06x13 - The Angry Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x13 - The Angry Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: ok, joe.
We'll see you tomorrow.

"Welcome home, joe."

"Thank you
very much, joe."

What's that stink?

Sit down, joe.

I asked you a question.
What's that stink?


What do you call this?

Just a good,
thick soup.

It's like glue,
we could use it
on the docks.

It's made from
a good stock!

I like pieces of meat
in my soup.

Well, I do
the best I can with
what you give me.

Did you go to
the hiring hall today?

That's my business.

Where is the boy?

You were so late.

He had his supper


Get out here!

Come here!

Yeah, pa?

Stand here.

So you can't
wait to eat, huh?

Joe: huh?

Well, you can sit
while I do.

Sit down.

What's this?


I spent 50 cents
on that shirt

So you'd have
something decent
to wear to school.

I must have tore it
playing baseball.

What's the matter
with you?

Joe: you think
we've got money to
throw away on shirts?

Sorry, pa.

Oh, that's it, huh?

Sorry. "Sorry, pa."

But if you're going
to tear your shirt,
why not tear it right?

Joe, don't!

Stay out of it!

I know how
to handle him.

He needs a little of
what my pa gave me.

Are you going to play
with your shirt again?

Huh? Answer me.

Answer me!

Answer me!

Joe, stop it!

Oh, get out!

Oh, tod.


Oh, that's it.

Start whining

always whining,
the two of you.

I can't stand to
listen to either
one of you.

Oh, he's drunk.

He doesn't know
what he's doing
when he's drunk.

He knows.

And I hate him.

I hate him!

[Piano music]


Oh, I don't want
to talk about it

You run
that hiring hall

In a mighty peculiar
way, jedediah.

You look
right through me,

And you pick some bum
with only a couple
of years on the docks.

And I'm as strong as
I ever was. Stronger!

Look, I told you,
I don't play favorites.

You were really
tossing the money
around in there, huh?

I don't know,
maybe the guys
who get hired

Stuff a few bucks in
your lumberjack, huh?

Please. Please.

I don't want
no trouble, joe.


[Whistle blowing]

[Door knocks]

Who is it?

Officer: police
officer doyle.

Is this your
husband's wallet?

Edna: yes.

What's he done?

I am sorry to be
the one to have
to tell you, ma'am,


He's been k*lled.

Edna: [crying]

morning, charles.

Hey, brewster.
How are you?

Couldn't be better.

Got a letter from
my daughter, edna.

-Oh, how's she doing?

She's sending her boy out
to live with us for a while.

Ain't that something?

Hey, that is something.
I'm happy for you.

What's a grandfather
without his grandson

Just a plain old man,
that's what.

How long is he going
to be with you?

Uh, edna doesn't say.

She was just anxious
to get him out
in the fresh air.

Chicago's getting
so industrial...

Factory fumes.

Yeah, all
the cities are.

How old is
that boy now?

Brewster: 17.

Edna says he's a big,
strapping fella,

Should be a big help.

We can clear more land,
expand the farm.

well, I'd better

When virginia
hears this, oh, my!

See you!

Well, there's
a happy grandfather,
isn't he?

Hello, virginia.

Hello, brew.


Had a letter from edna.


What'd she
have to say?

Not much
of anything.

The boy is
coming here.

The boy is
coming here?

That's what I said.

Oh, brewster!

Oh, now, don't you
start crying.

Oh, I can't help it.

-Our grandson.

Oh, land sakes.
We've got to fix
the room up for him.

We've got to make it
look real special.

Hey, now, don't go
spoiling him.

He's liable to want
to stay with us
a lot longer.

Oh, you. You're just
as excited as I am,

And you know it.

Oh, look at him,

Isn't he
a beautiful boy?

my grandson.

Driver: whoa.

The train was early,
ms. Oleson.

They're supposed
to wire me care of
the post office

When they're going
to be way early
or way late.

Mr. And mrs.
Davenport in there?

But the rooms
aren't even
ready yet!

I asked you a question.

What was
your question?

You heard me.

Nellie: if you
mean brewster and
virginia davenport,

No, they're
not in there.

They're such
courteous people.

Surely they
don't know you.

Come in, everyone.



Hey, you.

-Hey, you, come here.

Yeah, you.

So, an old man and an old
lady named davenport got a
place around here somewhere.

You know where it is?

Oh, yep. It's near
the ingalls' place,

Which is my place,
on account of
I'm an ingalls.


Hey, I've got
to be going.

I'll see you
tomorrow, all right?


I've been hearing
about small towns.

They got what
they call a...

Village idiot in them.

Are you
the village idiot?

I don't think so.

Well, you could
have fooled me.

Now, why don't you tell
me where the davenport
place is, huh?

I'll do better
than that.

I'm heading home,
so why don't you
just come with me?


You're going
to be here long?

my business.

I'm just trying
to be friendly.

Well, don't.


Hey, virginia!



Tod's here!

Tod's come.

-come, dear. Look, see?


Is that you?
Oh, tod!

Tod, we were just
leaving to go
pick you up.

We got here early.

Let me look at you.
Let me look at you!

Yeah, yeah.

A little bit of edna,
a little bit of joe,

A little bit of me,
eh, virginia?

Tod, you growed up

I knew you would!

your grandma and
me's been trying

To get you
and your ma
out of the city

Ever since
your dad passed on,

And, well,
here you are.

Brewster: yeah,
here you are!

Virginia: I guess
when you finished
your schooling,

Your mom said,
"all right,

Now it's time
to breathe that
country air."

I didn't
finish school.

But the letter

Edna just wanted
to get rid of me.

You called
your mom edna.

I could use
some groceries.


Yeah, well,
you must be

Tod, your...

Your grandma
is so excited
you're here.

I know.
Look, I'm sorry.
I had a long trip.

Of course.
Come on, come on.

You're going
to like it here.

Nice people
and good fishing.

You like to fish?

Never been.

Never been

Boy, have you got
a treat in store.

Come on, come on.

Oh, we're so glad
you're here, tod.

We're so glad
you're finally here.

come on in.

Albert: he's not the
friendliest guy around,
I'll tell you that.

He's downright mean.

Well, you've got to
remember, albert,
he's new here.

He's kind of
on the outside,
looking in.

Albert: well, so was
I when I first came.

I know that.
Weren't you a little
uncomfortable with us

The first few weeks?

ain't mean.

Ma, what if we walked
over to the davenports,

And paid them a call
like you do the neighbors,

And invited
them to dinner
tomorrow night?


He'd still be mean.

Well, it's too soon.

He hasn't even had
a chance to be with
his grandparents yet.

your mother's right.
Give the boy some time.

He'll come around.

It'll take
a miracle.

If anybody can
perform a miracle,
it's the davenports.


Charles: grace,
how many spoons are
you going to use

Without eating


[Door knocks]

Rise and shine, tod.

Rise and shine!


Morning is
at 5:00 out here.

We get up
with the roosters.

A farmer's life
is full of strife.

Oh, what I'd give me
for a muscular wife.

I'm a poet and
don't know it.

Come on, boy.
Come on!

Oh, no,
you don't.

Get up, get up,
get up!

What happened?


It's all right.
It was an accident.

What was?
What happened?

Oh, nothing,

go get breakfast.

We'll wait
for you.

What happened
up there?


He gave me
a little push,

And I lost
my balance.

I shouldn't have
shocked the boy
awake like that.

The boy is
in a strange bed
in a strange house.

He reacted like he
was being att*cked.

It's only natural.

It isn't natural
to push an old man.

It's not natural
to do that.

Oh, it's nothing.

Who's an old man, huh?


I got it all
figured out.

The boy is angry at
the whole situation,
not at me.

-Now, look...

In his mind,
his mom sent
him away.

He doesn't
look at things
the way we do,

That this is a wonderful
experience for him.

He sees it as having
been kicked out
of his home.

So he pushes
his grandfather.


He's a good boy.

You'll see.

A good boy.


Yeah, there you are,

Good as new.

Oh, that's really nice,
nels, really nice.

He fixed the inside,
too, he cleaned
the inscription.

Oh, that's beautiful.

There's something about owning
something that belonged to
your father, I don't know.

Yeah, yeah,
I know.


-Hello, charles.

How's that
grandson of yours
getting along?

Oh, just fine,
just fine, thank
you, charles.

Oh, it'd be
a pleasure
to meet him.

He'll be in here
one of these days.

Well, maybe
he's ready to do
a little socializing.

We're going to have
a picnic after
church on sunday.

There'll be a lot of folks
there his own age, he's
sure welcome to come.

That's very nice
of you, charles.

I'll mention it
to him.

Well, what can I do
for you, brewster?

we were going to pick up
some things for the boy.

First off, let me see
your shaving mugs

And your straps
and your razors.

He's starting
to get a little
peach fuzz,

And I thought he
might get kind of
a kick out of it.

Sure enough.

Hey, don't forget
to mention that
picnic to him.

-I won't.
-Good to see you, virginia.


I'll mention
it to him.


Got myself
a good shave.

Good! You know,
in a farm,

There's no time
at all first thing
in the morning.

Animals are waiting,
crops are waiting.

So you take your
time and do a good,
clean job at night.

Say, tod, now that
you're feeling
slick and handsome,

How about going to
church with us tomorrow,
right after chores?

I don't go to church.

There's a picnic
by the creek.

I don't go
to church.

Brewster: tod...

I don't want
you treating me
like a child.

Tod: if I say something,
I expect you to believe
it and let it be.

See, god didn't
make it around to
my neighborhood,

So I never made
his acquaintance.

God is everywhere.

Pfft, if he was
in that dump of an
apartment I lived in,

He sure was quiet.

Is it all right if
I meet you at the
picnic afterwards?

-Of course.
-That'd be fine, tod.

Harriet: on your mark.

Get set! Go!

[Crowd cheering]



And you.

Let's get
some lemonade.

here we go.

nice try,

Darn it, we haven't
won a thing all day.

Tell me about it.

I'm going to get
a new partner.

Well, that's
fine with me.

Charles: hey, what
happened, you two?

I thought you
were going to win.

I'm going to find
me a new partner.

Charles: oh. Come on.
Have some lemonade.

Albert: ok.


I think
they're mad.

having a good time?

Laura: I'd have
more fun if I'd win.

well, you can't win
all the time.

Are you

Not anymore.


I'm charles
ingalls' daughter.

Well, one of them.

We're neighbors.

So we're


Was it exciting
living in chicago?

I don't know.
I worked on the docks.


Well, didn't you
go to school?

They don't pay you
to go to school.

You don't like to
talk about yourself
very much, do you?

I ain't got
nothing to say.

Besides, I like
being alone.

So do i...

I like to sit and
think about who I am

And who I'm
going to be,

If maybe someday I'm
going to get married
and have children.

Don't you like
to think about
who you are

And who you're
going to be?

Yeah. I think
I'm thirsty.

I'm going to get
some more lemonade.

Harriet: I don't
think so, I think
nellie made that.

it's all good.

-do you like it?

mmm! It's good.

feel better?


Oh, there's
more lemonade
in the house.

I'll get it.

Nels: everybody
get ready for the
mountaintop sack race!

I'm sleepy, too.
It must be late.

Where's your watch?

It's up
on the mantel.

No, it isn't.

Sure, it is.
I left it right here
by the tobacco pouch.

I was positive
I left it here.

Albert: yes, sir?

Have you seen
my watch?

Albert: no, pa.

-Are you sure, son?
-Yes, sir.

Laura: I haven't
seen it either, pa.

Maybe carrie
wanted to
look at it.

No, she wouldn't
be tall enough to
reach up here.


This afternoon

Didn't we see tod
come in here?

Yeah, we saw
tod come in,

But there were a lot
of other people here
we might not have seen.

Well, I can't
imagine one of our
friends took it.

Neither can i.

Hey, tod.

Where are
you going?

I'm going
to take a ride
over to mankato.

Well, you'll
have to do it
some other time.

I need the rig
to go to town

To pick up
some supplies.

Stop your

Hey, where'd
you get the

I've got
to go.

Tod, I asked
you a question.

Don't put your
hands on me.

That's my wagon,

And it's going
to stay put!


That boy.

That boy.


Edna must have known
he was capable of this.

[Wagon approaching]

He's back.

He's back!

He's going
to apologize.
You'll see.

He's going
to apologize.

It's charles ingalls.


He mustn't see
what the boy did.

[Door knocks]

Hello, charles.

Good morning,

Is brewster in?


No, he's not.

Could I come in
for a minute?


Something wrong?

Well, I'm not sure.

I tossed and turned
about this whole
thing last night,

Trying to figure
out a way to
mention it to you.

What is it?

My father
left me a watch,

An old timepiece.

I kept it
on the mantel.

I've seen it.
It's beautiful.

Well, I went to look
for it last night,
and it was gone.

now, I'm not
accusing anyone.

But did you see
tod go in the
house yesterday?

Yes, he
was talking
to laura.

I just want
to ask the boy
if he's seen it.

I hope you


Brewster: charles...

Brewster, what
happened to you?

Tod hit him.

The boy took
your watch,

Brew didn't
want you to see
him like this.

He didn't want
you to know.

Virginia, please.

The swelling
will go away...

But the stealing

Stealing's a crime.

A crime.

Brewster: the boy
has this awful thing
deep down inside.

Edna must have known.

She must have been
afraid of him...

A woman...

Afeard of
her own son.

the boy now?

On the way to mankato.

I'm truly sorry.


[Piano music]

I want to talk to you.


I'm usually a pretty
calm man, tod,

But right now I'm
working up a big anger.

And I want to
talk to you now.
Where's my watch?

Do yourself a favor
and answer me.

I just swapped it with
this man for some cash.

Swap it back to him.


Sorry, you're
$10 short.

Man: thank you.

And the watch.


I'm not through
with you yet.

You've got
what you wanted.

I'm still out $10.

-Well, that's not my problem.
-Oh, but it is.

I'm going to give
you a choice.

You either work
that $10 off
on my land,

No matter
how long it takes,

Or you go to jail
for the complaint
that I sign.

You're pretty good
at making threats,
aren't you?

Which one is it
going to be?

Is it a long walk
to the jail?

You're going
to find out.

I'll be back

Good enough,
mr. Ingalls.

And be sure
he gets a good
night's sleep.

I'll do that.

Tod: hey, ingalls!

I thought you
were supposed to be
my grandparents' friend.

A lot better
friend to them
than you are, boy.

And he
chose jail.

Don't worry, a night
in a cell isn't
going to k*ll him.

I'll go back there
tomorrow and give
him a choice again.

He can either
stay in jail

Or come back
here and work off
his debt to me.

He will have a
whole night to
think it over.

But what if
he doesn't want
to work for you?

I'll just drop
the charges
against him,

If that's
what you want.


I don't want
him here.

I'm afraid
of him.

Virginia, he's
our grandson.

God help us,
I know that.

I wish he'd
never come

I wish I could
just have
the memory

Of a sweet
baby boy.

Do what you think
best, charles.

Man: tod dortmunder.

All right, tod,
this is my second
and last visit.

You still
have a choice.

Come back to my
place, work off
the debt for me,

And I'll drop
the charges.

you stay here.

what'll it be?

I'll work.


What kind of work
you got in mind?

Farm work.

Don't worry,
hard work's not
going to k*ll you.

How long have I got
to work for you?

Till you pay back
the money I owed
on the watch.

Well, how much
do I get a day?

I don't pay
by the day.

I pay what I think
the job's worth.

Oh, you make
all the rules,
don't you?

You sound
like my pa.

He made all
the rules till
that night.

Look, tod...

I'm sorry about
what happened
to your father.

I know it was
hard on you.

But that was
a long time ago.

Don't try using
that on me now
for sympathy.

Hey, I ain't
asking you
for sympathy.

And it wasn't
hard on me.

If my pa hadn't
died when he did,

I'd have k*lled
him myself,

Except I was only 6.

Oh, you think that's
pretty awful, huh?

Well, my pa hit me
with his fists,

Not once or twice,
but a lot of times,

And I wished him dead
over and over and over!

Finally some
fellow on the docks
up and shot him.

I wish I could
find that fellow
to thank him.

I'll show you
where you sleep.

After all these years,
to have that much hate.

How could a man
beat his own child?

How can that
child hit his
own grandfather?

They say...

Some diseases
are passed on

From generation
to generation.

Maybe all that
hate is, too.

Ah, maybe.

Do you really think
working off the debt

Will accomplish

-I don't know.

My pa always said
good, hard work
on the land

Sweats the poison
out of your system.

He was right
about most things.

Let's get
some sleep.


Don't worry.

I won't.

Sleep. Sleep.

Good night,





As soon as I finish
unhitching the team,

We can have some supper.

I think I'll
just turn in.

Well, we're having
chicken pot pie.

It's awful good.

I'm too tired
to chew.

Make sure you get
a good night's sleep.

We've got a big
day tomorrow.

What the heck did
we have today?

How are you
doing, brew?


Where is tod?

He's out shopping
an order for
the olesons.

Good. I don't want
the boy to know

I'm asking questions
about him.

It's been
two weeks now.

How's he doing?

He's coming along.

Hasn't flared up
at you or nothing?

No, no, I haven't had
any trouble at all.

He's done
everything I told him,
I'll say that for him.

Well, the way
I look at it,

If the boy
has a capacity
for hard work,

He's got something
decent in him.

something struggling
to get out.

At least...

I'm hoping.

Me too.

Well, i...
I'd better
get going.

I don't want him
to see me here.


Thanks again for
what you're doing.

-You bet, brew.

good job, tod.

I didn't figure you'd
have half of this
finished by now.

I'm working fast
to pay you off and
be done with it.

Well, when
you're done here,
you're done with it.

You mean it?

Sure, I mean it.
You worked off
your debt to me.

I'll put it
in writing.

Charles: what are
you going to do
after you finish?

Hop a train.

Go to
california, maybe.

What about your

They don't
want me around.

Who would, the way
you were acting?

I know...

And I ain't
blaming them.

I just like it better
by myself, that's all.

It's not so bad
being around folks
who care about you.

Nobody cares.
Not really.

Your grandparents do.

So do i.

Ma, something's
crawling on me.

Caroline: oh, let's see.


Caroline: oh,
it's only bandit.

Come on.
Out you go.

Out you go.

What are you

Oh, just a shirt
I got for tod.

I thought if he
had something new,

He might join us
in church tomorrow.

Charles ingalls.

The boy starts out
stealing your watch,

And you wind up
buying him a shirt.

Well, just thought
he might like it.

Besides, I did
work him pretty
hard for that $10.

You don't have
to explain to me.

You are a good man.

Stick your finger
right there.

You are a
terrible wrapper.

Would you like me to
finish this for you?

I think you'd
better. I've got
your finger stuck.



Now, don't be

If he doesn't
go to church
with us tomorrow.

Caroline: he's made
his feelings pretty
clear about that.

I know he has.

But what he says
and what he feels are
two different things.

He has so many
scars inside.

Just give god a
chance to heal them.

First he has to
want to be healed.

There you are.

Thank you.

[Door knocks]

Come in.

Good morning.

Breakfast is
about ready.

I'll be right down.

We're going to go to
church right after we eat.
You're welcome to join us.


I'll just be packing
up my things.

All right, suit yourself.
I wish you'd change your mind.

Like I said, I'll be
packing up my things.

All right.
Oh, here you go.

What's this?

I call it a bonus.
You did a good
job for me.

I'll see you
at breakfast.

Joe: I spent 50
cents on that shirt

So you'd have
something decent
to wear to school.

You think we've got money
to throw away on shirts?

What's the matter
with you?


Answer me!

Answer me!

Answer me!

I'm just going
to go up to the
soddy for a minute.

But, charles,
we'll be late!

I just want
to ask him
one more time.

I won't be long.

Your pa sure
is stubborn.

[Door knocks]


Caroline, I want
you to go on to
church without me.

What happened?

He's gone.
He just ripped
the shirt to bits.

I'm going to go check
on virginia and brew.

you don't think
he'd harm them...

After this, I don't
know what to think.

Be careful!

Charles: I will.


Brew! Virginia!

[Horse whinnies]

Why do you want
to leave hating?

I ain't hating.

Just leave me be,
mr. Ingalls.

I gave you a
gift because you
worked hard for me,

And I respected
you for it.

You tore it to pieces.
I call that hating.

Call it whatever
you want.

You know the first thing
that came into my mind
when I saw that shirt?

I figured you were in
some kind of a rage,

And I was worried about
your grandparents.


Look, I just want to be
on my way, that's all.

You really think
you want to be on
your own, don't you?

Tod: that's
what I think
all right.

That's it. No ties
with anybody...

Not your grandparents,
not even your ma.

That's right.

You're fooling
yourself, son.

Everybody needs somebody.

Not me.
I don't need anybody.

Yes, you do, if you
just listen to me, son.

Don't you call me son!

It's just
an expression.

No, it's not.
It's something you believe,
something you think.

You think you're my pa!
Well, you're not!

You're just
a dumb farmer!

And you had no right
to give me things!

I don't want
nothing from you!

You're all alike!
You're just like my pa!

That's why he's dead,
because I hated him,

And I hate you!

I hate you!
I hate you!

Come on! Hit me!

I don't want
to hit you, son.

What's wrong
with you? Hit me!


Stop, pa!

Aah, pa!

I love you!

I love you.

I love you.

Why'd you have to die?

Didn't want you to die.

I love you.

I loved you.

Let it out, boy.

Let it out, boy.
Come on.

That's it.

That's it, boy.

Ma, look,
the davenports.

Oh, thank heavens
they're all right.

Alden: let us rise
and sing number 19,

"Ring the bells
of heaven."

[Pitch pipe plays note]

* ring the bells of heaven

* There is joy today

* For the soul returning
from the wild *

* See, the father
meets him *

* Out upon the way...

He'll be all right.

* ...wandering child

* Ring the bells
of heaven *

* There is joy today

* For the wanderer
now is reconciled *

* Yes, the soul
is rescued *

* From his sinful way

* And is born anew
a ransomed child *

* Ring the bells
of heaven *

* Spread the feast today

* Angels, swell the glad
triumphant strain *

* Ring the bells
of heaven *

* Spread the feast today

* Angels, swell the glad
triumphant strain *
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