03x03 - The Race

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x03 - The Race

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, darn it!

Easy, bunny.

Good girl.

Come on.

It's beyond
fixing, Laura.

She'll need a new shoe
before you can ride her.

Well, how much
will that cost?

50 cents.

I haven't got it.

But I'll get it
somehow, soon.

I just got to, so bunny and
me can get back into training.

The hero township horse
race is only 3 weeks away.

If you plan on running
bunny in that race,

she'll have to be
completely re-shod.

Tell you what I'll do... I'll
make you a special price.

$1.75 for the whole job.

I got to get you
that money somehow.

We'll be back soon.

I think you got
a winner, Laura,

but don't ride her
till I get her shod,

because she might
split a hoof.

I won't. Thank you, Mr. Dorfler.

Come on, bunny. Come on.

Come on,

All right.

I want you to
try this one on.

There you go.

How does
that feel?

Fine, pa.

You sure can make
things like new.

Yeah, but I can't
make them bigger.

Your toes will be breaking
through there in no time.

Oh, I'm afraid Laura's
aren't much better.

We're going to have
to have new shoes

for all 3,
and soon.

Laura: Pa.

Bunny threw a shoe, and Mr. Dorfler
says she's going to need 4 new ones

before I can run
her in the race.

He said he could give
me a special price.

Not now,

I'll work it off, pa.
I'll do extra chores.

I just got to be
ready for that race.

Half-pint, we can't save a
dollar that we don't have.

If I had enough money for shoes,
I'd buy them for you and your sisters,

not for some horse who can't
pull his weight around the farm.

You understand?

Yes, pa.

I could stuff Laura's
shoes with cloth,

and Carrie could wear them.
That way,

we'd only
need two pair.

Just two pair? I haven't got
enough money to buy one pair.

I guess we'll just
have to charge them.

You know how I feel about
charging more things at the store.

Well, Charles,
I don't see where we have a choice.

The girls have
got to have shoes.

All right. I guess there's
no use putting it off.

Don't just stand there
in your big feet.

Help me hitch
up the wagon.

Mrs. Oleson: Isn't it something,
the way they sprout up?

My Nellie
outgrows her shoes

before she can even
wear the shoes out.

Of course, they are better
quality than the average.

I'm sure these
will do fine.

Uh-huh. All right,
that will be...

Mrs. Oleson: Uh, $3.00
for the two pair.

those are going to be charged.

I already discussed
it with Mr. Ingalls.

Oh, you know,
I just thought of something.

Why, Nellie has
two pair of shoes

that are practically
like perfect,

and she has grown
right out of them.

And I was going to give them
to the needy in mankato,

Mrs. Oleson: But I think I should give them
to the needy right here in walnut grove!

That's very kind of you, Mrs.
Oleson, I'm sure,

but we'll take
these we picked out.

Mrs. Oleson: Well, I
always say, Mrs. Ingalls,

that charity does
begin at home.

We don't need charity, Mrs.

Mrs. Oleson: Well,
what do you call it

when you come in here
and charge things?

I mean, everything that you see
in this store we have paid for.

I'm well aware of that, Mrs.

Mrs. Oleson: Well, then, I don't see
where beggars can afford to be choosers.

Thank you for your kind
offer, Mr. Oleson.

We'll be back when we can
pay for these in cash.

Come along,

We'll see you, nels.

Mr. Oleson:
Bye, Charles.

Excuse me,
Mrs. Oleson.

Ungrateful snippet!

Caroline: I just didn't
want her daughter

pointing at our
girls at school

and reminding them that they
were wearing her castoffs.

Charles: I think you're
absolutely right.

Besides, we
shouldn't owe them.

Hanson's got a lot of
orders at the mill.

I'm sure I can get him to
let me work an extra shift.

Caroline: Oh, no,
that isn't right,

you working extra hard
just because of my pride.

Maybe we'd better just
turn around and go back.

I'll apologize
to Mrs. Oleson.

Charles: You hold on.
You do that,

and I'll hide your shoes,
and you'll never find them.

Mr. Dorfler!

I'm in the
stable, Laura!

Mr. Dorfler...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slow down, young'un.

You'll spook
the horses.

Mr. Dorfler,
I just got to get

those new shoes for
bunny for that race.

Laura: Right now, my
pa's got all he could do

trying to get
new shoes for us.

How about if I work off the price for them?
I know I could!

Oh, now,
hold on, hold on.

Just take
it easy, now.

You want to work for me
here at the stable?

Yes, sir. I know
I could do it.

Well, there's plenty
to be done around here,

but I'm not quite sure
you're the size to handle it.

But I do it for
my pa at our barn.

Here, just watch.

Easy, now.
Slow down.

Well, you certainly know
your way around a barn,

there's no doubt
about it.

We just might be able
to work something out.

Thanks, Mr. dorfler,
and you won't be sorry.

I can get started
right now.

Now, hold on.
First thing we got to do

is check and see if it's
all right with your pa.


Please tell him it's okay.
Please tell him I can do it.

I just got to
win that race!

Hey, well, hold on
a minute, young lady.

Tell him what's all right?
What are you talking about?

Mr. Dorfler says I can
work for him at the livery.

That way, we can pay
for bunny's shoes

in time for the big
hero township race,

and I can win the blue
ribbon and everything!

I don't know. That's an awful
lot for you to be taking on,

what with your schoolwork,
you got your chores at the house...

Please, pa?
It'd only be for a couple of weeks,

till I could pay
for bunny's shoes.

It's just like what
you're doing for us.

Besides, it's just
like what you said:

"A man can do anything he wants
to, once he puts his mind to it."

Laura: Please, pa?

I could sure use
her help, Charles.

All right, you
can give it a try.

Thanks, pa.
I'd better get started right away.

That way, I can
keep bunny there,

and it won't cost
anything to feed her.

Don't forget
about your homework!

That's awful kind
of you, hans.

Kindness got nothing to do with
it, Charles. I needed her help.

You know what I'm talking about.
She's just a little girl.

She's an Ingalls, isn't she?
She'll get the job done.

Thanks a lot.

Nellie and Willie: Laura
smells like a dirty horse

Laura smells
like a dirty horse

you'd better watch out in
those nice clean clothes.

I got a lot
of work to do.

What's so important about cleaning
up after dirty old horses?

Especially this one.

Me and bunny, we got a race
to win in a couple of weeks.

Nellie: You're
making that up.

You're not going to ride
her in any old race.

That's what
you think.

I'm glad my father gave her back to you.
She smells bad.

Don't we all?


We did it, bunny.

Oh, honey,
don't do that.


I'm not

Stop pouting and
eat your supper.

I can't eat.

I'll eat hers
if she won't.

You will not.

Now, eat your
supper, darling,

or you'll get sick.

How can I eat
knowing Laura Ingalls

is going to ride my
horse in the race?

It's not your
horse anymore.

You shouldn't have given it back to her.
You should've shot it.

Now, look here,
young lady,

I wouldn't bring that up
again, if I were you.

Mr. Oleson: You
mistreated that horse.

And furthermore,
you lied to us about being hurt.

You don't
deserve a horse,

and you might as well
live with that fact.

Well, I never thought
I'd live to see the day

when you'd take sides against
your own flesh and blood.

A fact is a fact.
She'll get over it.

Until she does,
she doesn't deserve a horse.


Can I eat Nellie's
supper now?

I suppose so.


Now, now, baby...

Well, you didn't want that
mean old horse, anyway.

She shouldn't
have it, either!

She said terrible
things to me!

Oh, I know.
But Laura Ingalls is just a...

A bad-mannered
little girl,

and you shouldn't pay any
attention to her whatsoever.

Oh, my...

What if mother sends
to mankato for you

for a brand-new dress, huh?
Would you like that?

I don't want it!

Oh, I know...

I know...

Do you remember that beautiful
dresden doll in mother's trunk,

the one that my mother gave to
me when I was a little girl?

What if I go and get
it for you right now?

I don't want
an old doll!

I want
my horse back!

Well, darling, you
heard your father.

He gave the horse
back to Laura.

I want another one!

I want a better one!

I want the best horse
in the whole world!


Now, you just listen
to your mother.

Laura Ingalls is not going to
win the race with that horse.

Mother will
take care of that.

Do you promise?

I certainly do.
I promise.

Now, you
just calm down,

and mother's going to go and
get your dessert for you.

Yes. Everything is
going to be all right.

Mother's going to
take care of that.



I was thinking about your
shopping trip tomorrow.

What about it?

Well, it just
occurred to me

that we haven't had a
holiday for a long time.

We've been working
so hard lately.

Seems to me that
a day away from here

would do us both
a world of good.

Who'd look after
the store?

Well, we just
close it up.

After all, the townspeople
can do without us for a day.

Actually, it'll make them appreciate
what we do for them all the more,

and I could, uh...

I could pack us up
a nice basket lunch.

You sure you want to make that
long, dusty trip?

Oh, nels,
I owe it to you.

I haven't been able to give
you very much time lately,

and, well,
we could stop

in some nice, quiet,
secluded spot.

- Oh, Harriet.
- Well?

Doesn't it
sound romantic?

Yeah, I guess so.

Oh, can hardly wait.

A kiss-kiss

- Good night.
- Night.


How long will you
be, nels, dear?

Oh, about a half
an hour, I think.

All right.

Mr. Oleson: Well,
aren't... aren't you going in with me, dear?

No, no. I'll join
you here later.

I have a little personal
business to take care of first.

All right,

Out you come.
Come on!

Got a customer.

There he is. Beautiful horse.



Are you sure this is
the very best you have?

Oh, absolutely,
ma'am, absolutely.

Like I said,
the owner raises only racing stock.



Now, I want
to try him.

Well, he's awfully
spirited, ma'am.

Well, I know what I'm doing.

I happen to know a few
things about horses.

Now, just help
me mount him.

All right,
all right.

Up you go.

Wait a minute...




Hey, hey...

Mrs. Oleson?

Mrs. Oleson!

Mrs. Oleson, are
you all right?

Oh, I'm so sorry!
Are you all right?

- Certainly!
- Oh, good, good.

I'll take her.

Oh, well,
you got yourself a champion.

Oh, yes, yes...
Yes, I'm sure.

I'm so glad
you're not hurt.

Now, can you deliver
her on Saturday?

It's a him.

And I'll deliver him as soon
as the draft clears the bank.

I beg your pardon!

I'm sorry. I know there's
not going to be any trouble,

because one look at you
and a person can tell

you're a lady of
substance, you know?

Just make the draft
out to cash, please.

Let go of me!

Mrs. Oleson...

Why don't you use
my desk here, huh?

Uh, thank you,
thank you. Whoa, boy.

What is going on
here, Harriet?

Well, it's just a nice little
gift for our daughter, nels.

This is my husband, mister, uh...
Sandler, wasn't it?

That's right, ma'am.
Glad to meet you, Mr. Oleson.

You bought yourself a thoroughbred...
Fine thoroughbred.

Thank... you.

I think I made myself very
clear about this, Harriet.

Until Nellie learns how to
respect good horseflesh,

she doesn't deserve to own one,

much less a thoroughbred...
At these prices!

Well, I think I am
quite capable of judging

what our children
need and deserve!

And if you will
notice, nels oleson,

that is my signature
on this bank draft,

so this money is coming
out of my own account.

Thank you.
Thank you.

The wagon is loaded.
Let's get back home.

Mrs. Oleson: So,
you will deliver her Saturday morning?

Bright and early
Saturday morning.

You've got yourself
a real champion here.

Mrs. Oleson: Yes, she's nice.

He's nice.

How am I doing,
Mr. Dorfler?

Oh, fine,
fine, Laura.

Say, you know,
bunny here is...

Getting kind of soft
without a workout.

Yeah, I know.

I'll tell you what,

why don't you let me go
ahead and shoe her now,

and then you just keep
working until the debt's paid?

Well, you see, me and my
pa, we like to pay cash

on the barrel for the
things that we buy.

Thanks anyway.
But it'll only be a little while

until I earn
the whole amount.

Well, you suit

I'll be across
the street

if anybody comes
looking for me.

Sure thing,
Mr. Dorfler.

Boy, there's no way
you can outrun me.

I can outrun you
pulling a plough.

Yeah, I know that horse
of yours looks like

he's pulling a plough
most of the time.

I've seen a pair of
ox come past you.

This isn't a plough race,
this is a horse race.

Hans, would you tell him to
go on home and save his money?

I've got him
outrun by a mile.

Yeah, in
a pig's eye.

What do you say, hans?
Who are you betting on?

My beauty there or this nag?

I figure Laura Ingalls and her
horse, bunny,

can outrun both of you
guys with one shoe missing.

That little

your money?

I just had to show you
the beautiful silver cup

my mother donated as
first prize for the race.

Boy... Your mother did that?

Yes. She figures we should donate
something to make the race more important,

because it always brings
more business into the store.

I just thought you'd
like to see it.

Why? Do you know I'm going
to win the race with bunny?

Well, bunny was
my horse once,

and I guess it'd be kind
of like winning it myself.

That's awful
nice, Nellie.

Sandler: Hey! Howdy!

Dorfler: Howdy.

My name's sandler.
Wondering if you could help me.

Dorfler: Yeah. Hans dorfler.
Sandler: How are you?

Dorfler: What can
I do for you?

I'm delivering this here
thoroughbred to the olesons.

I'm Nellie

You are?

Sandler: Well, I guess this
horse belongs to you, young lady.

Seems like an awful lot of horse
for just a young miss like you.

But your mother paid
good money for it.

I guess she knows
what she's doing.

I'll say she does.

Isn't that a pretty
piece of horseflesh?

Mr. Dorfler,
could you have your nice stable girl

take care of my
horse, please?

Yeah, sure.

Oh, did I forget
to tell you?

My mother bought
me this horse.

Be sure to brush him down well
and give him plenty of water.

Nellie: It was a long,
dusty ride from sleepy eye,

and sparks is used
to the best.

See you at
the races, Laura.

How you doing?

Fine, pa.

"Fine, pa."

You don't sound
very fine to me.

What's the matter?

It just isn't fair.

What isn't fair?



You mean,
everything like...

Some little girls getting
anything they want,

a brand-new horse,

without ever having
to do a lick of work,

while other little girls
got to work night and day

just to hold on
to what they have?

That's it.
It just isn't fair.

There's a lot of
things in this life

that aren't going
to seem fair to you.

But, you know,
that's why the good lord gives us gifts.

He gives us special things to
help us through the hard times.

He gave you a couple
of real good ones.

He gave you determination.
He gave you a lot of spunk.

the fact is...

I don't think that spunk's
going to help me now,

now that Nellie's got
that new thoroughbred.

A real racehorse,
papers and everything.

Now, hold on a minute.
Papers and everything.

Where does it say
horses can read?

I don't think bunny
read those papers,

and I think bunny thinks
she can win that race,

and so do I.

And you will
if you try hard.

It's not going to do
you any good to quit.

Besides, I never did hear of
an Ingalls that was a quitter.

I'm not going
to quit, pa.

All right. That's more like it.

Why don't you let me
finish up this work?

You've done enough for today.
You get some sleep.

Well, I've only got a
little bit left to do.

I could get it done in two
shakes of a lamb's tail.

That's right. You could count
sheep in church tomorrow, too.

Go on.
Get some sleep.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

Don't you worry
about that race.

You're going
to do fine.

- Good night, pa.
- Good night, I love you.

Mr. Dorfler,
I haven't...

I know, I know.

You didn't want me to shoe
her till you could pay for it.

But if you expect to beat
Nellie's horse in that race,

you've got
to work her out.

A champion has
got to be worked,

and that's impossible
without shoes.

Now, I trust you
to finish the job.

And you trust me to know
what I'm talking about.

Come on.
I want to show you something.

Mr. Dorfler...

Don't talk,
just walk.

Mr. Dorfler:
Yeah, here we are.

Here it is.

See? This is
the one you'll use.

But I already have a
saddle that my pa made me.

Oh, I know, and
it's a good one,

for a ride
in the Meadow.

But to win a race,
you need a lightweight saddle.

You know, a couple of pounds
over a two-mile course

can make all the difference
between winning and losing.

I don't know how to thank
you, Mr. Dorfler.

You thank me by winning the
race, Laura.

Come over here
a minute.

You see this horse?
A beauty, a real thoroughbred.

But all he's done for the last 3
days is eat and get fat and lazy.

Now, like I said,
a horse has to be worked.

So I'm going to finish
shoeing your horse.

You work her every day,
and that's how you'll win.

I'll win,
Mr. Dorfler.

I know you will.

Oh, it's getting late.

We'd better get to bed.


Laura, I talked to
miss beadle yesterday.

She's very concerned
about your homework.

I'll catch up, ma.

I know you're
working very hard,

but your schooling
comes first.

May I see
your homework?

Sure. I just got a little
arithmetic to finish.

I figure I'll get it
done during lunch.


Yes, ma?

Is this
your work?

Only the last
3 problems, ma.

I'm going to punish you for
this, half-pint.

I'm not going to have your sister
doing your homework for you.

Mary: She didn't even
know I did it, pa.

It wasn't her
idea. Honest.

Mary, I'm sure
you meant well,

but that isn't going
to help your sister

learn her

Your ma and I are proud of
what you're trying to do,

but your homework
comes first.

You understand that?
- Yes, sir.

Now, it's not going
to happen again?

- No, sir.
- Mary?

No, pa.

All right, then.
Off to school.

And make sure you change those
problems and do them yourself.

I will.


- Bye, ma.
- Bye-bye.


It's okay.

Sorry I got
you in Dutch.

I'll make up
for it.

Just beat Nellie
oleson on Saturday.

I plan to.

That'll be 41
cents, doc.

25, 35, 40... 41.

Thank you, nels.
- Thank you.

I saw Nellie working
that new horse of yours.

She looked
real good.

Yeah... too good.
That's the trouble.

What do you mean?

Well, we have
7 entries.

5 of them saw the workout and
decided they didn't want to race.

Well, that leaves Nellie
and Laura Ingalls.

Well, it'll still
be a good race.

Laura's horse against
a thoroughbred?

Why, she doesn't
have a chance!

It's too bad, too.
I was hoping for a real contest.

This dollar says
Laura will win.

Well, I'm happy
to take your money,

but would you
mind telling me

what makes you think
that Laura has a chance?

She's been riding
every day.

Laura's horse is in better
shape than Nellie's.

And Laura's 10 pounds
lighter than Nellie.

Now, in a two-mile race,
that'll make all the difference.

You know, I've been doing
a great deal of thinking

about that race
this coming Saturday.

It seems to me that's all
you have been thinking about.

And I promised
you, Nellie,

that I would not let Laura
Ingalls win that race,

and I intend to keep my promise.

Me and sparks
will win, ma.

Not the way you've been
stuffing yourself, you won't.

And besides which,
you haven't been working out

that horse, either.
- But, ma...

No... I have decided
that Willie

is going to ride
sparks in the race.

He's at least 15 pounds
lighter than Laura,

and that should
do the trick.

But she's my horse!

And I paid for it!

Mrs. Oleson: Now,
I also am giving my mother's silver bowl

as the trophy
for the winner,

and I have no intentions
of letting that bowl

out of this family.

Now, Willie...

I want you to start working
out sparks in the morning.

Yes, ma.

Oh! No sweets!

But I'm hungry!

No sweets.

Not until
after the race.

Now, I'll tell you
what I'll do...

I will make up
a special batch

of candied apples
just for you.

- Yes, ma.
- Yes.

Excuse me.

I seem to have
lost my appetite.

Mmm. Caroline,
this is delicious.

Thank you.

Half-pint, how are
your workouts coming?

Bunny is in
top form, pa.

Mr. Dorfler is
a great trainer.

So is Mary.

you've hardly eaten a thing.

Do you feel all right?

Yes, ma'am.

I just have to keep my
weight down for the race.

Laura, you know I want
you to win the race

as much as anybody does.

But your health is more
important than a race.

So, at least, eat
your vegetables.

Yes, ma'am,
but no desserts.

Not for a couple
of days, anyway.

I'll be glad when
Saturday comes and goes,

and we can get back
to normal around here.

Not me.
I kind of like it the way it is.

More chicken and
dumplings for me.

There you are.

Those beans
look good.

How's your training
coming, Laura?

Just fine.
Hey, you want some gingerbread?

No, thanks.
I'm stuffed.

I'll have a hard
time finishing

this candy

- I'll eat it.
- No, you won't.

fattening, too.

I don't want you gaining
any weight before the race.

What's Willie got
to do with the race?

Oh, didn't
you know?

I've decided
to let Willie

ride sparks
in the race.


Mm-hmm. Come along, Willie.

I'm still

Oh, shut up!

You all set,

Guess so, pa.

Doing a little thinking
about the race, huh?

Yes, sir.

You'll be there,
won't you, pa?

Of course we'll be there,
all of us, to cheer you on.

I'm just going to give
bunny a light workout...

To loosen her up.

That's what Mr. Dorfler
says to do.

You listen to him.
He knows what he's talking about.

Up you go.

There you go.

Just remember,
whatever the outcome of the race,

you and bunny can
just do your best.

That's what counts.

Yes, sir.

And you can remember
something else.

You got something
Nellie doesn't have:

A horse that loves you.

Get going.


Hi, Dr. Baker.

You're looking good,
young lady.

I'm figuring on you
to win today.

Aren't you going to
be around for the race?

Well, there's nothing
I'd like better,

but it's my
mother's birthday,

and if I don't get to sleepy
eye to spend it with her,

I'll never hear
the end of it.

Good luck.

Thanks. And tell your mother
I said happy birthday.

I will.


Mr. Oleson:

- Laura!
- Yes, sir?

Have you seen
doc baker?

Willie woke up with terrible stomach pains.
Afraid it might be serious.

I just saw him a while back.
He's on his way to sleepy eye.

Don't worry.
I'll catch him.

Doc baker!

Dr. Baker,
the olesons need you real bad.

Willie's terrible sick!

I'm on my way.

Dr. Baker: Under
your tongue, Willie.

Harriet: And then he just
woke up screaming in pain!


Hurts there, huh?


Dr. Baker: Here?
Willie: Ouch! Yes!

What do you
think, doc?

I think 6 of these
candied apples

are bound to give anyone a
whopper of a stomachache.

Oh! I told you

not until after
the race, young man!

Oh, you just wait until you're
well enough to stand up,

and you will get the
whipping of your life!

But I was
hungry, ma!

Give him a dose
of castor oil,

and let nature
take its course.

Willie: No castor oil!

Yes, castor oil!

The next order of business
is to go down there

and thank Laura
for what she did.

Then I'm going over
and tell dorfler

that Willie is in no
condition to race today.

Well, it's just the
typical foolishness...

A youngster
that age.

Had too much.
Much too much.

But are you
sure, now?

We've got the whole hour till race time.

Hey, here
comes Laura.

- Her horse looks tired.
- He sure is.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Mr. Oleson, is
Willie all right?

It turned out to be
just a little tummyache.

Mr. Oleson: But we want to thank
you for what you did, Laura.

Well, he's not going to be
able to race today, Laura,

so I guess we'll just have
to forfeit the race to you.

Mr. Hanson,
since bunny's all tuckered anyway,

why don't we just postpone
the race till next week?

Mr. Hanson:
Ja, sure.

Since both parties are willing,
I think it's all right.

But you can't
do that!

I mean, after all,

people have come into
town just to see the race.

Mrs. Oleson: It
wouldn't be fair to them.

You just said yourself that
Willie can't ride today.

Oh, well, that has nothing
to do with the race!

After all, it's...
It's Nellie's horse,

and Nellie will
ride her horse.

And that's the way it should
have been in the first place.

I just can't run
bunny in that race.

She's too
tired out.

Mr. Oleson: Well, now,
we can't have a race with one horse.



I guess there'll just have
to be a forfeiture, then,

won't there,
Mr. Hanson?

Ja, I guess so.

Well... well,
we'll go inside and get our things,

and we'll meet you all at the
starting line, all right, darling?

Nellie: Yes.

Dorfler just told me.

I can't do
it, pa.

I just can't run
bunny in a race

after that
long ride.

And nobody expects
you to, half-pint.

It isn't fair.

Me and bunny...
We worked so hard.

It just isn't fair.

Well, nobody worked
harder, that's for sure.

She ran so good
this morning.

She'd have won.
I know she'd have won.

Well, you wait and see.
There's going to be

a lot of other races.
You'll get your chance.

I want to take
bunny home, pa.

Come on.

You see the way that
horse of yours perks up

every time oleson's
thoroughbred comes around?

Mr. Dorfler: She's a
natural-born competitor.

That's a fact,

She doesn't even
look tired now.

But she couldn't do
it, could she, pa?

Not after that long
run this morning.

I don't know.
Looks like to me she could.

Besides, now you got Nellie's
extra weight in your favor.

Now, you just listen
to me, half-pint.

You may think bunny's tired,
and I may think so, too,

but I don't think either one
of us are going to convince

bunny she can't outrun that
high-priced bag of oats

that Nellie's
got there.

Charles: Now,
what do you say?

Yes, sir.

All right.

Now you're

Mrs. Oleson: Well,
I certainly hope...

Sorry to disappoint
all of you.

It's too bad that all you fine
people came to see a race,

and there just isn't
going to be one.

Well, Nellie,

it looks as though you
are the winner by...

Dorfler: There is
going to be a race!


Man: Good luck, Laura.

She's all right? I mean...

Good luck, honey.

Mary: Good luck!
- Thank you.


All right, now,
just come along.

Now, be careful,
honey. Be careful.

- Uh, you'll win, darling!
- Come along. You wanted your race, you've got it.

Mrs. Oleson:
Oh, let go of me!

Get going.

Will you stop
pushing me?

All right, quiet
down, everybody.

Quiet. Attention,

All right.

The third annual
hero township race

is about to begin.

Now, you both
know the rules,

and the course
is well-marked,

and it is a
two-mile stretch.

And the first one to
cross the finish line

wins the blue ribbon and
the beautiful silver cup

donated by the
oleson family.

Now, is
everybody ready?

We've been ready for an hour.
Get on with it, Lars!

On your mark...

Get set...

- Go!
Mary: Go, Laura, go!

Come on, Nellie!
Go! Come on!

Come on, bunny!


Come on!

Go, Nellie, go!

Faster, bunny!


Come on, sparks!

Here they come!

Ha ha!
You won it!

She did it
for me, pa.

At least you're
all in one piece.

Go right to your room.

- Who won?
- Oh, shut up!

Oh, wait
a minute.



Hanson: It was
a beautiful race.

Dorfler: I told you
you could do it.


Thank you.


It was a good
race, Laura.

- Thank you.
Dorfler: It was a wonderful race!

Hanson: A fine race!

Good, good, good.

Good race!

Thank you.


Laura, that was a very,
very good race you ran.

Can I talk to
Mrs. Oleson?


Mrs. Oleson...


I can't take
this from you.

It was your ma's.

If it was my
ma's family cup,

I wouldn't want to see
it go to somebody else.



That's very thoughtful

of you, Laura.

Very thoughtful.

Oh, my, I don't
know what to say.

Well, the cup must be
worth quite a bit of money,

more than enough for
3 new pairs of shoes,

wouldn't you say?

Mr. Oleson: I think that
would be a nice return

for Laura's thoughtful gesture.

Oh, well, uh...

Yes, of
course, nels.

That's the least
that we could do.

The least you
can do, Harriet.


Of course, nels.

The shoes are in the
storeroom, Harriet.

Mrs. Oleson:
Yes, nels.
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