06x21 - Second Spring

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x21 - Second Spring

Post by bunniefuu »

[Dog barking]


What have you got
in your mouth?


Then your teeth
must be swollen.

Now, open
your mouth.

For goodness' sakes,
open your mouth!

Nels, for
heaven's sake--

Oh, don't you push
that child!

I told you to
open your mouth,

And you'd
better, or I'm--

Have you taken leave
of your senses?

What did I
tell you about
that candy?

-Not to eat it all.
-All right.

Oh, well, now
see there? He
didn't eat these.

He left some.

That jar was more
than half-filled
when I left.

Well, well, he's
just a schoolboy.

He was just having
a little--a little
after-school snack.

Looks more like
an after-school
orgy to me!

How can we run
a store if he's going
to devour the stock?

Well, I'll
worry about that.

It's my store.

I thought it
was our store.

Well, all right!

But who's the
one who made it

The extraordinary
success that it is?

No supper!

Oh, mama!

Oh, willie,
my little lamb,

Your father
doesn't mean that.

I certainly do!

Oh, nels,

How can you
say that?

Why, he's just
a--he's just
a growing boy.

Yes, growing
worse every day.

What a terrible thing
to say about your son.

Well, the way
you coddle him,
he's becoming

A terrible thing
to have for a son.

Oh, don't listen
to him, willie.

Harriet, will you
stop interfering

When I am trying
to discipline
my son?

He's my son,
too, more so!

How do you
figure that?

I bore him.

Well, you bore me,
too, but that doesn't
make you my mother.

Oh, you know
what I mean!

I know
what I mean.

No supper.

We'll see
about that.

Yes, we
certainly will.

Now, you get
out of here

Before I stuff that
candy-crammed head
into that jar.

-Oh, ne--
-get out!

Oh, sorry, willie.

Nels: uh, charles,
I apologize for my son.

You don't have
to apologize
for my son.

You're right.
You should!

What can I do
for you, charles?

Well, i, uh...

I'd like to get
something kind of
nice for caroline.

How nice?

I've got $3.00.

Well, how about
a wool shawl?

That's nice and
very practical.

Nels, something a
little less practical

And a little
more romantic.


I'm in the
doghouse. I forgot
my anniversary.

I wish I could
forget mine.


How about some
french perfume?

Very impractical,
but very romantic.

Hmm, "fragrance

All right,
I'll take it.


Don't forget you've got
a tongue in the oven.

Got one in the
store, too.

[Dog barking]

Father, a family
of 8 just came
into my place.

-They're very hungry.

So, feed 'em.

They don't want
cold sandwiches,

And you know
I can't cook!

Ahh, like mother,
like daughter.

Harriet, I can't run
back and forth

Between here and nellie's
cooking for us

And her customers
as well.

Oh, nels, don't
be so selfish.

All right,
I'll be generous.

You cook for nellie.

Well, now you're
just being mean and
petty and spiteful.

Why? The restaurant
wasn't my idea,
it was yours.

Besides, I thought
a woman's place was
in the kitchen.


You and your
old-fashioned ideas!

I am not a woman,
I am a merchant.

All right, nellie,
come on, let's go.


Take the tongue
out of the oven
in 15 minutes.

Charles: that's
really good pie.

-Isn't that good pie, kids?

I'll tell you
what was good.

The veal was good.

Never had veal like
that. You had veal
like that before?

Carrie: mm-mmm.

I'm glad you
appreciate something.

Do me a favor and take care
of the supper dishes, all right?

Sure, pa.


Good luck.



Could I talk to you
for a minute?




I, uh...

I got you
a little present.

It's a little late,
isn't it?

Yesterday was
our anniversary.

I know that
and I'm sorry.
I apologize.

Oh, there's no need
to apologize.

I understand...


It just wasn't
important enough
to remember.

Caroline, that
is not true.

There is nothing
more important than
our anniversary,

But between working
at the mill and--

It just slipped
my mind.

I'm sorry, please.

Charles, I didn't
want a present.

I just wanted
to be remembered.

Well, I remembered.

I just remembered
a day late,
that's all.

You don't even
have to call it
a present.

Just call it
a peace offering.

I'm sorry.

Fragrance d'amour?

Hmm, smells nice.

Sort of...romantic.

That's what
I had in mind.

And very expensive.

Well, nothing's
too expensive
for you.

You know that.

You shouldn't have.

We could have spent
the money on something

More practical,

you really need.

Me? I don't need

You do!

You need a calendar

With our anniversary
marked in red.


Happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary.

I'm sorry.
I love you.

[Caroline laughs]

Man: ma'am, it's been
over two hours.

Isn't supper ready yet?

Nellie: I'll check, sir.

When can I
announce supper?

Those people
out there say
they're starving.

Be ready
in a few minutes.

Cake is almost done.

We're just waiting
for the potatoes.

Harriet: nels, nels!

The tongue's
on fire.

-The tongue's on fire.

Take the cake out in
5 minutes and don't
slam the door.

Oh, hurry up.

Supper will be ready
in a few minutes.

If I'd have wanted
smoked tongue,

I would have put it
in the smokehouse.


Why didn't you take
it out of the oven
like I told you to?

Well, I don't
know. I forgot.

Someone stole
my ham!

Oh, for--

The cake fell.

I told you not
to slam the door!

-I didn't!
-Oh, for good--

When I took it out
of the oven, I dropped
it on the floor.

That's wonderful.

Willie: I'm hungry.
When's supper?

I thought
I told you
no supper!

No supper
for any of us!

God deliver me
from my family!

And other fools.

Who are you
calling a fool?

I thought I
made that clear.

Nellie: what am
I supposed to do
about supper?

yeah, me, too!

Figure it out
for yourself!

You, too, harriet!

I say that
a man's place

Is not in
the kitchen!


-Where are you going?
-I know where I'm going.

As soon as I
can arrange it,

I am getting
out of this house,

And I am getting out
of walnut grove!


Oh, nels, I still
don't think that
this is a good idea.

Well, I do.

Homes and farms all
over hero township.

A wagon store that
comes right to them

Will be
a great convenience,

Nels: save all those
trips into town.

You'll see,
it's going to be
a big success.

What about me
and the children?

Nels: well, you've
got the store,
nellie's got her place.

I've got nothing,
except your kitchens.

I'm just the chief
cook and bottle
washer around here.

Now I've got
something of my own.

Nels oleson,
I absolutely
forbid you to go!

Harriet, I have
told you before

That we have
got to spend
some time apart

Because if we're
not already crazy,

We sure as sin are
driving each other
there at a gallop.

From now on, everybody
takes care of himself.

Well, when will
you be back?

When my stock
runs out.

well, how long
will that be?

When you see me,
you'll know.

Come on.

Woman: * the shamrock
is forbid by law *

* To grow on irish ground

* And st. Patrick's day
no more we'll keep *

* His color can't be seen

* For there's a bloody
law against the wearin'
of the green *

* I met with napper tandy
and he took me by the hand *

* And he said, "how's
poor old ireland" *

* "And how does
she stand?" *

* She's the most
distressful country
that ever you-- *

Excuse me.

Oh, I hope I didn't
frighten you.

Oh, no.

Top of the
evening to you, sir.

Good evening.
I'm looking
for a room.

Well, begorra,
you've come to the
right place, you have.

'Tis a boardinghouse
we're running here,
you know.

You're molly?

That I be--
molly reardon herself,

Sure as patrick
is a saint.

And who might you be?

I'm nels oleson, himself.

Ha ha!

Well, nels oleson,

If it's a room
you're after wanting,

It's a room you got.

And food, too,
if you ain't
already supped

And have a cravin'
for some nourishment.

I haven't had
a bite all day.

But I have to take care
of my horse and wagon first.

Ah, then you'd
better shake your
tail feathers, man.

The livery is
a spit and holler down
the road to the left,

And while you're
puttin' up your animal,

I'll be puttin'
on the vittles.

I'll be right back.

* O paddy dear,
and did you hear *

* The news that's
going round? *

* The shamrock is forbid by law
to grow on irish ground *

* St. Patrick's day
no more we'll keep *

* His color can't be seen

Oh, that smells good!

Hmm, proof is
in the eating.

Yeah, I didn't notice
anybody else around.

Good, then you're
not given to visions.

During the week,
me business is slower

Than paddy's pig farm in
the mountains of mourne.

On the weekend,
I get me big business.

Market days, you know.

Same in walnut grove.

That where
you're from, then?

Walnut grove?

My home base.

Can i--can
I help?

Oh, you cannot,
for sure!

'Tis a woman's place,
it is, in the kitchen.

You get on
into the parlor

And rest your
weary bones after
your hard day's work.

Are you sure there's
nothing I can do?

Sure as the
pope's catholic.

Now, be off with
you, nels oleson.


* Oh, whistle and I'll
come to you, my lad *

* Oh, whistle and I'll
come to you, my lad *

* Tho' father and mother
an' a' should go mad *


Oh, that coffee
is delicious!

Irish coffee.

It tastes different
than any I've ever had.

It must be
the whipped cream.

Not to mention
the dram of irish
spirit I added.

Oh, that's
the secret ingredient.

Ha ha ha!

Well, my compliments
to the chef.

You put in just
the right amount

Of garlic
in the leg of lamb.

A lot of people go
overboard on garlic.

I know what you mean,

And you can tell them
coming a mile off.

Nels: yes!

Oh, and the mint sauce
was perfect,

Delicate but subtle.

Me mother's recipe,
god rest her soul.

How do you make it?

Well, you start
with fresh mint.

Mind you, it's got
to be perfectly fresh.

You chop it up fine, you
steep it in hot water,

You add a half a cup
of good vinegar,

A very generous addition
of old wild honey,

Then, you just let it
rest on the range

For about an hour
before serving.

Wild honey,
that's it.

I always use sugar.

Faith and you seem
to know a lot about
cooking, you do.

Well, I should.
I've been doing
it all my life.

Ah, then you're not
a married man?

no--no, I'm not.

Well, i, uh...i'd
better be getting
up to my bedroom.

I want to get
an early start
tomorrow on my rounds.

Uh, what--what's
the number of my room?


Well, with the size
of this establishment,

I got no need
for numbers.

Just follow your nose to
the top of the stairs.

It's the first door
on the right.

Nels: right.

You'll be leaving
tomorrow, then?

Well, as a matter
of fact, i--i...

I could stay
and--while I work
the surrounding area,

If you've got
the room, of course.

Of course I got
the room, man.

Ye have it. Heh!

Hap I'd be to have ye.

You're fine company,
you are, nels oleson.

Thank you, molly.

So are you.

Well, good night.

Molly: good night. Oh...

May the angels of heaven

Watch over your sleeping
head through the night.

Good night.

Why did you say
you weren't married?

Harriet: so,
I told nels
that I have this...

Splendid, absolutely
unique idea

For expanding
the business--

A wagon store,

The idea being

To take the merchandise
to the customer

And to all those poor,
unfortunate shut-ins
out there in the country

can't possibly
get into town.

Sounds like
a good idea.


Yes, it is,
isn't it?

So, i--i put
nels in charge.

You must miss him.

Well, heh...

I must confess, i...

Yes, it gets kind of
lonely around here.

Of course,
I have the children.

Heh! Well, that isn't
quite the same thing,
though, is it?

No, it isn't.


I have one
consolation, though.

Oh? What's that?

Well, he's alone,

And he must be
absolutely miserable.



Oh, ho ho!
Oh, molly, really,

You tell the
funniest stories.

But did you
hear this one?

Mike says to pat,
"how'd you like

To be buried in
a protestant graveyard?"

Says pat, "faith
and I'd die first!"


Don't--oh, no,
don't tell any more.

My--my sides ache.
Ha ha ha!

All right, then.
How about tripping
the light fantastic?

all right.

Ha ha.


[Irish jig playing]

be my partner,

Well, i--
I don't think
I can do that.

Oh, sure you can.
It's easier than
fallin' in a bog.

-Come on.

[Both humming]

That's it.

-Give me a little hop.

-That's it.
-How's that?

Oh, that's great!

Oh, nels,
you're so light
on your feet.

-Well, thank you, molly.
-Ha ha ha, ah!

I am going to do
a little turn
under your arm now.

Just keep
doing that.

-Oh, yeah!
-That's good.

-I'm going to try it now.
-Ok, all right.

Oh, nels,

You're just
so wonderful.

Oh, well, I've got
a good teacher.

Oh, ha ha!

This is wonderful, i...

Nels: I never thought
I'd be doing a--

What do they call this?

Molly: this is the jig.

Nels: is this the jig?

Oh, oh, ho ho.

Oh, my back.

This--i'm much too old
for this sort of thing.

Oh, will you stop
blathering about being old!

Sure and listening
to you is enough

To make a saint say
his prayers backwards!

You're a bit more mature
than me, for cert,

But it's better
than those callow
young buckoes

Who come shenaniganing
round after me.

What's more, nels,
you don't look
old to me.

Remember, man, you're
only as old as you feel.

For that, molly reardon,
you get a kiss.

You know what
I'm going to do?

I'm going
to hit the hay.

I want to get
an early start tomorrow

For walnut grove,
you know.

Ah, will you be
coming back this way?

Yes, I'll be back.

When will that be?


Think I'll
take a hot bath
before I turn in.

I like that in
a man, cleanliness.

Next to godliness,
they say.


Good night.

Good night, nels.

I'll see you
in the morning

With a rib-sticking

Oh, that'll be good.

[Nels groans]

Come again sometime.


Father's coming!

Father's coming!

Harriet: oh, nels!

Oh, oh, nels!

Oh, I'm so glad
to see you!

And so are
the children.

Aren't you,
willie? Willie?

I guess so.

Ma hid the candy jars.

But at least we won't
have to be eating
cold cuts anymore.

Will you cook supper
for me tonight, father?

Well, i--

Of course
he will.

Oh, nels, may
we have a nice
pork roast?

Well, we'll see.

I've got to take care
of the horse first.


I missed you, nels.

Did you miss me?

Well, I was
awfully busy, harriet.

I really didn't
have much time
to think about it.

I wish you didn't have
to go out again.

Well, I got to go.
Business is good.

I want to keep it

Keep it growing.

When will you be

-Day after tomorrow.
-That soon?

Uh, how long will you
be gone this time?

Well, I'll be taking
a larger stock,

So I'll be out

It's been a very
long day, harriet.

Good night.

Good night, nels.

Harriet: I just
don't understand

Why you're dressed
like that.

I mean, it certainly
doesn't look very

Well, I'm not
a merchant anymore.
You are, remember, harriet?

I'm just
an itinerant peddler.

Besides, it looks good
for my customers,

And it--it's
very comfortable.



Where can I contact
you in case there's
an emergency?

The boardinghouse
in tracy.

Well, what's
the name of it?

Well, there's only one.

It's my home base.
It's very centrally located

To all the rest
of the township.

Hey, here you go.
How do you like these?

Ok? Heh heh,

Good morning, charles.

-Good morning, mrs. Oleson.
-What can I do for you?

I need some pipe
tobacco for the road.

Oh, where are
you off to?

Taking a grain shipment
to balaton.

Nels still working
out of tracy?


When do you
expect him back?

I don't know.
He's been gone 10 days.
Haven't heard from him.

Yeah, probably pretty busy
with that wagon store.

Bet he misses the family.

I suppose.

Yeah, I tell you what,
why don't I stop there

On the way back from
balaton, look in on him?

Oh, I think he'd
like that, charles.

All right. You got
any messages for him?

Well, just tell him
that I love him.

All right.
Have a nice day.

All right.

[Dog barking]

Molly: when will I be
seeing you again, love?

Man: soon, me darling.
I'll be in to town

Next week to sell
me spuds at the market.

Give us a kiss,
me darling,

And I'll be
off and away.

-Take care of yourself.

[Door opens, closes]

[Dog barking]

-Good evening, molly.

Oh, glory be, nels.

You gave me such
a start, you did.

Sure and I wasn't
expecting you for
another hour or two.

Well, I thought I'd
quit early today.

I, um...

I have a present
for you.

Whatever for?
'Taint my birthday.

It's just to show you
my appreciation

For making me feel
so at home here.

Ah, bless you, nels.

You didn't have to
gift me for that.

It was me pleasure.
What is it you got?

Look, see.


Oh, by the beard of
moses and the prophet.

A cameo!

Oh, it's such a grand
and gorgeous one.

Thank you,
nels oleson.

You're a lovely
man, you are.


[Door opens, closes]

Molly: oh!

I'm sorry. The sign
out front said "walk in."

Well, the sign is right,
and you're right,

So what can I do
for you?

Charles: well, I was thinking
about renting a room, but...

It's still pretty early.
I'll just press on for home.

Changed my mind.
I'm sorry.

[Door opens, closes]

That's a strange one.

Where were we afore?

What is it, man?
You act as if
you've seen a ghost.

Just a headache.

Probably starving,
you are,

And I'll be after
setting a table for you.



How you doing,

Uh, about yesterday,
i, uh, I wanted to explain.

You don't owe me
any explanation.

Well, what--
what you saw--

What--what happened
between me and the girl,

I don't want
harriet to know.

Whatever happened
is between you and
harriet and the girl.

Her name is molly,
molly reardon.

She runs
the rooming house.

She's really a lovely girl,
charles, in every way.

We--we enjoy
each other's company.

She makes me laugh like
I haven't laughed in years,

And, most important,
she makes me feel
young again.

I love harriet, but...

I don't know. I'm...

I'm all mixed up.

I need some time
to work it out.

Can you understand anything
that I've said to you?

I really don't think
it's up to me
to understand.

Yeah, you're right.

How can I expect
anybody else to understand

When I don't
understand myself?

Well, there's no
doubt about it.

The wagon store
is showing a very
nice profit.

I've actually been

more territory.

[Counting softly]

My, my, my.
You're hardly
home as it is.

Well, you have
to make sacrifices

in business.

Hmm, uh-huh.


Nels, did you
sell a cameo?

Uh...no, no, I
don't think so.

Oh. One's missing.

One of the very
expensive ones, too.

Uh, are you sure?


I've checked it
and double-checked it now.

Well, um,
maybe I lost it.

Well, I guess
those things happen
when you're on the road.

What in the world
is that?

What do you think it is?

It's a hairpiece.

A--a hairpiece?

Ha ha ha, oh,
nels, ha ha ha!

It looks like
a dead squirrel.

A man has to look his best
when he is on the road!

Harriet: well...

I'd say if you want
to look your best,

You better bury
that thing! Ha ha ha!

Oh, nels, makes you look
like an old fool.

Leave it to you
to say the cruel
and cutting thing.

Well, it's the truth.

Well, I don't want
to hear the truth,

Not your version
of it, anyway.

Good-bye, harriet.


When will you
be back?

I don't know when...

Or if I'll be back.

Molly: you're
looking fit, da.

Man: you're looking
grand and darling
yourself, I tell you.

Molly: you're so full
of the blarney.

Man: I hope you're
keeping up with--

Nels? I want you
to meet--

I've got some paperwork
upstairs I have to
take care of.

Can't it wait?
Supper will be ready

In two shakes
of a lamb's tail.

I'm not hungry.

That's a sourpuss
if I ever saw one.

Sure and he's not
like that at all,
at all.

[Knock on door]


What's after getting
into you, nels?

Just had a hard day.

Well, you left
in such a huff.

Well, I thought...

Thought maybe you
wanted to be alone
with, uh, him.

Glory be to
the shamrocks.

Why should I
be wanting to be
alone with me da?

your father?

Himself, dan reardon.

He comes here regular.


Oh, ha!

Your favorite dishes
are getting cold
downstairs, too.

Well, in that case,
I'll be right down.


[Irish jig playing]

Up and have
a whirl with me!

Ah, every time
I come,

It's nothing but
jigging she wants.

Aye, but it's
a rare day to shake
a leg anymore.

Ah, come on, then.
We'll have a go of it.

-Ha ha ha!
-No, that's enough already.

Ok, I'm beginning
to strive.

You were
very good.

Ah, used to be,
but buckoes our age

Can't keep up with
the young lassies.

Ah, sure
and it's all
in your mind.

It's in me bones.
I won't be able to
move 'em for a week.

I'd better be
getting on home

While I can still
navigate the night.

It's been a charm
meeting you, nels.

I suppose you'll
soon be in the arms
of morpheus, too.

Time catches up
with us all.

Good night, darling.

I'll find me
own way out.

Molly: night.

[Door opens, closes]

[Music stops]

I wanted you
to meet my da,
you know?


Well, now that
you know each other,

'Twill be easier
in the happy event

You get around to
asking for me hand.

What is it, then?

Cat got your tongue?

I can't
marry you, molly.


Why not?

Well, first of all...

You've already got
a father.

You don't need

I hardly consider
you my father.

Perhaps not
consciously, but, um...

I don't think
what you feel for me
is--is the same

As what a wife feels
for her husband.

I don't understand
you, nels.

I love you.

I'm flattered, molly,

And honored...

But I think one day,

You'll find
that I'm right.

I don't believe that.


I'm already married.

I'm sorry I lied
to you.

I do care
for you, molly,
very much, but...

But what, nels?

I wish I knew.

I'm just a silly
old man, I guess.

I'll...i'll be
leaving first thing
in the morning.

Good-bye, molly.

Willie, I
told you to go
to your room.

Why do I have
to go to my room?
I didn't do anything.

Because I want
to be alone
with your father.

What for?

You wouldn't

Well, he's not
here yet anyway.

Well, he will be.

His telegram said
to expect him
at 7:00.

Your father's
always punctual.

Go to your room.
Hurry up.

Oh, my.

[Wagon springs squeak]

Welcome home, nels.

Hello, harriet.

Oh, you have
a new suit.


I like it.

You look
very handsome, nels.

Well, thank you.

You look very nice.

Oh, heh heh!

Thank you.

I wanted to...

Especially for you.

Harriet: uh, well...

Make yourself comfortable.


Oh, i...i got
some sherry for you.

Um, I'll put supper
on the table. Ha ha!

Thank you.

All right, nels.

Supper is served.

Here, sit at the
head of the table.

Thank you.

I--i thought it
would be romantic

If we ate
by candlelight.


And...i made
a roast.


Looks delicious.

Yes. Heh!



Oh, no!


I wanted it to be
so nice for you.

I love you, nels.

I wanted it
to be perfect.

And I did it by
the book, too.


What's so funny?

Don't you see?

My place is
in the kitchen,

Unless you want us all
to starve to death.

Ha ha ha!

Look, nobody
forced me to cook.

I did it
because I enjoy it.


And I hate it.

So what? The important
thing is that you tried.

It doesn't make
any difference whether
it worked out or not.

No? No?
You're not mad at me?

No, of course not.

Oh, nels!

Ha ha ha!


You must be hungry,

And we don't have
anything for supper.

Oh, I'm not hungry.

You know, what I'd
much rather do is...

To take a nice walk
in the night air,

Just the two of us,
like we used to.

-Hi, pa.
-Hey, willie!

Hey, a roast,
can I have some?

Well, why not?
Help yourself.


Gee, thanks!

Nels: shall we?

Nels: there you go.

Harriet: oh...

Oh, nels, I still feel
so bad about that roast.

And you must be

No, I'm fine, really.

Besides, what choice
do I have?

The only other place
to eat in town
is nellie's,

And I'm certainly
not going there.

Ha ha ha!
Me, neither!

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