03x21 & 03x22 - Gold Country Pts. 1 & 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x21 & 03x22 - Gold Country Pts. 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Bell rings]

How're you doing, nels?

Charles, as wet you
are, you must be freezing.

No, it's not too bad.

The kitchen's nice and
warm if you want to dry out.

The way business is... One
or two customers a day...

It seems a waste of fuel to
try to keep the store heated.

I appreciate it, but I'm
going right back in it.

I just came in to pay my bill.

Always glad to hear that.

Well, let's see.

That'll be $ . And a quarter.

All right. And I need a can of
baking soda and some pipe tobacco.

We're all out of baking soda.

We have the tobacco, though.

All right. That'll be fine.

It'll be the worst rains
in the history of the state.

Did get a little lucky, though. I did
a wagon repair job for martindale.


He's leaving, too, huh?

He's already gone.

He was in here a
couple of days ago

Asking for credit
I couldn't give him.

Everything going out, nothing
coming in, I just can't do it.

So he leaves in the
middle of the night,

And I got $ on the books.

And he's the th one so far.

Well, I can't blame him, though.

Fields are seas of mud.

There's no way he could've
gotten a crop this year.

No way any of us can, nels.

See you.


Hey, charles!

Grace: isaiah, come
on in out of the rain!

Be right there. Hey, charles.

Welcome home.

Has it been like this
ever since I left?

Oh, no. Some days
it's been worse.

Ain't just here. The
whole state's afloat.

It's a wonder we got through.

Oh, it's so good
to have you back!

It's good to be back,
darling. How are the kids?

- Just fine.
- How's your family?

They're fine...

Just wondering when we're
going to start building the ark.

Boy, I tell you, it's
hard times everywhere.

I seen men standing
in line for the same job.

You did have a job in
mankato, didn't you?

It was a nothing job.

Boss's son-in-law come
back, took it away from me.

But I got some plans
now. I tell you what...

Why don't you bring your family over for
supper tonight, and we'll talk about it.

Love to. We'll be over.

If this keeps up, we'll
swim our way over.

- See you tonight.
- Ok.



You really should get
out of those wet clothes.

I will as soon as I put
the wagon cover on.

Must you? Today?

We're going to go over to
edwards' place tonight. Isaiah's back.

I thought he had
a job in mankato.

Not anymore.

Charles, I know
that you're worried,

But this rain will stop.

I mean, it's got to stop.

Caroline, I said
that two months ago

When there was still
time to plow and plant.

Well, we won't go hungry.

The root cellar is full,

And we've got ham and
bacon and... And salt pork.

There is food.

We got enough for
two or months.

The grain bin's almost empty,
and we're almost out of hay.

Did you speak to isaiah about...

Going away to look for work?

He said there's hard times
everywhere... Men waiting in line for jobs.

I don't know what to do.

Isaiah's got some kind of a plan.
We'll talk to him about it tonight.

I'll get this wagon
cover on, and I'll be in.


Grace: well, isaiah,
it looks to me

As though you didn't eat
at all while you were gone.

Sure I did...

Shadow soup, rabbit track stew.

On paydays, I'd
buy some stew meat

And bones and gristle...

Cook it up out
back of the stable.

I'd look up, there'd
be or men

Squatting there,
grinning like coyotes.

Carl: did you feed them?

Son, when you're
outnumbered like that,

It's kind of hard to say no.

Charles: you said you had
some kind of a plan in mind.

After what I seen... Men
scrounging, sleeping in doorways,

Begging for work,
food, or both...

Grace: isaiah, not just yet.

Children, your fathers
have some talking to do,

So you go into
carl's room and play.

- Yes, ma'am.
- I'd rather stay and listen.

You do as you're told. You go
with your sister and your guests.

Like I was saying, we got to...

If we can't farm, we got to figure
out a way to make some money.

Can't make it
living around here,

So I say we take a real chance.

I run across this here deadwood
paper. Here, take a look at that.

There, down in the corner.

- What, "gold news"?
- Yeah.

Isaiah, you're not thinking
of going on a gold rush!

Oh, we're just
talking, you know.

Well, if you'll excuse me, I
think I'll just get at the dishes.

I'll help.

Placer gold, huh?

It says, "nuggets the size
of peas in great quantity."

At least it's a chance.

Better than sitting around
here watching the water rise.

What have we got to lose?

If we don't hit it, we come back
here, we're in the same boat.

If we do hit it, we're
living high on the hog.

Charles: they're only talking here
about the people that hit it rich.

Doesn't say anything about all
the folks that didn't even find color.

Just think about it, huh?

All right, I'll think about it.

Let's have some more coffee.


I thought you were
coming right to bed.

I was just reading
the newspaper again.

You must know
it by heart by now.


It figures edwards would
come up with a scheme like that.

Gold. You know what the odds are

Of somebody finding any of it?


Probably... About , to one.

You'd have to be crazy to make
a -mile trip with odds like that.

If it's so crazy,

Why are you staying up half
the night reading about it?

I just can't sleep, that confounded
rain coming down that way.

Well, I hope they have a good
school wherever we settle.

The girls are doing so well,
I'd hate for them to get behind.

What are you talking about?

Charles ingalls, if you
think I'm going to put up

With having you underfoot
around here for the next months,

You've got another thing coming.

Look, you know... You know
we're talking about a -mile trip.

We came further
than that to get here.

We took a chance then.

We can take a chance now.

You know you're dying to go.
Why don't you come out with it?

All right. Now, we both know
it's a crazy scheme, right?

It's a crazy scheme, but if I stay
here, there is nothing I can do.

I mean, there's nothing in the
world that makes a man feel so bad

As knowing there's
just nothing he can do.

[Knocking on door]

Couldn't sleep.
Had to come over.

Grace said all
right. We're going!


We're going, too.



[Bell rings]

Here you go.

That's the last of it.

We're all set.

Caroline: all right.

Nels, I want to
thank you very much.

It's my pleasure, charles.

Now, don't worry. I'll keep
an eye on the house for you.

I really appreciate that.
Well, we're on our way.

Write if you hit it rich.

I'll do that.

Good luck. God go with you.

I'll pray he is. Come on!




Everybody up!

Hey, edwards!

Hey, edwards, get yourself
out here! It quit raining!

Ha! Praise be!

Charles: dear lord, thank
you this day for our food...

And for your blue sky.

Help us and guide us, o lord,

As we start a new life.

We try our best to follow
the path you've made for us.

Wherever it leads,

We pray you'll
always be with us.

- Amen.
- Amen.

[Steam engine chugging]

[Cattle lowing]

[Saloon piano playing]

Isaiah, what kind
of place is this?

Now, grace, there's nothing
wrong with folks having a little fun.

You call this a little fun?!

Man: whoo!

[sh**t g*n]


No, I guess not. Guess
they're not really having fun.

[Women calling and giggling]

Oh, charles, have we
come all this way for this?

Don't you worry, darling.
The claims are way out of town.


Isaiah and I will get right
over to the claims office,

And we'll be on our way.

Grace and I have to pick
some things up at the store.

All right. We'll hurry.

[Train whistle blows]

Mary, laura... Look
after the little ones,

And don't get out of the wagon.

That goes for you, too, carl.

Aw, mom, I want to look around.

You just do as I say, young man.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, sonny...

Whatcha doin'?

Gee whiz!


I'm almost completely
out of flour.

Me, too, and isaiah says if I
make my coffee any weaker,

He's going to throw in some
axle grease just for color.


Oh, my goodness!

Oh, I never saw such
prices in my whole life.

Maybe there's
some kind of mistake.

Good afternoon,
ladies. Can I help you?

We need some flour, some
sugar, and some coffee.

Well, good. You came
to the right place.

Grady jennings, at your service.

As you can see, I got the fullest
stocks in deadwood right here.

Yeah, but these prices!

I mean, $ for
pounds of flour?

Uh, that's pounds, ma'am...

And chances are, all this is going
to be gone by tomorrow evening,

Soon as the grubstakers
get word I got in a shipment.


Now, believe me,

You're not going to find a lower
price anywhere in this town...

If you can find
the goods at all.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hasn't been a trace of color
found north of the fork here.

Truth is, the claims
on the west fork

Haven't paid better
than bread and beans.

Real pay dirt seems
to lie in this section.

Wait a minute.
Are you telling us

There ain't any
decent claims left?

No. Nobody can do that.

Just that a lot of people
got here before you.

I guess so. According to your
markings and hen-scratchings there,

There ain't a decent claim
within miles of a strike.

That's gold
country, mr. Edwards.

Once there's news of
a strike, the rush is on.

Course, you could
always buy a claim.

For how much?

Well, depends. , ...

I've seen poor gravel
sell for over , .

Thank you very much.

Mr. Ingalls...

There is a place west
of here, about miles.

Newton's the place. Looks good.

Been no big strikes there yet,
but people who've worked it

Tell me they've
found some color.

You might try that.

Much obliged.

Next! Who's next? Step up.

[All shouting]

[Saloon piano playing]

Well, what do you think?

I don't think we
have much choice.

We've come this far. Another
miles shouldn't make any difference.

That's my feelings exactly.

Wait a minute, charles.

Hey, come on!

Wait. I got an idea here.

Well, if the idea takes you
in there, I think it's a bad idea.

Listen here. I got this
little bit of money here.

I could take it in
there and double it up.

Wouldn't take
more than minutes.

It wouldn't take you more
than minutes to lose it.

Let's at least go
in and look around.

You go ahead. I'll tell
grace where you are.

She'll be happy
to hear about it.

No! Hold it! Hold it! Maybe it
wasn't such a good idea after all.

[Railroad bell ringing]

You don't have to worry
about being near this town.

Isn't a claim left...
Leastwise, any we can afford.

Fellow put us onto a place
about miles west of here.

I don't care how far it is, just
so long as it's away from here.

We'll camp outside
of town tonight,

Get an early start
in the morning.

Get everything you
needed at the store?

We didn't get anything.

Why not?

$ For pounds of flour.

That's a good reason why not.


[Coyote whines]






It's isaiah. He's gone.


It's after midnight,
and isaiah's gone.

I don't know where he's gone.

I think I've got a
pretty good idea, grace.

Don't you worry. I'll find him.

[sh**ting and yelling]

[Piano playing]

Get aboard, gamblers!
We're giving it away.

Somebody wins, every spin.

Well, bet, gentlemen. You
can't win if you don't bet.

Give me a lucky number, dolly.

Well, I'd stick with
, darby. Ha ha ha!


All right, gamblers,
hang on to your hats.

Here we go... Round and round.

Come on, !

That's the lucky number... .

Come on, ! Is
coming up. There it is.

That's it. Number is a-coming.

Is coming. There it is!

Oh, and star wins the money!


I thought you'd hit
it that time, darby.

Well, you been
hitting all around it.

You know, lady luck
just hates a coward.

She is going to smile
on you this time for sure!

Aw, lady luck ain't
going to smile on me.

Lady luck don't care
nothing about older people.

Dolly: bets, gentlemen.

[Dolly calling to
other gamblers]

Isaiah: don't be so grumpy
there. You'll hurt your face.

Your luck's about run out.

I got an announcement to make.

Anybody wants any
revenge, now's the time.

This here's going to be my
last hand. Come on, deal up.

Ante up, fellas.

There you go.

King bets .

A very sound bet. . Deal.

Oh, . And .

The king will bet another .

Of course it will.
There you are.

Possible straight.

That's your king.

Make it . Play poker.

Aw, let's make it .


Pair of sixes.


I got a pair of sixes there.

Those sixes are going
to bet $ into the kitty.

All right. I'll bet the ,
and I'll raise you... More.

You probably have another king in the hole,
don't you? If you do, I'm going to cry.

But I'll call you, all the same.

I got a king.

He had the other king.

I got sixes. Isn't that sad?

Like I said, that's
my last hand.

I'd best be getting back. I want to
thank you for some very nice gambling.


I did it!

We made some money...
Only for grace!

I believe I did! I
believe I took it all!


Dolly: get your bets down,
gamblers. Get your bets down.

You cannot win if you do
not bet. Step right up here.

Black beard, checkered shirt?

Didn't see anybody like that...

Not since I come to work.

Can I get you something?

Yeah. Some fresh air.

[Isaiah moaning]

Isaiah: ohh...



Well, charles...

Ooh... I should've
taken your advice

And stayed out of that place.

Doing real good, though.
Best run of luck I ever had.

Yeah, till the roof fell in.

Roof? There was of them.

Probably back in
there right now.

Now, just hold on. The
of them are still in there.

Let me take you back
to camp. We'll fix you up.

All right.

Get up.


Come on.

How'd you know I was gone?


I think I'd rather fight them
again than face up to her.

I'll change that
bandage tomorrow.

Thank you. That'll be fine.

Charles: we'll see
you in the morning.


I said I was sorry.

Won't do it again. I promise.

Did you hear me?
I said I promise.

You've promised before.

It was different this
time. I didn't do this for fun.

I did this so we could get
some flour or some bacon.

That's just an excuse,
and you know it.

You'll never change.

What did you marry me for in the
first place, if you want me to change?

I mean, why didn't you
just up and marry somebody

Who was already the
way you want me to be?

Because I fell in love
with you, that's why.

Oh, go to sleep!

Yes, my dear.

[Italian accent] it looks
like we got company, huh?

[Wagon wheels squeaking]

Charles: whoa!

Hello, friend.

How are you?

What's the matter
with your wheel?

Well, nothing a little
grease wouldn't fix.

I meant to get me some in
deadwood, but it just slipped my mind.

Ah, is a no-good place.
Thieves and robbers...

They charge you
times for everything.

They pick your pockets.
Where are you headed?

We're going to a
place called newton.

So are we. You can drive
along with us, if you like.

We'd like to very
much. Thank you.

My name's griffin. Ben griffin.

Over there's my family.

Charles: ma'am.


These are the delanos.

How are you? Ingalls.

Edwards here.

My wife maria and my son sam.

American, like uncle sam!

Oh, you're such nice families!

Charles: thank you
very much, ma'am.

[Mr. Delano speaking italian]

More food!

Oh, si, si. sam...

[Speaking italian]

- Ok, mama.
- si, si.

You can eat with us while
ben and me fix the wheel, huh?

Caroline: no, we
couldn't impose.

Oh, it's no impose. We enjoy.

Ben: I think you better, mister.

Mrs. Delano's a good
hand with the victuals,

And I was a wheelwright
back home... Best in counties.

All right, we'll take you up
on it. Thank you very much.

We go to work, huh?

What a blessing.

I wasn't sure we were going
to make it on that wheel.

The blessing is meeting
people like those.

I know what you mean. I
better give them a hand.

Whoa! Last stop... Newton!

Everybody out.


Welcome to newton.

Thank you.

It is a joy to see
family folk arrive.

It's a joy to see a reverend.

The tent is our church with services
every sunday and wednesday evenings.

That is good news.

Join us and meet
your new neighbors.

I expect you're prospecting.

That's right, reverend.

I understand some folks around
here found some pretty good color.

A few have found enough
gold to pay for their food.

Mr. Sanders, the storekeeper,

Will tell you who
found what and where.

Thank you very much. It's
a real pleasure to be here.

We won't be long.

This is a splendid day.

We have enough children
now for a sunday school.

Charles: wait till caroline
and grace hear about this...

Prices no higher
than walnut grove.

Isaiah: it's two cents cheaper.

Restores your belief
in humanity, don't it?

That gravel bar he was asking
about... That what we're hunting for?

That's what it says in the book.
Gold comes down from the hills,

Settles in the sand
on those gravel bars.

That sounds good to me!

All aboard!

Isaiah: look at the
difference in the prices.

Got all the information we
need, reverend. Thank you.

Girls, jump on in.

Well, our next stop
is shadow creek.

Wherever that is.

It's about miles out of town.

You know I got
that book on mining.

There are two chapters
on placer mining.

This shadow creek sounds something
like the country they had in the book.

Sure hope the book's right.

Reverend, we'll
see you at service.

Yes, indeed, and good luck.

Say a little prayer for us.

I doubt if the good lord spends
much time helping us look for gold,

But I will say a prayer for
your health... And happiness.

That'll be just fine, reverend.
Thank you. We'll see you.

Yah! Giddap! Yah! Yah! Yah!

Well, this ought to be a spot.

How do you know that
this is the right spot?

A claim can only be so
big and still be legal.

Got to make this one the
same size we made the other .

Don't seem fair laura
and me can't have a claim.

Nothing we can do about it.

You got to be . Only
adults can have a claim.

Don't you worry. There'll be
plenty of work to do around here.

Why don't you go on
and get some more stones

And finish this
marker up for me?

Yes, sir.

Let me have that bottle, mary.

Yes, sir. I wrote out the paper.

"This claim belongs to mrs. Grace
edwards." And I put down the date.

Oh, good. Put it in there.

What happens if you strike
gold on mrs. Edwards' claim?

I guess I'll have to fess up I
married her for her money.

Married her for her
money! She'll love that...


Hey, can't wait to
get started. Can you?

Sure can't.

Griffin and delano
settled in above us.

Won't be long before these
mountains are filled with folks.

Not if we don't find color.

Then I won't mind being crowded.

Come on. Got a lot of work to do

If we're going to
start tomorrow.

You two make sure
you make that marker

Just as big as the other ones.

Laura: yes, sir.

I still don't think it's fair.


Just because we're not grownups,
we can't have a claim of our own.

Yeah. It's just like
going to school

And washing behind your ears.

You have to be old before
you can decide for yourself.


The way you got these
things put together,

You figure we're
going to eat off them.

It's just what we'll be
doing if we strike color.

If we don't, I wonder how these things
are going to taste with gravy on them?

Mr. Delano: hello!

Mr. Ingalls and mr. Edwards!

Hey, mr. Delano!

Mr. Griffin, how're you doing?

You strike gold already?

No. We struck venison.

Is enough for everybody.

Hey, I think maybe
we celebrate, huh?

Caroline: mr. Delano, you must
let us do the fixing this time.

No, no. That's all right.

My mama, she don't mind.

Grace: but we do.

If we're going to be neighbors,

It's got to be share
and share alike.

Don't argue with
them. No way to win.

All right. Hey...

Tonight I bring the concertina.

We have food, we have vino,

And we have musica!


[Mr. Delano plays concertina]

[Children laughing]

Got to be doing something wrong.

There ain't nothing but dirt.

I'm doing it just the
way you're supposed to.

There's no gold
there, that's for sure.

That's probably because
people are getting it

Off the top of the mountain
before it can get down here.

How you doing, pa?

Well, I haven't
found any gold yet,

But I'm starting to get down
to some of that black sand.

Isaiah: charles, can you give
me a hand with this thing?

The blasted thing's stuck.

All right, be right there.

Keep rocking that for me, sugar.

Well, we're never
going to get rich.

You got to be patient.

If gold was so easy to find,

It wouldn't be worth nothing.

Pa says kids aren't supposed
to be patient. It's not natural.

Let me try.

It's a waste of time. Let's go
downstream a ways. Come on.

You're not supposed to look
for gold except on your own claim.

We'll only go a little
ways away. Come on.

All right.

[Charles and isaiah
speaking indistinctly]

Thought you said
just a little ways.

We've come this far. We
might as well keep going.

- Wish it would rain.
- Why?

Then there'd be a rainbow. There's
gold at the end of the rainbow.

That's dumb.

It is not. I read it in a book.
It says that there's gold...

Never mind. I'll try right here.

Carl, look!

Are they what I think they are?

I don't know. What
do you think they are?

Mines. Gold mines. Come on!

Hey, you know we're not supposed
to be on anybody else's claim.

Can't you see these places
are old? Nobody's here.

Don't go in there. It
could cave in on you.

It won't.

Well, I'm going back.

Suit yourself.



What is it?

Look... Across the creek.

I told you. Somebody
does live there.

They do not. Can't you see
that place is falling apart?

Hey, we could use
it like a playhouse.

We could fix it up. Come on!

[Labored breathing]

Laura, wait up!

Are you sure nobody lives here?

Sure, I'm sure. Watch.

Hello! See, nobody
lives here. Come on.

Hey, lookee there.

Somebody must live here.

Won't hurt to take
a few. There's plenty.

I suppose.




No, come on!

No! You shouldn't
scare people like that!



What's wrong with you?

What's so funny?

Come on. We better
go. He's loony.


What are you laughing at?

Ha ha ha! Can't you see what's
funny, you little tadpole?

Can't you see? I
got my apple back!



If you were to say please,

I'd give you both an apple.

You promise you
won't do anything?

Not do what?

You know... Go, "aaagh!"


I promise... I won't.

Come on.

Remember, you promised.

Thank you.

Thank you, mis... Mister...


And who might you be...

Besides apple thieves?

This is carl, and I'm laura.

We're camping down the creek
a ways. We're here to get rich!

Yeah. Our pas are
going to find gold.

It's started again.


The fever.

The gold fever.

Zachariah: I've seen it before.

You see those old
mines over there?

They were dug out years ago.

Years ago.

Laura: did folks find gold?


Just enough to change folks.

Enough to make them think
they needed more and more

And more... Until
more wasn't enough...

Until all the gold on
god's earth wasn't enough.

Now... Now it's
beginning again...

The greed and the hate...

The sorrow.

Laura: but these
folks are different.

These are good people.

They'll change!

But you don't even know them.

They'll change...

God forgive them.

They'll change.

The apples are always here.

Mary: laura! Carl!

Laura, come quick!


[Concertina playing]

Laura: what is it?

Come on. You'll
see. Wait till you see!

Come on!

[All laughing]

Laura: pa, what
is it? What is it?

It's gold, half-pint!

All right!

We hit it!


Seen happier looks
on a tombstone.


Your samples... Your report.

Thank you.

This is the first one
of these I've ever read.

It'd help me if I
knew how to read it.

It's simple enough.
Nuggets run % pure.

What's this zero
mean right here?

Estimated value per ton of ore.

No way for me to
tell unless I know

How much ore you
handled to get that sample.

Could be a shovelful...
Could be a month's diggings.

Two men, hours work.

Then you got a good
one... Long as it lasts.

Ha ha ha!

That'll be $ . .

If you're short, you
can let me have it in dust.

How much is all this worth?

. Less my dues, .

Gold country for sure!


He hit it! He hit it!

Yah ha ha!

He's rich! He strike it rich!

He's rich! He strike!

Where is this place?

Ben: quiet! Quiet!

Quiet, men. You'll get
the whole town out there.

It's all right.
We got our claim.

We should share the
good fortune, huh?

Man: here he comes now!

Second man: where's the claim?

East of shadow creek!

[Cheering and shouting]

Did you tell your
pa supper was ready?

Yes, ma.

I told my pa, too. He
said they'd be right in.

That was over an hour ago.

It's more than that. The
stew's just about boiled dry.

Charles: sorry we're late.

We had to clean the
rocker boxes and wash up.

Took a little bit
longer than I thought.

We took more than
we thought, too.

Took more. We got about
times what we brought

To the assayer's
office this morning.

Good heavens!

Oh, my! You must be starved.

Now go sit yourselves down.

Oh, yeah. Being rich, I
worked myself up an appetite.

Hey, lookit. Here they come.

Sure didn't take them long.

It's like the preacher said.

The place is going
to come alive again.

You know, with all these
strangers around here,

We better find us a good
place to hide that gold.

Oh, don't be silly, isaiah.

This isn't like that awful
place deadwood, thank heavens.

Maybe not, but strangers
are strangers, all the same.

I think isaiah's right.

Maybe we ought to find
ourselves a good place.

It wasn't like this
in walnut grove.

Of course, I didn't have
nothing to hide there

Except my jug of...

How's your coffee?

Mine's fine. Thank you.

Mr. Delano: charles! Edwards!



Delano, what's the
matter? What's wrong?

Wrong? Is no wrong.
Everything, she's right!

Ha ha ha! I hit it! I hit it!

Oh, wonderful! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Oh! Congratulations!

Look at the size of them!

Big ones, little ones,
all kinds. Ha ha ha!

I want to stay and celebrate,

But I'm so excited, I got to go!

I just come by to say hello.

I want to tell my friends.

The sooner I get the gold,

The sooner I get my
farm in california,

And then I make the vino!

You see, I make more
vino, you get plenty.

You get plenty of vino!


Mama mia!

Ha ha ha!

I'd say we had one
happy neighbor.

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

Come on. Let's go eat supper.


What's wrong?

Mr. Delano found gold.

What's wrong with
that? He's a nice man.

I know that.

It's just that everybody
gets a chance to find gold

Except the kids.

You have to be
to file a claim.

I know.

Hey, wait a minute.

Zachariah has a big claim.

He's been living there forever.

So what?

So he's kind of old.

Maybe he needs some help.

We could work for him
for just a little share.

He kind of scares me.

Well, you don't have to
come if you don't want.

I can't let you go
alone. You're just a girl.

Laura: mr. Zachariah!

Are you home?

Hello there!

Hi, mr. Zachariah!

Ha ha ha!

You tadpoles hankering for
some more apples, are you?

No, sir, but thank you.

We're here to talk business.

Business, is it? What kind?

Well, I don't know
if you heard or not,

But folks are finding an
awful lot of gold in the creek.

I don't have to hear it.

People have been moving up
and down the crick all day long.

Well, we were thinking that
maybe if you needed some help...

I mean, no offense, but you
being up in your years and all.

Help doing what?


For the gold.

Can't do that.

Laura: but if folks found
gold just around the bend,

There's bound to
be some right here.

There could be a fortune
right there in the creek.

You could have
everything you ever wanted.

Everything I ever wanted
is beneath the crick.

You come with me.

- He's getting scary again.
- I know.

Come along.


I don't see anything.

In the middle. The
rock in the middle.

Look close.


All I ever wanted.

All I ever needed.

My wife.

My beautiful, gentle woman.

How she loved the
coolness of the crick.

We came here in the summer.

Blistering hot it was.

While I worked the mine...

She would sit on
the bank here and...

Let the cool water
rush over her feet.

I dug those... All by myself.

First one, then
another, and another.


"We have enough,"
she would tell me.

"We don't need more gold."

But i... Wanted to give
her so many things,

So many treasures.

So many.

So many.

She died that winter...

So quickly.

Like a cold wind
gusting from the north.

She just...

Kissed my cheek, and...

Closed her eyes.

But I had my gold...

Enough to buy anything.

Almost anything.

She rests there now...

On a bed of gold.

I have no use for it.

It was all just for her.

So you see, everything I
ever wanted is right here,

And here it must remain forever.


You want some more coffee?

No, no. I've had plenty.

I just can't get over how much
gold delano's come up with today.

Must be times what
edwards and I found.

Well, we're not doing so badly.

Oh, I'm not complaining.
I'm happy for the man.

I don't think mr. Griffin
feels the same way.

Well, you know, he hardly
said two words tonight.

He's just disappointed.

He'll hit it.

Just take us a little
longer, that's all.

How long?


Just how much longer
do you think we'll be here?

Well, it's hard to say. It
depends on how we do, you know?

Until we get enough.

Sometimes I wonder if people
know when they have enough.

Oh, you're thinking about the story
the old hermit told laura today.


Well, I wouldn't take
that as the gospel.

I mean, even laura said
he was a strange one.

Him saying he
buried all that gold.

Bet he never found
any in the first place.

I suppose you're right.

We will be out
of here by winter.

Yeah, I think we will.

But you're not positive.

Look, caroline, I'm
doing the best that I can.

I have a chance now.

I'm never going to
get this chance again.

I'm... Tired.

I'm going to turn
in. You coming?

In a little while.

Good night.

[Saloon music playing]

Hey, lookit.

Lookit what?

They're wearing g*ns.

Grace: that'll do, carl.

Just saying what I saw.

All right, but there
are other things

You can be talking about.

On the porch. They're
wearing g*ns, too.

Caroline: laura, that's enough.

Man: you ain't going no
place till you pay me.

Caroline: morning, reverend.

I don't owe you nothing.

Reverend: ladies! Children!
It's so nice to see you again.

A lot of new
people are moving in.

I'm not too sure
they're all churchgoers.

I've heard that bull for
the last time out of you!

[Men shouting]

Fortunately, they
do respect this area.

You won't be bothered here.

Caroline: we're not worried.

Grace: well, I'm going to
get my shopping done.

Carl, you and alicia stay here.

Reverend, I wanted
to talk to you.

That's the main
reason we're here.

[Glass breaks]

Then come in. Come in
and bring the children.

[Men shouting]

You children will
be seated here.

I have a surprise for you.

Peppermint sticks.

One for each of you while
mrs. Ingalls and I have a talk.

Laura: thank you.

This front bench
should do nicely.

Now... What can I do for you?

I already told you
how glad we were

To find a church and
a man of god here.


Well, we have another need...

A school.

With our children
and the edwards

And the delanos
and the griffins,

There are enough
children to start a school.

There must be others.

I used to teach
before I was married.

Pupils and a teacher.

Now all you need is a place.

This tent. Of course.

I need it only on sundays
and wednesday evenings.

You may use it the
rest of the time.

Thank you.

There's no telling
how long we'll be here.

I was so afraid of the children
falling behind in their studies.

Of course. I understand.

Now a church and a school.

It's really starting to
seem like a town now.

A noisy town, but a town.

Why don't you make the
announcement about the school

At services on sunday?

All right. And thank you again.

My pleasure.

Come along, children.

Laura: thank you for the
candy, reverend phillips.

You're welcome, child.

Caroline: that didn't take long.

Grace: I could
hardly get anything.

A sack of flour and a few
potatoes, and I was all out of money.

Oh, no.

The prices are about times
what they were a week ago.

Well, we have good news.

The reverend will let us
use the tent for a school.

Carl: I knew it. School.

Now, carl...

But, ma, we don't
want to go to school.

Mary: I wouldn't mind.

Laura: you would say that.

Caroline: laura.

Charles? Better hurry.
You'll be late for church.

We'll be right there.

Say, you got any luck?

Not so that you'd notice it.

Me neither.

Made about a dozen boxes.

Didn't find enough
to buy a can of beans.

Don't suppose we run
ourselves out of pay dirt, do you?

I don't think so.

I mean, we ought to start cross
passing the claims a little bit,

Find that black sand.

That's where we found
our nuggets before.

And we start over here, work
our way down to the gravel.

Caroline: charles?


We'll get started as
soon as we get back.


And the lord said blessed is he who
remembers the lord's day and keeps it holy.

For that reason, I thank all of
you who are here this morning.

Even though we
are few in number,

Where two gather in his name,

They are blessed
in the lord's work.

And speaking of the lord's work,

Before I give the benediction,

I think mrs. Ingalls has an
announcement she'd like to make.

Mrs. Ingalls.

Thank you, reverend phillips.

Well, I just want you all to know that
we're opening school here tomorrow.

All the children are welcome.

Thank you.

I make the announcement, too.

Today the reverend, he,
uh, no make a collection.

I think that's, uh, maybe because
he's young and a little shy.

I know some of you
is not so lucky yet,

But those of us who is,

I... I think we should
make up for all.

So, uh, I start with nuggets...

And I pass the basket,

With the reverend's permission.

Thank you, mr. Delano.

Thank you all.

Shall we sing?

♪ Rock of ages, cleft for me! ♪

♪ Let me hide myself in thee ♪

♪ Let the water and the blood ♪

♪ From thy wounded
side which flowed ♪

♪ Be of sin the double cure ♪

♪ Save from wrath
and make me pure ♪

♪ Rock of ages, cleft for me! ♪

♪ Let me hide myself in thee ♪

[Children shouting]

Laura: come on, jack!

[Jack barking]

Hey, edwards, you about ready?

Just about.

Charles, you're not going
to work on the lord's day.

The sooner we get rich, the sooner
the reverend will have his church.

It's almost like doing
the lord's work, isn't it?



Children, stay here!

[Mrs. Delano speaking italian]

Give me a hand with him.

[Delano coughing]

Delano: sam?

My son.

They want the gold...

But I no tell them where it is.

You take the gold and the mama

And go to california, huh?

We'll all go, papa.

You'll be with us.

No. You... You promise, huh?

The grape.

You make the vino.

You be happy, huh?



My papa.

My papa.

My papa.

My papa.


I'll stay here and help mrs.
Delano get ready to leave.

You and the girls get
back and start packing.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Oh, charles.

We're going home?

No, I'm... I'm going to
rent you a place in town.

You'll be safe there. You'll
have a proper place to live.

I'll be along as soon as I can.

All right.

Now, mr. Ingalls, you'll note
there are no broken windows.

You can't say that for
most places in town,

And this fireplace
draws real nice.

How much is it?

$ .

$ ? We don't want it for
a year. We just want it for...

A month.

Last place in town.

I been renting it out $ . A
head just for sleeping overnight.

All right. We'll take it.

That kind of money, you ought
to have red velvet curtains.

If we're lucky, it will just
be a couple of days' work.

That's what I was
thinking, mr. Ingalls.

So I'll need two
months in advance.

I'm sure your families will
be comfy and cozy here.

Now if there's
anything I can do,

All you have to do is just call.

Not sure I want to do that
until I know what the price tag is.

You know, mr. Ingalls, the
price I had to ask was kind of high.

Don't tell me you're
having pangs of conscience.

Well, I was just thinking,
might be better all around

If I was to buy out your claims.

Save you trouble.

Thank you very much,
but we're staying.

Your decision.

Well, I better start unloading.

I'll help you.


Are you sure about this?

Caroline, we buried a man today.

That makes me sure.

I don't want you or the
girls near shadow creek.

No, I mean about
selling the claim.

I got to unload.

Now, children, until we
get the supplies we need,

We're going to have to share.

[Men outside shouting]

If you have a slate, and the
person next to you doesn't...

Mrs. Ingalls, I can't hear you.

I want you all to share
your slates with each other.

Everyone will share.

We're going to start with sums
just to see how far along we are.

Um, janie, can you tell
me what this adds up to?

I know. .

Laura, I asked janie.


And if I change this number...


Children, back in your seats!

Get back in your
seats right now!

You heard me! Get
back in your seats!

The thing about
working for yourself,

Ain't nobody around to
tell you to take a rest.

We still got a lot
of time till noon.

[Horse snorts]

How you fellas doing?

We're fine, thank you.

Well, I wasn't asking
about your health.

You finding any color?

No, no, we haven't.
We just got started.

Oh, well, that's surprising.

I heard folks was doing
pretty well along here.

We all can't be lucky, can we?

Maybe you don't
know what to look for.

Let me just check that
rocker box of yours.

It's no need.

We know what we're doing.

No need to point a
shotgun at me, friend.

I'm just trying
to be neighborly.

Well, I don't know you,
so you ain't my friend.

Why don't you go
visiting somewhere else?

If you move that
hand one more inch,

Folks are going to be panning
for you just to find enough to bury.


You best keep that
shotgun around, huh?

Yeah. Reckon we
ought to load it, too.

Ha ha ha!

Got some stew warming.

Edwards: thanks all the
same. I'm too tired to chew.

See you in the morning.

Charles: I'm not very
hungry, either.

I'll take some coffee.

All right.


Oh, thank you.

Ah, it's good.

How was school today?

All right.

I suppose the children
learned something

Between the g*nshots
and the shouting.

How was your day?

Fine. We're back in
the black sand again.

We should hit it
good pretty soon.

You know, hungry or not,

You really should put
something in your stomach.

All right.

I was hoping that you'd be home
in time to eat with the children.

That's right, janie.

All you have to do is
remember to carry your number.

Thank you, mrs. Ingalls.

That's right.

Well, good morning, ma'am.

Caroline: we're having
school in here.

Oh, I know that.
I guess I'm late.

Would you please leave?

Now wait a minute, teacher.

I come for some learning.

You can teach me some stuff,

And maybe I could
teach you a little bit, too.

I want you to get
out of here now.

Aw, come on. Be nice.

Mr. Griffin: mrs. Ingalls?

Oh, mr. Griffin.

I hope I'm not bothering you.

Not at all.

I just came for janie.
We're pulling out today.

Oh, I'm sorry things didn't
work out better for you.

Oh, no, no, ma'am.
Everything's fine.

I hit it big. That's
why we're leaving.

Look here. I just came
from the assayer's office.

It's as rich as he's seen.

Let me see.

Janie: oh, papa! Are we rich?

We sure are, darling.

I'm so happy for you.

Thank you, mrs. Ingalls.

Get your things,
honey. Let's go.

Where you get this?

Shadow creek.

You didn't get this
out of no crick.

You asked me,
mister. I told you.

That there is quartz
gold out of a mine.

Come on. You're pulling out.

Where'd you mine this stuff?

You didn't pan
for this. It's mined.

You won't say nothing.
The assayer will.

Come on, janie. Hurry up.

You weren't mining, mr. Griffin.

You were panning like my pa.

We best be going.
Good-bye, mrs. Ingalls.


Mr. Griffin...

You didn't go near
mr. Zachariah's, did you?

My wife's waiting. Good-bye.

[Men shouting]

He did, ma.

I know he did.




Carl, you know where
mr. Zachariah's is?

Yes, ma'am.

Run and tell my
husband what happened,

- Tell him laura's gone there.
- Yes, ma'am!

Mr. Zachariah?

Mr. Zachariah?

Mr. Zachariah?

Stay away.

You told them.

You told them about the gold.

I didn't mean it.

I didn't think that they
would do anything like that.

You didn't think they would
ever do a thing like this?

You wouldn't listen to me.

The people change.

All I could give my
lorraine is a place to sleep.

To be at peace.

Now... She doesn't
even have that.

Thrown on the bank of a river...

Like a piece of driftwood.


There's nothing I can do.

I took everything from her.

And I can't give her anything.

But, mr. Zachariah, we can.

Get out.

Get out and leave us be.

Get out. Get out!

Get out!


Half pint?

Aw, honey. Shh.

Aw, it's all right. It's
going to be all right.



Mr. Griffin...

I really shouldn't have told.

No, it's not your
fault. You didn't know.

I thought mr. Griffin
was a good man.

I didn't think that...

Oh, pa.

I know. Come on.

You can't blame yourself.

She's with him, pa.

He's holding her.

We can't leave him like that.

All right, now. I'll go to him.

I'll see what I can do.

I'll go with you.

No, no. You go to your ma. I
want her to know you're all right.

You do what I
tell you, all right?

I don't know how late I'll be.

You tell ma if I'm too
late, I'll meet her in church.

Yes, sir.

It's not your fault.

I love you.

I love you, too.

You go on now.


Ask him to please forgive me.

I will.

[Fire crackling]

Dear god.







[People shouting]


♪ Feet have trod ♪

♪ With its crystal
tide forever ♪

♪ Flowing by the
throne of god? ♪

♪ Yes, we'll gather
at the river ♪

♪ The beautiful,
the beautiful river ♪

♪ Gather with the
saints at the river ♪

♪ That flows by
the throne of god ♪

Come. Sit, mr. Ingalls.

The service is just beginning.

Let us bow our heads for
a moment of silent prayer.

Is he all right?

He, uh, decided to go away.

He told me to tell you that
he wasn't angry anymore.

Reverend phillips: amen.


I know that when I
stand up here and speak,

Some of you say to yourselves,

"How does he know how I feel
about god or about my life?"

A lot of people feel that
a minister is different,

But I have my hopes and my
dreams just like all of you.

That's why from time to time, I'd like to
have a member of your congregation speak

To tell us how he or
she feels about god.

Mrs. Ingalls has told me that her
husband has often spoken in their church,

And I'd like to ask him to share
some of his feelings with us tonight.

Would you, charles?

Thank you, reverend.

I'm, uh, not accustomed to speaking in
front of a congregation as large as this

Or in a town as noisy
as this, for that matter.


Now, the reverend asked us
tonight to say a silent prayer,

And I know it's not proper to
ask folks about their prayers,

But seeing as I'm not
a regular preacher,

I guess I can get away with it.

Because I'd really like
to know how many of you

Closed your eyes,
bowed your heads tonight,

And asked the good lord to...

Help you strike it rich.

Whoever did, just
raise their hand.

Come on. If we're going to be
anything while we're in church,

I think we ought to be honest.

I know I did it
when I came here.

Surely I'm not the only one.

That's more like it.

You know, before I came here,

I never dreamed about
asking god for wealth.

Happiness, yes, and
good health for my family,

Strength of spirit,
but not wealth.

Well, when you come to a
place like this, you change.

Some folks more than
others, but you change.

And you see the people
around you change, too.

You see folks thinking more and
more about the wealth of gold

And less and less
about the real wealth...

Your loved ones...

Your friends...

And even your god.

So when I bowed my head
tonight, I didn't ask for gold.

I asked god to give me the
strength to forget about it,

To turn my back on it...

And to let me take
my family home.

And standing up here tonight...

Speaking to you, he's
given me that strength.

And we are going home.

God be with all of you.



Good day to you, neighbor.

Charles: good day.

Say, are we anywhere
near newton?

You just go straight ahead
until you get to those hills.

Another couple of hours.

Are they having any luck there?

You mean are they finding
any color. Yes, ma'am, they are.

Hey, I told you.

Say, we're hoping
to strike it rich.

You been panning?

Yeah, we have.

Did you hit it big?


Well, maybe it's our turn.

Just a couple of hours, you say?

That's right.

Thank you, neighbor.

Thank you.

Good luck to you.

Thanks. Hyah.

Maybe we should have
told them what's ahead.

You really think they would
have changed their mind?
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