06x07 - The Halloween Dream

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x07 - The Halloween Dream

Post by bunniefuu »

how does it look?

Kind of scary.

It's supposed to be
kind of scary.

That's what
halloween's all about.

I don't
like halloween

Because there's
ghosts and things

That can eat you up
when you're asleep.

Come on, carrie,
there is not,
and you know it.

Just a bunch of folks
dressing up in costumes
and making believe,

Just like laura
and albert.

Can I go
see them now?

They said they'd come out
when they were ready.
Just going to have to wait.

All right.

I'll tell you
what, you can put
in the candle.



Why don't you just
use a hammer and
a couple nails?

I'm sorry!

Hey, not so loud
out here. I just
put the baby down.

Albert: sorry, ma, but
laura's hurting me.

Well, it's not
easy to pin this
darn thing on.

And would you
just relax and
stand still?

Relax. I've
been standing
here an hour

While she's
been using me
as a pincushion.

Albert: she says relax.

Laura: now, listen,
I'm doing you a favor,
albert ingalls.

Do you want to win first
prize at nellie's halloween
party or don't you?

Yeah, I do, but--

Then no buts.
Just stand still.

As soon as you finish
there, I want you
to go take a nap.

A nap?

Yes, a nap. You're
going to be out a
lot later than usual.

Oh, ma!

Just do as I say.
You'll thank me later.

Yes, ma'am.

Now, are you sure
we'll be the only ones
dressed like indians?

Sure, I'm sure.

I sure hope you're
right after going
through all this.

all through.

Well, what
do you think?


Hey, I really do
look like a chief.

What do you
think, ma?


I'm not sure.

Either a very
small chief or a
very large chicken.

Very funny.

Let's go
show pa.

We got two
candles in there.

I think we ought to
put in one more, huh?

Uh-oh, here
comes the tribe.

We're all
ready, pa.

Doesn't albert
look like a chief?

Let me see.
You either look like
a very small chief...

Or a very big

Ma already said it.

You both look great.

Well, now your pa's
seen you both.

Off to your naps.

Okay, come on,
let's get it
over with.

I'll wake you
in two hours.


They really look
like indians,
don't they, carrie?

I'm sure glad
they're not ghosts.

What's all this talk
about ghosts lately?

Laura's been telling
me about them.

Oh, she has, has she?

Albert, too.

They say ghosts come in your
sleep, and they eat you up.

They eat your mouth off
first so you can't yell.

Oh, I think we're going
to have a little talk with
your brother and sister.

Right now.

Carrie, go tell
laura and albert we'd
like to see them.

Yes, ma.

Eat your mouth off?


We have waited
long enough.

We have suffered
long enough.

It is time to strike.

Son of running bull
will be here soon.

And what if he
does not come?

What if he fears
the white man?

Chief: he is just a boy.

Sly fox: running
bull fears no man.

Neither will the son
of running bull.

He said he would come
on the first full moon.

Tonight, the
moon is full.

I will send some of
my braves to meet
him on the trail.

Sly fox speaks
with strong tongue

Of one he does
not know.

Chief: why did he
not come before?

Sly fox: time was not right.

We needed g*ns.

Running bull
has many g*ns.

Repeating r*fles
stolen from
the bluecoats.

They cannot stop us.

I hope sly fox speaks
with much wisdom.

Sly fox: my fellow chiefs...

The son of running bull

Will lead us
to victory.

We shall k*ll
the white man.

[Whooping loudly]

Darn feathers.
They're itching
me to death.

Stop complaining,
just think of
that prize.

I'm trying to.

[Horse snorts]

Hey, lookit.

And I thought we
were going to be
the only ones

Dressed like indians
for nellie's party.

Well, I was
sure we were.

You were sure.

You and your big

So, I was wrong.

At least you're
the only one that's
dressed like a chief.

Come, you follow.

Yeah, yeah,
we're coming.

Laura: they're kind
of old to be going
to nellie's party.

Mrs. Oleson
probably invited

Every bachelor
in hero township
from 8 to 80.

Well, I'll tell
you one thing.

You're still going
to win that prize.

Those guys look as
much like indians

As the man
on the moon.

I hope
you're right.

Albert: hey, laura,
ain't we kind of going

The long way around to
get to nellie's party?

I guess we are.

Wait a minute.

Does that look like
nellie's party to you?


w*r party.

We have waited
many moons

For son of chief
running bull.

Now, you come.

Rest in teepee.

Then we talk.

Now, hold on there.

I think you made
a big mistake--

Do what he says.

But, laura--

Just listen. As long as
he thinks you're the
son of running bull,

We'll be all right.

Act like it.

I will not.

You come.


[Knock on door]

I'll get it.

come on in.

charles, this is
commander kaiser.

I've heard a
lot about you.

A pleasure to
finally get
to meet you.

- This is my wife caroline.
- Pleasure to meet you.

Kaiser: the
pleasure's mine,
mrs. Ingalls.

May I get you
some coffee?

No, thank you.
We don't have time.

We've just learned
there's a large
gathering of the tribes

A short distance
of walnut grove,

And some of the no-sh**t
nations are involved.

That's strange.
We haven't had trouble

With the no-sh**t
for years.

I know. They're being
influenced, I believe,
by the lightfoot tribe.

That's not all of it.

One of the commander's
scouts has found out

That running
bull's son is
on his way here.

Running bull?

Kaiser: you
know him, then?

Just the stories
I've heard. I've
never met him.

He's never been
this far south

Well, the son
is just like him,
and he's coming here

With a shipment
of stolen army
repeating r*fles.

Oh, no.

Kaiser: we've taken
over the abandoned
town of stony pass.

We're using it
as a hub for
our defense,

Gathering all the
families there.

Laura and albert
aren't here.

They went to a party
at nellie's house.

Well, then they're
probably already at
stony pass, charles.

The commander's sent
his troops to every
house in walnut grove.

I'll get the
children dressed.

Laura, how can you
just sit there?

It must be a million
indians outside.

Shh, would you
please be quiet
and let me think?

Maybe we can
sneak out of here

And escape.

Forget it.

You just said yourself
there are a million
indians out there.

Oh, yeah.

Got to do something.


What is it?

What is it?

It's a scalp,
you knothead!


I heard w*r cry.

I am chief kilowatt
of lightfoot tribe.


Is sly fox.

Kilowatt: this, big wolf.

And this, son
of great chief
running bull

And his brave, uh...


You ready talk now?


Well, we sit.

Kilowatt: we are glad
you have come to lead
us against bluecoats.

Sly fox: where are the many
army r*fles you promised?

Army r*fles?


They will come
in two sunups.

That is good.

It will give us time
to plan the attack.

First, we will
k*ll bluecoats

In the town
of stony pass.

We show you stony
pass tomorrow.

You make great plan
for w*r party.


Now you eat.

Maidens make
feast for son
of running bull.

Tomorrow, we
leave at sunup.

So far, so good.

"So far, so good"?

You knothead,
you're the one
who got us into--

Would you quit
calling me that?

All right,
all right.

Somehow, we have to
warn those soldiers.

I know, I know.

Let me think.

[Child giggling]

I am known as tana.
I have food for you.

- My name is--
- knothead. I know.

You eat. Good!


Yes, ma'am.

You want more?
You call for
tiny pebbles.


Tiny pebbles.

She looks like a
whole stone quarry.

There's no way we're
going to escape now.

Maybe we have a better
chance tomorrow when they
take us to stony pass.

Anyway, we're going
to have to get all
the sleep we can,

Because we're
going to need it.

I'm so hungry I
could eat a horse.

You are.

Nellie's father said
they never arrived
at their place.

Something must've
happened on the way.

I know it looks
bad, mr. Ingalls.

The only thing
we can do is
hope for the best.

I'll send patrols out
in the morning.

Perhaps they'll
turn up something

Well, I can't
wait till then.

I'm going to go back
to my place, and see
if they went there.

I can't allow that.

We're talking
about my children.

Please, don't make it
any more difficult for me.

I'm in charge here.
There are a lot
of lives at stake.

You wouldn't stand
a chance out there alone.

I'm going anyway.



Yes, sir?

Kaiser: show mr. Ingalls
to his quarters.

Believe me, sir,
we'll do all we can.

They're both
fast asleep.

I'd hate to wake them.

Another half
hour won't hurt.

They're going to
have supper with us?

No, they said
they wanted to
eat at nellie's.

You know what
supper's going to be--

Candy, cake,
then more candy.

Don't I know?

I must say I
am proud of
laura, though.

It's a lot of work
in those costumes.

I know. They look
cute, don't they?

I just hope they
win a prize.

I just hope
they don't start
an indian uprising.


Sly fox:
there is
stony pass.

It protects
walnut grove.

With army r*fles,

It will no longer
protect the white man.

kaiser, indians!

Kaiser: there are several
chiefs amongst them.

The small man with
the long headdress

Must be the son
of running bull.

Let me have a
look a minute.

I don't believe it.

Kaiser: what? What is it?

I don't have time to
explain to you now.

Just get me a horse
and a white flag.

I can't let you
ride out there.

That's not the son
of running bull
out there.

- That's my son.
- What?

That's my son albert.

The brave next to him
is my daughter laura.

I told you they were
going to a party.

They were dressed
as indians.

Sergeant, get
mr. Ingalls a horse

And a white flag
on the double.

Yes, sir.

White man
shows flag
of truce.

It's pa!

What did


dust in air.

k*ll him.

Albert: wait!

He shows
white flag.

A white man's

Kilowatt: no.

It is
charles ingalls.

He was friend
of my father.

He is good man.

There are no
good white men.
k*ll him.


I am chief.

I will
speak to this
ingalls alone.

We are all chiefs.

We will all speak.

Does charles
ingalls wish
to speak

To the son of
running bull?

Son of who?



Yes, I would
like to speak

To son of running bull
and his brave alone.

The chiefs do
not wish it.

Can we talk peace?

The time for
peace is over.

You will soon die.

Is that the truth?


There is no need
for talk. We go.

Will I see the son of
running bull again?

[Horse snorts]

I hope so.

We go.

I wish there was
some way we could
stop that attack.

If only we
could get to pa.

I'm sure he'd be
able to think
of something.

But that's easier
said than done.


I wonder where
the real son of
running bull is.

He's bound to show
up sooner or later
with those r*fles.

Well, whether
he does or not,

We're in a lot
of trouble come
sunup tomorrow.

We promised
them r*fles, and
the time's up.

[Girl giggling]

Here's food.


Didn't think I can
wait another minute.

Hair is
strange color.


Very pretty.

Thank you.

I think I'm going
to sit with you.

Oh, good.

Scratch my back,
will you?

Those feathers
sure make you itchy.


Oh, a little bit
to the right.

Albert: oh, up a little bit.

Oh, that's it.

Wish I could take
this headdress off.

I wish I
could stop
being a brave.

[Dog barking]

That girl
I'm a boy.

What did you
just say?

I said, that girl
thinks I'm a boy.

That's it.

What's it?

That's how we're going
to get out of here.

You almost ready?

Just a minute.

You look lovely.


[Albert and
laura giggling]

If they hadn't
gotten hold of those
repeating r*fles,

We'd have
nothing to
worry about.

But if the real
son of running bull
gets those r*fles

To sly fox
and the others,

We will not be able
to hold this town.

I know there's
a lot at stake,

But right now all
I can think about
are my children.

I can't see why
we just don't ride
into sly fox's camp

And take it
before the
r*fles arrive.

Mr. Ingalls, you see
how many men are
under my command.

Our only
protection is
this town.

On the open ground,
we wouldn't stand
a chance.

Kaiser: I've sent word to--
sergeant: commander!

Yes, sergeant.

I hate to
disturb you, sir,

But I think you'd
better have a look
at this for yourself.

What is it?

All right,
bring them in.


[Blows trumpet]

it's all right.
Those are my children.

I was afraid
to try anything
out there today.

We were afraid
you would.


I'm sorry, mr. Ingalls.

You got to
admit, it's...

A bit of a shock.

I understand, sir.

Commander kaiser,
I'd like you to meet
my two children.

This is my
daughter laura
and my son albert.

Hi, kids.

Albert: hi.

Uh, please
be seated.

What can I get you?

Commander, I'd
like anything
you've got to eat--

Except horse.

Sergeant, food for
these two right away.

Yes, sir.


What can
you tell us?

All we can tell you
is that the indian
tribes are waiting

For the r*fles that
the son of running bull
is supposed to deliver.

He hasn't
arrived yet?

No, sir.

Laura: at least not
up till the time
that we escaped.

Well, after they
mistook me for him,

They wanted to
know when the r*fle
load was coming.

I didn't
know what to
tell them,

So I told
them after
two sunups,

Which is

The real running
bull will arrive
soon enough,

And when he does,
there'll be no
stopping him.

Don't you think
there's some chance

That one of your patrols
will get him before he
gets back to the camp?

It's a slim chance.
There's too much
country out there

And not enough
time to cover it.

Maybe since
running bull's
so late,

The tribes
will get tired
of waiting

And head back
to their own

Kaiser: no, they'll wait.
This is their big chance.

They've got
nothing to lose.

Listen, commander,

Suppose we went
back to their camp

And told them that
the army captured
the r*fles?

Albert, you were
lucky to get
away as it is.

Albert: now, wait
a minute, pa.

We fooled them
once, I think we
could do it again.

No, I won't
hear of it.

Kaiser: mr. Ingalls,
if your son could
convince the chiefs

That the r*fles
were captured,

They'd stop
this rebellion
that quick,

And once they return
to their own lands,

We'd have the time we
need to find the real
son of running bull.

Commander, what
if my children go
back to that camp,

And running bull
is there with the
r*fles? What then?

it's a chance

They'd have to be
willing to risk.

It's up
to you two.

We'll do it.


Pa, don't worry.
We can do it.

It's our
only chance.

We'll be leaving
right away.

Thank you
and good luck.

come on.

You've got two fine
children, mr. Ingalls.

I know, commander.

I know.

How do things
look so far?

Well, nothing
funny yet.

I just hope no
one goes into
that teepee.

Otherwise, we
have a lot of
explaining to do.

Well, we'll find
out soon enough.

You have news
for us, son of
running bull?

Yes, sly fox.

I have news.

Tell us when
the r*fles
will come.

Tell us when
we may attack
the white man.


Sly fox:
tell us news,

O son of
the great chief
from the north.

sly fox, my news
is not good.

Many bluecoats
have att*cked
my braves

And have stolen
the r*fles.

You must all go
back to your
own lands...

Until I can get
more weapons.

I'm afraid...

I am afraid.

[Boy whooping]

The son of
running bull?

Who else?

[Drums beating and
indians chanting]



Sorry I got you
into all this.


It wasn't your
fault, laura.

Yes, it was.

I'm the one who talked
you into wearing
that silly outfit.

If it wasn't for me,
we wouldn't be here.



If nellie hadn't
had the idea for
a silly party,

You never would have
had to dress me in
this silly outfit.


I never thought
about it that way.

You know, it's
all nellie's fault
that we're here.

Looks like they're
about ready.



Just wish we could have
gotten to those g*ns.

[Post cracking]



I think this post is
beginning to break off.

Do you think so?

I just heard it cracking.

I did it.

Try to get me untied.


Albert: I'm doing
the best I can.

[Drums stop]

Run for the
wagon. Hurry!

Laura, wait!

Laura, wait!

[Horses neighing]

[Boy yelling]

[All whooping]

They're gaining on us!

Too much weight
in the wagon.

What was I supposed to
do, leave you back there?

I meant the r*fles.

It's no use!

We're never going to
make it to stony pass!

Laura: I've got an idea
that will slow them down.

Can't be any
worse than all
your other ideas.

Here, take the reins.

Take the reins?

Yeah, come on,
take them!

Laura, I can't!

You have to,

No, laura,
take them back.

Albert: laura, laura!

I can't take
the reins!

[Boy yelling]


It worked, albert,
it worked!

Keep whipping them!

We got them now!

Here they come again.




Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh...

Something must have
happened, commander.

They should have
been back by now.

All we can do is
wait and hope.

Why do you
always say that?

I can't think
of anything
else to say.

I never should
have let them go
in the first place.

It was too
great a risk.

It was
their decision.
They're a brave pair,

Especially that
son of yours.

He wouldn't know
the meaning of
the word fear.

I know.

nice kids.

Thank you,


Watch it, albert, you
almost tipped us over!

Boy, we really got
them spooked now.

This is a lesson
in wagon driving
you'll never forget.


I just can't sit
around here any longer.

Don't try to stop
me, commander.

I've got to find
out what happened
to my children.

All we can do is
wait and hope.

Oh, commander,

All right, I won't
try to stop you,
mr. Ingalls,

But I can't send
any men with you.

I understand that.
Just let me have
a repeating r*fle.


[Distant g*nsh*t]

Could that have been...

Sergeant, my scope.

You see

It's your children,
mr. Ingalls!

Thank heaven!

Not only that,
they've got the
wagon full of r*fles.

Prepare for attack!

Prepare for attack!

Prepare for attack!

Prepare for attack!

I'll be in
my quarters.

Keep whipping
them, albert. I'm
out of gunpowder!


No, you might hit
one of my kids!



This is your


[Trumpet fanfare]

Jonathan: charles,
they did it,
they did it!

Are you
all right?

Yeah, we're fine.
They got a little
rough, though.

I know.

Kaiser: laura!


By capturing
those army r*fles,

We've accomplished
something those army
patrols couldn't do!

I don't know
how to thank
you except...

Salute you, darling!

Don't thank me,
commander, thank
my brother.

We wouldn't be
here right now if it
hadn't been for him.

I've never seen
anyone handle
a rig like that

In my whole life.

Jonathan: charles.


What is it, pa?

I think
he's fainted.


Albert, hey!


Hey, son, come
on, wake up.

Albert, come on.
Come on, now, wake up.

Wake up, son.



Come one,
albert, come on,
wake up now.


Hey, son.

Come on, come
on, wake up.

Albert, wake up.

Come on,
son, wake up.


Oh, pa...i must
have been dreaming.

Well, it must have
been a pretty good one.

I had a heck of a
time waking you up.

It's getting late.
You'd better get ready.

Yes, sir.

Only a dream.

Laura: sure was
nice of pa to borrow
these horses for us.

Now we really look
like indians.

Albert: sure hope so.

Darn feathers itch
me something awful.

Laura: will you
stop complaining

And just think
of that prize?

Albert: that's just what
you said in my dream.

What dream?

Oh, this crazy
dream I had today.

We were riding along,
just like this,

And I was itching,
and you said...


Well, I'll be darned.

I was sure we'd
be the only ones
dressed like indians.



Albert, come back!

Laura: albert, you're
still going to win.

Don't be so angry!


How, laura.

Figures it'd
be you, willie.

What's the matter
with albert?

I don't know. Just
a bad sport, I guess.
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