05x21 - The Enchanted Cottage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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05x21 - The Enchanted Cottage

Post by bunniefuu »

Mary: Now, what was
the territory called

that Lewis and Clark
were to explore?

Children: Louisiana.

Mary: What was the year?

Who said 1803?

Girl: I did.


Yes, ma'am.

All right, Susan.
That's correct.

Do you also remember
who was president?

Thomas Jefferson.


Now, the Louisiana territory,
stretching west

from the Mississippi river
to the continental divide,

was equally as large as all of
the United States put together,

and, well, there was very
little anybody knew about it.

President Jefferson had...

President Jefferson
had 2 major problems

in launching the expedition.

One was that the territory was
still legally owned by France,

so it must not have the look
of a military operation.

Mrs. Kendall?

Is anything wrong?

No. No, there's
nothing wrong.

We'll continue tomorrow.
Please try to remember as much as you can.

Class dismissed.

Mrs. Kendall?

Oh. Yes.

There is something
wrong, isn't there?

Oh... just a little
dizziness, that's all.

I... I'll be fine.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

You go along, now.

Yes, ma'am.

My knowledge in this
field is very limited,

I must admit,

there are signs.

Laura: I know it's true.

I never believed that
you would stay blind,

no matter
what anybody said.

Mary: Adam, do you
realize what this will mean?

Adam, we wouldn't have to live
at the school anymore.

We could get a house
of our own...

Mary, I hope
to god it's true,

but you've all got to
be prepared for the fact

that there could be another
explanation for this.

Laura: Well,
how could there be?

Seeing light
is still seeing.

Mary: Watch.

This is when
it's strongest.

I can see the light

for as long
as I stand here.

It's so bright!

It's the brightest light
I've ever seen.

It's a miracle.

Oh, Mary.


It's a miracle.

The next thing is to get
to Dr. Burke in mankato.

He'll be able to give
you a definite answer.

You're right. We'll leave
first thing in the morning.

Laura: You're going to see
again, Mary.

I know you are.


I'm right here.

Can't sleep?

No. Uh... I guess
I'm too excited.

I know.

Adam, come here.

To think of being able to see
your face for the first time.

You might be

Very funny.

I mean, I...
I can see it now, but...

To really see it...

I love you so much.

I love you.

We're going
to be happy...

Happier than
we've ever been.


Mary: It's a sunny day,
isn't it, pa?

It sure is, darling.

I can see the light.

It's bright sometimes.

I wonder where I'll be

when my sight
really comes back.

Hey, now,
remember our deal.

We don't say when,
we say if,

till we hear different
from Dr. Burke.

I know,
but I'm so sure.

Our deal?

All right.
If my sight comes back,

I wonder where I'll be.

I wonder what the first
thing I see will be.

Well, Adam,
I'd imagine.

But what if
I'm not... I mean,

what if I'm all by myself,
not with him or the family,

the people I most
want to see?

I imagine all the whooping
and hollering you'll be doing

will bring
everybody running.

Oh, I can't wait.

So many things
to see...

The sky, trees...

The snow. How I love
to watch the snow fall.

I can guarantee
you the sky,

but I'm not so sure
about the snow.

You know, I remember
once when I was little...

It was in the summer,

and we were
visiting grandpa.

He had this...
This little glass globe.

It was filled
with water,

and there was a tiny
village scene inside it.

When you turned it over,

it looked like it was
snowing inside.

I loved it.
Do you remember?

Yes, I remember, and I
remember you broke it,

took the snow out of it,
and tried to make a snowball.

Well, I don't
remember that.

Children don't generally
remember the bad things they do.

Is that why you
kept telling us

what a good little
boy you were?

Ha ha! Most likely.

Hester-sue: All right.

I want you to go wash
for mealtime,

and do a good job because
I'm going to be checking

fingernails and all,
all right?

Children: Yes, ma'am.

Oh, hello,

Good morning,

Well, she's
on her way.


A little
nervous, huh?


She's in
the lord's hands.

I know.

I, uh, stopped by.

I thought with Mary gone that
you and Adam might need a hand.

I appreciate that,

but Adam and I can
handle things just fine.

Is Adam here?

Oh, yes.
He's in the kitchen.

We're sharing
cooking duties,

and I don't even
like to go in a kitchen

when a man is there.

Ha ha! I'll give you
a full report.



How's the cook

Oh, all right, I suppose.

Well, I stopped by to
see if I could help,

but hester-sue said
that you could manage.

Oh, we can.

Thanks anyway.

How was Mary
this morning?


I guess we can't
blame her.

No, I guess not.

Uh, let me give you
a hand with this.

No. I can manage
by myself!


I guess it's just
all the excitement

and Mary going away
and all.

I'm sorry.

I understand.

Men are supposed to make a mess
in the kitchen anyway, right?

You sure
I can't help?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Well, I guess I'll
be on my way, then.

Have a nice day.

You, too.

You know what I've
been thinking?

How would I know what
you've been thinking?

Well, I was going
to tell you!

Well, then why didn't
you just tell me

instead of asking me a
silly question like that?

Well, if you'd hold still for a
minute, I'd tell you.

All right. Go.

Well, I was thinking that Mary and
Adam will want a place of their own.


How about the old
Edwards place?

It's practically
falling down.

We could fix it up.

And it's so close to the blind
school, it will be perfect.

Well, don't you think
we ought to wait

till Mary sees
the doctor first?

No. She'll
be fine again,

and maybe if we
fix it up real quick,

we can surprise her
when she comes home.

What do you think?

Let's do it.

Good. I'll go tell Carrie
to take care of grace.


What do you think?

It's an improvement.

Not much.

Look at the roof.


You'd have to know how to swim
to live in a place like this.

We could cover it
with sod.

Yeah. I guess.

Laura: You know what
this place needs?

Albert: Yeah.
A good, strong wind.


It needs paint,

inside and out.

Yeah. That should
be the difference...

But paint
costs money,

and money's awful
scarce right now.



Maybe the olesons would
be willing to donate some.

It's for a good cause.

Couldn't hurt
to try.

Come on!

Pink and purple?

Harriet: Yes!
Pink and purple,

and you're not
giving that away!

Why not?

I'm saving it.

What for?

For someone to come
along who has good taste.

That is what for!

It'll take a hundred years
for that to happen.

Oh... oh!

Gives me heartburn
every time I look

at these cans
of your "good taste"

taking up space
on my shelf!

You might as well get used to the idea.
Out they go!

Harriet: Well,
you give me heartburn!

Come on, kids.

'Course, I wouldn't
be surprised

if you might not even
want it for free.

I wouldn't blame you.

It's up to you.

We want it.

then take them away.

Here you go.

Thank you,
Mr. Oleson.

All right?
Got it?

Thank you,
Mr. Oleson.

Thank you.

All right. You got
your closet here.


And you got
an end table by the bed

with a lamp on it.

Got it?

Got it.

End table...

My bed...


And the connecting
door to your room.

You're all set. I'll get
the team stabled up,

and then we'll
have some supper.

How's that sound?

I'm starved.

So am I.
I won't be long.

Please, god...

For Adam.



What took you so long?
I was worried.

I stopped by
Dr. Burke's

to make an appointment
for tomorrow.

When are we going
to see him?

Well, we're going to see
him tomorrow afternoon,

but you're not going
to see Dr. Burke.


he's out of town,

but his associate's
there, a Dr. Fromm.

Hey, now,
no long faces.

I'm sure Dr. Burke
wouldn't leave us

in the hands of
anybody but the best.

You're right.

Did a little shopping
while I was gone.

For what?

Oh, little surprise
for you.

What is it?

Here. Give me
your hand.

Oh, pa.

It's a lot like the
one you remember.

Oh, thank you.

I want to pretend
I can already see it, pa.

Tell me
when it's ready.

Turn it up.

It's snowing,

Is it beautiful, pa?

It's beautiful.

I'm going to see it, pa.

I am.

Come on.
Let's go to supper.

Whoa! Whoa now!
Whoa now!


Sure is
awful bright.

It's already starting
to hurt my eyes.

I don't know.

I think it's going
to be kind of pretty

with the purple trim
and green sod roof.

Man: Whoa! Whoa!
Settle down!

Whoa! What's
wrong with you?


Mary hasn't seen anything
in so long,

especially colors,

she's bound to like it.

I still think you're
making a mistake.

A mistake?

About Mary being
able to see again.

But she will.

You don't really
know that.

Admit it.


Think of how
you're going to feel

if Dr. Burke tells her
she's going to stay blind.

She's going to see again,
and that's all there is to it!

And I don't want
to talk about this.

All I'm trying
to tell you is...

I don't care what
you're trying to say.

Just get back to work.

Now, without moving
your head,

force your eyes
to look up,

like you're trying
to see the ceiling.

Like this?

Oh, that's fine.


Keep them that way
just a moment.

We're sitting near a
window, aren't we?

Oh. Yes.

I can feel the
warmth of the sun,

and the light I'm seeing
has never been brighter.

Fromm: Now, uh...
Move your eyes down...


As if you're trying
to see the floor.

No, no.
Don't move your head.

Oh, good. Keep that.
Keep them that way.

Strange how
difficult it is.

No, not strange.

The blind don't need
to make eye movements.

Like any other part of the
body that doesn't get exercise,

they get weakened.

Bring them up to me

as if you were looking
directly at me.

Now, don't move
your head.

That's... good!

And now to the right.


All right.
You can relax now.

Can you tell
anything yet?

No, not yet.

The light you see...

Does it have any color?

No. It's
completely white.

Hmm. Does it hold steady
or fade a little?

It just flashes on and off when
I'm not near a strong light,

but when I am,
it stays very bright and steady

until I move away.

Mr. Ingalls, could you
and Mary manage

to stay on for
an extra day?

Oh, certainly,

I want to make some
comparative evaluations

on Mary's examination.

Then tomorrow, we can
conduct some tests.

I know how anxious
you both are,

but if you'll try
to be patient,

I'm sure it will work
to your advantage.

It's no problem at all.

We'll stay a week,
a month, whatever.

Let's say tomorrow
afternoon at 3:00?

All right.
That's fine.

Come here, honey.

Mary: Thank you,
Dr. Fromm.

Oh, you're
very welcome.

See you tomorrow. Right.
See you tomorrow.

Charles: Bye, doctor.

Mr. Ingalls.

I wish we could have made the
appointment earlier tomorrow.

I'm sure the doctor's
doing the best he can.

Oh, I know. I'm just anxious.
It's a good sign, though.


Well, that he wants
to see me again.

I mean, he wouldn't
have me back

if he didn't think
there was a good reason.

Don't forget.
Doctors like to be sure of things.

Yeah, I know. It's still a good
sign, though. Admit it.

All right. I admit it.
How about if I buy you some lunch?

As long as we're in the big city,
might as well splurge a little bit.

Sounds good.

We'll stop at the
telegraph office on the way

and let your ma know we'll
be here a little longer.

Make sure you tell
her things look good.

I'm going to tell her
we're going to be here

a little longer,
and that's it, young lady.

Oh, hi, Lily, Josh.

Oh! Oh, ho ho ho!
Oh, my!


Hello, Harriet.

Oh! Matilda!

Ah... ha.
I would say that that is rather...

Wouldn't you say so?



I'd say that's probably
the worst exhibition

of bad taste
I'll ever see!

Oh! How could anyone
pick that dreadful color?

I agree with you
completely, of course,

but, after all,
they're just children.

Well, I was just
trying to be kind.

You know, they really come from a family
that doesn't have very much culture.


Hi, Mrs. Oleson!

Oh! Hmm...

Hello, Laura.

Well? What
do you think?

Oh! Uh, well...

Um, I just think
it's lovely.

Oh, good.
I think so, too.

And I don't care
what Mr. Oleson says.

The colors that you
picked are just perfect.

Well, I got to get back to work.
See you.


See you, too.

will you hurry up!

Albert: I'm coming!

I hate to say it,

but you don't look any
better in that paint

than the house does.

Will you stop
about the paint?

It'll look nice,
and it's free.

Woman: Laura!

Hi, miss foster.

I've got a telegram here
from your pa.

Oh, thank you.

What is it?

I don't know.
Thank you, miss foster.

Hope it's good news.

Me, too.

They have to stay over
for some more tests!

I told you!
She's going to see!

I told you
I was right!

Come on! Let's tell
Adam on the way home!

Laura: Adam! Adam!


My goodness! Hello!

where's Adam?

He just went
to his room.


What's going on?

Laura: Adam
will tell you.


Oh, Adam.

You know,
you scared the daylights out of me.

We're sorry, but we got
a telegram from pa.

Well, don't you
want me to read it?

Yeah. Sure.

"Dear family,
first visit to doctor encouraging.

"More tests needed.

"Will notify as soon
as anything definite.

Love to all, pa."

Isn't that
wonderful news?

Yeah. The best.

We got to go
tell ma. Bye!

Bye, Adam.

Carrie: When
will pa be home?

I don't know.
Soon, I hope.

Me, too.
Good night.

Good night.

You know, I'm glad
we have the extra time.

I really want you
to see the cabin,

but I don't think you should
till it's finished.

I know it's hard to imagine it
with those colors.

It's got a special look.

Ha ha ha!

I should
think so.



Is something wrong
with Adam?

Why do you ask?

I don't know.

It's just that...

Well, when I told him that Mary
had to stay for more tests,

he just didn't seem
too excited.

I don't like it.
Something's wrong.

He probably just doesn't want
to get his hopes up too high.

Sounds like Albert.

What do you think?


I think with Dr. Burke
asking her

to stay over
an extra day...

Well, I mean...

If he hadn't found
any improvement,

well, he'd have
known that right away,

it seems to me.


I think he must have
found something.

I think
it's a good sign.

See, Albert?



Never mind.

It looks like you
better get off to bed.

Yeah. I guess I am
kind of extra tired.

Guess I'll turn in.

Good night, ma.

Good night.

Good night,

Good night, Albert.

You, too,
young lady.

All right.

Good night.


Sweet dreams.

Thanks, ma.

Why, Caroline.

Hi. Is Adam here?

No, he's not here.

He went
to the church.

is something wrong?

Well, I think there is,

but I don't know what.

You know, he's been
so sad, and...

Moody since Mary left.

And even before.

I really don't know
what to make of it,

but I don't know
what's wrong.

Maybe if you could
talk to him.

I don't feel
it's my place.

But I am, frankly,
worried about him.

Yes. Of course
I'll talk to him.

Thank you.


Hello, Adam.


I'm sorry if
I disturbed you.

No, it's all right.

May I...

May I pray
with you?

If it's
all right.

Yeah, sure.


What is it?



I can't talk
about it.


It's going
to be all right.

Ever since Mary told me
she was going to see again,

instead of being able
to share in it, I...

I've just been afraid.

Of what?

if she could see...

She'd be able to go anywhere
and do anything she wanted.

I'd just be
a burden to her.

I should be happy
for her, but I can't.

I don't know if I
want her to see again.

Oh, you don't
mean that.

Oh, there's no denying that
if Mary regains her sight,

your lives
will change.

There'll be

But not the kind you're thinking
of, Adam.

But she'll
be able to see.

Adam, being blind

isn't your strongest
bond with Mary.

Your strongest bond
is your love.

Do you honestly believe
if you could see again,

it would
change that?

I... I...

See, what you
don't understand...

Is that for Mary,
the greatest gift of regaining her sight

would be that she
could give more to you.

Sighted or blind,

Mary would be lost
without you.

Don't you know that?

You know that.

Let's pray, huh?


Now, when
I tell you to...

Begin walking
slowly forward.

Stop if you begin
seeing the light.

All right.

Begin walking, then.


I can see it now.

Now, Mary...

I'm going to put you
in the chair over here.

Right there.
That's it.

Now, what
I'm going to do

is shine some reflected
sunlight into your eyes.

It will be
a very strong light,

and I just want you to
tell me when you see it.



All right.

Do you see that?










And how
about that?


Now, I've taken
the light off you.

Describe to me exactly
what you're seeing.

Nothing now, but...
But I could see the light.

Mary, would you mind waiting
outside for a few minutes?

There's some things I want
to talk to your father about.

That's it.

We won't be long,
I promise.

I'm sorry.

But I don't

She could
see the light.

What Mary is experiencing
is a known phenomenon,

but, uh...
Relatively rare,

and it has nothing to do
with actual light.

It could happen spontaneously
in total darkness...

Or by suggestion.

Now, when Mary stands
in the sunlight,

she's not responding
to the brightness,

only to heat,

which, then, suggests the
light she appears to be seeing.

Now, reflected light,

is of an almost
imperceptible heat intensity

highly concentrated.

Now, as you saw,
all that was necessary

was for me
to suggest the light

for her mind
to produce it.

Do you want me
to tell her?

No. I should be
the one to do that.

Could... you just leave us alone?
Thank you.

Very well.

I'll be in my office.


Well, Dr. Fromm?

The doctor just went into
his office for a minute.

What did he say?

He, uh...

Do I need
more tests?


There's no chance
at all?

None at all.

But the light.

I saw the light!


I want to see
Dr. Burke.

We'll wait
for Dr. Burke.

He's wrong.

I know he's wrong!

I can see the light!

He's wrong!

I can see it, pa!
I can see it!

Shh, shh.

I can see it.
I really can see it!

Shh, shh.

I can see it.

come on in.

This just came for you
over the telegraph.

Oh! Um...

Sit down. I just
put on some water.

We'll have some tea.

I'm sorry.


I was looking for
these all morning.

It's her
old glasses.

I thought she might
need them until, uh...

Well, at first,
you know, just to read.

Oh, Alice...

Ma, we finished the house.
You've got to come see.



Team all hitched up.

Shouldn't be more than another
4 or 5 hours, we'll be home.

I hate going back.

Mary, we knew
from the beginning...

It's not
because of me.

It's Adam.

I know how this
must hurt him.

Well, I think the first thing you
ought to do, starting right now,

is start being honest
with yourself

and stop pretending that
it's Adam you feel sorry for.

Well, it is.

No, it's not.

You're feeling sorry
for yourself.

I can't say
that I blame you,

but stop lying
to yourself about it.

I'm not.
It is Adam.

It's Adam, huh?

All right.
If you had a choice...

If you had a choice,
and only one of you could see again,

who would you pick?


Come on!
Who would you pick?!

Would you pick you
or Adam?!

I... I...

Oh, come on, Mary, you'd pick
yourself, and you know it!

And you wouldn't be
doing it for Adam.

I mean, in the name of god,
just say it one time:

"I wanted to see again
for me."

Just say it: "I wanted
to see again for me."

I wanted to see
again for me.


Oh, Mary...

Albert: Everybody,
they're here!

Come on!
They're here!


Caroline: Mary.

Mary: Ma.

One more step.


Oh, you're home.

Oh, ma.

Welcome home, Mary.

Oh, thank you.
Hi, Mary.

Hi, Albert.

I'm right here.


Welcome home,

It's so good
to be home.

I want you all to know there's no
need to talk about what's happened.

I'm no worse off now
than I was before I left.

No better,
but no worse.

Mary: Ma, where's Laura?
I brought her something.

She took the news so hard,
she didn't want to be here.

I'm pretty sure I
know where she is.

Will you
take me?


You want me
to come with you?

No. You best get back
to your students, husband.

It's bad enough
I've been gone.

You men wouldn't understand
sister talk, anyway.


This way.

She's a strong
young lady.

Thank you.


Hey, now...
What's this all about?

I was just so sure
of it, that's all.

I know.

I was, too.

It's a good lesson:

Don't ever count on anything
until you know for sure.

I just couldn't
do that.

I wanted you
to see so bad.

I wanted you to be able to do all the
things that you always planned to do.

All right, now!
That's enough.

Are you feeling
sorry for me or...

For yourself?

Hey, I'm the one that's
blind, you know,

and you better
get used to it

because that's the
way it's going to be.

Laura, before I went
blind, I planned to teach.

Well, I'm a teacher.

Before I went blind,
I had a wonderful family.

I still do, plus
a wonderful husband

and a sister
I love very much.

I love you, too.

You going to be
all right now?

Yeah, I'm going
to be ok.

I brought you

Sorry I didn't
wrap it.

It's beautiful.

Whatever made you
think of this?

Oh, I don't know. I...

I just knew it would be
something you'd like.

Oh, I do.

It's one of the most beautiful things
I've ever seen in my whole life.

Isn't that
fresh paint I smell?


But isn't this the
old Edwards place?


who in the world

would want to fix up
a place like this?


Albert and I thought it
would make a nice clubhouse.


Well, what colors
are you painting it?

Pink and purple!

Pink... and... purple?


You know, Laura,

I'm kind of glad
I can'tsee it.

Come on. The whole
family's waiting at school.
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