02x04 - With Life at Stake! Milk Delivery / Milk Delivery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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02x04 - With Life at Stake! Milk Delivery / Milk Delivery

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GISSIRl,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARl,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

After the Turtle Hermit and the others fell sick

to the pufferfish stew that Lunch had cooked,

it seems they have gotten to feeling better,

and appear to be ready to continue their training with the breaking of the new day.

Yow! Ow-ow-ow-ow... !

For crying out loud, this guy sure tosses around in his sleep!

I wonder why it is that whenever I sneeze,

my personality and my appearance change all of a sudden.

"With Life at Stake! Milk Delivery"

My, my, is it morning already?

Hey there, Kuririn! Kuririn, wake up! We've got early-morning training!

R- Right...

It's only : , isn't it?

Stop grousing and get yourself ready right away! I'll go and wake Goku.

Damn. If Lunch-san didn't have that unusual predisposition of hers,

we could have slept together.

Why should I have to be the one to sleep with Kuririn?

Hold on a second... !

Okey-dokey, now to draw up beside her...

Goku, I am so jealous of you!

Still, Goku is the only one who is fit to be with this girl,

not having any interest in women and all...

Thanks for giving me this food-mmmn...

So, I wonder what sort of getup Lunch-san sleeps in.

Let's just have a peek...

This is trouble! That's Lunch-san when she's ferocious!

It would be awful if she woke up! I'll have to quietly awaken only Goku!

Come on... ! Come on... ! Goku... !

Come on, Goku... !

Wake up, I say... ! Hurry up... ! Goku... !

Oh, Old-timer! What's up!?

Old-timer, what is it?

Be quiet... !

What's up?

W- Why, you... ! Why are you sleeping together with me!?

It couldn't be helped, you know? There aren't enough futons.

Shut up, you punk!

Oh, yow! You jerk!

That's what you get for coming into my bed on your own.

Hell if I'm going to lose to the likes of you!

Get some more sleep!

Y- You don't hold back against the women, huh?

You sure are a forthright one.

Old-timer, what do you want this early in the morning?

Are we finally going to have training?

Yeah, that's right! We're training, aren't we?

Oh, this finger? You see, I was... yeah, yeah...

The wind is from the north, at a speed of kph!

Okay, Goku, hurry up and change!

Now then, we are finally about to begin your training in this,

my Eternal Turtle School of Martial Arts...

Oh boy, oh boy!

But before we do, I will say just a few words about the martial arts.


The mastery of the martial arts is not so that you can win fights,

nor is it for you to be told by girls, "Oh, you sure are strong! *smack*! "

Through learning the martial arts,

you will grow healthier, both in body and mind, and by doing so,

you can take what was given you when you were born and

spend your lives more enjoyably, and to their fullest extent.

However, if there should be some enemy who would use unwarranted power

to thr*aten yourself or other innocent people,

"Wham-mo! " you are to pop him one in the mouth!

You've been following me up to now, right?


I don't get it at all.

In other words, train as hard as you can, and let's have a fun life.

That's what I mean.

Oh, is that it!? I get it, I get it!

You've got to be a moron, right?

Well now, shall we begin the training already?


However, if you cannot keep up,

it won't matter at all to me if you drop out!


All right. First is some light running. Come with me!



What do you know? I had heard that Muten Roshi-sama's training was harsh,

but this doesn't seem too bad.

And, hold up! Good morning.

I am the Turtle Hermit, the one who called yesterday.

Oh, is that so? Thank you, thank you so much for doing this.

This is a map of the places to be delivered to.

Yes, indeed...

T- Then our early morning training will be... ?

I wonder if he's letting us drink our fill of milk!

All right, you two, each of you take one of these boxes.

We're going to deliver some milk!

D- Deliver milk?

That's right. It will make for some good exercise!

D- Don't tell me you intend on running?

You aren't using the helicopter?

No, if we used the helicopter, it wouldn't be training, after all.

H- However, if you can't get it there by breakfast...

You need not worry. I will make sure that the two of them carry this out.

Come on, take one each!


Muten Roshi-sama, is delivering milk also training?

Indeed it is.

Okay, follow after me!

For the two kilometers or so to the first house, we will skip.

Two kilos!?


Like this! Skip, skip, la-la-la! Skip, skip, la-la-la!

Skip, skip, la-la-la!

Skip, skip, la-la-la!

Skip, skip, la-la-la! Come on!

Skip, skip, la-la-la! Come on!

Skip, skip, la-la-la! Skip, skip...

Skip, skip, la-la-la... !

Skip, skip, la-la-la!

Good, you've taken the empties, right? Okay, for the next one kilo...

T- There's more?

Of course there is!

Next, we'll go along this tree-lined road with a zig-zag, zig-zag!

Zig-zag zig-zag?

...Come on, let's go! ...Right!

Zig-zag, zig-zag!

Back and forth, back and forth! Here we go, here we go!

Zig-zag, zig-zag, zig-zag, zig-zag, zig... !

Zig-zag, zig-zag, zig-zag, zig-zag!

Zig-zag, zig-zag!

Zig-zag, zig-zag, zig-zag, zig-zag!

It doesn't matter to me if you drop out!

I-I won't do it again!

You're late, Kuririn! If you dawdle, the milk will go sour!

R- Right...

Kuririn! Who said we were taking a break!?


Next, we will climb up these stairs.

Now then, we don't necessarily have to run here.

M- Muten Roshi-sama's training really is something after all...

Oho, even Goku here has started to get worn out, huh?

Old-timer, can't I use Kinto-Un to deliver these?

That wouldn't make for any training, would it?


This sure takes me back...

Long ago, Son Gohan and Gyumao delivered milk here like this, you know.

My grandpa did this too!? Is that so!?

Old-timer, I'm going on ahead!

He's finally come, has he?

Kuririn, you're halfway there!

H- Halfway?

That's fine for now.

My, my, this is a job well done!

Hey, there!

That hurt!

It's not "Hey, there," it's "Good morning."

Good morning.

Training is it? Muten Roshi-sama, it has been a long time.

Abbot, it has been a while, huh?

You seem to be as lively as always. How goes the training with these two?

They've just started, after all.

However, I think that both of them look fairly promising.

He said we have promise!

All right!

If they train properly,

they should be able to enter into the tournament eight months from now.

The Tenkaichi Tournament, right?

T- Tenkaichi Tournament!?

What's that?

Don't you know about the Tenkaichi Tournament!?

It's an incredible competition, where the masters of martial arts from all lands

gather to determine who is Tenkaichi, the best under the heavens!

Tenkaichi, huh?

It's held in Metro South, once every five years!

"Tenkaichi Tournament" "Participants Reception"

There are only eight people allowed to enter the tournament.

Last tournament, there were over a hundred masters assembled,

so just winning your way through the preliminaries sounds tough!


I sure would like to enter!

A- Are we going to get good enough to enter too?

If you don't neglect your training, I will enter you.

That's something to look forward to, isn't it?

...All right! ...However...

Your objective is not to become Tenkaichi. Real life isn't that easy.

I'm thinking that if you have the goal of entering the tournament,

it will make the fruits of your training grow that much faster.

Awesome! Wouldn't it be great if we could enter!?

There'll be lots of strong guys there, right?

Well then, we have more milk deliveries, so we will take our leave of you.

Good luck to you.


As Goku and Kuririn's hearts seemed about to burst

over thoughts of the Tenkaichi Tournament...

...there was this other man in Metro West...

"Sangokuichi (Best of the Three Countries) Dojo"


Do you remember this man?

That's right, it's Yamucha, with his Rogafufu-ken technique!

Hang in there! Attaway, attaway, attaway, attaway!

Yamucha-sama! Get them, get them!

You will face me next!

For someone who boasted he could overthrow this Dojo, you're not so great!

Shall I start finishing you off, then?

Yamucha looks like he's going to get beaten!

He's not all that skillful, he just has a big mouth,

and now he's gotten his opponent angry at him.

Pu-erh, we have to do something!

It's okay! Yamucha-sama is strong, after all!

Try taking on my Rogafufu-ken technique!

What did you say!?



Just what you'd expect from Yamucha-sama!

There's no doubt he will win the Tenkaichi Tournament!

But Son-kun, who went over to the Turtle Hermit's place, might also enter!

To be honest, Goku is pretty strong!

Yamucha-sama is stronger!!

It's no use.

The people who will gather for the Tenkaichi Tournament

will be even stronger.

Goku, be sure you come! I'm getting stronger, and I'll be waiting for you!

That's for sure!

Remember, balance! Balance!

What's wrong? Let's go!

Don't look down, or you'll fall!

I-I am not about to die before I enter the Tenkaichi Tournament!

Balance, balance!

Come on, come on! If you walk through here too slowly,

you'll be swallowed up by the sand!

The Tenkaichi Tournament... The Tenkaichi Tournament...

Don't get swept away! You'll go over the waterfalls!

There will be lots of awesome guys there!

I am not about to be swept away!

See there? If you don't run here as fast as you can, you'll get eaten!

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

You will do this milk delivery every day for eight months.

That is your early morning training.

Now, after that comes your morning training!

The Turtle Hermit's training is harsh after all!

However, those two are going to work hard to reach the Tenkaichi Tournament!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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