04x28 - I Confess

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bewitched". Aired: September 17, 1964 - March 25, 1972.*
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Samantha falls in love with and marries Darrin Stephens only for him to find out that his new wife is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic.
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04x28 - I Confess

Post by bunniefuu »

- Enjoy your dinner?
- Marvellous.

- Car check, please, sir.
- Yeah. Right here.

Here you go.

- What's the matter?
- I left my gloves on the table.

You're improving.

You usually remember them
halfway home.

- I'll go get them.
- I can save you the trouble.

Like this?

- You want me to?
- No.

I definitely, emphatically
and positively do not.

- What time is the floorshow?
- There isn't any.

- Isn't this the Club Bimbo?
- No, it's La Petite Maison.

- Who stole the Club Bimbo?
- I'm afraid I don't know.

I get it.

Beautiful but dumb.

In that case, let's go straight
to my apartment.

No, thank you.

Look, lady.

Please. In three days,
I gotta be in Cleveland.

Sir, you leave me alone.

Or I promise you'll regret it.

My spirit cannot be dampened.

That's what you think.

What's going on here?

- Are you her husband?
- Yes, I am! Who are you?

I'm a reformed drunk.

Sam, what happened?

He tried to pick me up,
so I dampened his spirit.

With real water? By witchcraft!

- Well...
- Well what?

He was in no condition to drive.

I say the use of witchcraft
was completely uncalled-for!

And I say it was my duty
to the motoring public.

That's just an excuse.

You took fiendish delight in putting
that guy in his place, and you know it.

Darrin, I resent that.

I am not a fiend.

I didn't say that.
I said you took fiendish delight.

Well, you can't take fiendish delight
unless you're a fiend.

- You can too.
- You cannot.

- Boy, are you unreasonable!
- No. You are.

That's what you always say.

Only as a last alternative.

In our four years of marriage, I have
been through 2856 last alternatives.

I never knew you kept score.

I don't.

I meant that as a wild exaggeration.

- Samantha.
- Yes, dear.

It's my considered opinion that you
use witchcraft at the drop of a hat.

And furthermore, that you love it.

Darrin, that's not
your considered opinion.

You're saying that
because you're angry.

I'm not angry.

It's just that I'm tired of fighting
a losing battle.

So I surrender.

Let's stop being hypocrites.

Let's tell the whole world
your true identity.

Are you serious?

Why not?

Could my existence be more hectic?

- Yes.
- I doubt it very much.

Good night.

You're about to have a dream

And, in the words
of a great philosopher...

it's going to be a beaut.

We'll tell the whole world
I'm a witch.

Let's start with Larry Tate.

Come in.

Larry, do you have a minute
to talk to us?

To you, a minute,
to Samantha, a lifetime.

What brings you
to our happy little jungle?

- I do.
- It's all Darrin's idea.

- We have something to tell you.
- Let's see if I can guess.

My guess is he'll never guess.

I think we'd better sit down.


It isn't your marriage, is it?

- Yes, it's our marriage.
- Well...

my advice is
to just roll with the punches.

Larry, you don't understand.

Don't be greedy, Darrin.

You've had four good years, and
now that they're over, cherish them.

That's a lovely thought, Larry.
May I write it down?

So when you yell and scream
at each other, do it with kindness.

- Larry, that isn't our problem.
- Our problem is me.

Samantha is different.

- From whom?
- From you and me.

Well, naturally.

I'm a man, and you're a man
and she's a woman.

- No, she isn't.
- She isn't a woman?

- No.
- I see.

Congratulations, sir.
That's an amazing disguise.

Darrin means
that I am not a mortal woman.

I'm a witch.

Okay, kids. You got your laugh.

Now run along
and let me go back to work.

Larry, we're not kidding.
My wife is a witch.

Darrin, if you want a vacation,
ask for it.

You don't have to go through this
fruitcake routine.

Larry, I am a full-fledged...

cauldron-stirring witch.

All right, witch-wife.

Show me the old black magic.

Where'd she go?

Well, that...

That was done with mirrors.

How many mirrors? Two?

You had them up your sleeves.

Well, how about two big mirrors?


The little ones were expandable.

Are you all right, Larry?

- Samantha?
- Yes, Larry?

With my brains and your voodoo...

we can control the world.

Larry, let me explain how we made
the adjustment in the past...

and how we hope
to make the adjustment in the future.

Never mind the petty details.

Sam, with you on my team,
at a generous salary...

I can juggle the stock market and
seize control of the national economy.

That's true, Larry, but...

Today the nation,
tomorrow the world!

Larry, take it easy.

I can't. I'm mad with power.

Well, we're not.

We don't want to use my witchcraft
to rule the world.

That's right. And when you've had
time to think it over, you'll decide...

I'll decide I wanna rule the world.

I've wanted to rule the world
since I was a little kid.

We're sorry, Larry. We really are.

Well, just because you two
don't want anything for yourselves...

- let's not forget old Lar.
- "Old Lar"?

I should be entitled to a modest
amount of fallout, shall we say?

Just out of loyalty and friendship?

Larry, we refuse to use
Samantha's power...

for material gains for ourselves
or anyone else.

You sore because
I want a piece of the action?

There isn't gonna be
any of that kind of action.

All right, forget it.

Forgive me for being pushy.

I thank you for the information and
now I find myself running late, so...


Darrin. Just one more thing.

- Yes, Larry?
- You're fired.

Larry wasn't a very good sport
about that, was he?

Maybe it was just a fluke.

Let's see what happens
when we tell the Kravitzes.

- Oh, please, come in.
- Go in, honey.

Is your wife home?

Abner? Oh, hi there.

- Hi.
- Hi.

What an unexpected surprise.

We came to bring you
a bit of neighbourhood gossip.

We did not.
We came to clear the air.

- About what?
- About who I am.

- Who are you?
- I am a witch.

I don't believe you.

Well, honestly.

I don't believe her.

It's true. She's a witch.

I knew it!

I thought you didn't believe her.

I meant I didn't believe
she'd ever admit it.

I believed she was a witch
from the second I met her.

The problem is,
you didn't believe me.

I still don't. I don't believe all of you.
Where is it?

- Where's what?
- The candid camera.

I'm being embarrassed
on coast-to-coast television.

Mr. Kravitz, there's no camera.

Unless you need one.

There. Did you see that?
She conjured up a camera.

Look, now she changed the camera
into a chicken.

Was that really necessary?

Well, you wanted me
to convince him, didn't you?

Just let us live.
We're young and we wanna live.

If you must take one of us, take me.

But, Mr. Kravitz,
I'm not a bad witch.

- I'm a good witch.
- Her mother's a bad witch.

Well, it's been nice
chatting with you.

See you soon.

Well, sweetheart,
how do you like it so far?

Keep dreaming, sweetheart.

It's a few weeks later.
We've told all our friends.

Somebody told the newspapers,
and now you have your wish:

The whole world knows our secret.

The whole world knows I'm a witch.

The whole world knows I'm a witch.

All right, folks, right this way.

Just one dollar for a comfortable seat
across from where the witch lives.

Children, 50 cents.

The price of admission includes
a thrilling lecture by Gladys Kravitz...

entitled, "The Samantha Stephens
I Have Known and Feared."

way, you're in my way.

Peanuts, popcorn.
Peanuts, popcorn.

Peanuts, popcorn. Right here.

Here comes a car.

- That's her husband.
- The witch's husband.

- Let's get his autograph.
- Yeah, let's go.

Mr. Samantha,
may I have your autograph?

- Me too.
- Isn't he handsome?

May I have your tie for good luck?

I'm sorry, madam, but if you wanna
fly to Florida for your vacation...

you're gonna have to do it
by airplane.

My broom is booked for the season.

Hi there. What's new?

Oh, not much.

- I got caught in a stampede...
- Excuse me.



Mickey Mantle? The Mickey Mantle?

Oh, Mr. Mantle,
I'm surprised at you.

But that wouldn't be fair.

If I worked it out
so that you could bat.600...

I'd have to let
all the other players bat.600.

And besides, I'm a Mets fan.

You're welcome anyhow. Goodbye.

Oh, my. This phone
hasn't stopped ringing all day.

We'll have to change our number.

We've already changed it 10 times.
They keep tracking us down.

Well, how'd the job-hunting
go today?

It went rotten. Ever...

All my prospective employers
either thought I was too controversial...

or they wanted to make
a package deal.

You mean like Don Drysdale
and Sandy Koufax?

They'll only hire me
if they can hire you...

so they can raise their profits
by witchcraft.

Hi, sweetheart.

Daddy needs a kiss.



What's the matter with her?

She's depressed.

- By what?
- None of her friends will play with her.

- Because her mother's a witch?
- No.

Because her mother's a witch
who won't give everyone a pony.

Poor kid. Why should she
be punished for my mistake?

You get it.
And if it's another moocher...

turn him into a chicken.

- Mrs. Darrin Stephens?
- Yes.

I'm Brigadier General Stanton.

This is Agent W of our
top-secret organization, the HHH.

What does HHH stand for?

That's top-secret.

We'd like to confer with you
and your husband.

Certainly. Come in.

I'll get the door.

General Stanton,
Agent W of the HHH...

my husband, Darrin Stephens.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

- Who assaulted you?
- My fans.

General, next time they won't miss.

Stephens, I regret to inform you that
you, your wife and your daughter...

are in grave personal danger.

We are?

Washington has been flooded
with letters and telegrams...

demanding that you all
be burned at the stake.

Well, that's ridiculous.

Witch-burning went out
in the 17th century.

It's being revived.

- May we be seated?
- Please.

We have reason to believe...

that a blueprint for your destruction
is nearing completion.

They're gathering firewood
from Maine to California.

Oh, piffle.

Mrs. Stephens, to the security
of the United States of America...

I assure you it is not piffle.

- Why not?
- Because we need you.

Thank you.

Not you. Her.

You are an American witch,
aren't you?

- Yes.
- And will you use your powers...

- to defend your country?
- No.

- Yes, she will.
- Darrin.

You don't want me to use
my witchcraft for anything.

That was my old policy.
My new policy is...

- Is what?
- Whatever best serves my country.

That's well-spoken, son.

We want to take the three of you
into protective custody...

so we can interrogate
your wife thoroughly...

and, at the same time, keep you
and your child under armed guard.

In other words, you want us
to become military prisoners.

- Guests.
- Where?

We haven't decided.

We thought your wife might help us.

Well, I'd be happy to.

What type of place
did you have in mind?

Some place isolated.

Say, for instance,
an abandoned military installation...

somewhere in the middle of a desert,
with maximum security.

A nice concentration-camp

Yes, that's it.

- When would you like us to leave?
- The sooner, the better.

Tabatha? Would you come
down here a minute?

By the way, she is a witch.

There are others.
My mother and Aunt Clara...

and my daddy and Uncle Arthur
are warlocks.

And so is Aunt Enchantra,
Aunt Hagatha, cousin...

Oh, here, sweetheart.

You come over here
and stand still, all right?

Yes, Mommy.

Well, alrighty.
Darrin, are you ready?


Excuse me.

- Ready for what?
- To do our patriotic duty.

There go three great Americans.

- Where are we?
- We're in protective custody.

That trailer is our new home,
and this is our recreation area.

- How do you like it?
- I hate it!

Mrs. Stephens, Miss Stephens,
interrogation time.

Yes, sir. Come on, sweetheart.

Why are they taking Tabatha?

Because little American witches
grow into big American witches.

Goodbye, Daddy, I love you.

- I love you.
- So do I.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!

Let me out! Let me out!

- Yes, sweetheart.
- Let me out!

Yes, I'll let you out right this minute.

Your magic dream is now all over

Samantha, come back!

Come back from where?

You're here.

And I'm here.

- Where's Tabatha?
- Well, she's in her bedroom. Why?

Well, because...

Because I was...

Oh, nothing.

I just...

Nothing. Good...

Good night, Sam.

Good night, sweetheart.

Pleasant dreams.

- Good morning, ladies.
- Morning, sweetheart.

- Good morning, Daddy.
- Good morning.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- How'd you sleep?
- Like a tot.

Darrin, I've been thinking
about what you said last night.

What I said about what?

About telling the world our secret.

- Let's do it.
- Honey, wait a second...

No, I want to confess.

I want to breathe the air
of truthfulness.

- But... But... But...
- Don't you?

No! I mean, I like things
the way they are.

We may have our ups and downs,
but by and large, we're pretty happy.

So let's not rock the boat.


Well, okay.

- If you insist.
- I insist.

What made you change your mind?

Oh, you might say I slept on it.

- Slept on it?
- Yes.
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