07x01 - Laura Ingalls Wilder: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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07x01 - Laura Ingalls Wilder: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, Mr. Gray,
what do you think?

Don't know. I want to sell you the land,

but I'd sure feel better if you could
come up with some more cash.

that's every penny I've got saved.

You see, my problem, son...

I need some hard cash
coming in in the next 6 months.

How much?

Oh, $1,000.

One good crop,
and I've got it.

I can do it, sir.

I need it
in writing.

Strictly business.

You don't pay on the note,
the land's mine again.

I understand.

You just write up the papers,
and I'll sign them.

All right, young man.
You got a deal.

Mr. Gray: Come on up to the
house. We'll get the paperwork done.

Yes, sir.

Almanzo: Mr. Ingalls,
can I have supper over tonight?

Yeah, if you don't
k*ll yourself first!

Most of the trouble
you all had on the test

was in not remembering
to carry over.

Almanzo: Beth! Oh,
Beth! I got it!

Eliza Jane: Almanzo Wilder,
do you mind?

I'm sorry,
sis. I'm just so excited.

Can you come with me right now?

I'm in the middle
of a math lesson.

I can't leave in the
middle of a class!

Oh, sis,
can you let her go just this once? Please!

Yes! Anything! Just so
I can get on with the class.

Thanks, sis.
Come on, Beth!

Come on, sue!


Sorry, sis,

I just got a little excited.

In the corner.

Hey, almanzo! Hey!
Hey, slow down!

That's my daughter
you got in that rig!


What do you think of all this?

Laura: I think
you drive too fast.

Forget that!

Laura: Where are you going?

- Look at all this! Look at up here!
- Look at what?

Now, look,
don't you think this is the perfect spot?

Perfect for what?

Now, I'm not set on it. I wouldn't
make that decision without you,

but don't you think
it's a perfect spot?

Perfect for what?!

For our house.

Almanzo Wilder,
what are you talking about?

The land...

It's ours.

I bought it today.

All of this...

It's going
to be our home.

Our home?

Our home?!

Oh, manly, our home!

This Mr. Gray
drives a hard bargain.

If you don't pay on the button,
you lose it all.

I know, but I didn't
have much choice.

Besides, with
this piece of land,

I don't think I have
much to worry about.

Almanzo: It's got its own water, and I'm
going to start digging irrigation ditches

as soon as I finish
busting the soil.

I was here when
the hail wiped US out.

One year out of 7. The
odds are in my favor.

That they are.

It's a fine piece of land,
there's no doubt about that.

Almanzo, how are you going to work
your land, work at the feed & Seed...

Well, it's our land.

Laura: How are you going to work our land,
work at the feed & Seed,

and take care of
your sister's place?

I've made arrangements for that already.

A fellow I met in sleepy
eye named harve Miller...

I think I mentioned
him to you...

The one that's
joking all the time?

Yeah. Well,
he wanted to get out of the city.

I told him there might be a job,
and he jumped at it.

He can keep an eye
on sis' place, too.

then everything's all arranged.

All you have to do is bring in the crop,
build a house,

and, uh... Pray.

I'm going to
do all three.

I feel like I could do anything.

Mr. Ingalls,
I can't tell you how I feel

owning my own
piece of land.

Our own piece of land.

Our own.

Well, Mr. Big landowner, why don't
you and I go out and walk off some supper

and have
a little talk?

- Yes, sir.
- I'll put on another pot of coffee.

Thank you,

He's so happy.

I know.

What about
my girl?

I'm excited.

It's all happening
so suddenly.

In 6 months, I'll be
Laura Ingalls Wilder.

You told me a long time
ago you knew you would.

I know.



What are you

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

Come on.

What is it?

I just realized
for the first time...

That I won't
be teaching.

- Miss Wilder?
- Oh.

Sorry to startle you, ma'am.

I do talk kind of loud, don't I?

Comes from living
in the city, I guess.

I'm harve Miller,
I'm a friend of your brother's.

Oh, yes, Mr. Miller.

Almanzo wasn't expecting
you until tomorrow.

I know, but I got a chance to leave
all that noise a day early, so I took it.

I stopped off and saw
almanzo out working his field,

and he asked if I
could take you home.

Oh, that would
be very kind.

Well, think nothing of it,
ma'am. It's just part of the deal.

Uh, you about ready?

yes. I can finish this in the morning.

Well, there's no need to rush,
now. Can I help you with any of that?

Oh, no, I'm
fine, thank you.

Miss Wilder?

Oh, Willie,
I forgot you were in the corner.

I'm always
in the corner!

You may
go home.

That boy!

Not one of your prize students,
I take it.

I'm afraid not.

His main concern in
school is making jokes.

Kind of reminds me of
me when I was in school.

I spent my share of
time in the corner...

That and getting

Then why on earth
did you keep doing it?

I don't know. It's better
than being ignored, I guess.

I wasn't too
popular in school,

but being a clown at
least gets you noticed.

So does studying
harder than anyone else.

I suppose.

Eliza Jane: Good heavens!
I've never heard of such a thing.

Are you sure
that's a true story?

Harve: True as an arrow
from Robin's bow.

Of course, the bobcat
was really an alley cat,

and the next time I tell it,
it's probably going to be a mountain lion.

Well, I'd better get
your rig unhitched

and get on
to my chores.

I want to thank you
again for the ride.

I'd be happy to
do it every day.

I finish up
at the feed & Seed

about the same time
school lets out,

and I'd be coming
out here then anyway.

We might as well keep each other company,
don't you think?

We might as well.
Till tomorrow, then.

Mr. Miller?

Yes, miss Wilder?

Since we'll be seeing
each other every day,

perhaps we should
be less formal...

Eliza Jane:
On a first-name basis.

Be happy to.


It'd be a mite easier for
me if I knew your first name.


Of course.

It's Eliza Jane.

Well, I'll see
you later...

Eliza Jane.

See you later...





You fell asleep

Finish your tea
and get up to bed.

Yes, ma'am.

How well do you
know Mr. Miller?

Hmm, I know him
pretty well, I'd say.

He seems very nice.

Well, he's always been
a good friend to me.

He sure is a lot
of fun to be around.

He told me one story after
another on the way home today.

That's harve.

That's what
I call him.


That's what
I call him...


He calls me
Eliza Jane.

You don't seem

- At what?
- That he calls me Eliza Jane.

Why should I be?

Who else calls
me Eliza Jane?

- Lots of people.
- Who?

The children call
me miss Wilder.

Their parents call
me miss Wilder.

The only one who doesn't
call me miss Wilder is you,

and you call me sis.

I guess I never really
thought about it much.

I know.

Better get
yourself to bed.


- Are you all right?
- Certainly.

Why do you ask?

I don't know. You just seem to
be acting kind of funny tonight.

I'm all right,

Good night.

Good night,

Eliza Jane, voice-over:
Dear diary...

I'm not going to write
about school this time.

I met a man today.

His name is harve.

He calls me Eliza Jane.

- Here are all the readers.
- Thank you, Laura.

- See you in church.
- Oh, Laura.

miss Wilder?

Could I speak to
you for a moment?


This isn't easy
for me to do,

but I need someone to talk to,

and I thought your being a teacher,

Oh, never mind.

I shouldn't be bothering
you with this anyway.

I'm sure it wouldn't be a bother to me.

I'm going to be a
part of the family.

I feel so silly...

A woman of my age

asking a woman
of your age...

But how do you...

How did you get my
brother to notice you?

I don't mean notice.

I mean...

Oh, for
heaven sakes.

I've driven home with
Mr. Miller... harve...

Every day
for weeks now,

and he's always so
nice and friendly,

and I just don't want
to be nice and friendly,

and I don't know
what to do.

And I feel so foolish

talking to you
about this.

Well, don't.

Everybody needs
somebody to talk to.

I'm at my wit's end.
Can you help me?

Well, I'll try,
but you should know more

about how to
handle men than I do.

Because I'm older?


I've just...

Very wrong.

how did you do it with your other beaus?

I've never had a Beau.

I've never been close
to having a Beau.

I've never really
been out with anyone.

I've never...

Kissed anyone.

Eliza Jane: I've never
even danced with anyone,

except your brother


There's just
something about me.


What is it?

I don't know.

Your brother's
awfully shy.

Maybe you're
the same way.

Laura: Sometimes
when a person's shy,

and the other person
doesn't realize it's shyness,

and he kind of takes it
for not being interested

when you really are.

I am shy.

that's it, then.

But what can
I do about it?

Force yourself
not to be shy.

Have you asked him
over for supper?

Oh... heavens, no.

I was hoping he'd ask me.

Well, maybe
he's shy, too.

Maybe he's just
waiting for you.

But what if he's not shy, and he just
doesn't want to have supper with me?

There's only one
way to find out.

I suppose you're right.


You about ready?

Just a moment. I have
to check these readers.

I'll just be outside.

I'll check the readers.
You go ahead.

Go ahead?

Yes, go ahead.

Hope I didn't
keep you waiting.

I was just watching the kids play.

Could I ask
you a question?

Sure enough.

Are you shy?


Heck no.


Why'd you ask?

No reason.

Are you angry with
me or something?

- No.
- Well, you ain't hardly said a thing all the way home.

You can talk about
Willie getting in trouble

or Albert doing
some good or nothing.

I guess I'm just
quiet today.

But you sure it's
nothing I've done?

Believe me,
it's nothing you've done.

well. I just wanted to make sure.


I've a little extra water today.

What with this drought we've been
having your flowers could sure use it.

Thank you. That
would be very nice.

Well, I'll get
right on to it.

Could I ask you
another question?


Do you ever have supper?

Matter of fact, I do,

most every night.

I mean,
with someone.

Not lately.

Would you like to?

Yes, I would.


Um, well...

Yeah, tonight'd
be just fine.

Tonight, then, 6:00.

I'm a good cook.

My brother
will be here, too.


Eliza Jane, voice-over:
Dear diary...

I asked harve to supper.

He said, "yeah, sure.
Tonight would be just fine."

I am having
trouble breathing.

everybody! Is ma in the kitchen?

Shh! Yes. Will you,
for heaven sakes, not be so loud?

Can't you see
my Nellie is sick?

I'm sorry.

look what came in the mail today!

- What is it?
- Well, just look!

Let me dry
my hands.

Oh, Laura!

You've been awarded a
teaching position at radnor.

You were chosen
above several applicants.

Isn't it


But you're not going
to take it. You can't.

I know that.
It's just the idea.

They want me!

I could have been
a good teacher, ma.

I know.

Have you shown this
to almanzo?

No, I wanted you
to see it first.

I think you should
show it to him.

He'll be very proud
of you, I'm sure.

I'll take it
to him right now.

- Congratulations.
- Thanks, ma!

Mrs. Oleson: Shh! Laura.
Laura: Sorry.

Oh! Oh,
dear. I'm sorry about that, honey.

Eat your soup,
just a little bit of it.

I can't, mother.

I don't think I
could hold it down.

Oh! Here,
let me get it out of your way.

I wish I knew
what it was.

Yeah, well,
I'll tell you what I think it is.

I think it's that strange food
that you make for your husband.

But he likes it,
and it doesn't make him sick.

Well, of course
he likes it.

He's used to it.
He's Jewish!

A person can get
used to anything.

Look at the cannibals.

They eat each other,
and they think it's just dandy.

Mother, I hardly think
it's the same thing.

Well, I think it is.

I mean, whoever thought of
making that little flat bread?

What's he
call it again?



Yes, then you have
to mash it all up

and make little rubber balls
out of it and put it in his soup.

It's not normal to put things
like that in a person's stomach.

Mrs. Oleson: I mean,
even the names alone should make you know.

What's that noodle
thing called?


Kreplach, ah, yes.


I mean, it sounds like the
person who named it was gagging.

Mother, please.

All right.
All right, all right.

Don't listen to me.
I'm only your mother.

But I am taking you to
see Dr. Baker this instant,

and Dr. Baker is
going to tell you

the proper kind of food
to eat for your health.

Now, come along with me.

Yes, mother.

Almanzo: Hi, Beth!
Laura: Hi, manly!

Whoa. What's
the big hurry?

Look what came
in the mail today.

Let me see.

What do
you think?

Well, I don't
understand it.

Well, that's nice.

I'm accepted over all
the other applicants,

and you say you
don't understand it?

I am a good teacher, you know.

Oh, I know that.

I just don't know
why you applied.

Just to see what
would happen.

That doesn't
make sense.

Well, it does to me.

I worked hard for my
teaching certificate.

Who knows? Maybe
someday it will come in handy.

Well, don't you think
I can provide for US?

Of course I do.

Well, then what are you
talking about working for?

I wasn't.

I was just
saying in case.

My ma works,
you know?

I know.

And that may be all right with your pa,
but it's not all right with me.

You understand?


I don't think it's worth
getting upset over.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

I'm all done with
work for the day.

Can I take you home?


I'm sorry
to be so long.

Harriet: No, no, no,
it's perfectly all right.

I must say, Dr. Baker,
that I'm quite shocked

at the kind of
reading material

you keep
in your office.

The reading material
is on the table.

This is a medical book,
which you took from my desk.

Well, nevertheless,
it should be kept under lock and key.

And I must say,
Dr. Baker,

I am most definitely going
to discourage my Willie

from joining the
medical profession.

I'm sure that will be
best for all concerned.

Nellie's getting dressed.
Then you can go right in.



Now, please,
Mrs. Oleson,

I can't examine a patient
who is fully clothed.

But Dr. Baker, I brought her
in here with an upset stomach.

I don't understand
why she has to...

I'm sure you don't.
Nellie will explain.

What do you mean
Nellie will explain?

Yes, she wanted to be
the one to tell you.

To tell me?

Oh, no.

Oh, dear, no.

Mrs. Oleson:
Oh, my god!

Mrs. Oleson...


Dr. Baker!

That poor baby...

Mrs. Oleson: Isn't there
anything you can do?

I'm afraid not.

Oh, doctor,
how long?

How long?

6 months.

Oh, my!

At the most.

Mrs. Oleson:
Oh, no!


It's all right,

I'll be all right.

She'll need me now.

I'll be strong.


Mrs. Oleson:
Yes, my darling?

Nellie: I'm going
to have a baby!

Harve: And so I said, "yes,
but you best look for yourself."

And he was back there, laughing,
and here I am all covered in ketchup.

And she let
out a scream!

And she took off
a-running up the street.

Almanzo: I swear she could have won
the hero township foot race championship.

I'm sure it was
a sight to see.

Almanzo: Oh,
you should have seen her the next day

when she found out
he was really alive.

Perhaps Mr. Miller
could tell me outside.

Oh, my goodness.

Uh... well,
you're right.

Uh, I'd best
be going.

Oh, I didn't mean
for you to go.

No, uh,
no. I understand. Really, I do.

I didn't mean to
impose on you this late,

but you know
how it is when...

An old friend
gets together.

Almanzo: I'll take you out,

why don't you put some wood on for a fire?

I'll walk out
with harve.

No need to go to no trouble now,

It's no trouble.

I'll see you,

Sis... you sure you
want to make a fire?

It's hotter
than Hades in here.

Just do it.

No, you go ahead.

Smell that night air.

You don't get
that in the city.

It's beautiful.

Could you take
my arm?

These steps are so
hard to see at night.


Thank you.

You were about to tell
me about miss Mabel...

Harkins? Yeah.

Well, the next day, she and her
fellow were on their way to church

in this buckboard,
and, as they drove by,

I stepped out.

Well, sir, she crossed
her arms like this,

she went,
"brrr! Brrr!"

And fainted dead away.

You didn't find that too funny,
did you?

Yes, I did.

Well, you kind of
had to have been there.

Actually, it wouldn't have made any
difference if you'd have been there or not.

You wouldn't have
found it funny.

Miss Mabel didn't
find it funny either.

She never spoke
to me again.

Can't say as
I blame her.

Just crazy harve trying to get
attention again, the same as always.

But like I always say,

it's better than
not being noticed.

I think a lot of people
would notice you

if you didn't act
crazy all the time.

I would.

That was nice.

It was real nice.

I meant it.

I know you did.

How come you
look different?

I don't know.

It's the glasses.

Harve: I don't think I've
ever seen you without them.

You got real
pretty eyes, Eliza.

That was nice,
too, harve.


Guess I'd
better be going.

Thanks for the supper.

You'll come again?

I'd love to.

After church
on sunday?

I'll be there.

See you sunday.

See you sunday.




Yeah, sis?

Would you help me?

What's the matter?
Are you all right?

I'm fine. You'll have to
help me to the house.

You know I can't see a thing
without my glasses at night.

Almanzo: Why'd you take them off, for
heaven's sake? Eliza Jane: They hurt my nose.


Harve is coming to
supper again on sunday.

Oh, good. I get a real
kick out of talking to him.

I thought perhaps you
could have supper with Laura.

You usually do
on sunday.

I know. I just didn't want you
to be stuck alone with harve.

I'll manage.

All right. I made a
little fire for you inside.

I think I'll just sit out here
and let it cool off a little.

Good night,

Good night,

Eliza Jane, voice-over:
Dear diary...

Tonight a man said
I have pretty eyes.

I can't tell you
how it made me feel

because I'm too embarrassed
to write it down.

Ready for bed,

just about. I want to get a glass of milk.

All right.

crying again.


Well, I was only joking about
being glad she was getting married

so I could have
the loft all to myself.

Then she just
started crying.

I know
what it is.

Well, I was
only joking.

Well, I know that,
because when Laura gets married and leaves,

we're moving Carrie
up in the loft with you.


Let me brush the back a little.

You used to love
me to brush your hair

when you
were little.

You'd say, "more, mommy, more!"

Till I thought my
arm wanted to fall off,

but I loved it.

You know...

When your pa and
I were first married,


It was a very
difficult time for me.

I'd been
teaching and...

I felt as though
I was doing

my students
some good,

and myself
some good.

I missed that
after I was married.

I loved
your pa, but...

I wasn't
always happy.

And when you're young and...

First married,

you expect to be happy all the time.

I still wanted
to teach,

but I

And live
with your pa.

There just wasn't a
school close enough.

And I doubt if he would
have let me anyway.

It's one of
the first things

that's hard
to get used to.

When you're
first married,

your life

Isn't totally your own anymore.

You can't do
everything you want to.

And it's not just the
women folk either.

I'm sure there are things your pa

would have liked
to have done...

Places I know he wanted to see.

But neither one of US
would change a thing.

Because if we did,

there wouldn't
be a Mary...

And a Laura...

And a Carrie
and a grace...

And an Albert.

I know how
you're feeling.

Believe me.

But don't worry,

you'll be a teacher.

- How?
- Oh, Laura...

A mother is
all things:

A cook,
a dressmaker...

A disciplinarian,

a nurse,

but above all,
a teacher.

And I know that
when your children

are ready to graduate
from your family,

they'll be as ready to
face the world as you are.

I know they will.

That concludes our
regular services for today.

I have just a few

Rev. Alden: We would all
like to wish happy birthday

to elvira horngrist.

She'll be 86 years
young this Tuesday.

And we'd all like to
offer our congratulations

to Nellie and
percival Dalton

on the coming arrival
of their first child.

How time flies.

It seems just yesterday
Nellie was a baby,

and now, in just
a few short months,

Harriet oleson is going
to be a grandmother.

Nellie: Mother!
Nels: Doc baker!

It sure took Dr. baker a long
time to revive Mrs. Oleson.

That woman faints more
than any 10 women I know.

Nels sure
took it calm.

He's used to it.
Probably likes it.

If she's unconscious,
she can't talk.


You want to come with me? I'm
going to check my irrigation ditches.

On sunday?

I don't think the lord will mind.

He knows it's not my
fault that he won't let it rain.

You go ahead. I want to
help ma with supper anyway.

All right.
I won't be long.

We'll have supper in
two hours. Don't be late.

See what I mean, sir?

Not even married yet,
and she's already giving me orders.

The roast is
in the oven.

Can't wait.

Is your lemonade
cold enough?

Uh, yeah.

Is it sweet

It's just...
Just fine.

You're sure?

I tend to make it a
little tangy sometimes.


No... ahem.
No, it's perfect.

It's, uh... Ahem...
It's a shame that

almanzo couldn't
join US.


It's kind of fun talking
about old times.

It must be.

- I'm sorry that...
- Do you like...

- I'm sorry.
- Oh, you go ahead.


I forgot what
I was going to say.


No, I didn't.

I was going to say that I'm sorry
that I don't have anything to say.

I mean, it's not that I don't
have anything to say, it's...


I guess, uh... I just feel more
comfortable around men folk.

I don't think
that's unusual.

You don't?


I feel more comfortable
around women...

Or children.

Well, I'll
be darned.

I always been
like this.

If I'm joking,
I'm fine, but...

Just plain talking
to a woman...

Well, that's...
That's hard for me.

And for me.


Guess we
could just...

Sit here and listen
to the grass grow.

Then later we could
hear the sunset.

Or the stars

Well, we're talking.

It's kind of silly,
but we're talking.


Do you like

I've got
a victrola.

I just
love music.

It's so restful.

It's so...

Do you dance,

No, ma'am.


Do you?


I've taken
lots of lessons.

I always wanted to dance,

but, um...

I don't know,

I just never learned.

You can't just get up
and do it, you know?

Would you like
me to teach you?

Oh, no, it's...

It's probably no use.

I wouldn't
get it right anyhow.

Of course
you would.

Come on.


All right.

But I won't be any good!


Hold this hand

Put this hand

around my waist.

I'll lead until you get the hang of it.

Uh... I feel
real embarrassed.

I know that's silly to you
because you're used to it, but...

I never, uh... Danced
with a lady before.

You'll get
used to it...



Mr. Ingalls.

What's the matter?

He's dammed it up. He's
gone and dammed it up.

- Who?
- Gray.

He dammed up the stream. There's
not a drop of water on my land.

But why on earth
would he do that?

I don't know. I went up
the stream to the fork.

His foreman's there
keeping an eye on the dam.

He said he didn't know
a thing about it

except that gray told him not
to let anybody tamper with it.

Almanzo: Well, I got mad,
and he threw me off the place.

He had a shotgun!

All right,
take it easy. Calm down.

This gray is new
around here.

He probably just doesn't
understand our ways.

Come on, let's ride out
there and have a talk with him.

Be careful,
you two.

I don't like
talk of shotguns.

We'll be careful,

Mr. Gray.

Mr. Gray: Afternoon,
Mr. Wilder, and, uh...

Charles Ingalls.

Yes, I've seen you
at the mill, I think.

- Yeah.
- What can I do for you?

You can explain why you
got the south fork dammed up.

Nothing to explain.
It's on my land.

Mr. Gray: Your ditches
were pulling too much water.

The north fork's got
all the water you need.

That's your opinion,
boy, not mine.

Now, Mr. Gray,
we're not challenging your right to do it.

All we're saying is we need some water,

There's no telling how long
this dry spell is going to last.

Almanzo could lose his
whole crop without irrigation.

Not easy
being a farmer.

Never was.

Are you saying you won't
give the boy any water?

Mr. Gray:
That's right.

If I don't have a crop, that means
I can't pay off the note I owe you.

Then the land just
reverts back to me.

And I lose all the money
and sweat I have in the land?

Maybe not all.

You see your way clear to
turning the title to me now,

I'll pay you $100 for
the crop and the field.

It's worth 10
times that much!

Not if it's dead.

Take it or leave it.

I'll leave it...

And I'm going to leave
you with something.

Come on, easy!
Come on, take it easy!

Easy, now.

Get off my land!

Go on home!

Pray for rain.

Come on, now!

Just let me
hit him once!

It's not going to
do you any good.

Just come on.

Almanzo: I just can't believe one
person would do that to another.

I know, but
he's done it.

He's right. All we can
do now is pray for rain.

Mr. Gray: Don't
forget that $100.

It's better
than nothing.

Almanzo, wait here. I'm
going to ask him one question.

Mr. Gray.

Thought you were
going off to pray.

Well, I just
wanted to apologize

for the actions of
my future son-in-law.

He just doesn't understand you're a
businessman, and these things happen.

He's just a boy,
you know what I mean?

I suppose.

when you made that offer,

that very generous
offer of $100 for his crop...

That was $100,
wasn't it?

- That's right.
- Right.

Well, when you made that offer,
he really got upset.

I mean, see,
he was planning

to take the money from
the crop and pay off the note

and build a house for
my daughter and himself

and live on the land
for the rest of their lives.

I mean,
you can't blame him for being upset.

Of course.

But it's business.

Well, I know that,
and you know that,

but like I said,
he's just a boy.

I mean, he's...
He's ornery,

and he's hotheaded, you know?

you know who he reminds me of?

His future

And you know when he's going
to sell you that crop for $100?

When hell freezes over!

It's hard to believe. You
just can't talk to some people.

Let's go.
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