02x16 - Comings and Goings

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x16 - Comings and Goings

Post by bunniefuu »

[Bailey] I wasn't
even expecting you.

How come you didn't
use your own keys?

Were you waiting
out there long?

No, not very.

So anyway, we're
just sitting there

and he just walks in, like,
"Hello, I'm your grandfather."

And nobody knew
what to say, you know?

And I don't... I don't
really know what
it means, that he...

that he showed up.

I mean, maybe...

Maybe I guilted him
into wanting to meet them.

But, then... Then,
can we trust him?

You know, is he
gonna stick around?

The guy's definitely got
a history of flaking out
on people, that's for sure.

-Take off your jacket.
-I wasn't planning on staying.

Apparently, neither are you.


Well, I ran into
Warren Danziger
at the coffeehouse.

He had a message for you.

He said that he got
into Hampshire State, too,

and if you were looking
for a roommate...

And I said, "What are
you talking about?

You know, Bailey's not
going back East for school.

He's staying here
in San Francisco."

But apparently that's
not what your guidance
counselor told him.

[sighs] Okay.

Okay, look. First of all...

First of all, when
I applied to Hampshire State,

you and I, we weren't even...
we weren't even together yet.

And I never thought that
I would get into that place.

It was, like, this
huge long shot. Really.

Okay. Yes.

Yes, I got accepted.

But you're not
gonna go, right?


Sarah, listen,
before you get upset,

I-I know what
you're thinking, and... And you have to know
that me going away to college

isn't gonna change
anything between us at all.

What are you
talking about, Bailey?

You're leaving.
You're going 3000 miles away.

You're going as far away
from here as you can get.

-That changes everything.
-Sarah, listen--

You're someone to be
talking about flaking out.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Okay. Okay, I'll remember.


[Claudia] Okay!

-Who's she talking to?


Grandpa Jake.
Sounds kind of weird.

[laughs] Yeah. Bye.

Okay. Bye.

-What did he want?
-I called him. Just to talk.

You let her call him?

It's a free country.
What's with you?

I was thinking about him
all night. And you guys... I can't believe it.
And I can't believe that...

this is actually happening.

-You know, that he came back.

You know, he's not exactly
how I pictured him. But,
I mean, it doesn't matter.

It's just like, you know,
all of a sudden, we have
a whole family.

-We already have a family.
-Well, yeah, no, I know, but--

I'd slow down
a little, Claud.

We spent, what,
two hours with the guy?

Look at his track record.

So you're not even
gonna give him a chance?

Let's see if the guy
sticks around. That's
the most important thing.

I bet he will. I mean, after
what he said last night--

What did he say?
He didn't say anything.

He asked a lot
of questions about Mom. And he said that
he was a terrible father

and that he felt guilty
for leaving her.

Whoop-dee-doo. Like that was
hard to admit 30 years later.

Look, Jule,
I'm angry at him too.

I just... I want him around.

Yeah, well, I don't.

And we're doing fine.
I don't know what the hell
we need him for.

We don't need him for anything.
I mean, that's not the point.

Anyway, we're doing something
together this afternoon.

-You are not.
-I am too.

No, you're not. We don't
even know this guy. He's
practically a stranger.

You're not going out
by yourself with a stranger.
Forget it.

Look, he's my grandfather.
I mean, you can't stop me.

Charlie, you trust
this guy?

Then go with her, Jule.

Look, I am... I am just
going away to college.

People go away to college,
like, constantly.

Right, no big deal.
That's why you
kept it a secret.

No! That's not...
I don't know, look...

I guess... Okay, I was
afraid of how you'd react.

-I didn't wanna upset you.
-Oh, God, don't give me that.

-What a load of crap.
-Okay, look.

I am a senior, right?

So didn't it ever occur
to you that I might think
about going away to college?

No, it didn't, okay?
It didn't.

And maybe it's because
you never mentioned
that you were interested.

And you talked about
state schools all the time.

-Last week!

So, no. The idea that
you'd wanna leave me
never occurred to me.

I don't want
to leave you, Sarah.

Remember these?

Key to your house.
You gave it to me.

And you said that that would
be a place that I could go,
where I'd be safe and loved.


Sarah, don't you
think you're--

[school bell ringing]

Don't you think you're
overreacting here a little bit?

Listen. There are...

There are tons
of school vacations.

There's Christmas break.
There's spring break.

And you can come visit me
whenever you want to.

And we'll talk
on the phone all the time.

And we'll get the e-mail thing,
so we can write each other,

like, four, five times
a day if you want.

Like that's even close
to the same thing.

Like 3000 miles away
doesn't matter.


Look, it's not like
I'm leaving tomorrow.

You know, I'm not.
We still have...

We still have six months.
That is a lot of time.

It's more time
than we've been going out.

-So, six months?

Okay, so we can spend pretty
much every minute together?

Right. See? Exactly.

And I can fall even more
in love with you?

You could.

Yeah, and then, it'll hurt
that much more when you leave.

Call screening.
It's gotta have call screening,

because I cannot stand
talking to Wayne anymore.

Last week, what was it? Oh.

His skin was breaking out
from loneliness.

I mean, my God, we've been
apart five months now.

Enough already.


Can I get some help, please?

Get some help for Wayne.

Hey, you should look
at cell phones, Charlie.

It's getting impossible
to track you down.
I call you at home,

they think you're
at Salinger's.

I call you at Salinger's,
they say you're at home.

Nobody ever seems to know
where you are anymore.

Looking for a beeper?

No. Not really.

They're pretty
popular these days.

A lot of kids have them.
Big with doctors too.

High-profile business types.

Guys cheating
on their wives or girl...



How much did you say
these things were? Well, if anything
strikes your fancy,

you just say the word.

Thanks, Grandpa.

[laughs] The same offer
goes for you, Julia.

Um, no, thanks.
I don't like buying
in places like these.

Really? Why not?

Well, just because
something's from the past,

everyone seems to think
that it's so precious
and so valuable.

Most of the time,
it's just a big ripoff.

Of course,
you never know, uh...

either way, unless you take
a really good look.

For instance,
what do you think of this?

-It's pretty cool.

Well, let's buy this.

Wow. Thanks.

What do you think?
Have you got anybody
in mind to put in there?

Mm, I don't know.

Then, I can help
you with that.

Now, here

is your Mom

when she was about
two years younger than you.


Jule, look at this.
Look what Grandpa bought me.

It's okay. I know exactly
what he's buying, Claudia.

I couldn't help
but notice that yours was...

Well, the hands were broken,
and the crystal was cracked,

and the strap
was frayed, so...

-You like it?

Yeah. Yeah.

But it's not like there's
a special occasion.

It's February.

[laughs] We're
celebrating February.

The shortest month
of the year.

I forgot to get
you something.

It's okay. This is not
about even exchanges.

-Mm. You know what I could do?

I could, uh, fix that
window in your bathroom,

the one where
the sill's warped?

-No, it's no problem.

I mean, I've got
the tools in my truck.

Charlie... I don't
want you fixing my windows.

Why not?

Because I have people
who can do that for me.


And that's not
what I need you for.

[beeper ringing]

-What is that?

I got a beeper.

The kids.

-[Kathleen groans]

I didn't know what else to do.

I mean... And I know
you just saw one,

but I swear there are
at least two, and...

Ew, I may have to move!

Well, there was only
one in the trap, and
we got rid of it, so...

I think you can probably
come down from there now.

Good. Good.

As long as I don't have
to spend a minute here alone,

then I promise
not to be afraid.

Emily, uh, I don't know.

It's been kind of a...
a weird, long night.

-And I thought I'd just--
-Oh, no. Oh, no, you don't.

You've been bugging me
about this for a long time.

And now you're here,
and I'm here, and it's late. And you are not
going anywhere.



Um, here's the thing.

Could you carry me
into the bedroom?

Because I am not setting foot
on this floor ever again.

Okay. [Sarah singing]
♪...with another guy ♪

♪ That's what you get ♪

♪ If you go chasing
After vengeance ♪

♪ Ever since you
Got me punctured ♪

♪ This has been my sentence ♪

♪ Oh, I used to be disgusted ♪

♪ And now I try to be amused ♪

♪ But since their wings
Have got rusted ♪

♪ You know the angels
Wanna wear my red shoes ♪

♪ But when they told me about
Their side of the bargain ♪

♪ That's when I knew
That I could not refuse ♪

♪ And I won't
Get any older now... ♪

-What are you...
-Uh... I don't know.

I didn't think I'd
need to see her.

♪ Oh, I said I'm so happy
I could fly... ♪

I should have looked at
that picture you brought.

Maybe that would've
been enough, huh?

Are you gonna talk to her?

Um... yeah.

Maybe that would be all right.

For us to... get to know
each other a little bit.


She is beautiful.

♪ I just wanna
Wear my red shoes ♪

♪ And I won't get any older ♪

♪ Now the angels wanna
Wear my red shoes ♪

Thank you. Good night.

[crowd cheering]

-Not now. I don't wanna talk.

No. It's not about that.

Somebody that wants
to meet you.


[clears throat] I'm, um...


Yeah, I know who you are.

[bartender] Last call,

We're out of here in five.

Hey, man.

Give them twenty
more minutes, would you?


[indistinct chattering]

[sentimental music playing]

Sarah. Hey.

I tried to call
you last night.

Yeah, I was... I was tired.
I had the machine on.

So, wow, huh?

How did it go? I was
thinking about you all night.

It went okay.

Really? Just okay?

Because, I don't know,
it really seemed

like you guys were connecting.

What did you...
What did you talk about? You know, stuff.

Stuff. Huh.

So, was it kind of
how you expected it? You know, Bailey,
I really don't feel
like blabbing about this.

Oh, okay. I just...

I just wanted to...
see how things went.

Are you gonna...
Are you gonna get
together again, maybe?

Yeah, we are.
We made plans.

-Really? What are you gonna do?
-Bailey, they're our plans.

Robin's and mine.
In fact, we're probably

gonna be spending
a lot of time together.

So, you're just gonna
have to get used to that.

What are you doing?

Sarah, what, are you...
Are you punishing me?

You're mad at me,
so you're shutting me out?
Is that what you're doing?

Look, Bailey, you have stuff
in your life that's private.

Now I do too.
What's wrong with that?

[school bell ringing]

You know,
I was just thinking

how depressing
it's gotta be for him.

You know, to go home every day
to a lonely hotel room and some dinky little fridge,

TV remote nailed
to the night table.

When he could be
staying in a real house

with his family.

Look, Claud,
since he hasn't asked,

I really don't see
the point in offering.

Yeah, but... You know,
I was thinking

it would be nice for us
too, to have him around.

I mean, to have him
right there, all the time.

[Bailey] Have who
right where all the time?

-What about him?

Claudia wants him
to move in.


Move in with us? Really?

-I'm thinking no.
-What are you worried about?

I mean, he's gonna
steal the silver?

No. I just think we should
all give it some time.

I mean, technically,
yes, he's our family

but he's...
he's also a stranger.

-But he's trying not to be.
-[Bailey] He's right, Claud.

He's right. It's too soon.
We should give it some
more time.

So, how long do we wait?

I mean, you really think
we're gonna get close to him

by seeing him a few times
a week, all dressed up,
and on our best behavior?

You think that one day,
all of a sudden,

he's just gonna feel like
he's really our grandfather,

and that's when
we give him the key?

Claud, I'm not talking
about waiting a year.

-I'm just saying--
-Why wait at all? What for?

He's here, and he wants
to be a part of our lives.

And you know what?

He's not so young.

I mean, what if
something happens?

What if something
happens before

we really get
a chance to love him?

These are so lovely.
Thank you.

[laughs] You're welcome.
Yeah, is it okay that I'm here?

I mean, do you need
to get ready or anything?

Oh, no. No, it's really
nice that you're here.

You know, there's this other
gal in the show. Big diva.

I mean, God help
anybody who knocks

on her dressing room door
while she's preparing.

I don't know.
I just go on stage.

I turn it on.
Come off, turn it off.

I know. I know.
I do that, too, with singing.

You know, no big process.
I just kind of do it.



I'm really glad I'm getting
to see this before it closes.

So, do you have to look
for another job now?

Nope. Thankfully, the
producers like me enough

to keep me for the tour.

So, I will be dying
across America

for the next
six to eight months.

Oh, God! I just gave away
the ending. I'm sorry.

Sorry. Anyway,
it's a big break for me.

Thank God I won't
have to be auditioning
all the time and...


What is it?

You're leaving?

Well, not permanently.
But for a little while, yeah.

You know what?
I'll give you my itinerary.

Maybe we can do
the pen pal bit.

I don't...
I don't understand.

Why would come looking for me
if you were planning to leave?


Well, I just...
I just thought...

We've made
a great start, Sarah.

So it's not like we're gonna
have to begin all over again
when I get back.

And, you know,
to tell you the truth,

it made it a lot easier
for me to know that
you were out there

and wondering about us,
and wanting us to meet.

Wait, you knew?

Yeah. From Bailey.

-At the coffeehouse?

He tracked me down
about a month ago.

And I am so glad
he did. I am.

Because I think it
feels right that we should
be friends, don't you?


Yeah. Well, I should
let you get dressed.

Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed
that you'd all talk this
over together.

Well, we didn't.
No one said a word to me.

Because I wouldn't have just
barged over here like this...

I better just go check back
into the hotel, huh?


Yeah, I think that would
be a really good idea.

It was my mistake.

Just tell your sister
I'll call her from the hotel.



What, are you, like,
on fire or something?

Did you tell Jake
that he could live with us?

Yeah. Why? Why, is he here?

No, he is not here.
I sent him away.

He is not moving in with us.

Charlie and Bailey
said it was okay.

-I don't care!
-I don't have to listen to you.

You don't get to decide.
Three to one. You lose.

What is the matter with you?
Why are you being nice to him?

-Because he's my grandfather.
-No! He is not!

He is nothing to you!

He... He is just the man
who ran out on Mom.

So you're just gonna
forgive him for that?
Is that it?

-I didn't--
-God! What gives you the right
to forgive him for her?

-Do you have any idea what
it was like for her? Do you?

Did she ever tell you
what it was like?

-Well, she told me.

She told me what it was
like to have him leave her
without a goodbye or a note.

Without ever calling
to say once

that he loved her
or thought about her.

And what it was like to think
that that was her fault.

And you.

Just because you want someone
to take you for ice cream

or to some stupid swap meet.
I can't believe you!

I can't believe
how selfish you are!

Why don't you just go
to the cemetery and spit
on Mom's grave?

-Julia, that is--
-'Cause that is
what you're doing!

[door slams]

[car horn honks]

Come on.
You're kidding, right?

Why on earth would
anyone hate foreign films?

-Um... subtitles?

Look, it's got
great reviews.

And believe me, Charlie,
when you see this woman,

you won't care that
there are subtitles.

Now, go get in line.
I'll get the tickets.

-Oh, hi.

Hey, hello. Hi.


Are you, uh...?

-Are you here alone?
-What? Alo... No. Um...

Actually, I'm here with,
um... that... that woman,

you know, the...
the birthday that I catered?

That woman. It's sort
of a business thing.

She... She wants me
to do another party.

And she was thinking, like,
this... this Italian theme,

because, uh... because
her fiancée is Italian.

From Italy. Roberto.

Oh, really? She's engaged?

Yeah. Didn't I mention that?

Yeah, it's an engagement party
that she's planning.

And it's, um...
It's a lot of business
riding on it for me.

-I really couldn't say no.
-They're sold out.

I know.
You're devastated.

[Emily] Good thing
I got here early.

Hi. Emily. I think
maybe we met before.

Anyway, congratulations.

Charlie told me.

Oh. Yeah. Thanks.

Anyway, uh...

Well, if they're...
If they're sold out,

then, uh, we should
probably get going.


It looks like
you're going in.

Oh. Yeah.
I guess I should.

-She's an old friend.

Jacob Gordon, please.

Oh, he's not?

Yes, this is
Claudia Salinger.

Tell him...

Tell him that I'm not
gonna be able to get
together tomorrow

like we planned.

No, he doesn't
have to call back.

Tell him not to call back.

Thank you.

-Oh, hey! I didn't expect--
-You know what? I would

I would really...
I would really like to know why you think it's okay
to lie to me about everything.

Why is it okay
to treat me that way?

-You saw her, Bailey.

A month ago. You saw my mother,
and you never told me. -Sarah, listen--
-And it's like every day
a new lie with you.

Sarah, come on. What...

What was I supposed
to do? Huh?

She said she didn't
wanna see you. Was I...

Was I really supposed to come
home and tell you that?

You can be mad at me
about a lot of things,

but you cannot be mad
at me about that. You can't.

You just... you just can't.


She's going away.


In two days she's going
on tour for a longer time.

I don't know. I'll probably
never see her again.

I didn't...
I didn't know that.

And I'm so angry

at myself for being surprised.

Why... Why am I surprised
that people leave?

'Cause... 'Cause that's
what people do.

You know,
people leave, right?

I gotta be more careful.
Remind me of that, okay?

[car horn honking]

-Hi. Are you waiting for me?
-Yeah. Yeah, I was.

Because I wanna know
what the hell you're doing.

Showing up one day,
and then taking off the next.

-Excuse me?
-So... So, what?

You met her, right?
You got her out of your system

-and now you're gonna walk away.
-Oh, God. All right.

First of all, you are
way out of line, kiddo.

And second of all,
I'm not walking away.
I'm taking a job.

Yeah, well, that's not
how Sarah sees it.

-Well, that's too bad.
-Yeah, it is.

You know what? I don't have
to explain myself to you.

[sighs] Look, I...
I came to see her to see what she looks like,
and to know that she's okay.

And to let her do the same
thing with me. And that's it.

Well, you picked
a great time to do it.

Two days before
you're leaving town?

It's like you're walking
out on her all over again.

-I am not--
-And you know what?

And this is the incredible
part. I'm the one who's
getting blamed for it.

What are you talking about?

All I wanna do is go away
to college. That is it.

And that is not so much
to want, right? People do
that all the time.

And I've been counting
on this for so long.

Only now, with you
skipping out on her--

Is that why you're here?
That's what your problem is.

-I get it. Now I get it.

No, you don't!

I am here because of Sarah.

Because... Because
it is so unfair

to just come walking
into somebody's life

without even thinking about
what you might mean to them,

or what it might mean to them
when you just walk away.

Well, I'm sorry, but I
didn't make her any promises.

Did you?

Claudia seems more focused,
more conscientious.

Her problem-solving
skills seem sharper.

Great. How late do you think
you'll have to be here?

She's maintaining
an A-minus average. Because I thought maybe we
could get a bite or something.

And aside from a few
late homework assignments,

there's really
nothing else to report.

-So, we can do this again
in a couple of months.

Emily! Enough with
the professional stuff.

Aside from that,

I never wanna see you again.


You think I'm stupid?

I saw that woman touch you
and straighten your collar.

And I'm sorry, but you don't
do this... to your caterer.


Oh, God.

Can I explain?

Will you let me?

Sure. If you have
something to say

that's gonna make
a difference, you tell me.



I was so careful
not to get hurt.

But, uh, what are you
gonna do? What are you
gonna do, you know,

when you start to feel
something for somebody?

You gotta take a chance.

[laughs sarcastically]

You have to admit,
it's kind of a sick joke
that this happened

the day after
I slept with you.

Anyway, um...
I made it a rule not to cry

at parent-teacher conferences,
so just get out of here, okay?

I'm sorry.

I never... I didn't mean
for this to happen.

I swear. And...

I know it doesn't
seem that way, but...

You could, um,

be a little more careful
of people, you know?

You could have been
a little careful of me. Am I doing something
that is so terrible?

-No, I know I'm not.

You don't even have
to answer that. I know I'm not.

Okay, then.

Only now, I'm just
the next person

waiting in line
to disappoint her.

And I really don't
wanna do that.

So I'm, like, I'm trapped.

And it just...
It just feels like

that's how it's always been.

You know, and how
it's always gonna be.

Whenever I want
something for myself,

there's always somebody
else that I gotta take care
of first.

Owen or Claudia.

Or Sarah.

Well, it's your life, Bay.

You're allowed to be
a little bit selfish sometimes.



[sighs] It's
unbelievable, huh?

The one time
that I get a break.

Some jerk
in the Admissions office

probably lost his eyeglasses.

Misread my transcript.
And I get in.

And it's the best thing
that has ever happened
to me in my life.

Maybe it's the second best.

Maybe Sarah's the best.

Ah, whatever I choose...

What a mess.

Just so you know, we had
a pop quiz in Miss Schrader's
class today.

It was the first
pop quiz we had

since the last time
you guys had a fight.

So, all I'd like to know is,
what'd you do this time?

Um, Claudia,
you know what?

I'm not so sure that
now is the time to... She found out, didn't she?

-About bachelorette number two?
-Hey, that is none of your...



-She kind of did.
-I knew it.

Listen, I was gonna
talk to you about it--

Save it, Charlie.

People don't change.

And given your record,
it was my fault

for thinking you'd do
anything but screw up.

It's my fault for thinking
much more of a lot
of people in this family.

It's, like, I wish
that just once

you'd surprise me.

[Sarah] I'll see
you guys tomorrow.


[indistinct chattering]

Could you move, please?

It's gonna be pretty hard
to see out the windshield
with me up here like this.

Look, Bailey, it's been
a really long night.

I'm exhausted,
and I just wanna go home.


Sarah, wait.
Wait a second.

I've been
thinking, and...

And I'm not gonna go.

I won't go.

You won't?

It's freezing there
this time of year.

Who needs that?

-I can't tell you that.

No, no, no.

[inaudible dialog]

[car starts]

Come on, Thurber.

Thurber, you lazy
good for nothing.

Okay. Fine, that's it.


That's it! I'm going myself.

What are you...

What is this?
What are you doing here?

Uh, this is a... A letter that
I've written to all of you,

explaining why
I'm headed out of town.


There's not much
point in staying.

Doesn't seem to be
a future for all of us.

No. I think that's right.

This is my old...
My old pocket watch.

I used to tell your mother
that this had magical powers.

And, uh, she'd swing it back
and forth in front of my eyes,

pretending that
she was hypnotizing me.

[gasps softly]

I was going to
leave it for her,

and I don't know why I didn't.

And then, over the years,
I was going to send it back.

But every time I'd sit
down to write a letter,

I'd get as far as,
"Dear Diana," and then I...

I'd like you to have it.

I don't want it.

Oh, please.

I don't want things from you.

-We're family.
-I don't care.

We don't have that
many people besides each other.

I don't care.

Someday you will.

Someday you're gonna
care very much.

And it may be too late.

You wanna avoid that

at all costs.

At all costs.

You wanna avoid
letting it be too late.

You waited thirty years.
I don't feel sorry for you.

I feel sorry for my Mom.

And I feel sorry for me,
because I should have had
a grandfather.

I want to try.

I want to try with you,
Julia because you...

Well, standing there, you...

You're just like your mother.

I'm as close
as I'll ever be

to seeing her again.


Okay. Okay.

I'm just trying to...

I wanna... I wanna be
really clear here.

I wanna know exactly
what you mean by...
by "an old friend."

Jared got me started
in the news business

before he moved
over to corporate.

He and I see each other
whenever we're in each
other's cities.

See each other how?

Because it sure as hell
didn't seem like

you were talking shop
downstairs just now.

Well, what do you
want me to say, Charlie?

Oh. I'm sorry you saw that.

It certainly wasn't
my intention

to wave Jared's and my
relationship in your face.

Let me understand this.

You're sorry not that you're
sleeping with another guy,

but that I found
out about it?

Please don't take the moral
high ground here, Charlie,

because, trust me,
you'll lose.

And what's that
supposed to mean?

It means, I know about
you and your little friend.

Irma, Emma, Emily?


I... You...

That... that's over.

And I assume
you broke it off

because you saw
the error of your ways?

-Guess not.

Guess she found out
and ended it first, huh?

Your turn.


Yes, look. I...
I didn't handle that well.

And I'm not saying
that what I did was right.

It wasn't right.
It was wrong. And...

But the truth is...

The... the difference is...

The difference is--

Yes, tell me what
the difference is, Charlie.


The difference is,
is that I feel bad about it.

And obviously, Kathleen,
you don't give a damn.

"'Excellent', said Mr. Lion,
who was perched

atop the toy chest with
the other stuffed animals.

'I've also taught you
how to roar."'

[all] Yay!

-That was a good one, eh, Owen?

[Jake] Let's try some other
form of amusement.

-What about the slide?
-[Bailey] The slide.

There we are. It's a long time
since I did any of that.

[Julia] Well, I'm gonna put
some tea on. You want some?

[Jake] Yes, I'd
love some tea,

as long as it isn't any of that
sissified herbal stuff.

[laughs] Okay, you got it.

Who uses this?
You or Charlie?

I don't believe you.

I don't believe you're
sitting out there with him,

all friendly and kissy-kissy
and everything.

I mean, after what you
said to me about Mom?


So, it's like I'm evil
for even talking to him,
but you're allowed

to just change your mind.
All of a sudden, he's your
best friend.

No, that's not it.
Look, Claud, I'm sorry.

Is that why you said
that stuff to me?

Just so you could
have him all to yourself?

-Then how come all of a sudden

you don't care
about Mom's feelings?

No, I do.
I do, Claudia.

-Then why is he here?

Because... [sighs]

I've been trying to figure out
what she would have done.

I mean, what she would
have done if one day
she opened the door,

and there he was,
standing on the doorstep,

wanting so badly to apologize.

And the thing is...
he hurt her so much, Claudia,

that she wouldn't
have forgiven him.

Well, then, why would you?

But I think she might
have been holding Owen,

or maybe you would have been
practicing in the living room,

or I would've been doing
my homework on the stairs,

like I used to.

And she would have
thought of us.

And she would
have said to him,

"It's too late
for the two of us.

But you know what?
I have five children.

And maybe you can
mean something to them."

Don't you think
she might have said that?

I mean, doesn't that
sound like something
she might have said?

[Bailey laughing]

Well, maybe this is
too big of an imposition.

I don't know. I mean,
you tell me if it is.

But, um... Amanda just
hates traveling with me.

I mean, stuck in that box
all day, who can blame her?

So, I was wondering
if you wouldn't mind

keeping an eye on her?

I mean, while I'm gone.

You're giving me a cat?

Just lending, actually.


Oh, okay, so I guess
this is kind of like

a consolation prize, right?

-Lose a mother, gain a pet.

No, I mean, I guess
I should feel grateful. You know, it's a guarantee
that you'll come back.

After all,
you love your cat.

[cat purring]


What do you want
from me, Sarah?

I don't know.


I wanna know
that you care enough

not to just disappear
when we're getting started.

I wanna know
that I matter to you.

And the only way
I can prove that to you
is by staying?

You can't make
rules like that.

Why? Why can't I?

Because it's not fair.
That's why.

You know, you just
can't dictate what we're
gonna mean to each other.

You have to let what's
gonna happen just happen.

Yeah. What if this is it?

I mean, what if this is
as close as we ever get?

Well, I...
I can't promise, Sarah.

I mean, I don't know
what's gonna be.

But, you know,
you gotta trust

that all the ways
that we're alike,

and all the things
that connect us,

means that our relationship
isn't as fragile as you think
it is.

It's not gonna disappear
over Poughkeepsie.

How you know that for sure?

Well, I don't know.

But you see, Sarah,
I'm okay with leaving

because I know
I'm coming back.

Gotta have
a little faith, Sarah.

I don't know how
Bay managed it.

'Cause she was dating
Will, but then he got
her back and all.

Julia and Justin, they were,
like, so mad at each other.

Then, all of a sudden,
they were just, like...

I mean, like this...
You have to pry them
apart with a crowbar.

[clears throat]

Uh, I'm with the family
historian here.

Ah, you mention how many times
you've been grounded lately,

or did you conveniently leave
that part of the update out?

Hey. My life is an open book.


Wait a minute.
Where are you going
with that?

Well, I was just gonna
get it out of your way.
Take it down to the basement.

Well, it isn't in my way.

I think we ought to leave it
here for the time being.

-Why, you going somewhere?
-You only just got here.

Well, I will be
going out of town

for a couple of days
every now and then.

You know, I've got a lot
of business concerns
in a lot of places.

In fact, next week,
I'm gonna have to go
to Phoenix.

For how long? I mean...
you're coming back, right?

Oh, I'll be back.
I promise.

And while I'm gone,

I want you to take care
of this for me.

I don't like
to travel with it.

It's got a lot of
valuable stuff in it.

-What's this?
-That's a medal.

Got it in World w*r II.
I got that for being wounded.

Caught a piece of shrapnel.

Cool. Got a scar?

-Sure I've got a scar.

-You have two wedding bands.
-Huh? What?

Two wedding bands?

Oh, yeah. Well, I'll
tell you about those.

Once I thought
that I'd lost mine.

And I was so afraid
that your grandmother

would have a fit
when she found out,

that I went out
and I bought another one.

[both laugh]

You know what
you could do with that?

I've seen people wear them
on a chain around the neck.




[jazz music playing on jukebox]

I, uh, can't stay.

Okay. Well, uh, thanks
so much for stopping by.


Here's the thing
you should know about me.

I generally like
to keep my options open.

Yeah, no kidding.

I haven't had many
big relationships, Charlie,

just lots of little ones.

Hey, I know the type.

Fill up on appetizers
'cause you don't like
the looks of the main course.

God, please don't be glib.


I don't wanna
not give a damn.

I mean...

I don't wanna be the kind
of person who doesn't give
a damn.

I mean, I could give a damn.

I mean, I do

give a damn.

About you.



So, uh...

What I was thinking
is, and this is just
a suggestion,

how about you give me
your little black book,

and I give you mine,
and we just, sort of,

see what happens?


I meant that figuratively.

You actually
have a black book?

[laughing] Oh, no.
Give that to me.

[laughs] Oh, no.


I don't even get a star?

[both laugh]

I can work on that.

Did I say I can't stay?

I... I can't stay.

I'm going. I'm gone.

[soft rock music playing]


Application to State.

"Choose one word
that best describes you."

Hmm, I can think of a few.

But I don't think they'd
help you get into colleges.



Hey, guess what.
I got a cat.

-You did?

It's kind of on a loan,
actually. It's Robin's.

Can I see that?



Hey! What are you...
What are you doing?

Look, you'll get one
of those parka things.

Keep you warm.

♪ Seeing right through you ♪

♪ Took so long... ♪


I know you'll be back.

♪ And I am a broken record ♪

Because you love me.

♪ And I never knew myself ♪

♪ But I'm still learning
So go ♪

-♪ Go, go, go, just go ♪
-♪ Going to give
You the world ♪

♪ Smile on the face of her ♪

♪ Go, go, go, just go ♪

♪ Want to give you the world ♪

♪ Just go ♪
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