03x05 - The Monster of Walnut Grove

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x05 - The Monster of Walnut Grove

Post by bunniefuu »

"The party was a merry one.

"Ichabod crane was at his best when
he danced with katrina van tassel.

"Ichabod ate heartily,

"Then he went out on
the porch with the men

And exchanged sleepy
hollow ghost stories."

I want to go with you and mary.

You're too little.

This is the night that the
ghosts and goblins are out.

I can run fast.

Not as fast as ghosts.


"Ichabod started home
on the gaunt gunpowder."

That's the name of his horse.

"Ichabod saw something
huge and white under a tree.

Laura: "he called,
but got no answer.

"Ichabod's hair
stood straight on end.

"The stranger.

"It looked like a
headless horseman,

"But it seemed to hold
its head on the cantle.

Laura: kept pace with
him fast or slow."

He didn't have any head?

Not where it should
be. It was in his hands.

Laura: "ichabod was
so frightened..."

Thank you, darling.

Laura: "when he reached the bridge,
he heard the horseman close in on him.

"As he turned to look, the
spirit threw its head at ichabod.

He tried to dodge, but the
head tumbled him into the dust."

If she doesn't hurry, it will be time
to get back before we even leave.

I know the story.
She's almost done.

"But ichabod was never
seen in sleepy hollow again."

What happened to him?

I don't know. That's
the end of the story.

Good night.

Hey, remember, you two,
I want you home by : .

We don't have a watch.

You've got a clock right in
the sky. It's a full moon tonight.

When it climbs high enough to
peek over the top of the trees,

It'll be : , time for
you to start home.

We'll watch it.

All right. Got your soap?


All right, scoot. Have a good
time. Watch out for ghosts.

Laura: there aren't any ghosts.

On halloween eve? I
wouldn't be so sure.

- Ha ha! Bye.
- Have a good time.

I never thought I'd see you
encourage soaping windows.

Well, it's not my
idea, it's oleson's.

See, the kids have fun doing it,

And then he doesn't have to
supply the soap the next day

When he washes the windows.


Carrie: it's too
dark. I'm scared.

I knew it. Those ghost stories.

What's wrong, carrie?

I saw something.

What was it?

I don't know. It moved.


Down there, under my covers.

Caroline: here?

Yes, ma'am.


Those are your feet.

I'm afraid of feet.

Now, there's nothing
to be afraid of.

Come on.

There is nothing
to be afraid of.

Now go back to sleep.



You made us late, so they
already soaped all the windows.

Well, there's plenty more.

I'm going to go around the
corner and soap the other windows.

[Door creaks]

Harriet: I ask for
one little trip,

And you say we can't afford it,

And then you waste
money with both hands!

Spending our
hard-earned money on her!

You leave her out of it.
She's none of your business.

She is, when you spend
our money on her!

I buy what we need.

Harriet: oh! Yeah,
like a silly tin sword

You just couldn't do without.

These swords are made
of the finest toledo steel,

And they come from
my family coat of arms.

Harriet: they're tin
swords, and a coat of arms

As bogus as the peddler
who sold them to you.

Nels: tin, huh?

Harriet: yeah.

All right. I'll show you.

Harriet: nels, you
put that thing down.

Nels: tin, is it?

I'll show you whether it's tin!

[Metal clangs]


Nels: who's there?

Oh, laura ingalls!

Oh, I expect you saw
what... What just happened.

I... Kind of.

Well, I didn't mean to do it,

But people do
lose their tempers.

I had to show
her. I just had to.

Now, you can understand
that, can't you?

Yes, sir.

Ah, I knew you would.

Ha ha ha ha!

I must say, it certainly
took her by surprise.

She won't be saying anything
about this sword from now on.

We're good friends, aren't we?


You can understand why
I'd like to keep this a secret...

Yours and mine.


Not a word to anyone.

You promise?

Cross my heart, hope to...


We can consider the whole
matter dead and buried.

Good night, laura.

[Door closes]

Come on, mary. Hurry! Run!


You waste money that I could
have used to visit my mother

On a dressmaker's dummy,

And then you destroy her!

The dummy doesn't talk so much.


I said... I changed my mind.

I decided to send you
home to see your mother.

Oh. Well...


Thank you, nels. I'll go pack.

Mary: laura! Wait!



Wait up!

Mary: laura, please wait.

What got into you,
running like that?

If you'd seen what I
saw, you'd run, too.

Come on!

No. Tell me what you saw.

Mr. Oleson.

What's scary about him?

You see him every day.

Not with a big, long sword.

He had a sword?

He cut off mrs. Oleson's head!

Laura ingalls, you should
wash your mouth out with soap

For telling a story like that.

But I saw him!

Mr. Oleson is a nice man.

He wouldn't hurt a fly.

It's the truth, honest.

He told me not to tell.

I'm not going to listen
to another word.

You're just trying to scare
me the way you scared carrie.

But I did see him.

I did!

[Owl hooting]


- Hi, ma, pa.
- You're home early.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I didn't expect you for
another hour. What happened?

Laura's fault. She'll
tell you. Good night.

What happened, half-pint?

I saw something, pa.

Charles: aha! Ghosts. I told you
they walked around on halloween.

No, something worse than that.

I saw somebody cut
somebody's head off.


Come on, half-pint. You come
home with some tall tales,

But this one's too much
even for halloween.

But I did see it.

Charles: you've been reading
too many ghost stories.

Pa, you have to listen.

You can expect carrie to
believe a story like that,

But you can't expect us to.

Yeah, your ma's right.

Fun is fun, but I want
you to get off to bed now.

Don't you even want to
know whose head got cut off?

It's going to be yours if you
don't get off to bed. Now, scoot.


Charles: I told you... To bed.

Well? Did you tell them?

Yeah, I told them.

What did they say?

They don't believe me, either.

They wouldn't even listen.

Well, what do you expect?

That's the silliest
story I've ever heard.

You'd better come to bed.



All: [screaming]



[Rooster crows]

There's your dollar, and
I can't thank you enough.

A dollar will pay
for fancy's oats.

Getting me up at
the crack of dawn!

I still don't know why I couldn't
have waited to take the stage.

Oh, this will be much
more comfortable.

Not to mention cheaper
and a whole lot faster.


Mary: if I get a bad grade
on that spelling test today,

It'll be all your fault.

Laura: why?

Mary: because you kept
me awake all night is why...

Rolling around on
the bed and moaning

And flopping the
covers all over.

Well, I couldn't help it.

I was having a nightmare.

Besides, you would, too,
if you'd seen what I did.

Oh, laura, don't start
that dumb story again.

It's not a story! I saw it.

When we get into town,

Why don't you just go to the
olesons' and see for yourself?

See what?

See mrs. Oleson.

I don't want to see her.

Why not?

Because she hasn't got any head.

You'd better stop
talking like that,

Or you're going
to get in trouble.

You won't believe me.

Of course not!

Then I'll just walk to
school with someone who will.

Where are you going?

Why should I tell you? You
wouldn't believe me anyway.

Mary was with you?

Yeah, but not
where she could see.

She didn't believe me.

Did you tell your folks?

I told them the
minute I got home,

But pa almost laughed
at me, but not really.

He said I was imagining things.

I expect he's right.

You, too?

I thought we were best friends.

We are,

But mr. Oleson
with a long sword?

You think I'm lying.

I didn't say that.

Just the same as.

Laura, people imagine things.

One night in the barn, I
saw a giant jumping at me.

Scared me out of my skin,

Till my pa showed me
it was just a shadow.

You could have
made a mistake. I did.

We'll go to oleson's
mercantile, and I'll prove it.

We'll be late for school.

You're scared.

I am not.

Then come on.

[Bell rings]

Nels: be right there!

Well, laura, carl,
how are you today?

Laura and carl: hi, mr. Oleson.

What can I do for you?

We'd like a pencil, please.

Well, all right.

Here we are.

Two for a penny.

Oh, no, sir.

I'd like the special kind,

The one that mrs.
Oleson gives me.

Oh. Mrs. Oleson?

Nels: well, I don't know. These are
the only ones that I know about,

And she went away this morning.

She'll just be gone for a
few days to visit her mother.

I'll wait, thank you.

All right.

I told you, she's not there.

He said she went
to her mother's.

He winked at me. You saw him.

He could have had
something in his eye.

If mrs. Oleson is going
to go see her mother,

She's got to be on the stage.

Of course she is!

She can't be.

She hasn't got a head.

Come on, silly. I'll show you.

Mrs. Oleson! Mrs. Oleson!

Mrs. Foster: hello, carl.

Hi, mrs. Foster.

Is there anything wrong?

No, ma'am.

Have a good trip.

Thank you.

You know something? I'm scared.

Come on.

What are we going to do?

Well, I told mary,
and ma and pa,

But they didn't believe me.

What we need is a sheriff, but
walnut grove doesn't have one.

Mankato does.

You could write him a letter.

I don't have a stamp.

Even if I did, he'd probably
just laugh at me anyway.

Then we just wait.

When mrs. Oleson doesn't come
home, then everybody'll know.

Oh, no.

What mr. Oleson did
was purely wicked.

He's dangerous. He
might even do it again!

You can only cut off
a person's head once.

Not mrs. Oleson's.

What if nellie and willie start
asking about where their ma is?

Laura: no telling what he'll do.

I don't want to talk about it.

We got to talk about it.

If something awful
happens to nellie and willie,

It'll be our fault.

We got to warn them.

I'm not the one who saw them.

I'm not asking you
to say anything,

Just be there.

That's what best
friends are for, isn't it?

Well, isn't it?

I guess so.

[Bell rings]

Come on.

I sure wish I had a
different best friend.

Laura: nellie, willie!

What do you want?

Got something
secret to tell you.

All right, but hurry.

Well, what's the big secret?

I don't know how to
tell you this, nellie.

Use your mouth.

Ha ha! That's a good one.

Your father cut off
your mother's head.

- He what?
- Ha ha!

He cut off your mother's head.

Your big secret was to tell
me some dumb story like that?

But it's true!

Come on, willie.

Tell my mother that when
she comes back from grandma's.

She wasn't on the stage!


Oh! Oh!

Oh, dear.

Oh, her favorite apron.

Willie: get out of my way!

Nellie: don't push!

Don't take them all!

I can take as many as I want!

Out! Out! Out!

I told you to keep
out of the candy.

Ma said I could.

Well, your ma is gone.

And you, young lady, you get
upstairs and do your homework.

I did it... At school.

Me too.

Good, then the two of you
can set the table for supper.



We got to set the table.

That's girls' work.

Pa said both of us, and
you'll help, or I'll call him.

All right, I'll help.



What is it?


Laura did say ma
wasn't on the stage.

And pa said she was gone.

Pa wouldn't do a thing...

[Door bangs]

Well, don't just
stand there. Move!

What's the matter with you two?

Why aren't you eating?

This is very good beef,

Even if I do say so myself.

Just not hungry.

Well, you'd better eat it

If you know what's good for you.

Yes, sir.

Worked very hard on this supper.

Mmm! As a matter of fact,
I had a little accident.

Spilled sauce all over
your mother's best apron.

Remind me to rinse it out later.


Boy, am I glad!


He means he was glad
you spilled sauce on it.


Pa, I'll tell you something
if you promise not to laugh.

I'll try not to.

Well, laura
ingalls... Silly laura...

She said that you
cut off ma's head.

I was telling him!

Why can't I tell him?

Shh! Shh!

Laura ingalls said that?

Land sakes. She
did see something.

That mannequin was sitting
in the chair by the window,

And I had my sword, and i, um...

Well, the mannequin
lost its head.

Nels: it's very embarrassing,

But accidents always are.

I had no idea that she...

Well, I'll have to
explain it to her.

I'll do it for you, pa.

Well, thank you, nellie.
That's very nice of you.

Well, since I fixed the supper,

I think that you two
can do the dishes.

Oh, I'll soak out
ma's apron, too.

Well, thank you, nellie.

I'll be out in the store.

Remember this?

Remember how scared
you were when you saw this?

You thought pa had
done something terrible.

You were scared, too.

I was, and I knew better.

Just think how we could use
this to scare laura and carl.

I don't want to.

Do what I tell you, and
I'll do your homework

And wash the dishes for you.

Give me your roast
beef, and it's a deal.

It sure is quiet.

It sure is.

Carrie asleep,

Pa out in the barn
mending the harness,

Mary in the loft doing homework.

On her night to do the dishes.

We swapped.

So we could talk?

How'd you know?


We had your favorite
meat pie for supper

And you only picked at it.

We had custard for dessert,

And you didn't want any.

Something's troubling you.

What is it? Do you
want to tell me about it?

I did last night.

I saw it, ma.

I saw mr. Oleson...
Through the window.

Laura, halloween
is a time for tricks,

And scaring people.

Mr. Oleson probably
saw you coming

And played a scary trick on you.

It wasn't a trick.

I saw mr. Oleson.

Caroline: laura,

You can't honestly
believe that mr. Oleson

Would deliberately hurt anyone,

Especially with a sword.

Caroline: isn't
that a silly idea?

I guess so.

Good night, ma.

Sweet dreams.

Good night.

Good night.


[Creepy organ music playing]




Laura ingalls, what's
wrong with you?

I don't know.

It was... It was awful.

A nightmare again?


An awful one.

Well, go to sleep
and try not to dream.

I can't.

Why not?

I have to go to the outhouse.

Go ahead, and try not to pounce
on the bed when you get back.


Mary: laura!


I thought you had to
go to the outhouse.

I changed my mind.

Then go to sleep.


[Rooster crows]

Here, you see?

The latest thing.


You can move her arms...

Into any position you want.

That's very good.

Yeah, the same with
the head... Legs, too.

Thaddeus: this one will
do everything but talk.

How much?

$ . .

But a lot of work goes
into one of these beauties.

That's mighty high.

Yeah, well, I could give you
something on the other one I sold you,

So long as it's still
in good condition.

No, no, uh... I think I might...

I'll probably need
both of those.

I'll take it for $ . .

Good enough.

Yeah, I'll throw in one
of these heavy cloth bags.

I usually get cents for them.

Well, thank you, thaddeus.

Yeah, now, keep her in here
when she's not in the window...

Save her from getting chipped.

Nels: I'll do that.

There's $ . .

Thank you.

My, she... She
really is a... A beauty.


See you in a month.

Right, thaddeus. Good day.

Thank you.

[Whispering] is he there?

[Whispering] he's there. Go on.

Dadburn it!

I'm glad I didn't
pay for this bag.

It's not big enough.

The legs... The
legs are too long.

Nels: well, I'll just put
the legs in something else

And keep the rest
of her in here.


Whoa! She's a heavy one!


Nels: who's there?

Why don't we just
pretend it never happened?

I can't.

Grownups are supposed
to know everything.

They keep telling you
you didn't see anything.

What's wrong with
pretending they're right?

They're not.

Willie: psst!

Come here. Come on.

What do you want?

Shh! Not so loud.

I don't want nellie to hear.

Hear what?

Get down.

I think you're right about pa.

You laughed at us when
we told you yesterday.

What changed your mind?

Something I found,

Something I'm going to show you,

Willie: but first I got to tell
you what I heard last night...

Digging noises,
almost all last night.

Digging noises?


From the cellar.

I didn't know you had a cellar.

Sure we got a cellar.

Willie: under the storeroom, where
pa keeps all his apples and pears.

That's where he was digging.

Couldn't we talk someplace else?

Sure. I'll show
you what I found.

My ma's apron.


What did nellie have
to say about that?

I didn't tell her,
and I'm not going to.

She's your sister.

I told her about
the digging noises,

But she said shut
up or she'd tell pa.

Willie: and I don't know
what I'd do if she told pa.

Tell somebody else.

No, we tried that,
and it didn't work.

What do you want us to do?

I tried to go down to the cellar
this morning, but I was too a-scared.

Me too.

If you two would come
down to the cellar with me,

Maybe we could find
out what pa was doing.

We'd like to help you,

But with your pa and
nellie being right there,

It wouldn't be such a good idea.

Sure wouldn't.

And the school bell's
going to ring any minute.

Willie: but pa's going to
close the store early,

And he's going to
go to springfield,

And nellie's going to
be upstairs studying.

We'll think about it.

We discussed the rights and
the privileges of being a citizen.

Now what are the obligations
of being a good citizen?


He pays taxes.

That's right.


He runs for office?

He may, but it's
not an obligation.

Yes, sarah.

He obeys the laws?

That's right.


If a good citizen knows
about a crime, he has to tell.

Miss beadle: that's right.

If a citizen is absolutely sure
a crime has been committed,

Then he has an obligation to
report it to the proper authorities.

Miss beadle: any questions?

All right, we'll go
on with our spelling.


Shh, jack. Shh!



[Owl hoots]

[Animal whimpering]

[Twig snaps] [animal whimpers]


Boy, am I glad to see you.

I didn't know if you'd be here.

I told you I would.

This cemetery ain't
like this in the daytime.

I noticed.

Scary, huh?

Laura: well, at least
we've got the moonlight

Until willie puts the
candle in the store window.


[Owl hooting]

[Animal whimpering]

No candle yet?

I can't see any.

He'd better hurry up.

If my pa wakes up when I
get home, I'll get blistered.

We got a citizen's duty.

I'll still get blistered.

Me too.

I'm starving.

Willie should have
sneaked us some apples.

He couldn't. The
apples are in the cellar.

Where his pa's been digging.


[Owl hooting]

[Bell rings]

There it is.

Nellie: willie!

I'm coming!

Do you know what to say?

You told me a hundred times.

Well, don't forget.

Now, get back in the store.

They'll be here any minute.

Hurry up!

You got to get out of the
way before I close the door.

[Knocking softly on door]

He ain't there.

He is. He put the
candle in the window.

I was never much
for cellars, anyway.

I think I'll go.

Come in, but be quiet.

[Whispering] come on.

Laura: hurry.

Take a candle.
We'll each have one.

Better that way.

Can't we just lift it a
little and take a peek?

I don't think so.

It's a big old cellar.

Willie: lots of boxes
and stuff down there.

You sure we ought to do this?

What's the matter? You scared?


I'm not, not with of us.

Let's get it over with.

Well... Guess I'd
better go first.

No. It's your
cellar. You go first.

Now you got me scared again.

Let's all stay close.

[Metal clangs]


There's the shovel.

No sign of digging anywhere.

Maybe behind those boxes.

Yeah... Where he'd do it.

Couldn't see it right away.

Guess we'd better go look.

Don't push. I'm going.

Nellie: ooh!

What was that?

I didn't hear nothing.

I did.

Some kind of mouse, maybe.

Sounded more like
somebody dying.

I don't hear it now.

Got to look back in them boxes.

You want to go first? Go ahead.

We'll all go.

Nellie: ooh!



Laura: hurry up! Come on!

Laura: wait for willie!

Carl: the ghost already got him!

Come on! Start piling stuff on!

Come on, hurry!

[Jiggling doorknob]

In there, quick,
before it gets us!


Children, is that you?





Don't hide from mother.


Is it still there?


I wish I was at home.

So do i.

I'm scared.

It might help if
you'd hold my hand.

Why don't you?

Why don't I what?

Hold my hand.

I am.



Mrs. Oleson.



What... Get me some
water, quick, please.

What happened, harriet?

Oh, my...

What are you doing here?

Willie told us you...

He asked us to help him.


Thank you.

[Softly] willie told them?

What was all that noise?

Well, we thought that
this was mrs. Oleson.

Nels: nellie didn't tell you that it was a
dressmaker's mannequin that lost its head?

It's in there on the shelf.

Nellie didn't tell us anything.

But willie talked to you.

Where is he?

In the cellar.

Nels: I'd appreciate
it if you'd tell him

I'd like to see him
up here right now.

Yes, sir.

Harriet: ohh!

Oh, my... Harriet.

A trick.

One of nellie's old tricks.

And a dirty one, too.

Wait a minute. I got an idea.


[Whispering indistinctly]

[Both giggling]


[Both giggling]

Did you hear her scream?

Louder than the
whistle on hanson's mill.

[Both giggling]

[Horse whinnies]

[Evil laughter]

[Evil laughter]

[Horse whinnies]

[Evil laughter]
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