06x23 - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x23 - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ducks quacking]

You certainly
are quiet.

Nothing wrong
with being quiet.

Well, there is when you
bring me all the way
out here to the lake

Because you have
to say something
important to me,

Then you don't say
anything at all.

Sometimes it's hard
to say things.

Well, do you want
to write me a note?

Good idea.



Dad burn it,
the point broke.

Let me see what
you got so far.

"Dearest laura...

"I love you,
and I want to"--

That's where
the point broke.

I know.

You want to...

To what?

I want to, uh--

I want to sharpen
this pencil.

I got a penknife
right here
in my pocket.


Look at me.

You want to what?

I want you
to be my wife.

I'd love to.

[Bell jingles]

How did you
do tonight?

We had lots
of customers.

That isn't
what I mean.

The money and
the receipts are
on the table.

You have receipts
for $13.80

And $1.15 in cash.

People just
refused to pay.

They refused to eat,
too, I'm sure.

I do my best
when mrs. Ingalls
isn't here.

You do?

Yes, I do.

You do?


I suppose this
is what you call
doing your best.

I don't like
to do dishes,
and you know it.

Well, I don't care
what you don't like.

Well, that's

What do you
mean by that?

This hotel,
this restaurant,

I never asked for it
in the first place.

But I didn't give
it to you, it was
your mother's idea.

You let her.

How was I supposed
to stop her?

By being a man.

By being a--

Now, let me tell you
something, young lady.

If you'd behave
like a woman,
you wouldn't need

This hotel and
restaurant to get
yourself a man.


That's the reason your
mother built this place
in the first place,

So somebody
would marry you.

Harriet: what are
you two yelling--oh!


Nels, what have you
done to her now?

Why is it always
what I have done?

Because it
always is.

Well, I lost my temper
because of the way
she runs this place.

Well, she's doing her best.

She is not doing
her best.

Oh, she most
certainly is.

Harriet, that is
not good enough.

We're losing more
money every day.

She spends twice
as much for food
as she takes in.

The hotel is always
empty because she keeps
the rooms so messy.

This is crazy.
We have got to
close it down.

No, we are not going
to close it down.

Now, listen
to me, harriet!

I have never
listened to you

And I certainly
am not going
to start now.

She's just
an innocent child.

All she needs
is some training.

Caroline has tried!

Ha! Mrs. Ingalls
is just a peasant.

No, I will
find somebody

Who knows how
to make this
thing work,

And my daughter
will make this
place work,

Or my name isn't
harriet oleson!

[Door slams]
[bell jingles]

Wonder what
her real name is.

Mmm, half-pint,
this is delicious.

Thanks, pa.
If you want some
more, I got some.

Mmm, I'm
exploding now.

Almanzo, you're
kind of off your
feed tonight.

You feeling
all right?

Oh, yes, sir.
I just have a
lot on my mind.

Yeah, well, I know.

Don't keep us
in suspense,
out with it.

Out with it?

Yeah, the big
surprise laura said
you had for us.

Well, that was
the reason for
the special supper

And caroline staying
home from work, remember?

Almanzo: oh, yeah.

Mr. Ingalls,
mrs. Ingalls,

I, uh...

I've been working
real hard at
the feed & seed.

Yeah, I work pretty hard
at the mill myself,
but caroline doesn't

Generally make me a
special supper and take
off work because of it.

Oh, not that,
that's not
the surprise.

I, uh--

I got a raise.

Hey, congratulations.
I'm proud of you.

I was hoping
you would be...

Because I want to
marry your daughter.

Well, i, uh--
I have to be honest
with you, son.

That does not
come as a big
surprise to me.

Next month.

That does.

Mr. Ingalls, I know
how set you are

On having laura wait
till she's 18.

Good, then it won't come as
a big surprise to you

When I tell you that
the answer is "no."

But, pa, if you--

Charles: do you mind?
This is between myself

And the man who may
become my son-in-law
in two years.

Why don't you and
I go outside and
talk alone, huh?

Son, I want you
to listen to me.

You're a good
deal older
than my daughter.

Mr. Ingalls, I
don't think the
difference in our ages

Has anything
to do with it.

Well, neither do i.
Will you just
hear me out?

Yes, sir.

All right,
the difference
in your ages

Stopped bothering
me a long time ago.

It's laura's age
that bothers me,
not yours.

I mean, at your age,
you ought to know
what you want, but...

My daughter's young.

She's still growing,
still changing.

Oh, I know that
she loves you,

But I want her
to be sure...

Sure that she wants
to spend the rest of
her life with you,

Through good
times and bad.

And believe me, son,
there's going to be
plenty of bad.

When you're as
young as laura

And you're
being courted,

Well, everything's
just sweet music
and starry skies,

And life just
isn't like that.

If you love each
other now, you
should love each other

Even more two
years from now.

Do you understand?

I understand.

I just can't say
that I agree with you.


I really don't think
it's important that
you agree with me.

What is important
is you understand

Why I'm telling you "no."

And that's
your final answer.


Why don't we go on
back inside?

I think she made
a special pie
for you.

No, thank you, sir.

I think I'll be going.


You asked me
to understand how
you feel, and I do.

Well, now I expect
the same from you.

I'm not going back
in that house,

Pretending I
agree with you,
because I don't.

I'm not going
to make it easier
on you, mr. Ingalls.

I want to marry
your daughter.

I love her, and
right now, two years
seems like forever.

Good night, sir.


Hyah, hyah.

He left?



What did you
say to him?

I told him that
you two would
have to wait.

I'm not going
to lose him, pa.

If waiting means that
I'm going to lose him,

Then I'm not
going to wait.

I mean it, pa.

You knew about
this, didn't you?

That's why you
took off from work.


What did you
think I was going
to say to him?

I knew what you
were going to say.

And you think
I'm wrong.


It's not a matter
of right or wrong.

It's a matter of folks
loving, and--

And wanting what's best
for the ones they love.

I'll go to her.

How could he, ma?

How could he?

He just let him go.

I don't think
your pa wanted
him to go.

I think that was
almanzo's decision.

And he didn't go
to china, you know.

He just went home.

We should have
just run off and
gotten married.

It's my fault
for telling him
to talk to pa first.

Pa will never change.

No, he won't.

He'll always
love you,

And he'll always
want what's best
for you.

No matter if it's
right or wrong?

You sound just
like your pa.

If everything
were a matter
of right and wrong,

Life would be
very simple,

But it isn't.

I can't lose almanzo.

I won't.

What makes you
so sure you're
going to lose him?

Because he said he just
can't wait two years.

I see.

So, if he doesn't
get his way,

His love for you
just goes away.

I don't believe that.

But, ma, two years.

What if he finds
someone else?

Caroline: now, just
a minute, young lady.

You don't rush into marriage
because you're afraid

He's going to fall in
love with somebody else.

You'd better be
pretty sure

His love for you is
stronger than that.

Oh, he does love me.

I know he does.

It's just that--

Caroline: then nothing
can keep you apart.

Love is strength.

Use it.

Lean on it.

Don't turn your back
on your pa.

Give him a chance.

His love can give
you strength, too.

You and almanzo...

You have your
whole lives to
love each other,

Your whole lives
to be married.

And if he loves you,
he's going to wait.

Try to think how
your pa is feeling.

He's afraid you're
going to go,

And he's loved
you for 16 years.

I'll go talk to him.

- Ma?
- Hmm?

If it had been up
to you, would you
have made us wait?

Probably not.

I didn't think so.

On the other hand,
I might have made you
wait until you were 21.

I love you, ma.


I love you.

My two babies.

[Horse whinnies]

Almanzo: whoa.

Laura: hi.


I was just on my way
over to your place.

I thought maybe
we could talk.

Well, I was just coming
to talk to you, too.

I'm sorry about
what happened,

But you have
to understand--

Beth, I went through all that
last night with your pa,

And I do understand.

I just don't agree,

And it's not his
life, it's yours.


Almanzo: now,
just hear me out.

I'm leaving
walnut grove...

And I want you
to come with me.



I'm a man,

And no matter
what your pa says,

You're a woman,

And I want you
to be my wife.

I want to be,
but i--

Almanzo: no!

No buts, no ifs,
no waiting.

It's your choice...

Your pa or me.


I love you,

But I love my pa, too.

I want
an answer, beth.

I can't...

Not now.

I just need some time.

I guess your pa
was right.

You're still
a little girl.


Charles, jonathan.


How you
feeling, doc?

Well, I'm feeling fine,

But I'm supposed
to ask you that.

I brought out
a letter for adam.

Oh, well, he and mary
are out back fixing
some food for the men.

I'll bring it to him.

How's the work

Ah, slow but sure.

Think you'll be finished
before the first snow?

We'll have her
closed in, but it
won't be finished.

We could use
an extra pair
of hands.

Oh, no, I'm not
too handy with
a hammer and saw.

That's not what
your patients say.


I'll ignore that statement
and get back to work.

Charles: hey, you two,
what are you doing?

Mary: hi, pa.

You mind if I
steal a sandwich?

Nope, you can't eat
until we're ready.

Adam, I got a letter for
you from your father.

Oh, that's it,
the money for
the materials.

Open it up.

All right.

After I read this,
I'm stealing
a sandwich, anyway.

"Dear mr. Kendall"--

I thought you
said it was
from my father.

It's on his law
office stationery.

Go on.

What is it, pa?

It's about
your father, adam.

Go ahead.

"We regret to inform
you that your father
passed away

"In his sleep
wednesday evening."

[Whistle blows]

Laura, narrating:
adam took the first
train back to new york.

He wanted to settle his father's
estate as quickly as possible

So that the building
of the blind school
could continue.

Ma sent me with him.

She said it was easier if he
went with a sighted person.

I was glad to go.

It was better than sitting in
the loft, crying for my almanzo.

Here they are,
mr. Carter.

Thank you. Would
you close the door
on the way out?


These are the debts
your father amassed.

Perhaps your sister-in-law
would care to take a look.

Laura: thank you.

I still don't
understand it.

This firm has
always done well.

And will continue to.

Adam, your father was
an excellent lawyer,

But a terrible

As you can see by the folder,
I advanced him money constantly.

What about the house
and the servants?

He liked to live well,

Too well.

The house is in the hands of
the court and will be auctioned.

Will there be any
money left after all
these debts are paid?

The money from the house
won't cover half.

It will be 20 cents
on the dollar.

I'm awfully sorry.

Thank you
for your time.

Well, here you are.

Thank you.

I was, uh,
quite comfortable.

See you
down the line.

[Bell jingles]

Can I help you?

Yes, I'm looking
for a mrs. Oleson.

Oh, she's indisposed
at the moment.

I'm mr. Oleson,
perhaps I can help.

Ah, yes, mr. Oleson,
I'm percival dalton.

Your wife wrote me about
getting your hotel and
restaurant in working order.

[Water rushing]

Harriet: aah, nels!

Aah, nels,
I'm drowning!

Please, won't you have
a seat in the living room?

We'll go over to the hotel
in just a few minutes.

Harriet: nels, hurry up,
for heaven's sakes!

Aah, aah!

Nellie: all right,
there she is.

Are you satisfied?

Yep. I'll have
steak and eggs.

Good to see you,
mrs. Ingalls.

What was all
that about?

I told him you were
doing the cooking.

He wouldn't
believe me.

Oh, steak and
eggs coming up.

Nellie dear, this is
mr. Percival dalton.

Mr. Dalton, my
daughter nellie.

How do you do?

Ms. Oleson.

And that's
mrs. Ingalls.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, ma'am.


You seem to know
a lot about working
in a kitchen.

I've been at it
for some time.

Harriet: mr. Dalton is
here to train nellie

In the restaurant
and hotel business.


Mmm, and you'll
learn, too.

Mr. Dalton, where
shall we begin?

I would like to take
a look at the rest
of the place first.

Harriet: all right,
come along, then.
Come along, nellie.

Can I help you
serving or anything?

No, thanks.

I can manage.

Yeah, I can see
that you can.

When are laura and
adam getting back?

Oh, charles is
picking them up at
the train tomorrow.

I haven't heard
from them, so I expect
they're on time.

No word from
almanzo yet?

No, afraid not.

Well, I better see
how they're doing.

This dalton fellow
is the missis' idea.

I think we ought to
just close the place
and forget it.

You never know.
It might work.

Not from the look
of mr. Dalton.

Nellie will scare
the death out
of him in a day.

Harriet: nels!

I ought to know.

Coming, dear!

Excuse me, do you have
an egg sandwich?

Yes, indeed,
10 cents.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Any milk?

Laura: no, thanks, I'm fine.

You want half
my sandwich?

I can't eat it all.

No, thanks,
I'm not hungry.

You haven't
eaten all day.

I'm not hungry.

All of our dreams,
our plans.

You know, we wrote
to all the children

And told them
we'd be together
again in september.

Now, all we have
is the plaque
my father sent.


Are you going
to just give up?

Well, what choice
do I have?

Well, you certainly have
the choice not to give up.

Find another way.

What way?

I don't know yet.
Neither do you.

But you won't find
one by giving up.

If we don't have the
money to build a new
blind school,

Then we're just going
to have to find an old
place that nobody wants.

And where do we find that?

By looking.

You found one
in walnut grove.

I'm sure that's not
the only one in the
whole wide world, right?



We won't find it
if we don't look.

That's more like it.

And you can't go looking
on an empty stomach.


I hate egg sandwiches.


Here are the facts
the way I see them

Based on my
observations and talking
to the customers.


Ms. Oleson is rude
to the clientele,

She cannot cook,

And she makes
absolutely no effort
to keep the rooms clean.

Well, now that's
just the minuses,

What about
the pluses?

The only plus is
that she could learn,

But that
will take time.

How much time?

That's up to
your daughter.

That's too long.

Nels: harriet, we can't
go on losing all this
money week in and week out.

may I finish?

There is a way to
make the place pay
while she learns.

Harriet: there, there,
you see, nels, you see?

If you'd just listen.

Go ahead,
mr. Dalton.

I suggest you
make a deal with
mrs. Ingalls.

Harriet: uh-huh.

A 50/50 split
of the profits,

And we change
the name of
the establishment

To caroline's hotel
and restaurant.



That--no, well,
that's ridiculous!

Nels: harriet, you
just said to listen.

Dalton: mrs. Oleson, as
long as the hotel bears
your daughter's name,

The public will
stay away in droves.

Now, mrs. Ingalls
is a fine cook,

She's well-liked,

And she knows
what she's doing.

Well, but this
is nellie's place.

Dalton: I only
want what's best
for the business.

It will still be
nellie's place.

Yes, but that
woman's name
on the windows?

Dalton: remember,
it's only temporary.

I'll work with
nellie after the
restaurant closes,

And as she improves,
then she can work
with mrs. Ingalls.

Ugh, well,
I don't know.

It's either that
or we close.

Doesn't anyone
want to know how
I feel about this?

Harriet: no.

All right.

All right, mr. Dalton,

We'll try it your way.

Well, I hope
caroline will agree.

I know she won't give
us an answer until
she talks to charles,

And he won't be back
till late tomorrow.

I'll go over and see him
right after supper.

Oh, merciful heavens!

Have you got something
cooking in there, nellie?

Just pies for
tomorrow, father.


I think they're done.


Laura, narrating:
pa met us at the station,

And we gave him
the bad news.

He gave me some, too.

Almanzo hadn't come back.

I couldn't wait to get back
home and have a good cry.

Pa, stop!

Charles: whoa.

What's the matter?

Laura: look!

What is it?

Laura: it's a
building for rent.

It's huge.
I'm going to go
see if it's open.

come on.

Pa, it's just
like it was
meant to be.

It's an old

It's got to be
big inside.

Half-pint, the
building's huge.

Even in the old
part of town, it's
going to come dear.

To who?

Who would
want to rent
an old courthouse?

I'm going to go
see if there's
anyone inside.

I won't be long,
I promise.
Be right back.


She's a go-getter.

That she is.

Anybody here?

Sure is big enough.


What you doing
in here, girl?

Cat got your tongue?
You can't talk?
What you doing in here?

I'm trying to catch
my breath after you
scared me half to death.

Let go of me.

Now, this here is
private property.

If you didn't want
anyone coming in here,

You should have took
down the "for rent" sign
and locked the door.

What would a kid like
you be doing renting
a place like this?

For a school,
and I'm not a kid.

Well, you look
like a kid.

That's because
you're old.

looks like a kid
when you're old.

- Who said?
- My grandfather.

Yeah, so, you want
to rent this for
a school, huh?

Yep, for blind kids.

My sister mary
and her husband
are their teachers.

I'm laura ingalls.

Well, my name
is houston.

Well, mr. Houston--

No, it's not mr. Houston,
it's houston lamb!

Well, don't
get so cranky.
I didn't know.

Now, how much
is the rent?

$100 A month.

Too much.

Well, maybe so,
but that's what
I'm a-wanting.

Nobody's going
to pay that,
and you know it.

I don't care,
but that's what
I'm a-wanting.

Then we got nothing
to talk about.

How old are you?


You're mighty
growed-up to be 16.

I wish everybody
thought that way.

All right, $50
a month, and I get
to stay in my room.

You get to stay
in your room
for 40 a month.

That's a deal,
now, when do I get
my two months in advance?

You'll get it.
We'll be in to
clean up next week.

Houston: but what about
my two months in advance?

We're going
to clean up first.

It will give us
enough time to
raise the money.

Besides, you
have nothing
to worry about.

Nobody's going to rent
this place looking
like this, right?


See you next
week, houston.

Land sakes, that's
a feisty little thing,

Just plumb, pure,
perfect feisty!


Charles: about to
go in there and
get you, young lady.

Sorry, $40 a month
and it's perfect.

Tons of room,
but it's filthy.

I told houston we'd
be back in about
a week to clean it up.


Yeah, he tries to look
real mean, but he's
really very nice.

He comes with the place.
He won't get in the way.

Whoa, now, slow
down, young lady.

Where are we
supposed to get $40?

$80. He wants two
months in advance.

All right, then just
double my question.

The lord will provide.
You always say that, pa.

Now, we best get home
before it gets dark.

Well, like I said,
she's a go-getter.

Yeah, going,
going, gone.


Well, figuring the money
that jonathan and your ma
and I are going to put in

And kind of
a rough estimate
of the tuition,

It comes to
about $50 a month.

We can do it.

No, darling, I'm
afraid we can't.

Why not?

Laura, that only
leaves $10 a month
for expenses--

Food, repairs,

There's just no way.

Well, I'll be teaching
on a regular basis soon.
That will help.

But that won't be
for quite a while.

We'll just have
to wait and pray
for that miracle.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it.

- Nels, come on in.
- Charles.

Oh, good evening,

Maybe I better come
back some other time.

I don't want
to disturb you.

You want
some coffee?

No, thank you.
I don't want to
take up your time.

I, uh--i just
wanted to ask you
a favor, caroline.


Well, the thing is,

I've been losing
quite a bit of money
on nellie's place.

I don't need
to tell you why.

No, you don't.

Nels: well, to make
a long story short,

Harriet has hired
this percival fellow
to straighten things out,

And he suggested
that if you could
work full-time

And we change the
name of the place
to caroline's,

We could turn
a nice profit.

Well, I'm really very
flattered that he has
the confidence in me,


I really couldn't
afford to spend

More than 3 days
away from the family.

I was afraid you were
going to say that.

I told him that
money wasn't that
important to you.

Especially just
a few dollars
a month.

Oh, well, it would
be a good deal
more than that.

It's hard to say what
you'd be taking home
with 50% of the take.


Yes, that's--that's
what percival said.

He wrote some, uh...
Figures down, here.

It's just temporary.
He's going to train
nellie to take over.


Well, he's going
to try to, anyhow.

As caroline said,
she's working
3 days a week

And would like to spend
some time with the family.

Caroline: uh, charles,
could I see you
for a minute?



excuse us.



Take a look at this.

Land sakes.

We can rent that
building, charles.

We can do it.

But, caroline, these
are just estimates.
I mean, there's no way

You can be sure
you're going to make
this kind of money.

This percival is
supposed to know
his business.

I know he is, but--

Charles, I know
I can do it,
I know I can.

Caroline, I'm sure
you can do it,

But nels told you,
it's not permanent.

What happens when
nellie comes back?

How do we pay
the rent then?

Well, I don't know,

But like you
always say, charles,

The lord will provide.

I wish my family would
stop reminding me of
what I always say.

Let me, please.

Well, how am I
going to say "no"?


All right.

Mr. Oleson, I'll
take that job.

Adam, rent
that building.

There, now you try.

Dalton: ms. Oleson,
you're not going to
learn if you don't try.

Now, please
go ahead.

You know, your father's
paying me a lot of
money to teach you.

The least you could do
is make an attempt.

I didn't ask
to be taught.

I didn't ask for
this restaurant.

And you're short.

Shall we try again?

Why don't you
make a shortcake?

How about some
short ribs?

Do we need
any shortening?

You know, you really
ought to write a book,

Shortcuts to cooking.

Would you like
to try again?

That only took
you a short time.

Would you like to try?

Nellie: no, I wouldn't,
I wouldn't like
to try again!

I hate this place,
and I hate cooking,
and I hate short people!

My mother gave me this place
so I could get a husband.
Did you know that?

Well, I don't want
a husband, and I
don't want this place,

And I don't want
to learn how
to separate eggs!

There, quasimodo!

I'm all done!

I also have
a very short temper.

Why your mother
ever built this place
for you I'll never know.

You certainly can't
cook, and you
certainly have no right

To be dealing
with the public,

And as pretty as
you are, you don't
need a restaurant

To catch a husband
in the first place.

Caroline: good morning.

Mrs. Ingalls.

Nellie, what
on earth happened?

Something wonderful.

He said I was pretty.

You had no right
to do that!

I'm paying you
to teach nellie,
not to punish her!

mr. Dalton--...

Oh, shut up!

Mrs. Oleson, you are
not paying me enough
to be insulted.

Now, my advice
to you is--

Don't you advise me,
young man. I'm the
one who hired you.

Will you be quiet?

Now, my advice to you
is to forget about
nellie's restaurant.

If mrs. Ingalls is
willing to stay and run
the place, then fine.

Otherwise, forget it.

Your daughter has
no intention of
making a go of it.

Good day.

Mr. Dalton.


I want to apologize
for the way I acted.

I was very rude,
and I'm deeply sorry.

Apology accepted,
now, if you'll excuse me--

Nellie: please.

Could you give me
another chance?

I can learn, I can.


I know you can learn.

Do you want to?


Very much.

All right.

Go get cleaned up.

Thank you.

I'll help her.

Harriet: I'll
help you, honey.

Maybe now we'll
get someplace.

I don't believe it.

I just don't believe it.

Laura: [sniffles]

Laura: [crying]

No need
to cry alone.


I was trying
to be brave.


I kept saying
to myself that
he's coming back,

But he's not.

He's not coming back.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

And I don't care.

He doesn't love me,
and I don't love him.

I never really
liked him in
the first place.

Well, to tell
you the truth,
neither did i.

He's not that handsome,
and he's kind of--

I don't know what
the right word is.
Awkward, I guess.

I'm not even sure
he's that bright.

Oh, no.

He's bright.

He's just real shy.

That's probably why
you think he's awkward.

Caroline: really?


Well, he's certainly
not handsome.

I think he is.

You probably just like
men with dark hair.

well, maybe.

You know, laura,

For someone
who doesn't
even like him,

You sure thought
of a lot of reasons

Why you did like him...

Do like him...

And in fact,
do love him.

Oh, ma, I want to die.


I know.

Oh, I know.

You know...

When your father
and I were courting,

We had a bad
a bad one,

And he just
packed up and left
the big woods.

But I bet he
came right back.

no, he did not.

He was gone for
about a month,

And I thought
he was never
coming back,

And I wanted to die...

At first.

Then, I realized,

If he loved me,

He'd be back.

And if almanzo
loves you,

He'll be back.

in the meantime,

Life goes on.


But it hurts so.

Caroline: the thing
to do is to get
busy for others.

The more you do,
the less time
you have to hurt.

You know, mary and
adam are going to need

All the help they
can get with
the blind school.

I was talking
to ms. Wilder
this afternoon,

And she gave you
permission to go to
sleepy eye for two weeks.

would you
like that?

Yes, I would.

All right, then.

You go to sleep.


How is she?

She's all right.

She's going
to sleepy eye for
a couple of weeks.

That's a good idea.

In a way, I'm glad
this happened.

At least she found out
what kind of man she
was going to marry,

Hurting her like that,
leaving her alone, not
telling her where he is.

You're right.

Wish I knew where
he was. I'd go give
him a good thrashing.

He's in sleepy eye.


He's in sleepy eye.

He wrote to his sister
but made her promise
not to tell laura.

You're sending her
to sleepy eye when you
know he's in sleepy eye?


Caroline, I don't
understand you.

I know.
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