03x18 - MYOB

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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03x18 - MYOB

Post by bunniefuu »

[crickets chirping]




Sorry. I gotta...

Oh, sure. Right.


Good night.

[bed creaking]


[child sighs]


[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Hey, don't forget change
of address cards.

You gotta do those or your
mail's gonna get all screwed up.

Come on, work.

I haven't had time
to get to the post office yet.

Maybe I did something.

No, no. It's just old.

Either one of you guys gonna
pass by a post office today?



Hey, leave that. You're gonna be late.
Somebody will do them.

Yeah. I wonder
who that somebody is.

I'll see you tonight.

See ya.

Bye, guys.
Have a good day.


Okay, listen.

-I gotta go.
-Me too.

-Just wait a second.
-Oh, I see.

She can't be late.
But with us,
what's the difference?

Look, I don't know what you
think you're gonna accomplish

with this whole
hostility routine

every time Grace
is in the room.

"Yes," "No," "Bye."

Talk to the woman
for God's sake.

What's the matter, Charlie?

It makes you uncomfortable?

It makes her uncomfortable?

My boyfriend isn't even
allowed in the house.

So that's what
this is about. Sam.

Okay. Okay.

You know what?
Fine. Whatever.

Bring him here
if you want.

I don't want.


we can't...
We can't live like this.

It's dumb,
everybody being all pissed off

at each other
all the time.

I mean, you don't have anything
against Grace, right?

I think you two could be...
Could be friends.

I mean,
things could be...

Things could be pretty good
around here if you just...

Thanks for doing those.

Okay. It's officially too late
for me to get to Psych.

Oh, well.

What are you skipping
this time?


A lab on stimulus and response.

Hey, you want
to be my study partner?

Mmm, sorry. I gotta go.


Uh, errands, life,


Remember those?

I gotta go to the Xerox place.

I gotta go to the bank...
Oh, speaking of which.


Oh, rent.

Yes. Hello. Rent.

Could you... Could you
spot me a couple of days?


You know,
you did this last month.

I know.

I know. I'm a horrible person,

but I just had to get
the battery replaced
on my jeep and...

Yeah. Well, maybe if you stopped
buying rounds for everybody

in every stupid bar you go to...

Give me a break.

I'll pay you back, soon.

As soon as soon as I can.

Will you?

Do I have a choice?

Is that a "yes"?

Until the end of week.
That's it.

You rule, Cal,
you out and out rule.

Has anybody ever told you...

No. You know what?
Just don't get used
to this, okay?

Just 'cause you sleep
in my room now

doesn't mean you're being kept.

[indistinct chatter]

Sarah, hey.

Hey. Good. You made it.

You know, I thought
I was gonna be so early,

but I guess everyone else
thought that too, huh?


So you know what,
I... I didn't want you to worry

or think that I was...
I was blowing you off,
or anything,

but I... I think
I'm gonna, um, skip tonight.

Take Sam.

What? Why?

Sarah, you're not
still mad at me about
the Stanford stuff, are you?

-'Cause I thought we were...
-No, I'm not. No.

It's just, God, you know,
one love song too many,

and you're gonna need, like,
a giant spatula

to scrape me off the floor.

Come on, you can't
stay home all the time.

Why not?

You miss him, huh?



It's just...
I just wish I didn't.

-Well, maybe
you should call him?

Right. So she can
answer the phone?
No, I am not gonna call him.

I broke up with him,

and the person that breaks up
doesn't call.

Besides, you know,
if he were thinking about me,

or he missed me,
which obviously he doesn't,

you know, he...
He could find me.

So you're saying
you'd want to hear from him?

Wow, the line's moving.

How's it going?

How are things with...
I don't know...

school and wrestling
and Callie?

Not now about Callie. Okay?

What are you looking for?

Those old stereo speakers I had.

Are you okay, Bay?

You look a little puffy
and kind of tired.


I should stop by more often.

Well, I'm sorry, but you do.

I haven't been sleeping great.

Yeah, well, between studying
and practice and...

I don't know,
maybe it's because
you miss Sarah.

You know what, Julia?

You didn't butt into our
relationship before,

now's not a good time
to start.


There you are.

The other ones
finally keel over?

-Too much Pearl Jam?

I'm selling these.

Hey, you wouldn't
happen to have

any spare cash lying around,
would you?

Well, I've got like, uh,
50 bucks I could lend you.

Is that enough?

No, but I'll take it.

Why are you so broke?

Because that class I dropped,

they didn't buy the books back,

and the alternator went
on my jeep last week,

and I don't know,

basically this past month
just kind of sucked.

Well, here. Take this too.

"Burn and Groove."

They're playing tonight.

You got an extra?

Yeah. Yeah.
Meet me there. It'll be fun.



Wow. This...
This is a nice office.

I didn't think it had
this many windows.

You want one?

The guy was selling these
right where I got off the bus.

What are you doing here?

Mmm, you know, visiting.

And I was, um, thinking,
you know,

maybe I could volunteer

to work... for you.

-Hold it. Hold it.
-[phone ringing]

Your brother told you
to do this, right?


Call him.


Harvest Program.
This is Grace.

Oh. Oh, good,
I was waiting for...

Let me write this...
Hang on.

The fax number is...

Okay. Great.

We'll have that proposal
to you by the end of week.



No problem.

[rock music playing]




I was, um, I was...
I was meeting Julia.

Me too.

Did she give you her ticket?

She said it was an extra.

It was hers.

God, like it was up to her...

No kidding.

I'll go.

No. You know what?
You know what?

You stay. I'll go.

No, I mean,
it wasn't your fault.

-Maybe we--
-You know what--

[both chuckle nervously]

Go ahead.

Uh, I was just gonna say,
we're already here,

so maybe we so could just...

Yeah. Yeah, okay.


I'm still gonna k*ll her.

Me too.

She's got a lot of nerve
doing this.

So Claudia says you got her
doing computer inputting.

Two months from now
she'll probably
be running the place.

[chuckles] Could be.

So that's good.

That's a good sign,
her wanting to work with you.

I knew it would just
take some time to...

I'm sorry.

Are you doing
a taste test or something?

No. We're just a...

A family with very specific
pretzel preferences.

Claudia, salted,
Julia, unsalted,
and me, honey mustard.

[exclaims in disgust]

No offense.

None taken.

So you know I'm only chipping
in for the healthy stuff, right?

Forget it. You're not
paying for any of it.

Oh, sh**t.
I forgot his juice boxes.

I'm sorry, buddy.
I'll be right back.

[woman on PA]
Produce manager,
pick up line one.

No, sweetie.
No gum today. Of course they put the candy
and gum and toys right up front

where you're practically
held hostage.

I never thought about that.


Oh, he's cute.

Is he three?


He looks very well
taken care of.

I guess so.

Can I ask you,

my girl left a few days ago.

Family emergency in Haiti,
Jamaica, I don't...

I need somebody.

Do you know of anyone
who's looking?

I'm not trying to steal you.

-I meant any
of your friends or...
-I'm not his nanny.


-Oh, I'm...
-That's okay.

-I'm sorry. I didn't...
-It's okay.

[band playing rock song]

[audience cheering]

Thanks a lot.

We're gonna take
a short intermission.

Back in 15.

Well, they suck. What?

I'm just expressing an opinion.

I guess if you got ten
fingers and some attitude,

you can call yourself
a guitar player.

What a rip-off.

Am I right?


Bunch of pods.

You know, I thought
they were really great,

and I don't know what
you're complaining about,

you didn't even pay
for the ticket.


What are you getting
so defensive for, Sarah?

I'm not.
I was just saying...

What...What, are you sleeping
with one of the guys
in the band? Is that it?


God, what is with you?

Nothing. Nothing.

I'm just...
I'm just making conversation.

I'm just catching up.

That one guy, the...

The bald guy,
he'd be a good
boyfriend for you.

Cut it out.

I can go talk to him.

I could go backstage
and give him your phone number.

Stop it.

Hey, I just want you
to be happy, Sarah.

You want that?
You want me to be happy?


Hey, hey, where are you...

♪ Mock Yeah ♪

♪ ...ing Yeah ♪

♪ ...bird
[singer on radio] Yeah ♪


♪ Yeah Yeah ♪

What are you laughing at?

You. Don't take this
the wrong way,

but you should not quit
your day job.

Oh, gee, don't start.
I wish I could.

What's the matter?

Oh, I just got three jobs,

supposed to be finished

Two guys out with the flu.


Well, maybe you could
use some help.

I might know someone.

Sweetheart, sexy as I think
you'd look in coveralls...

No, no, no. Not me.

I was thinking maybe
Bailey could do
work for you.


Yeah. I mean, he could really
use the money

and, you know, he could meet you
in between classes or after, and he's completely
reliable and responsible.

It would be like hiring
a boy scout.

Plus he has excellent

You mean, besides you?

That's a joke.

[both chuckle]

Yeah, yeah.
Go ahead and ask him.


♪ Bird won't sing
You're gonna buy yourself ♪

♪ Buy yourself a diamond ring ♪

[Julia] Stop.

Ow. Charlie.

Hmm? What?

Mmm, what time is it?

Early. Mm. Yeah.

Charlie, wait.

I don't think this
is the best idea.

Him, here.


What's the big deal?

Didn't you ever climb
into bed with your parents?

I'm not his parent.

I'm not his step-parent,
not even close.

But I think
he kind of needs this,

to cuddle with me
every once in a while.

Not every night,
but sometimes.

What am I supposed to do?
Kick him out? [scoffs]

Not sleep with you?

I'm sorry.
I know, you think I'm...

I just...
I feel really uncomfortable.

Okay, okay.

I'll take him
back to his room.

He has more of a right
to be here than I do.



Look, I'm gonna take him,
put him back in his room,

and I'm gonna go
and make you a cup of coffee.

I didn't realize you get
so snarky in the morning.

[car starting in the distance]


[bell ringing]

Okay, you know what? First
of all, don't ever set me up

-like that again ever.

I didn't ask you to,
and I didn't want you to.

All right. I was just trying to
be nice.

I know.
But it wasn't.

Well, I'm sorry.

That doesn't help.

You... You have no idea
how bad it was.

Maybe you haven't spent that
much time with him lately,
but he's...

God, he's really a mess. What does that mean, "a mess"?

I mean, I know he's been unhappy
since you guys broke up.

Maybe he's just taking
it really hard?

Julia, this isn't that. Okay?
He was drunk and loud...

Whoa, whoa, wait.
It was a concert.

Everybody drinks
and everybody's loud.

Not the way he was.

Well, maybe he was just
nervous seeing you.
I'd understand that.

This isn't the first time
he's acted this way, Julia.

Okay? Even Will noticed
it when he was here.

-Noticed what?
-What I'm telling you. Okay?

He drinks all the time now.

How do you know what he does
all the time?

You're never around him.


Okay. Look, you know, I...

I know that he's your big
brother and everything,

and maybe you need to keep him
on some kind of pedestal,

-but there's something...
-Hey, I know Bailey

better than you do.
And you're wrong.

Fine. Great. Great.

You know what?

You're right.

He doesn't have a problem.

I have a problem.

And... And you know what?
I'm done.

This time I mean it.
I am done. Problem solved.

Sam, sorry, man.

I thought you said
a left on Pine.

And then there's this detour,
you know, go three miles

in some huge circle out
of your way instead of ten feet

straight ahead.

Anyway, it's not your concern.

So, what have we
got going here?
What's the deal?

They're having a wedding
reception this weekend,

and the daughter's first fiance,

who she didn't marry, they...

They bought the wallpaper
from his parents.

Anyway, she decides yesterday

that it would be unlucky
or something.

I don't know.

Man, you gotta love people.
You gotta love them.

Anyway, I need you
to, uh, prime the walls,

and then we'll
put a coat of paint on.

I'm prime to prime.


Sorry. Accident.

I gotta check on a job
in the Haight.

Then I'll be back.

Pete's working in the yard
if you need anything.

No sweat. I'm here,
I'm yours, and I aim to please.

And... And... Listen, Sam,

I really appreciate this.

The, uh...

What do you call it?

The fan belt snapped
in my jeep last week.

It cost me a fortune.

Bailey... that's not...

That's paint.

I knew that.

[keys clacking]

Oh. That should be a D.

Oh. Okay.


You don't think they'd deliver
it to "Oaklanp," California?

Just be careful.

You know, my...

My fingers are getting
kind of crampy.

I'm usually not
a keyboard person.

Maybe we could, you know,
go get a soda or something?

Why don't you work
on these for now?

Fold them in thirds
and put them in the envelopes.


Charlie's totally
crazy about you.

Did you know right away
that you liked him?

Well, 'cause I've always thought
he has that kind of personality

that really needs
to grow on you.

Claudia, I'm working.

So are you.

Oh, yeah.


I think we're getting
Chinese tonight.

What do you like?

[man] Hey, you.

-Eddie, oh. How have you been?

Everything, huh?

Yep, gone.

Whole apartment just ashes.

Did you find a place yet?

I'm staying with a friend.

In the neighborhood?
'Cause I haven't seen you...

Not too far. Just for now,

you know,
until everything settles.

Hey, you got time for a cup
of coffee or something?

Sure, that'd be great.

And I figured you were too tired
to stop and get us dinner,

so I got us some really gross
tacos and stuff,

which will be an interesting
test of our relationship,

come to think of it.

You okay?

Yeah, something kind of weird

happened at one
of my job sites today.

Some stuff was ripped-off.

A couple bottles of pretty
expensive liquor.

Man, the people are pissed.

Oh, no. Wow.
Which...? Which job?

Look, I...
I'm not saying Bailey did it...

Well, of course he didn't.
Why would you even...

I know. I know.

Except Pete,
the other guy who was there,

I called him
and asked him point-blank.

Yeah. And?

And he was outside
the whole time.

He said his boots
were so muddy
he never went in.

So I... I... I don't...
I don't know what to think.

So you tell me.

Is it possible?


Hi. No one's here right now,
but you can leave a message

for Charlie, Julia, Claudia,
Owen, and Grace at...

-[dog barks]


He barked, not me.

What are you doing?

Putting Grace's name
on this thing.


Does she want her name
on that thing?

I mean,
did she ask you to do this?

What is your problem?
Are you trying to make trouble?


It's nothing.

No one's here right now,

but you can leave a message
for Charlie, Julia, Claudia,

Owen, and Grace at the tone.

[bell ringing]

So? What are we
gonna do about him?

[phone ringing]

No, no. Wait.
I have the report right, uh...

Give me two seconds here.

I... I'm sorry, Sandy.

I'm gonna have to call
you back in a bit. What are these doing here?

I don't know.
What are they doing?

This is page two
of the mailer we're sending.

All those envelopes
you did yesterday?

You didn't tell me there was
more than one page.

What did these
look like to you?

What does it say
right here? Page two.

-You didn't mail them yet?

Then I'll just unstuff them

We're gonna have to get new
envelopes printed up.

I mean, we can't reuse these.
They'll look like garbage.

Oh, God, you already
stamped them, didn't you?

You said to.

You know what? You shouldn't
just jump into something

if you're not sure
if you can handle it.

Wait... What are you trying...

You... [exhales]

You can't do sloppy work here.

Hey, I'm a volunteer.

I mean, I'm doing you
a favor here.

-You don't have to...
-Are you serious?

That's no excuse.

You know what, Claudia?

This is not the appropriate
place for you.


You should go.

Whoa. I mean,
I came all the way
down here, two buses,

I live with you,
and you're firing me?

Yes, I am.

What are you doing
home so early?

And why didn't
you come home with Grace?

Ask her.

She fired me.

What'd you do?

Oh, good. Great.
Take her side.

-No, who's taking sides?
-Excuse me?

I'm just getting a little tired
of every time her name

is mentioned there's a thing.

I'll never mention
her name again.

Does that work for you?

No, Claudia, it doesn't.

Look, this is the way it is.

So... So get used to it.

Grace lives here now.
She lives here.

Not according to her.

What are you talking about?

She was very busy telling some
guy who came into the place

that she was staying
with friends...


Temporarily? That...

Why would she...?
That doesn't make sense.


I made it up.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Are you accusing me here?

I'm asking you.

Do you know anything
about what happened?

I painted that wall,
and then I split.

You didn't notice
the bottles?

You didn't see anything?

Oh. Oh, yeah. I...
I forgot to mention this.

There was this g*ng of looters
who broke in after you left.

I tried to fight 'em off,

A simple yes or no.

Who the hell do you think
you are, huh?

Going around
blaming people like this?

Say no,
and the conversation's over.

You know what, Sam?
I'll tell you what.

It's over anyway.

You gonna eat?

Hey, finish that or no
Bananas in Pajamas.

Hi, how was your day?

About eight hours
too long.

Did you get those, uh,
change of address cards yet?

Not yet.

Did you remember to call
the phone company

about forwarding
your number here?

What is this?
A welcome-home quiz?

Yes. Um...


Are you not planning
on staying here?

'Cause Claud said she...
She heard you tell somebody

that it was temporary.

All done.

Good. Go, uh...
Go watch your tape.

Are you... staying?

We rushed this.
We didn't think.

Um, if the fire
hadn't happened--

Yeah, well,
something horrible happened

and we made something
good from it.

-What's the matter with that?
-No. Look...

I don't belong here,
in this neighborhood,

-in this house.
-Yes, you do.

-Sure, you do.

I get up in the morning,

your brother's trying
to kick me out of bed.

And your sisters
are giving me the evil eye.

And people are thinking
I'm the help.

-And then I go into the office,

and all day long I'm dealing
with all these poor people.

Except I feel like
I've crawled under barbed wire,

and I'm just waving at them
from the other side.

La-di-da! Look at me.
With all these white people

and their big expensive houses.
And guess what, kids? It's free.

That is so...

What did you do
that's so wrong?

You moved in with
your boyfriend

who happens to be white
and who happens to live

in a pretty decent house.
So what?

I sold out.

Why? Because you're not
ducking drive-bys every minute?

It broke.

Owen, not now.
Go watch something else.


Oh, that's good, Charlie,
yell at him.

That'll definitely make him
like me more.

Man, Grace, what...
What is this about?

Is this about the...
The kids?

Is it about the house?

Is it about me?

It's everything.

I... I don't know how
to solve everything.

[knocking at door]

Whatever you're selling,
I don't want any.

I wanna talk to you.
Open the door.

-Let us in. -Us?

What? Did your boyfriend
send you to search the place?

No. No one sent us.

Bay, what is up?

What is going on with you?


Just leave me alone.

We're worried
about you.

Oh, you two are like
a team on this?

Nothing else to do,
kind of bored?

"Hey, I know,
let's go g*ng up on Bailey."

She told me
how you were at the concert.

You ambushed me, okay?
I wasn't expecting her,

and I didn't have dinner.

And, yeah, I had a couple
of drinks. So I was little...

I am sorry if I bugged you
or something.

Are we done?

What about Sam?

What about the bottles
that were missing?

Oh. Oh, here we are.

Well, screw that.
I didn't have...

He says you got all weird
when he asked you about it.

Wow. Jule, you would actually
believe him over me?

That... Wow.
That says a whole
hell of a lot

about our relationship.

Look, all I know
is that liquor was missing.

And... And you
have been drinking
an awful lot these days.

So one plus one equals three.

And now all of a sudden
I'm this thief.

Well, you know what?
I don't need this. Okay?

The two of you can take your
stupid ideas about me

-and get lost.
-We're not gonna leave you.

It's a little late for that,

Bay, we're supposed to not let
each other do stupid things.

Or self-destructive things.

I mean, that is
the deal with us, right?

That... That is the job.

Yeah? Well, then you're fired.

Okay, Julia. You're off
the hook. And you too.

No, Bailey. If you're
in some kind of trouble...

I'm not. And I want you
out of here now.


I am not just
dropping this, Bay.

I am not just forgetting
about this.

So, what is with her?

Is it this...
This Sam guy she's dating?

Is it this college thing?

I don't know.

'Cause something bit her
in the butt, man.

No kidding.

This is really good food
by the way.

Whoever said there's no such
thing as a free meal?

Any customers come, you're
ditching that. Got it?


She's probably driving you
nuts at home, huh?

She can take a number.

The truth is Julia and I
are pretty much

ignoring each other these days.

Good. Good.

I mean that...

That she's not
making you too...


She's on my case

all of a sudden now too.

She might say something to you.

About what?

It's so dumb.

She thinks...

She thinks that I'm partying
too much.

Which is so completely
not true.

I mean, what is freshman year
supposed to be about, right?

Did I ever tell about that...?
That ski trip

that Dudley and I took
Christmas break, freshman year?

-Let's just say that

it takes a certain amount
of skill to pee Charlie Salinger

in the snow when you've got
five tequila sunrises in you.

[both laughing]

You see?

That's exactly what I mean.

Not everybody's
a straight arrow like her.

Anyway, whatever, just...

Hey, don't worry about it.

If she said anything
positive for a change,

that would be what would
get my attention.

Okay. Cool.

Could you top that off for me?

That's not the right place
for those.

They don't go there.


One mistake.

I guess you're fired.


I was...

I might have been
a little rough
on you this afternoon.

No harder than I am
on myself most of the time.

But that's... Anyway,
I shouldn't have gotten so...

It's just if you're gonna do
a job for somebody,
you should...

You know,
I would say apology accepted,

except I didn't actually
hear one.

You messed up a huge mailer
for the program.

You cost us time.
You cost us money.

Never mind.

I came there 'cause I wanted
us to be friends.

That's what I was trying to do.

Stupid me.

[car alarm chirps]


What are you doing?
Stalking him now?

I was waiting for you.

I know you have
that dance class.


Bailey's in trouble, Callie.

-What? Did something happen?

No, nothing happened.

It's just... God, I mean,
you've seen him.

You see him every day.
You have to know.

Know what?

Come on, give me a break.

Callie, you're not blind.

All he does anymore is...
Is get drunk

and be really nasty

and push people away.

It isn't him.
I mean, you saw him.

You know how he was
when you met him.

So what?
This is my influence on him?

You know, I don't need you
insulting me, Sarah. Okay? So...

No. Wait.

Oh, God...

Do you really think
I wanna be here with you?

I mean, do you
have any idea how...

I'm in love with him.

You know,
I can't help it.

And maybe you are too.
I... I don't... I don't know.
I don't wanna know.

But I think maybe
I want you to.


Maybe I want you to love him.

You know, 'cause...
'Cause maybe you'll get him
to stop what he's doing.

The drinking and the... The...

God, I don't even know what.

He won't listen to anybody.

Not Will or Julia

or me.

-I gotta go.


[door closes]

I'm up.

It's kind of, uh...
Kind of too quiet to sleep.

If you want,
I can go outside,

set off a couple car alarms
for you.

Oh, that's hysterical.

we have a problem.

Only one?

One at a time.


Maybe it did happen
too fast.


I... I don't think so.

But if you do...

But even if we weren't
living together now,

if, like, six months from now

or a year from now things...

I'm... I'm stuck here, Grace.

It's not horrible,
you know.

It's an okay place
to be stuck. [chuckles]

But I am.

It's not like I can just
pack up Claudia and Owen

and drag them downtown
to live with you.

That's not...
That's not gonna happen.

See, I... I understand that. But do you get
why I need to be there?

Uh-uh. Actually, I don't.

I mean,
those people that you help,

they're not gonna be any more
or less homeless

because of where you live.

I'm gonna be different.

Every morning
I would leave my house,

and I would see them
right there in front of me,

how hard it is for them.

I'd know. And they'd see me
and they'd trust me.

It's... [sighs]

You have to be there
to really...

[door opens]

Owen, Owen...

No. Wait. Let him.

Let him stay.
He wants to be with you.

I'm gonna sleep
on the couch tonight.

we're back to that again.

No. I just... I need...

I need to...

I don't know what I need.

Why is Grace
sleeping downstairs?

I don't think
that's any of your business.


Something else
I can help you with?

Yeah. Look,
we gotta, uh...

Something bad's going on
with Bay.


Oh, yeah?
What would that be?

What's the attitude?

No. Go ahead.
Tell me all about it.

Wow. Charlie, we can't even
have a conversation anymore?

Oh, sure. Now.

What about when I've been
trying to talk to you for...

For, like, weeks.

And all you would do is...
Is blow me off

or run off to Sam's.

And, man, the way you've
been treating Grace,

I don't know why I should
even talk to you at all.

Look, that's all...

You know what,
this isn't about me.

This is about Bailey.

And how he's partying
too much.

You know about it?

Why don't you just admit
that you can't stand

seeing somebody else
enjoying themselves.


-That is so not...
-Let me give you
a news flash, Julia,

you're not the smartest
person in the world, all right.

You don't know everything.

Neither do you.

[door slams]

[slow rock music
playing on radio]

What you reading?

I have no idea.


Dare I ask?

Rent money?

Not yet.

You kicking me out?

Joining the growing numbers
of the I-Hate-Bailey Club?

Yeah, well, you are kind of
a pain in the ass sometimes.

Not all the time though.



Come on, say it.

Not all the time.

[exhales] Okay. Good.

I have one friend.

I'm gonna grab a beer.
You want?

No, thanks. I'll pass.

You know,
maybe you ought to pass too.

That's all you need, you know.

What? Beer?


One good friend.


That's you, Cal.

My one good friend.

Yeah? Yeah.

Come on.

Leave that.

Let's go to bed.

[birds chirping]


Looks like I wasn't
the big draw after all.


Look at that.

See. He wanted you.

I, um...

I know you're kind of big
on being needed, Grace.

And I know you get
that in your work a lot.

But that's not
the only place where...

Us too, you know?

We need you here.







Don't wake him.

Be careful.

Are we gonna fit?

We'll make room.
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