05x06 - There's No Place Like Home: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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05x06 - There's No Place Like Home: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Look! Look! I won!
I won! Ha ha ha!

I won $5,000!

You tried to get him out of the
games, didn't you?

Didn't you?

Yeah, I did.

You don't work
for me anymore.

Pick up and get out!

You want to go home,
don't you?


You do. We all do.

Well, we can't.

It wouldn't be fair
to Mary.

Nothing for her
in walnut grove.

She's got to teach.

We can't ask her
to give that up.

Three sixes.

Well, I'm afraid that
cleans you out, Toby.

Hey, you've got to give me
a chance to get even.

No, no, no.
No markers. I'm sorry.

Nels, where did you
get that money?

It's my pay.
I quit.


Why does everybody
say "what"?

Everybody go deaf?


I don't want
my children spread out

all over the face
of the earth.

I'm not a child anymore, pa.

I'm a woman.

I've got my own life,

and I'm gonna be happy.

You sure your pa
won't get mad?

Nah. He's got plenty.

We'll just
sh**t off this one.

Look out.

Run for your lives!

My building's on fire!
My building's on fire!

Water! Water!
Get that thing going!

It don't work.
Something's wrong.

Get me buckets
of water.

I think you're
forgetting, mister,

I don't work
for you anymore.

Ingalls, water!

Just call me Charles,

and I don't work for you
anymore, either.


What time do we
start home tomorrow?

What time are we
starting home?

You heard me. We!

Six o'clock too early?

Six o'clock is great.

Farmers love
to get up early.

Caroline: Anyone
for more coffee?

Please. Thank you.

I wonder if Harriet will
ever get back from shopping.

Laura: How much money did you
win last night, Mr. Oleson?

Caroline: Laura.

To tell you the truth,
Laura, I don't know.

Harriet counted it
and hid it.

Must have been
quite a sum, though.

She woke the lady up at
the clothing store at 5:00

this morning to shop
for the trip.

Can't wait to see
walnut grove again.

I can't,
either, son.

First thing I'm going
to do is go fishing...


Where it's quiet.

I think we've all
forgotten what quiet is.

I gave standish the
cash box and the books.

We're ready to leave
anytime you are.

Almost 6:00.
Well, I'll just do these up,

and then we'll
be ready to go.

Mary and Adam will
be here at 6:00.

Alice: We can do our own
dishes, Caroline.

Don't be silly.
I'm used to doing dishes for 50 now.

Do you want
to wash or dry?

Either one.

All right. You dry.

Carrie was so excited about going
home, she wet the bed last night.

Well, I couldn't
really blame her.

All the excitement, fireworks,
talking about going home.

She didn't go to sleep
until after 2:00.

I couldn't sleep, either.

I wonder how many of our
old friends will be there.

Do you think Dr. Baker
will have left?



Do you think Dr. Baker
will still be there?

Oh, I don't know.

I'll start drying
all of these.

Charles, Mary is going
to be just fine.

I know. I'm not worried
about Mary.

Talking to her last night, I felt like
I was the child, and she was the parent.

She's a strong young woman.

from good stock.



You're sure?

Ah, it's nothing. Come on.
Let's get the dishes done.

Albert didn't come
in to have breakfast

or say good-bye.

Well, he's probably tired.

He had to take old Toby
home last night.

Does he know
we're leaving?

Yeah. Andy told him.

Well, did you speak
to him?

I started to, but he said
he had to take Toby home.

We're going to have
to say good-bye.

I suppose.

Well, you might
as well get to it.

You've been drying the
same dish for two hours.

Laura will
give me a hand.

Ok. I won't be long.

Oh, good morning,
Mr. Ing...

did you see that?

Not so much as a "good
morning" or a "by your leave."

Ah, what a shame.

The poor are always
jealous of the wealthy.

Come on. Let's show
your father.


you awake?

Just resting.

Kind of thought I'd
see you at breakfast.

I wanted to say

I was tired.

Yeah. Well,
that figures,

having to take old
Toby home and all.

We'll be pulling
out soon.

Have a good trip.

I was hoping you
would come on over

and say good-bye
to everybody.


Like I said, I'm tired.


I'll see you.

Yeah. See you.

Mary will be here
in a few minutes.

The children have
a surprise for us.

Isn't Albert going to come
say good-bye to everybody?

No, darling.
He's kind of tired.

Anything else inside?

Just one box
of kitchen utensils.

I'll get it.

Pa doesn't seem so happy
about going home.

It's not where he's going
that's bothering him.

It's what
he's leaving behind.

We'll be right back.

Wasn't easy saying good-bye
to the boy, was it?


But he's a tough
little fellow.

He did fine before we got here.
He'll make do after we leave.

If you're so sure of
that, then what's wrong?

I just got attached
to him, that's all.

We all did.

I think he feels the
same way about us.

I know he does. That's
why he won't come over.

He wouldn't even look at me
when I said good-bye to him.

Then why did you
say it?

Why'd I say what?


He's attached to us,
and we are to him.

Then why say

What was I supposed to do,
ask him to come with us?

That's what you wanted to
do, wasn't it?

What sense
would that make?

We have enough to do
raising our own children.

It wouldn't be fair
to you or the girls.

Now, just a minute,
Charles Ingalls.

Don't turn this around on
the women in your family.

We've always managed
quite well.

I think sometimes

men tell
their womenfolk

that things wouldn't
be fair to them

because they don't
want to shoulder

the responsibility

Now, if you don't think
you can handle it,

just say so.

All right. I... I was
thinking about it.

He's all alone here. We know he's
not going to go to school anymore,

and he lives under
that loading dock,

and he pretends that he likes
it, and we know that he doesn't.

And if he did come
to live with us,

he'd pull his own weight.
He's a good worker.

Charles, you don't
have to convince me.

I'm the one that
told you to ask him.

I love you.

Tell Mary
I'll be back!


Albert, come on and sit up.
I want to talk to you.

You been crying?

No. I got a cold.

It makes my nose run.

All right. Then blow your
nose and listen to me.

How would you like to come
with us back to walnut grove?

Well, I...

Now, just listen to me.

I'm going back to start over,
and it's not going to be easy.

I thought maybe
we could make a deal.

What kind of deal?

Well, you like going
to school, don't you?


All right. You're not going to
be able to go to school here,

but you can
in walnut grove.

So I was... what I was figuring was,
I need some help on the place,

and if you'd help me,
I'd trade you off for room and board,

and you could go
to school.

You mean...

Live with you?


I don't know.

See, I'm sort of
used to being alone,

kind of set
in my ways and all.

Well, look, i...
I understand that,

but you... you got to
see my position.

See, I got a family
that's all womenfolk,

and I could sure use a man
around the place to help me.

I'm asking you as a friend.
I'd be beholden to you.

It'd be a favor to me.

Well, we are friends.

I guess it wouldn't
be right for me

to let a friend down
when he needs me.

I was hoping you'd
see it that way.

Just don't get it set that
I'll be staying on forever.

As long as you need me,
I'll be there,

but don't count on it
being permanent.

No, no.
I understand that.

It's a deal, then?


How long will it
take you to be ready?

5 minutes?

See you in front of
the hotel in 5 minutes.


Ma told us.
Is he coming?

Ma, he's coming!

Hey, what have we
here, daughter?

Mary: All the children
wanted to say good-bye.

Adam: They have a present here for
you and a song that goes with it.

We all
thank you very much.

A horseshoe.

For good luck.

We thank you.


We journey along

quite contented
with life

and try to live
peaceful with all

we keep ourselves

from all trouble
and strife

and we're glad when
our friends on us call

our home, it is happy

and cheerful
and bright

we're contented,
we ask nothing more

I'm watching.

And the reason
we prosper

I'll tell to you now

there's a horseshoe
hung over the door

keep the horseshoe

hung over the door

it will bring you
good luck ever more

if you want
to be happy

and free
from all care

keep the horseshoe
hung over the door

That was beautiful.

Adam: Good luck,
Mr. Ingalls.

Good luck
to you, Adam.

Love you.

I love you.

Take care of my baby, all right?

I will, sir.

We'd best all get
in the wagon, huh?

God be with you,

He will be.

I'm going to study
real hard, Mary.

I'm going to be a teacher
someday, just like you.

I know you will.

And I'm going to write
to you every day, too.

I'll use
my braille writer.

I... I'll write you, too.

I love you, Mary.

I love you.


I must have
dozed off.

I thought you might want
to look at it from up here.

Oh, Charles.


I didn't realize
till this minute

how much
I've missed it.


Wake up!
We're home!


See? Look up there.
That's where we sleep... in the loft.

And see in here? Look.
Pa put a pump in and everything.

Pa, the pump is broken.

Don't worry about it, darling.
It just needs to be primed.

Well, it sure is dirty.

We'll start cleaning up
in a minute.

First, I want everybody
to just listen.

Just listen.

I don't hear

except maybe
a bird.

Well, that's just
the point. It's quiet.

For the first time
in months,

it's really quiet.


Now, let's get it
cleaned up.

Carrie: Aah!
Help, pa!

Oh, no. Carrie!


Carrie, are you
all right?


Ha ha ha!


Now it's home.

There you go.

That'll give you a little
privacy, huh?

Thanks, pa.

All right,
the two of you get ready for bed.

Don't worry. I will.
I've never been so tired.

The both of you
put in a good day.

I'll be down to
kiss you good night.

Ok, honey.

Carrie fell asleep somewhere
between "god bless Laura"

and "god bless Albert."

Can't blame her.
How do you feel?

Oh, tired...

But so good.

Yeah. Me, too.

House should be in
shipshape by tomorrow.

Yeah. I'm going to go into town
first thing in the morning,

see how things
are there.

Be sure and stop
at the school.

That's my first order of business.
I'll get the children registered.

Oh, I hope they
have a good teacher.

It'll be hard to find one
like Mrs. Simms,

but at least they'll be going to a
real school and not a livery stable.

Laura: Albert,
pull that blanket closed.

Albert: How was I supposed
to know you were changing?


Yes, sir?

I don't want you opening that
drape without asking Laura first.

Yes, sir.

And, Laura,
that goes for you, too.

Laura: Yes, sir.

All right.
You can open it now.

And I better not
catch you peeking.

Peeking at what?

Peeking at me,
that's what.

What's there
to peek at?

What did you say?


Caroline: Laura,
hurry up now.


Sure didn't have these problems
sleeping under the stairs.

And I'll bet
she snores.

Albert: I knew it.
I just knew it.

Hey. Morning, Charles.

Morning, Jonathan.
I was heading into town.

Thought you might
want to come along.

Anything to get out
of this housework.

Alice, I'm going into town with Charles.
Be back in a while.

Just a minute.
When you went fishing yesterday,

you promised you'd help
me clean up all day today.

I will as soon
as I get back.

We'll only be gone
for a while.

Oh, all right.

Charles, if you want to come over
for supper tonight, ask your family.

We've got
more than enough fish.

You sure no trouble?

Not at all.

All right.
Sounds good.

Just be sure
he's back in two hours.

I promise.

See you then.

See ya.

You go fishing

Yeah. Caught
a mess of them.

Tell you one thing.
I don't care what happens.

I ain't never going to
move away from here again,

even if I have to eat
fish every day of my life.

Ha ha ha!

Land sakes, Charles,
just look at it.

Let's check
inside the school.


Just look
at this place.

Dust an inch thick.

Hard to imagine this town
without any church services.

Jonathan, Charles.

This place is sure
a mess, isn't it?

What's happened?

There's no money
for a teacher,

and folks just stopped
coming in to church.

What happened
to the town council?

Well, Dr. Baker's
still here.

He's not making a living, really.
He's just looking after Lars.

What happened
to Mr. Hanson?

He had a stroke.

How bad is he?

Doc says he's just
given up on living.

He was the town elder.

When the town died,
it just...

Well, it broke him.

I didn't think things
would be this bad.

Me neither.

The mail comes in or goes out
once every two weeks on Saturday.

Mrs. Foster
looks after it.

I'm going over to sleepy eye
tomorrow, stock up...

Just start with a short stock to
begin with and see how things go.

Are you going to
carry seed?

I guess I'd better.
Everything else is shut down.

Appreciate it.

We'll spread the word about
your being open again.

I appreciate that.

I better be going.

Why don't you two drop
over and see the doc?

We will.

Be in in a few days
for some seed, too.

Good enough.

It was a town once.
Maybe it will be again.

Let's go see the doc.

Sure you don't want
some more coffee?

No. Not for me, doc.

I wish I had
some good news for you...

But there just isn't any.

Oh, I've wanted to go down
that road myself...

But Lars, few of the other older
folks needed tending and...

How bad is Mr. Hanson?


But not a real bad one.

But he just
won't come back.

He started this town,
you know.

When the town
started to die...

He started to die
with it.

Lars never had
a family of his own.

It was always the town.

It was his life.

Now it's over.

Can we visit
with him, doc?

Surely. Fixed a room for him upstairs
so I could keep an eye on him.

He's going to look different
to you... a lot different.

He won't do for himself...

Or let me,
for that matter.

He almost...
Looks like the town.


Lars, you've got

Mr. Hanson?

I got to tell you,
you were right about the city.

It wasn't for us.

Let me get some light
in here.

Pull down the shade.

Lars, it's Charles
and Jonathan.

They want to spend
some time with you.

Pull it down!

It's all right.
There's a lot of light in here.

There is... Nobody here.

There is no town.

It is gone.

I know the town needs
a lot of fixing up,

but the town's
still here.

Make the town...

Not buildings.

The people
don't care anymore.

The spirit is gone.

Not in us.

That's why
we came back.

We love this town
like you do.

Then pull down
your shades...

And mourn your loved ones
in peace.

Walnut grove is dead.

We'll be back to
see you in a while.

Remember how the old man
used to come in

and yell at us
in the morning?


about nothing.

I used to get so mad
I could spit.

Then it got so as
that he didn't yell.

I miss him.

Realize how long it's been
since we ate outside?

Can you imagine trying
this in the city?

They'd run over us
with a wagon.

Smells good.

I hope it is.
Jonathan, will you say the blessing?


Dear lord, thank you
for all of your blessings,

for the food on the table,
and for the friends around us...

And for helping us
to find our way back home.

Lord, we'd like to ask for a special
blessing for a dear friend of ours

who needs your help
and your strength.

Show him the way, lord.



serve yourselves.

No, thank you.

If we're going to get our
town back on its feet,

we're going to need
all our strength.

I know how you feel
about Mr. Hanson, but...

You're right.

I tell you,
we're going to need a lot of strength

just to get
that mill started.

I'm afraid hanson isn't going
to even try it, Charles.

Then we will.

Towns like sleepy eye and mooney

have grown a lot.
They're going to need flour.

We're not going to
get rich by it,

but at least it'll
give the farmers

a market for their crops,
give them a reason to plant.

Maybe so.

What kind of condition
is the schoolhouse in?

It's a mess, but
the building's still good.

I think with some elbow grease
and a couple new coats of paint,

be as good as new.

First of all, we've got to
get a hold of the neighbors,

let them know what
we're planning to do.

Let them know
we have a school again.

We do?

It only takes students and a
teacher, and we have both.

Charles: All right,
we do have a start.

I don't know how many of the old
friends are still around here,

but the sooner we get the
word out to them, the better.

I know the caulder
family's still in town.

I saw their wagon
this morning.

What do you say we finish
eating, we get started?

Alice: Wrong.

Before you start fixing up the town,
you take care of your own house.

I can't even get to the barn
until you cut back that mustard.

Jonathan: Yes, dear.

Albert and I can
tell folks, too.

I'll go
with you.

Jonathan: Wrong.

We got weeds to cut, son.
I'll be needing your help.

Yes, sir.

Charles: It's going to take a couple
of days to get the word to everybody.

Today's Tuesday.
Let's say everybody that wants to help,

meet us in town
Thursday morning.

Caroline: I wonder if we can
get word to reverend Alden.

It would be so good for the town
to have proper services again.

That's a good idea. He must still be
preaching in sleepy eye once a month.

Nels is going in there tomorrow.
I'll have him check around.

Thank you.

Alice: That's enough plan. Now eat
up all this fish before it dries up.

Jonathan: I tell you one thing.
I think I got my appetite back.

Laura: Hey, you guys!
You guys!

Everybody's coming into town
Thursday morning to help clean it up.

Can you come?

We'll be there.

Ok. See you Thursday!


You're wasting
your time, Ingalls.

Making do, surviving... that's
all folks care about around here.

That doesn't sound
like you, miles.

You were always
proud of this town.

That's right... was.

You can be proud of it
again if you just help us.

I worked for 18 years
on this farm.

Took me 15 years to save enough money to
buy my Sarah some store-bought furniture.

Took 15 minutes to sell it
to pay my taxes.

I'm not pretending things aren't bad.
I know they are.

You know what that
furniture meant to my Sarah?

Waiting all these years
for a dream to come true,

then it's just taken away
just like that.

I'll tell you
what it's done.

It made her
an old woman.

That's what it done.

Now you're starting this talk about
school, church meetings again.

If there's a god...

And I'm saying if...

He don't give a hoot
about us.

You don't mean that,

I don't?

You come with me.

Sarah, Mr. Ingalls come by
for a visit.

Mrs. Caulder.

Yesterday was my wife's
birthday, Mr. Ingalls.

She was 45 years old.

I think it's best
that you go now.

You must be dead-tired,
young lady.

I sure am, ma.

You covered a lot
of miles today.

I wish I felt better
about it.

You did your best.

I don't understand
what's happening to folks.

Like Mr. Morgan...
He was so proud of our town.

I was sure he would help, but all he
said was that he wanted to be alone.

Some people
are going to help.

Well, all the kids
wanted to help.

Even Bobby Joe bean was happy that
we were going to have school again,

and he hated school.

A lot of times we think
we don't like something

till we don't have it
for a while.

Yeah... like watermelon...

You eat it all summer long
until you hate it,

and then in the winter,
all you do is dream about it.

I know
what you mean.

Your pa's back.

I sure hope he did better
with the grown-ups than I did.

Well, you won't find
out till the morning.

To sleep.

Good night, ma.

Good night.

Good night, Albert.

Good night, ma'am.



Why don't you stay
awake for a while?

Why should I?
I'm tired.

Well, you see,
if you'd stay awake a little while,

I could
go to sleep fast,

and I wouldn't hear
you snore.

I can go to sleep
real quick

while you just think about
stuff to keep you awake,

like rats or snakes
or monsters or...

Just my luck.

Nothing keeps her

Hi. How'd it go?

I don't know.
Everybody's so bitter.

They blame the government for
not stopping the railroads.

They blame the grange.

They even blame god
for letting it happen.

It doesn't do any good
to blame anyone.

It's going to take us
all to change it.

I just don't think
anybody cares.

Did they all say no?

Well, the ones
who didn't say no

didn't say yes, either.

They'd think about it.

I guess we'll know
come Thursday morning.

You've hardly touched
your supper, you old goat.

I wasn't hungry.


Not a very good reflection
on my cooking.

Why don't you let me
heat up the soup again?

50 years ago...

50 years ago,
I came here,

and there was nothing...

Charles was by again
this afternoon.

He's going around to all the
farms, getting people together.

They're going to fix up
the town.

And they'll do it.
You wait and see.

Charles is a dreamer.

He's always been
a dreamer.

Weren't you a dreamer when you
come here 50-odd years ago?

I was young then.

I didn't know better.

Charles should know

Yeah, and you don't know any
better than to just lie there.

You don't do
your exercises.

You won't get better if you
don't do your exercises.

I can't.

How do you know?
You won't even try.

I can't.

You can, but you won't.

I am an old man.

Let me die in peace.

So now you're old,

you're just going to lie
there, feel sorry for yourself?

If I want to, yes.

You don't have to

I never asked you
to listen.

See you in the morning.

What time is it
getting to be, doc?

Almost 9:00.

Well, looks like Mr. Hanson
might have been right after all.


What will we do
if nobody shows up?

I don't know,

We'll just have to do it without them, pa.
We can do it.


We can do it, pa.

You always say a person
can do anything he wants to

once he sets
his mind to it.

If the people don't care,
there isn't...

It's Mr. Caulder
and the Morgan kids!

Ha ha!

It's good
to see you, miles.

It was Sarah.
I told her what you said.

She didn't say nothing
for the longest time,

and then she
started cleaning.

There ain't nothing there but an old
rocker and a pallet on the floor,

but she started cleaning.

I guess you got to
start somewhere.

I reckon you do.

You know, I think
there's life

in this old town

Come on,
let's get to work!

Charles: It's running!

Hey, everybody,
the mill's running!

We got her fixed!
It's running!

Praise be.

Here. I brought you
some more water.

I'm so thirsty I could
drink a whole ocean.

Me, too.

I can't believe anyone
could be that thirsty.

I'm sure
you can't.

You never did anything
to get thirsty about.

Laura: Ha ha ha!

Hey, nels is back.

How you doing?

The town's
looking up! Yeah.

I got a load of seed
in the other wagon.

Great, great,

Did you happen to see
the reverend Alden?

Yeah, I saw him.

Well, what did he say?
Can he come?

Nothing can stop him.

He'll be here
this sunday.

Well, this sunday?
We got to get the church fixed up.

Hey, everybody,
we're going to have services sunday!

Come on, let's get it fixed up!
Let's go!

Let's go fix up
the church!

All right,
let's get going.

Nellie, Willie!

Come on, you live
in this town, too!

Let's get to work!

Mother said it's too hot and
we should stay in the shade.

I don't care what
your mother said!

You get off your butts
and get to work! Now!

Well! I heard that,
nels oleson!

How dare you say you
don't care what I say!

Oh, shut up!

Wha... shut up?!

You tell me
to shut up?

I'll tell you
to shut up.

How dare you tell me
to shut up!

Since when do you
wear the pants

in this family,
I'd like to...

Since I got this!

Oh! My g...

Get to work, woman!


Oh, nels!

Harriet: Going to k*ll me!

All right, everybody!
Let's get to work!

I wonder if he's been
looking out the window.

I'm sure he heard
all the activity.


Help me get him
into bed, Jonathan.


I'll get my bag.

You're going to be
all right, Mr. Hanson.

Your town
ain't dead yet.

You got to see it

Wha... Caroline,

you've been reading
that Bible for an hour.

Don't you think you
ought to get some sleep?

I don't know, Charles.
I'm just not sleepy for some reason.

Well, do you think that
some reason just might be

the fact that reverend Alden's
coming to town tomorrow?

It is exciting,
isn't it?

To have a regular service
and all our friends there.

I got to admit... I never
thought we'd see it.

People can do anything
if they work together.

and people can get a lot of sleep

if they put
the light out.


Ha ha ha!
Good night.


What are you doing
out of bed?

I'm going to sleep
in the barn.

You and Laura
have an argument?

How can you have an argument
with someone

who just lies there
and snores all the time?

You might think
it's quieter

out here in the country,
Mr. Ingalls.

That's just because
you don't have to sleep

up in the loft
with Laura the locomotive.

Night, sir.

Good night, Albert.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Good night.

No snoring.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

He's still very weak.

I wish to heaven there
was something I could do.

It's out
of our hands.

Why don't you get
some sleep, doc?

I'll stay with him.

No. I'd better stay
with you.

That way we can
spell each other.

No sense
in both of us being up.

All right.

If you'll, uh...

If you'll stop by and
tell Alice where I am,

I'd appreciate it.

Sure. I'll
bring her into town

tomorrow morning,
if that's all right.

Thanks, doc.

Lord, I try
and thank you

for all your
blessings and...

And I try and keep my
favor-asking down as best I can...

But this is
kind of special.

I know Mr. Hanson
is awful sick.

He's been
a lot of years

on this old earth
of yours...

But if he could just see
his town one more time,

it would mean
a lot to him.

That ain't
the whole truth, lord.

It would mean
a lot to me, too.

You see, I... I know
I should believe

that he's going to be able
to see it all from up there

when he sees you
in heaven...

But my faith just ain't
that strong yet, lord.

I wish it was,
but it ain't,

and that's
the way it is.

So if you could
just let him see it

one more time
while he's still here,

that would take
a big load off my mind.

He's a fine man,

Thank you
for listening.



It's a miracle!

Mr. Hanson!

The town...
You see the town?

Yeah, I see it.
You got to get back into bed.

No, no. I'm going to
get dressed.

You help me.
I... I go to church!

No, no.
The reverend Alden will stop by

and see you after
the service is done.

No, no. You help me,
or I'll manage for myself.

Please, Mr. Hanson.

Don't argue.

I am not only
your elder,

I am your boss!

Yes, sir.

Now, I...


I have to shave.


Come on, come on!
Get going!

Yes, sir.

Good heavens, how long does
he have to ring that bell?

He wants
to make sure

everybody in the
countryside hears it.

Well, he's rung it long enough
to wake the devil. Ha ha!

It woke you, dear.

Ha ha ha!

Let's go up and say
hello to the reverend.

Charles, I'll go down
and stay with Lars.

Give Jonathan a chance
to be with his family.

All right, Tom.


Dr. Baker.

Doc, I... I tried
to talk him

into staying
in his bed.

He won't listen to me.
You talk to him.

Lars, I want you
back in your bed.

Let me be.


I said
let me be.

I am going to church.

All right, Lars.

Just lean on us.

Lars hanson...

Does not get carried
into church.

I walk by myself.

The day I die...

You carry me
into church...

Not before.

Not in front
of the town.

A good lord's day
to you, Lars.

And to you,

To all of you.

I am going to
pray to god...

To forgive me...

For not believing
enough in him...

And in you.


The 50 years
that I have been here

in... in walnut grove...

I have never been...

As proud as I am
right now.

May god bless
all of you.

Alden: Let's
sing of our joy

as we enter the
church this morning.

May the whole world
know the joy we feel.

Joy to the world.

Joy to the world,
the lord is come

let earth receive
her king

let every heart
prepare him room

and heaven and nature

and heaven
and nature sing

and heaven

and heaven and nature

he rules the world
with truth and grace

And heaven and nature

and heaven
and nature sing

and heaven

and heaven and nature

Laura, voice-over:
4 months later,

Mr. Hanson passed away
quietly in his sleep.

He died happy, doc said,

because he knew the town
he loved would live on,

and so would the name and memory
of Mr. Hanson.
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