03x15 - Significant Others

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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03x15 - Significant Others

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, Salinger. sh**t, sh**t.

sh**t. Come on,
come on, come on.

Come on, get out.
You know how to pick.

-Come on, pick it.

All right, Salinger.
Come on, neck... Neck bridge.

Hey, has anybody
seen my mouth guard?

-And you better
not be sitting...
-Hey, Davis, you mind?

We're still in this.

Come on, don't cave in.

[grunting] Has he looked
at the scoreboard?

Come on, come on, come on.
Turn it over. Turn it over.

Yeah, reversal.
Two. Yeah, put him up.

Two. Two. Come on, let's go.
Come on, we're still in this.

Come on, let's go.
Come on. Pressure. Pressure.

Come on, Bailey.
Squeeze it!

Squeeze it, Salinger!
Squeeze it!

[whistle blows]
Yes. Yeah, Yes. All right.

Yes, yes!
All right.

-Yes! Yes!
-Way to go.

Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

Yes. Yes.



[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[shower running]

[indistinct chatter]


Man, that ref
was blind as a stump.

My guy was slamming me,
he was locking hands.

Ref didn't call squat.

Yeah, those calls
were all wrong, man.

What are you
complaining about, Salinger?

Uh, you won.

Nothing, I just...

What is that, pity?

See, winners
don't get to pity.

No pity. No pity.

So who wants to celebrate?

Celebrate what, man?
We lost.

Nine to one.

Okay, so help me
celebrate then.

Come on, beer's on me.

Beer's on you.
What is that?

-More pity?
-No pity.

Just beer.

Come on, let's go...
Let's go have a good time.

I don't know.
My mom's visiting me tomorrow,

and I gotta read
all her letters
before she gets here.

I got a paper due,
like, next week.

My neck is k*lling me.
[Bailey sighs]

Guys, we're...

We're supposed
to be a team here, right?

What's good for one of us
is good for all of us.

That goes both ways, man.

And right now
the bad outweighs the good

about nine to one.


Great attitude.

You're lucky the Gipper
wasn't on this team.

Okay, so if Thursday
and Friday aren't good,

what about Saturday?

No, no good.
Saturday I play basketball.

Oh, well,
what about tonight?

-Can you do something tonight?
-Not really, I...

I got this
barbecue thing tonight.



Well, is it...



It's a barbecue.

I know, I know.

I was just thinking,
if it isn't assigned seating...

I mean, if it isn't
one of these things

where there's only
so many spaces, then...

-You wanna come?
-[Julia laughs]

-Is that it?

We are dating here,
aren't we?

Yeah, I just
thought that you...

I thought you wouldn't be
interested, so...

Why wouldn't
I be interested?

They're your friends.

Yeah, but, uh...

You know, it's just, uh,

a lot of people
that you don't know.

I love
people I don't know.

In fact, I usually
prefer them to people I do.



Don't you want me to?
I mean, meet your friends?

Sure. Yeah, yeah,
of course I do.

Um... Didn't I say
you should come?

I guess.

So see? You're coming.

So great.

Yeah, great.

I can't wait.

I can't do this, Grace.

I can't get up in front of
hundreds of people and...
And just lie.

Don't you own anything
that isn't plaid and ripped?

I think there's a, um...

A suit
behind the laundry bag.

Now, how is
"Thank you for
the nice award" a lie?


I'm supposed to thank a mayor
that I didn't vote for

for a citizenship award
that I don't want

at a homeless benefit full of
people with house keys
jangling in their pockets.

What part of that
isn't a lie?

You're a real bleeding heart,


It's a long story.

Hold still.
Let me try some things.

I mean,
all I can think of is...

Is that you should
get this thing instead of me.

This whole thing
was your idea.

But, see,
that's the point.

Give it to people who don't do
this kind of thing for a living.

People like me.
We can't help ourselves.

It's a sickness.

But John Q. Average,

he's the one that needs
the positive reinforcement.

Is that how
you think of me?

John Q. Average?

Please, Charlie.

You know what?
Why am I doing this?

You look good in everything.


So, what are
we playing for here?

Your room.

Oh, I mean my room.

Unless I lose.

My room? Why would I...

Look, maybe you think
being older means

you get first dibs

but I think
if you're moving back in,

I mean, I should
have a shot at it...

Wait a minute.

Who said anything
about me moving back in?

Well, you did.
You know, right before
you broke up with Sarah.

You said you were
moving out of your apartment.

Which is great,
'cause Julia and Charlie,

they're always gone and you're
so much fun to hang around.

Well, I mean,
I'm not saying it's great

that you broke up with Sarah,
'cause I know that, you know,

you've been real bummed out
about that lately.

No, I haven't, Claud.

Actually, I'm kind of
starting over, you know?

And... And things are
going really great.

Like wrestling.

That's great and...
And I'm having fun.

And the apartment,

I'm still really happy there.

I didn't know that.

Well, you're lucky
this didn't count,

'cause I think
you would have had

a hard time beating these.


I know.

Sammy, hey.

Long time no see. Abby, how are you?

[rock music playing]

Oh, this is, uh...
Um, Julia.

Julia, Abby.

Nice to meet you, Julia.

Nice to meet you.

So, [chuckles]
you're with Sam.

Oh, that's great.

That's really great, Sammy.

Yeah, it's... It's...
It's... It's great.

So, Julia,
what do you do?

Me? Oh, um, I go to...

Uh, you...
Uh, you know what?

Uh, you should really
meet the host.

Uh, he's
right up here.

Hey, Henry,

I've got somebody
for you to meet. Henry, Julia. Julia, Henry.

[both laugh]

Oh, nice to meet you.

Sam has told me...
Well, he hasn't told me much.

But from what I can see,
he's been holding out.

-[Julia coughs]
-Oh, I'm sorry.

Uh, you know,
this thing is supposed...

You might wanna
leave the lid off
for a while.

Oh, no, no, no, no,
the directions say

-for a smoky flavor...
-[Julia] Forget the directions.

Smoking takes forever.
The lid cuts off the oxygen

so it cools down the coals.
So, uh...

My family's in
the restaurant business.

I've starving, Henry.
How long's this gonna take?

-Hold that thought.

Who's that?
Someone you know?

It's just an old friend.

Mind if I say hello?


-Hey, Julia.

You think maybe you could
give me a hand with the grill?

-Oh, I... I, uh...

[piano music playing]

Mr. Salinger? Michael Garber
from the mayor's office.

I spoke to you before

Oh, right, yes.

Nice to meet you.

Quite a crowd,

Yeah, um,
do I really have to...

To get up there and...

And, you know, talk?

Well, that's what
everybody came to see.

They came to see the mayor.
They don't even know who I am.

Oh, sure they do.

You're in the program.

"Charlie Salinger,
local hero."

I'm... I'm in the program.

You know, this...
This really isn't accurate.

The... The meals program
at the restaurant,

it wasn't my idea.

I... I only
did it to save my skin.

Well, why'd
you keep doing it?

People started
to expect the food.

I couldn't just
turn them away.

Just say that.
That's very moving.


You'll be fine, Charlie.
Believe me.

[both chuckle]


You think I'm being
stupid about this,

trying not to
take the credit?

No, I think
if you wanna give it away,

you should give it to me.

What, you mean,
like, in my speech?

No, like just then.

You could have
introduced me to him.


He's just a greeter
from the mayor's office.

He really doesn't...


Hmm? What?

Uh, I was just saying,
about the, um...




[people talking indistinctly]

These dogs are plumped.

These dogs are plumped.
Who wanted hot dogs?

Come and get 'em
before they shrivel.

Here. Two, please.


[clears throat]

So, uh,
who's Sam talking to?


That's Karen.

Oh, Karen.


Sam must have told you
about Karen.

No, he... He didn't.
Should he have?

You know, I'd better go deliver these
while they're hot.

Thanks, so much.

Um, is that steak medium rare
or rare medium rare?


Medium-rare medium rare.

I'll take it.

you really saved my party.

I don't know how
I can ever thank you.

Karen seems nice,
don't you think?

Oh, yeah.
Karen is great.

She totally
turned his life around.

He was wasting away
at his parents' house

before she got him
in her loft down on 15th.

Her loft?

Oh, you mean where they...

Where they were
both living?

Until she broke off
the engagement.

The engagement. Of course.

And now look at 'em.
Still friends.

Is that not the coolest?

[door closes, bottles clinking]

So I'm buying some beers
to celebrate,

and I see this lottery display,

and I think,
"I'm feeling lucky today."

So I give it a spin
or a scratch, as it were,

and guess what. I won.

I mean,
it was only five bucks,

but that was enough
to get me an extra six-pack

for my party pal Cal.

Not right now, okay?

Well, aren't you gonna ask me
what I'm celebrating?

Yeah, okay.
What are you celebrating?

You are looking at
the first State wrestler

in two and a half years
to win a big-six match.

I cannot lose today,

I cannot lose.

Look, whatever you're doing,
do it later.

You gotta
help me celebrate here.

What are roommates for?

Ha-ha. Roommates.

Is that what we are?

"Is that what..."
What's that supposed to mean?

I don't know.
It's just the definition

seems to change every day.

Look, Bailey,
you know what?

I thought
you were moving out.

I mean, that's what you said.

Cal, hold on.

You gotta
give me a break here.

I just lost my girlfriend.

And things
are gonna smooth over,

but I need a little time.

Yeah? Well, you have time.

You're paid up until March.

You got a month and a half.

-No, I mean...
-No, no, no.

You know what?
I don't wanna to hear it, okay?

'Cause I got stuff to do,

so just hang around
if you want,

but leave me alone, okay?

Your moving out,
I'll celebrate.



Ticket, sir?

Uh, no ticket. I...
I walked.

You walked?

Doesn't the mayor
pay you?

Uh, actually, no.

We're a volunteer program.

[horn honking]

Anyway, um... I hope the mayor
wasn't too hurt
that I didn't thank him.

from what you said,

I think you thanked
the right person.

She sounds amazing.

Grace, it is, right?


Uh, so where is she?
Uh, didn't you come together?

Oh, she's, um,
in the ladies' room.


So, um, you guys
work together, huh?

Um, no.

We just... Whatever we do
through her program.

Well, it was nice of you,
uh, to bring her.

Unless you guys are...

I mean, you and Grace.
Are... Are... Are you dating?

Uh, no. I mean [chuckles]
no. Not... Not really, no.

Well, do you know if, uh...

If she's single?

[horn honking]

You know what? Um, I'm... I'm blocking traffic.
I better...

Oh. Yeah, sure.

Take care.


[whistle blows]

Hey, coach.

Is there, uh...

Um, is there a deadline
or whatever

for entering that qualifier
for the all-stars?

The all-stars?
They're in two days.

I realize that.

Well, time to decide this
was months ago.

You're getting fat,
Jeff. Huh?

I mean, you don't
just show up
for the all-stars.

You gotta train.
Practice and really train.

I told you that,
what, in November?

So there's
no deadline?

No, but there's also
no point going

if you're just gonna get
your butt kicked.

I don't wanna tell you your...
Your job, coach.

But aren't you supposed
to build me up here?

Oh, I see. You want me
to lie to you, huh?

Maybe, yeah.


Come on, J.D.
sh**t. sh**t!

Why all this
sudden interest, Bailey?

This is just...

This is something
I really wanna do.

So just tell me,

do I have any chance?

Any chance at all?

[clears throat]
Well, if you
spent the next 48 hours

training like a maniac...

I mean, lifting,
learning new moves,

cutting weight
so you can drop a class

and you are serious
as a heart attack,

I doubt it.

So... So there's a chance.

-I didn't say that.
-I need a partner.

Teddy, come on, you and me.

-Let's drill takedowns.
-All right.

Single and doubles.

Hey, mind if I
check my machine?

Go ahead.

So, um,
I'm having trouble

deciding where to hang
my new plaque from the mayor.

How about
behind the bar?

It's a little too public.

I'm thinking about
the basement at home.

Wanna come over tomorrow and
help me scout some wall space?

Uh, sure.
That sounds fine.

What about tonight?

You wanna rent
a movie, grab a bite?


What is it?

My grandmother's parrot
just learned how to say,

"Call me back."
He's saying it right now.

[imitates parrot]
"Call me back. Call me back.
Call me back."


What are
you guys doing?

Just making some plans.

What kind?

Oh, we're talking about
renting a movie,

maybe ordering in.

Well, hey, they... They just
got this special edition

of Little Women in.

You know, with, like,
interviews and everything.

I could go pick it up.

Sounds great, Claud.

What do you say?

I don't know. I...
I haven't done
a wash in weeks.

Bring it over.
We've got a machine.

What the hell?

Pick me up?

[both] Great.

I think you might be
overreacting a little.

Overreacting? Overreacting?

Sam, get real.

Number one, no.

Number two,
a woman you were engaged to

just asked you
to dinner. And number one,
you were engaged

and I didn't even know it.

It was four years ago,

-It's ancient history.
-Not so ancient

that you wouldn't break
your plans to relive it,
which you wouldn't break for me.

Look, she's very busy
at her new job.

She doesn't get
many nights off.

What, they don't have phones
where she works?
Why see you over dinner?

I don't know.

-To catch up.
-Yeah, right.

You know what?
Just come.

Come to dinner.

Sam, no.
I feel like

I'm horning in
on every meal you have.

You don't understand.
I want you to come.

I do. Very much.


So you can see
that I don't have
"Forever Karen"

tattooed on my heart.

Julia, it is over,

and I would like
for you to see that.

So-- So, what's she like?
She-- She nice?

[grunts] What am I?

You're a machine.

Say it again.

You're a machine.



Okay, now you.

Ah, I don't think so.

-What are you?

You're a machine!

No, you're a machine.

-I'm a history major.
-[Bailey sighs]

I've got a test on
William the Conqueror tomorrow,

which means I gotta
get up early and study.

But we're training here,

Look, you pinned me 50 times.

You pumped like 9000 pounds.

How much training
can you take?

You're right.
You're right,
no more training.

Thank God.

No more physical training.


Coach says in order
to wrestle your best

you gotta be calm and centered,
you know, mentally.

Look, show me a pillow.
I'll be so calm.

I got a better idea.

Come to the Boar's Head
with me.

We'll split a pitcher,
blow off some steam.

-Come on, Salinger, I'm tired.

-I just wanna go to sleep.
-You're my teammate, Teddy.

You're like...
You're all I have here.

I need you, man.

-The Boar's Head?

It's a British pub?

Maybe someone there
knows William the Conqueror.

You are my man.

You're annoying.


Your grandmother's parrot?

It's Michael Garber, remember,
the guy from the mayor's office?

You almost ready? 'Cause I...

I left my truck
in a not-so-great spot.

Now who's being naive?

You know who ends up
with those tax credits,

rich white contractors.

-Hold on, Michael.

Charlie, I'm sorry.
I would have called you before,

but Michael just found me.

And I'd never do this
if we hadn't just
made the date.

I already sent Claud out
to get extra detergent.

Michael's got tickets for the
benefit at the Fillmore.

-For tonight?
-Charlie, it's Michelle Shocked.

I tried to get tickets myself,
but they sold out in minutes.

And Michael
has front row seats.



I knew you'd understand. No, no.
He's giving me a rain check.


I can't take
any credit at all.

Julia saw that
there was something going on,

and she made it happen.

I was so lame.

I don't know
why I didn't see it.

You didn't want to.

Well, why not?

Beer for the gentleman

-and white wine for you.

And a Dr Pepper.

That pretty much
summed it up.

But it was more than that,

because, honestly,
my whole life, I...

I don't know what I have
until someone

hits me over the head
with it.

Sure you do.

I mean, you asked Karen
to marry you, right?

Ha! She's got a point.

No, I was clueless
that time too.

Because that time
I thought I had you.


No, It... It's okay.

I mean, yes, it... It got
really, really
messy back there,

but, uh, I'm fine now.

Better than fine.

Mmm, you don't know
how glad I am to hear that.



Because it is kind of
why I wanted to see you.


The guy I've
been seeing, Jerry.

He kind of proposed, Sam.

And I kind of...

I kind of said, yes.



that's amazing.


Isn't that, um,
amazing, Sam?


Uh, so [clears throat]
um, have you set a date?

[rock music playing]


Had to sh**t, man.
I'm in the zone.

Besides, no way
I would have hit you.

Not the way I'm throwing.

You're insane.

You-- You gotta
have a beer with me.

See, that's why
you can't hit the numbers.

You need to relax.

Why do you think
they put darts in bars?

I always thought that was
a real good question.

Looking for a game
after this?

playing with my bud.

My teammate, my bench.

You know what,
uh, buddy?

That's not a bad idea,
'cause it's almost 12 o'clock

and I gotta go.

-Really, man?
-Yeah, really.


You're bringing me luck.

Now I gotta go at it
on my own.

Fly by the seat of my pants.

Follow the stars.

Be my own... shepherd.

So Around the World?


Getting me
another pitcher first.

Can I have a pitcher, please?

So you feeling
better now, Sam?

You over the shock?

Oh, that whole thing.

Yeah, well, you know,
what she said

kind of caught me
by surprise.


You were more
than surprised, Sam.

You... You were blown away.

You were actually
knocked off your ass.

-You were--

I didn't come here
to relive dinner.

I came to see you.

Can we be serious
for a second here?

I mean it.

Because I... I know
what's going on.

You're still in love
with her.

And let's face it,
you would still be
with her if you could.

She's getting married,
Julia, okay?

I mean, nothing
is ever gonna happen.
It can't.

So all this stuff about Karen,

it really doesn't matter.

What? Of course
it matters.

How you feel
about her matters. My God.

Look, she is
out of the picture.
She's gone from my life.

So can we just stop thinking
about this, please?

Listen, I got an idea.

Why don't we
do something fun together.

Just you and me.

I-- Look, I'll blow off
my basketball game,

and we can go somewhere.
Someplace romantic.

Maybe rent a boat.

Go for a cruise.


[jackhammer drilling]


Damn. Damn. Damn.

Hey, we gotta talk.

Now? I can't.

I'm late for practice.
And it's the one practice
I can't miss.

I just thought
you should know,
I put up a notice

to advertise
the place for March.

I found this person
who wants your room. So I gotta know
when you're moving out.

Wait a minute? You what?

Well, this woman wants
to move in.

So, uh, you know,
like as soon as
you can leave.

What? That's it?

You weren't even gonna talk
to me about this?

Or think about cutting me
a break?

I'll give you back
your rent money, okay?

All I'm asking is
that you keep your promise
and leave, all right?

Wait a minute.
You deposited my check?

Yeah. I'll give you cash back.
Okay? Don't worry.

No. See, that means this room
is mine legally

until the end of next month.

Uh... But this woman
wants to move in.

I don't care.
I'm not getting out.

No, no, wait. Bailey,
come on, you can't just...

You know what? I'm not doing
this with you now, okay?

'Cause I'm on a roll
with wrestling.

So anything that gets
in the way of that,
I don't have time for.


Oh, Marcia, I didn't see you.

Uh, where's, um...
Where's Grace?

She called to say she'd be late.


Any reason? I mean,
is she feeling all right?

She was out kind
of late last night,

and I guess she had some fun.

You're awfully sweet
to worry, Charlie.

Not really.

Shall I tell her you came by?

No. That's... That's okay.

I'll, um...
I'll call her later.

[music playing from car stereo]

In a mile we hit the turnoff
to 80 South.

You know what happens
if we miss it?

You have to turn around
in Berkeley?

No. It's another 60 miles
to Sacramento

and 60 more to Lake Tahoe.

And 120 miles back.

Yeah. But I just had an idea.

What if we just keep driving?

What if we blow off
our weekend plans

and just spend
the next two days in Tahoe?

What? Spend...
Spend the whole weekend?

Spend the whole weekend?

Oh, I know it sounds crazy,

but I think it could be fun.

You know, just you and me
and that whole damn lake.

We could go skating, skiing...

Sam, I don't know who you think
you're dating,

but I can't spend
the whole weekend.

I've got things to do,
and I'm 17.

But don't you want to spend

some time alone with me?

Well, yeah, sure.

But why suddenly now?

Look, I just thought
it would be fun

to get away like this.

Get away from what?

[turn signal ticking]

[whistle blows]

I'm here.
I'm ready to go.

You want me, uh,
right out on the mat

or should I warm up first,
do some lifting?

Sit down, Salinger. Relax.

Relax? The day before
the all-stars?

You're not going
to the all-stars.

Somebody better be.
There's a sign up

for spectators on the board.

Yeah. I posted that
before practice.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You're not really saying...
Look, Bailey, I made a mistake.

You're not ready for this.

-What? Because I'm
little late for practice...
-Forty minutes late

on the day before the event.

[Bailey sighs]
Come on, coach,

I haven't eaten in 30 hours.

I worked out
every minute yesterday.

I even slept through all my
classes so I'd have enough rest.

You think this
is some kind of joke?

No, I don't. I'm not joking.

Look, Bailey,

I don't think you have
the maturity yet.

Now, you work hard this season,

and maybe next year
you'll make it.

-Hey, Bowlby, hip pressure.

-Come on, break him down.
-That's not good enough.

-I need to do this now.
-I beg your pardon?

Look, just tell me what
you want me to do, okay?

Whatever you want.
You want me...

You want lifting
night and day,
I'll do it.

You want me...
You want me to study moves

every minute until the match,
I'll do it.

Just tell me,
whatever it is.

This is not gonna happen,
Bailey. Okay?

-No. You can't do that.
-The hell I can't.
I'm the coach.

Well, it's not fair.

I have to have...
I have to...

Look, I am not gonna
send a wrestler

to the all-stars
unless I know
he has what it takes,

and you don't have it.

[whistle blows]

I need this, coach.

You gotta listen to me.
I don't have...

I don't have anything else
that matters like this.


So he sent you flowers.

Here and to the office.
Can you believe it?

No, I can't.

I feel terrible.

The man makes no money.

So, what's up for tonight?

A banquet
at the mayor's mansion?

Just dinner at
a little place he knows

run by this Haitian couple

he helped get
political asylum for.

And you're wearing that?

Why not?
Does it make me look--

No. It... It makes
you look great.

It make you look...

well, interested.

Good. Because I am.

He's a nice guy, Charlie.
Don't you think?

I don't know.

He, uh...

seemed a little
political to me.

What's that supposed to mean?

Just that, you know,
guys like that

aren't always what they seem.

What's going on, Charlie?
Are you jealous?


Grace, come on.

No. I mean, of course not.

I'm-- I'm just...

Keeping an eye out for you.

Okay. Good.

That's what friends should do
for each other, right?


-[phone rings]
-[Grace laughing]

I don't know why
you were so embarrassed.

I mean, it was a nice song.
So I danced.

You twirled
the waiter, Michael.

[both laugh]

-Can you get that?
-Oh, yeah.




What's he doing?

He's cutting weight to drop
a class. Whatever that means.

Well, I guess you don't want any
Honey Grahams then, huh?

He's cutting weight
to drop a class.

We're not sure why.


This afternoon I'm wrestling

to qualify
for the statewide all-stars.

Who wants to come witness
the birth

of the Salinger dynasty?

That sounds great, Bay.

But I gotta be
at the restaurant.

No. See...

I mean, the truth
is that, um,

I'm kind of green for this,

you know, and I could use
some fan support.

Something-- Something
along the lines of a
"Go, Bailey!" chant.

Sorry, Bay, I can't.

I've got a paper due,

and Owen's got
a birthday party.

But, everybody else
is gonna have, you know,

parents and girlfriends and--
And teammates.

Bay, I'd love to come.
I'm sure we all would.

But you didn't give us
any warning.

Is today
the first you knew about it?

No. But I've
been training really hard

for the past few days.

Well, if you called us once in
a while, we'd know these things.

I can come, Bay.

I mean, I was supposed
to go to the mall

with some of my friends,
but, uh...

This sounds fun.

Great, Claud.

That's great.

[knock at door]

[sports on TV, beeps off]

Okay. Okay.

You know what it is?

It's what you did.

You kept lying to me.
You said it was over
with Karen,

that I should forget
about the whole thing.

The whole time
you said it was over,

it really wasn't, because...

Because yesterday in the car and
before that in the restaurant,

all of that stuff.

All of that weird behavior,

it was all about her
from beginning to end.

The one time
that you're nicest to me

is when she's sitting
across the table.

And suddenly when you want
to move forward with us,

it's the day after she says
she's getting married.

You keep saying that it's over
with the two of you, Sam,

but everything
that you're doing says

that you totally
still love her.

You know what?

You-- You really don't.

The fact of the matter is...

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I do.

You do?

I mean, I know that, but, uh...

You do.

I guess I just miss
that feeling, you know,

when you're
falling for someone

and your whole life
is all about them.

Yeah, I know.

You don't have
that feeling for me.

Well... No.

Sam, of course you don't.

I mean, why would you think
that you would?

Why would you ever think

that we would feel
that so soon?

Let's just...
Let's just try

and be fair to this thing.


Let's not make it this whole
big deal in the beginning

when we still don't even know
where it's gonna end.

[whistle blowing]

Big, huh?


All right, look,
[clearing throat]
you set him up right.

You stay ahead of the curve

and don't give him anything
he can use.

-All right?

Okay. Good.
Come on, let's go.

[man on speaker]
Bailey Salinger.

In red, John Navario.

[crowd cheering]

Go, Bailey!

[whistle blows]

That's it. That's it.
Stay loose. Stay awake.

Okay. Come on.

All right.
Look where you are.

Look where you were,
Bailey. Yes.

[whistle blows]
All right. Come on.

Bailey, up and out.
Up and out, huh?

Come on. Get it. Get it.

[Bailey yells]

-[Coach] Yes.
-Go, Bailey!

Come on, squeeze,
Bailey, squeeze.

Squeeze it.
Taste it.

[whistle blows] Yes. All right!


You crazy bastard.

-Where did that come from?
-I don't know.

You got some kind of gift, kid.
Some kind of freakish gift.

Now look, you shower up.
I'm gonna check
the tournament's schedule.


Wrestling the next match

Mitchell Kiani in red.

And in gold, Kyle Whitton.

Bay, you won.

[Claudia laughs]

You won. You won. You won.

I guess I did.

If we ever disagree
about anything in the future,

I would like you to know that
I am wrong and you are right.

Jule told me to tell you
that she was, uh,

rooting for you in spirit.

And coach, I mean, seemed
really really proud of you.

It's okay, Claud. I'm okay.

Oh, I... I know.

Of course.

So you want to, like,
go get some ice cream?

Well, mainly for me?


that's sweet, Claud, but,
um [sighs] actually,
I'm hooking upwith the guys.

It's just, uh...

It's just our usual thing
after matches,

and you wouldn't want
to be there.

Trust me.
It's mostly a lot of swearing

and yelling and head butting.


Glad to miss it.

So do you need a ride home?

No, no.

The bus stop's, uh, only
a couple of blocks away.

So I'll-- I'll see you
[sighs] whenever.


[melancholic music playing]

Do you remember how you felt

the first time you realized
that you loved her?

I mean,
what you were thinking?

Kind of.


Mmm, we were people watching

and this really dorky couple
walked by,

and Justin just sort
of gave me this smile.

And before he said a word,

I knew what he was thinking,
you know.

Us. Tenth grade.

And so I realized
that I knew him completely,

which was great.


Not me.

For me it was when I realized
I didn't know her at all.

The idea that she'd keep
on surprising me,

I couldn't think
of anything cooler.

Wow. Total opposites. You think that means
that we're incompatible

or you think it's one
of those Venus-Mars things

and it's actually
a really great sign?

I have no idea.

Why are you sitting
so far away?

So tell me,
where were you when you had

this erroneous revelation?

At the end of a runway. Hmm.
Models or airplanes?


Karen had this thing.

She couldn't believe
they actually left the ground.

So she'd take me to runways,

and she'd just scream

-when the wheels lifted.
-[Julia laughs]

No offense, but, um,
she sounds nuts.

I know.

That's how she won me over.

Where were you?

The beach.

Excellent people watching
at the beach.

Something about people
in bathing suits,

you can't hide a thing.

How about this
British comedy festival?

Tonight it's
Kind Hearts and Coronets.

-Heard anything?
-It's great.

I've already seen it.

No. This is for
me and Michael.


So great. You say that's great,
so it plays at 10:15.

So that leaves us time
to get a cup of coffee.

Grace, um,
can you do me a favor?


Could you not see him?


I don't want you to see him.

Don't see him?

Charlie, you're serious?


Why? Does this have
to do with him?


Then what?
I mean, what are you saying?

I'm saying...

I'm saying, um,

that you matter to me.


I guess... Well, that's great,

but I still don't...

What are you offering me,

Are you saying
something's gonna happen?

I don't know.

I don't know. I...

Then Charlie,
I don't know what you mean.

I mean, I know we're friends,

but I don't know what else.

[romantic music playing]

Are you saying
that we're more?

Are you saying
that we're the kind of friends

who think about each other
when we're not together?


And when we see each other

for a second or two,

do we kind
of forget everything else?


So then are we...

Are you saying we might...

You and me?



I think we might.

[music playing in background]

But the pin,

that's not the hardest part.

The hardest part's the reversal.

You know why?

Can we get another?

I'll tell you why.

The reversal's the hardest

because it's when you're
the most sure you're dead.

You made
some dumb mistake like you...

You-- You didn't bridge
or you dropped your head,

and now the damn thing's
just crushing you in the chest.

But the thing that saves you

is that everybody
makes mistakes.

And when it happens to him,

you just gotta grab onto it

and turn it back onto him

until he's the guy
on the bottom

and you are on top.

And that was me tonight.

That guy on top.

He was me.
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