06x10 - The Faith Healer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x10 - The Faith Healer

Post by bunniefuu »

-Ma! Ma!
-What, honey, what?

-Preacher man's here.
-Oh, my god.

Oh, right on
time, I'd say.

Oh, for heaven's
sakes! Oh! Oh!

[Laughs nervously]

God be with you.

God be with you.

The lord's blessings
on you, sister.

God be with you.

Some rig
he's got there.

Yeah, that's
a relief.

What do you mean?

Well, harriet oleson
ain't talked about nothing

But the reverend danforth

Since she heard him
preaching last month.

Now, we'll find out
what the fuss is all about.

Oh, I suppose.

Well, charles,
you're going
tonight, ain't you?

You can't
miss this.

I'm not going
to miss it.

I'm just thinking about
getting this order
filled right now.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you, sister,

Oh, I wish you didn't have
to rush off like this,
reverend danforth.

I'd love to fix you
some sandwiches.

you're very kind,

But the sooner I
begin preparing for
tonight, the better.

You know, the
best place
for that tent

Would be in
the field down from
the feed and seed.

Oh, just think.

Folks will be
coming in from
all over to see you.

We'll come by
with some neighbors
and help you set up.

Oh, no need.

My assistants
will be arriving

To take care
of the details.

Oh, right.

-God bless you.

Good day.

Good day,

Hey, pa,
that has to be
reverend danforth.

Well, it must be,
all right.

Are we going
to hear him
preach tonight?

Would you like
that, son?

Sure would.

Well, then
I reckon we can.

Come on,
let's get
the shopping done.

I appreciate your
having me to dinner.

It gets a little
lonely with anna away
visiting her sister.

It's our pleasure,

There's plenty
more cake.

Reverend: perhaps another slice.
Charles: mm-hmm.

I hear the mill is
doing quite well,

As a matter of fact,
we've got more business
than we can handle, reverend.

Well, that, as someone
once said, is the kind
of problem to have.

I agree.

Thank you.

Reverend alden,
are you going to hear
that preacher tonight?

Well, I imagine
I will.

He's quite
a remarkable
evangelist, I'm told.

Albert: can he really
heal people like they say?

Some individuals
have that gift.

How long is
this reverend danforth
supposed to be here?

Well, I imagine it
depends on how many
people he attracts.

I don't know,
it may sound
selfish of me,

I just hope
that his meeting

Doesn't take away
from our church services.

How could they?
They're not even
at the same time.

I know, but we have
two services
on one sunday.

I'm not so sure
some of the folks may not
choose one over the other.

Well, I confess,

That thought had
crossed my mind,
as well.

Oh, you don't have
to worry about
the people of walnut grove.

You have a very loyal

Well, not the whole
flock, caroline.

why would mrs. Oleson

Have invited
the reverend danforth
here in the first place?

She probably figures
she needs more than
one church service

To get forgiveness
for all the stuff she does.


Charles: [laughing]
albert: sorry, ma.

your mother
is right.

this cake
is delicious.

Thank you.

Danforth: and when
you come to the lord,

Let him decide

Who you are

And what you're worth.

It's time to come
to the end

Of your search
for a miracle,

Of your search
for god,

I believe...

I know,
I have seen

That there is
no pain

Too great

Nor no affliction
too terrible

That god's love
will not take away.

You know, it's man
who says,

"Well, there's
nothing we can do."

But god says,
"it is done."

The lord doesn't use
sickness to punish you.

The lord is love.
The lord will heal.

The devil! The devil
uses sickness and pain.

It is not the will of god
for you to be sick.

Now, you needn't
be afraid

To stand in
the presence of god.

Ask him,
and it is done.

Ask him,
and salvation is now.

Put your life into
the hands of the lord.

Hear him say,
"come, come, child.

"Hurry along to me."

Reach out and touch him.

Who loves his pain
and sickness so much

That he will deny god

His power to
take them away?

Who is willing to believe?

Who among you will be
the first to come forward

And ask god
for his divine healing?

oh, please!

Please, god,
help me!

Help me, lord!

I want to see again!


Danforth: it is done.
You need only come forward.

oh, please.


Danforth: come forward.

[Organ music]

Do you believe
in god's love?


Do you believe
god loves you?


Do you want god's love?


Oh, yes!

You have come
to this place...

With the help
of your wheelchair.

But you will
leave this place...

Without it.



Lay a healing hand

On this poor,
afflicted soul,

I pray you.


Danforth: heal, heal,
in the name of the lord.




Stand in the light
of god's love.

Woman: I can't.


I can't!


I can't!


Before his
holy presence.

[Crowd gasps]

Danforth: thank you, lord,
for your boundless love!

Oh, thank you, god!

Thank you!

Albert: bye.

a lovely sermon.

Thank you,

It's a shame
more people weren't
here to hear it.

I didn't think
it was such a bad
turnout, really.

Yes, I suppose.

Still, I've
been thinking.

If reverend danforth
gets a large attendance

At his prayer meeting
this afternoon,

The people
are being served.

That's what's

Um, will you
take an early
supper with us?

That's very kind
of you, but...

No, thanks. I--

I have some things
I need to attend to.

We'll see you
next sunday,
then, reverend.


Caroline: thank you.

Oh! Aah!

What's the matter?

Are you sick?

Oh, it hurts!
It hurts!

Mr. Dobbs!
Mr. Dobbs!

Something's wrong
with timothy.



It's my stomach
again, pa.

Timothy's been
having stomach
cramps lately,

But nothing
this bad.

Let's get him
to my office.

Ugh! Ow!

Pain almost gone?

Yes, sir.

That hurt?

Only when
you press it.

All right,

You can get
your shirt on, now.

I want to talk
to your father.

What do you
think, doc?

I can't be
absolutely certain,
mind you,

But all the signs
point to acute

Now, he should be
taken immediately
to mankato

And examined
by a surgeon.

To mankato?

Yes. This isn't
something that
can wait, matthew.

I'm going to give
you the name of
the doctor to see.

Well, look, doc,
mankato is awful far,

And you're not
even sure.

If you leave
right away, you can
be there by tonight.

Well, just hear me out.
What I'm thinking is

That in a little while
that prayer meeting

Will be getting

Prayer meeting?

Yeah, with
the reverend

Reverend danforth?

Matthew, if your boy
has appendicitis,

Reverend danforth
isn't going to cure it.

But you've seen how
he cured that woman--

Dr. Baker:
an apparently
crippled man,

And a woman,
a blind woman,

Apparently cured
by pure faith.

Now, what I'm saying
as a doctor

Is that I would have
had to personally
examine these people

To be sure they
were truly cured.

You saw it yourself.

I know what I saw,
and I'm telling you

To take that boy
to someone who can
really help him!

Yeah, all right,

Well, I can get him
to the reverend danforth

Quicker than I can
get him to a doctor
in mankato,

And if he says the lord
can't help, then we'll
leave right away.

I mean, a few more
hours won't make
no difference, will it?

They could.

Well, I believe in him.

Maybe you don't have
faith in the lord's
power, but I do,

And I'm taking him
to the reverend first.

Laura: pa!

Hey, where are you
off to in such a rush?

Ma said it was all
right with her if it
was all right with you.

If what's all right?

If we went
to the prayer meeting.

Don't you think you've
had enough religion
for one sunday?

Well, want to see
reverend danforth do
his healing again.

There are people
lining up in town.

I've seen one man
on crutches.

There was an old
man bent way over
like this on a cane.

So, please,
can we just do it
this one more time?


-All right, go ahead.
-Thanks, pa.

-Thanks, pa. Let's go!
-Come on.

Danforth: salvation is now.

All god wants from you

Is your trouble,
your pain, your sorrow.

Bring them to god,
put them in his hands,

And he will make them
disappear forever.

But god won't come to you
if you don't need him.

If you're not sure
you deserve his love,

If you're not sure--

Timothy: ugh! Ugh!

For god's sake, man!

Please, reverend,
help my boy!

Bring the child to me.

-leave me be, doc!

It's a terrible pain
in his stomach,

It's his appendix.
That's what it is.

And it's about to burst,
if it hasn't already.

He don't know
that for sure.
He admitted he don't.

Stand the boy before me.


Come on, son.

-I can't.
-That's it, one step more.

Stay close
behind him.


Do you believe
in god's love?


answer, boy.
Do you believe?


Do you believe
god loves you?

Yes. Yes!

Danforth: do you
want god's love?

yes, please!


Lord, lay your hand

On this suffering
child, I pray you.


Heal in the name
of the lord.

The power

Of god's love is in...

And around you,

Drawing out the pain...

Drawing out the pain...

Drawing out the pain.



Hold him.
Hold him.




It's gone.

Glory be
to god!

The lord be praised!

We thank you, lord,

For your love and mercy!

Oh, thank you, god.
Thank you!

Excuse me.

Reverend danforth,
come in.

We can visit
some other time,
if you're busy.

No, no, not at all.

Wednesday evening's
sermon, I'm afraid
it's not going too well.

Won't you sit down?

I'm sorry to hear that.
Thank you.

I don't think
I've told you

I appreciate
your not having a prayer
meeting on wednesdays.

Well, that would be
bad manners.


You've created a great
deal of excitement.

I don't imagine
that makes you
anxious to move on.

That's true.

Still, I do have
a number of meetings
scheduled in other towns.

I see.

But not for
a little while,
of course,

And I do expect
to be back.


The truth is,

That's why I've
come to see you.

I'm afraid
I don't understand.

I've spoken to
mrs. Oleson about it,

And she's very much
in favor of it.

You see, normally,
in a few weeks, actually,

I'd be turning
my wagon south,

What with the cold
weather coming.

Prayer meetings
under a tent

Are not very attractive
in a blizzard.

Now, maybe it's
advancing age,
I'm not sure,

But I don't want
to go south anymore.

In fact, I'd like
to stay in walnut grove

On a permanent basis.

Permanent basis.

So, I'm coming to you
with a proposition.

the cold season,

Which is much longer
in minnesota
than in most areas,

I'd like to share
this church with you,

On any basis you wish.

We could even conduct
joint services.

Walnut grove
is quite central
to the rural areas.

I expect we'd develop
a considerable

In time, donations would
increase to the point

Where we could build
a larger facility.


Reverend danforth,
I find your proposition

As I said,
mrs. Oleson's very
much in favor of it.

Yes, I'm sure
she is.

Mrs. Oleson is
an outstanding member
of this community.

And, although I haven't
seen her present in this
congregation lately,

Of this church,

But mrs. Oleson alone
does not make policy.

I was appointed minister
of this church

By the community
of walnut grove.

I will remain as such
as long as I am needed.

I will not share
this pulpit with you.

I see.

I'm glad you do.

There doesn't seem
much more to say.

No. I'm sorry.

Reverend alden,

There will now be
a wednesday evening
prayer meeting.

And one on
sunday morning,
as well.

Danforth: good day
to you, sister.

good to see you.

Glad to have you.

The assistants
will show you in.

Good day to you.
Good to see you again.

Good day to you, sister.

The lord

Bless you
and keep you.

The lord make his grace
to shine upon you,
and give you the peace.




It's all right, charles.
There's nothing to say.

It's just not right.

Reverend danforth
just doesn't have
any business

Setting his services
right opposite
yours, reverend.

I know. I appreciate
your support.

Small as it is,
you can
count on it.

Thank you.

dr. Baker, dr. Baker,
my boy is awful sick.

Where is he?

Out on my

He was getting ready
for the prayer meeting

When he said
he felt funny
and had to lay down,

Just got weaker
and weaker.

He's going to be
all right,
ain't he, doc?


Your boy is dead.


He can't be dead.

He can't be.

Oh, the glory of giving
your hearts and souls

To the love of god.

And oh, the peace and joy
that are yours.

Heartache and sorrow
are banished

When you touch
his holy presence.

Fear and hatred are unknown

When the almighty's love
surrounds you with
its glory and--

[Crowd murmuring]

Brother dobbs,
what's happened?

My timothy
is dead.

[Crowd gasps]

May god be
with you, brother.

You said
he was healed!

It was god's will.

No, it wasn't.

It was your will,
reverend danforth.

This boy died
of a burst appendix.

Dr. Baker: he died because the
only thing he had to tell him

How desperately
he needed help

Was taken away--

His pain.

Is that healing?
Is it?

I demand to address
this assembly

Before further
tragedies occur.

no, you will not.

As I am not permitted
to speak in your house
of worship,

So you will remain
silent in mine.

God has granted me
the power to heal.

You have all seen it.

But god has not
granted me the power

To withhold from him
what is his.

And if our heavenly
father chose
to take the life,

The earthly life,
of this child,

And bestow on him

A new life
in his kingdom,

Then it was
to save him.

Danforth: and god's wisdom
will not be questioned,

Nor will he be mocked.

To say that pain is not
of the devil but of god
is an abomination.

Brother dobbs,

Your grief

For timothy's loss
is great,

But do you know
how much greater

Is timothy's joy
at this moment?

For he is in heaven,

Where he was called
by our heavenly father.

He is wrapped in
the love of his maker.

Do you know that?

Do you?

answer me. Do you?


Danforth: do you believe it?

Matthew: yes.

Danforth: do you all
believe it?

-We believe it.

[Organ music]

Lord god on high,

We have commended
to your love and mercy

The soul of your child,

Timothy dobbs.

May he live with you

In joy, forever!


-Praise the lord!

Crowd: hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Danforth: yea, though I walk
through the valley
of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me.

Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies.

Thou anointest my head with oil,
my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life,

And I will dwell in the house
of the lord forever.

We remember that this
is but the vessel
we return to the earth,

Which once
contained the life
of timothy dobbs.

But life goes on,
in joy and fulfillment,

Peace, and love,
with his god in heaven.


All: amen.

Why don't you go?
I'll help the boys.

Charles, I baptized
that child when
he came into the world.

It's not pride
that's sending me away.

I will not share
this pulpit with
a man like that.

Well, I've never
felt right about
danforth, either.

I just wish our
votes could have
stopped him.

I appreciate that.

You know, there still is
an awful lot of folks here
who would like to...

See you stay on
with us,

If you could work
something out
with danforth.


Reverend, maybe we're
not thinking right
about danforth.

I mean, it was timothy's
father who wouldn't let him
get the operation. Dan--

Charles, there's
nothing more to
talk about.

The people
made their choice.

They want danforth.
I'm not a healer.

I don't know,
maybe I don't have
enough faith.

But I do know that
I'll not stand by

And watch my entire
congregation follow
another minister.

Well, it's just
your pride.

God help me, yes!

I'll go on saturday.


Couldn't you wait
till sunday?

An awful lot of folks
would like to give you
a proper good-bye.


Good-bye, charles.

Good-bye, reverend.

Oh, reverend danforth,
I do wish that you
didn't have to go.

Oh, it's just what
you might call

A few
one-night stands.

I can't break
my word, you know.

Oh, no, no.
I know, I know.

I'll be back
by the sabbath.

Yes, and in your
very own church
this time.

Thanks to you,
sister oleson,

And you, too,

I'll be looking
forward to it.

God bless you.

Thank you.
You, too.

God bless you.

god be with you, brothers.



Did you--did you
put this on
julius' account?

I don't know.
I suppose.

Well, what are you
so down-in-the-mouth

I told a lie
out there.

Oh, nels.
What are you
talking about?

I'm not looking forward
to reverend danforth
coming back.

Why, nels oleson.

What is the matter
with you?

It's the way I feel.

well, if you
feel that way,

Then why did you
vote for him?

Because you
wanted him here.

Because the town
wanted him.

Well, of course
they did!

The man is obviously
a hand of god.

Well, he is.

And he's going
to make this
town famous.

And it certainly isn't
going to hurt
our business any.

Well, people
are going to come
from miles around

To be healed.

And it was my idea
to bring him here
in the first place,

And don't you
forget it.

I'm sure I
won't forget it.

You can't
sleep, huh?

Ah, there's
too much on
my mind, I guess.


You're working
too hard not to
get you a rest.

Ah, things
will slow down
as soon as I

Make that delivery
to sleepy eye,


I almost forgot,
I won't have
the order ready in time,

So, can't get
an early start.

I'll have to sleep
over and come back
saturday morning.



I know how strongly
you feel about

Reverend danforth
coming for good,

But there's really
nothing you can do.

Oh, it's not so much him
as what it's doing
to reverend alden.

I know.

It can't be easy,

After all these years,
losing your parish.

but he's strong.

He'll find another.

He has great faith.

That's just it.
I think this--

I think this whole thing
has just drained him
of all of his strength.

I think, for the first
time in his life,
he's lost faith in himself.

He'll find it again.

I just wish
I could help him.
He's a friend.

He's going to
leave saturday,

So he won't have
to be here when they
take his parish away.

You have got to try
and get some rest.

I will. I'll just
finish my coffee,
and I'll come to bed.

I will.
Now, you go on.

I love you.

Good night.

Charles, you don't
look good at all.

Are you sure you don't
want me to drive this load
into sleepy eye?

I'll be fine.

I'd be glad
to do it, charles.

Ah, between the two
of us, who's got
the tougher job?

Me driving this load
into sleepy eye

Or you working
on the next order
all by yourself?

I was hoping
you wouldn't
think of that.

I did.
I'll see you


Fine meal, mrs. Adams.
Next time
I'm in sleepy eye,

I guarantee
I'll be staying at
your boarding house.

Well, thank you,
mr. Ingalls.

There's plenty
of leftovers
in the kitchen

If you get
hungry later.

Thank you
very much.

Oh. Oh, my goodness.
It's already started.

[Danforth preaching]

You sure you don't
want to come?

No, no, thank you.
I'm going to
turn in early.

-All right. Good night.
-Good night to you.

to come forward and ask
god for his divine healing?

oh, please!

Please, god, help me!

Man: help me, lord!

Woman: I want to see again!

Danforth: it is done.
You need only come forward.

Come forward.

Danforth: the power
and love of god are in you,

In every fiber of your body,

Coursing through your blood.

Heal, heal, heal.

Stand in the light
of god's love.

Woman: I can't.

I can't.

I can't!


I can't!


In his
holy presence!

Man: praise be to god!

[Crowd murmuring]

Danforth: thank you, lord,
for your boundless love!

Oh, thank you, god!

Thank you!

the reverend danforth
preaching next?

A meadow just
south of downing,
tomorrow at noon.

If you know someone
in need of healing,
you should bring them.

I intend to.

30 miles back
to walnut grove.

be traveling it
in the dark.

The road's full
of potholes.

Take you all night,
if you get there.

Well, there's
a full moon tonight.
I'll get there.

suit yourself.

Thank you.

are you sure?

Are you sure
it's the same ones?

Reverend, I'm positive.
I just don't
understand why.

We know some
of the people
that he helped.

Now, if he can really
heal, why does he
use fakes?

Well, perhaps because
he needs a convincing way

To get the people
to believe he can heal.

Once he has,
the people themselves
will do the rest.

Charles, the power
of belief is incredible,

Whether it's truly
from god or not.

And there are
faith healers,

I've seen
their miracles.

Well, I guarantee
you, danforth is
not one of them.

I mean, timothy would
be alive today if
it wasn't for him.

Will you
come with us?

Oh, no.

Why not?

Well, charles,
I don't want him
to use me as an excuse.

If I'm with you
when you face him,

He'll swear that
I put you up to it

Because he took my
church away from me.

You've seen how
he can move people.

If I thought
I'd help, I'd go.

All right.
We'll go without you.

Just promise me
one thing--you'll
stay here till sunday.

I'll be here.

There absolutely
has to be a mistake.

There has to be!

If reverend danforth
proves to be, uh,
what you say he is,

Well, I'm going
to look like
an absolute fool!

Danforth: who loves his pain
and sickness so much

That he will deny god
his power to take them away?

Who among you will be
the first to come forward

And ask god
for his divine healing?

please, god, help me!

Man: help me, lord!

Woman: I want to see again!

Danforth: come forth.
Charles: that's it, let's go.

[Organ music]

The power
and love of god
are in you,

In every fiber
of your body,

through your veins.


Heal, heal.

stand in the light
of god's love.

I can't.

I can't!

Danforth: stand.

Not yet.

Danforth: before
his holy presence.

[Crowd gasps]

All: amen! Amen!

Oh, thank you, lord,

For your boundless love!

Oh, thank you, god!

You k*lled my son!

You k*lled my timothy.

Why do you interrupt
these holy proceedings?

I know you not.

Perhaps you know me,

Well, no, i--

You don't know me?

You don't
remember me?

You remember
those people?

Why, yes,
of course I do.

You see,
the reverend danforth

Did more than just
k*ll that little boy,

Much more.

He let him die

Of a ruptured
appendix because
he convinced that man,

The boy's father,
that he had cured him.

You know
that is not true.

I saw that woman cured
in walnut grove!

[Crowd murmuring]

And again last night
in sleepy eye,
and again today.

Is that true?

Charles: answer me!

It's true.

Yes, we saw it.

Give me your
crutches, brother!
You don't need them!

Why, it's a miracle!

he can stand!

Or have I healed
him, reverend?

And shouldn't
we ask this
poor blind woman

How many times
the reverend has
restored her sight?


Tell them
how many!

No. No.

-Tell them!

[Crowd gasps]

Yes, she saw
the crutch.

Maybe you'd like to
explain this to your
congregation, reverend.

Maybe you'd like to
explain to them

How surely...

God has called you
to lie

And deceive them
in his name.

Man: he's a fake.

Let's go!

Danforth: what I've done,
I've done for the lord,

And for you,
for all of you!

You lack the faith
to be healed!

I had to give you that faith!
That's why I used these people.

To make you strong,
to make you believe!

Don't you understand that?

I understand
you lied.

I lied to fool the devil,
to help you save yourselves!

I can cure you! I can!

Please, please stay!
I am god's hand!

During my years
in divinity school
and after,

It was a dream of mine
to be a great orator of god,

Holding a vast
congregation spellbound
in some great cathedral.

For years, i--

It was not to be.

Gradually, I learned
to accept the fact

That god had placed me
on this earth

As a simple preacher.


When reverend danforth came
and took my church from me,

I was hurt.

I was envious.

I was filled with envy
for one who could
command a congregation

The way I dreamed
of doing and couldn't.

I was guilty
of the sin of pride.

Then, even as I learned
that I was to come back
to this pulpit,

I thought I must do so
as the fiery, commanding
minister of god

That I'd always
dreamed of being

If you were to want me,
or need me--

Even love me.

And then
I realized my folly.

Is it the duty of a minister
to be wanted and loved...

Or is it simply
to love the lord?

We'd all like to
welcome you home,

Laura: reverend alden
remained our pastor.

His courage to admit
that a simple man, a shy man,

Dreaming of being
what he wasn't,

Only strengthened
our love and respect for him.
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