04x08 - The Aftermath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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04x08 - The Aftermath

Post by bunniefuu »

Anyway, miss Beadle
doesn't think

we can understand
the civil w*r...

I mean, really
understand it...

By just accepting the north's
version of what happened.

Two sides
to every story, huh?

Well, each side
thought it was right

and the other side
was wrong.

Miss Beadle says if we really
knew why... on both sides...

We'll get to really see
how the w*r happened.

Balanced look
at things.

That's right.

I'm just not so sure
it's a good idea.

The civil w*r's only
been over for 11 years.

You got folks settling in
around here from both sides.

Feelings still run
pretty hot on the subject.

Well, that's why Miss Beadle
thinks it's a good class project.

Well, maybe.
I just hope

she's not stirring up
a hornet's nest.

Man: Good news!

Good news! Good news!

Did you hear about it?
Good news!

They finally did it!

Wonder what's
going on, pa.

I don't know, darlin'.
Let's find out.

Driver: Yes, sir,
they finally did it! Whoa!

Nels: What?
What? Tell us!

Here. Read it
for yourself.

James and younger
g*ng tried to hold up

the first national
bank up in northfield.

Got themselves done
in for their trouble.

Man: What do you
mean, done in?

Well, read what
it says right there.

Clell Miller and bill chadwell
shot dead in the street.

What happened
to the James boys?

Well, them two got away.
Not too far, I'll wager.

Frank James
got himself shot.

Reckon that'll
slow 'em down a mite.

thieving scum!

I'll be pleased to attend
their necktie party.

Nels: Those papers
are a penny each.

Can we have our bags, please?
You bet, mister.

Morning, Mrs. Foster.

Oh, good morning,
Mr. Ingalls.

I'd like to mail
this letter to Denver.

All right.

Anything in for us?

I'll look for you.

Hey! Easy.

Hey, easy.

Ah... swamp fever.
It comes...

It comes on
without warning.

Just needs to rest
for a few days.

Name's B.K. Dankworth.
My partner Andrew hobbs.

Mr. Hobbs, I'm sorry
you're feeling poorly.

That's my daughter Mary.
I'm Charles Ingalls.

Pleased to know you.

We were doing some land
speculating up in redwood falls

when Mr. Hobbs here
came down with a fever.

As you can see,
rest is needed.

That's why we stopped
here at the hotel.

The hotel is full up.

That is a problem.

Is there another hotel
or a boarding house?

No, but I happen to be the
agent for a house for rent.

Dankworth: If we can move in
now, we'll take it.

$4.00 a week.

Well, you're looking mighty sickly
there, Mr. Hobbs.

Doc baker's out the
Dayton place right now,

but I can fetch him over as
soon as he gets back into town.

No... no, thank you.

Dankworth: Thank you very
kindly, but swamp fever is

something Mr. Hobbs
is used to.

Uh, we know
how to treat it,

and the doctor couldn't
help very much.

It's just a matter
of time and rest.

Well... well,
I hope you get to feeling better.

Thank you.

You don't look like you're
going to be too able to walk.

I got my wagon right over here.
We'll take you over to the house.

Much obliged.

Thank you.

Be happy to pay you.

Oh, no. We don't
charge neighbors.

Appreciate it.

Looks like we're
among friends, eh?

Hobbs: Yeah.

You got him all right?

Yeah, I got him.

I'll get the shades.

Charles: All right.

The place is going to
need a little cleaning up,

as you can see.

Nobody's lived here
for a while.

It's big,
but it'll do fine.

I'll just
get this off.

Yeah, that's better.

Sure appreciate you bringing us up
here, Mr. Ingalls.

Oh, it's our pleasure.
Anything else we can do for you?

Well, we will be needing
to lay in some supplies.

Well, the mercantile's
within walking distance.

I'll show you
where it is.

Uh, that brings up
a little problem.

You see, the fever brings on
convulsions, and, uh...

Well, I know
just what to do.

Until Mr. Hobbs
is better,

I don't think it's wise
for me to be away too long.

The ideal solution
would be to hire somebody

who could run
the errands every day,

someone like
your daughter.

We could pay her
25 cents a day.

Oh, pa, could I?

She could only
do it after school.

That's fine.

All right.
10 cents a day

is plenty for
running errands.

Then it's a deal.


Will that do it?

Well, that ought to
get 'em started.

Hey. You know,
at 10 cents a day,

I could buy enough of this
to make that dress in 5 days.

Pa, do you think they'll
want me on Saturdays?

Well, I really
don't know.

'Cause if they do,
and if they stayed

another week besides, I...

Mary, Mary, why don't
you just wait and see?

Now stop chattering
and pay Mr. Oleson.

I'll start
loading up the wagon.

Yes, sir.

Be $7.40.


Hey, how you
doing, doc?

Fine. Hanson
told me about

that fellow
with swamp fever.

Yeah. Thing is,
he doesn't wanna see a doctor.

Yes, and that
puzzles me a bit.

I guess it's just
something they're used to...

All that fever
and convulsions.

What convulsions?

I don't know.
Whatever kind of convulsions

you get with
swamp fever.

You don't get convulsions
with swamp fever.

Well, Mr. Hobbs does.

Oh... better check
my medical book.

See ya, doc.

See ya, Charles.

Jesse, we were
sure lucky

I didn't pass out
back there.

Yeah, I know.

I'm going to have
to cauterize it

to keep that infection
from spreading.

It's good the b*llet
went on through.

How could everything
go wrong like that?

It just did.

We've had our own way
for a long time, frank.

I guess we have.

Is it all over,

Well... things will never be
like they always were.

It's just you and me now.

If we're lucky enough
to stay put for a while

without being recognized,
after this leg heals up,

we can head out
for the dakotas.

And do what?

Homestead some land
or buy it.

At least there's
some money left.

We started life
as farmers.

We can be farmers again.

I think I'm ready
for that.

You and me both.

You know,
I'm still not sure

about this job
of Mary's.

I'm not sure
it's right.

Ma, I told you...
They're very nice.

They are also
complete strangers.

Well, I must say,
they did seem like very nice people.

You'd like them, ma.

Well, what about
this one that's sick?

How do we know
it isn't contagious?

Caroline, swamp fever
is not contagious.

Are you sure
it's swamp fever?

To be perfectly honest,
no, I'm not sure.

Well, then,
I don't think we can allow Mary

to take this job
until we are sure.


All right,
let's not get excited.

It's very simple.

I'll take Dr. Baker
out there tomorrow,

and he can examine him.

All right. But until then,
you're not to go near them.

Yes, ma'am.

Charles: Whoa.

I'll wait for you
out here, doc.

All right.

Who is it?

My name is
Dr. Hiram baker.

I came by to see if I could
be of any help to you.

I'm B.K. Dankworth.

A pleasure,
Mr. Dankworth.

I'm told you have
a sick man here.

Yes, sir. My partner
has swamp fever.

Uh, it's an old
familiar problem.

No need to trouble
you at all.

It's no trouble.

Mr. Ingalls mentioned some
accompanying convulsions,

and that just doesn't
sound right to me.

I think he should
be examined.

Well, I don't plan
to argue medicine

with a doctor.
The fact is,

I've wanted him
examined all along,

and I still do.

Well, then...

Well, you see,
that brings up a little controversy.

Uh, you see,
Mr. Hobbs has

an unreasonable distrust
for doctors,

and, uh, I just can't seem
to talk him out of it.

Why, the only way
he'd let a...

A medical man
within two feet of him

is for me to bound him
hands and feet

and then set on him.


Well, if Mr. Hobbs
suffers a change of mind,

I'll be available.

Thank you, doctor.

It's been
a real pleasure.

Yes. Well...

Well, I can't
diagnose him

if they won't let me
in the house.

It's going to be a big
disappointment to Mary,

but better not
work for him

if hobbs has
something contagious.

Well, now, wait a
minute, Charles.

Those two have been
together all the time,

and it hasn't seem to have
affected dankworth at all.

You think
it's all right?

I'm sure.

It'd ease Caroline's mind if
you'd be the one to tell her.

Ha! I'll drop by
this afternoon.

Appreciate it.
That 10 cents a day

means an awful lot
to Mary.

Ha ha ha!

They're gone.

Miss Beadle: Children!

I want to emphasize

that we're not
looking for blame.

We're examining the causes
of the civil w*r,

not who was right
or wrong.

Yes, Mary?

I don't understand

how we can stay away
from right or wrong.

I mean,
I thought we could,

but it looks more and more
like we can't.

Well, we can if...
If we look into

why people felt
the way they did,

not whether we agree
or disagree with them.

Now, we're going
to have to look

at both sides as
impartially as we can,

and it's not
going to be easy.

Yes, Bob?

I say the north won
because it was right!

I don't see how anybody
can say anything else.

The whole south is
nothing but a bunch

of rebels and murderers!

Well, maybe they felt the
same way about the north!

Miss Beadle: Bob!

Now, I'm choosing to
allow this discussion

to go on between you,

but I don't want
a shouting match.

Now, sit down.

I was too young
to remember it,

but my daddy does.

He can't forget.

Neither can my ma.

We were living
in Missouri.

The rebs had already
been driven out,

except for a bunch of cowards
called quantrill's raiders,

who hid in the hills
or wherever

till they could k*ll
defenseless people.

They k*lled
my older brother.

He was 6 years old.

Are you telling me the
south had cause for that?

No, Bobby.

No, of course not.

I'm sorry about
your brother.

Miss Beadle: I'm not sure

whether we should
continue this project.

It just might be
too emotionally charged.

Why don't we think about it,

and we'll vote
on it tomorrow.

All right,
class is dismissed.

Mary: Hello, Mr. Garvey.

Hi, Mary.

How you doing,

Half-pint was telling
me things heated up

pretty good at
school today, huh?

Well, I can never say
you didn't warn me.

I got some
good news for you.

You can go back to work
for hobbs and dankworth.

Oh, thank you!
Can I go there now?

Sure, go on.
Have a good time.

Bye, honey!


Yes, sir?

Uh, here's
our clothing sizes.

Since we left most of our
belongings in Springfield,

we could sure use
a change.

Anything fancy?

No. Just some
working duds.

And you can earn
a little bit extra

if you get our traveling
clothes cleaned.

Oh, you wouldn't have
to pay me extra.

Don't go arguing
about that.

All right.
What else do you need?

Uh, smoking tobacco.

Oh, we could use some towels
and soap for Mr. Hobbs' fever.

Hobbs: Does that store
have any books?

Well, yeah. Some.

Anything about history
would be best,

but I'd take
what's handy.

Hobbs can't seem to keep
his nose out of books.

Probably knows more than
what's good for him.

Really? Do you know a
lot about the civil w*r?

Yes, I do.

But not from books.
We fought in it.

Which side?

The south.

Oh, that's wonderful!

I mean, not that you
were in the w*r, but...

But if you could tell me
things about it...

You see, we have this
class project at school,

and we're studying
the civil w*r...

How it was on both sides.

But most everything
is how the north saw it.

What kind of things you
looking to find out, Mary?

Well, a boy in
our class... Bob Ford...

He said some southerners
called quantrill's raiders

k*lled his
6-year-old brother.

Yes, that might well
have happened.

You see, Mary, in a w*r...

People do terrible
things to each other.

Well, some folks saw
quantrill's raiders

as heroes...

Saw it fit to hide
'em and feed 'em.

Even when they k*lled
innocent people?

Believe me, girl,

the north did things
just as bad, if not worse.

Well, like what?

Your schoolbooks ever
make mention of a rule 11?


She wants to know
about the other side,

doesn't she?

Well, rule 11
spells that out

about as clearly
as anything can.

You sit yourself
down, girl,

and I'll tell you
about it.

Rule 11 came about
after quantrill and his men

almost destroyed
Lawrence, Kansas, in 1863.

Since the raiders hid out

across the border
in Missouri,

the district union commander
ordered that families

in 3 Missouri counties
and part of another

had to prove their loyalty
to the north

or leave the territory.

Well, since most
of the families

couldn't prove
their loyalty,

they took what possessions
they could

and started to leave.

Their homes were
looted and burned.

Union soldiers and
anti-quantrill guerrillas

m*rder*d hundreds
of the homeless,

who were trying to
get to a safe place.

That's a lie!
Who told you that?

Mary's telling the truth.
I knew about rule 11.

Then what
does it prove?

it proves the w*r

does bad things
to everybody!

I say they
deserved it!

Those people
were traitors!

Girl: They were not!

Bob, sit down.
Children, stop it! Be quiet!


Good afternoon,
Mr. Ford.

I got something
to say to you.

And I'm not just talking
about myself, either.

Now, lots of folks
are riled up

about what you're doing.

Just what is it
that I'm doing, Mr. Ford?

Teaching my boy
what heroes

those reb soldiers were

that m*rder*d
his brother.

If I thought there
was a chance of that,

I would resign my position
and leave town tomorrow.

You just keep it up,
and you won't need to resign.

Me and folks like me
will see to that.

You just take your reb
sympathies down south,

where you and
your kind belong.

Mr. Ford!

My father was an officer
in the union army.

He was decorated for valor
by general Grant.

The same
general Grant, sir,

who was just
our president.

He died in
a Southern prison

two days before
the end of the w*r.

Now your son,
by his own admission,

doesn't remember
the tragedy

that happened
to your family.

He was too young.
But you, sir,

have deliberately kept
that memory alive

in a manner
he will carry with him

for the rest of his life!

What I have
attempted to do

is to teach your son and
the rest of the children

what hate can do,
while you, Mr. Ford,

have taught him
nothing but hate.


Mary: Mr. Dankworth
and Mr. Hobbs

must be rich.

Imagine paying me
50 cents extra

just for getting
their clothes cleaned!

Caroline: Mary,
it's getting so you don't talk about

anything except
Mr. Dankworth and Mr. Hobbs

and how much money
you're making.

Well, I earned 80 cents
in only 3 days!

Just remember that
8 of those 80 cents goes

in the collection
plate this morning.

Yes, ma'am.

Morning, doc.

Morning, Caroline,
Charles... Children.

Good morning.

Morning, Charles.

I sure hope the reverend

has a short sermon
planned for today.

It's got to be hotter than
you-know-what in that church.

Dr. Baker!

Oh, sorry, ma'am.

Who do you
suppose they are?

I don't know.

They got a lot
of g*ns.

Girls, you go on inside
with your mother.

Man: Morning!

Charles: Morning.

Me and my men are looking
for some information.

There's good reason
to believe

that the James brothers

are holed up somewhere
in this part of the state.

You a sheriff?

Well, in a way.
We're bounty hunters.

There's a good reward
out for them two.

Folks don't look too kindly
on bounty hunters,

but, uh... We save all you
taxpayers a lot of money.

How do you
figure that?

trials cost money.

We find them before the law
does, there's no trial.

An eye for an eye,
if you get my meaning.

Yeah, we get
your meaning,

but we haven't seen
anybody around here

carrying a g*n
except you.

Oh, well,
they're hiding out.

They wouldn't be showing
weapons unless they had to.

Here's some posters.

These pictures are old, but you can
get an idea what they look like.

We'd appreciate if you
have folks keep an eye out.

Yeah, we'll do that.

Much obliged.

We'd best get inside.

Better take a look.

It's them.

Lord a-mercy, Charles.
Why didn't you say something?

What, and have those
bounty hunters

sh**t 'em down
in cold blood?

That's as bad as anything
the James boys ever did.

I agree...

But we ought
to have more people

in on this
than just us.

Let's not involve
the women and children.

Say we call a meeting at the
mill tomorrow about noon, huh?

Get everybody there.

And no hotheads.

We'll ask the
reverend to join us.

Guess that proves
nobody in town suspects.

Even so, I say we should
buy a couple of horses

and head on out
of here tonight.

Frank, they've been
here and gone.

I'd say this is the safest
place we could be right now.

I wouldn't mind so
much if I had a reason,

but you won't
give me one!

Mary, just try
to understand...

I just want to know why I
can't go on working for them.

Can't you even
tell me why?

Yes, but not now.

Now, there's some
things we don't know,

and we're going
to have to find out.

Until we do, you are not
going to work for them.

I promise you, when we
find those things out

and we tell you,
you're going to understand.

Now, that's the end
of it, all right?


We're all in
agreement, then?

One of us will go to mankato
and notify the marshal there.

I'll make the trip.

Fine. I want to add,

I think you did
the right thing.

Thank you, reverend.

What are we going
to tell them?

As little as we can.

Rider: I'll come
right to the point.

We have a witness
the James brothers

got off the stage last
week in walnut grove.

Their pictures came out in
the newspaper yesterday.

Now, you going to
tell me them ain't

the same two that
got off my stage?

Where are they?

I said,
where are they?

I'm warning
all of you...

Harboring of criminals
is a serious offense.

We either get
your cooperation,

or every building
in this town

is going to be
turned inside-out.

Believe me,
we have the authority.

I want an answer.

Excuse me, sir.

My name is Alden.

I minister
the church here,

and I believe we need
a town meeting.

A town meeting?

Yes. I think you'd
get maximum results

if you could
see everyone.

You're telling me

that nobody here
has anything to say?

I'm telling you, sir,

that we need
a town meeting.

How long
will that take?

Well, I don't know.

I say it'll take
an hour.

And we're sealing
off the town,

in case anybody's got
something special in mind.

Jonathan: Now,
hold up a minute.

We got kids up
in that school,

and some of them
live out of town.

They got
to get home.

Well, the kids can leave,
but nobody else.

And they're not taking
any horses with them.

Turner, Slade,
take care of it.



If we're to turn
those men in

for execution
without a trial,

it's going
to be the decision

of every member of this
community, not just ours.

I think we ought to meet
at the church early

so we can discuss it
among ourselves.

You don't suppose
there's a small chance

that that posse might
just be passing through

on their way
somewheres else?

No. They've found out

Ah, if we just had
some horses.

No, there's no chance
of that.

I don't know
about you, frank,

but that bunch won't
be taking me alive.

Miss Beadle: In concluding
our project early, I...

Jonathan: Miss Beadle,

uh, could I have
a word with you?

Excuse me.

Jonathan, whispering: We got
some armed guards out there.

Until the marshal
gets back,

I think it would be best if
these kids went right on home.

Class, we're going to be
dismissed early today.

Now, I want you
to go straight home.

Tomorrow we'll
begin our study

of the plays of
William Shakespeare.

All right,
you're dismissed.

Now, remember,
go straight home.

Mary... may I see you
for a moment?

Yes, Miss Beadle?

You've been
very quiet today.

I guess I had more
than my say.

Is anything wrong?


Mary, I'd like to say
that I think,

more than anyone else,
you got the most out of this project.

You did excellent work.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I think you better
get home now.

Bye, Miss Beadle.


What did
Miss Beadle want?

She said I did good work
on the class project.

I guess you did.

Well, I couldn't have,

without help from Mr. Dobbs
and Mr. Dankworth.

I never even thanked them.


You go on, Laura.
I won't be long.

Mary! You're not
going over there

after pa told you...

Pa told me I couldn't
work for them.

Didn't say anything about
not talking to them.

I don't think
you should.

Laura, I'm just going to thank
them, and then come home.

It's wrong.

You go on.

Hello, Miss.

20 minutes. We'll
wait that long,

and then we'll find
out what's going on.

I tell you, Mr. Broder,

it just don't
seem logical

them folks would
be hiding those two.

I ain't never seen a more
law-abiding bunch in my life.

Law-abiding they may be,
but friendly they're not.

They'll talk, or have
cause to regret it.

Charles: Half-pint!

What are you doing
back in town?

I left my speller at school.
I came back to get it.

Is Mary on her way


Is she on her way

She went to thank
Mr. Dankworth and Mr. Hobbs.

How long ago?

I don't know.
Quite a while.

Ever since we got
out of school.

Pa, what's happening?

Never mind.
You go on home.

But what about
my book?

Never mind your book!
Go on home!

go with your sister.

Frank. Come here.

Take a look.

No, Jesse.


Life's hard, frank.

We'll use what means
we can to stay alive.

That girl might be
the only way we have.

Hi, Mr. Dankworth.

Hello, Mary.
Come on in.

There's got to be
another way.

Frank, I told you...
This is our only chance.

We got no horses,
and you couldn't get anywhere on that leg.

All right, Jesse.

All right.

You mean...

Unless they
let you go, you'll...

You'll k*ll me?

Now, it won't come
to anything like that, Mary.

But I liked you!

Everybody liked you.

No, Jesse.


No more talk.

I'm gonna have
to put you in here.

No! Please! Please!

Go on. Get in there.

Sure you want to
try this, Charles?

Mary might be already
on her way home.

I can't take
that chance.

Maybe if we told
the posse

that she was in there
with them.

Ah, come on, Jonathan,

you know broder
better than that.

The only thing he
thinks about is k*lling.

He doesn't care
who gets in the way.

Yeah, you're right.

It's as good a time
as any.

Just make sure nobody
tells that posse.

All right. Stay low.

Where do you think
you're going?

Well, i-I'm just heading
over to my house here.

Broder says
nobody leaves town.

Well, I only
live down here

a little bit,
and my wife ain't feeling good.

I was just gonna
check on her.

Nobody leaves town.

Nobody, huh?

A hostage is no good

unless you are willing
to k*ll that hostage.

Are you willing
to do that?

We have to be.

It is the announced

of that posse
to execute those men...

Now, hold it!

Did any of the folks that they
slaughtered ever get a fair trial?

You can all do
what you want to do!

But I'm going to tell
that posse the truth!

No, you ain't.

You get out of
my way, garvey!

Now, hold on here!

We ain't just
talking about

the fine points of right
and wrong anymore.

The James boys is holding
Mary Ingalls hostage...

And we can't say nothing,
or they might k*ll her.

Ford: Well,
I'm telling you...

I'm against this!

I'm sorry for
the Ingalls girl, but...

Lewis Ford!

Is your mind
so cluttered with hate

that you ain't picked up
on nothin' I said?

If we don't keep them bounty
hunters away from here,

Mary Ingalls
may be k*lled!

You keep
your mouth shut!

Hanson: Ja,and you
keep it tight shut, too!

That's right.
We're getting tired of you.

Don't you interfere
with this!

I would
like to state

that as minister of
this congregation,

I will condone
any act,

any statement,

designed to protect the
life of Mary Ingalls!

Now, may god forgive
me if I'm wrong,

but under
the circumstances,

that's the least
I can do!

Now, we will unite and
be one in this if we...

You finish up, pastor.
I can wait.

Mister, uh...

Broder is the name,

Mr. Broder...

This is only
a town meeting,

but it is being held
in the house of god.

Oh, sure wouldn't want
to show disrespect

in the house of god.

Let's get down to cases.

Even though a witness

positively identified
frank and Jesse James

as getting off that
stage here last week,

nobody I talked to
seemed to remember.

And maybe there's something
else they didn't remember,

and that is to tell you
there's a $5,000 reward

for information leading
to the apprehension

of these criminals...
Half of it to the person

that shows me where
they're holed up.

These are the men identified
as arriving in walnut grove.

Pass it among you.

Look close.

Take your time.

That'll be far enough.

My daughter.

She's here.

Had to keep her.

Seen the posse.

Look, she's just a
little girl. Let her go.

You can keep me instead.

That's an interesting
proposition, Mr. Ingalls,

but it won't
be necessary.

We're going to hold
both of you.

Come on.

Broder: Nothing
at all to say?

Not any of you?

Reverend: Well,
then, Mr. Broder,

does that answer
your question?

Oh, yes, pastor.

That answers more
than my question.

House of god.

House of god?

This is a house
of liars!

You are all liars!

We are all liars.

All of us.

I'll tell you...


Anybody going to
claim that reward,

it's going to be me!

Doc baker:

No! Stay out of it, doc!
These are lawmen.

All right, son, where
are they hiding out?

I'll take you there,

but they got
a young girl in there.

You got to promise
she won't be hurt.

Oh, agreed.

You're guaranteeing me
half of that $5,000?

Oh, I do, sir.

You get that
church bell ringing.

Jonathan: Ain't gonna
need them horses.

You just show us where
they're hiding out.

We'll decide whether
we need horses or not.

Have it your way.

Jonathan, whispering:
Shh. Quiet.

Quiet, now.

That's where
they're holed up.

Unless you want
to join us,

you better
head for town.


Cover the back.

Broder: Frank! Jesse!
We know you're in there!

You got one chance...
And only one.

You got 5 seconds
to come out!

1... 2...



I spooked the horses!

Get them wagons
out of town!

Man: Come on,
let's go! Move!

Cease fire!

Slade. Take a look!

Nobody! Nothin'!

Ain't even a stick
of furniture in there!

All right,
all of you...

We got some
horse tracking to do.

I'm sorry, Mary.

I thought it was
the only chance we had.

if I was you two,

I'd be riding while I
still had a skin on.

Let's go, frank.

Come on. Come on!

Thank you, Jonathan.

No sign of
a thing, boss.

You got plenty to
answer for, mister.

For what? Trying to
save your horses?

What are you
talking about?

All that sh**ting up there

spooked them horses
something terrible,

and me and Charles,

we had a horrible time
trying to run them down.

He's right.

They all outran us
except that one.

Had to chase him
all the way to my place.

This here's
the only one we found,

but the rest of them
are probably just out there

grazing in the hills.

Oh, uh, broder...

You got them outlaws,
didn't you?

We've come through a time
of trial and decision.

Those of us that were
a part of it...

Will long wonder
if we did the right thing,

letting those two who
were briefly in our midst

escape the...
Drumhead court...

And the terrible
termination of life.

Or were we entirely wrong?

Each of those involved

is going to have
to make his own peace

with his conscience...

And with god.

Toward that end,
let's all join in silent prayer.

Mary, voice-over:
The James brothers

made good their escape,

and none of us
ever saw them again...

Except Bobby Ford,

who would see Jesse
on another day...

His last day,

6 years later.
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