05x03 - The Winoka Warriors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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05x03 - The Winoka Warriors

Post by bunniefuu »

Shine, mister?

Laura, eat your oatmeal.

This is the best book
I ever read. Ivanhoe.

That's what you said last
week about lady of the lake.

It was... Last week.

Well, this week,
young lady,

you'd better get
your breakfast down

or you're going to be
late for school.

All right, ma.

All done.

So I see.

You know something,

I've been thinking about
being a teacher.

Well, that's
wonderful news.

Hey, we could use a little
wonderful news around here.

What is it?

Laura's going
to be a teacher.

Well, that is

I figure I can help Mary
out at the blind school.

Think I'll be a teacher,
too, and help Mary.

All right!

Well, nobody's
going to be a teacher

if you don't
get off to school.

Be ready in a jiffy.

Morning, Albert.


You're late,
lazy pants.

Who's a lazy pants?

I already earned
two cents.

Good. I'll see you after
school and help you spend it.

Bye, everybody.

Bye-bye, honey.
Bye, Carrie.

I'll get you
some breakfast.

Now, Albert,
I was thinking.

It's time you and I had
a little bit of talk.

What about?

About school.

Don't need it.

What do you mean
you don't need it?

It's nice and hot.

I don't need it.


It's good for you.

Eat it.

Beggars can't be choosers.

All right, now.
About this schooling.

Everybody needs
an education.

I've been doing
all right.

Come on. What do you mean
you've been doing all right?

You're sleeping
under a porch,

shining shoes,
doing odd jobs,

not to mention
the gambling.

You don't want to do that for
the rest of your life, do you?

What's wrong with it?

There's a lot wrong
with it.

A man's got to make
plans for himself.

He's got to get
an education.

You got to set goals.

I got a goal,
Mr. Ingalls.

Oh, now we're getting somewhere.
What is it?

I want to be rich...
Like Mr. Standish,

only not as mean.

Yeah, well,
I guarantee you

Mr. Standish
went to school.

Maybe that's
what made him so mean.

All right. I'll make
you a proposition.

Now aside
from the meals,

if you start school

I'll give you a room up
in the attic to sleep in.

Don't want a room,
Mr. Ingalls.

I'm used to being alone.
That's the way I like it.

All right.
Forget about the room.

How about, uh...

How about 25 cents
a week?

25 cents?

25 cents.

What do you say?


All right. Deal.

Hey, come on.
You got to eat your mush.

Can't. I'll be late
for school.

"The tracks of
the onion packafick..."

"And the central packafick
railroad linnis...

"Met at dromontory summit...

On may 8, 1869."

Thank you, Luke.
I didn't think we'd ever get there.

All right. Copy this problem
on your slate.

When you have the answer,
raise your hand.

Albert, we have to
get you a slate.

Oh, don't need one.


Correct. You're very fast.

You have to count fast
when you're sh**ting craps.



Very good, sue.

For that,
you deserve an "A."

It's right here,
miss Ingalls.


And, um, 10 cents
for the coal oil.

Now add up
your purchases,

and if you give the merchant
a silver dollar,

how much change
should you get?

23 cents, Mr. Kendall.

Right. Oh, and make sure
it's 23 cents.

You feel the coins
when you count them.

I'm sorry to say some merchants
are going to try and take advantage

of blind customers.

Mr. Kendall?

Ah, good morning,
Mr. Carlin.

Sorry we held you up.
Calf took sick.

Oh, no problem.
Morning, Tom.


Take your seat.

Mr. Carlin...

Could I have
a word with you?

I... I got to take care
of that calf.

It'll only take
a minute.

Mr. Carlin...

In the 4 weeks
Tom's been here,

he hasn't shown any
desire at all to learn,

and I don't seem to be
able to reach him.

I thought you might
be able to help.

In what way can I help?

Well, encourage him
to study,

make sure he does
his homework.

It's quite clear he
isn't doing it now.

Now, I feel sure he can
make excellent progress.

Progress for what?

If you ask me, this is just a
waste of time for all of us.

Well, if you
feel that way,

why did you bring him
here in the first place?

Because I promised his
mother before she died...

That I would.

Let's face the fact.
The boy is blind.

What's he ever going
to be able to do?

I'm blind.

But you're a teacher.

He's not cut out
that way.

The only thing he ever wanted
to be was a farmer, like me.

You should have seen him
3 years ago

before he went blind
from the measles.

We worked side by side,
plowing, sowing, reaping,

doing a man's work.

He could do everything.

He was tough...
As strong as they come.

Mr. Carlin,
he's still strong.

He's still
the same person.

You just have to encourage
him to do for himself,

to learn.

I can't.

You try.


Did you hear
any of that?


You'll find a way to
get through to the boy.

I have to find

to get through
to both of them.

Luke: Here I come!

Hang on to him!

Another touchdown!

9 in a row.

Let's see. 2 x 9.
How many points is that?

Never mind. You won.

What a game!

You should have
seen Jeff.

He scored
12 touchdowns.

Must have played
a girls team, huh?

Milltown's never
been beaten before.

That makes us dragons
the champions of Dakota.

How come?

We're the only
unbeaten, untied team

in the whole territory,

that's how come.

Well, uh, we've never been
beaten or tied neither.

Who's we?

The livery school.

Who'd you ever play?

Well, nobody, so we don't exactly
know just how good we are.

You mean how rotten.

I bet we could beat
you bunch of mama boys.

What do you got to bet?

25 cents.

Where'd you ever get
25 cents at one time?

None of
your business.

Let me see it.

I got it hidden.

You don't have
to show me yours.

I know you steal a lot
from your father's till.

Ok. You got a bet.

We'll play you Saturday,
11 A.M.,

at our school's field
outside of town.

On one condition.


You bring the ball.
We don't have a real one.

You don't have
a real team either.

I can hardly wait
till Saturday.

Come on. My pa says he'd
stand treat for sodas.

Let's go.

Albert, are you sure you know
what you're doing?

Sure I'm sure.

All we have to do is
put Luke up in front.

He's bigger and stronger
than anyone they got.

He's going to mow
them down, right, Luke?


All we need now
is a coach.

Yeah, but who?

Your pa!

My pa doesn't know
anything about football.

We'll get a book.

We need someone to
coach us after school.

Your pa's the only one
who works at night.

You got to ask him.


Let's go.

Open up. Coming through!


All right. Come on.
Let's get lined up again.

Line up again. Come on.
There you go.

Now this is what they call
in the book "V" formation.

See that?
All right, Albert.

I want you to get right inside
of there and get a good hold,

and the rest of you kind of bunch
in there tight to protect him.

Are you ready now?




What baloney?

Who'd you
score against?

You can't practice
that way.

You got to play
against somebody.

Well, we don't have any more
boys we can play against.

You will on Saturday.

Wait till you run
into the dragons.

Come on, Spence.

Yeah, he's right,
you know.

It ain't no good unless you got
somebody to practice against.

Well, maybe some of
us girls can help.

Uh, thanks, Laura,

but I'm afraid you
just ain't big enough.

Yeah, well, you know,
Jonathan, we are.

We could run a couple of plays with them.
What do you say, nels?

Yeah, sure.

That's right kind of you, now.

Luke, come on over here.

Let's get that formation
lined up again.

Get lined up with that, uh,
"V" formation.

Laura, hold that, will you?

Well, you ready?
You bet.

Yeah. I think
it's going to be fun.

I haven't played football since I
was on the scrub team at college.

We'll take it easy on you,

Not too easy, now.

We don't want to hurt any of those kids.
They're just kids.

No, but we want to give
them a good test.

Oh, yeah.

We will.
We'll just go easy.

All right.
Let's go.

Get those heads in there
good and tight.

Ready? Go!

Boy: All right!

Kids: Yay!

You all right?

Yeah. I think we got
a football team there.

I was only on the scrub team.

Come on, Luke.

Uh, you, boy.

Over here.

Who, me?

Yes, you.

You know, you can't play in the
game on Saturday if you're over 16.

How old are you?


What's your name,

Luke hoskins.


I, uh, think
I know your father.

His name's hoskins,


Oh, sure. Sure.

And, uh, which hoskins
would that be?

Well, my pa. The one that
works at muldoon's livery.

He's a smithy.

Oh, of course.

Albert: Come on, Luke.


I got to go practice.

Do you mean to tell
me, nels oleson,

that you were willing
to cribbage

with that other team?

Nels: The word is
"scrimmage," Harriet.

Oh, well, whatever
you call it.

I call it treason... aiding
and abetting the enemy.

I agree
with mother.

We're not at w*r,

Don't try to change
the subject.

You are willing
to help the team

that's playing against
your own son.

You're betraying Willie.

I don't care if pa
helps the other team.

I never get to play
on ours anyway.

Now, that's another thing I
don't like about Willie's school.

Everyone should have
a chance to play.

Yeah, like on
the livery school.

I always wanted to
go to that school,

but instead I got to
wear this dopey old tie.

Ugh. Like father,
like son... both impossible.

it's only a game.

Ha! Only a game?

Nels oleson,
sometimes I wonder where your head is.

People play games,
and do you know why?

To win, of course.
Not to lose.

What about playing for
the exercise and for fun?

Winning is fun, nels.
Losing is exercise.

It's a lot of
wasted motion.

I agree
with mother.

Mrs. Oleson: Yes.

But it's no fun to win
if you don't play.

That's nonsense, Willie.

You're on
the winning team.

You don't want to get all
dirty and bruised, do you?

I agree
with mother.

Shut up, Nellie!


Oh, Nellie!

Smells good, ma.

Thank you.

liked it today.

Here, Laura.

Something the matter,

I must have pulled a muscle
washing the windows, I guess.

That's a funny place
to pull a muscle.

Yeah. I suppose
it is.

How are things going
at school, Mary?

Most of the students
are doing beautifully.

Yeah. With one big
exception... Tom carlin.

What's the problem?

It's his father really.

I can't get to him,
so I can't get to Tom.

He just sits
and mopes all day.

I'm sure you'll
find a way.

I'm afraid you
and Mary both have

a lot more confidence in me than I
have, Mrs. Ingalls.

Hey. How about
your school, Laura?

I hear you're playing the
Dakota dragons on Saturday.

Who's gonna win?

We will!

Mary: What's the name
of your team?

Hey. That's right.
We haven't picked one yet.

We got to have a name because
we have to make pennants.

Mom, will you help me and
the other girls make them?

Sounds like fun.

Well, does anybody have any
suggestions for the name?

The marauders.

The snakes!

Hey. I like that.
The snakes!

How about
the gophers?

The cougars!

That's a very,
very good suggestion, grace.

The winoka burps.
I like that.

Hey. How about
the warriors

in honor of all
the brave Indians

who owned all this land
in the first place?

It's a good name.

I like the ring
to it.

Besides, it's a lot better
than the winoka burps.

The winoka warriors
it is!

We lost
our star player.


Big dumb Luke hoskins.

Charles: That's a shame.
What happened?

Did he get hurt?

No. We got hurt.

He got free tuition,

and now he's going
to the other school.

What? Mr. Standish?


He told Luke's pa
he was a bright young man.

Every once in a while, he'd give a
scholarship to a bright young man.

Luke hoskins bright?

He means big.

He was our whole team.

What a shame.

Well, we won't have
to make any pennants.

We have nothing
to wave them for.

Hey. Wait a minute.
Come on, you two.

You just don't
give up, you know.

You get out there,
and you keep on practicing.

After all, it's not
winning that counts.

It's the way you
play the game.

Not when you got
25 cents bet on it.

Look, Tom, there is no point
in you attending school

if you refuse
to apply yourself.

You're not only wasting
your time and your pa's,

but mine and the other
students' as well.

Now, if you just start
by doing your...

Don't start telling me
I'm like everybody else.

If I'm like
everybody else,

why ain't I out there?

Why ain't I out there
playing like the others?

Because you refuse
to try.

I want to work,
Mr. Kendall.

I want to do what
other people do.

I just can't.

You can!

Tom, you can be
like other people.

You can work. You can
do whatever you want.

No, I can't!

Have you ever tried?


Has your father
ever asked you to?


I asked him once
if I could help.

I don't want to be
a burden on him.

What'd he say?

He said it'd take
too much time,

watching over me and making
sure I didn't hurt myself.

But he doesn't have much spare
time, Mr. Kendall,

and he works
real hard, and...

Besides, he says my being
blind is just a fact.

There's nothing neither
of us can do about it.

Pa'll be coming soon.

I'll wait outside.

I'm not coming back,
Mr. Kendall.

I lost him, Mary.

You know that's the first
time I couldn't get through?

You did your best,

Well, I, uh...

Better tell Mr. Ames Tom
won't be back to school.

Some bread, Adam?



You haven't touched
your supper.

Oh, uh, I'm sorry.

Uh, I was thinking.

You looked like you were
a million miles away.

Oh, not nearly that far,
Mrs. Ingalls.

Same problem, ma.

Yes. He, uh,
quit school today.

Aw. Any chance
he'll be back?


I tried with him,
I tried with his father.

You know,
what worries me most

is what happens to him when
his father's not there anymore.

Where's his pa going?

Carrie, everybody
has to die someday.

Not ma and pa.


Laura, I think we can find
something else to talk about.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm sorry I brought
it up, Mrs. Ingalls.

No use feeling bad about something
I can't do anything about.

That's how I feel about
the game Saturday.

Practice didn't
go too good, huh?

What practice?

It was a disaster.

Without Luke hoskins,
we don't even have a team.

What we really need is a big
guy for the point of that "V."

Can't you rely
on tricky plays,

or what about speed?

They've had all year
to practice.

We only have a week.

With Luke, all we had to do
was hold on and go straight.

Well, what you need
is another big kid.

Who's the biggest kid
in your school?

Cindy Lou herron.

She's not allowed
to play.

Ha ha ha!

There just aren't any
big boys around here.

Yes, there is. One.

His name's big,
dumb Luke hoskins,

and he's playing for
the Dakota dragons.

Mr. Ingalls...

Could you give me a ride
out to the carlin farm

tomorrow morning
before school?

Sure enough.

You change your mind about
trying to get Tom back in school?

Yes, sir.

Seems with all the troubles
the winoka warriors are having,

it just doesn't seem right
for me to give up.

Morning, Mr. Carlin.


Mr. Carlin, I've got to talk
to you about Tom.

I've said everything
that could be said.

Not by a far sight,
you haven't.

A lot more has to be said
and done.

I've heard everything I'm
going to hear about the boy.

That's the problem.

You haven't really
heard anything.

You've shut your ears
and closed your eyes.

You know, in some ways
you're blinder than Tom is.

I'm not
going to listen.

Take me to him,
Mr. Ingalls.

I'm with you, son.

Mr. Carlin: I told you
I've heard enough.

Look, I understand how you
feel, Mr. Carlin,

because after
I went blind,

my father treated me the same
way you're treating Tom...

As if he was
some kind of freak,

as if he'd committed some
kind of unforgivable sin

just by losing
his sight.

You're ashamed of him,
aren't you?

He's my son.


That makes it worse,
doesn't it?

It makes you
feel guilty.

You don't like
that feeling.

I'm taking care of him
the best I can.

And what happens to him
after you're gone?

Who's going to take care of him
then if he can't fend for himself?

I sent him to school.


Why did you send him?

I told you.

Because I promised
his mother.

I think you're a liar.

How dare you say that
to me?

I said it once
to my own father.

I can say it to you.

I love my son.

And I love my father,

but when you live
in the dark,

the only light
there is is truth.

You're no different than my
father, Mr. Carlin.

You sent Tom to school so you
wouldn't have to look at him.


In the name of god,
would you tell the truth?

At least then we can have
some kind of beginning!

You think you're the only
human being in the world

who ever felt
this way?

If you just
say it once...

"I can't stand
to look at my son."

Just say it.

"I can't stand
to look at my son."

I can't stand
to look at my son!

God forgive me.

I'm sorry.

Now we can both
help him.

What can we do?

give him a feeling he's a man...

That he can accomplish


That he's not as different
as he thinks he is.

We can't do that,
Mr. Carlin,

unless we get him
back to school,

and that's up to you.

You can make him.

He's in the house.

I'll go and get him.

You really are
something, son.

Stop at the livery school
please, Mr. Ingalls.

I don't understand.

You will, Mr. Ingalls.
You will.

In 1869, women's suffrage was
enacted by Wyoming territory,

the first political body
to take that step.

Most men assumed the ladies
would stay at home...

Excuse me.

Sorry to interrupt
your class, Mrs. Garvey,

but I'd like to introduce a new
temporary student... Tom carlin.

Laura? Albert?

You said you needed
a big man for your team.

Well, you got one.

All right, team. Let's get into
that "V" formation.

Tom, I want you to get
right here.

Here's the ball. Feel that?

Get down. Down.

Now, when Albert says "Ball,"

you hand the ball
right back to there.

You feel that?

And then you plow
straight ahead, all right?

Straight ahead.

I can't. I can't
do it, Mr. Garvey.

Sure you can, son.

You got the size
and the strength.

All you need now
is the drive.

But I can't see

Tell him to do it.

Son, you don't have
to see anything.

You just don't have to.

You're kind of like...

Like a team in front
of a wagon,

and your teammates are going to
have a hold of you right like this,

and they're going to point
you in the right direction.

You don't have
to see nothing.

Isn't that right,

Boys: Right!

Right. Ok. Let's get down now.
We'll give it a try.

Down like that.

Nels, Charles, come on.

Don't be easy on him.
We have to push him.

All right.

Well, let's give it a try.


Let's go!

I can't!

Let go of me!
Let go of me!

I can't see!

I can't do it.
Leave me alone.

Please. Leave me alone.

I can't do it.

Well, I'm afraid
you're right, Tom.

You can't.

I guess I thought you were
a lot tougher than you are.

Hey, you're right, Adam.

He couldn't make the team
if he could see.


The bigger they are,
the harder they fall.

Mr. Garvey?

Right here, Tom.

Let's try it again.

All right.
You hear that?

Come on, team.
Let's get in that "V" formation.

Come on, guys.

Where's the ball?

Mr. Garvey: All right.
Let's give it another try.

All right.
You guys ready?

Boys: Yeah.



Ha ha ha!

I think
you got a team!

I think
we got a team!

Ok. Come on,

Laura: Oh, ma.

It's late, and you all need your
sleep for the big game tomorrow.

Please, just
a few more minutes

so I can finish
this one last pennant?

All right, but then
that's the last one.

Thanks, ma.

I sure wish you and pa could
come to the game tomorrow.

So do I, dear,

but the hotel
won't run itself.

Come on. I know it's
past your bedtime.

I'll tuck you in.

Good night, Carrie.

Good night, Carrie.
Good night, Carrie.

You know, it's going to be a lot
different playing the dragons,

big old dumb Luke
in there against us.

Remember, he ran
over your pas, too.

Well, at least we'll give them
a run for their money, Albert.

I hope so.
It's my money.

Laura: Yeah, well, it's your fault
for betting, and you know it.

Besides, maybe
we'll get lucky.

Dumb as Luke is,
maybe he'll run the wrong way.

Ha ha ha!


Maybe old Luke will
run the wrong way.

Luke! Where have
you been?

Nowhere. Why?

They've been looking
all over for you.


Your team.
The dragons.

They waited as long as they
could, then they left.

Well, the game's
not till 11:00.

Only takes 10 minutes
to get to the field.

Not that field.

Don't you remember?

They changed it.

Told us we were going to play in
that field way over in Henderson.

I don't remember them
saying that.

Well, that's your trouble.
You never hear anything.

I still don't know what Mr. Standish
sees in a big, dumb ox like you.

Sorry, pa.

Oh, get your gear

and I'll drive you
over to Henderson.

It'll take over two
hours there and back.

Thank you, Albert.

No need for thanks.

Just trying to be
a good sport.


Hey, Albert?

How come
you're still here?

Um, I'm not playing
in the game, Luke.

I figure I already
lost my bet.

Why make it worse in having
you running all over my head?


Well, that makes sense.


25 cents.

There's no sign
of that Luke boy.

Mr. Standish: It's almost time.

You get over there and tell
that fellow to hold up the game.

Yes, sir.

Hey, we got
a man missing.

Can't we wait
a few minutes?

Game's called for 11:00.
It's 11:00. Game time!

All right. Come in here.

Let's go out there
and play a good game now.

Come on.

Albert, throw me that ball.

Good luck, now.

Come on, warriors!

I hope they're ready.

Ok. Now, the warriors
are to your right,

and the dragons
are to your left.

The warriors are going
to kick off first.

All right! All right!

Albert, get Tom in there.

They're bringing Tom
in now.

Grab legs, Tom!
Grab legs!

The dragons just made
a touchdown.

Come on, dragons!

Referee: Let's go!

Come on!
Come on!

You ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.

- Everybody ready?
- Yeah.


If you'd get the corn
shucks out of your ears,

I wouldn't be making
this dang trip.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Albert must be wrong.

There's no game
down there.

Well, you're dumber
than that cow down there.

We've been tricked!

Now we got to get back
to winoka!

Giddyap there. Get!

Come on! You can do it,

All right! Hey!


One minute.

How much farther?

Only about 3 yards,

Wait a minute!
Wait a minute! Time-out!


Where have you been?

I'll tell you later.

I'm going to jump
on your head, Albert.

Time-out! Time-out!

Come on over here,

Come on over here!

They only got
one more play.

We stop them,
then we win.

And we're the champs.

Get in here close
and listen now.

There ain't no way we're going
to be able to run over big Luke,

leastways not with
just one play left.

Tom, give me your hands.

Here. Now soon as you hand
that ball back to Albert,

I want you to lace your fingers
together just like that.

Albert, you get your foot
in there fast as you can.

Tom, when you feel
Albert's foot,

I want you to stand and throw,
just like a log toss, son.

Have you ever done that?

You bet I have.

Well, Albert here's
going to be your log.

Think it'll work?

Referee: Time in!

Well, looks like
it's going to have to.

Now let's go make it work.
Come on.

Don't let them over!
Don't let them over!



Hey! Touchdown!

They did it! Ha!

Now wait a minute!
Wait a minute!

Wait a minute!

Hold it! Hold it!
Hold it! That's illegal!

No, it's not.
I got the rule book right here.

What kind of play
was that?

You can't throw
a forward pass.

It's not
a forward pass.

Now, you show me
in the rules

where it says you can't
throw a player forward.

Touchdown warriors!

You did it, Tom!

You did it!
You did it!

Great touchdown!

You really did well!

Your pa's here, Tom.

Come on. Let's go.

See you, Tom.

Bye, Tom.


Good game, son.

Thanks, pa.

You know, uh...

I been thinking about putting in
a money crop on the north field.


We could probably
do it if...

If we work together.

We can do it, pa.

I know we can.

Let's go home.

Tired, son?

Yeah, pa.

First time
in a long while.

It feels great.

Good grief! Let go of me!

They could have won this game
if they'd have thrown my Willie!

Laura, voice-over: The record books
show the first forward pass in football

was thrown on October 3, 1906,
in new haven.

But I happen to know that the
first forward pass of a human being

was thrown on November 29, 1880,
in winoka.

I know because I was there
and saw it.
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