01x02 - Punky Finds a Home: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Punky Brewster". Aired: September 16, 1984 to March 1986.*
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Follows Punky and her dog, Brandon who have been abandoned by her parents.
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01x02 - Punky Finds a Home: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl who turns

♪ My world around

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's liftin' me
right off the ground ♪

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ What's gonna be

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

She's dancin'...

Punky: Last week,
Henry caught me

living in an empty apartment.

Where's your family, Punky?

My father walked out on us.

- Where's your mother?
- I don't know.

You don't know?

Mom parks the car in a shopping
center and went in...

- Yes?
- She never came back.

Punky: Brandon and I
were hoping to

stay with Henry, but...

You'll stay here tonight,
then tomorrow morning

I'll take you down to
the Department of Children

and Family Services.

What'll happen to me there?

They'll find you a foster home.

But I don't even know
the Fosters.

Punky: So, I left.


Punky: Henry ran after me.

Hi, Henry.

I was out for three
and a half hours

looking for you.

Where have you been?

Right here.
It was raining outside.

Do I have to leave tomorrow?

Are you taking me down to the
Service Department for Children?

I have to.

But I'll try and arrange it,
so you can stay here

'til we find your mother.

Punky: So I sent up a prayer.

Thanks for sending me Henry.

When he takes me down to the
Service Department for Children,

will you give me a sign

that everything's
gonna be alright?

[thunder rumbling]

Is that a yes or a no?

Punky: And now, part two
of "Punky Finds a Home."

♪ A capital ship
for an ocean trip ♪

♪ Was the walloping
window blind ♪

♪ No wind that blew
dismayed the crew ♪

♪ Or troubled
the captain's mind ♪

♪ And the cook was Dutch
and behaved as such ♪

♪ For the diet he gave
the crew-ew-ew ♪

♪ Was a number of tons
of hot-cross buns ♪

♪ Served up with sugar
and glue ♪♪

Hi, Henry.

I'm starved.

Table for two, right this way.

Here we have a high-fiber
nutritional breakfast.

Bran cereal, milk,
and stewed prunes.



Well, maybe,
I need them more than you do.

Just eat your cereal.

- Looks yucky. What does it do?
- Do?

- Does it whistle?
- No.

- Does it talk?
- No.

- Is it magically delicious?
- No.

Then forget it.

Punky, eat your cereal.

I'm going in the living room
where the light's not so good.

[instrumental music]

Listen, I called
the Department Of Children

and Family Services
this morning.

Are they gonna take me away
to an orphanage?

Of course not, Punky.

They're only gonna send someone
to ask a few questions

so they can help find
your mother.

So I can stay here
until they find my mother?

- No orphanage?
- No orphanage.

Now, eat up.

[knock on door]

Hi, there. Hold this.




Well, everything here
seems to be hunky-dory.

Hold it.

I have an odd question.

Who are you and what're you
doing in my apartment?

I'm Eddie.
I'm the new building super.

Hi, Eddie.

Hi. You must be the lady
of the house.

And you must be the puppy
of the house.


Eddie, don't you think
you're a tad young

for this kind of job?

What kind of
practical experience

have you had as
a superintendent?

Aw, don't worry,
I was assistant super

over at the Lakeshore Towers.

Isn't that the apartment complex
that burned down last week?

No problem, I quit smoking.

That does it.

I'm gonna call the owner
of the building.

I'm gonna ask Mr. Malvin,
why he decided to hire you.

Oh, you're gonna call
my Uncle Mal?

Well, Eddie,
I'm Henry Warnimont,

the building manager.

Yes, siree, Mr. Warnimont, sir.

It's gonna be great working
with you, sir. Yes, siree.

Eddie, to begin with,
the dryer is broken.

Oh, I can fix that.

Gee, thanks a lot,
Mr. Warnimont, I...

Uh-oh. Lint.




Do you know how a dryer works?

Ah, sure,
you stick in a quarter.

[knock on door]

Sir, can I borrow a quarter?

[chuckles] I like him, Henry,
he's funny.


Once in a while,
nature plays a cruel joke.

[knock on door]

- Stop knocking!
- I-- I'm sorry.

I-- I just couldn't think of
any other way

to get you to the door.

[Henry sighs]

- Are you Henry Warnimont?
- Y-- yes, I am.

Hi, I'm Randi Mitchell,
I'm from the Department of, uh,

of Children and Family Services.

Uh, it's alright.
I believe you.

[Randi sighs]

Yes, um...

I'm here regarding the little
girl that you called us about.

- Um, Punky Brewster.
- Punky Brewster.

- That's me! Hi, Randi.
- Hi, Punky.

- Can I get you a cup of coffee?
- Please.

- Sugar in your coffee?
- Ah, yea-- No, no.

I'm on a diet.

- Do you have any Sweet'N Low?
Henry: Yes.

- How many?
- Four.

[Randi sighs]



From, uh, what I've heard,
you've been through

an often lot this week.

- Are you alright?
- Now that I'm with Henry.

- He's a real nice guy.
- I see.

Do you have a real name
besides Punky?

Punky's a real name.

Yes, I know,
and it's a very nice one,

but don't you have
another name?

- Sure. Brewster.
- No.

I mean, another first name.

Gee, I can't remember one.

You know, I don't like to
tell people my real name either.

- They always laugh.
- At Randi?

No. That's my nick name.

My real name is Miranda.



Miranda's worse than Penelope.

Ah-ha! Penelope Brewster.

Boy, that was slick.

Now, Punky,
what's your mother's name?

Tsk. Susan.

Susan Brewster. She's beautiful.

She has long, brown, curly hair.

She has the prettiest smile,

even when she's sad.

Do you have a picture of her?

Sure, I used to hang it
in front of our house.

Oh, wonderful.
That'd be a big help.

See, I drew it myself.

It's, uh, very nice.


Punky, I work for some
very nice people

whose job it is to
help children just like you.

- What a great job.
- Yes, it is.

Punky, while we're
looking for your mom,

I'd like you to come with me
to a place called Fenster Hall.

Hold it.

Fenster Hall?

It's an emergency
children shelter

where Punky can stay till
we find her a temporary home.

It's a orphanage.

- You promised, no orphanages.
- Now, wait a minute.

You can't just walk in here
off the street

and take away a child
th-- that had walked in here

off the street.

It's procedure, Mr. Warnimont.

You're no relation to the child.

- Punky has to come with me.
- But I can't, Randi.

Brandon wouldn't like it there.
He hates crowds.

I'm afraid Brandon
can't go, Punky.

But we've never been apart.

He's just a puppy.
Don't take me away from him.

He needs me.

Henry, please don't
let her take me.

Ms. Mitchell,
I cannot allow you take Punky.

I promised her no orphanage, and
there won't be any orphanage.

So there.

Mr. Warnimont, if I have to,

I will return
with a police officer

who can and will arrest you
for interfering

with the execution of my duties.

So there, yourself.

Henry, I don't want you
to go to jail.

He's too old to eat bread
and water, he needs prunes.

Here, take me instead.

Punky, you're not going to jail.

Fenster Hall is
a very nice place.

- Can I say goodbye to Brandon?
- Sure.

Brandon, I've got to go away
for a while.

Come on.

[Brandon whining]


Come on, be brave.

[Brandon whining]

Punky: There, that's better.

Take care of Henry for me.

He's kind of lost without me.

[dramatic music]

Could I take our picture?

I never wanna forget you.

I came in here without a help,
I can go out the same way.

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[children clamoring]


Tyler: Good job.

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

- How you doin'?
- I'm okay.

Look, I know this isn't
easy for you, Punky,

but you only have to
stay here till we find you

a real nice place to live.

I already had a real nice place
to live with Henry.

This is where
you're gonna be staying.

You want me to introduce you
to your new roommates?

Nah, I'm great with kids.
That's 'cause I'm one.

[door opens]

Hi, I'm Punky Brewster.

Your new roommate.

Big deal.

Is that your doll?
She's pretty.

My name is Punky.
What's yours?

Her name's Mary.

She never says nothin'.

She's just a big dope.

You can talk
and be a big dope, too.

So, Pinky,
what's with the sneaks?

You color blind?

I like my shoes this way,
and my name's Punky.


I get it.


it starts with P-U.

Boy, this is a tough room.

Not so fast, Brewster.

I've been here the longest,
and the bureau belongs to me.

- But it's empty.
- Don't matter.

If I ever do get somethin',
it's goin' in right there.


Listen, first I had to
move my stuff

out of a junky car
and into an empty apartment.

Then, out of the empty apartment
and into Henry's place.

Then, out of Henry's place
into this place!

Now, I like to travel
just as well as the next kid,

but this is trying to
burn me up.

My stuff is in that drawer!
You got it, bozo?

I'm Lisa.

Welcome to room , Punky.

[instrumental music]

[door opens]

So, you're working on
a matched pair.

Now, listen to me,
you sock mangling mongrel.

If we're gonna remain
under the same roof,

you're gonna have to observe
a few basic courtesies.

One, eating any article
of my clothing is verboten.


you'll be provided with
two meals a day

and walks at regular intervals.

No in-between meal snacks
or unscheduled leg liftings

will be tolerated.

Hey, I'm talking to you.

Under no circumstances
will your presence

on any piece of furniture
be allowed.

[Brandon whining]

I know.

I miss her, too.

[knock on door]

Mr. Warnimont,
I think I finally figure out

what's wrong with your dryer.

Yes, what is it?

Well, sir,
every time you turn her on,

that baby fills up with water.

Now, call me crazy, but
that's no way to dry clothes.

Eddie, that is
the washing machine.

The dryer is the machine
right next to it.

Oh, now we're gettin' somewhere.

Yes, siree, chief.

Isn't it great
to be part of a team?

I'm history.

[knock on door]

Get lost!

I'll bet you don't get
a lot of salesmen around here.

Please, forgive me,
Ms. Mitchell.

Why don't you come in?

- How's Punky?
- Oh, she's adjusting.

She really misses you.


Have you had any luck
finding her mother?

Not yet.

Mr. Warnimont,
we must face the possibility

that Punky's mother
won't be found.

In fact,
to be brutally honest,

she may not want to be found.

So, what will happen to Punky?

Well, within hours, the DCFS
has to hold a court hearing

to determine who will get
temporary custody.

it will be someone

willing to provide
long-term care.

Punky would like it to be you.

I see.

You know, Ms. Mitchell...

when Punky first walked
into my life,

it made me feel happy.

And when you took her away,
frankly it hurt.

And, uh, I'm not used to
feeling hurt...


I guess I'm not used to
feeling much of anything.


Suppose I were willing to
take custody of Punky,

what would you say?

I'd have to say that,
in my opinion,

Punky would be better off
with someone else.

[instrumental music]

Hey, kid,
who's the old geez?

Is that your grandfather?

He's no geez,
he's my friend Henry.

I can't wait until
they let me go back to him.

I hate to tell you this, kid,
but you're never gonna

get to see that old guy again.

You're lying!

Hey, I know the rules
around here.

They made half of 'em
'cause of me.

Then there's only thing to do.

- I've got to bust out of here.
- Forget it.

You'd have to
get past Tyler first.

And nobody has
ever done that before.

Oh, yeah?
Well, that's because

it's never been
done by Punky Brewster.

[instrumental music]

[blows whistle]

[instrumental music]

[blows whistle]

Okay, I'll admit it.
Tyler's good.

But there must be some way
to get past him

without him noticing.

- Any ideas, Lisa?
- No, I'm tapped out.

Me too.

Why don't you go out the window?

Mary, you don't say much,
but when you do, it's primo.

Come on!

- Great, there's a ledge.
- Are you crazy?

We're two storeys up.

I know,
but I've got to go for it.

Mr. Tyler! Mr. Tyler!

Mary, you're talking!

Come quick,
Punky's got out the window.

Good heavens! Those windows
are supposed to be locked.

Hurry up.
I can't see her anymore.

Well, which way did she go?

She went out on the ledge
and then she just disappeared

around the corner
of the building.

- I'm going after her.
- Here, I'll help you.


I-- I don't see her.

That's 'cause you're lookin' in
the wrong place.

- Oh, no.
Punky: Now!

Punky Brewster, you're not gonna
get away with this.

I can't find my whistle.

That's 'cause you're lookin' in
the wrong place.


Thanks, girls, I couldn't have
done it without you.

Okay, give me five minutes
head start, then let him in.

Run, Punky, run!

So long, Fenster.

Punky Brewster's goin' home.

[theme music]
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