07x16 - The Secret Technique Haikyūken vs. Fighting Power / Victory's Edge / Battle Power!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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07x16 - The Secret Technique Haikyūken vs. Fighting Power / Victory's Edge / Battle Power!

Post by bunniefuu »

At last, the match to determine
the world's best fighter began

between the Turtle Hermit's student,
Son Goku,

and the Crane Hermit's student,

The intense fight between the two
was worthy of the final round,

and the crowd gazed in awe at the
incredible show of techniques.


Even Goku found himself
completely helpless

before the astoundingly severe
and powerful Tenshinhan!

It's over!

Heaven or Hell.
Go to whichever you want!

"The Secret Haikyu-ken vs. Battle Power"

I'll finish you off with
a very special technique!

What kind of technique is
he going to use on Son?!

Tenshinhan and Son have been stuck
in this position for a while!

Is he planning to use
what I think he is?

That brat is dead!

What's he planning to do?!


Not Goku too...!


Goku! Pull yourself together!

Damn it! What the hell're you doin'?!

Time for the Haikyu-ken!
(Volleyball Attack)

I'm ready!



He's using Son as a ball!

Is this what it means to
make sport of someone?!

Tenshinhan has taken to the air!


He's dead!


- Goku-san!
- Goku!


Son is back up!


Ugh! If you're not dead,
then you should say so!

The fight's just begun!

You can do it, Goku!

Son is still alive,
despite taking that much damage!


You're really strong!
You surprised me!

That's my line. You're one tough guy!

You won't die if I
use my full strength,

so now I can fight really hard!

Don't make me laugh.

I know you've been fighting
your hardest this whole time.

Yeah. At "match level".


- Match level?
- What do you suppose that means?

But it looks like you wanna k*ll me,

so I'll fight at "battle level" now!

Battle level?

So now you're going to
show your true ability?

I've never heard such a
pathetic bluff before.

Here I come! Battle start!

I'm looking forward to it!
Bring it on!

Battle start...? What does that...



Here it is!

The Turtle Hermit School's
special attack- the Kamehameha!

The tables have turned!
Son has the upper hand!



Never mind!

What could've happened?!

The Kamehameha would have routed
the already damaged Tenshinhan!

It appeared to be a perfectly-timed
and effective attack, but...

I bet you felt that, huh?

I'm happy that someone like you exists!

This is the first time
I've been so excited!

You really are amazing!
That makes me glad!

That guy's not hurt at all!

Why didn't he beat him up just now?!

He might not have really given up...

That bastard's one tough guy!
I like him!

The title will be mine!
Prepare yourself!

Oh, no, it won't!


Despite taking all that damage,

both fighters are
staring each other down

as if to say the real
battle has yet to begin!

Goku's so stupid-
why did he stop his Kamehameha?

He saw ahead.

If Goku had fired the Kamehameha
at that point in time,

there is no doubt it would
have been deflected!

He would have only succeeded
in wasting energy.

The fight will be a long one.

Goku actually calculated in advance!

Ten-san is amazing!

Now we get to see
Tenshinhan's true skill!


The meaning of "battle start"
is finally made clear!

This truly is more
of a battle than a match!

A terrifying amount of
energy is being generated!

It's bursting!

An ordinary person would be obliterated
by any one of these att*cks!

Kuririn. Did you see their breathing?!

Despite moving around so intensely,

neither are out of breath at all!

Exactly what kinds of techniques
are they going to show us now?

You can't take your eyes
off them for even a moment!

What an incredible display
of offense and defense!

They're moving so fast that it's
hard to tell what's going on!

That's it, Son-kun! Knock him out!

Oh, my! Tenshinhan doesn't
have much room left!

Son continues with his intense as*ault!

Come on, Son-kun!

Too bad!

The tables have been turned!

Now Tenshinhan is driving Son into
a corner after his counterattack!

What's goin' on?!

Son has suddenly turned into...

One, two, three, four...
A lot more!

What exactly is going on?!


You can't trick me
with the Zanzouken!

You're above me!


Too bad!

You fell for your own trick!

Goku! Behind you!


He did it!


I should've stayed there.

He did it! Hurray!

Hey, my leg...!


He did it!

I'm not sure how it happened,

but Son's powerful kick
connected with Tenshinhan's head!

You fell for the same trick too!

Why, you...!

You didn't faint?! You're tough!

Come on...! He got up again!


Tenshinhan wouldn't be
worn out that easily!

This is the first time in my life

I've been put in a
situation like this!

How dare you shame me!

I'm all sweaty too, you know...

Playtime is over!

I'm going to put an end to this match!

Here it comes!

That stance was used in
the incredible technique

that not even former champion
Jackie Chun could dodge!


He did it again!

Now you can't see!

What exactly just transpired?!

Son should have been blinded,

but he countered the
attacking Tenshinhan

with a powerful body blow!



Where did you... get those...?

I borrowed them!

Tenshinhan is down!


When did he...

- That was amazing!
- One!

- What kind of attack
do you think Goku did?
- Two! Three!

- How should I know?
- Four!

What happened?

That's Goku for you...

It was the sunglasses.

- Old-Timer Turtle Hermit! Thank you!
- Five!

- You were fast.
- Six!

- Excellent thinking, I might add.
- Seven!


Damn it!


You really are tough!

Don't show off!

You knocked me down only
because I let my guard down!

What's the big idea?!

My sunglasses...!

That impertinent brat!

Damn it...!

Then I'll knock you down
for reals this time!

Don't you dare mock me, runt!

This is the first time I've seen
you without your sunglasses on!


But I get the feeling I've seen
your eyes somewhere before...

They're very common eyes!

But I could swear that...

This is no time for
petty conversation!

Watch the match!


You left yourself open!

A ferocious right sends Son flying!


That wasn't fair!


Did something suddenly happen to Goku?

He fought through the
previous matches just fine-

something doesn't seem right!
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