02x05 - Change Partners... and Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x05 - Change Partners... and Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

A what night?

A lounge night.
Kind of a '50s thing.


-Oh, I got you.

Anyway, it'll bring
a new crowd
into Salinger's.

You know, the whole
lounge thing is very hip.

If you say so.

Hey, look at her.

What a woman?

If I were you,
I'd marry her.

Hey, Kirsten,
teach me
how to do that.



Hey, Bailey!
Bailey, slow down.

-Slow down.
-Julia, make him stop!

No warning?

You just walked in,
and he fired you.

Well, did he at least
give you a reason?

about my attitude.

[squeals and giggles]

He expects me
to treat
every customer

like they're
my best friend
or something.

I don't know.
Who cares?

Well, maybe
if you apologized--

To him? Forget it.

He should be
apologizing to me.

So you wanna blow
this place, or what?

Oh, my God!


[Julia squeals]


Pick me up!


Claudia! [thud]

[theme music playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

I'm not saying
you did it
on purpose.

No, just saying
it was my fault.

You did start it, Bay.

Hey, Claud, what you
doing there, kiddo?

If you just squint
and go like this--

Hey, it looks like
one of those flying worms.

What did they
give her?


maybe you should...

Claud, come on.

Time for bed.

[both sigh]

You're so tall,
Charlie. I mean,

you're, like,
18 feet tall.

What the hell?


Oh, that must be

from one of
Charlie's friends.

And you're hairy too.

Lots and lots
and lots of hair.


"Best wishes for
a life of happiness. Brent."

You know, Kirsten,
there are guys out there

with friends
who have taste.

Those are the ones
to marry.

She okay?

[Claudia giggles deliriously]

Like she wasn't
weird enough.

Hey! Cool spittoon.

What else did we get?

A couple of
gift certificates,

a check

and a reading
with Miss Corso,

the San Francisco

What? Who sent us that?

My Aunt Roberta.

Roberta. She's the one
who just got out of rehab?

[mumbling negatively]

The one
with the inner ear problem.

Have I mentioned
how excited I am about becoming a member
of your family?

[Claudia slurs]
♪ Glory, glory ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

You're one to talk.

Midnight snack?



I got blisters
from the skates.

What are you doing?

Working on this Thursday
lounge-night thing.

It's a cool idea.


So you're probably
gonna be

hiring new people, huh

to handle the extra work?

Yeah, which is a drag. I hate looking
for new people.


You know, Griffin's
looking for a job.

I thought he worked
at that bike shop.

Well, he did, but,

he quit.

Yeah, well, in general,

I like to hire people

that have just
a little bit
of respect for me,

so I don't
think so.

Griffin respects you.

He does.

And once you get
to know him,
he's a really good guy.

Look, Jule,
I know you like him,

but the guy gives me
nothing but attitude.

Charlie, he only does that
'cause he's intimidated.

He told me he thinks
you're really cool.

He'd love to work for you.

Why would he
wanna hire me?
He hates me.

Well, that's just
the brother thing.

I mean, he has
to be protective.

But he thinks you're great.

He told me he thought
you had a lot of potential.

Your hair
looks cool today.

You know, he'd like
having you
around the restaurant

and getting
to know you better.

I don't know.

I got this thing
about other
people's food,

see, like fat
from their steaks.

It's 6.25 an hour,
and if Charlie likes you,

then he'll probably
give you a raise.

I thought
he did like me.

Well, no, yeah, he does,

Listen, just try it
and see if you like it.


6.25 an hour?

Plus tips.

I think you two
are really gonna get along.

Well, she's in
love with Hamlet,

and she thinks
he's in love
with her, too,

so she's psyched,
but then--

Just a second.


I have a note
for Sarah Reeves.

Okay, Sarah, you can finish
that thought later.

Principal Stickley
wants to see you.


Okay. Anybody else?


What happened?

What happened...

is that the sun
came out,

and we're
stuck inside.

Wait a minute.
Wait, Bailey.

What about
Principal Stickley?

What about her?

You forged that note?

Forged. "Forged" is such
an ugly word.

No, really, Bailey, I have
a test on that stuff this week.

So what?
So you get
the notes from Dana.

Come on.
It'll be great.


Get us in trouble.

To be honest, I feel
kind of silly doing this,

but it is a present
from my aunt,

so I figured...

What the hell?
Do it for kicks.


So you're
getting married
in five weeks?

How did you know that?

Your aunt told me
when she got the coupons.

Oh, right.

Well, it's a present
for both of us,

me and my fiancé,

but he's kind of
a skeptic, so...


Good things.

Good, good things.

It's a good match.

A very good match.


Although I can see
why you'd worry.

He was a scoundrel,
this one.

Before he knew me.

And during.

Let's be honest.

Okay. And during.

Well, he's got that
out of his system for good.

Oh, yes!

I can see the two of you
dancing at your wedding.


Well, he doesn't really dance.

Well, he will.

You and Rob
are gonna have

a long, happy life together.

Um, Charlie.

Excuse me.

His name is Charlie.

No, it's not.

It's Rob.



See? Is Griffin here yet?

I haven't seen him.

Damn it. He was
supposed to be
here three hours ago.

What if I dipped
Tess's hand in ink

and put her
hand print on it?

Absolutely not.
I'll sign it for her.

No. I want her
to sign it herself.

Well, I'll tell you what.

What if she spits up
on it?

Will that do it
for you? Hey, both kegs
need changing, boss,

and we're about to run out
of glasses behind the bar.

I don't believe this guy
didn't show up.

Have to get a sub. Hey, Charlie.
Could I, uh--

Don't think you'd find
the job satisfying, Ross.

Talk about something else

Sorry. Sure.

I was just wondering what
the doctor said
about the break.

He said she'd be fine.

You know,
no permanent damage.

And he was, like, a specialist
with this kind of stuff?

I mean, he'd worked
with musicians before?


I don't know.

He was just some
ER guy. Why?

Well, it's just that sometimes
with a break like this...

I'm not saying definitely,

but there was this guy
I knew in school.

He was
a great cellist,

and he broke a bone
in his hand.

And when the cast came off,

it turned out he had lost
some muscle control.

Meaning what?
Meaning he couldn't play?

Not as a soloist, no.


I'm not saying
that's gonna--

No, of course.

We should get
a second opinion,
shouldn't we?

Yeah. I'll get
the name
of someone good.

Great. That'd be great.

In the meantime...

Not a word.


Tell your boyfriend
he's fired.

He never showed,
and I couldn't
get a sub.

So instead of doing
all the crap that I have
to do for Thursday,

I ended up
busing tables
all night.

You really know
how to pick them, Jule.

Charlie, wait.
You know what?

It wasn't his fault.
It was mine.

I told him the wrong thing.

I told him that you didn't
need him till next week.

I said I needed
someone now.

Really? I thought--

don't be an idiot, okay?

Hey, don't call me names

because I don't know
your employment needs, okay.

Fine. I'm sorry.
You're not an idiot.

And don't punish Griffin
for something that
isn't his fault.

Jeez, no wonder
you can't keep
any employees.

I'm sorry, okay?

I'm just a little frazzled.

Just tell Griffin
tomorrow at 5:30, sharp.

5:30. He'll be there.

You know, you really
ought to find
a healthy outlet

for all that...

[door closes]


[both chuckle]

Wow. Impressive. I haven't eaten
since breakfast.

Well, we could go get
some dinner.

We could,
or we could stay here

and let delirium set in.

Bailey, what are you doing?

I'm not sure.

Must be that delirium.

Must be.

Bailey, I feel
a little funny.

Not to me,
you don't.

A little underdressed,
aren't we, kids?


Thank God you're here.

Look, Sarah,
it's a policeman.


You see,

what happened was

we were just sitting here,

and suddenly Sarah...

Well, you tell him,


She felt something
in her shirt,

you know,
like a spider, maybe.

She's so allergic
to spiders.

Tell him how allergic.


Blows up like a...

Like a...

work with me here.

Hey, don't waste my time.

Just get dressed
and head on home.

It's a public park,
not a bedroom.

Yes, sir.

We should go.

No, we can stay.
He doesn't care.

He probably thought
it was funny.

Well that makes two of you.
Can we go, please?

Rob. You don't even
know any Robs.

I did once.

This guy on my floor,
freshman year.

Rob Strapplemeyer.

Sounds like a sausage brand.

I dated him for a month.

Total pig. No neck.


Of all the guys
I've ever known,

he's the last person
I'd think of marrying.

Weird, huh?


You know, Charlie, I had
a thought. About the wedding?

Well, I was thinking
about the dancing,

because, you know,
you and I, we don't
really dance together.

And so my thought was...

Please don't hate me.

I hate you.

Come on.
It'll be fun.

It'll get us
out of the house.

I'll pay.

You're really gonna make me
take dancing classes? No, I'm not gonna
make you take them.

I'm gonna ask you.

And you're
gonna say yes.

Find anything, Jules?

Strange Indeed.
Ever heard of them?

That could be it.
Where are they playing?

What are you guys
talking about?

Trying to track down
the Soul Asylum concert.

Griffin heard they
were in town tonight

under a different name.

Why don't they
use their name?

Because. When you're really huge
and play a club,

it's the only way
to make sure
it's not gonna be a madhouse.

Oh, I'll have to remember that.

You know, when
I'm a famous

Yeah, keep that in mind, Claud.
I'm out of here!

Get ready for school, Claud.

We gotta roll.

I don't have to be there
for 45 minutes.

Yeah, but after
I drop you off,

I have to go all the way
to Cole Valley
to get Jill.

You mean Sarah.


Well, you just called her Jill.

No, I didn't.

I just heard it. You said,

"After I drop you off,
I have to go all the way
to Cole Valley--"

I know what I said!

And I know what I heard.

Hey, you've been on
painkillers for two days.

You're not exactly
the best judge.

So get your books or whatever
and get in the car.

Okay, we gotta go.

Used motorcycle helmets?

Yeah, yeah.
They're expensive new.

I thought you had one.

It got stolen.
What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

And so was my brother
last night.

Yeah, yeah.

Things got
a little bit crazy.

There was no way.

That's it?

Things got a little crazy?

You know, Charlie was really
mad. He wanted to fire you.

Fired from a job
I haven't even started yet.

There's a first.

I kind of told him
that it was my fault

that you weren't there.

And I convinced him
to give you another shot.

There it is!

Yeah. "Like new. 40 bucks."


I told you
I saved your butt.

Doesn't that deserve
some kind of reaction?

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Do you have a quarter?


Do you have change
for a dollar?

Look, I gotta go
make this phone call.

I'll catch you later,
all right?


I think I found
the Soul Asylum
show at the Atlas.

So we'll hook up there

when you're finished
at the restaurant.



We have an appointment
tomorrow at one.

He needs to make sure
it's set right.

How does he do that?
By looking at the X-ray?

No, I think he'll probably
wanna take another one.


Why do I need another x-ray?

You know, it just never
hurts to have a second opinion.

But why?

To make sure that
it heals properly.

Everyone said it was
gonna heal properly.

Yeah, and it almost
definitely will.

But not definitely definitely.

Probably definitely definitely.

So, you're not sure?

No, we're sure.

Yeah, we're sure.

-We just wanna be--
-Sure sure.


[band playing]

[siren wails in distance]

Hey, Julia.

-Where's Bailey?

He's just parking.
I'm holding a place for us.

It's kind of funny
being an "us."

I mean, I guess not for you.

You know, you've been
an "us" before, but for me.

So it's going well? Yeah. Definitely.

That's great.

It's different,
though, you know?

I kind of thought
it would be like

when we were just friends,
just more.

But now things can
get kind of intense.

It's just different.

But good.

Yeah, yeah. Good. Yeah.

I mean, I guess that happens
all the time?

You know, things change
when you start going out?

Yeah, sure.
All the time.

That's what I figured.
Oh, there he is.

So Strange Indeed
really is-- Is a band?

A real band?

As opposed to what?

Come on, you guys.
Let's load in.


Okay, we have two choices.

We can either sit
around here all night

and whine about the fact

that we're not gonna see
a great show after all...


Or we can see this
as a positive.

A whole night ahead of us,
zero obligations.

We just do whatever
we feel like doin'.

Door number two, Monty.

Jeep's this way.

Shouldn't we tell Julia
where we're going?

But that would
require us knowing

where we were going.


All right, then, dancers!

Let's get started!



Think maybe you're
holding her
a little too tight?

Am I right, Kirsten?


And you're feeling
a little bit of,

"Don't you dare try
to get away from me

'cause if you do,
I'll hunt you down."

Yeah, exactly.

Well, Charlie, what do you say
we loosen up a bit?

Give her a little freedom?

Okay, Kirsten, maybe you could

show Charlie
a little more trust.



You kids are cute.

First date?

Okay, here's one.

♪ Sweet dreams
Are made of these ♪

And you thought it was?

♪ Sweet dreams
Are made of cheese ♪

Okay. Left, LA.
Right, Seattle.

I'm a Seahawks fan,
so right.

Right it is.

I have to confess.

I thought that
"I'm every woman"

was "Climb every woman."


You did not!

Where are we going?

Why did you turn here?
This goes to the freeway.

Last time I checked,

this was the fastest
way to Seattle.

You're kidding, right?


We'll just...

take off, you know,
with no plans.

That's when the best stuff
happens, when you just go--

No, Bailey. Come on,
this isn't funny. I have a test.

Right, so you'll make it up.

Or you take an F.
Whatever. Who cares?

I do. I care, and so do
my parents. They'd k*ll me.

They'll never know.

We'll stop at a pay phone,
and you call them

and tell them that...

Tell them that you're crashing
at Dana's after the show

and gonna go straight
to school in the morning.

We'll be home
by tomorrow night.

Bailey, I do not
wanna go to Seattle.

How do you know?
You've never been. Come on!

No, you come on. You can go
wherever you want by yourself.

But I wanna go home, now!

Look, I just thought
it would be fun, all right?

Well, it wouldn't.




[indistinct chatter]


You have fun last night?

I didn't stay.
I left.

Oh, we did too.

But I guess you saw
Carolyn and me leaving.

I guess.

Did you stick around long?


No. No.


'Cause I mean, you know,

it's probably not too safe

to hang out in a place
like that at night.



You know, Justin,
I gotta go, so...

Alone last night?

Alone today?

You know, ever since
you hooked up with Griffin,

you've been spending
a lot of time alone.

You don't really know
what you're talking about.

I'm sorry.

I don't. It's, just
I wouldn't have stood you up.

But I guess that's why

we're not together
any more?

You know,

I wish somebody would tell me
why girls prefer guys

who treat them like garbage,

'cause I just don't get it.

Thought you'd be
in Seattle by now.

The idea wasn't to go alone.

I'm not like that, you know.

I have a life.
I can't just leave.

Look, I just...
I just thought it would be fun.

You know? I just wanted us
to have a little fun.

So why does that suddenly mean

different things
than it used to?

I don't...



The way we were before,

there were parts of me
that you didn't know,

and there are probably
a lot of parts of you
that I didn't know,

and the whole thing
of being together

is, like, finding out
those other parts.

And I don't know,
I guess

sometimes for me
that means being spontaneous.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing, I guess.


So then let's just relax
a little, okay?

And have some fun.

I mean, isn't that the point?




[waltz music playing]

One, two, three,
two, two, three.

Hear the beat, move with it.

One, two, three,
two, two, three.

Hear the beat...

Very nice.

-Two, two, three...
-[Charlie groans]

If your foot was where
it was supposed to be...

How are we going?

Why don't you find
somebody else to dance with

if I'm such a bad partner.


We feeling a little
"My way or the highway" here?

Do you mind?

Charlie, don't be an idiot.
I don't want somebody else.

How about Rob?
He was probably a great dancer.


The guy you were supposed
to marry Rob... Sausage.

Rob Strapplemeyer
is a total pig.

I haven't seen him
in four years.

Well, maybe
he's not such a pig any more.

Maybe now he's got a good job
and a fat bank account

and friends with taste and--


You know, I got a lot of work
to do at the restaurant.

[glasses clink]

Hey, pal! Glass.

Think a little.

[phone ringing]

If you're trying
to tell me something,

I'd appreciate it if you'd
come right out and say it.

Say what?

Say why you're being
so elusive these days.

Hard to track down.

Griffin, I expected
to see you
at the Atlas last night.

Why? It wasn't Soul Asylum.

Yeah, well, I didn't
know that,
so I waited.

And then I looked
for you today at school.

Well, I cut.

I do that sometimes.

What the hell are you doing?

I spent a thousand bucks
on those glasses.

They're practically antiques.

Well, they were.

Just clean them up, Griffin.

[broken glass rattles]

All right, pal. That's it.
You're fired.

Why does everyone here
keep calling me "pal"?

No, Charlie, wait.
It wasn't his fault.

You know how
wobbly these shelves are. What are you doing?

Nothing. I'm just
trying to help.

Yeah, well, who asked you?

The last time I checked,
I could take care of myself.

Who asked you to
get me a job here
in the first place?

You complained
about getting fired.

I thought--

Here you'd be able
to keep tabs on me?


Or I'd be less...
What's that word?



Oh! No, no, Bailey.
Watch. I love this sequence.

See, what Renoir does
is he shows them all k*lling

with the same casualness
as they had in the foyer scene.

And it's like
the rules of the game

are there are no rules.

I mean, nothing
really matters to these people.

Bailey, come on. Stop.

Look, see that guy right there?

That's Renoir.
He's the director.

See, he casts--

You're not even
paying attention.

I am. I am.

You see, I can watch
and listen

and do this
all at the same time.




[g*nshots in movie]

Hey, down in front!

What's your problem?

My problem?

My problem?

They were just sh**ting, Sarah.

It's not like you missed
any of the dialogue. God.


That is so not the point,

That is so not the point.

Then what is?

That I can't do anything right?

That everything I do is wrong?

All I wanted to do

was see a movie with you.
Okay, so maybe it's not

the coolest movie
or the hippest movie,

but I love it.

And I wanted to show you
why I love it

and maybe for you
to love it too.

I mean, I really wanted
to share that with you.

But what I don't get
is why what I want
doesn't matter anymore,

because when
we were friends,
it used to.

But now you're
just like every other guy.

Any dark room
is a good place
to fool around,

any theater or park
or football field.

That is not what I'm like.

Look, if you
don't wanna
do this stuff--

No, I do. I really do.


Not like this.

Well, then maybe you should
tell me what you had in mind

because I don't know
what you're talking about.

I don't. This seems
fine to me.

I just wouldn't mind feeling
like it's a little special.

You know, not another thing
that we do in the movie theater

like getting popcorn.

It's not popcorn, Bailey.

You know, I mean, it's special.

You know, it...
It should be special.

[music playing]

Midnight's a good time for that.

Gotta get it done sometime.

Is Kirsten here?


She came home,
grabbed a beer
and stormed upstairs.

You guys sure
make being engaged
look romantic.

I wish I knew
how this happens.


Just tiny things...
that mean nothing

suddenly mean everything.



Like dancing.

I can't dance.


I mean, we all know this.
This is not news.

So why is it suddenly
such a big deal?

[soft music playing]

Well, because every girl,
even the smart ones,

thinks how great
it would be

to dance with
her husband
at their wedding.

It's dumb, probably,

but it's kind of like
there's this
tiny part of you

that believes that
as soon as you
start to waltz,

this nice voice

that knows exactly
what it's talking about

will come
out of nowhere
and say,

"And they lived
happily ever after."


I can show you,
if you want.


Just watch my feet
and mirror what I do.


One, two, three,
one, two, three.

One, two, three,
one, two, three.

You've got it!

See? No problem.

And if you loosen your grip,

I'll get some blood
back in my fingers,

and that'd be good too.


Dad taught me how to waltz
by standing me on his feet.

Does Griffin know
how well you dance?

He should, Jule.

It should matter to him
because it matters to you.

You deserve that.


You can twirl me
if you want.

Just put your arm up,
and I'll spin.


[both laugh]

[school bell rings]

I'm not following you.
I'm going to my locker.

I know where
your locker is. Wow. You must
really care.

Look, what do you
want from me?

You know,

you have all these ideas
of what you want a guy to do

and think and all.

I mean, I just do what I do.

I know. You don't answer
to anyone or anything.

Good for you.

You knew who I was
when you got into this.

Yeah, but at least-- I mean,

I don't even know
why we're together at all.

I mean, I have no idea
what you think of me

or feel or anything.

It's not like
you ever come
over or call.

Or even say my name.

Do you know that?

In four months,

you have never once
called me by my name.

Every time I see you,

I think, "This time
he's gonna say it,"

but you never do.

The closest you
came was one day
in the park.

You said, "Hey, you."


"You" could be
anyone, Griffin.
I have a name.

Well, maybe it doesn't
matter to you what
my name is.

That's really too bad.

[school bell rings]


[birds chirping]

You know, Claud,
when a doctor says

there's a 98-percent
chance that
you're fine,

that's good news.

So, what's up?

What's the problem?

What if it's that two percent?

It won't be.
That's what
two percent means.

No, that's what
zero percent means.

Two percent means

maybe I'll never
get to play in Carnegie Hall.

Listen, Claud,

the odds that you can't
are really, really remote.

But if that did happen,

if you couldn't play
like before, we'd...

We'd deal with it.

[sighs] We would.

Wanna know something
really bad about me, Charlie?


It's really bad.

I can take it.


My favorite thing
in the whole world

is to go to a master class.

Because you see, well,
at these classes,

everyone thinks that,
"Oh, they're the best."

But you know what?

They're not, not ever,

because every time
I've been to a master class,

I've been the best one there.

Every time.

I like being the best, Charlie.


I like it a lot.

Look, I'm the last person
to tell you he's perfect.

I mean, this is Bailey
we're talking about.


I'm just saying,

you knew it would be different.

Yeah, you know,
I know. I know.

I guess I kind of expected
things to change.

I just didn't expect him to.

I mean, I'd like to go out
with Bailey, not James Dean.

James Dean!

It's weird,

but it's like all of a sudden

all he wants to do
is kind of skip school

and be rebels or something.

You know, take off
in the middle of the week,

who knows where for no reason.

It was okay for a while,


I don't know, now it's
like he's acting like
he's someone else.

Or maybe...

like you are.

[band playing jazz music]

So help me with the math here. Exactly how many martinis
will each customer
have to drink

to pay for these coats?


You don't want it
to take off
on the first night.

You want it to build slowly.

How slowly?

[door opens]

Here we go.

I can't take this.


-I'm glad you came.
-Yeah, well--

Look, I've been
thinking a lot

about some of the stuff
you were saying

about how we've been,
about how I've been.

And... I think you
were right.

I think that I haven't
been paying
attention to you--




'Cause you can't really
pay attention to someone

when you're wishing
she's someone else.

Excuse me?

I'm not her, Bailey.
I'm not Jill.

[soft music playing]

What are you
talking about?

Well, that's what
you've been doing here.

You've been trying to have
the relationship you
had with her with me.


The road trip,
cutting school...

I mean, all that stuff has
nothing to do with me at all.

It's just stuff
that you did with
her, you know?

It's Jill stuff.

I don't know.
I don't know.


Maybe I thought that you
would like that stuff too.

You know
what really
confuses me?

Is that relationship
wasn't good, Bailey.

I mean, she was a mess.

You were unhappy.

You know,
and it ended
so, so badly.

So I don't get why
you'd choose that over
being happy with me.

I... I really don't see
why that's appealing.


I'm sorry.

-I don't know--
-Hey, it's okay.

It is.

I just don't think stuff,
you know, should
be this hard.

I mean, look at us.

It's brand-new,
and already
it's so difficult.


we should just...not. Because you're great,

but you're not ready.

That's too bad.


This place looks really cool.

Tell Charlie I said so, okay?

[door hinges squeak]

This band cost me 500 bucks.
Someone's gotta dance to it.

I'm not in the mood.

In the mood, but are you sure?

[band playing
Jumping Jack intro]

I'm feeling a little

"Don't you dare try
and tell me I can't dance,
you so-and-so,"

aren't I?

Yeah, well, I decided to make
a few changes in my life.

Ever since I had my cereal read.

Your what?

My breakfast cereal. It's the new wave
in fortunetelling,

you know,
reading the gooshy gunk

at the bottom
of your cereal bowl.

I hadn't heard.

Yeah. Very scientific.
I got some clear images.

One of good ol' Rob

sitting there
in his athleisure wear

with his beer
gut pressing
the remote control.

I know. I'm so sorry.


And then I saw another image,

this one at the wedding.

You look beautiful.
I look not half-bad too.

Everyone around us
is watching us dance,

and they're saying,

"Look at them.

They're perfect together.

I bet they live
happily ever after."

I thought you didn't believe
in all that mumbo jumbo.

Gotta believe
in something, right?


Try a spin?

Jesus! I'm sorry!

[both laugh]

You wanna dance?

I'm not in the mood.

You know what?

Neither am I.



You workin' or something?

Just helping.

Your replacement
isn't working out.

What are you doing here?

I just thought
I might run into you.

Maybe we could hang out.

You probably think
that's a nice thing
to say, don't you?

Well, it's not.

A nice thing to say
is, "I was thinking
about you,"

or, "I really
wanna see you."

Hey, I don't talk
like that, okay?

I mean...

I'm not--
I'm not like that.


Well, I am.

I got this for you.

I didn't really lose mine.


I just thought I should
probably have another one

since... maybe you'd be
riding with me some.


This is for you...
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