03x21 - The Trial and Error of Aunt Clara

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bewitched". Aired: September 17, 1964 - March 25, 1972.*
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Samantha falls in love with and marries Darrin Stephens only for him to find out that his new wife is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic.
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03x21 - The Trial and Error of Aunt Clara

Post by bunniefuu »

[Endora's Voice] Follow me.

Follow me.

Follow me.

Mother, would you please stop
bouncing around like Tinker Bell...

and tell me what
all this is about?

Samantha, come
here and sit down.

Samantha, your Aunt
Clara is in trouble.

Well, what's unusual about
that? My dear, I am serious.

We all spent the weekend at
Lady Montague's castle in Scotland,

and, my dear, it was
positively embarrassing.

Your Aunt Clara made one
devastating move after another.

So Hagatha and
Enchantra and I decided...

that she'd reached the point where
she should be made earthbound.

[Gasps] So we're
going to put her on trial.

No! Or she may have
the witch's alternative...

of turning herself into
an inanimate object,

like a salad bowl or
a lamp or a teakettle...

or whatever...
Something that's useful.

Well, I think this whole thing is
unfair, unreasonable and inhuman.

Uh, I mean unwitchly.

Well, I'm glad you feel that way.
It'll make your job a lot easier.

Job? Your Aunt Clara has chosen
you to be her defense attorney.

[Shouts] What?

The court will convene here at
10:00 tomorrow morning. Here?

Judge Bean will preside.

[Whispering] Judge Bean?
See you then, darling.

Oh, Mother, please wait a
minute. Who decided that...

Oh, come on. Now, why here? Why
here of all places? Just tell me that.

This is most unreasonable.
Samantha, what's going on?

Honey, is breakfast ready? You
only have time for a sip of coffee.

What are you talking
about? It's only 8:30.

It's later than you think. Look.

Holy cow! Oh, me too.

I've got a lot of work to do.


What was that? What was what?

It sounded like someone
at the back door.

Oh, you must be hearing
things. [Knocking Continues]

Now you're not going to
tell me you didn't hear that.

I'm not? I mean,
I guess I'm not.

It must be the diaper
service. I better dash.

Hmm. Uh, you don't wanna
be late. I'll see you tonight.

Drive carefully.

[Knocking Continues]

Now, who could be
knocking at the cellar door?

As if I didn't know. [Chuckles]

Hi there, Aunt
Clara. Come on. Oh!

Oh. Whoo! [Chuckling]

D-D-Do you know that one of
your chimneys leads to the furnace?

Oh, dear! [Mumbling]

Here, give me this. Give
me the brolly. Oh, yes.

I'll clean you up. Then
you'll feel better. Oh, good.


Oh! Oh, how nice! You like it?

Oh, thank you, dear. Thank
you. Yes, you look lovely.

Now come on, come
on. Sit down. [Mumbling]

Sit down. Make yourself
comfortable. You want some coffee?

No, thanks. All right.
Well, what's new?

Nothing. Oh, nothing.

Oh, didn't you spend the
weekend at Lady Montague's castle?

Oh, yes, yes. I had
a lovely time... lovely.

Except for one little
incident. What was that?

Well, I didn't think
it was so awful,

but the way everyone
was carrying on,

you'd think it was a disaster.

- What happened?
- Well,

uh, we went
hunting and I shot...

one of Lady Montague's dogs.

- Ooh, how awful!
- Yeah, it was a disaster.

Lady Montague must
have been terribly angry.

No, no. She was
furious. And she said...

she couldn't believe that anyone's
aim could be as poor as that.

- Did you apologize?
- Oh, certainly not.

I told her my aim was perfect...

and she should have told
me we were hunting for birds.

Aw, poor Aunt Clara.

Well... maybe I
should be earthbound.

Well, who said
anything about that?

Well, what I want
to say is that I...

Clara, Samantha
knows about the trial.

Oh, she does, does she?

Oh. Well, then I
won't have to worry...

about how to bring
up the subject.

Don't you worry, Aunt Clara.
I'll clear you of the charges.

Thank you. Uh, well,

now I think I'll go
to the den and rest...

until the trial.


why don't you pop into
the den, like a witch?

All right.

I will.

Well, there certainly wasn't anything
wrong with the way she did that, was there?

Wasn't there?

Well... I certainly have my
work cut out for me, don't I?

Hello, Larry? I'm here
at the office, and I...

Well, I just happened
to get here a little early.

Uh, that's all.

Remember that the
next time I ask for a raise.

Anyway, I rushed out
of the house so fast...

I forgot to take along the
Ganzer Garage Door file.

Would you mind stopping at
my house and picking it up?

It's in the bottom right-hand
drawer of my desk.

Thanks a lot, Larry.

Now... Aunt Clara, we have
to get to work on your defense.

What you need is a basic
refresher course. Stand up.

Come on.

First, the basic ABC's.

Digital control.
See this pencil?

Yeah. Yeah, good. Now.

I want you to levitate it
and put it in that drawer.

Go ahead.

Now, remember, concentrate.

Take good aim. Go on. Aim.

[Doorbell Rings] Oh, keep
working, Aunt Clara. I'll be right back.


Good morning, Sam. Uh,
sorry to barge in like this,

but Darrin asked me to stop by
and get some papers from his desk.

Oh, Larry, it's always a
pleasure to have you barge in.

[Clattering] It's
right in the den.

Samantha! Uh, S-S-Samantha!

Uh, y-y-you know my aunt.
Uh, Larry Tate, Aunt Clara.

- Aunt Clara.
- Yeah.

Yes, yes. [Mumbling]

What are you
looking for? The desk!

A desk? Uh, yes, yes.

[Gasps] Oh, Aunt
Clara, get rid of it.

Larry, I can't tell you how
happy I am you came by.

There's something very important
I've been meaning to ask you.

Sure. What is it?
Well, it's about Tabatha.

What college do you
feel would be right for her?

Uh, but she's only
a year and a half old.

Now, you papers and
drawers... You get back in there.

And now, you desk, no nonsense.

You go back in the
den where you belong.

[Thud] [Gasps, Mumbles]

Sam, I really should get
the Ganzer papers and go.

Oh, but, Larry, we
haven't even discussed...

the Eastern college
versus the Western college.

Well, I think it's really
a matter of individual...

♪ When the saints
When the saints ♪

- ♪ When the saints
come marching in ♪♪
- Aunt Clara.

Uh, dear,

uh, Mr. Tate hasn't got time
to listen to your little song.

He's... He's very busy,
and he needs those papers...

that are in Darrin's desk.

You mean the one
that's back in the den?

That... That's it. Yes.

Uh, in the den, Larry.
Help yourself. [Chuckles]

Ooh! Oh.

Samantha. Mm-hmm.

If you want to resign
as my defense counsel,

I understand.

If I were you... Oh! Oh.

You scared the life out of
me. I'd take her up on that.

No, Mother. I said I'd
defend her, and I meant it.

[Car Horn Honks] [Scoffs]
Well, it's about time.

[Honking Continues]

- Ladies.
- Judge.

Thank you, Judge, so much.

Oh, Endora, dear.


[Enchantra] You
poor dear, Clara.

Sorry to be late. We were
caught in the eye of a hurricane.

Of course, Hagatha.

Oh! Oh. [Ladies Chattering]

You found it. Yes. Sam,
you ought to talk to Darrin...

about straightening
out that desk of his.

I will, I will. Oh, I had...

I had one suggestion
about a college for Tabatha.

Oh, really? Well, I'm just dying
to hear it, Larry, some other time.

[Car Horn Honks] That
will be all, MacBeth.

Did... Did I hear
a car in there?

A car? In the living room?

Sorry. Battle fatigue, I guess.

Yes. So long, Sam.


I don't believe
you know my niece.

Samantha, this is His
Honor, Judge Bean.

- Uh, h-h-how do you do?
- My honor, ma'am.

You're looking lovely, Samantha.

Thank you, Mother.

Let's get this show on the
road. I've a pressing engagement.

Mother! Oh, are we going
to start before we have tea?

Be quiet. Clara, are you ready?

Now, now, just
a minute. I object.

You can't. The trial
hasn't started yet.

But you've made up
your minds already.

This isn't a trial.
It's a... a witch hunt.

[Both Cackling]

That's very good, my dear.

- She's very witty, isn't she?
- Very.

You don't understand. If we're going
to have a trial, let's have a fair one.

Shall we begin, Your Honor?

Very well. Ladies,
if you would stand.


Clara, if you please.

Well, don't dawdle!

Oh, never mind!

Hear ye, hear ye! Witches'
coven, part one is about to convene!

All those having business before this
court, draw near and ye shall be heard.

Proceed! The Witches'
Coven v. Aunt Clara.

Well, read the charges!

"The coven charges
that the defendant...

"has repeatedly failed in
the practice of witchcraft...

"and that, as a result, she
must be deprived of all rights,

"privileges and benefits
deriving from membership...

in the witches' community."

Betty, I asked you to make
a copy of all the material...

in the folder that Mr. Tate
picked up at my house.

You did? These are
my income tax reports.

That's what was in the folder?

Marvelous. I'll just have to go
home and rummage through my desk.

This concludes the
case for the prosecution.

- And a very good case
too. [Mumbles] - Aunt Clara.

Well... the defense may proceed.

And please move it along,
dear. You know I'm late.

As far as I'm concerned, I could
hand down a decision right now.

- Now, just a minute!
- Well, the case
for the prosecution is...

[Chuckles] pretty conclusive.

Well, just what
have they proven?

That Aunt Clara's made a
few mistakes? Well, so what?

Nobody's perfect.
And I do not agree...

that just because someone
is getting on in years...

that they have outlived
their usefulness.

No. N-Now i-if you ban
her from our society,

which is what you're
trying to do, it'll be our loss,

because her kind of warmth and
compassion is very hard to find.

So, I move for a dismissal...

on the grounds of... love.

Motion denied.

Well. Very well.

I guess I'll just
have to prove...

that Aunt Clara does
have all of her powers.

Excuse me, Your Honor.

Now first, ordinary

Aunt Clara, make it come to you.

Now, perhaps we should have
Aunt Clara conjure up something.

Let's see. I wo...
[Car Approaching]

Excuse me.

Let's see how well you
do with Samantha gone.

What shall we
have her conjure up?

How about something nice
and cold? I'm dying of thirst.

All right. That
sounds easy enough.

Hmm, easy for you.

Yes? Oh, Darrin!

Uh, my key wouldn't
open the door.

That's because I
double-locked it.

But it opens the door even
when it's double-locked.

Oh? Then I must
have triple-locked it.

Well, do you mind if I come in?

Yes. I-I-I-I mean, I just
decided to wax the front hall.

Oh, you mean you want
me to come in the back door.

No, no, no, no. The kitchen
floor has just been waxed too.

Honey, Larry picked
up the wrong papers.

I need the Ganzer
Garage Door account.

Oh! Well, you go around to the
den window. I'll get them for you.

It's in the bottom right-hand
drawer of my desk.



- What's that?
- Something nice and cold.

Oh, Aunt Clara, please,
wait until I get back.


Would you like to try
for two out of three?

Uh, thank you. Any...
special kind of drink?

Something tropical
would be nice.

Something tropical... coming up.

[Chuckles] Here
you are, sweetheart.

Thank you.

Oh! What was she trying for?

Something tropical,
in the way of a drink.

Well, it's closer.

Sam... Sam!

- These are the wrong papers!
- I'll be right back.

Darrin, what are you doing?

Sam, these are the bills
from Glazer's Garage.

Oh, I'll get you the right ones.
Never mind. I'll get them myself.

Or has the carpet just
been waxed? [Laughs]

I know why you don't want
to let me in there. You do?

Mm-hmm. Finally figured
it out. Ladies' club, right?

Sort of. Is it the
committee for the bazaar?

Oh, I'd certainly call
them a bizarre committee.


[Barking Continues]

Baked Alaska?

Well, now that I'm back,

shall we try one more thing?

You're wasting your time. The overwhelming
weight of the evidence is clear.

- Y-Yes, but...
- Silence!

The accused will please
rise and face the court.

The court has reached a verdict.

[Gasps] Poor dear
Clara! Clara, darling!

[Both Crying]

[Crying Continues]

They usually cry
after the bazaar,

when they see how
much they've lost.

Oh, wouldn't this make you
sick? Let's have the decision!

Beginning tomorrow
morning at daybreak,

you shall be... earthbound!

Well, I'll have a lot
of company, won't I?

Well, I... must
be going now. I...

Oh, no. Not yet, Aunt
Clara. Stay a while.

[Sighs] I'll never
get out of here.


[Chuckles] No. Good-bye.
Good-bye, my dears.

[Darrin] Sam, what happened
to my desk? It's a mess!

- Oh, uh, good-bye, everybody!
- [Thunderclap]

- Yes, Darrin.
- [Stammering] Um, I-I-I...

I-I-I-I'd better be going.

Wait. Well, where are you going?

Samantha, there comes
a time in a person's life...

when his health takes
precedence over everything.

I'm... going to lie down.

- Aunt Clara, you saved my life.
- Well, it was very good,
wasn't it?

Thank you, dear. Well, I just waved
my arms and everybody disappeared.

Yes! [Both Chuckling]

So you see, Darrin, there
wasn't anything else I could do.

Well, I had to help Aunt Clara.

But, as it turned out,
she helped herself.

Well, she didn't do me any good.

I've got a news flash for you, Sam.
People have been known to crack up...

under circumstances a lot less weird
than seeing polar bears, dog sleds...

and palm trees
in their living room.

Probably because
they're weird prone.

Fortunately, you're not.

[Doorbell Rings] Oh. Excuse me.

Oh, uh...

Aunt Clara, why are
you using the front door?

Well, I thought after last night
I'd better not stretch my luck.

You don't have
anything to worry about.

The judge reversed
his decision, didn't he?

Well, what choice did he have...

after that magnificent piece
of witchcraft I came up with?

Uh, Aunt Clara. Aunt Clara?

Just between you and me,

we both know it
was just a mistake.

Was it? Wasn't it?

Samantha, now if Darrin...

had been witnessing that scene,

it would have been very
disastrous for you, wouldn't it?

Mm-hmm. Oh, yes.

Well, then, you wouldn't, uh,

let anything happen like
that to someone you love?


So I waved. You
saw what happened.

Yes. Yes, Aunt
Clara, I certainly did.

And long may you wave.

[Both Chuckling]

Oh, sorry.
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