02x07 - Remember Me: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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02x07 - Remember Me: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Last one to the pond's
a rotten egg'.

First one's
a wormy apple'.

What you doing,

Run along, now.

What you got
in the sack?

Never you mind.

I thought I told you
to run along.

Mary, he's got pups
in there.

You can't do that'.

I told you to get'.

Do something,

You can't drown them'.
You can't'.

Now, get'. Before
I take a stick to you'.

Go on'.

Can you hear


I hope they're not...
I can't untie it'.

Let me try'.

They're not moving'.
Hurry up'.

I'm doing
the best I can'.

Oh, god. Let them
be all right.

I got it.


There's one more'.

You see.

It's not moving'.

I can't'.
I just can't'.


It's a rock'.

A silly old rock'.

Charles, the girls just
want to see the pups

one more time
before they get to bed.

All right, but be
real quiet.

They're just
getting settled.

Laura: What's Jack
doing in there?

Trying to be a warm
friend, I think.

Looks to me like
the pups appreciate it.

I bet he thinks
that he's their ma.

Oh, Laura, he wouldn't
think that. He's a boy.

Well, maybe he
doesn't know that.

Ma, do you think

that Jack knows
that he's a boy?

I would think so.

Mary: You see?

Laura: Well,
then, he thinks

he's their pa.

I bet he'd feel awful
if they ever went away.

Just a minute,
young lady.

None of
that funny business.

We talked
all this over.

We're going to find
a home for those pups,

and that's that.

Yes, sir.

Can we bring them
to school tomorrow?

Then anybody that wanted
one could take it.

I don't think
that's best.

You can tell everybody
about them,

but let them ask their
parents if it's all right.

Your ma's right.

So put the pups down
and go off to bed.

That means you, too.

- Good night, pa.
- Good night, darling.

- Good night, pa.
- Good night, hon.

I'll take her.

Thank you, dear.


Yeah, half-pint.

I'm not going to tell
Nellie about the pups.

It's your choice,
but I think the olesons

could give a pup
a good home.

Oh, I know that.

I know that Nellie
would feed it,

but I don't think
she'd really love it.

You know what I mean?

I know
what you mean.

Good night, pa.

Good night.

She really loves
those pups.


And they're
so cute.

They are.

I wonder if Jack
really will miss them.

Caroline, you're
worse than the girls.

Good morning, pa.

Good morning,

You driving us
to school?

Nope. Edwards
and I have to make

a trip into sleepy eye.

We won't be long.
You ready for school?

Yes, sir.

May I just bring one
puppy to school

just so the kids
could see?

No, ma'am.

If they want to see
the pups,

they can come here
and see them.

I suppose.

It's the sandersons'.

Charles: Good morning.

Good morning, Charles.

Look what we got'.

Boy: Oh, he's so cute.

Can I hold him?

Sure. We got more
in the barn.

Can I show them, pa?

Sure, go ahead.

Laura: Come on.

A new addition to
the Ingalls family.

Well, just temporary,
thank you.

The girls are going to
find a home for them.

I'll be out to your
place this afternoon

to get
that harrowing done.

Oh, I wish you'd let
me borrow the team.

I can do the work.

No, indeed. Your husband
did a lot of favors

for me through
the years.

This just gives me
a chance

to even
things up a little.

Thank you.

Is Caroline going
to town this morning?

Yeah, she's all ready
soon as grace gets here.

I'll see if she
wants more company.

I'm sure she does.

Sure was lucky you came
along when you did.

Sure was.

I don't know how
anyone could drown

little things like that.

I wished I was

I would have
taken a stick to him.

Wish we could
have one.


I want this one.
He loves me.

Ask your ma.

I don't know.

Ma's got enough to do
looking after us.

I don't know if she'd
take kindly

to the idea
of caring for a pup.

Well, it won't
be a pup for long.

It will grow up to be
a great big watchdog,

and ma would like

That's right, John.

Well, I'll tell you what.
Alicia, you ask her.

It's always easy
for you to get her

to say yes to stuff, ok?

If I ask her,
can I name him?


Laura: What you
gonna name him?

Mine. I'm going
to name him mine.

Hey, Edwards.


Are you ready to go?

All set and ready
when you are.

Miss snider.

Good morning, Charles.

Good morning, grace,
Mr. Edwards.

Good morning, Caroline.

Mary, run, tell the
children we're ready.

Yes, ma.

We'll be right with you.

See you at supper.

Have a nice day.

Have a nice day,

Now, don't go doing
that in front of folks.

Go on'. Bye'.

If you could
take a little advice

from a friend,

I'd say marry
that woman.

That's the trouble having

They're always trying
to give you advice.


When you gonna
ask her?

I can't ask her
until she's alone.

We'll be in
school soon.

And it'll be
too late.

Mary: I think you should
ask her now.

It's hard to say no
in front of other folks.

That's true
enough, Mary.

Go on.

All right, but you
keep on walking.

I can't look sad
with anybody watching.

All right.

Grace: You should've seen
the look on Isaiah's face

when I kissed him.

In front of Charles.

Alicia, is
something wrong?

No, ma.

Come on, now.
What is it?

It's just that I
want something so bad,

and I'm sure
you'll say no,

and it's making me
all sad inside.

Well, now, what makes
you think I'll say no?

'Cause John said
you would.

Your brother may be
the oldest,

but that doesn't
mean he's always right.

You mean
you'll say yes?

You haven't told me
what it is yet.

A puppy. Oh, ma,

I would love it
and take care of it,

and it would be
a good watchdog

so you won't be
afraid at night.

Please, ma'.

Before I say anything, will
you answer a question?


The truth.

The truth.

Did your brothers
tell you to ask me?


All right, then.
You may have the puppy.

Thank you, ma'.
Thank you'.

I can have him'.
Mine is ours'.

- Hooray'. Hooray'.
- Good for you'.

Ha ha ha'.

Oh, they're hard
to say no to.

Not hard.

Oh, my husband
was worse than me.

He always claimed to
be the strict one,

but whenever they
wanted something,

they'd go to him.

Charles is
the same way.

It's been harder for me
to say no about things

since their
father died.

It shouldn't be, I
suppose, but it is.

If I had a little
one like that,

I could never say no.

Of course, it looks like

I'm never going to have
a little one like that

unless I can get
Isaiah to say yes.

Ha ha ha'.

You can pick up the pup
on the way home from school.

Alicia: Yeah.

Don't tell Nellie.

Caroline: Wait
for me, Carrie.

We're going to picnic
after church on Sunday.

Can you both join us?

I'd love to.

Well, you sure
your menfolk

want all those
children around

on their day
of rest?

Yes, the more,
the merrier.

Well, we'll
join you, then.

Good. See you Sunday.


Bye-bye, Julia.


Be right with you.

Come right in.

I didn't expect you
until next week.

I know.

But you told me

if there were
any changes...

Of course.

Sit right up there.

It's probably just
swollen glands.

It's been
going around.

It's making me
feel pretty weak.

I didn't want
to take a chance

with the children.

I don't want them
missing any school.

You know how it
is with young'uns.

First one gets it,
then the other.

Then just when you
think you got it licked,

it starts all over.

It's happening faster
than you thought,

isn't it, doctor?

You told me you'd
be honest with me

no matter what.

I know. It's just
not the kind of thing

I can be sure of.

Well, sure of what?

It's how long
I've got

you're not sure of?

Can you give me

any idea?

When it's localized to
one chain of lymph nodes,

I've seen patients go on.

But it isn't localized.

I don't want to know

the longest I've got.

I want to know
the shortest.

I've got children
to provide for.

A month.

A year.

A week.

It could happen
anytime, couldn't it?


I'll be darned.

Thank you, doctor.

Oh, you certainly
picked a hot day

to be
a good neighbor.

I'm almost done.

Your young'uns came back
with one of the pups.

They said you knew
about it.

I did.

Good. I just didn't
want it to come

as a surprise to you.

Sure having
a good time with him.


I'm going to die.


I'm going to die.

I don't know
how soon exactly,

but it could be anytime.

Doc Baker told me
this morning.

I've had a feeling about
it for a while, but...

Now I know for sure.

That's a heck of a thing to
tell a neighbor, isn't it?

Is he... is he sure?

Oh, yes, he's sure.

I've got a lot to do

and not too
much time to do it.

Now, you know a lot
more folks around here

than I do,

and I'm going
to have to find a home

for the children.

Any suggestions?

Oh, Charles,

don't look like the world's
coming to an end.

I need your help,
not your sympathy, now.

I'm sorry.

Now, then.

First, I've got
to let it be known

that I'm looking for
a home for my children.

I'm just not sure
how to go about it.

Why, I don't know.

I suppose I could tell

the people at the
congregation on Sunday.

Oh, good idea.

At least I'd know they
were god-fearing folks.

But I'll do it.

I don't want anyone offering
to take my children

'cause they
feel sorry for them.

That's the important

Pity wears off pretty quick,

and it's a poor
substitute for love.

I'm glad I let them
have that pup.

They don't know yet.


I'll tell them tonight.

Charles, I need
a promise from you.


Well, I'm hoping to
have all this worked out

before my time comes.

But if I don't,

I want you to promise
me you'll see to it

that they find a place.

I know it's
a lot to ask, but...

I promise.

Thank you.

I think I'll go and make
a special good supper and...

Have a talk
with my children.

I'll see you Sunday,


Mama's home'.

There, now.

It will be nice and
cozy for our talk.

Did we do
something wrong, ma?

No, no,
nothing like that.

But I want you
to listen

to all
I've got to say

and not interrupt,
all right?


Now, you remember
when your father died,

and I told you

we'd all see him
again someday.

In heaven?

Shh'. You're not
supposed to talk.

That's right.
In heaven.

Well, some of us
are going to see him

sooner than others.

And the good lord has
decided that...

I'm going
to see him very soon.

What are you saying?

Oh, my god, ma.

Just a minute,
young man.

You be careful how you
use the lord's name'.

And I'll have none of
that crying neither.

There's no reason to
cry for someone

that's going
to live in heaven.

You're crying for
yourself and not for me'.

That's better.

Now, I don't know

exactly when I'm going
to be with your pa,

so we have to make plans.

We got to find you
a new ma and pa.

I don't want one.
I just want you.

Carl, the lord's
made his decision.

You love me, don't you?

More than anything.

All right, then.

If you love me,
you'll help me.

We've got things to do,

and I need your help.
All right?

Come Sunday,

we're going to church,

and I want you
fixed up in your finest,

sparkling clean and proud.

I don't want to see your
heads hanging in church.

You're John sanderson's

And you got
a right to be proud.

Now, off to bed.
I'll tuck you in.

Will my puppy go to
heaven if it's good?

Of course he will.

Then will
we all be together

forever and ever?

Forever and ever.

No talking
when I shut the door.

I don't want
sleepyheads in church.

Ok, ma.

Christy's dad said
she could have a pup,

and I promised her I'd
bring it to church.

You can't bring a pup
into church, Laura.

But she said she'd
keep it in the wagon

till church was over.

Charles: Sure her father
said it was all right?

Yes, sir.

He said it
right to my face.

All right, then. You
may bring the pup.

Thanks. Just one more
pup to find a home for.

I hope it's soon.

Mary will be ready
in a minute.

No hurry.

Do you think we should
have told the children?

I think it's best

they hear it
from Mrs. Sanderson.

I suppose
you're right.

I wanted to go
see her yesterday.

But I just couldn't.

Come on.

She's got a lot
of strength, that woman,

and a lot of faith.

I'll go put these
things in the wagon.

♪ by and by the harvest ♪

♪ And our labor endeth ♪

♪ We shall come rejoicing ♪

♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

Thank you, reverend.

It's very kind of you
to give me this moment.

Some of you may not
know me.

I'm the widow sanderson,
and these are my children:

John Jr., Carl, and Alicia.

I'll make this
as brief as possible.

I know it's warm in here,

and the reverend did get
a little longwinded today.

It's really very simple.

I... well, I always felt
I was too ornery to die,

but it seems I was wrong.

God must have found
some good in me

'cause he's calling me early.

My young'uns here
will need a new home.

I won't go on about
what fine children they are

'cause as their mother,
I'm a bit prejudiced.

But they are fine students
and well-mannered,

as I'm sure miss beadle
here can tell you.

Anyway, I wanted
to let it be known

that they'll be
needing a family.

I'd appreciate it if no one
said anything right today.

It's not a decision
to be made in haste.

It takes 9 months
to have one child,

so folks should at least
think on it

a day or so
before having 3.

Well, that's about it.

Thank you.

That concludes
our service for this Sunday.

May god be
with each one of you.

Julia: Charles'.

Where are we
going to picnic?

How's about grover oaks?

Sounds dandy.
Follow us.

Charles: How long
are we going to be it?

You guys are
too quick for us.


Somebody got me'.

Those two menfolk

do have a way with
children, don't they?

It's what
they needed today.

Land's sake.

I've never seen you
two so quiet before.

Come on. No reason

why they should
have all the fun.

Julia, don't you think

it's a little hot
to be playing?

Well, there's a...

Cool breeze and
a blue sky and...

I'll take it easy.

Come on.

I want them

to remember me

Oh, Julia.

Coming, Laura?

No, ma'am.

I'll keep an eye
out for ants.

All right.

Here we come ready or not'.

Ho'. Ho'.

Where are they?
Where are they?

Oh'. Oh'.

Oh, oh, yeah.

I think I got
a little one here.

Caught him. All right.
Now another one...

Got him'.

I got both. I got
'em both. All right...




Where you been,

I've been looking
all over for you.

It's time to eat.

I'm not hungry.

Not hungry for
fried chicken'.

That doesn't sound
like you.

It scares me, pa.

It scares me
being near her.


'Cause she's going
to die, I guess.

How old is she?

Oh, 30 or 40,
I suppose.

Ma's in her 30s.

That's right,
she is.

You know, half-pint,

you can't spend your
whole life worrying

about dying.

It's not me
I'm worried about.

Just don't know what
I'd do

if anything ever
happened to you or ma.

Anyway, nothing's
gonna happen to us.

Not today anyway.

Now if you spend
your whole life worrying

about something
that's going to happen,

before you know it,
your life's over,

and you've spent an awful
lot of it just worrying.

Hey, you hear that?

Now, that's what
life's all about.

Laughing and
loving each other...

And knowing that

aren't really
gone when they die.

We have all the good
memories to sustain us

until we see
them again.

It's hard not
being afraid, pa.

I know, sweetheart.

I know.

Now, what do you say

you and I go back and eat
some of that fried chicken

before Edwards eats it all?

All right, pa.

Come on.

Dr. Baker,
come on in.

It's Julia sanderson.

She collapsed early
this afternoon.

Oh, no.

Reverend Alden's
with her now.

She's asked to see
you and Caroline.


We heard, ma.

Keep an eye on Carrie
while we're gone.

Yes, ma.


Is this it?


I... I hope you won't take
offense, reverend,

but if you'd just
read that

and say a simple
prayer, I'd be obliged.

Whatever you want,

You're a fine

But you do tend
to go on a bit long

at these kind
of things.

Brevity was never one
of my strong points.

They're here, Julia.

I'll be outside
if you need me.

Thank you, reverend.

Oh, reverend.

Yes, Julia.

When you read that,
be sure not to mumble.

Read it loud and clear

so's everybody can hear.

Loud and clear.

You'll hear me.

Come, sit by me.

There never is
enough time

to get
everything done...

Is there?

You made me a promise
the other day, Charles.


I remember.

It'll be up to you
now to make the choice.

I know.

Grace will take care
of the children

till you make
your decision.

It will be hard for them
to accept at first,

but you'll have
to be firm with them.

I will be.

Listen to that rain.

There will be
a good crop this year.

Send the children
in now, will you?

God bless you both.

God bless.

Reverend Alden:
I will lift up mine eyes

unto the hills...

From whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from
the lord,

which made
heaven and earth.

He will not suffer
thy foot to be moved.

He that keepeth thee
will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

The lord is thy keeper:

The lord is thy shade
upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee
by day, nor the moon by night.

The lord will preserve
thee from all evil:

He will preserve thy soul.

The lord will preserve thy
going out and thy coming in

from this time forth,

and even for evermore.


Julia sanderson asked me
to read this today.

She wrote it to all of you,
loved ones and friends alike.

"Remember me with
smiles and laughter...

"For that's the way
I'll remember you all.

"If you can only remember me

with tears,

then don't remember me at all."

Loud and clear.
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