02x12 - Fake Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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02x12 - Fake Love

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hey.
- Hi.

You okay?

Oh, God. No... Aaron, I'm not.

I feel like I've had
some huge b*mb dropped on me.

Oh, shit. I am, uh...

I'm so sorry.

I feel like I'm on the verge of...

of a nervous breakdown.

I've never felt so blindsided.

Look, Zoey, we didn't mean
to hurt you, okay?

It was just... I don't know.

Ana's so cool,
and things just kind of...

they happened, you know?

What are you talking about?

What happened with you and Ana?

Wait. Did Ana not talk to you?

Talk to me about what?

About, um...

Hello? "We didn't mean to hurt you"?

What does that mean?

I just meant we, in general,
like, didn't mean to hurt you...

like that time we clowned you

when you were watching
"MasterChef Junior."

In your defense, Reggie didn't
deserve to be blasted

over a beef kabob... the kid's 8.

Aaron, why are doing that
stupid rambling thing you do

when you're hiding something?

I'm not rambling.
I'm just trying to talk to you

about a great show, "MasterChef Junior."

If I was rambling, I'd talk to
you about O.G. "MasterChef"...

Aaron, stop. What the hell
are you talking about?

- You and Ana?
- Okay. Okay.

Uh, Ana and I...

we, you know, fell into
a little situation,

and we've been kickin' it, so...

"Kickin' it" like how?

Just kickin' it, kickin' it.

Like, really kickin' it hard.

Kickin' it and stuff... naked.

We've been naked together.




♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Since the dawn of womankind,

much about humans
has adapted and evolved.

You know, like how we
used to sleep in caves

or comb our hair with rocks.

However, there is one rule
that has and will always

withstand the test of time... Girl Code.

That unspoken, yet very strict
set of rules we ladies live by.

And the number-one rule
of Girl Code is...

"Don't date anyone your homegirl

has been in a relationship with."

The number-two rule of Girl Code?

Read rule number one
over and over and over again

until you die.

But what happened to Girl Code

when your generation redefined
traditional relationships

and turned them into
something different?


Things become a lot less
black and white.

In fact, they can get murky.

And for Ana and me, they were
about to get hella murky.

What the hell are you saying right now?

She's saying she's a snake-ass bitch

with no respect for Girl Code.

But I have hella respect
for her creep game, though.

Right in our faces!

Okay. Creeping, secrets,
that's whatever.

You do realize what you did
to your best friend, right?

Your roommate? Our roommate?

I know.

And that's why I need your help.

Look, Zoey found out before
I had a chance to tell her,

and now she's locked herself
in her room.

She won't come out,
no matter how hard I try.

Zoey, you want to talk?

Okay. Cool. No, I gotcha.

Another time. It's fine.

And, believe me,
I'm gonna keep trying, but...

Believe you?

How the hell are we supposed to believe

anything that comes out of
your trifling-ass mouth anymore?

I didn't think it would
get to this point.

Look, it truly started
innocently, and then, it just...

It just snowballed.

I just want this whole mess to be over.

Well, none of the people in
this room have slept with Aaron,

so you need to ovary the hell up,

get in there, and fix this,

because my parents are not
paying this much in rent

for me to be unhappy
in this beautiful apartment.

Bro, you and Ana?

How does that even work,

like, physically,
politically, spiritually?

Was it everything I imagined it was?

Like a Maxwell video?

- Get your boy, man.
- That's... That's your boy, man.

Unfortunately, he's both of our boy.

Aww, that's so sweet.

Bro, look, I'm not even
trying to judge you,

but smashing within the friend
group is straight treacherous.

It's not like I went looking for this.

It just kind of happened.

I wish that stuff
just kind of happened to me...

although, flip-side,
Zoey's probably pissed at you.

Ana's probably pissed at you.

Zoey's definitely pissed at Ana.

I wouldn't have the emotional
bandwidth for that.

I should probably reach out, you know,

hit her up, sh**t her a little text.

- No. No.
- No, you can't do that.

- Dude, come on.
- You cannot text her right now.

Big facts. Plus, Ana's probably
in the middle of it.

What? No. I'm talking
about texting Zoey.

Are you a dumbass?

- The hell?
- That shit's got to stop.

Dude, you are sleeping with Ana.

Do you really think
she'd really appreciate you

checking in on Zoey?

You're right.
So, I check on both of them.

Group text.

All the wrong moves, B.

Give me your phone.

Bro, you made a lot
of bad decisions today.

Let me help you make a good one.

- I don't want to.
- Come on.

Come on.

Thank you.

Be right here until you get it together.


Fix it now.


See? It's no use.

- I'll try tomorrow.
- No. No.

Come in.

- Go.
- Okay!

All right.



Okay. All right.
So, I guess I'll just, um...

I'll just dive right in.

Um, Zoey, first off...

I'm sorry.

But I need you to know that

I wanted to be the one to tell you.

It's just that, every time
I tried, the time was just...

it just wasn't right.

Whatever. The point is,
you're my best friend.

And... And you should have never
heard it from anyone else.

Please say something.


You're a shady piece
of backstabbing trash.

Okay. Um...

Great first step.

You know, a-at least
we're communicating.

Zoey, I... I... You have to believe me.

We never meant to hurt you.

Oh, pause. "We"?

Ugh, a bitch is using plural pronouns!

Okay, I'm gonna need Ana
to take two steps forward,

'cause I'm tired of looking
under homegirl's shorty robe.

When did all of this start happening?

Okay, well, we started hanging
out a little while ago.

Um, and no... nothing happened,
really, just flirting...

w-which I... I stopped.

And then, like, um, a week or so ago,

it, um, turned into more.

Wow. Do you have any idea
how dumb I feel?

You are supposed to be my best friend.

I am.

Best friends don't sleep with
their best friend's ex.

With all due respect, Aaron
technically is not your ex.

Okay. Never trust anyone
who starts a sentence with

"all due respect."

That's right behind, "I have
tons of black friends, but..."

But Ana does have a point.

How Sway? Aaron is totally Zoey's ex.

No. Technically,
they were never together.

Then, technically, what were they?

They were more of a, um, situationship.

Without the official
"relationship" label,

you aren't in an official relationship.

If Aaron and I were never
in a relationship,

then why'd you sneak around?

You knew that we had had
feelings for each other.

You knew that we had hooked up,
that he's been to my house,

that he has met my family.

Matter of fact, you were the one

who told me to choose him over Luca.

Right! And you chose Luca!

Okay, now Zoey is just
straight-up wrong, okay?

Her and Aaron were never
in a relationship.

Remember last year, when she
said she wanted a relationship

like you and Doug?

Everyone wants what we have.

Yeah, including you.

Just 'cause you don't have it anymore.

I mean, with all due respect, of course.

Okay, well, my point is
that Zoey had to choose

between two situationships...
Aaron and Luca...

to decide which relationship
she wanted to be in,

and she chose Luca.

Her and Aaron were a
situationship. Case closed.

Okay, aren't you guys
forgetting about Cash,

who you guys told her to choose?

- I don't recall.
- I don't recall.

What... What do I have to do
to get you to believe me?

I am so sorry.

I know that you are sorry
for hurting my feelings

and for keeping secrets,

but are you sorry for getting
with him in the first place?

Right. Right.
Well, I hope it was worth it.

With Girl Code in all kinds of shambles,

there was only one place

that I thought would
make me feel better.

Oh, my God, dude. Okay.

Do you want to hear the craziest
thing that just happened?

Is it crazier than these lifer dudes

from "Penitentiary Kitchen" that
will make Michelin-star meals

out of Flaming Hot Cheetos
and cigarette lighters

in their cells?

Yeah. It is. Um...

Ana has been hooking up with Aaron.

Oh, yeah.

I knew about that for a while.

Exc... Um...

What... What...

What did you just say to me?

I'm not crazy for thinking

that Aaron isn't Zoey's ex, am I?

If he was, there's no way
I would have messed with him.

She sat on that couch and said to me

that they were never in love.

They never even had sex.

Well, wait, so you have to have
had sex to be off-limits?

- Yes!
- Well, what if they had

an emotional connection?

You know, people can connect

on a deeper, more intellectual level.


Wait, we are talking about
Aaron and Zoey, right?

Yeah, no, I'm just asking, like,

how far do two people
have to go physically

in order for them to be
considered off-limits?

Dry humping.

What? I said what I said.

Look, it doesn't matter what
level of physical interaction

I've had with a dude from my past.

If he's from my past,
he's completely off-limits.

Even Lil' Rico with the baby
teeth from sixth grade?

Especially Lil' Rico with
the baby teeth from sixth grade.


Even with your punk-ass spinnies,

that's a 9-3 lead for The Digital.

You're great at fake soccer.

"Fake football" to you.

Guys, I got it, all right?

I've decided I'm not gonna text,

but, instead,
go over to Zoey and Ana's...

talk all the drama out in person.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Man, stop the clock!

You can't go over there right now.

Now, who knows what kind of mess
you'd be walking into?

Could be all sorts of crazy,
you know, screaming,

and... and hair pulling,
and bras everywhere.

Maybe I should go over there
and defuse the situation.

Bro, I... I don't think you
understand the magnitude

of what's going on right now.

You smashed two homegirls.

You're public enemy number one.

I never smashed Zoey.

All right, so, look at this.

How would you feel if one of us
tried to get at Zoey?

Okay. Fine.

Before high school,
any dude's fair game,

'cause, you know, all that
stuff's above the belt, anyways.

But ninth grade and on?

Off. Lim. Its.

Cool, so I can, like,
totally go after Lil' Rico

from sixth grade, right?

Of course...

if you want to get yourself
nice and [bleep] up.

Guys, enough.

I don't want to hear about
physical limitations,

statute of limitations, or Girl Code.

I just want to
make things right with Zoey.

Well, maybe if you did care
about those things,

you'd probably still have
your friendship, Ana.

You don't think I've lost

my friendship with Zoey
over this, do you?

Look, Ana. Lying is a really
hard thing to get over.

But I didn't lie.

I mean, a lie of omission
is still a lie.

I didn't want to lie.

I just didn't know if this was
a fling or if it was real,

and I didn't want to bring
Zoey into it until I knew.

It's the fact that you allowed yourself

to catch feelings in the first place

that poses the problem.

Yeah. I mean, once someone hurts
you and leaves you vulnerable,

it's really hard to
ever trust them again.

Okay. So, you know they were hooking up,

and you kept it from me?

Not my secret to share.


Dude was about to uncork his pruno.

Oh, my goodness. I do not care
about Vato Dan's toilet wine!

There should be no secrets between us...

like when I told you that
I think Bow Wow is a legend.

Like, anything else
you're hiding from me?

You sleeping with Ana, too?

Okay, I know you're
going through something,

so I'm gonna ignore
that extra-ass comment.

It's not extra to feel betrayed

because my best friend
is sleeping with my ex.

Your "ex"?

Dude, you know what I mean.

No. In fact, I don't know what you mean.

And I don't know why it matters

whether or not Ana
is hooking up with Aaron.

Because, at one point,
I had real feelings for him.

Exactly. "At one point."

You're with someone else now.
You're with me.

Yeah, Luca, I know,
but I am allowed to be upset

at the fact that you hid this from me.

I've been made a fool of
by my best friend

and, apparently, my boyfriend.

Seems like it's less about
you feeling like a fool

and more about you still
having feelings for old boy.

Am I right?

No. No. No. No.

God, I...

I mean, I don't know.

I do know. I... I do know.

It's just that everything is... is...

like still so new that I'm in shock,

and it's really confusing,
and I'm still processing it.

Maybe you should find
another place to process it.

Are you kidding me right now?

No, you're not.

Tonight, we take you to Rikers Island.

In this all-inclusive resort,

guests need more protection
than just SPF 15.

Yo, Zoey. What's up?

- Hey.
- Are you looking for Aaron?

- 'Cause he's not here.
- No, I know.

That's why I came by.

Checked my friend tracker.

I have nowhere else to go.

So, my parents had
cut me off, Ana betrayed me,

and Luca had kicked me out

because he believed I still
had feelings for Aaron.


- We don't have any salsa.
- No.

I just needed to talk to someone

who had no dog in the race,
no Girl Code,

and, in Vivek's case,
no love life to pull from.

Feels like everyone
just needs time to heal.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, Vivek's right.

You can't just dead a friendship

without thinking about it for a minute.

Yeah, well, thank you guys
for letting me hang out here.

I wasn't quite ready to go home yet.

Oh. Of course.

You do exactly what you need
to do for you right now.

That's how I live my life.

- I'm about to go take a tub.
- Mm.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Enjoy that bath b*mb.

Um, Zoey, you know
you're welcome to stay here

as long as you want.

Thank you.

But what's your guesstimate?

Because this is where V-Dig racks out.

- You sleep here?
- Most nights.

I mean, once they buy me out of yay-yo,

the guys at the Winthrop house don't
really talk to me much, so...

They don't seem like good friends.

They're not.

It's why I like
to hang out here with my boys.


You know, Zo,
your girls really love you.

And whether you want to hear it
or not, Ana loves you, too.

At the end of the day,
our girls are all we've got.





♪ Mama's concerned about
how I've been turning out ♪

♪ Says I've been stayin' out
late and I'm burning out ♪

♪ I start to think too much ♪

♪ I gotta get away ♪

♪ Miss Independent ♪

♪ Dependent on Chardonnay ♪

♪ Falling to pieces,
but you do not see it ♪

♪ You don't ♪

♪ You don't, you don't ♪

♪ Falling to pieces, but all
you can see are my faults ♪

♪ My faults ♪

♪ I need a break ♪

♪ I need some space ♪

♪ I need some time ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ I need a break ♪

♪ I need some space ♪

♪ I need some time ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ I need a break ♪

♪ I need some space ♪

♪ I need some time ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ I need a... ♪

♪ I need a... ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I need a... ♪

♪ I need a... ♪

♪ Break ♪


I'm so sorry this happened.

At that moment, I couldn't get
what Vivek said out of my head.

He was right.

As much drama that was caused,

my girls were the only things
I'd always have.

I mean, isn't that what
Girl Code is about...

protecting each other
and sticking together,

even when it hurts?

I'm sorry, too.

Girl Code says we shouldn't let
a guy get between friends.

But we're not friends anymore.

You're just a girl I live with.

That's another game
of fake soccer for me,

as well as another real
20 bucks from you.

One more, double or nothing.

Dude, I have all your money.

Bro, one more. First goal wins.

Come on.

- Okay.
- Come on.

I warned you.

Oh, dude, I told you about
the spinnies, man.

Fake soccer, fake soccer injuries.

What's this right here?

Call that real baby brick.

My baby brick.
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