02x04 - Have No Fear

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x04 - Have No Fear

Post by bunniefuu »

So how did you get
so good with this?

Mechanics and all?

Uh, my dad.

Before he decided
to start hitting me.

Ugh! Come here. I could
use your help for a sec.

All right.


I can see
you've done this before.

Well, I don't usually like
to get my hands dirty.

God, I sound like
such a princess.

No, it's good for you,
grease under the nails.

It'll make a man out of you.

Well, that has always
been my goal.

[grunting] There. Done.

[grunts] Here.

Do you wanna, uh...

You wanna take her
for a test-drive?

Oh, um...

Well, I have to meet
everybody at the restaurant.

It's kind of this thing we do.

You wanna come with?

Uh, no.

Um, anyway...

I'm really not all that hungry.

-[glass clinking]
-[Owen wailing]

Claud. Claudia!

Claud? Stick to the violin.

[Claudia] I'm starving.
Where is she?

Here. There's a boy.

[Owen wailing]

Manning, your drinks have been
on the bar since Tuesday.

This isn't really like her.

It is since she's been
hanging out with Griffin.

I mean, He's kind of sexy
and everything, but...


Sexy, Claud? What do...
What do you know about sexy?

Charlie! We're eating!

Hi there, kids.

I had Tony get a jump
on your usual, uh, salads.

You're still winded, Joe?

I should have skipped
the manicotti for lunch.

So listen, Tony.

You gotta take care
of your regular customers.

Come on. These are very
important people. All right.

The Caesar goes to Kirsten.

House, no tomato,
goes to Charlie.

[panting] The chopped
romaine with radish roses
goes to Claudia.

I got you three
of those today, sweetheart.

Thanks, Joe.

"House" house goes to Bailey.

-All right.

And Tony, Tony.
Table eight, huh?

Thank you. Okay.
There you go.

So Julia's out
with Justin again tonight?

I wish.
I bet she's not coming.

Uh-oh! Trouble in paradise.

Joe, you all right? Here, sit down.

God, Joe, you look terrible.

No, no. I'm fine. I'm fine.

I think that, uh, Felipe went
a little crazy with the garlic.



-My God!
-Joe! What's the matter?

Joe! Joe?

[Joe grunting]

It's okay, now, Joe.

-Tony, call 911.
-God, hurry!

Just hang in there, Joe.

-You're gonna be okay.



[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[phone dialing]

Yeah. Joe Mangus, please,
room 32-11.

Sure, I'll hold.

How's he doing? Any word?

Charlie's trying
to find out.

Ask him when
he can have visitors.

Yeah, maybe we can go by
after school.

Probably a good idea,

since you weren't there
last night.

Yeah, like
I planned that, Bailey.

Right. M-A-N-G-U-S.
He was admitted last night.

And released this morning.

[Kirsten] Joe!

Bagels. I was gonna
buy you guys those
cruller things you like,

but my doctor says
I got to cut back
on the fat.

-Hiya, sweetie.

They released you already?

Yeah, apparently
I'm gonna live.

That is, until I see
the hospital bills,

and then all bets are off.

But what's wrong with you?

You could barely breathe
last night.

You sure you're okay?

What did the doctor say?

It sounds a hell of a lot
worse than it is.

What did she call it?

It's, um... Congestive
heart something.

Anyway, apparently my heart
wasn't working up to speed.

So, the doctor says
all I gotta do
is I gotta watch my diet,

and then I gotta take
these little pills.

Anyway, all I know is they
make my blood flow easier,

and they cost $300 a bottle.

Claudia, forget the fiddle.
Medicine is where the money is.

So... You're okay?

Oh, yeah.
Yeah. I'm fine.

No, this scare,
it was the best thing
that could have happened,

because I take care
of the problem now,

and I live to be a hundred.

Oh, look at you guys.

All worried.

Relax. You're all in my will.

Think a little
cream cheese'll k*ll me?

[school bell ringing]

-Oh! Hey.

I'm sorry. Are you okay?

Yeah, well, at least
now I know
you're not avoiding me.

Me? No!

So, uh... Guess what.

I had this wild dream that
I wanted to tell you about.

You see, I was at your house,

and it was a party
or something.

Oh, and listen to this.
This is really bizarre.

See, I told you that
I was in love with you.

[laughs] And it's funny

because at the time
it felt so real...

Look, Sarah...

No, let me. Um...

Oh, God. I'm sorry
that I put you
on the spot like that.

It's just sometimes things

fly out of my mouth
for no reason.

So what I'd like to do

is put the most embarrassing
thing I've ever done
in my whole entire life

behind us...

And move forward
to potentially more
embarrassing moments.


That sounds fair.

So I heard you dropped out
of the election.


Yeah, what happened
was I realized that

I don't really have
the time for it right now.

I don't have time
for a lot of things.

You know, now that I'm back
on the football team,

there's gonna be scouts
coming to all of the games,

and a scholarship's
probably the only way

I'm gonna get anywhere
near a good college next year.


It's okay. I get it.

I see him in the halls,
you know,
and for a second I forget.

[toilet flushing]

And I'm about to go, like,

"Hey, isn't that
a new shirt?" or,

"The funniest thing
happened in Soc."

And then he gives me
this look...

And I remember.

Do you think
he's gonna hate me forever?

I mean, do you?
'Cause I really miss him.

Would you give yourself
a break, please?

You're allowed to
break up with somebody.

[paper rustling]

Anyway, technically,
Justin broke up with you.

Well, can you blame him?

Okay. Okay.

Look, I was gonna
save this until later,

but I think you could use
some cheering up now.

[plastic crackles]

This is a "Don't be
bummed" present.

Use them in good health,
as my grandma used to say.

Well, I don't think
she ever meant condoms,

Nin, I don't need these.
Griffin and I,
we're not even...

Well, maybe not yet.

You're dating a guy
who has had sex.

So what?

So the guys who have
had sex have sex.

You think they're
obsessed with it before.

Once they've done it,
forget about it.
There's no going back.

Well, that's ridiculous.
Besides, it's never
even come up.

I am just telling you, Jule,

with a guy like Griffin,
be afraid.

Be very afraid.


And drive down this street.
Check out that paint job.

My paint job.


Great paint job, Charlie.

It's an $800 paint job.
Not bad.


So lunch is on me.
A big splurge.

Let's go to Salinger's.
I wanna check on Joe.


You're not worried about him?

Of course
I'm worried about him.

He's gotta take
better care of himself.

He's pretty sick, Charlie.

Yeah, he's sick.
I know he's sick.

He's got a heart problem.

But he's gonna be okay.

It's scary, isn't it?
I mean, you love him.

What? What are you
doing, Kirsten?

I'm trying to be realistic.

Everybody's walking around
like Joe just got diagnosed

with a bad case
of the hiccups
or something.

He went into the hospital
for observation. One night.

[sighs] Okay.

But things are gonna
have to change at Salinger's.


Someone's gonna have to
run the place for him.

Then I'll help him
find someone.

No. No. Forget it.
And you know what, Kirsten?

You're just
making trouble here,
so cut it out.

You didn't see his doctors
running around getting nervous.

I'm telling you,
he's just gonna
take it easy for a while.

By Christmas,
he'll be the same old Joe.
I'm telling you.

I might like you better
if we slept together.


It's that song.
I haven't heard it
in a while.

Oh, yeah, me neither.


Oh, people really care
about this stuff?

I guess.

Did you see this quiz thing?
Look at this.

"Is your sex drive more like
a station wagon or a Porsche?"

[laughing] Yeah,
it's pretty silly.

You know, those
pencil marks aren't mine.

Oh. "If you made love
every time
you thought about it,

how many times a week
would that be?"

[pages rustle]

You got a calculator on you?

I'm kidding. Kidding.


Oh, "What's the most
outrageous place you ever..."

Could you please, um...

Ah, you're right.

It's boring
to talk about it anyway.

Wanna get out of here?

Oh, uh, God. You know what?

I completely forgot.

I have to...
I have to babysit Owen.

You need a ride?

No, thanks. I'm okay.
See you. Bye.

[bell dings]

[whistle blows]

[player 1]
All right! Come on!

Possum D, possum D.

[All] Team!

All right, let's go, boys.
Come on.

Set it up.
Set it up!

Right. Fourth and eight to go.

No time-outs left.
Niners are up by 2.

Whole stadium knows
that Aikman's
gonna throw it to Irvin.

You, Bailey Salinger,

are the only thing
standing between the Cowboys
and the Super Bowl.

Come on!

-[player 2] That's it!

[whistle toots]

[player 2]
All right! Let's go! Whoo!

All right! Hut!

[players grunt]

[player 2]
Come on! Get him!

[player 3]
Go, go, go, go, go! Get him!

-[player 2] Yeah! Let's go.

[coach] Break!


-[players cheer]
-[whistle blows]

Come on. Get up so I can
knock you down again.

[groans faintly]

Hughes, you...
You all right?

[player 3]
Good hit, man. Come on.

[player 2]
Andy, what's up?

I can't.

I can't move.

Come on, man.
Stop kidding around.


Hey, man.

[coach] Guys,
clear out of here.

Give me some room.
Give me some room.
Come on. Now.

Okay, son. Lie still.

Can't move you until
the ambulance gets here.

Take it easy. All right.

[coach] You'll be okay.

[phone ringing]

[woman speaking indistinctly
over pa]

Hi. Claudia, what are you...

Charlie brought me.

It's 7:00.
Why didn't you wake me up?

-You're awake.

Couldn't get a damn thing out
of any of these night nurses.

Maybe somebody
on the morning shift
will be able...

Or you.

Charlie, maybe
they'll tell you.

What? What?

Look, they can't really
tell anything for sure.
Not yet.


What can't they tell?

Something bad, right?
Something really bad?

There's swelling
around the spinal cord.

[Charlie] They can't really
tell if there's nerve damage.

[Charlie] He might not
be able to walk again.

They don't know. Hey.

You put out
that fire yesterday?

You kind of took off
from me in a hurry.

No, I just, um,
had to get home.

Yeah. Whatever.

I could use some sleep.

Oh, my God.

When did you get that?

Oh, yeah.

The major practically
had a stroke when
I got the first one.

He'll probably throw me
out of the house this time.

You hate it.


I don't know.
It's mean-looking.

It's a good thing I didn't go
with the skull and bones, then.

You know, uh,
you should get one.

Mmm, I don't know.

Yeah, yeah. Maybe a...

Maybe a rose.

Or one of those
yin-yang symbols.

[coach] We, uh...

We really don't know anything
more about Andy's condition.

I talked to his dad today.

Some of you fellas
know his dad.

He told me that Andy...

I was looking for you all day.
Where you been? You okay?


I kind of thought
you wouldn't show.

So, anyway, we've decided
we're gonna leave it
up to you fellas

whether we play tomorrow...

What are you doing here, Bay?

So who says play?

-Let's play!
-All right!

All right.
Then let's have
a good practice.

And tomorrow night,

what do you say
we bring that game ball
home for Hughes?

[yelling and cheering]


Hey, coach.

You don't have to
be here today, son.

I know.

-[players yelling]
-[whistle blows]

[whistle blows] [man] All right!


[spits and pants]

What's goin' on with you, man?

Huh? What are you doing?

Shut up, Will.

What, are you trying
to get yourself k*lled? Huh?

Are we gonna play or what?
Come on.

[coach] Huddle up!

[whistle blows]

[Griffin] This smells like you.

I pass girls
in the hallway now,
wearing this,

and, uh...

Sometimes I think it's you.

Yeah? Yeah.

Lip-lock alert.

Let me ask you
something, Claud.

On your home planet,
didn't they teach you
about knocking?

I'm going over to Ross's
to play with the baby.

But Kirsten's
still here, right?


No, she's out,
and Bill's got Owen, so...

-see you.
-Claud, wait. Um...

Just so I'm clear on this,

um, no one else
is home, right?



Maybe we should,
you know, figure out
what we're gonna do.

We should go out, right?

Oh, actually, you know,
I'm, uh, kind of beat.

You think, uh...
Think we could
just stay in tonight?


Oh, hey, Charlie.

Yeah, I'm just
catching a little break.

I guess I better... Oh!


No, I'm all right.
I'm all right. I'm fine.

It's, uh...

Mostly I'm just sitting here
worrying whether table two

got the pellegrino
they asked me for.

What's going on, Joe?

I'm sick, Charlie.

I'm not dying, but I'm sick.

It's, uh,
congestive heart failure.

Then what the hell
were they doing letting you
out of the hospital?

They didn't let me out.
I, uh...

I signed myself out early.

-I don't wanna
deal with it, okay?

It just pisses me off.

Because I think about it,
and I'm still a young man.

I mean, in my mind,
you know, I'm 25 years old,

and I'm staying out
all night, and I'm
still drinking, and I'm...



This damn body of mine...

You can't really do this
anymore, can you?

Oh, yeah. I can.

I'm gonna take over
for you, Joe.

No. No, you're not.



What are we gonna do?
Turn this place over
to a total stranger?

Dad's place?

I can't let you
do this, Charlie.

You got too much
you wanna do with your life.

Yeah, I know. So, I'll...

Quit painting houses.

I think I can live with that.

What are you
looking at me
like that for?

Give me a little
support here, huh?

This is kind of
a momentous decision.


I don't know.

I made so much noise
for so long

about how much
I hated this place...


It could be there was
just some stupid little
voice in me

I just didn't wanna hear,
you know?

Saying, "Hey,
you could do worse.

You could do way worse
than Salinger's."

You know, Griffin,
I just don't feel ready.

The thing is
I've taken this vow.

It's not gonna happen, buddy,
so just keep it in your pants.

Yeah, right.

Griffin, we need to talk.

Griffin, I'm, uh...

-You got an extra pillow?

Oh. Thanks.

Hey, turn the lights off.

Um, Griffin, we need to talk.

Can we do it in the morning?

Do what? Talk.

I'm really wiped.

Sure. Sure.

So, the light? Oh.


Will said you'd be here.

God. Who did that to you?

I keep seeing it
over and over again,
you know?

I hit him...

And he goes down,
and he doesn't get up.

Bailey... You didn't mean to.

You know, what happened
with Andy,
you didn't mean to.

What difference
does that make?

Does it hurt?

Not enough.

[telephone ringing]


Brannan and Delancy
between 5 and 8.

Best Colombian.
Ask for Xerxes. Got it.

What's wrong
with our regular coffee guy?

It's Joe. Again.


[door closes] No.


Okay, okay.

All right!

No, I don't have a pen, Joe.
I'm in the shower.

Joe, his wife
is having a sonogram.


Well, Tony will be there.

He made the dough last night.

[motorcycle engine revving]

It's dough, Joe.

Hey. Hey!


Get out here now!

What? What's going on?

First of all...

First of all,
you are 16 years old.

Sixteen! That is not
old enough to be having sex.


I just saw that guy,
that Griffin.


Oh! Charlie, relax.

I mean, God, all we did
was sleep together.

I mean, we slept...
In the same bed together,

-but we didn't
actually do anything.
-[phone rings]

-If that's Sarah, I'm not here.
-If that's Joe, I'm not here.

Come on, Jule,
I know about guys
like Griffin.

They do not crawl into
a girl's bed and just sleep!

Charlie, you don't understand.

It's Sarah.
You're supposed to
go to the hospital.

[Charlie] I don't
wanna hear it, okay?

I said I'm not here.

Yes, you are.

I don't wanna hear it, Jule.

You're not having sex
in this house,

and you're not
having sex, period!




Mrs. Hughes?

I didn't want him
to see me cry.


Thank you.

Is he bad?


The doctor said
he's gonna be okay.

He's gonna be okay.

Hey! It's the human t*nk!

Oh, what happened to you?

Uh, your mom...
Your mom told me that, uh...

Yep. Just bruised,
not broken.

[sighs] I'm glad.

I mean...
I mean, that's great.

Yeah, bad news is
I'm through for the season.

But I should be getting
sympathy A's all around,
don't you think?

Probably, yeah.


you know that I didn't
mean to do this to you,

I mean, you know that.

Because I've been
making myself crazy,

Hey, hey. It's football.

I mean, these things happen.

Any two guys on the team
could be having
this conversation right now.

Oh, except for Bynder.

I mean, he hasn't left
the bench yet this season.

Well, he's playing now. That's my replacement?

Oh, man, you guys are screwed!

You know, you could
crack a smile, Salinger,
man, it wouldn't k*ll you.


Right. You got it.

I'm a lucky guy.

The doc said if it had been
like an eighth
of an inch higher,

oh, man, I wouldn't
be laughing about
anything anymore.

No kidding.

Bynder! Man!

What about Pomerantz, man?

Why don't you tell
the coach to play him.

You sure? Maybe just
a glass of water
or something?

No, I'm fine,
sweetheart, thank you.

Hey, Joe.


I was just putting Owen to bed
before I went back
to the restaurant.

What's up?

Well, it's no big deal.
It's just that, uh...

I was counting up
the lunch receipts...

Why? I...
I did that already.

No, I know, I know,
I just thought maybe--

What, that I couldn't do it?
Is that what you thought?

What? No, Charlie.

It's just...
It never hurts to double-check.

And, uh, look.

You were off, right there.


Um, Claud, could you
go check on Owen for me?


Uh, help me out here, Joe.
You just climbed 72 stairs
in your condition

to tell me that my math is off
by $14 and some change?

Hey, every penny counts.

You know, Charlie,
you gotta stay on top of it.

I am on top of it, Joe.
I know what I'm doing here.

I can't do it with you
riding my ass all day!

Hey, you know, a restaurant
doesn't run like clockwork
overnight, okay?

Charlie, I'm just
trying to show you
the ins and the outs.

I'm trying to
help you out here.

Are you, Joe,
or are you just
trying to prove

that I can't do it,
that no one can,
not like you?

That's it, isn't it?

You need to believe that,
don't you?

'Cause that place is your life.

Joe. Hey...


[crowd cheering]

[band playing]

[cheerleaders chanting]

[whistle blows]

[crowd booing]

All right, defense,
we gotta hold them.

Linebackers, cover
the underneath!
Let's go get 'em!

Salinger, what are you,
on vacation?

Come on.
I'm talking to you.

D, get in there.

Come on, Bay.

What's the problem, man?
Everything's cool.

Hughes is gonna be okay.
Come on.

I can't.

McCorkle, I gotta send
someone in for you too?

No. No, coach.

Get out of here.

[Julia] What exactly
are we looking for?

[Griffin] Headlight.
Mine's not the original.

Well, wouldn't it be easier
to find one during the day?

Then I'd have to pay for it.

Besides, I kind of like it
out here when it's dark.

It's like there's, uh, ghosts.

All these old cars
and parts and stuff.

It makes me wonder
where they've been...

Who drove them...

How come they junked 'em?


Wow, that's it!

This is what
you were looking for?

Yeah! Yeah, wow.

Well, don't I get
some kind of reward?


Look, I have to
ask you something.

And I know that maybe
this is kind of pushy
and, um...

I'm not saying that I want to,
because I... I don't.

It just seems like
you don't want to either,
and I just...

I don't know,
I figured that you would,

because, I mean,
obviously you have.

Um... Can we try this
in English?

Don't you wanna sleep with me?

I mean, um,
sleep-with-me sleep with me?

Uh, what?

Well, uh,
don't you want me?

I, uh...


Busy day today, huh?


I mean, a lot happened,
like Andy being okay.

That's good news, huh?
I mean, that's a relief.

And then the game
tonight for you guys.

I mean, that's...
That's a big deal.

If you're really...
You're really busy...

Could you stop? Please?



So... So I can
really understand

why you didn't have time
to talk to me today.

Why you decided
to say you weren't home
when I called this morning.

And why you didn't
say anything
about Andy being better

even though
you knew I was worried.

I mean, you knew.

I'm sorry.

Why are you such a jerk?

Why did you
have to turn out
to be such a jerk?

I've never gone that far
with anybody else.


I kept thinking
about you all night.

I couldn't stop
thinking about you.


And I feel really stupid now.

I don't know
what's wrong with me.

I don't.

I don't mean
to hurt anyone.

Is that really
the best you can do?

It's pretty lame.

I didn't play
in the game tonight.

Coach tried to
put me in, but...

I just sat there on the bench.

I just... [sighs]

I just couldn't.

I couldn't.

What do you do, Bailey?

Do you just bag out
on everything?

You don't understand.

I was at the hospital
the night it happened.


And I saw his mom.

And I saw the look on her face.

And I thought,

"I took something from you.

And I know exactly
how you feel, because...

Because somebody once

took something
that important away from me.


I can't make it up to you,
and I can't make it go away."

Nothing happened, Bailey.

This close.

I came this close, and...

And I'm scared.

Because I can...

Do terrible things.

I can do terrible
things to people.


Well, I could have
told you that.

[door closes]

[Charlie] Anybody home?

[Bailey exhales]

Yeah. What?

It's almost noon.

Just wanted to know
if you were planning
on getting up any time today.


I heard you didn't play
in the game last night.


So are you gonna give
me a hard time about that?

No, Bay, I'm not.

You haven't been around much,

so I don't know
if you know, but, uh...

I'm taking over
the restaurant...

From Joe. You are?


I didn't think you wanted that.

Yeah, well, I don't know.

Maybe it's the right thing.

Maybe it'll work out great.

I mean, if I never
take a chance, you know?

So, anyway, I'll turn off
the phone ringer
so it doesn't bother you.

Don't worry. I'm not staying.

It's okay, Joe.

Listen, last night,
what I said.

I didn't mean that.

Hey, forget it.

It's nothing
I already didn't know.

Okay. I guess
I got everything.

Hey, it's... Not like
you're never coming back.

If Wednesday night's good
for you, come by for dinner.

Or any night, really.
You know that.

Well, it's still my restaurant.
I'll come back any time I want.

Hey, listen, um, table 14,
it's still wobbling,

so you take a look at it.
You're good with furniture.

And the new menus,
they're coming in on Friday,

so if they don't...

Ah, you know.

[door closes]

Can't you come up
and ring the doorbell
like everybody else?

What are you...?

Here's what I'm thinking.

Now, it's like this
really big obligation,
you know,

being a girl's first.


Well, you're a virgin, right?

Why are you saying that?
Why would you assume--

Because you are,
right, a virgin?

Would you stop
saying that word?

-Well, you are, aren't you?
-Yes, I am, okay?

Yeah, yeah.
I mean, it's cool.

But... uh...

I mean, look, if we did it,


Well, it would be
great and all but...

I know you,
and it would be
a big deal...

And I'm not into big deals.

You know, so...

I'm thinking
that we shouldn't.

You wanna...

You wanna
go for a ride or something?

Hey, you. Hey.

I'm almost done.
I'm just double-checking
these receipts.

Actually, I'm triple-checking.

I mean,
I've closed up before,
you know,

but now it feels
kind of...


My guess is you know
what you're doing.

You know this place
the way Joe did,
the way your father did.

No, it was different with Dad.

He'd close up at 11:00,

and then he'd make up
this huge pot of spaghetti

and sit around with Joe
and the other guys and...

They'd tell stories, you know,

about the business,
about their kids.

At his funeral, guys he hadn't
worked with for 15 years

told stories like he was
still their best friend.

Because this place...

Wasn't work for him.

It was his life.

He made it his life.

Is that what you're
afraid of, Charlie?

Are you afraid of
turning into your father?


No. I'm just afraid of not
being as good as he was.

[conversing indistinctly]

What are you doing here?

The doorman said
it was okay if I waited.

What do you want, Bailey?

I don't know. I was...

I was walking around.

Must have called you,
like, five times today.

You did?

Really? 'Cause--

Only I never
picked up the phone.

See, I... I kept having
these conversations
with you in my head.

You know how they started?

This is funny.
Wait till you hear this.

"I'm sorry for being
mad at you, Bailey."

Pretty incredible, huh?

I mean, isn't that incredible?

I was apologizing to you.

Like you're entitled
to feel bad, and I'm not.

And like it's okay
for you to...

Well, for you to kiss me... And touch me,
because, I don't know...

Because you needed
some kind of distraction.

And that it's my fault
for wanting that
to mean more to you.

How pathetic
does that make me look?

But you know what?

It's not my fault, Bailey.
It's yours.

And I'm not gonna apologize. And if you're here
to say you're sorry

and hope that I'm going to
make it better for you...

Well, I'm not.

Because I can't.

Because it's too late.

It's just...

It's just too late.

And I think...

I really think...

It's gonna be okay.

Everything's gonna be okay.
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