02x20 - Happily Ever After

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x20 - Happily Ever After

Post by bunniefuu »

Look, Claud, he probably just
decided to stay a couple
extra days in Scottsdale.

You know, to sightsee
or something.

Anyway, are you sure
he even said Saturday?

I don't remember that.


'Cause when we went
to the nursery last week,

they said that we could
come back Saturday

and pick up all the seeds

and plants that
we would need
for the garden. And Grandpa said
that would be great,

because that was the day
that he was coming home.

Come to think of it,
we were gonna watch that
fight on the pay-per-view.

He said he had
a couple of bucks on it.

Look, I know...
I know you guys probably
don't wanna to hear this,

but I think we should be
open to the possibility...

That maybe this is it.

For us.

You know, maybe
he just... Split.

No way.

What do you mean split?

I mean, he's had enough.

And he's gone. Possibly.

He's done it before.

And think about it,

we don't have
a telephone number
where we can call him.

When he goes away,
he never leaves us
a phone number, right?

And he said he was
gonna be back
two days ago,

and he's still not back. So--

[Julia] You really think
we might not see him again?

I just have
this weird feeling.
What if you're right?

You guys,
his stuff is still here.

So what?

Do you think he...
Do you think he, like...

Like, packed when he left Mom?

No. He didn't. He just...
He took whatever
he had with him,

he got in his car,
and that was that.


No, no, no.
You're wrong.

Something horrible happened.

He, like... He, like, forgot
his blood pressure
medication or something.

Hey, calm down.
What are you doing?

Um, can you please
give me all the numbers

to all the hospitals
in Arizona?


He wouldn't just leave.

I know he wouldn't.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[man on radio]
Good morning, San Francisco,
I'm Mark...

[Kathleen] Where's that
dry-cleaning slip?

I have this
skimpy black thing
that's perfect.

Although I don't wanna
look like a spokesmodel.

I doubled up on wait staff,
and I triple ordered food. So he should get
what he ordered
and get it fast.

I just hope Terrell's not
in another one of his moods.

So, do I write a speech
or don't I?

Think I lost it last year
because I wrote a speech?

[sighs] Listen to me.

It's the Bay Area
TV News Awards.

They've got a category
for best weather.

I wish I had you
next to me to help me
make fun of it all.

Look, Kathleen--



Don't apologize.

You can't be there.

I completely understand.

Well, maybe Terrell
can do it alone.

Now that I've got
everything in place.

Don't be silly.

You need everything
to be perfect.

Critics only give you
one chance.

You're not angry at me?

You don't have to be
so careful, Charlie.

I mean, I'm disappointed...

But I do understand.

'Cause I don't want you
thinking that I'm not trying.

You've been great.

So relax, okay?

But, if you want
extra credit,

you could help me
pick an outfit.


That would be me.

-Boy, you're back.

Do you know
what today is?

Hello to you too, Bailey.

You were supposed to be
back here three days ago.

We called, like, 50 hospitals
in Scottsdale last night.

They don't have
50 hospitals
in Scottsdale.

Claudia had nightmares.

Just that one, Bay.

Well, I didn't mean to
cause a riot or anything.

It's just...
My meetings ran long.

Did I miss something?

Well, I picked up
all the stuff
for the gardening.

It's all in the shed.

That reminds me.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
wait a minute. That's it?

Now, this...

Will keep your head
from baking in the sun.

[Claudia] Oh, thanks.

Hey, you should have called.
"Hello, I'm gonna be
a few days late."

What... What is
so difficult with that?

Look, this... This is not
a bed-and-breakfast here.

If you're gonna be, like,
gone, we're gonna notice.

And we're gonna...
We're gonna worry
and we're gonna think--

Bailey, he said he was sorry,
and he's here. So just...

Shut up already.

I guess I'm not used to
anybody expecting me.

But, uh, sorry.

It won't happen again.
Okay? Bailey?


[Grandpa and
Claudia chuckle]

So which is it gonna be?

Gonna take the test
like every other bookworm,
or you gonna...

Get creative
and take option "B"?

I'm just gonna take
the test, Justin.

I don't have time to write
a whole folk tale thing.

Well, we could do it together.

It could be kind of fun.

We could cook up
some crazy story

about star-crossed lovers
on the run.

I'd rather just take the test.
Get it over with, okay?

You know, these stickers,
I never would have put 'em on

if I'd known I'd have to live
with them for, like,

the rest of my time
on the planet.

[Justin] Once, there was
a couple named...

Named Jersey and Geraldine.

They'd been together so long,

they could barely remember
a time when they weren't.

But they remember the moment
they fell in love,

because even though
it was a long time ago,

it felt like yesterday
to them.

Or at least yesterday
it felt like yesterday

because today
they had started
to drift apart.

You know what it is,
I just...

I hate this room.

It's all the same stuff.
The... The flowered rug,

the little jewelry house,
the dried flowers,

stupid animal stickers--

And Geraldine knew it was
all their house's fault.

Because the old place
was full of problems,

like the cracks that let in
the cold air in the winter

and pipes that were so squeaky,

they played the "Twilight Zone
Theme" every night.

So they decided
it was time to move away.

[Julia sighs]

Did you know that,
uh, your great-grandfather
had a farm?

And on his farm
he had some ducks.

Hey, Bay.

Come on, dig in.

I think your brother's
still mad at me.

I may have to
go to bed tonight
without my supper.

Just come and help us, Bay.

All right. Why not?

It's kind of fun, huh?

When was the last time we did
a family project out here?


Charlie's wedding?

Oh, nice. Nice, nice.
Thank you very much.


Oh, I'm sorry.

No, wait a second.
Wait a second. -How sorry?
-No, don't even think--

[all scream and laugh]

Oh! Hey, cut that out!


Back off!

Cut it out!


Oh, I dare you.

You dare me?

You dare me?

[both scream]

Uncle! Uncle!

What do you mean "Uncle"?
I'm your grandpa.

You're all confused.

Get back to work now.

That guy's a drill sergeant.
Who knew?

[phone rings]

[Bailey's voice on machine]
Hi, leave a message

and some Salinger or another
will get back to you. Promise.

-[answering machine beeps]
-[woman] Hi, um,

I'm trying to reach
Jake Gordon.

Maybe this isn't
the right number.

Uh, I don't know
whose house this is.

If he is here...

Could you tell him that...
That Lauren called?

Hi, sweetheart?

There's room
on that top shelf up there.
Can you get me the chair?


so Jersey and Geraldine

started packing away
their old things.

You want me to do it?
I can...

No, that's... It's okay.
Just don't let me fall.

There was the head
of the unicorn

he k*lled to impress her,

not knowing it was
her favorite flying horse,

the broken piece
of looking glass

that she used
to put on makeup,

which he said
she never needed.

What was that about?

What was... I don't...

It was about...

Being close to you,
I don't know.

It's been a while.

I just miss kissing you.

Okay, uh...

I've got stuff
I need to bring down.

But when they checked
under their bed

to make sure
they'd packed everything,

they found something strange.

There, behind
the missing socks,

a thick, ugly weed was growing.

And they knew from its size

that it must have
been there a while.

Okay, okay,
that's true, but...

He did have three desserts,

and he was writing
the whole time.

He hardly touched
the tuna tartar.

I knew the cilantro
was a mistake.

How could he finish
all those dishes?

I mean, he ordered
half the menu.

Well, he had to.

With Jason
clearing the plates
every five seconds.


I thought
we did pretty well.

[phone ringing] I did.

I mean,
except for the tuna,
didn't you?

[phone ringing]

Hello? Claudia?

Now? I forgot...
I forgot all about it.

What channel is it?

Okay, bye.

...and, of course my entire...

Oh, my God, she won.
Charlie, she won.

Success like this...

God, this thing is heavy.

You don't get this
on your own.

You need people
who are willing
to back you up

and give you the room to learn
and... And to make mistakes.


uh, well, Charlie,

I love you.

[applause on TV]


[Bailey's voice]
Hi, leave a message

and some Salinger or another
will get back to you. Promise.

[woman on machine]
Hi, this is
Dr. Reichman's office.

Just a reminder, Claudia
has a checkup and a cleaning
tomorrow at 4:00.

[answering machine beeps]

[Lauren] Hi, um,

I'm trying to reach
Jake Gordon.

Maybe this isn't
the right number.

Uh, I don't know
whose house this is.

If he is here...

Could you tell him that...
That Lauren called?

[Jake] Hi, sweetheart?

[Lauren] Is it you?

Lauren, my God!

I got this number from Benny.
I hope that's okay.

Sure, it is. Uh...

I'm just staying
with friends here.

Are you all right?

I have some good news.

I'm getting married, Daddy.

So that was, like,
the first time, right?

Your name was on TV?

And it wasn't even
America's Most Wanted.

You know what it's like?

It's like that guy,
you know, the one who, um,

in the paper,
how he proposed
to his girlfriend

on that big light thing
in Candlestick Park.

Yeah, so romantic.

And right out there
for everyone to see.

Too bad you weren't
at the awards, huh, Char?

I mean,

that would have been,
like, wow, right?

Yeah, Claud, it's too bad.

[knock on door]

Hey, Kathleen.


Have you guys seen yet?

Are you in there?

Nope. You are.

-A review that quick?

-[Julia] Wow! Cool.
-[Claudia] No way.

I wanna see, Char.

Read out loud, Charlie.

[giggling] Charlie, stop!

Let us see. Whoa, this is...

This is good.

They mentioned Terrell,
spelled his name right,
thank God.

Oh, listen to this,
"The seafood bisque was
electric with flavor."

Oh, lemme see.
I wanna see.

We're gonna have to get
like a bunch of these

for the window
at the restaurant.

And Joe's gonna
want one too.

Joe will want 10.

Can you guys run out
and get some of these?

Oh, sure. Come on, Claud,
before they sell out.


So... Quite a night
for both of us.


That was a sweet message
you left me.

Only you didn't say
anything about my speech.

I'm sorry. Um,

it just got so...
With what's-his-face and all.

By the time I looked
at the clock, it was...

Don't worry.
No big deal.

I... I have a tape.

Interesting idea,
a thrift store.

Yeah, well, you know,

the cheaper you buy,
the more you can get,
you know.

I mean, why just move
things around?

Go whole hog.

Change your whole room,
you know.

This raccoon, for instance,

in your room,

would make a very big change.

Put that away.
It's disgusting.

All right, fine.

Hey, what about this?

-"1953 Alameda
County Champions."

What for... For my room?

They were the best girl's
archery team in the county.


I don't know, I mean,

when this picture was taken,

these girls were having, like,
the best year of their lives.

I mean, look at their faces.

Isn't it fun to imagine
what they're thinkin'?

I'm actually kinda
serious about this.

I don't even know
where Alameda County is.

It's across the bay.

All right, fine.
It's a bad idea,
you're right. Don't do that.
Just because I don't like it,

doesn't mean it's a bad idea.

Okay, it's a good idea.

Great, Justin. Just agree
with everything I say.

You're gonna get
pissed off either way,

-so it doesn't--
-No, I'm not.

They yanked at the weed,

they hacked it
and burned it,

they even tried feeding it
Jersey's worst borscht,

the one that k*lled
Uncle Traugott.

But every time
the weed came back,

even stronger than before.

[both arguing]

Excuse me.

Excuse me,
Miss Gordon?

Uh, yes?

Hi, um...

Uh... This is...

Uh, how do you know my name?

Who are you?

Uh, Bailey. Salinger.

You... You...
You called your...
Your father

at my house yesterday.


Um, I think that...

That we're kind of related,
you and me.

I guess I always knew that...

That there was some...

Thing. I...

I found a picture once
of a little girl.
I asked him about it.

He wouldn't...

Can I ask you, um...

And this...
This might be too...

Was... Was he there for you?

I mean, like, was he...
Was he a real dad?

When he was around,
yeah, he was, um...

Sure, yes.

Yes, but...

You know...

It was always a year here,
a year gone.

Maybe two years gone.

He'd send postcards and...
And checks.

He did that.
And then...

And then, one day
out of the blue,

you'd hear this key
in the door, and
it would be, um...

It would be,
"Hi, here I am."

All smiles and happy,
with presents and...


I got into this habit
when I was little.

Anytime he'd go anywhere,
to the grocery,
to play cards, whatever...

I'd always say,
"I love you very much, Daddy."

In case that was gonna be
the last time I'd ever see him.

I always think it might be,
you know.

I thought that...

Twenty minutes ago.

But... All that...
That letting you down
and all that...

Stuff, and... And you still
want him to be
in your wedding?

Hey, you took him in.
You knew what he was like.

I guess we take
what we can get, huh?

I guess. So did you read it?

Just finished.

Well, so did I.

Wanna take a look?

So that's all
you're gonna say,
that you finished it?

I liked it.
I thought it was good.

How come I don't believe you?

I didn't say
I don't have
any problems.

Okay, problems. That's why
I gave it to you to read.

Tell me your problems.

So go ahead, beat me up.
I'm ready.

Well, I liked
the thing about the weed.

I mean, that was a good,
you know, symbol or whatever.

But the way they get rid of it.

They accidentally find a potion
that magically makes it go away?

That's kind of dumb.

Can't you do
better than that?

What? What was it
you wanted to show me?

It looks the same. Look up.

I just thought...

You could lie in bed
and imagine you're looking
up at the stars.

It might make you
feel better.

You gotta be
kidding me, right?

I mean, it's sweet
you doing this, but... It's still just plastic
on the ceiling, you know.

I'll take 'em down.

And she's insisting that
we drive up this weekend.

I told her maybe Sunday.

Maybe, but not to count on it,

that we're really busy.

That's what happens when
your mother sees you
on live TV

announcing that you're in love.

Kathleen, um...


I'm not a very good liar.

What? When did you lie?

About your speech
and why I missed it.

It wasn't because
I was too busy
or I forgot or anything.

[sighing] Um,
what happened is, uh...

Last night, right when
we were closing up,
Kirsten came by.

I was, uh... It was...

I mean,
completely out of nowhere.

So, what did she...

Why did she come to see you?

She wants to get
back together
with you, is that...

Yeah, she kinda does.

Do you?

Well, I... I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

'Cause this is... This is...

This really matters to me,
you know, us.

But, um,
Kirsten and me,
we were...

We were two seconds away
from getting married.

I hate doing this...

To you, but...
I think that I kinda
owe it to her...

To try.

Oh, uh...

This is, uh...

Oh, this is, uh,

this is... Oh, boy.

I wasn't expecting this.

I know.

I know, and I'm...

I'm really,
really sorry, Kathleen.

You deserve...

Just everything.

Ooh, look, how pretty.


Hmm. Snapdragons.

Can we put in
some of these?

Well, angel, I think
we'll have to wait till summer

to plant those,
but let's save that.


Owen's ready for his bath.
It's your turn.

He looked
pretty clean to me.


Nice try.

Worth a shot.


Well, I might as well
hit the hay.

No, wait. Wait a second.

I want you to go.

You have to leave.
You can't stay here anymore.

What are you talking about?

I saw you today...

With your daughter.

-I know.

You don't know.

Lauren has nothing
to do with you.

That's entirely separate.


Who are you?

Do you...
Do you actually think
that that's acceptable?

You have one family,
and you dump them,

and then you have
a whole other family.

Will you let me explain?

No. No, I don't want to hear
anything you have to say, okay?

It's probably just a bunch
of lies, anyway.

Oh, Bailey,
please don't do this.

Everything here is pretty good.

We've all been
getting on so well.

For how long?

How long will that last?

Well, I can't predict--

No. See, no. I can't, okay?

I can't sit around here
and let them love you,

while I'm just waiting.

Just waiting...

The two wedding rings.

Remember, Claud,
that story?

He said he lost one of them.

We never even...

How stupid was that,
to believe him?

Man, I didn't see this comin'.

And now you gotta think,
what else?

You know, I mean,
everything's up for grabs now.

These trips that he takes,
what's that about, huh?

You know what?
Who cares? It doesn't
even matter, because...

Because I told him
he's gotta leave.

You what?

I kicked him out.

'Cause he had another kid once?

What does that
have to do with us?

Bay, you don't just go off
and make a decision like that--

God, Mom never sees him again,
never hears from him

and he just goes off
and replaces her.

And... And he bails
on his second family too.

And the thing is that...
That this girl, Lauren?

She has that look.

You know the look that Mom
used to get sometimes

when you'd look at her
and you'd think,

man, somebody must've
hurt you so much.

Well, Lauren has
that same look.

And, Claudia, I do not want
that to be you someday.

You're... You're just jealous.

-You're just jealous

because he does stuff with me.

He kinda takes care of me now.
Maybe I don't need
you as much any more.

Claudia, that is not why
I'm doing this, okay?

There are danger signs here.
It's like flashing lights.

Come on, you guys.
Everything you're
talking about, that's...

That's old news.
It happened a long time ago.


He hasn't done
anything bad to us.


I think you're wrong, Bay.

He is here.

And it feels real.

And I don't know, maybe...

Maybe it's selfish
or something,

but it gives me a big break
having him around.

Okay, well, what happens
next time he's late
a week or a month?

How can you trust him
after all of this, Charlie?

I don't.

He loves us. I know it.


That's gotta count
for something.

Sure. Sure, it does.

Claudia, it does.
But can you
guarantee me that

he's not going to pull some
disappearing act on us?


Who wants to risk that?

Not me.

Not me.


[indistinct chatter
in background]

Geraldine and Jersey
were old and wise,

but there was someone
in their land

who was wiser
and plenty older.

Some people thought
she was ugly.

Others thought the warts
gave her character,

but everybody knew
The Answer Hag

lived up to her name.

Answer Hag told
Geraldine and Jersey

that if there was
any magic that could solve

their weed problem,

it wasn't something
she could give them.

It was something
they already had,

or used to have.

And it was right
under their noses.

Something bigger
than an air kiss,

but smaller than the La-Z-Boy
she made him throw away.

And they wouldn't
know what it was

until it came along
and bit them.

Look, I'm not...
Don't get me wrong here.

I'm not saying that it was
a great thing to have done.

Probably could have
handled it better,

But... I was stuck.

It was...

Okay, yeah.

It was a lie.

A big, big, bald-faced lie.

But what did you
want me to do?
What was I gonna do?

I didn't wanna
completely devastate her.

It's like today.

I saw you trying to
get away from that girl
during cookies and milk.

And maybe you're gonna
have to make up some story,

tell her that you're...

I don't know. Something.

'Cause you gotta look out
for yourself, O,

but you've also gotta
look out for her.

[sighs] [sighing]

[phone rings]

[on machine]
Hi, it's Kirsten.

I'm sorry I missed your call,
but I'm out of town
until the 22nd.

I'll be checking in though,

so please leave
your name and number

and I'll get back to you.


How long have you
been sitting here?

I'm just...

Tryin', Julia.

And that's all I'm doin'.

Tryin' and tryin'.

Justin... [Justin] You?

You're not doing anything.

And ever since the...

Thing that we can't
talk about happened...

The baby.

I've been there for you.

To talk if you wanted to talk,

and when you
went away that time,
and you didn't tell me?

I let it go.

But now, it's like...
You never even came back.

And what happened,
it happened.

And it sucked.

And we both feel bad about it.

But we gotta try.


We don't laugh,
we don't, uh, kiss...

And I'm not even talking
about sleeping together.

I mean the...
The simple stuff,
like, uh...

Like holding hands.

We don't do any of it.

So, um...

Here's the thing, uh,
there is a school dance...

Tomorrow and
I would like us to go.

And I know it's dorky, but...

I don't care.

Don't even answer
if you're not gonna say yes.

Because, otherwise...

this isn't gonna work.


It's not gonna work.

Okay. Hey.

You thirsty? No.

Can I help?

I did it for you.

And I know
you don't get that,
but it's true.

And I know what
the deal is, I know

that you wanted some
wonderful grandfather.

Like... Like Heidi.

Or those Waltons' reruns.
We all did.

But that's not Jake.


I'm only gonna say this once. I'm not talking
to you anymore.

Yeah. Yes...

You will.
I don't know when,
but you will.

Because you're gonna want...
A ride somewhere.


Or you'll need to say,
"Pass the butter." Or...

Or you'll hear
some stupid joke

that you'll wanna tell me
and you know what?


Claudia, listen to me!

You know what?

When you decide
that you wanna
talk to me again,

I'll be here.

I'll be here, and...

And he never
would have stayed.

Oh, you know everything now?

You're God?

What if you're wrong?
Look how much I lose.

And you're the one
who's taking it away
from me, not him.


You come to run me out
of San Francisco? Town's not big enough
for both of us?


No, I just...

I just wanted to
make sure of everything,
you know? I mean...

I mean, I told you
to leave, and you did,

but... But you and I never...

Got to... We never...

Come on in.

I don't know
what you want from me.

Okay, see.

See, here's the thing.

Losing people is kind of...

Kind of a sore spot
for all of us.

And having you around
the house was...

It's been...

Kind of like...

It's been almost like
having a parent again.

Which has been great.

It's been really great, but...

But really scary
because of
your track record.

Am I wrong about you?


Say something, damn it!
Gimme something!


I'm serious.

I need you to tell me
if I'm wrong!


Because, God, I am...
I am making

this huge decision
for everybody.

And if I'm making a mistake,
then they all get hurt,

and that's my fault.
That's on me.

When I was married
to your grandmother,
all those years,

whenever I felt trapped, I'd...

Get into the car
and I would drive somewhere,
anywhere, for an hour or two

and come back...

And try again.

That last time,
I kept telling myself...

"Jake, turn this car around
and go home."

But I couldn't.

That's what happened.

That's what happens.

You're a pretty good judge
of character, Bailey.

And I'm sorry. I am too.

I want you to know
that you'll still be
taken care of.

For college.


Don't disappear, okay?

Um, write us
or call when you can.

I will. And, uh...

And if anything ever...

Happens to you.
You know, if ever...

Maybe somebody can call us.

Uh, you wanna know
when I die?

I just don't want to be
wondering all the time.

So Geraldine and Jersey
searched everywhere

for the thing
that was missing.

Was it the ancient shoes
that he wore to their wedding?

Was it the lock of her hair
that she gave him

when they were engaged?

It was none of these.

And then one day,

while they were searching
the house separately,

Geraldine and Jersey
met in a hallway
and couldn't get by.

When he moved left,
she moved right,

and when she moved left,
he moved right.

And pretty soon,
they realized
that they were dancing.

And it made them laugh.

And when they laughed,
they heard the house shake
with a strange noise,

almost like it was
laughing with them.

They went downstairs
and saw

that the noise
was the giant weed

getting sucked
through the floor,

inhaled back into the earth.

And the more they laughed,

the faster the weed went away.

Here you go.
He loves to swing.


We're not going to
see you anymore,
are we?

Well, sure.

Sure, you are.

Here and there.

This isn't goodbye
or anything.

She was 10, right?


When you... When I left.

I was 10 when she died.


So we knew her
the same amount.

You know things that
I'll never know about her.

And I know lots of stuff
that you don't.

I guess I just
thought that, um...

That there was
gonna be time where...

We could tell each other.

So, what if...

What if I tell you,
like, everything?

All the stuff that
I know about her.

Will you tell me?


[rock music playing]


[slow dance music plays]

We're gonna have to get out
there sooner or later.

Better this song than,
like, the Bee Gees.

Um, I'm sorry.

What's wrong?

I don't know.
I don't know.

Is it the music?
We could wait
if you wanna wait.

No, um...

I don't feel like it.

I want to,
but I... I don't.

-I just... I don't.

Not to be, uh,
too pushy, but...

I need my key back.

Oh. Yeah. Sure.

That's the thing
about relationships,

one day you're
exchanging house keys,

the next you're
changing your locks.

And I don't wanna
change my locks, so...



One last drink for
auld lang syne?

I would, but, uh, I kinda
have to meet Kirsten, so...

You can stop that now,
you know?

Because I know
that you're not
meeting Kirsten.

I called. She's out
of town until the 22nd.

[sighing] Kathleen--

I guess you wanted
to spare my feelings.

Uh, whatever your reasons, uh...

Anyway, uh,
I appreciate the kindness.

I do.

God. I feel like such a...

No, no. Just stop.

I... I want you to go on.

Go live your life, and...

I'm gonna go back
to focusing on the things
in my life that I do well.

Dating, obviously,
not being one of them.

I don't know how many times
I have to say it, but this...

Us not working out and all,
it has nothing to do with you.

It's me. It's my fault.

And I know I owe you money,

and I promise
we'll work out a schedule

for me to pay you back
'cause I don't want you
to think--

That's not gonna be necessary.

Besides, it might be
a little difficult.

I don't think so. I mean,
the restaurant's doing great.

I'd like to think I had
something to do with that.

You did.

A lot.

I've, um...

Been thinking about that,
actually, and, uh,

just because you and I
aren't together anymore,

that doesn't mean that
I should give up something

that I've put so much time
and energy and money into.

I've put together
an investment group.

We're buying the whole building.

I know it's a good location
for a restaurant.

Not necessarily
your restaurant, but...


Well, if I were you, I wouldn't
expect my lease to be renewed.

But you've got what,
three months?
So that should--

This is... This is...

Why are you doing this?


This has nothing
to do with you.


And it sounded so true
when you said it.

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