03x11 - Blizzard

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x11 - Blizzard

Post by bunniefuu »

[Telegraph key clicking]

Charles: I got the
wagon all loaded.

Well, you come sign the receipt

And I reckon you fellows
are all set to play santa claus.

Edwards: the sooner
the better. Got a lot

Of santa claus' work
to do before nightfall.


The receipt's right here.

Charles: thank you.

Ah. Looks like we might have
a white christmas after all.

Oh, yeah? How far off is it?

International falls.

Got a message to hold
up all trains going north.

Well, it could be that santa's
reindeer got the track blocked.

Heh heh heh heh!

Maybe. Snow's still a
long way off, though.

We won't know how
soon it'll reach us

Till I hear from
thief river falls.

And when you hear from them,
wish them a merry christmas for me.

It must be pretty lonely
manning a station like that.

Sure will, and a merry
christmas to you.

Happy new year to you.


Charles: whoa!

Jim: morning, charles, isaiah.

Charles: morning, jim. Edwards: don't
you know you ain't supposed to call

Santa's helpers by
their first name? Ha ha ha!

Then the r*fle came, huh?

It sure did. The boy's
not around, is he?

No, little joey left
early with his ma

For that soiree the
ladies leagues are holding.

He's got to get himself
a rabbit with that.

He ain't no son of
jim bowers if he can't.

Edwards: ha ha! I don't remember you
taking home nothing from the turkey sh**t.

Well, my windage was off.

Besides, I don't recall
you taking home any prizes.

Well, like you said, the
wind was blowing kinda hard.

Yeah, it's blowing
pretty good now.

Charles: merry christmas, jim. Jim:
merry christmas to you, and many thanks.

Come on, joey!

We'll be late!

Your pa wouldn't leave
a r*fle on the window

If somebody already
bought it, would he?

Nah. My pa says nobody's
gonna buy that g*n, anyways.

How come?

Because it's twice as
cheap in the catalog.

The catalog. He could have
ordered it from the catalog!

Come on, we'll be late!

Lottie, I swear.

Now, I think you would work right
through the calling of gabriel's horn.

All the other ladies are already
gathering over at the olesons'.

I just have this one batch
of figures to go over.

There's $ I just
can't account for.

Well, now, if
it's missing, you...

You still got till
new year's to find it.


Now, if you'll let go,

It'll only take me
a minute to find it.


Now, christmas is
a time for hugging,

Not for book work.

Ted mcglnnls,

I think you're beyond saving.


[Both laughing]

If it were left up to you,

These books would be
nothing but hen scratching.


[Both laughing]

I'll see you at home.


I'll pick up henry after school.

All right.

Charles: hey, mcglnnls, open up!

Well, look who's here.

We got something for you.

This playing santa claus is
getting an awful lot like work.

Well, I got a little
christmas cheer I keep

For just such occasions.

Oh, I think edwards
remembers that from last year.

You fellows don't know
how much I appreciate this.

This is liable to get me
through my hard day's work.

Hey, what do you got
in that box, anyway?

Well, now, this is a genuine
foot-pedal sewing machine.

I had to shoo lottie
away from the books.

I couldn't have her find out I've been
slipping out money to pay for this thing.

Why don't you slip out some more

And get me another
jug of this here whiskey?

Hey, come on,
edwards. That's enough.

We got some work
to do. We've got to put

Two rocking horses together,
they'll wind up with two heads.

Yeah, so will i.

Well, merry christmas, mcglnnls.

- Yeah, same to you.
Charles: see you in church.

Mcginnis: sure will.

- Whoo! That wind's
getting cold!
- Yeah.

A fellow in springfield
said we might get some snow.

Sure hope so. Wouldn't
seem like christmas without it.

- Know what you mean. See ya.
- See ya.

Mrs. Oleson: ah, christmas.
My favorite season.

Mrs. Oleson: I'm so glad that I
suggested to the reverend alden

That we have a town
christmas party this year.

I thought reverend alden
said that betty suggested it.

Ah, well. Perhaps she did,

Mrs. Oleson: but I did
intend to suggest it.

The children are
going to love it.

I can't wait until
school is over

So we can get into the
church and start decorating.

Presents in the morning
and a party in the afternoon?

It's going to be like
having christmas twice.

Of course, my main
problem is going to be

To keep isaiah out of
the presents tonight.


Oh, caroline, isn't your husband
going to deliver the sermon

In the absence of
reverend alden?

- Yes.
- Oh!

I'm sure that will
be very quaint.

I am shocked, however,

That reverend alden decided not
to spend christmas service here.

Well, after all, he
was with us last year,

And he does have two
congregations to care for.

Well, I know, my
dear, but after all,

We do contribute more
money than sleepy eye.

It is better to give
than to receive.

Mrs. Oleson: ah, nonsense.

Oh, my! It's trying to snow.

There, christopher. I
think that should do it.

All right, for those of you who
are working on your calendars,

Be sure that you have the
months in the proper order.

I'll check them before
you paste them together.

I'm ready, ms. Beadle.


You had one month
a little early, laura.

It's laura's birthday month.

Well, it doesn't hurt to remind
certain people a little early.

Let's see, you need the paste.

Who's got the paste?

- Carl?
- I gave it to willie.

- Willie?
- Yes, ma'am?

Have you been eating
the paste again?

No, ma'am.

Did you finish your calendar?

Yes, ma'am.

Then go stand in the corner.

Here you go, laura.

Thank you, ms. Beadle.

Oh, mary, your christmas
candle is beautiful.

Thank you. I hope ma likes it.

I did matchsticks, too.

Oh, I'm sure she'll love it.

Hey, look! It's snowing!

- Wow!
- Ooh!


Isn't it beautiful?


Maybe we can make a snowman.

I'll hit you with a snowball.

Well, I don't think there's going
to be enough snow for that, laura.

But there might be
enough to give me an excuse

To let you all go
home early today.

All: yay!

But not until you finish
the presents for your folks.

Now, everybody get
back to your desks.


Yes, ma'am.

Heh, that looks store-bought,
if I do say so myself.

Yeah, it does look good. Hey,
won't you check the wagon?

I think we got some tenpennies
out there to help the glue

Hold those rockers.

Hey, charles, come
here. Look at this!

That fellow in
springfield was right.

Looks like we are gonna
have a white christmas.

I know a pack of kids that are
going to be happy about this.

They'd probably be a lot happier if
we went in town and picked them up.

What do you say? As soon
as we put the rockers on,

We put the wagon cover
up, bring them home in style.

Good. It'll give me a
chance to stop by mcglnnls',

Wish him a merry
christmas again.

Ha ha ha!


- Where's your other mitten?
- I don't know.


There it is.

Ok, come on.

[Kids chattering]

Ms. Beadle: all right,
children, all right.

May I have your
attention, please?

Children, sit down.

The first thing I'd like to do is
tell carrie how happy we are

That she could visit
us on christmas eve.

Thank you, ms. Beadle.

Ms. Beadle: you're
welcome, carrie.

Now, does everyone
have their presents?

Kids: yes, ms. Beadle.

What about me?

Well, willie, I thought since
you and nellie lived the closest,

You wouldn't mind staying and
helping me clean the blackboards.

Merry christmas, everyone.

Kids: merry
christmas, ms. Beadle.

Ms. Beadle: see you all at the
christmas party tomorrow.

Class is dismissed.

[Kids cheering]

- Merry christmas!
Mary: merry christmas!

Carrie: my scarf
is coming loose!

Carrie: I'm awful cold.

Mary: I know you're
cold, carrie. Everyone is.

Come on, now, just try to keep
your scarf over your mouth.

Carrie: my feet are cold!

Laura: everybody's
feet are cold.

It doesn't do any
good to yell about it.

It'll be real warm
when we get home,

And tonight santa's gonna come.

Just take my hand
and hold mary's, too.

We'll go twice as fast.

Mary: carl, we're going to
take the shortcut from here!

Carrie's getting awful cold!

Carl: yeah, so is alicia!

I may as well cut across
walker's place. It's faster.

Merry christmas!

Mary: merry christmas!

Did I ever tell
you about the time

I was trapping beaver and a
blow like this come up, back in ' ?

Any worse than this, I
don't want to hear about it.

If this keeps up, we're going
to sleep in town tonight.

Merry christmas.

No use both of us
freezing out here.

Why don't you go
on inside, get warm?

Like the man said,
I believe I will.


One good thing about it...

Be able to stop
in and see mcglnnls

And wish him a merry
christmas again.

Not that I need it.

Oh, it's turning
into a real blizzard.

Oh, thank goodness the
children aren't out in all this.

[Women gasping]


[Door opens]

[Women chattering and laughing]

I can't remember ever seeing
a storm blow up this quickly.

Woman: it's so cold!

Woman : we would have had trouble
finding the church. Isn't this ridiculous?

Ms. Beadle.

Where are the children?

I sent them home early.

Willie: all but nellie and me.

Willie: we had to stay and
wash the blackboards.

When did they leave?

Quite a while ago.

They finished
their work, they...

They were so excited
about christmas.

Ms. Beadle: there were only
flurries when they left.

I'm sure most of them
had time to get home.

My henry couldn't
have gotten home,

Not in this weather.

Nor my joey!

I didn't realize.

Charles: oh! Ms. Beadle, I
hope you want some company.

You're going to be
running a hotel tonight.

Where are the children?

All of the children,
all but nellie and willie,

Left early.

Why, you mean
they're out in this?

How early did they leave?

About a half an hour ago.

We'll organize
all the men in town.

Some of the fathers must be
out looking for the children now.

You women stay here. The
way this storm's building up,

We'll be looking
for you in an hour.

He's right.

Mr. Edwards, you'll
need warmer clothing.

Nels has some in the storeroom.

Oh, thank you, mrs. Oleson.


[Glass shattering]

Caroline: get those
other shutters!

Mary: we have to
hurry. It's getting dark.

Laura: I am hurrying!

I'm helping carrie.

Mary: watch out that she
doesn't lose her mittens.

Laura: wait! I
dropped my present.

Mary: that's too bad, but
we have to keep moving.

I mean it. We have to hurry!

Laura: all right, but you'll
have to help me say how I lost it.

Edwards and I'll head south.
I know the trail the kids take.

And then we'll
swing to the east.

All right, and hanson and I
will head out the west road.

The rest can take
the north section.

Better put this on. You're not
going to get very far out there

- Without a warmer coat.
- No, I'm all right, nels.

Well, it's freezing out there!

I said I'm fine. Now come
on, let's get started.

You got more kerosene?

Nels: no, I'm afraid not, lars.

The shipment was due in today.

Lars: well, then we've got to
take it easy with the lanterns

Because what daylight
we've got will soon be gone.

[Bell chimes]

I'll need blankets, nels, all
you've got, and some brandy.

I've got kids over
at the schoolhouse

And they're darn near frozen.

- Whose kids?
- Harris girls

And little tommy spencer.

I found them huddled
by the road on my way in.

Well, that's we don't
have to worry about.

Let's go.

[Bell chimes]

- Mcglnnls?
- He's inside.

[Bell chimes]



You seen joey?

Why, yeah, he and henry stopped

At the feed and
grain on the way home.

Didn't you see
him on the way in?

Not a sign of him.

I had to leave
the team in a drift.

I was hoping they'd
be at the school.

Hanson and I are
heading out that way now.

Why don't you come along?

- Hanson, will you hurry up?
- Hanson: yeah, yeah.

Where are you going?

- Coming with you.
- Huh?

Your children are
all in the school.

Well, you haven't got any children
out there either, you old goat.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, alicia. Come on.

I can't!

- All right, I'll help.
- Carl, I'm scared!

Put your arms around my neck.

- It's cold!
- Hang on now.

Alicia: it's so cold.

Dr. Baker.

Dr. Baker: this is all of it.

Mrs. Oleson: oh, is the
storm still holding?

Dr. Baker: I'm afraid so.

All right, son.

This'll warm you up.

Drink it down.


Come on, drink
it down, all of it.

Here, you let me handle this.

Isaiah's cured more chills

Than anyone else
in walnut grove.

Thank you.

May I have your
attention, ladies?

I want you to listen to
me and remember what I say.

Dr. Baker: the men have already
started their search party,

And they well know
what they're doing.

Now, that means we're going
to have children in here...

A lot of them...

And what we do for them in the
first few moments will be critical.

Are you talking about
frostbite, doctor?


It's very important that you
all know what to do, immediately.

I won't be able to
handle them all.

So listen to what I have
to say very carefully.

Charles: mary!


Edwards: alicia!
Charles: mary! Laura!

Edwards: carl!

Laura: if my feet weren't so
numb, I wouldn't keep slipping.


Mary: are you all right?

Carrie: I'm scared.

Mary: I know. Just
hold on tight, carrie.

We'll make it.

Laura: it's getting colder!

Mary: I know. Come on.

Laura: not so fast!

Mary: laura, we have to hurry!

She's having an awful
lot of pain in her feet.

Dr. Baker says that's a sure
sign the circulation's coming back.

I'll see if he has anything.

Dr. Baker, the harris
girl is hurting very bad.

Have you got
anything to help her?

Laudanum, but only
half a teaspoon, caroline.

I'm afraid we'll
be needing more.

Ms. Beadle?

It wasn't your fault.

Oh, willie!

Thank you.

Just have a sip, now.

Oh, you're going to
feel so much better.


Lottie! Lottie, it's henry!

Lottie: oh! Oh, thank god!

My baby!



My baby! Ohh!

Lottie: my baby!

My baby.

Is he all right?



It's all right.

He's going to be all right.


Joey. W... Where's joey?

Betty: he was with you.


H... He went looking
for rabbit t... Tracks.


Laura: why are we stopping?

Mary: I have to
see where we are.

Laura: mary, this is
that old rail fence.

Mary: I know what fence it is.

Laura: that means we're
nowhere near home.

Mary: come on,
let's go. This way.

Laura: but our
house is that way.

Mary: we're going this way.
Just help me with your sister

And stay near the fence.

Help her, laura.

Laura: I am.

Joey! They got to
be here someplace.





Henry! Henry!




Joey. Joey, boy!

I got to get him
back to the doctor.

He'll know what to do.

Bowers, wait a minute.

Let me go! I got
to get him back!

Mary: I think I see
something. Come on!

Laura: mary! Mary, wait!

Mary: what's the matter?

Laura: carrie can't go anymore.

Mary: yes, she can.

Mary: come on, carrie.
Shelter's just ahead.

Laura: shelter? Mary:
the linderman farm.

The fence leads right to it.

Laura: mary, that old farm
burned down a long time ago.

Mary: there's a shed.

I remember there's an old shed.

Can't be far.

Laura: we'll never
find it in this snow.

- We'll find it.
Carrie: I'm scared!

Mary: come on,
carrie, hang on tight.

They've been gone a long time.

It's gonna be pitch black
out there before long.

They could be on
their way back by now.

I had the strangest
feeling when henry came in.

I watched lottie hold him...

And I was angry.

I was angry because it
wasn't me holding my children.

Oh, I know it's wrong
for me to feel that way,

But I just couldn't help it.

My god, caroline.

Where are they?

They'll be back.

They will.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Dr. Baker: I'll
take him. Betty: jim!

Betty: oh!

Joey! Jim! Jim!

I'm... I'm all right.

Go with the boy.

Where's my husband?

They said he was with you.

I... He was, mrs. Mcglnnls,

But he went on
looking for henry.

But henry is here.

Mary: there it is! Come on!

Laura: we'll get over where
it's out of the wind, warmer.

Try to block the wind.

You did it.

My feet are burning!

Help me get carrie's shoes off.

Edwards: we've come too far.

We're almost to the
old linderman place.

We should head east.

All right.


Edwards: what is it?

It's laura's!

They did come this far.

Let's go.



Good lord, boy, where are you?


Over there! Look!

- Go!
- Let's go!

Mary: pa! Oh, pa!

Laura: pa!

Charles: thank god
you're all right.

Oh, my babies.

Thank god.

Where's carl and alicia?

We don't know.

Charles: didn't they walk
home from school with you?

Mary: part of the way, then
they took the shortcut

And we went around the hill to
stay in the shelter of the trees.

[Shed creaking]

Can't stay in this shed.
That wind's going to turn it

Into kindling in a
couple of minutes.

We'll get you
back to the school.

Edwards: charles? Charles!

My two are still out there.

I mean, it's a long
way back to school.

[Boards banging]

I can get them back without you.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Charles: all right, now.

I want you to
hold on to my coat.

Make sure you
don't get separated.

Laura: all right,
pa. Mary: yes, pa.

[Door opens]


Oh, my children! God bless you!

Nels! Are you all right?

Just f... Fine.

How many are still missing?

Oh, the ingalls girls
and edwards' children.

We'll rest a while and...

And then... Then
we'll go out again.

No, nels, you can't!

Why, the kerosene's almost gone,

The temperature's
still dropping...

He can't hear you.


He... He is asleep.

Total exhaustion.

He... He will sleep for hours.




Come on.

I said, come on!

There's nothing we can do now.


I can't just sit here and wait.

We have to.


I'm going out there.
I have to find them!

Caroline: grace.
- No, I have to.

- Grace, listen to me.
- Let me go, caroline!

Listen! Grace!

Grace: I have to go!

Grace: [screaming]
- grace! Grace!

Let me go!

Let me go. They're my babies!

Let me go!

[Door opens]

Make room over there.


Where is he?

After we found the girls, he...

He went on looking
for carl and alicia.

How are my girls?

The girls are fine. Let
me take a look at you.

I need to get back out there.

You can't.

I have to.

We've got minutes worth
of kerosene and two lamps.

You can't get across the street

In this blizzard
without a lantern.

We'll have to wait
until tomorrow morning.

I'll get you some brandy.


I found mcglnnls.

Isaiah and the children
will be here any minute.

He spent his whole
life in the mountains.

Why, this is just another
little snowfall for him.

You wait and see.

He'll be here, he will be.

Just as soon as he can.

Lottie: no!

Lottie: oh, god, no!


Edwards: alicia! Carl!


It's over.

The storm's over! Everybody up!

Come on! Move!

Edwards and his family
are still out there.

Edwards: anybody home in there?

Well, what are you all doing?


Grace: ha ha ha!



Oh, isaiah!

You know, I got to be the luckiest
man that ever drew a breath.

How many men you know got a
son that give an eskimo lessons

In how to build a snow house?

Oh, thank god you're all right!

Edwards: of course we're
all right! Of course...

The kids here are going to...
Going to have a bit of a hangover.


Edwards: I'm glad the reverend ain't here.
I'd be getting myself a sermon for sure!


Edwards: hey, doc, you got
anything for frozen tongue?

[Chattering and laughing]

"And it came to
pass in those days,

"That there went out a
decree from caesar augustus,

"That all the world
should be taxed.

"And all went to be taxed,

"Every one into his own city.

"And joseph also
went up from galilee,

"Out of the city of
nazareth, into judea,

"Into the city of david,
which is called bethlehem,

"To be taxed with
mary, his espoused wife

"Being great with child.

"And so it was while
they were there,

"The days were accomplished
that she should be delivered.

"And she brought
forth her firstborn son,

"And wrapped him in
swaddling clothes,

"And laid him in a manger,

"Because there was no
room for them in the inn.

"And there were in the same
country shepherds abiding in the field,

"Keeping watch over
their flock by night.

"And, lo, the angel of
the lord came upon them,

"And the glory of the lord
shone around about them.

"And they were sore afraid.

"And the angel said unto them,

"Fear not, for, behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy,

"Which shall be to all people.

"For unto you is born this
day, in the city of david, a savior,

Which is, christ the lord."
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