01x03 - Good Sports

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x03 - Good Sports

Post by bunniefuu »

Brace yourself.

It goes like this.


Give me a "G"!
Give me a "R"!

Give me an "A"!
Give me an "N"!

Give me a "T"!

What do you got?

What do you got?

What do you got?

They repeat it three times?

That's the humiliating part.

Apparently some of the
cheerleaders are hanging out
with the debate team.

It improves their image.

It's lonely at the bottom.

You guys gunning
for 0 and five tonight?

Yeah, some of us.

Some are going to be
on the sidelines,

Yeah. The lucky ones.

You ought to try scoring.
I bet it would help.

Oh, gosh, not game day again.

I hate it when Bailey cries.

I had a speck in my eye,
I was tearing.

Maybe if you guys
tried scoring.

Hey, you know,
it could be worse.

There's a team in San Mateo
who hasn't won in three years.

Aren't they
an all-girls school?

Your point being?

That time of the week again?

You guys are gonna get arrested
for impersonating
a football team.

Nah, not a good enough

Well, maybe
if they tried scoring.

Oh, for God's sakes!

Well, what do you expect
when your star player's
out with a leg injury?

I thought
it was a groin injury.

Thank you
for sharing, Bay.

So, who's gonna come out
to cheer me on tonight?

[she chuckles]

I think there's
a math meet tonight.

I gotta do my hair.

[Nina] Well, forget Rachel.
Her parents sent her to Utah.

What's she doing
in Utah, skiing?

Are you kidding?

I've been looking all over
for you guys.

They only care
what she's not doing.

It's some kind
of rehab.

All right,
if she's gone,
let's try Patricia.

We bailed her brother out.


Give me a hint.

It's just
an incredible crisis.

Patricia's little sister's
got the chicken pox.

So we party on
some street corner.



Wait a minute.
You just need a place?

I know a big house.

Zero hassles.
Total freedom.
Immediate occupancy.

Are you kidding?

Are you serious?

You want to say 7:00?

[school bell rings]

Hey, Kirsten.

Oh, I got something for you.

No big deal.
Just something
I thought you could use.

Sneaker cleaner.

One spritz cleans a sneaker
right up.

Wow. That's...

That's great.

You shouldn't have.

Well, it's no big deal.
We're doing a promotion
at the store, so...

I get them
pretty much free.

Still very thoughtful.

Listen, good luck
tonight at the game.

You know, I was thinking,
maybe you should come.

It's not much
of an athletic contest,

but we're usually
pretty good for a laugh.

Oh, I'd love to,
but I'm... kind of busy.

Next game maybe?


If we're still alive
after tonight.

Hey, Bay.

Listen, uh, I got this idea.

It says here
there's a new band
tonight at the Armory.

They're supposed
to be really hot, and, uh,

I get off from the bar early.

You free?

There must be something
in the water.

Suddenly, everybody's interested
in my social schedule.

Actually, I've got
two front-row tickets
to Liz Phair tonight.

Okay, that's just as good.
We'll do that.

I'm going with George.

He got them
through his law firm.

I can't believe
you're going out with a lawyer. I mean, isn't that
kind of buttoned-down for you?


It's kind of perfect.

The truth is,
I owe it all to you.

If you hadn't bailed out on me
a couple of weeks ago,

George and I might have
never hooked up.

If I can bring one ray
of sunshine into your life...

You know, I thought
we had something going,

but you kind of
weirded-out on me.

I was trying to be
a lot nobler
than I actually am.

I'm not following you.

Never mind.
It'll never happen again.

You've gotta meet George.

He's just...

He does this pro bono program
for low-income
housing residents.

So far this year,

Hey, you know what?
I think I left the water running

Remember where you are.
We'll do this another time.

[marching band playing]

They're stronger than we are.

They're faster than we are.

They're bigger than we are.

They're not missing
three of their starting players.

They didn't skip
three days of practice

because their field
was overfertilized.

They didn't have
that stomach flu thing.

Leaving that all behind...

[clears throat]

Out there, on that field,
it's just you.

You and your team.

Don't worry
if our cheerleaders nap

or your... your family...
leaves early.

You think about each other.

You play
to each other's strengths.

You... you help
each other out!

We are a team!

Or we are nothing.

Go, possums!


[march band music]

-This is a nice place.
-[she chuckles]

[violin playing]



Julia, you said it was just
the five of you, right?
There's no adults?

My brother doesn't qualify.
Trust me.


What's that... noise?

that's just...

[violin playing]

Oh, Greg was gonna
play us his band's demo.

Toe Jam.
Have you heard of us?

Uh-huh. Just a sec.

Claud, can I see you
in the other room
for a minute, please?

I'm not done
practicing my...


Could you do that

downstairs is better.

But there's nowhere else
for us to hang out.

Hey, how high
can we crank the stereo?

Crank it.

Come on, Claud. Please?

[rock music plays loudly]

Okay, dishes for a week.

Diaper changes for a month?

I'll let you watch
an R-rated video.

You know what I've been
thinking a lot about?

Mom's quilt.

The one on my bed?

It'll really
pull my room together.

Claud, you live in a tent.

Fine, fine. It's yours.
Just do it upstairs.

Aren't you going
to introduce us?


You got anything to eat?

Kitchen's over there.

Thanks, Judy.

It's not Judy. It's...

[George] Julia,

You're looking well.

I'm here to spirit Kirsten away.

Kirsten, it's George!


Charlie Salinger.

Oh, hi.
Nice to meet you.

Great tie.

What are those,
little ducks?


So, uh, Kirsten says
you build things.


Actually, I'm in the process
of setting up
my own construction business.

Mostly residential stuff.

I did construction one summer.

No kidding.
What'd you build?

A village in the Cameroon.
I was in the Peace Corps.

-Hey, you.
-Hey, you.

[George] You all set?
You look great.

Doesn't she look great?

Well, we're off.

See you in the morning,

Nice to meet you.

Where's the Cameroon?

Down the hall?

[cheering and yelling]

The open field
moves, man!

The crucial block!

Positive mission, my boys!

[all] Yeah! Whoo!

Like this?

No, it's not just your back.
You really got to
let yourself loose.

I practically got
trampled to death
with the Beastie Boys.

Oh, really?

It was totally cool.

When you're this close
to having your skull
crushed by a skinhead

wearing a pair
of Doc Martens,

you know you're alive
on the planet, you know?


He's cute.

He's yours.
Go for it, babe.

who are you
going out with?

Nobody much.

"Nobody much?"
I dated him last year.

Oh, believe me,
you can do
much better than him.

You know who'd be
perfect for you?


Oh, Porter Stanley.
He's from St. Ignatius.

Yeah, he's in Greg's band.
He's so great.

You think so?

One day, you know,
you can just
swing by rehearsal,

and I'll casually
introduce you guys.

That'd be great.


Well, you know,
just name the kids
after me.

Great game, Bay.

Thanks, man.

See you guys later.

Missed you out there
tonight, bro.

Just wanted to say
you were studly tonight.

So, you want to go out,

Oh, I'll catch you

[car engine starts]

I got a heavy date
with an ice pack.

Don't ask me to autograph it.

[guy] Guess we screwed up
your winning record, huh?

[guy 2]
What'd you say, punk?


Just keep it on the field.
Keep it on the field, all right?

-Think you're tough, now huh?
-[guy] Now he's scared.

Hey, give me a break, man.
It's just a game!

What the hell's
your problem, man?

[car alarm blares]

[burglar alarm rings]

[guy] Let's get out
of here, man.

Let's go!

Let's get out
of here!

Damn it!

Salinger, who was it?

[alarms continue to ring]

Who was it?

I don't know.

I didn't see anything.

I don't know.

[Bailey] The receiver
doesn't know I'm behind him.

The quarterback never sees me,
so he lofts
this beautiful pass...

Interception, right?

Excuse me.
You tied, right?

No food
in the entire house.

So my friends
have appetites.

I want to hear Bailey.

I grab the ball,
I look downfield,
all the lanes are blocked...

Just tell me,
is this it...

Stewed apricots
and strained peas?

-Fine. So I'll shop.
-[telephone ringing]

Finish the story.

All right, so I'm flying
toward the end zone...

The seven-seven tie.

I see the quarterback
trying to make the angle.

Hello. This is Charlie Salinger.

Adam comes
out of nowhere...

This is the most pathetic thing
I have ever heard.
You didn't win.

-What happened?
-They tied.

Principal Stickley's office?


I'm sorry.
I don't know anything
about an incident last night.

[indistinct chatter]

Great, Bailey.
This is just great.

How was I supposed to know
they'd make such a big deal
out of this?

I was supposed to bid on a job
this morning,

and now, through
absolutely no fault of my own,
I'm gonna end up looking bad.

Charlie Salinger!

You didn't set fire
to the boys' room again,
did you?

Hey, Mr. Harlan.

Oh, my goodness.
If it isn't Charlie Salinger.

Hey, Mrs. Peterson.

We still talk about you
drilling that peephole
in the girls' locker room.


I did it for Bob Grenley.
I owed him money.

My point is,
you should be paying attention
to those grades of yours. This better be the last time
I get dragged down here.

Principal Stickley
will be with you boys
in a few minutes.

Charlie, seeing you here
makes me feel young again.

Aren't you hot like that?

Not too.

Did you ever have English
with Mr. May?

Yeah, he's a good teacher.

Last year we read
To k*ll A Mockingbird.

I think he likes me.

He winked at me
the other day.

He winks at Coach Ryan, too.

It's a twitch.
It happens when he's tired.


Hey, Julia, you're a brain.

Tell me how I can
get an "A" out of Ferguson?

Take good notes.
He's real big on extra credit.

No. I meant an easy way.

Well, it might mean doing
some homework sometime.

Hey, I will have you know
I happen to be very into
social studies.

Emphasis on "social."

Last night
was so much fun.

Is your place available
again tonight?

My place?

Sure. Great.

That's wonderful.

[guys chattering
in the playing field]

Look, Miss Stickley...


God bless you.

If, uh... if Bailey says
he didn't see anything,
I'm sure he didn't.

And even if I did...

It wasn't our guys' fault.

The other team,
they were kind of pissed off
about the tie, you know?

They sort of expected to win.
They started it.

The Havenhurst principal
will deal
with the Havenhurst players.

I'll deal with mine.

Yeah, but, you got to understand
that when a teammate
gets pushed around,

you got to push back.
Even Coach would...

I am not interested
in your justifications,
Mr. Salinger.

No, ma'am.

School property was destroyed.

A car was vandalized.

Visiting players were att*cked
on our school grounds.

Alcohol, beer bottles
were found at the scene.

Obviously, some members
of this team think

that just because
they wear a football jersey,

they have license
to act any way they please.

They're wrong.


And if you think, Mr. Salinger,
that you can protect
your friends with your silence

and laugh at the authority
of this school,
and at my authority,

you're wrong.

Either you tell us
who broke the windows,

or you'll be suspended
from the team.

[Charlie] Maybe he can sue
the school board or something.

You hear about
that kind of stuff happening
all the time, don't you?

I guess.

[music playing on stereo]

When I was a senior,
we had this
dress code hassle.

How'd we deal
with that?

Oh. We lost.
That's how.

There's a way
to handle these people.

Not that I have
the slightest clue what it is.

You mind?

I skipped lunch.


I know somebody who'd know
all about this kind of stuff,

who'd know exactly
if there were any legal angle
worth pursuing.

George. George?



I know he'd be happy
to help you out, Charlie.


Did you buy tuna?

Come on, Claud.


Gummi bears are not
in the food pyramid.

So? Order pizza.
Just eat it upstairs, okay?

You're having
another party.

I know, Claudia.

This is not just
your house, you know.

We share it.

You could ask us first.

It's called being polite.

May I have
another party, Claudia?

Maybe I should just...

You know,
never to be heard from again?

These the good kind?


You don't understand yet. You will when you're older.

You know, you meet new friends,
and you want to have them over,
have parties,

do crazy things.

You meet new people,
you want them to like you.

It's fun.

It's important.

It's just... important.

You'll see in a few years.

Can I have a red one?


I'd like to see George Lewis.

I didn't make an appointment.

All right.

Is he a lawyer?

He's the greatest lawyer
in the universe.

Hmm. Oh.

He's not a lawyer.
He's a paralegal.

They're two floors down,
with the steno pool.

Should I buzz him?

[doorbell rings]

It's open.


Where is everybody?

It's just us.

I mean, welcome.

Wait a second.
Did you invite anybody?


That's great.

-It is?

Last night was
just so awesome.

But tonight,
I don't know.

We just wanted
someplace quiet.

God, you're such
a lifesaver, Jul.

Well, you know, since
it's just the five of us,
we could go out.

It's open-mike night
at Grounds 4.

I don't know about that.

You really want
to do that?

Not if you don't want to.

I don't know...

It's hard to find
a place like this.

Did you hear Mount Tam
got a new linebacker?

Some transfer student
from... get this... Samoa.

Yeah, so?

Yeah, so,
Samoans are huge.

They're like Amazons.
We're, like, screwed.

They beat Urban
last week, 47 to zip.

Did you hear about
this guy, Bay?

I wonder what it feels like
to get sacked by
a 240-pound Samoan.

You'll know next Saturday.

Not necessarily.

I blew off Stickley
and the Coach today.

What do you mean?

You said you didn't
see anything, right?

If I don't tell who did it,
the said they're gonna
kick me off the team.

So they don't even care
who started it?


You're kidding!

That's what they said.

Don't let them
scare you, Bay.

Do I have a choice
about that?

They're just talking tough
so you'll squeal.

I don't think so, man.

They sounded serious.

I'm telling you, Salinger,
it's an act.

Coach knows
you didn't do anything.

He knows
you didn't break that window.

You think he's gonna kick you
off the team when he knows
you didn't do anything?

So you're saying
that protecting your butt
is a safe move?

I gotta say, Bay,
my butt's completely safe,

and it sounds right
to me.

You really think it's a bluff?

They're not looking
to bust the guy who saw it.

They're looking to bust the guy
who did it.

We gotta
stick together, man.

If we're not a team,
then we're nothing.

Well, anyway, they can't prove
I saw who did it,

Damn straight.

You're my hero, man.


It's an awesome responsibility.

I'm sorry.
You probably want to...

I'll just... I'll make... I'll leave. I'm gone.

I can't just sit
on the sidelines
again this week, Bay.

We're on a roll here.
I mean, a tie.
Huh? A tie!

It's a mistake, man.

You'll get hurt worse
and we'll lose you
for the rest of the season.

What good will that do? [coach] Hey!

What the hell you think
you're doing, Salinger?

I'm suiting up
for practice, Coach.

Salinger, you're not practicing
with this team until
we've resolved this situation.

Coach, I told you,
I didn't see anything.

Do you see this?

[motor whirring]


I'm making pesto.

You don't mind, do you?
I know it's not
in my job description.

George is crazy
about pesto.

Don't worry.
I'll save you guys
a batch.

Hey, I keep
meaning to ask,

did you ever talk to him
about Bailey's situation?

Actually, Kirsten...

You should catch him
before Friday, though,

because we're planning
to go to Napa this weekend,

although he's so swamped
with his cases,
we might have to put it off.

Say, Kirsten, you ever
been down to his office?

Not yet.

He is so not into being in
one of those
huge skyscrapers. Did you know that
you can't even open a window
in the Transamerica building?

Where did George
go to law school?
Did he ever say?

Boalt, was it?

One of the UCs,
I think.
I'm not sure.

He must really be pushing
to make partner.

He's not into
practicing corporate law.

He'd much rather do
legal aid work.

I personally think
he has a future ahead of him
in politics.

He's certainly got
the character for it.

What's that
supposed to mean?

Kirsten, he's not a lawyer.

What are you talking about?
He's been at Dunn and MacLean
for the past three years.

As a paralegal.
A paralegal, not a lawyer.

How do you know?

Because I took your advice
and I went to see him
at his office.

The receptionist referred me
to the paralegal department,
next to the steno pool.

He's been lying to you.


He told me that he... Why would he lie?

To get a woman like you,
most guys would say anything.

Look, could you just...

I just need
to, um...

♪ No matter what I say
It seems I lose ♪

See you later, Matt.

All right, man,
we'll catch up with you later.

Hey, we got to talk.

Hey, where were you today?
Why weren't you at practice?

Because Coach wouldn't
let me in,

because they're gonna
suspend me, that's why.

Oh, no, they're not, man.
I'm telling you,
you didn't do anything.

Look, would you
stop saying that?

I'm telling you,
they're not backing off.

Hey, get a grip, man.

-All right? Just get a grip.
-That's easy for you to say.

I'm the one
who's gonna get nailed
for what you did.

Oh, come on,
it wasn't my fault.
You saw what happened.

It wasn't my fault.

Look, man, it's tough.
I know, all right?

But, believe me,
I'd be there for you.


If the situation was reversed,
I'd cover for you.

You wouldn't have to. What's happening here, man?

We're a team.

Don't you understand?
I'm gonna be off the team.

What do you want me to do?
What, you want me
to tell them I broke the window?

You want me
to screw myself over?
Well, I'm not gonna do that.

Do something.

You're crazy.

You want to fight?

You coward. What are you
gonna do, huh?

You gonna just cave in?

You gonna just save your butt,
and tell them everything?

I don't think
you want to do that, man.

Are you threatening me?

No, go ahead, man.
Rat on your team.

I'm sure the guys
are really gonna trust you.

The third movement's
very tricky,

because it's got those trills
in fourth position,

but Ross says
that if I work on it...

Hold still. You seen my blue shirt?


Cut them straight for once,
will you?

Look, Claud,
trust me, okay?
I've got it down.


Ew. Gross.


You're disgusting.

Come on, we're gonna
be late for dinner.

Like Joe's gonna
give away our table?
I don't think so.

Two minutes, I'm leaving,
with or without you.

[doorbell chimes]

-You expecting someone?

[teens chattering]

She's such a flake.

[Julia] How many people
did you and Abby invite?

Just a few. Julia.

[Nina] But when people hear
it's a happening place,

word of mouth
can be pretty awesome.

Okay, enough is enough
here, Julia.

Look, I told people BYOB,
so it's not like
you're gonna run out of stuff.

The thing is, Nina, we were
kind of heading out to dinner.

But you're gonna miss
something really amazing.

I told Greg to invite that guy
from his band, Porter.

Here's an idea, what do you say
we toss everyone the hell out
and lock the damn door?

He's kidding, right?

You can't do that.

I would be so incredibly

[electric guitar playing]

I can't believe
Abby didn't call you.


[loud rock music playing]


[Charlie] Bailey!


What the hell's going on here?

They're in my bedroom.
They're in the bathroom.

They're in the shower.
They spilled something
on my sheets.

They broke my lava lamp.

You blew off dinner.

Would you leave
these maniacs here?


Hey, they're in the kitchen.
Get your own.

Come on, Bay. Is Owen asleep?

Could you? We got to put him
to bed.

Where do you suggest,
the wall safe?

There's someone smoking
in my tent.


It's going to smell
like an airport.

We'll air it out.
You can sleep
in my room tonight.

Someone threw up
in your room.
It smells worse in there.

This is so great.

Sorry again about Nina and I
getting our signals crossed.

I swear she said she'd call.

It's okay.

No, it's not.
It's not okay.

Look, leave me alone.
Everyone's having fun.

I'm not. You're not.
That's not everyone.

[dish breaking]

What do you
want me to do?

Duh. Kick everyone out.

Claudia, they're my friends.

Well, my friends wouldn't
treat me like this.

What do you know? You're 11.

Your friends
don't even have parties,
and if they did,

they'd probably just sit around
listening to nerdy music.

So what if they did?

It's better than your friends
treating you
like a dumb waitress,

coming over here
without even being invited,

spilling stuff everywhere,
and not leaving so you can
have dinner with your family.

If they were real friends,
they wouldn't act like this
to begin with.

You wouldn't have
to kick them out.

I can't kick them out.

Well, why not?

Because they'll think...

They'll think that...

Why don't you just give them
the keys to the house

and lie down
in front of the door

so they can just
walk all over you, huh?

Jeez, the whole place
is vibrating.

What's with you?

I was gonna
put that in.

What's with you?

What are you talking about?
There's beer in our bathtub.

There's a boom-box
in the freezer.

I can't get
up and down the stairs
in my own house.

I'm gonna get kicked off
the football team.

I thought you
had that figured out.

Yeah, well,
I got it wrong, okay?

They're not playing games.
Either I talk, or I'm gone.

Doesn't sound to me
like you have much choice.

What, you think
I should talk?


I don't know.
It doesn't feel right, man.

Jeez, I'm sorry
to hear that.

Look, don't give me
a lecture, okay?

Maybe you want
to think about the future.

Oh, like you always do?

Huh, Charlie?

This is going on
your permanent record, you know.

What happens when
the college recruiters come by,

when it comes time to give out
the football scholarships?

Chances are, I'm not getting
any scholarships.

but you could.

Know how much money that is?
Know how much easier
that would make things on us?

Or maybe you're not
thinking about that.

Maybe you're just thinking
about whatever feels right.

What do you want from me?

I want you to grow up!

Try being a man.

I want you to think about
protecting your future.

You have to, Bay.
Who else is gonna do it for you?


I'm here for you guys now,
but... I'm not Dad,

and I'm not spending
the rest of my life
pouring drinks behind a bar,

making money
to take care of you

not while you go off
and do whatever feels right.

It's not fair.

[player 2] Hey, man,
throw me a towel.

I, uh...
I need to talk to you.

I would say so.

You gonna give
the Gettysburg Address, son?


It's just...

I just...

I wanted you to understand...

To understand why
I can't tell you
who smashed the window,

and it's not just because
of what you said about how

either we're a team
or we're nothing,

though that's true.

It's just that...

I don't think it's right
to ask anyone
to turn in a teammate.

I mean, not when I don't think
what he did was wrong.

And I know you have the power
to make an example out of me,
but that doesn't make it right.

I mean, kick me off the team?
That's just...


I don't understand
how you could tell me

that the only way for me
to stay out of trouble is to
be a traitor to my friends.

Because if I do that,
if I am that,

then I couldn't go back
to the team anyway.

So I can't turn anybody in.

I just...

I just really hope
you understand.

Good morning.

Not really,
and I don't want
to discuss it.

You were right.

George is not a lawyer.

He did lie to me,
which is pretty stupid,

Because I really liked him.

It wouldn't have

And he tried to explain.

He swore he was
going to tell me but,

I just...

I can't start out that way.

So it's over. I ended it.

I'm sorry.

Are you?


I know it's tough.
If you want to talk...

Oh, you're full of crap,
Charlie, you know that?

You're sorry?

You care that I'm hurt?

Yes. I just told you that.

You think I can't see
through you?

I know exactly
what you're doing.

George is out,
and you're in, right?

I didn't say that.

Tell me it isn't true.

Tell me that you weren't glad
when you found out.

The way you led me
through those questions...

"You ever been to his firm?
Seen his office?"
That was fun, huh?

Hey, I was just pointing out
how little you knew him.

I thought I was protecting you
from getting hurt worse.

Don't put this on me.

I don't think
you care about me.

I think you care about you.

I think you're playing a game,
and I am so sick of games
right now.

Well, okay.

I'd kind of like
the chance to defend myself.

You know what?

I don't want to hear anymore.

You're no better than he is.


Don't drink that water.
It's horrible.

I'm dead anyway.
What's the difference?

Aspirin wouldn't help. Thanks.

Talk about dead,
we k*lled my house.

[Nina] Then tell your house
I know how it feels.

So, basically,
maybe we need another place.

Look at me.

You guys have
any Visine?

I am so looking forward
to gym right now,
I can't even tell you.

So no more surprise parties,

What is she talking about?

What are you
talking about?

Come on, you guys,
there was so much food
stamped into the rug,

you could serve it
in the cafeteria,

and you should've
seen the bathrooms,

and I heard this guy
in the kitchen,

on the phone,
calling New Jersey,

and no one in my family
seems to be talking to me
right now,

I know this sounds stupid,

but someone broke
my brother's lava lamp.

He has a lava lamp?

Isn't that kind of passe?

Why didn't you
say something?

I am.


Now I am.



So now we know.

I'm not mad.

Just... does it have to be
my house all the time?

Oh, forget it.
We don't have to do anything.

God! Now I am really
looking forward to gym.

[door slams shut]

Got some ID?

I'm off the team.

I know you think
I'm an idiot.

Forget it, Bay.

Not much point
in talking about it.
You did what you did.

I couldn't
turn in a friend.

You didn't hear a word I said.

That's not true.
I did hear what you said
to me last night.


I just couldn't
figure out how,

when you told me to grow up
and be an adult for once,

I couldn't figure out how
the first thing I would do

would be to do something
I knew was wrong.

I couldn't.

The only thing is,
I feel really bad about this.

I mean, I feel really horrible.

See, the thing is,

it would be great
if I thought that

you at least understood.

I mean, it would help.

Bailey... Forget it.

It doesn't matter.

I know it isn't fair to you.

See, the thing
that I really want to say
is that...

It's not your responsibility.

I'm not.

So don't worry about it, okay?

I'll take care of myself.

Whatever happens,
I'll handle it.

[sighs grimly]

You hungry?


We got some lentil soup,
the kind you like.


Hey, Isaac,

how about getting some soup
over here for my brother?



Look, I was here first.

If you got a problem
with that...

You're flat.


Your e-string,
it sounds flat.

[plays an "E" on piano]


[plays an "E" again]

[hits note again]



Go on.
It sounded good.

Wait'll you hear
the third movement.

It's k*ller. [doorbell rings]

Keep going.




My dad's a photographer,

and he found this lava lamp
at a prop house for me.

I think Bailey will be
really happy.

Um, Abby can be kind of mean

And I can be kind of out of it.

So sometimes it's good
to tell people where
to get off, you know,

especially stupid people
who aren't paying attention.

I'm sorry about the house.

I should've said something

I just, um,

I was worried
that you guys would...

So we'll use
someone else's house.

Hey, Lisa's parents will be
in the Bahamas all next week.

[Julia] Vacation?


Um, you want to go
get some coffee or something?

[Claudia playing violin]

I should probably
hang around here.

Oh, okay.

Well, see you later.

Actually, do...

Do you want to see something
pretty amazing?



How long you been
standing there?

Are you okay?


Every man in the world
is a selfish, lying bastard.

Life goes on.

I know.

Why don't I take a walk?

Sit down.

You may be the exception.

I heard you did
a great thing today.

You mean
about the team?

I don't know.

I mean,
when you do a great thing,

aren't you
supposed to feel great?

All I know is
you stuck to your principles.

That takes a lot of guts.

You are incredibly brave
and unselfish,

and I think you're wonderful.
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