,

you just missed the
ball and you tore it.

Yeah, b-because of
you, b-because of you.

Well, good heaven, you're
gonna break the cue now.

Well, I can't play
no more nohow.

Cost me a whole week's
pay now... At least that.

Well, it don't have to.

Yeah, why?

I didn't see Dan Binny
in there anyplace.

You, you've still got
time to get out of town.

Oh, yeah, that's what you'd do.

You'd run, wouldn't you?

Well, I-I got just a little
bit more honor than that.

Well, by golly, I
admire you for it, too.

That's even better than
being a good billiard player.

Well, who says that I
ain't a good billiard player?

Well, I don't know, I didn't.

Oh, no, no, you didn't,
you didn't, you didn't say...

Look at that.

Well, it's just Lee
Sharkey and his wife.

You know, I just never
could understand her.

She hates her husband,
that's all there is to it.

Well, heavens, I don't have
no love for Lee Sharkey myself,

but I don't go around
with a big, long face

like it's the end of the world.

Yeah, well, you just ain't
married to him, that's it.

No, Doc, I know that,
I ain't married to him.

You know, well, I
guess I'd better get

down to the post office.

I'll see you later.

Yeah... oh, well, uh,

did you want me to say
something to Dan Binny for you?


Did we get everything?

Well, it'd bust your jaw to
say something, wouldn't it?

What do you want me to say?

Nothing, nothing, nothing!

I'm gonna go and get a drink.

You just set there, hear?

Sure do thank you for the
loan of the money, Mr. Dillon.

Of course, it was Doc that
ought to be a-paying for it.

All he did was watch,
the way I heard it.

Well, that's all
he needed to do.

Oh, there... Dan
Binny's in there.

Well, why don't you go on in
and I'll wait for you out here?

Well, I'll be doggoned.

Well, that's Nina
Sharkey, isn't it?

- Yeah.
- Well, I wonder what she's doing in town

- this time of night.
- Well, that's just what

I was trying to
figure out, Mr. Dillon.

You know that her and Lee
was loading that wagon to take off

this afternoon when
me and Doc was here.

- They were?
- Yeah.

Well, they live five
miles out of town.

It isn't likely they'd
come back in.

Tha-That wagon was right
there in that very same spot.

Why don't you go in and pay Dan?

I'll go over and have
a word with Nina.

All right.

Good evening, Mrs. Sharkey.

Hello, Marshal.

Well, you waiting for Lee?


Well, uh, does he
know you're out here?

Yes, he knows I'm here.

Well, how long has
he kept you waiting?

Oh, a while.

I see.

Has he been drinking again?

Where is he, over
at the Long Branch?

He'll only make
trouble, Marshal.

Here, have another.

No, I got to go, Lee.

- Oh.
- Got a long ride ahead of me.

Ain't you leaving?

No... I ain't in no hurry.

I'll see you around.

Sure, sure.


Well, howdy, Marshal.

How about a drink?

What's the matter
with you, anyway?

Are you so drunk, you don't
know that your wife's sitting

out there in a wagon
seat, waiting for you?

I ain't drunk, Marshal,
and I don't know

as I like anybody telling
me how to handle my wife.

Well, I'm telling you.

Now get out there.

Well, I was fixing
to leave anyway.

Well, it takes all kinds,
doesn't it, Marshal?

Yeah, I guess it does, Sam,

only sometimes we
could do without 'em.

Did you send the
marshal to get me?

No, I didn't.

Don't you lie to me.

I'll teach you to
fetch the law on me.

Why don't you mind
your own business, too?

Hold on there!

Well, you... neither one of
you got any right to interfere.

Marshal, she ain't
getting no more

than what she rightly deserves.

Mrs. Sharkey, Chester will take
you over to the Dodge House.

You can get a room
there for the night.

I got a room for
you at the jail.

I ain't going to no jail.

You're going.

Now, you can walk
or you can be dragged.

Make up your mind.

I'm sorry about
this, Mrs. Sharkey.

I'll turn him loose first
thing in the morning.

Now, ma'am, let me,
let me give you a hand.

Thank you.

Oh, good morning, Kitty.

Well, morning.

Mind if we join you?

Not a bit.

Morning, Miss Kitty.

Good morning, Chester.

Say, you're, uh, looking
mighty pretty this morning.

He hasn't taken to drinking
before breakfast, has he?

No, no, I-I kind of
think he's right, myself.

I suspect the both of you.

Hello, Joe.

I guess I'll have a steak and a
couple eggs and a pot of coffee.

- Is that it?
- Yeah.

Uh, you can bring me a-a bowl
of oatmeal, a stack of flapjacks,

and a piece of
ham about like that.

While you're at it,
you might as well

just throw on a couple eggs.

And coffee.

Glass of milk.

I think you'll be all right if
you have an early dinner.

Yeah, well, I aim to.

You know, I go too
long, I get dizzy spells,

you know.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, tha-that reminds me,

I ain't fed Lee Sharkey
yet this morning.

Lee Sharkey...
You got him in jail?

Yeah, he was drunk last
night and treating Nina rough,

so we locked him up.

That poor girl.

I don't think she's smiled
once since she's been married.

Well, why don't you go over
and see her? She's in town here.

Where is she?

The Dodge House.


I'll go.

It'll, uh, cheer me up

just to miss the breakfasts
that you two are going to eat.

Well, tell Nina
we'll turn Lee loose

in about an hour or so, Kitty.

All right, see you later.

Well, Nina, I was just
coming to see you.

Hello, Kitty.

Matt told me you were here,

and I wanted to come
over and talk to you.

All right.

Um, let's sit over there, huh?

Well... how are you?

Oh, about the same.

Matt told me that he,
uh, had to lock Lee up

for treating you rough.


He doesn't do that
very often, does he?


Nina, what's happened to
you since you married Lee?

Why don't you get
it off your chest?


I've, I've never
said this to anyone...

but Lee hates me.

He's hated me ever
since we got married.

But why?

He married me for money.


My father's money.

He thought my father'd
support us in style,

but he's never
given us a dollar.

Oh, and Lee holds
that against you.

Is that right?


Kitty... how would you feel

if your husband told you that
he'd only married you for money?

I'm sure sorry.

It shames a woman, Kitty.

It shames a woman so she...

hardly even cares
about going on living.

Well, I wish there were
something I could do to help.

It's been good to talk to you.

You know, we,
uh, we ought to try

to see each other more often.

Well, it-it's been
months and months.

I haven't felt like seeing
anybody in a long time.

When you do, will
you send word to me?

I will.

Oh, uh... Matt's going to
be letting Lee out directly.

Oh, well, I'll just go over
to the jail and wait for him.

Thanks, Kitty.

Good luck, honey.


That's all there is, isn't it?

That's it.

Oh, wait a minute.

Here's a can of coal oil.

Come get it.


Wait a minute.

You know, that was
the first night of my life

I ever spent in jail.

Wasn't my fault, Lee.

It was you set the law
down on me, wasn't it?

I never did beat you, Nina.

Maybe I ought to
take up the habit.

You start that,
and I'll k*ll you.

Oh, now, lookee here.

She's showing sign of life.

You've done evil enough
to me already, Lee Sharkey.

I won't stand for
anything worse.

Is that so?

Well, we'll just see
about that, yeah.

I'll get supper going.

Not for me.

Soon as I put this team up,

I'm gonna get a saddle horse
and head on back to town.

I might see you around midnight.

Get up there! Head
up there! Hyah!

Bottle and two glasses, please.

My name's Lee Sharkey.

Jim Garza.

You're new here, ain't you?

Oh, I-I been here about a week.

Uh-huh. You looking for a job?

Oh, I...

I don't never look for jobs,
but sometimes they find me.

Oh, okay. Okay.

Here you are.


Here's how.

Garza... how'd you
like to make yourself

$200 in the next two weeks?


Do I get hung at the end?

No, of course not.

Well, I might be interested.


Look here. Let's
go back to the table

where it's a little
more private.

You're real neighborly
with your liquor, aren't you?

All you want.


You married, Garza?


Well, I am married.

And sometimes it don't work
out the way you thought it would.

Well, I heard tell.

You take me, for instance.

My wife's pa is rich,

and he ain't done
one thing for us.

- Not one thing.
- Is that so?

Oh, he's a
straight-laced old man.

Worries a lot about
morals and such.

Don't want nothing to
hurt the family name.

You know the kind?

Now, I'm going to
Wichita for two weeks,

and I want you, Garza,

to take over the
place while I'm gone.

Then when I get back,

I'll accuse you of
being with my wife,

and you'll admit it.

Then I'll take her to her pa,

and tell him that I'll shame
her through the whole country

unless he comes
up with that money.

You got it all
figured out, ain't you?

Yes, I have.

Well, it ain't as if
it weren't money

we got coming to us anyway.


Oh, I don't know. I
don't like it too much.

But I guess if I don't have
to do nothing, just say I did.

That's it. That's
all there is to it.

I'll make it $250.

All right, it's a deal.

- Ah.
- But in advance.

Half of it in advance.

All of it.

Well, how do I
know I can trust you?

Well, like I said, I don't
like it too much anyway.

All right, all right.

I'll pay you in the morning.

You ride out at 8:00.
Ain't but five miles.

Out where?

I'll tell you that

after we finish
this here bottle.

I'm, uh...

I'm riding into Dodge
again this morning.

This time I'm liable to
be gone about two weeks.

I'm catching the
stage to Wichita.

Hoping maybe I
can pick me up a loan

in that part of the country.

'Cause if I don't get my hands
of some money pretty quick...

we gonna have to
sell this place, Nina.

And I don't know
no place around here

where I can get it.


I've taken on a hand
to look after the stock

and do the chores.

That ought to be him coming now.


Say, you're right on time.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, got a little money for me?

Yeah, I got it.

Right here.

You don't mind if
I count it, do you?

No. Go ahead.


Oh, Nina, come on out here!

This here is Jim Garza.

He'll be looking after
the place while I'm gone.

How you do, ma'am?

You'll be, uh, sleeping down

at the tack house
in the barn, Garza.

Nina'll show you
where everything is.

Well, look here, I better
get on my way to Wichita.

Uh, good-bye.

Uh, you look after things
while I'm gone, yeah?

You won't have no
trouble, Garza. So long.

So long.

Good luck, hear?



put your horse up, and
then, I'll-I'll feed you.

Thank you.

Well, now.

Lookee here, what have you got?

Oh, this is for supper.

You mean, after that big
dinner you fed me this noon?

Not that I'm complaining,
now, mind you.

Well, it won't be ready
for a couple of hours yet.

Oh. Well, I noticed you was
out of stove wood up there,

so I just split you up some.

Oh, but... But what?

Well, I-I generally
take care of the wood.

Oh, is that so?

Well, let me tell you...

You ain't gonna do
it while I'm around.

Um, it'll be a couple hours

still before we eat.

Then that'll just give me time
to work up a good appetite.


Ma'am, you-you really
are a good cook, you know?

Thank you.

You tell me something.


How long has it been

since anybody told you
you were a good cook?

I-I don't know what you mean.

Then how long's it been

since anybody, uh, cut
your stove wood up for you?

You know, ma'am,
uh... I'm just thinking.

You, uh... you kind of got
the bad end of the deal here.

My husband says different.

He says it was him that
got the bad end of the deal.

Is that right?

I'm sorry. I, um...

I shouldn't be
talking like this.

I-I don't talk like
this much, either.

Oh, coffee's getting cold.

You got an awful
lot of trouble, ma'am,

and I'm not helping you none.

That... that's for sure.

You're the first
person in a long time

to make me feel like
a human being again.

Do-do you want some more coffee?

No. No, thank you.

I, uh... I better turn in.

Got to get up early
morning and ride fence.

Uh, unless there's something
you want me to do around here.

No, no, you-you go ahead.

Good night.

Good night, Jim.


Come in.


I'll be out in a minute.

I'm, I'm sorry I wasn't here
when you got back from Dodge.

Oh, that's all right.

I was mending fence up north.

Ma'am, I've got
something to tell you.

I'll be right there.

I'm gonna quit.

I said I'm quitting, ma'am.

Evening, Jim.

Well, I'll be doggoned.

Um, I'm afraid I didn't
have time to fix supper.

It'll have to be something cold.

I ain't hungry.

Oh, nonsense. Come on.

Wait, wait, wait.

Well, you're, uh...

you're about the prettiest
thing I've ever seen.

Oh, please... Well,
I mean it, ma'am.

Oh, don't be, don't be afraid.

Didn't you hear me

when I said I was quitting?

Is that what you really said?



When are you leaving?

Ma'am... would you, um,

come here and sit down, please?

I wanna tell you that I, uh,

I think I've fell
in love with you.

It happened awful fast, I
know, but I couldn't help that.

And it's got nothing to do
with the way you fixed up

tonight, believe me. I've
given it a lot of thought.

But you're leaving.


I've got to.


No, you can't. Not now.

I won't let you.

Oh, listen to me, ma'am.

- You got to listen to me.
- I don't care.

It doesn't matter
Jim. Nothing matters.

Yes, it does! I've got
something to show ya.


You see that?

That's $250.

And I'm gonna tell
you where I got it.

Your husband Lee gave it to me.

That's right.

But he's gonna
get a big surprise.

Because I'm gonna
put it right here.

And it might give
you some pleasure

to tell him that it's here.

What's it for?

For him to catch me with you.

Or at least for
me to say he did.

Then a little blackmail
trip to your pa.

And you agreed?

I didn't know you then.

That's a lot of money,

but I'm not proud of it

and I wasn't when I took it.

And now you're just... leaving?

I was going to.


All right, then.

I'm gonna stay.

And when he comes
home, we'll tell him.

And then we'll leave
together, all right?

Oh, Jim.

Goodnight, Nina.

Whoa. Ho.



Well, glory be.

I've got the buggy over there.

Well, what's come over you?

Well, you're even
acting different.

We better get started.

Well, wait a minute.

What are you doing here?

How'd you know I
was on that stage?

Woman's intuition.

I'll wait for you at the buggy.

Well, here. I got
to get my horse.

Never mind about your horse.
I've got him tied on behind.

Make yourself right
at home, don't you?

Hello, Sharky.

Have a drink.

No thanks.

You know, um, your
job ain't over, Garza,

till her old man comes through.

Well, I've got something
to tell you, Sharky.

Well, let it wait.

What I want to know is...

what's come over her?

She never used to be like that.

Well, maybe I could tell ya...

Well, there's something
else I don't understand either.

How come she knew
I was on that stage?

I don't go for this
woman's intuition stuff.

Well, I got a friend
who works in Wichita

at the stage office,

and I had him telegraph me

on the day when you
bought your tickets.

What are you saying?

We thought it'd be
best that way, Sharky.

Then you couldn't say
that you rode out here

and surprised us
at nothing wrong.


Now what's come over
you? What's this all about?

Here you go, Sharky.
Here's your money.

All of it.

Well, what's this for?

I don't want it.

Well, you're, you're quitting?

What are you
quitting for, Garza?

'Cause I'm calling
the deal off, Sharky.

The whole rotten, stinking deal.


Get in here.


what's been going
on between you two?

There ain't nothing
been going on, Sharky.

She's gonna leave you and

we're gonna get married.

That's right, Lee.

I love him.

Love? What do you
know about love?

I didn't know anything
until I met Jim.

All he's after's
your pa's money.

Like you?

Never mind about me.

Now we ain't asking
a dime from her pa.

We're going out to Colorado
and we're gonna start fresh.

You liar.

Forget it, Jim.

You know why I hired him?

You know what kind
of a man he is, huh?

He told me why you hired him.

He told me everything.

So you, you snuck in
behind my back, huh?

I ought to k*ll you.

You can try, Sharky.

No, it ain't worth the trouble.

But don't you think
you're getting away with it.

I'm riding on in to Dodge.

I don't know when I'll be back.

This job... it pays $500.

My name is Blucher.

Harry Blucher.

His name... is Jim Garza.

From Colorado?

By golly, he did say
something about Colorado

only this afternoon.

I've seen him around Pueblo.

I'd recognize him.

I'll give you $200 right now,

and the rest when
the job's done.

Half and half.

Oh, all right.

I got it right here.

Here you go.

Where is he?

He's at my ranch, about
five miles out of town.

But, uh, it wouldn't
do to k*ll him out there.

My wife would get suspicious.

He must come into town sometime.

Yeah, uh, I'll think of a way
of getting him here tomorrow.

All right.

I'll be leaving town
fast when it's done.

I'll be riding by your place.

You just follow the river
upstream about a mile.

There's a road there
leads right north,

right by my place.

Have the money ready.

All right.

See you tomorrow, Blucher.

Oh, here.

You have the whiskey.

Kind of a little bonus.

Well... night, Blucher.

Oh, Marshal, I was
just on my way home.

- Hello, Kitty.
- Can I have a beer, Sam?

- Hello, Matt.
- Sit.

That Lee Sharky's in town

kind of late tonight, isn't he?

It's his first night
home, too, isn't it?

He never was the
greatest husband.

That's true.

Came in here and
bought a bottle, and...

had a drink with
that man over there.

But I don't think he knew him.

By golly, I ain't never
seen him before himself.

Do you know him, Matt?

No, I don't think I do.

Sure looks like a hard
case though, doesn't he?


Well, I got to make the
rest of our rounds, Kitty.

I'll see you later.

Well, good morning.

Good morning, Marshal.

Aren't you that fella who
works out at the Sharky plant?

Yeah, Jim Garza's my name.

What are you doing?

There ain't enough supplies
for the winter out there?

Just enough to
get us to Colorado.


Yeah, me and Nina.


Didn't you know?

Nina and me are gonna
get married out there

just as soon as she
gets a divorce from Lee.

Well, what does Lee
think about all that?

Well, he went along with it.

In fact, I'm gonna buy his
wagon off of him for the trip.

You mean to tell me
that Lee doesn't mind

if you take his wife
and go off to Colorado?

Well naturally, he
was a little sore at first,

but he got used to the idea.

I don't know how much
you know about Lee Sharky,

but I'll tell you something
maybe you didn't know.

He was over in the
Long Branch last night

having a drink with a man.

That man looked to me
like a professional gunman.

Sharky was?

That's right.

You still so sure?

Why, uh,

I don't think Sharky would
do anything like that, do you?

Maybe he would and
maybe he wouldn't.

There's one way you
can be safe, though.

What's that?

Take off that g*n
belt you're wearing.

Now wait a minute, Marshal, I...

He's not likely to
sh**t an unarmed man.

That's not the way of a gunman.

Well, I ain't afraid of him.

Well, that's not the point.

If you're wearing a g*n,

he'll some find a way to
trick you into drawing first

so he can claim self-defense.

He's a professional, Garza.

Well, I guess
you're right, Marshal.

I don't like it too much, but...

maybe you are right.

I think you're doing
the smart thing.

Now why don't you get
back out there to the ranch.

I'm gonna look this fella up
and have a little talk with him.

Mr. Dillon.

- I seen that Blucher fella.
- Where was he?

Well, he's over at
the Dodge House.

He was just tying up his horse.

Thanks, Chester.



Where're you from?

Colorado, Pueblo.


Well listen, if I were you,
I'd be back there in a week.

What are you saying?

I'm saying if you get
on that horse and ride,

you'll be there in time
for church next Sunday.

I don't go to church, Marshal.

Yeah, I'll bet you don't.

I'm gonna tell you
something, Blucher.

I know why you're here,
and I know who you're after.

I took Jim Garza's g*n from him.

He's unarmed.

You won't be able
to claim self-defense.

I never heard of Jim Garza.

Get on that horse
and get riding.



Hello, Garza.

Harry Blucher.

We sat in a few card
games over Pueblo way.

Oh, so, uh... you're the man.

I'm the man.

I didn't believe the marshal

when he said you'd
give up your g*n.

Well, I did.

I never thought you were
that much of a coward.

I'm not gonna
fight you, Blucher.

I heard a lot of things
about you, Garza,

but never that you were yeller.

Why don't you leave me
alone and go back to Colorado?

Fella's got to earn his money.

It's fight now or
sometime later.

If you got the sand for it.

Don't think I'm afraid of you.

I got no reason
to think otherwise.

I could always get
myself another g*n.

You could but that
would take a man.

You just found yourself a
man, Blucher. Say it out.

About an hour.

At the river bridge
at the edge of town.

All right.

Mr. Dillon...
- Jim Garza is dead.
- What?

Yeah, that-that Blucher
feller, uh, shot him

down by the river bridge.

Jim told us hisself
just before he died.

All right.

Chester, look out after the
office while I'm gone, will you?

Did you find him?

I found him.

The money, Sharky.

But how do I know he's dead?

Did you expect me to
bring his body out here

so you could see it?

Now, hurry up. I
got to get out of here.

It seems to me I'm taking
your word for an awful lot.

Sharky, you pay
me and pay me fast.

Another k*lling today
ain't gonna make

one bit of difference to me.


Sure, sure,
I'll-I'll just get it.

Nina, come on back in the house!

I heard that last part.

He paid you to k*ll
somebody, didn't he?

Now, never you mind
about that, ma'am.

Who was it?

I want to know who it was.

Tell me!

What difference does it make?

It was Jim Garza.

I had to hear it.

But it wasn't you
that k*lled him.

It was my husband.

Sharky, what's taking
you so long in there?

It's all there.

I'd like to be sure.

I wouldn't want to have
to trust a man like you.

You got a nerve saying that.

Like your wife says,
wasn't me k*lled him...

It was you.

Hold it right there, Blucher.

What are you doing
out here, Marshal?

Get your g*n belt off, easy.

I guess they didn't tell
you Jim Garza drew first.

I said drop your g*n belt.

I've never been taken, Marshal.

I've never been taken.

Oh, you got him!

That's good!

He sure had it comin'
to him, Marshal.

Did he?

Well, he k*lled Jim Garza,

and then to cover
up for it... here...

He made me pay him for it.

He robbed me of
that money, Marshal.

I'll turn it over to the courts.

The court?

Yeah, they'll use it as
evidence at your trial.

Wh... What are
you talkin' about?

I didn't hire him!

I ain't guilty of nothin'!

We'll let the judge decide that.

Soon as we get him
buried, we're going into town.

Now, get yourself a shovel.

All right. All right,
you can lock me up,

but it ain't gonna
do you no good.

You're just gonna have
to turn me loose again.

Ain't nobody do nothin' to me!


Think I'd better
take this, Nina.

Oh, hello, Marshal.

Please forgive
me if I don't get up.

Don't think me
inhospitable, I'm just...

a little tired.

There's some
coffee on the stove.

Please, help yourself.


I'm gonna have to ask you
to come into town with me.

Oh, Marshal, I couldn't do that.

Well... I'm afraid
you'll have to.

Oh, you're very
kind, Marshal, but...

I have an awful lot of packing
to do before Jim gets back,

and I want to have it all
done before he gets here.


Jim Garza.

Hadn't you heard?

We're going to
Colorado and be married.
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