06x01 - Back to School: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x01 - Back to School: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

More coffee?

Thank you.
Just half a cup.

What's the matter
with carrie this morning?

It's the fourth time
she's been to the outhouse.

Just excited,
I guess.

First day of school,
new teacher.

You two about ready?

Laura: I am. Albert's
still primping.

Albert: I am not!

Are too!

Stop your fussing
and get down here.

Yes, ma'am.

You got two minutes
to get yourself dressed,
young lady.

Carrie: all right.

all ready, ma.

You look
very nice, dear.

Wail till you
see albert.

Ma, button me.

What are you dressed for--
a wedding or a funeral?


I just thought I should
look nice the first day
back to school.

That's not the reason,
and you know it.

It is too.

Uh-uh. He's so sure
that the new teacher's
going to be pretty,

He's in love
with her already.

that's dumb.

No dumber than wearing
a tie to school.

let's not argue about
who's the dumbest.

Why don't we get ourselves
to school and find out
who can be the smartest?

Yes, sir.

Bye, ma.

Bye, darling.

Bye, pa.

Bye. Start on
the right foot.

I will.

All right.

Come on,
little lord fauntleroy.

See you, pa.

now wait a minute.

I don't mind you wearing
your good clothes
to school,

But I don't want you
playing in them.

Your ma worked hard
making them.

I won't play in them.
I promise.

All right.
On your way.

Bye, pa.

Have a good day!

It's hard to believe
the school year's
starting already.

Time really does fly,
doesn't it?

Yeah. It'd fly
a lot faster

If you'd help me
with these dishes.

Caroline, doing dishes
is not a man's work.

Charles, don't
be sacrilegious.

I'm not.

Then you do believe
in the bible.

Of course I believe
in the bible.

What's that got to do
with dishes?

Ii kings, 21:13.

"And I will wipe
jerusalem as a man
wipeth a dish,

Wiping it, and turning
it upside down."

Bible's by the bed.
You can look it up.

I don't have to
look it up.

I know you know
your bible.

Dish towel's over there.

Thank you, reverend.

nellie's lucky.

She gets to
graduate today.

what's so lucky
about that?

Because when
you graduate,
you're grown up.

You can do
whatever you want.

If you're in such a hurry
to graduate,

Just do what nellie
did: go to mankato
and take the exam.

Hi, mr. Oleson.

Hi, laura,
Hi, carrie.

How's it going?

Uh, pretty good.

Going to be
finished today

Even if harriet
has to beat

The workmen
with a whip.

Still a secret, huh?

Oh, yeah. That's
her idea, not mine.

she has everybody
in town guessing.

We wouldn't tell--
cross our hearts.

Aw, what the heck?

Everybody's going to
know today anyway.

It seems harriet thought
that if she had this--

Harriet: nels?

I swear she could hear
a flea belch a mile away.


Just passing
the time of day,
are you, nels?

Yes, dear.

Well, your daughter
is ready,

And I would
appreciate it
very much

If you would go
and wash up and put
your suit coat on.

School is about
to begin.

Yes, dear.

All right, in there!

You have one-half
an hour to finish,

And see to it that
you're not late!

Oh, common laborers!

You have to drive
them like cattle.

You should have hired
pa and mr. Garvey.

They'd have this done
by now.

Oh, that is your
opinion, young man.

You see, the point
is, I wanted to
keep it a secret.

[School bell rings]

Come on, laura.

I want to get a seat
up front.

Come on, carrie.

Hey, what
are you doing
sitting down?

For heaven's

You look
just lovely.



Welcome, class.

I am miss wilder.

Miss wilder:
as you know, I'm
your new teacher.

Mrs. Garvey has
told me a great deal
about all of you,

And you will
gradually learn...

It is kind of hot
to wear a tie.

What I will expect
from each of you.

My job is teaching,

And your job is learning.

If we all do our jobs,
we should get along splendidly.

Harriet: yoo-hoo!

Miss wilder!

I'm so sorry that
we're a bit late.

That's perfectly
all right,
mrs. Oleson.

Well, nellie had to
have her hair just so

For her
commencement speech.

Oh, you haven't met
my son willie.

Mrs. Garvey has
told me quite a lot
about you, willie.

I was afraid of that.

[Children laugh]

Take a seat,

Nellie's ready


Class, nellie oleson
has taken the township
board test this summer

And passed
with flying colors.

So, even though
it's a bit unusual,

We will be starting
the year with
a commencement speech.


Thank you, miss wilder.

Fellow students,
friends, and others:

I will miss
this quaint schoolhouse.

It has been my second home
for many years,

But now I have decided
that it is time to
get on with my life

And seek new horizons.

Good. Maybe
she's moving away.

I realize
it will not be easy.

Life is never easy.

It will be a constant
challenge and a struggle,

But a challenge,
nonetheless, which
I am prepared to meet.

Thank you.

Oh, bravo!

Harriet: bravo!

Thank you, nellie.

miss wilder,

Before class resumes,

I wonder if nellie's
schoolmates could see
her graduation gift.

Well, mrs. Oleson,
I really--

Oh! It will only take
a moment,

And I'm sure that her friends
would so enjoy it.

Well, all right.

All right, come along,

Come along, children.

Willie? Aren't you

I already know
what it is.

Besides, it's
for her friends.

I'm just
her brother.

nels, we're ready!

Nels: just a minute,

Oh! Ah! Well...

Ahem, nellie, my dear,

This gift, which you
so richly deserve,
is for your scholarship

And your outstanding
citizenship and, um,

And, um, uh--

and generosity.

Oh, yes, yes, yes!
Kindness and generosity.

ready, dear!

Oh, we're ready!

Nellie, this--

This is for you.





Nels, help!


For heaven's sake,
get me out of here!

What is the--
what happened?

Oh, for heaven's

what are you doing?

What is this?

Will you get me
out of this!

Now, just hold on.

All right, I'm doing
the best I can.

Come on, come on.

Good grief!


Ow! Ow! Oh!

Oh, for heaven's sakes,
let go of me!

Uh, as I was--
as I was saying,

Nellie is going to have her--
her own hotel and restaurant,

So be sure and tell
all of your parents
to come here and dine

In walnut grove's
first and only restaurant.

I'm sure the children
will spread the word,
mrs. Oleson,

And congratulations
to you, miss nellie.

Now, we should be
getting back to work.


[Children moan]

Oh, uh, now remember,

The dinner prices are
going to be very moderate,

And, oh--

There will be 5 entrees
to choose from!

And soup! And salad!



Nels: that's enough!

Well, one has
to advertise!

Not by shouting in the
middle of the street.

Oh, ha ha ha!

Well, I was
just excited.

Aren't you excited,
nellie, dear?

Certainly, mother.

Well, come along,
and let's look inside.

Ha ha ha!
Oh, come on in.

Nels, come along.

Ah! Oh! See how
charming it is?

It's not too big,
and it's not too small.

Oh, nellie, look!


Your very own name
on the windows.

Oh! For heaven's sake!

I just finished
painting it.

Well, why didn't
you say so?

I didn't want to interrupt
you while you were talking.

Well, just repaint it!


Come, nellie darling.

You must see the kitchen.


Oh, have you ever seen
a kitchen like this?

And the stove!

Have you ever seen
such a stove?

It's a majestic--

It's a majestic stove.

[Harriet giggling]

Look at her, nels.

She's absolutely

Who's going to do
the cooking?


I said, who's going
to do the cooking?

Oh, why, darling, whose name
is on the window?

Was on the window.

Oh, nels, please.


I don't like
to cook.

I know, darling. You don't
like to cook at home,

But after all, this is your
own, very own restaurant.

Mother, I don't
like cooking--
at home or here.

Well, you darn well
better start liking it!

Harriet, shouting:

Don't raise your voice!

What do you mean,
raise my voice?

You and your ideas!

I told you to
ask first,

But no, you
had to go ahead.

kindly leave us.


Now, nellie, dear.

I want you to understand
what it means

To have an establishment
such as this,

What the advantages are
in having it.

When I first met
your father,

I had a small
mercantile business.

Of course, he was
quite smitten with me

When he first
laid eyes on me,

But, well, having
such a business--


Well, it rather helped
getting married,
shall I say?

Of course, I realize that
there are many young men

Around hero township that
have their cap set for you,

But maybe
they're just shy,

Or perhaps they're just afraid
that they can't support you

In the manner in which
you're accustomed.

Do I make myself
clear, nellie?

Yes, mother.


Now, do you like
your gift?

Yes, mother.


Now, are there
any more questions?



Who's going to do
the cooking?

[Children laughing]

I have a feeling
she's going to give us

Lots more homework
than your mom does.

Yeah, but I'm glad
she's going to be
the teacher.

Now nobody can kid me
about being the
teacher's pet and all.

I kind of like her.

Sure didn't take
willie long

To be kept
after school.

He deserved it,

Putting all those
crackers in his mouth

And pretending
to throw up
on his tablet.

Hey, what do you say
we go fishing?

Sounds good
to me.

Me, too.

Hey, look!

"Help wanted--

A cook."

And nellie's
talking about how
life's going to be

A struggle
and challenge.

[Laura giggles]

Man: excuse me.

Is school out yet?

Sure is.

Do you know if miss wilder's
gone home yet?

No. She's keeping
somebody after school.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.


Come on. Let's
go get our poles.


You two go on.

I'll catch up.


I, uh--i forgot
something at school.


I don't know.

That's what I forgot.

Do I have to
write it 500 times?

Yes, and if you
ask me that again,
I'll make it 1,000.

Miss garvey only made me
write that kind of stuff
100 times.


All right. I'll write
it 500 times.

Now I will throw up.

I was afraid
I might have missed you.

From the sound
of that conversation,

I'm afraid to ask
how'd it go?

Well, you know--
the first day.

hi, miss wilder.

Oh, laura. Did you
want to see me?

No. I, uh...thought
I forgot something,
but I didn't.

Oh. Laura, this is
my brother almanzo.

Pleasure to
meet you, laura.

My friends call me

Pleasure to
meet you...


Oh ho ho!

Well, you must admit,
it's got a virile
ring to it.

I'll see you
tomorrow, laura.



Why did I call him manly?

Albert: you coming
fishing or not?

I'll be right there.

Are you all right?

I'm fine!

got to be wrong.

I've already
caught 3,

And you haven't
gotten a bite,

And you're not
even mad.

Oh, make that 4
I caught!

You better
get over here.

I said
I'd be right there!

Laura, voice-over:
if I had a remembrance book,

I'd mark down this day
as very special.

Though I didn't know it
at the time,

I'd just met the man
I would someday marry:

Almanzo wilder.




You should've
seen it, pa.

The whole canvas
fell right on
mrs. Oleson.

If I was nels,
I'd have left her
under there.


Caroline, that's
the silliest thing
I ever heard of,

Giving a child
a present like that.

And then hiring somebody,
or trying to,

To do all the work
for her.

How's nellie ever
gonna get a feeling

Of accomplishment?

It's just
harriet's way.

I think it's
the wrong way.

Half-pint, how
would you feel

If I up and gave you
something like that?

-Yes, sir?

I was just asking.
How would you feel if I

Gave you a present
like nellie got,

Without your ever
even working for it?

I don't know.

That's hardly
the answer I expected.

I'm sorry, pa.
I'm just kind of tired.

May I be excused?

Caroline: you
aren't feeling
poorly, are you?

No, ma, it's just
the first day of
school and all.

All right.
Get some rest.

She's acting funny.
There must be
something wrong.

She's been acting
funny all afternoon.

We went fishing
for two hours today

And laura never
got a bite.

And when it was time
to come on home,

She pulled her pole
out of the water

And she didn't even
have a hook on it.


Caroline: maybe she
is a little bit

Jealous of nellie.

After all,
it'd be only human
for the child.

Caroline, even if
I did have the money,

I wouldn't buy
a present like that

For one of my children.

I don't think
you should.

Anyway, there's
no danger of our

Spoiling our
children with
lavish gifts.

We're not exactly
poor, you know.

Did I say
we were poor?

You wait and see.
Those new millstones
come in tomorrow

And jonathan and I
will be working
around the clock

Come harvest season.

We'll do just fine.

I'm sure we will.
And now,

Can I get another
cup of coffee

For the mill tycoon?

Yes, thank you
very much.

[Children laughing]

I'm only going to
count to 5, though.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Miss wilder:
thank you, manny.

Almanzo: I'll see you
after school.

What are you
standing there for?

I told you I was only
going to count to 5.

I know.

Well, run, dummy.

You go ahead!
I forgot something!


Hey, laura.

Laura, aren't you
going the wrong way?

Yeah. I have to
go back home.
I left my slate there.

Jump in. I'll
give you a ride.

Oh, no. That's
too kind. I don't
want to be a bother.

No, no. Come on in.
Come on in.

I, uh...i'm sorry
about yesterday.

What happened?

Well, you know--

Me getting your name
wrong and all.

Aw, no. I liked it.

Now, from now on,
you and only you
may call me manly.

You're joking with me.

I am not.

But now I'm going
to have to have
a nickname for you.

You got one?

Well, sort of.

It's silly.

My pa gave it to me
when I was young.


What is it?

It's, um...

It's, uh...


Ha ha! Half-pint.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm too old
for a nickname
like that now,

But I don't want to
hurt his feelings.

You know how fathers are.

Oh, yeah.

I certainly can't call
a lovely young woman
like you half-pint,

So I'm just going to
have to think
of something else.

What's your full
given name?

Laura elizabeth ingalls.

Laura elizabeth.

how does beth sound?



I like it.

All righty.
Beth it is.

Almanzo: you sure you
don't want me to wait
and take you back?

Oh, no. You've
been too kind.

My pleasure, beth.

Bye, manly!

Jonathan: whew. Boy,
these things got some
weight to them, charles.

Charles: get it untied
and get that pole
through there,

I'll knock
the weight loose.

I think we're about ready
for you, charles.

You all set, rod?

Ok. She's all yours.

Ha! Thanks a lot.

Hold on.
I'm doing my share.

I'm supervising
this job.

Go on over there
and supervise them doors
open, charles.

You got it.

All right, rod.
Let's twist her around
a little bit.


Ok, ease her on down.

Real, real easy.

Careful. Careful now.

All right. Up.


Lord have mercy!
What's this thing weigh?

Uh, about 900 pounds.

All the way up.



I'll get the doc.

Jonathan! I was
at the blind school.

He's got
some broken ribs
and a broken arm,

But doc says there ain't
nothin' busted up inside.

He's going to
be all right.

Oh, thank god!


I heard. I--

It's all right.
He was lucky.

I've given him
something to
ease the pain,

But he'll need help
getting home.

It's all right, doc.
I got my wagon right outside.

May I see him?


Now, he may not
make much sense.



Hi, darling.

How do you feel?

Like I got hit
by a millstone.


Very funny.

Thank you.

We'll have to carry him out
on a stretcher.

I don't want him sitting up
with those broken ribs.

thank you, doctor.

How you been
doing? Hmm?


Are you all right?


I feel good.

That's good.

You got to stop
putting so much starch
in my sleeves.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

No need to worry. He's
not feeling any pain.

How long is he going
to be laid up, doc?

that's hard to say,

But he's not going to
be doing any milling
on this harvest,

I can guarantee
you that.

He's fallen asleep.

Want some coffee, ma?

Thank you.

Pa sure was lucky.

Good lord must have
been looking over him.

Here you go, ma.



Your pa will mend,
but it'll take some time.

Our immediate problem
is the same as always--


Jonathan will
have to hire somebody

To take over for your pa
at the mill.

I'm big enough, ma.
I could do it.

No, on two counts:

One, you've got schooling,

And two...
You're not big enough.

I wonder if that position
is open at nellie's for a cook.

Well, the sign
was still up,

But I don't think pa
would like you working
there for mrs. Oleson.

Sometimes what we like
and what we have to do
are two different things.

I'll go in first thing
in the morning.

Are you going to
tell pa?

Let's not get the cart
before the horse.

First I'll see
if I can get the job.

Uhh! Ohh! Uhh!


I have another order,
mother--scrambled eggs
and bacon.

I'm still working
on the pancakes!

Oh, the pancakes!

They're all burned!




Oh, look at these!

Oh, good grief!

they're all burned!


What's this
in the sink, mother?

Oh, how would I know?

Here. Your pancakes
are ready.

I can't serve them.
They're all burned!

Well, if you would
learn to give me a hand,
they wouldn't be burned!

We've been
through all that!

Please, god,

Send someone
to marry her. Oh!

here we are!

Ha ha!
Anything else now?

From the looks
of these, I could
use a poker.

Oh, well, it's
an old family recipe--

Crisp pancakes.

Was your family
all blacksmiths?

Well, if you don't
want them, don't eat them!

You got a deal.

Good morning,
mrs. Oleson.

Oh! It is not!

Man: are my
scrambled eggs
and bacon ready yet?

Coming right up!

You wait
right here, grace.



Where's your bread?

Over there.

All right.

Ooh, it's bleeding.

Come on. There.

Ooh! Ooh, it hurts.

Now, here.
Put that on it.

Ah! Ah!

Hold that there.

Oh, thanks, caroline.

That's all right.

Would you like me
to finish the order
for you?

Would you?


Thank you.

It's not easy, I know.

When I first
started cooking at the
restaurant in winoka,

I thought I'd go
out of my mind.


But once you get
the hang of it,

The shortcuts
and so forth,

It really isn't
so difficult.


Oh, I'd forgotten.

Well, that dining room
was larger than the one
we have here.

Mmm. Twice as big.


Oh, caroline,
I don't suppose
you've heard,

But we've been
looking for a cook.

Yes, I heard.
How much?

Oh, uh, let's see.

Two eggs and bacon--
15 cents.

No, I mean
for the job as cook.

How much
will you pay?

Oh! I...

Uh...$1.00 a day.



$2.00 a day,
sundays off.


When can you start?


Oh, caroline, thanks.

Oh, bless you!


I just don't know
how you can
call that good news.

Well, I won't
have it.

I won't have you working
for that woman.

Charles, I won't really
be working for her.

I'll really be working
for nellie.

Aside from a few pounds,
what's the difference?

I don't see how it's
any different than
the job in winoka.

Well, it is different.


It just is.

not an answer.

All right.
In winoka, you were
waiting on strangers.

These are our friends,
our neighbors,

People that we have
as guests in our own home.

I don't want you serving
them and then standing
around waiting for tips.

I see.

It's not my working
hard that you're
concerned about.

It's your pride.

It's our pride.

Are you telling me
it wouldn't bother you?

That's exactly
what I'm telling you.

Somebody once said
there's no reason to
be ashamed of any job

As long as
you do your best.

What idiot said that?


Charles, it's only
for a little while,

And we need
the money.


Caroline ingalls,
how could I get along
without you?


You're not
without me,

And you couldn't.

Ha ha ha!


Oh, don't. Don't.

Come on, now.


Come on.


laura, you'll be late.

Be ready
in a minute, ma.

where's your slate?

Albert: sorry, ma.
I forgot it.

You haven't even
braided your hair yet.

I'm not going to
braid it.

I'm going to wear it
this way.

How are you going
to play baseball
with it like that?

It'll get
in your eyes.

I'm not going to
play baseball today.

I want my hair
to look older.

What do you think?
How do I look?

Like a young girl
with old hair.
Come on.

Almanzo: whoa!

Thank you, manny.
Have a good day.

You, too, liza.

morning, miss wilder.


good morning, beth.

How are you today?

Real fine. Just got
a job over at miller's
feed and seed,

And I start
this morning.

You'll be working
right across from school.

Yeah. I'll wave
to you at lunch.

I may stay inside
and study.

I'm going to be
a teacher.

Well, that's
very commendable.

Don't forget now--
all work and no play...

I know, but all the kids
here, they just play
children's games.

Besides, it's kind of
hard to run around when
you have such long hair.

Oh, I knew there was
something different.

You did?

It looks real nice.

Thank you.

You know, there's
nothing cuter than a
little girl in pigtails.

See you, beth.

Harriet: willie! You forgot
the note and your books.

I want you to make sure
the teacher gets
the note this time,

And take your books.

Yes, ma'am.

I don't want to hear
about you standing
in the corner again.

I didn't want you to
hear about it last time.

Will you just get
in the school!

Laura, who is that boy
you were talking to?

His name's almanzo.

He's miss wilder's


He's rather
nice-looking, isn't he?

I know.

[School bell rings]

Miss wilder's brother.


Hoo-hoo! Nellie!

Nellie oleson!

Ah! Nellie!

Miss wilder: I want
to remind you once again

That your
homework assignments

Will constitute
50% of your grade.

Anyone failing to hand in
his or her homework
at the proper time

Will receive
an a*t*matic zero,

Unless, of course,
there is an excuse,
such as illness.

Now, has everyone copied
your homework assignments
from the board?

All: yes, miss wilder.

All right.
Have a good weekend.

Class dismissed.

you are not dismissed.

I didn't think so.

Laura, will you help me
with my homework?

Yeah, later.
You go on home.

I'm going to see
if ma needs some help.

I'll help you,
carrie. Come on.

I'd like to, mrs. Oleson,
but I just can't.

I do wish that you
would change your
mind, mr. Wilder,

And accept
nellie's invitation.

a wonderful cook.

I'm sure she is,
but I just don't
have the time.

All right,
all right.

If you can't come
tomorrow night,

How about
sunday night?

Nellie: mother.

We're not open sunday.

Hush, dear.

Mr. Wilder could
have a nice, quiet
supper that way,

Just the two of you.

What is your
favorite dish,
mr. Wilder?

that's so formal.

May I call you

It's almanzo.

Oh, I'm so--almanzo.

Well, almanzo,
what is your
favorite dish?

It's, uh,
cinnamon chicken.

Cinnamon chicken!

Did you hear
that, nellie?

Well, it's only
her specialty.

Oh, well...

Harriet: I won't
take no for an answer.

We will see you
sunday night at 7:00.

See you in church,



I'm willing to pay you
a full day's wages

For cooking
just one meal!

Mrs. Oleson, I do
not work on sunday,
and that is final.

for heaven's sake!

I promised zaldamo
cinnamon chicken.

Well, I'm afraid
you'll just have to
make it yourself.

Well, I don't know how!

I could do it, ma.

Laura, we don't work
on the lord's day.

Well, it would be
the lord's work--
helping out a friend.

We don't get paid
for doing the
lord's work, laura.

Well, I wouldn't
want to be paid.

You wouldn't?


Oh, what a dear child!

A friend doesn't
charge another friend
for a favor.

Oh, what a wonderful
little girl.

Oh, caroline,
please, let her.

Well, laura, if you
really want to.

I do, ma.

I really do.

I still think
you should have
supper in bed.

Caroline, I've been
lying in bed for a week.

I want to have sunday
supper at the dinner table
with my family.

Albert, will you
get the chair?

-Oh, sure.
-Thank you, son.

Pa, you're
out of bed.

That's right.
You can't keep
an ingalls down.

I got to go.

Ma, can I borrow
the cinnamon?

That's right.
We don't have any
in the restaurant.

I'll get it.

Caroline: hope nellie
appreciates what you're
doing for her.

I'm sure she will.
Besides, what are
friends for?

Be home early.
Bye, everyone!

Bye-bye, honey.

Caroline: bye.

Is it almost ready?

Just another 5 minutes.

It better be good.
It's his favorite.

He'll be surprised,
all right. I just hope
I put on enough cinnamon.

Well, add more.

If you say so.

That ought to do it.

Now, when he comes,
you hide in the pantry.

He's supposed to think
I did all the cooking.

I understand.

And after he's gone,
you can do the dishes.


[Doorbell jingles]

He's here.
Hide in the pantry.

Stay in here
and don't make a sound.

Oh, my, my.
Aren't we punctual?

Well, you said 7:00.
7:00 It is.

Sorry I'm such a mess.
I've been slaving over
a hot stove.

No, no. You look--
you look fine.

Do you really
think so?


Oh, well,
everything's ready.

Why don't
you sit down?

Thank you.


are you all right?

Yes! Yes.
I'm just singing.

I always sing
in the kitchen.

* Ah ah ah ah

* Ah ah ah ah ohh

* Aah aah

Don't just stand
there. Help me.

* Ah ah ah ah

* Ah ah ah ah

* Ah ah ah aah

* Aah aah ah ah

* Whoa aah aah ah

* Ah ah

I hope you have
a good appetite.

I made a lot.

Oh, I've got
an appetite, all right.

Would you like me
to say the blessing?


Thank you, lord,
for this delicious food,

Which you have allowed
me to prepare. Amen.


My sister's been
working late every night
grading papers,

So she hasn't had
the opportunity to fix me
special things like this.

Oh, I do it
all the time.




More water.




This isn't my fault.

It was my mother's idea.

She wanted me to invite
you over for dinner.

I did, too,
but I can't cook.


So my mother let laura
do the cooking.




She was here.
I swear, laura
did the cooking.

It's all right,

I got to be going.


Oh, zaldamo!

Good night!

Are you leaving

it's early yet.


[Nellie screaming,
glass breaking]



Aah! Aah! Aah!

Nels! Nels,
do something!

Oh, my...

I will.
I'll go to bed.

[Dishes crashing]

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