02x21 - Spring Breaks: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x21 - Spring Breaks: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, hey, hey.

Working hard, I see.

Joe! God, Joe!

-Joe, you're back.
-Yeah, I'm back.


Will you look
at this place?

-Holy cow!

Um, yeah, I told you about...
What are you doing back?

where's your head?

I gave you my schedule.

I told you I was
gonna be here
for a couple of weeks.

It's a good thing too

because I think we might
have a little problem.

Certified mail?

It's nothing
to panic about,

but that
bastard Montgomery,

he's finally decided
to sell the building.

Oh, right. Right.

He, uh, he mentioned
something about that.


Did he tell you
about the buyer,
this Isley Financial Group?

Not really.

Uh, he pretty much
just said he was gonna
accept the offer.

Charlie, our lease
is up in June,

so we gotta figure out
what their plans are.

I-I don't know.

Ah, you know, they probably
just want to jack up the rent

and gouge us for whatever
they can get away with,

but hey, we can handle it,
right? Huh?

I mean, it wouldn't
make sense for them
to boot us now. Look what you have done
with this place.

Your old man would be proud.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[Bailey] So...
So wait a second.

So now
Saturday's out too?

Well, yeah, we got
this call from this girl
at Central High.

And the lead singer
of the band that was
supposed to perform

for their spring dance,
I guess came down
with mono or something,

so they needed
a replacement,
we needed a gig,

so Matt booked it.

No, no, no.
You don't have to be sorry.

I mean, you guys
are taking off.
And that's...

-Pretty cool, huh?

Oh, you know what?
I can't meet you for lunch.

I've gotta Xerox copies
of sheet music,

but we can see each other
between classes.

And after school. Uh, rehearsal.

But you're gonna
come tonight, right?

I know it's at
the coffeehouse again,

but we can hang
between sets.


Actually, I'm starting to feel
a little like Yoko Ono,

so I think I might just
catch a movie with Will.

Oh. Oh, right.

It's kind of silly for you
to be there
every single night, anyway.


So I won't see you until...

Wow, until tomorrow.

No, between classes,

Gotta go.

Love you.


I love you too.

[Julia] Are you
avoiding me?

No, of course not.

'Cause you haven't called me
the last couple of nights.

Well, I've been busy.
So, I mean...

And I guess I can understand
that 'cause I haven't been...

I mean, I know
I haven't been

the most pleasant person
to be around lately.


I'm sorry.

And I've been thinking
about what you said
about us

needing to do stuff together,
and you were right. We need to do something
different and fun and


so, um, I found this ad
for a class at SF Community.

Available-Light Photography?

Twice a week
for six weeks, and...

you're already
into photography,

so you can show me
some of the basics.


I thought I told you.

Told me what?

About the project
at the station.

I'm going to be working
the next two weeks
straight through.

I'm pretty sure
that I told you.

Oh. I guess I must
have just forgotten.


No. No, that's okay.
I understand.

[bell ringing]

So you think I can
borrow your camera?

Okay, what do you want first,
Seventeen or Sassy?

I copped my own, thank you,
while you were yammering.

Jody, I can't
believe that...


Wow, check him out.

Cute butt.

I don't know.
You like chest hair?

Well, I haven't really
given it that much thought.

Oh, my God.
It's him.

-Him who?
-Jim Trowell, the new guy.

He's a major babe.

You think? Hello?

What planet are you on?

Oh, my God.
He's coming over here.

Be cas, okay?

-[Jody] Hey.

Oh, my God.

Did you hear the way
he said that?


[people chattering]

[boy] There's a catch.

Excuse me?

This little thing
right here?

You gotta press it
and then lift this up.

Ah, thanks.


Don't take this
the wrong way or anything,

but have you actually ever
used a camera before?


You forgot the lens.


Uh, the beginning class
meets on Mondays.

-This is...
-[both] Available light.

Yeah, I know.

I was actually
supposed to take this

with someone who's been
doing it for a while,

but they bailed
at the last minute, so...

Well, it's not like
I'm an old pro or anything,

but, uh...

if you need any help,

I'm Ian.


This looks heavy.


So when do
we get roadies?

[man] Hey, you guys
need a hand with that?

Oh, hey, thanks.
A miracle.

Yeah, sure.


Can you guys, like,
you know,
spare a couple of bucks?

Yeah, I've got some
change in my purse.
Hold on a sec.

I don't want your change.
Gimme your wallet.

-Okay, um...
-Come on!
Give me your wallet!

Okay. Look, bro,
I've got, like, 30 bucks.
Just take it easy.

Just take it easy.
Don't hurt anybody.

Just walk away, all right?

Let me have your purse!

Purse! Let me have the purse!

Sarah, give him the purse.

Sarah, give him...

What is the matter
with you, bitch?


[Sarah screams]

So I called
Montgomery, right?


To see if these
Isley Financial guys

wanted to come
to the place
for dinner and...

Why would you do that?

To wine and dine them,
to see what their plans are.

So anyway,
he calls me back,

and he tells me that
they're not interested.

Now, what do you
suppose that means? It probably means that
they don't want
to have dinner.

No. Uh-uh.

I-I think something's up.

So Emmett gave me
the names--

Joe, why are you
pushing this?

Because I want
to make damn sure

we don't lose this place,


You're right.

That'd be terrible.

That'd be bad,
but I mean...

Okay, what if we do?

I mean, what's the worst
that could happen?

I mean, we could always
find another location.

Another location?
What the hell are you talking
about, another location?

Especially coming from you.

This is your father's place.

This is Salinger's.

[Claudia] Hey, Joe!

Hey. Look who's here.

-Hey, Joe.
-Hi. -How you doing?

Good to see you.

Oh, wow, this is perfect
because we have a surprise,

and it's actually
for the both of you.

So close your eyes.

I'm kind of busy
here, Claud.

Hey, come on, we went
out of our way here.

Come on.
Close your eyes.


Oh, wow!

We had the review
perma-plaqued. [Bailey] We figured you guys
could hang it out front.

[Joe] Oh, yeah.

"Reinventing a classic."

Not bad.

Funny. Um...

Is this the same
Kathleen Isley?

I don't know.
Who's Kathleen Isley?

One of Charlie's women.

[Will] Bailey! Bay.

Can I talk to you,
like now?

What's going on?

I don't know.

Dana called, okay.

And I don't know
how serious it is
or anything, but...


Matt and Sarah
were robbed

in the alley behind
the coffeehouse.


Is, is Sarah okay?

All I know,
all Dana said was,

they were both
in the emergency room.

The emergency room?

Uh, come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait a minute.

Are you...

Are you telling me
that you dumped this woman?

You want to tell me
what the hell's
going on here?

[people chattering]

-Coming through!

-Get out of the way.
Watch the lines.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

I'm looking for
a Sarah Reeves.

She was probably
just admitted.

No, I don't see that name.

That's impossible.
She was brought in like
a half hour ago.

She was mugged.

Do you know
if she was conscious?

Because we wouldn't
have her name if--

-What does she look like?


Sarah, hey.

My God, are you okay?

He hurt you.

No, I'm okay.

I came with Matt.
He's getting stitches.

-But I'm okay.
-What happened?

This guy, he had a knife,
and I couldn't move,

and he grabbed me,

-and then Matt
tried to stop him--
-[Matt] Hey.

Seven stitches.

Tetanus shot hurt more,

God, I should
have been with you.

Maybe if I was with you...

Maybe if you'd been there,
you'd have been cut too,
you know.

It's not like you could
have done anything anyway.


Hey, it's all right, okay?

You're okay, now.

Yeah, it's just still
kind of scary.

I know, but it's over.

Besides, now we kind of got
a cool story to tell, right?

I don't know, maybe we can
write a song about this,

turn it into something good.

[woman on PA]
Dr. Frazer. Dr. Sean Frazer...

She's gonna take it away?

H-how could she
just take it away?

God, Charlie, what
could you have possibly done
to make her do this?

I mean, it's our name.
It's our restaurant.

I didn't do anything.

You have to
fix this, Charlie. You have to stop her!

I can't, all right?

I tried.

I tried, but she
won't listen.

Tried what?
What's going on?

Kathleen is buying
the restaurant
to get back at Charlie.

It's gone.

What do you mean gone?

It's not my fault, okay?
It's not.

It is your fault, Charlie.

You're the one
who got involved with her.

Listen to me, you guys.
It's not.

I-I just...
I ended it, that's all.

She was in love with me,
and I didn't want
to lead her on.

I did the right thing,

and I had no way of knowing
that she was going to do this.

Wait a second.
Help me out here, Charlie.

You lose Dad's restaurant,

and then you try and tell us
that it's not your fault?

I'm sorry, but how the hell
is that not your fault?

I can't believe you did this.

I mean, even you.

Come on,
will you please just...

[people chattering]

[shutter clicks]

[Ian] Wow.

Portrait of the artist
as a very sad person.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I must have
gone somewhere.

Well, you better come back,
start wasting some film.

Uh, I'll get a shot of you.

No, no, no, no.

We're doing candids,

um, like... Like... There,

the unknown Gabor sister.


Now, start on F6,

work your way down
in half-stops, okay?

And hurry up.
She's almost
out of the light.

Come on.
You're going to miss her.

Just point and sh**t.
You're all set. Whoa, whoa.
She's over there.

What are you sh**ting?

What's wrong?

Uh, nothing.

I just think
I know that guy.

Oh, really?
Is he a friend of yours?

No. He's just someone
who goes to my school.

Uh, anyway, uh,
we should get back
to the lab.

You can show me
how to print these up.


Wait a minute.

-A beeper?

-Are you kidding me?
-No. I'm not.

See, this way, whenever you
leave to go to a gig,

you can page me,
and punch in a one.

And then when you get there,
you page me and punch in a two.

And if there's
an emergency at all,

you punch in a three.

So one, you left, two,
you got there, three, emergency.


Hey, I got you this.

Pepper spray.

-Pepper spray?

Anybody tries to grab you
or anything, psst!

Right in the eyes. Okay, you just
press this button here.

[alarm wailing]

Whoa, whoa.

[girl] What is that?

It's a built-in alarm.


And you have to promise me

that you're not gonna walk
to your car alone anymore.

Okay? You make sure somebody
from the band goes with you.

If you're gonna drive yourself
to a gig, then call ahead

and make sure
somebody's waiting
for you in the parking lot.



It's okay.

There's nothing
to be afraid of.

Yeah, I know that.

And, like, all of our handprints
are in the cement out front,

except for Owen's,
but I mean,

Charlie said that he was
going to do his too, but...

You know, it's
kind of this tradition--

I'll bet he's a great kisser.

Excuse me?

Jim Trowell.

I mean, look at those lips.

Are you even
listening to me?


Yeah, sure.


Listen, do you wanna go
to Donna Sampson's party

with me tomorrow night?

I mean, it sounds like
you could kind of

get your mind off things
for a while, you know?

I wasn't invited.

I'm inviting you, doof.

I mean they play
all these really great
kissing games and stuff.

Kissing games?

And you have to go.

Cause Jim's bringing
his friend Derrick.

He wants to meet you.
He's way cute.

I don't know, Jody.

Hey, be there,
or be square.

[slow rock music playing]


Do you really wanna do this?

Man, everybody's
got an opinion.

Come on, isn't there somebody
I can call for you?

Just run this out, okay?


I'm glad you're here.

You can help me do the sets
for tomorrow night.

Are you up for doing
Heartbreak in public?

I guess not.

[clears throat]

What's up?

I have...
I have to quit the band.

Because you're scared?

Look, I-I see
that guy everywhere.

And this gig tomorrow night, Bailey says it's in
a really bad neighborhood.

I don't want to
leave you guys
in the lurch,

but I don't know
what else to do.

He's got me carrying
pepper spray to the bathroom--

Okay, all right.

First of all,
I can't believe

you're gonna let some
pimply-faced loser
with a knife

keep you from doing
something you love.

Yes, we can definitely all
be a little more careful,

but we can't control
what we can't control, right? I get the feeling you're
letting somebody scare you.

Don't do that. 'Cause I'm here, okay?

And I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.

I promise.



Wow. It's late.

Yeah, I know.

I just wanted to catch you
when you got back from work.

How was it?


It was work.

How was your class?

Open it up.
See for yourself.

We took some candids
on Market Street.

Focus is a little soft,
but it's a pretty good shot,

don't you think?

Why would you lie to me?

I didn't lie.

Justin, I have pictures.

I did not lie, okay?

I didn't tell you about it,
which is not the same thing.

Her name is Corey.

She's an intern
at the station.

We met one night

because we both like
to take walks
during our breaks.

So we started
walking together

and talking,
and that's what we do.

What do you talk about?

Do you tell her stuff about us?

Yeah, I've told her
a few things.

Justin, why would you--?

Hey, I need to talk
to someone, okay?

And I can't talk to you.
You won't let me.

She's just a friend, okay?

And I sort of need that
right now.

[telephone ringing]

[Claudia] Bailey!


Bailey, wake up.
Wake up!
You gotta take this.

What time is it?

I don't know.
You gotta take this call.

What is it, Sarah?
Did something happen?

I don't know. They said they
have to speak to the oldest.

Yeah, he's my brother. What happened? What is...
Something happened?

What's going on?

The sheriff's department.

I think something
happened to Charlie.

He was what?

Drunk and disorderly?


Yeah, I can come down
and do that.


[Bailey sighs]

Or maybe we should
just let him
spend the night in jail.

[siren wails]

-You called Joe?

We didn't happen to have
2500 bucks lying around
to bail you out.

Take him home,
will you, Joe?

I don't even want to
look at him right now.

You wanna tell me
what the hell's
going on with you?

-Not now, Joe.
-Yeah, now, Charlie.

Look, this whole thing
is not my fault, okay?

Only nobody seems to be
listening to me--

-First of all--
-Nobody seems--

I don't give
a damn about that.

The fact is, it happened,
and you gotta deal with it.

I mean, look at you!

Is this how you
deal with things?

You go out to a bar,
and you get drunk,

and you punch people?

What are you, 16?

I'm sorry you got
dragged into this, okay?

Can we please just go?

I don't get you.

You got a lot going for you.
You know that?

You're raising the kids.

They're doing great.

You did a beautiful job
with the restaurant.

You had Kirsten,
this incredible woman.

And yet, what do you do
every time?

Anything good comes along,
you find a way to screw it up!

Thanks for bailing me out.

I'll pay you back. Hey.

What are you doing here?

I was just wondering
if you wake up happy.

'Cause I do.

Like every morning, I...

I keep having these dreams.

Like this morning,
we were 6-years-old,

and we were playing tag
in the woods.

And it felt good.

And when I wake up,

it's like that feeling's
still with me
while I'm lying there.

And then...

I remember, and it's like
I wake up again, you know?

I wish I could
remember those dreams.

All we do now is fight,
you know?

And accuse each other.

I mean, we can't even
talk anymore, you know?

Do you still love me?

I mean, 'cause if you don't,

I kind of need to know,
you know?

Of course I do.

Oh, God.

Can't we just...?

I don't know. Can't we...?


Wow, so, Charlie, huh?

I mean, was he hurt?
Did he hurt anybody?

No, not really. Just... He's kind of
out of control right now,

but my point is,
when Claudia woke me up,

the first thing I thought

was that something bad
had happened to you,

and... So I'm thinking that
I should come with you tonight.

I'm just gonna come with you.

God, Bailey, you know what?
Just... God.

-Would you please stop?

What, am I supposed
to feel guilty now

every time your phone rings?

No, Sarah.
I just...

I'm just... I'm worried
about you, that's all.

You could've been k*lled.

Yes, yeah, Bailey,
I could have been,

but that is the last thing

that I need you to
remind me of all the time.

Look, I need to get past this,
but you're not letting me.

Okay, so I've got
the pager number,

I've got the pepper spray,

Matt's gonna be with me
at the gig tonight, so I'm fine.

Will you please just lay off?


[indistinct chatter]

Then how about jewelry?

[announcer speaking
over PA indistinctly]

Oh, look, perfect.

You know, yin and yang
represents harmony of opposites,

man, woman, dark, light...

If you gave this to me,
I'd melt, honest to God.


I don't know.
I think she'd probably--

Hate it.

Yeah, I know.

Wow. No wonder you're going
to all this trouble.

She sounds delightful.



No, she is.
She is, really.

She's, uh...

She's just kind of
hard to read sometimes.

I don't know.
I gave her jewelry
for Valentine's Day, so...

Oh, okay, well...

You want my advice,

get her some perfume
and call it a day.

What kind does she wear?

Uh, I think it's that.

I don't know.
I'd have to smell it.


I don't know.
It's, uh, different on you.

A little sweeter, maybe.

I think she'd hate it.

So her parents just, like,

let her have parties
all the time?

Only on nights
when they both have to work.

Okay, now, if either
of us wants to leave,

we just, like, pull on
our earlobe, right?


Oh, there's Jim.
Be cool, okay?

Hey. Hey.

You guys know Derrick?




You want to play, uh...

Seven Minutes in Heaven?




Is that like charades?

[boys laughing]

Ah, come on.

I'll show you.



[Matt] Let's hold off
on the second set

till the guys
from K-BAD show up.

That's our best stuff.

Oh, can we throw in Fever too?

Yeah, yeah, definitely.

What is this,
pepper spray?

Bailey's idea.

Pretty soon I'll be wearing
a bulletproof vest

and carrying
a semiautomatic w*apon.

You know, he'd have
a tracking device

installed in my head
if he could. Oh, he's driving me nuts.

You're driving me nuts.

I'm sorry.


I know you have
a boyfriend, so,

let's just call this
a brain burp for now, okay?

Okay, let's get started.

Wow, it's... it's dark in here.

Uh, we don't
need the light.

Can't we just leave it on
for a second?

Uh, sure.


[rock music playing]


somebody plays tennis.

Uh, yeah.

Um, we only have
seven minutes.

I mean, they're timing us
outside, so...


what are we supposed to do?

Well, you know,
make out and stuff.

What kind of stuff?

Here, I'll show you.



Hey, what's your problem?


[switch clicks]

Nice shot.

Where is this?

We have this window seat
in our house.

And the light's really pretty
in the afternoon.

And you took this?



Took me, like, forever
to figure out
how to use the self-timer,

but, yeah.

What do you think?

I think,

she's in focus.

And she's pretty.

And she's...

She's kind of haunted, hm?

Which is nice, actually.

I don't know.
8-by-10 is so huge.

Maybe I should do,
like, a 5-by-7.

It's a gift, so...

Oh, really?

For who?

For my...
For this friend of mine.

Anyway, a 5-by-7 of me
looking haunted

is probably
a lot better than... Well, anyway, I'll, uh,

put this in the fixer,
and, uh,

you'll be all set.

[indistinct chatter]

[jazz music playing]

You don't need to be here.

I know.

I want to, okay?

Go home, Charlie.

Go pull yourself together.

I'm sorry, but, uh,

you don't need to worry
about coming back.

What is this?
Are you firing me?

Is that what this is?
'Cause you gotta at least--

No, no.
I'm not firing you, Charlie.

I'm shutting the place down.


I talked to Isley's attorney,
and they're not budging.

So I don't see any point
in dragging this out until June.

It'd be one long funeral,
week after week,

and I don't wanna do that,

so I'm giving everybody
their severance.

I'm gonna let our
regular customers know,

and, uh, try to
let this place die
with a little dignity.

Just, um, get it over with
while I'm still in town and

move on.

All this work you did

for what?

Listen, tell the kids to come
in next Friday for their dinner.

That's gonna be the last night.


It's finished, Charlie.

[dog barking in distance]

[romantic song playing]


You did this with a timer?


You made the print
and everything?

Well, I had some help.

It's beautiful.


You like?

It's nice.

Did somebody help you
pick this out?

'Cause the last time
you bought me perfume...

What was that called?

God, uh...

Barracuda. Yeah.

I was 12, so...

Yeah, the, uh, saleslady
helped me this time.

Well, it's-it's great.

So anyways...


[music stops]

So I was wondering,

is there some reason
why we aren't talking?

I don't know.

We're talking now.

You tell me.

So you haven't talked
to Will since last night?

Will? No.

-No reason.

Matt kissed me. Matt kissed you?

You mean, you mean,


Yeah. It was a surprise
to me too.

Did you

kiss him back?

Well, d-did you want
to kiss him back?

Is-is-is something going on?

Sarah, because...

I mean, obviously he's
interested in you,

and I should probably
break his neck
the next time I see him--

Bailey, it just happened, okay?

It happened,
and it didn't mean anything.

And I just thought
the decent thing to do

was to tell you
because you should know.

So now I know.


What happened to you
last night?

You missed a wild game
of Spotlight.

Derrick didn't tell you?


He told me
you're a great kisser,

and you guys
got to second base.

Way to go.

He said that?

You bet.
Oh, guess what.

Jim wants us to meet up
for the movies this afternoon.

His brother works
at the Metro

and can sneak us
into something good.

It's gonna be a blast.

Is that all you care about?

Excuse me?

'Cause I don't.

I don't wanna go to
the movies with those guys.

I just...

I'm-I'm not ready
for all the stuff
with Jim and Derrick and...


Can't things just be
the way they were?



You know, I just...

Just forget about it.

You know, if you wanna
spend all your time

with them instead of me,

That's fine. Just

do what you want.

Hey, I'm not trying
to cut you out, okay?

But, you see,
this thing with Jim,

this is, like, really cool,
you know.

This is something
that I want to do.

So I mean, you can
come along or not.

It's kind of your call.

[pop music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

-Uh, oops.


No, no.
Not at all.

I hate to be a copycat,

but I was wearing it
all day yesterday,

and it just
sort of grew on me.


how'd it go,
uh, with Julia?

Uh... it was, uh...


How weird?


"Weird" weird.

Uh... I just...

[door bell chimes]

Ah, forget about it.

[door bell chimes]

Look, I know things
are kind of hard for you
right now, okay.

I get that.

But, I don't know,
you know,

maybe it would make things
easier for you to know

that there is someone else
in this world

who thinks you're adorable,
and you're smart,

and your jokes
are actually funny, and you--

Wait a minute.

Don't say anything else,
all right?

Why not?

Hearing you say it out loud,

sort of makes it official.

And, I don't know,
I just don't wanna screw up

whatever we have going here.



I think. You're right, though.

It is nice to know.

You should probably
take some pictures, huh?

Let's just sit here
for a few more minutes, okay?


So, um...

You remember last night
in the darkroom when I,

sort of kissed you?


Well, you haven't
said anything about it,

so I'm just wondering
what that means.

I, um...

have a-a boyfriend.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because things haven't been
that great with him lately,


we've just been going through
all this stuff,

and it's just been
really hard right now,


it's just

easier with you.


Remember this?

That ugly checkered material
on all the booths?

And him, the dishwasher?

What was his name?

Ernest, I think.


He used to give me dimes

and tell me
they were silver dollars.


I was just thinking about

how I wouldn't go there,

you know, right after
Mom and Dad died.

Only you finally made me

you said it was like
he's still there.

Yeah, I know.

And you were right.

I mean, even now,

I know it doesn't look the same,

but it-it still feels
like his place.

And when I go there after school
or to a family dinner,

that's when I feel close to him.

That's when I...

I feel like part of him
is still here.

This is really
gonna happen, huh?

I'm sorry.

For whatever that's worth.

You think that, um,

you'll ever be able
to forgive me for this?

I love you, Charlie.

But, no.

I don't think I can.

[piano music playing]



My favorite shirt.

Oh, yeah.

I was just gonna go catch
a movie with Will and Gina.

Aren't you guys playing
at that dance tonight?

Yeah. I'm on my way.

You know,
can we talk for a second?

Look, I keep thinking about
all this stuff,
all the weirdness,

and the thing with Matt,

well, it's-it's not about me
and Matt.

It's about us,
Bailey, you and me.

It's like you're smothering me

because you want me to be
dependent on you or something.

And maybe there's nothing
wrong with that.

I don't know.

But you're not always
gonna be here.

You know, you're out of here
in a few months,

and I'm gonna be on my own,

so I sort of need to learn
how to depend on myself.

And you have to
let me do that, Bailey.

You have to. I have to,

because you say so,

and so that's the way
it's gonna be.

Bailey, listen to me--

I heard what you said.

I'm smothering you,

and, and I worry
too much about you,

and I'm making you crazy,

and so...

So now I'm just supposed
to stop doing that.

Is that it?


I don't think
I can do that, Sarah.

I don't think that
I can just...

S-see, you obviously have this
all figured out,

but have you stopped to think
that maybe there's a reason

why I act the way I act
and why I worry so much?


I've lost people, Sarah.

And there's nothing
that I can do
about that now, I know that,

but the thought of going through
all that again,

It's-it's so...

I-I just can't.

Sarah, if you can't
let me love you

the way that I need
to love you, then...

Then I don't know
how to make this work.

[sniffs] Charlie.

Is everything okay?

I'm sorry.

I didn't even know
if I was actually gonna do this.

I just...
I didn't think you'd be here.

I was just gonna drive by
and see if the light was on.

It's crazy.

I'm crazy.

Do you want to come in?


I'm sorry.

I'm just...

I screwed up.

I screwed everything up.

I'm a mess.

Nothing's going right,
and I've lost things that...

That matter so much.

Important things.

And-and I'm just trying
to remember a time

when everything wasn't
falling apart, you know,

when everything was okay.

And that was...


The only time was
when we were...

When... When I was with you.

There are some things that
I know that I can't fix,

but maybe... Maybe this.

I love you, Kirsten,

and I want you back.


No, look, I know
that there are things
we need to talk about,

and I know that I'm just
springing this on you,

and it's sudden, but I-I think
that we could make this work.

I really do.

You're too late.


His name is Michael.

He's an associate professor
in the department,

and we've been

seeing each other
for a while.

We're getting married, Charlie.

We're getting married
next week.


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