Passion of Mind (2000)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Passion of Mind (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

WOMAN: This is me.

Or her.

That's what we look like.

She's different.

I'm different.

One day I realized
I could no longer tell
my dream world

from my real world.

It felt to me that I was
no longer one person,

but two.

I don't know who I am anymore.

Hey, you actually
got it.


Hey, wait!


SARAH: Mommy, look.

* Raindrops on roses
and whiskers on kittens

* Bright copper kettles
and warm woolen mittens

* Brown paper packages
tied up with string

* These are a few
of my favorite things *

Oh, that was so great.

Okay. Come here. Oh!


It was.


No more stories. Oh!

Mmm. All right.
Covers, covers,
covers, covers.

I'll read you more
stories tomorrow.

All right, beautiful.

Night-night, Mama.
Don't forget about me.

Not hardly.


It's time, honey.

Let's go.
Good night, Jean-Pierre.


To my angel from
Mommy and my sister,

and Jean-Pierre
and Micheline,

and all my friends
from the village.

Even Danny and Alex,
who aren't real.


And keep my daddy
safe with you
and love him.



[STAMMERS] could you
lay in bed with me
until I fall asleep?

Sure, honey.

I'd love to.
Get your stuff out.

Let's put
your goodies away.











MAN ON TV: The arrival
of July has brought
the onset of storm season

as Hurricane Julie
pounded the Eastern Seaboard.

Hardest hit was
the town of New Halifax
on the coast of Maine.

Normally a quiet
vacation community,

it is now an endless sea
of debris, broken homes
and broken dreams.

With winds in excess
of 100 miles per hour,

the storm hammered boats
and homes for hours.


Hello? Oh, hey.

No, I can't bring you.

Because ex-boyfriends are
very awkward for business,

and especially
for the clients.

Yeah, even almost-exes.

Thursday, uh,
I think I'm in Chicago.

But you know what?
I don't have my book
in front of me.

Look, if I had a sister,
I'd set you up with her,
but you know,

that's what you get
for going out
with an only child.

I'll call you later,
okay? Okay.

You're late.
Yes, I know.

Thank you.

I'll do Throzen
after Chicago, okay?


On Jonathan's cover,
I think the design
isn't half bad.

I think the problem
is in the color.

But I'll call Macmillan.
That's okay.

What's this?
Aaron Reilly?

Mr. Reilly,
it's good to meet you.

We can get to
the Mr. Reilly stuff later.

Let's start out
as Aaron and Marty.

You're here to ream me,

We both have full schedules.

Let's get to it.

Well, I don't usually
interfere with a client's
business manager,

particularly one as new
to the client as you are.

But I've been
unusually irresponsible?

Oh, no! Not at all. I mean,
considering you've only
known Ed six weeks?



Lucy Schaefer lived
with Ed for three years.
Less, actually.

During which time
she was doing the deed
behind his back.

Hmm. Not a nice lady.
Even he knows that now.

Marty, it's his money.

But if we give her
that much of it,

how is this poor girl ever
going to start building
some character?

What do you think,
I represent this woman?

I never saw the bitch
in my life. We talked
it through, Marty,

slow, careful
and really complete.

It's what he wants to do.

Mr. Reilly,

don't you believe in saving
someone you care about
from himself?

No, ma'am, I sure don't.

I'm not that smart.








What are you doing in here?

How did you get in here?

I stole the key
from Jennifer.

She told me to.


Are you mad?

No, baby, I'm not mad.
You didn't wake me up.

But your sister's gonna
be in big trouble.






No, no, no!

Got you!

Don't get Jessie.



God, she's stubborn.

Why won't she ask
anybody for help?

I wonder. [CHUCKLES]

Help is on the way.
Go, go, go! Whee!

You having a problem?

No, Mom. I'm fine.

What's funny?

Nothing's funny.
Nothing. I...

I like it
when you try hard.

Especially at, uh,
things you don't think
you're very good at.

Mom, it's not that.
Okay, okay!

You know, sometimes when
things come really easy
to someone,

they think they have to be
perfect at everything.

But we're not perfect,
are we?


Do you know anything
that's perfect?

So why would you want
to be no one and nothing?

Do you think that's me?
Yeah, I do.

'Cause you're
just like me.

SARAH: Nanny, nanny, boo-boo!
You can't catch me!

JENNIFER: Yes, I can!

Oh, ouch! Damn it!

Twenty minutes now.

We've discussed
the rain and the roses
and the hot cakes.

Why do I feel you're
avoiding something?

I'm so obvious.
God, I hate that.

Mmm. How's the dream?

No, I said that awkwardly.
How is New York today?

New York was, uh, fine.

I'm not your shrink, baby.

I'm just the dear old
girl who comes and
drinks your whiskey,

plays in your garden.

I don't want to
see him, Jessie.

I don't.
I don't want to see
any Dr. Langer.

We had a deal.
A year ago, we said,

if this was still going on,
I wanted you to see someone.

We said?

You said.

And he's actually Viennese.
Isn't that perfect?

You're not giving up
on me, are you?

No. As long as you
still want me here.

No, until you tell me
good-bye, there's hope.

And so, my good friend
Jessica tells me

of an interesting case
of multiple personality.

Martha? Marie?

MARIE: Here, it's Marie.

When you fall asleep at night,

in that instant
you find yourself
waking in another world.

In another life,
where your name is?


And what do you call
this situation?

[CHUCKLES] A full life.

My goodness, yes.

One is tempted to ask,
could it be too full?

I have a psychiatrist
in New York.

He thinks that
I'm a Manhattan
career woman

who dreams of being
a mother in France.

See, that's the problem
with all of you guys.

You all think you're real,
and I don't blame you.

[CHUCKLES] Well, we can't
all be real, can we?

That would be impossible.

One world is real,
the other a dream.


I know that.

But you do not
know which.

Why is that, I wonder?


Because if I

realized which

life wasn't real, then,

well, um, the dream
wouldn't work.

It wouldn't give me
the satisfaction
of that life.

I suppose it wouldn't.

Very ingenious,

but not without
its dangers.

Do you realize
how deliberate
you make this sound,

as if you could turn it
on and off?

You're riding two horses,

and the mind is not
built to do that

without breaking apart.

I don't... I don't know

how to get back to
the way I used to be.




Viennese, no less.

Your Jessie is
really wheeling in
the heavy a*tillery.

Perfect, isn't it?

So, what did, uh...
Dr. Peters, I really
need to smoke today.

You don't need to smoke.
Do you mind if I
have a cigarette?

I could really
use just one.
Yes, I do mind. No.

Ah, you're so great.
Marty. Marty.

Come on.
Just one more puff.

Okay. It's going out.

So, Dr. Freud
told you what?

You should realize, he says,
that New York has to be
the dream world.

I mean, who would fantasize
being a housebound mother
and a widow at that?

No romance.
That has to be real.

But New York, ah!

Glamorous career.
Power. Self-expression.

Endless line of men
wanting to date you.

Every minute spent
at your own whim.

Now, if that's
not a dream, huh?

He said it faster
with less drama.

So, you say to Dr. Freud?

Please stop
calling him that.

It's Dr. Langer,
and he's as real
as you are.

So, you told
Dr. Langer what?

My New York shrink

thinks my life in Manhattan
is hard work,

hostile, adversary work,
with long, grinding hours.

That yes, there are
a lot of men,

but no real, uh, romance,

no one to love me,

and I'm alone,
and who would dream that?

What about the loneliness?

Jessie said that
a woman still grieving
for her late husband

isn't ready to love
anyone yet, not even
in their dreams.


Okay. I need to put
you down so I can pay.




Sarah? Sarah?




No, it isn't.
Why, sure it is.

You should go look
for your mommy.
She'll be worried.

I told you not to
run off like that.

Oh, goodness.
You scared me.

You know her?

My mommy.

You know,
where I come from,

people steal mommies
who get lost in the market,
so you keep an eye on her.

You like my hat?
Yes, honey, I do.
I like your hat very much.

But I think you should
give it back now, okay?

Oh, it's clean.

I made it for her.

Well, then I guess you've
got yourself a new hat.

Oh, we better get going
or we're going to be late.

Can he come with us
to the park?

Oh, I wish I could.

So long, lady.
Nice talking to you both.


SARAH: Go higher.
All right,
three more big pushes

and then we've got
to go get Jennifer.

One, two,



Okay, grab your stuff,
then we'll get going.

Hey, you forgot
your jacket.




I thought you weren't
coming to the park.

I said I wish I could,
so I did.


Always do what
you wish you could.


Is that the secret
of happiness?

No, it's, uh...
It's just what's right.

Well, I wish
we could stay, but...


Uh, I mean we have
to go pick up Jennifer
from school. Let's go.

Thanks, honey.
Another time, then.


Are you flirting?


MAN: Get off of me!



Oh, Marty, hey.

Jesus, is it 10:00 already?
Listen, hang on just a sec,
will ya?

It's 19-12.
You know Aaron Reilly,
don't you?

Give me that ball.




I've got your contracts.
Phyllis agreed.

Hey, listen.

Just give the manuscript
to Phyllis, okay?

I've decided to fight
Lucy's demands.

Yeah, well, you've got
your friend Aaron to thank.

That game,
those were the stakes.

MAN: Oh, that's two.


Marty, I have your call
to Aaron Reilly on line one.


Hi. Aaron?

Hi. This is Marty Talridge.

I just wanted to call
and say thank you

for Ed's manuscript.

Well, I didn't
do it for you.
You didn't?

But thanks for the thanks.
Anyway, how grateful
are you?

Well, how grateful am I
supposed to be?

Central Park,
Sunday morning at 9:00,

Cherry Hill,
across from the fountain.

Just take 30 minutes
of your time.

Dress is informal.

I'll bring refreshments.

I'll think about it.

They're lovely.

Well, they're not for you.
Ah. Serafine!

Your boyfriend's here.
They're not for her either.

Hi. How you doing?

Look what I got
for you.

Whoa. What do you say?
Merci, monsieur.

You've gotta be Jennifer.

Okay. Then these are yours.
Go ahead.

Merci, monsieur.

And sweets, too?

What are you up to?

Courting who?



Your name is William.
William what?

William Granther.

Hey, Jen?
Why don't you take
your sister up

and show Mr. Granther
how you catch the Frisbee?

You guys are great.

Go on, we'll watch
from right here.

Uh, point me in
the direction of the kitchen
and I'll put those in water.

You still writing?
[CHUCKLES] Well, yeah.

Some of us never learn.

I'm down in Menton
by the beach
writing a new book.

Yeah, found out you were
in the neighborhood.

That review.

Yeah, I still have it.

Well, not in my pants,
but I have it.


The thing is, uh,

I didn't like the book.
Oh. Well, that
explains the review.

Well, um, so much for
cordial relationships.

Well, that depends
on how things simmer,

for both of us.


Gotta go back to Menton.
Oh, sorry.

How did you know it was me?
The other day in the market.

Oh, the butcher
pointed you out.

And I realized you were
the one who gave me
that fantastic review.


You know what
this guy really is?

He's the chance
to love again.

See, you're starting to
come out of your coma,
and it terrifies you.

In New York, you sleep
with men you don't love
and feel safe.

Now along comes William,
you feel a pull,

and you react
in your dream

by creating
this accountant.

Aaron Reilly?

Oh, no.
You're wrong. He's...

He's no competition.

This seat taken?

I don't know.
I'm expecting quite a crowd.

But, uh,
since you're the first.


Thank you.

When you think of ducks,

what do you think of?

Orange sauce.

You know, there's something
about two people

sharing their souls on
a Sunday morning that just...

You didn't have to dress.

I said dress
was informal.
Oh, yes. I remember.

Well, here I am,
driven by gratitude,
up at dawn,

dressed informally.

So, what's up?

Nothing's up.
We're just gonna
hang out for 30 minutes.

Why would we do that?

Because I'm interested.

Alarm? Mild alarm.

Uh-oh. It's even worse
than you think.

Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah. I'm not
interested in dating you.

You're not.

I don't enjoy
rejection enough
to wait in line for it.

And I'm not the kind
of guy who attracts you.

And what kind of guy
is that?

Handsome, but with
enough edge to make it
a little dangerous.

Someone powerful who can
sweep you off your feet.

Who you can control

only by leaving,

which is, of course,
the safest control of all.

Of course.

My turn?

So, what are you
interested in?


Just who you are.

It's scary, huh?
Oh, yeah.

See, I can be
dangerous, too.

So, what,
you need a friend?

Hey, don't move for me.
No silly faces.
Okay, come on.

Please smile.
Oh, so pretty.

Oh! That one
was very good.

Come out, please.

I don't want
to take a picture.

Jen, you are making this
so difficult.



This seat taken?

I've been waiting for you
since 9:00.

The butcher said
Fridays you have a sitter,
so you shop alone.

A woman, he assured me,
of regular habits.

God, it's hell having
a snoop for a butcher.


So, how are things?

Things are fine.



I love talking small.

Saturday night.
A real date, okay?

8:00, dress up,

Dress is formal.

My husband died
a couple of years ago,

I haven't had a real date.

Well, that's great.

You'll be terrifically

as I plan to put
the pressure on right away.


I've decided
I want you to like me.

WILLIAM: Hi there.

Table for one?

Or were you
expecting someone?


Wait here.

Okay, you can look.



It's beautiful.




Do you know
what that taste is?
No. What... What is this?

Coriander and fennel.

And fennel, huh?

Well, there's a trace,
a trace of fennel.

Trace of fennel.

I can taste that trace.

What about the zinc?



What are you doing?
Are you reviewing
my food, too?

Yes, you are!

I'm a saucier.
I spent two years
learning to do sauces.

Oh, I see. I'm sorry.
So, when you should have
been learning to write,

you've been so busy
learning your saucing.

Oh, say, when you should have
been learning how to make
someone bleed, you were.

Oh, ho, ho, ho!

I'm just trying to make
light of my own guilt.

That's funny, because
I'm just trying to use it.

Well, lightly,
of course, yeah.

I can't believe
I'm eating with you.

I just can't believe
I'm eating with you.
Not after that review.

But doesn't it make it
so exciting?

You know, the book that I said
I came down here to finish,
it's actually done.

I just came down here
to pick at it and...
And worry.

Worry's good.
Worry's very,
very constructive.


Yeah, but, um... [SIGHS]

I want you to read it.

God, what an awful lie.

I don't want you to read it.
I want you to be
crazy about it.

If you could manage that
without actually reading it,
I'd do anything for you.

Is it good?

Well, no, not entirely.
But, um,

there are things in it
that are very, very good.

Christ, I just want you
to read it.

And I want you to have
this... This look,

this, uh,
this flushed look,

if you can imagine that.

And I want you to think,
"What a guy.

"A guy who can...

"Can feel like that,
I wonder how he'd..."

Make love?


And even more
serious stuff.

I'd like to
come home with you.


I'd like to say yes.

But I can't.

Maybe another time.

It's a deal.

So, usually
Wednesday lunch.

What, some guy who's
gorgeous, influential.

Rack of lamb,

talk about power, sex,

fashion choices.

God, I miss it.

Why do you do this
to yourself?

Because I like you
too much.

And we both know it.

Well, it doesn't mean
we have to wear it.

But on you, it looks

[CHUCKLES] good.

I have something for you.

It's a...
It's not technically
an heirloom, but...

It's very precious to me.

No, no, no. No.
You can't open it
till you're all alone.


Oh, this guy.

JENNIFER: Will you cook me
a picnic, too, someday?
Mommy says you cook.

Sure, I'll cook you
a peanut butter hamburger
with raspberry jam.

Mommy would
never eat that.

Oh, I'll make your mommy
a chicken and tarragon

Yes, hold the fennel.

Hold the fennel,
hold the zinc.

So, what else
did your mommy
tell you about me?

She says you
write stories.

Do you live in New York?

No. Why New York?

She knows a writer
in New York,

and I want her
to show him
all her stories.

Her stories?

Your mommy reviews
other people's stories
in The New York Times.

She doesn't write
her own stories.

Counsel leading
the witness.

That's overruled.

She has her stories.

In a box in a closet.
Don't you want
to see them?

In a box?

How about this weather?

Look at these
cumulus clouds.

Boy, are they
just something.

Are you sure
there's clouds up there?
Because I don't see any.

Get real.

How about
what's in the closet?
In the box.

Gonna let me see them?

Wish I could.


It's the wrong
way around.


God, I hate to break up
this beautiful romance,
but it's time for bed.

Mom, it's too early.
Oh, no.

I think
it's quite late.

All right, you.

Night-night, Mama.
Don't forget about me.

Not hardly.

There's something
about your girls,
about being with them.

I guess children
make you a real person.

Do they?

I think so.

You have to be real.
They see.

You okay?


Sometimes I wish
you didn't look
like you do.


Because people
who look like you
have learned not to trust.

I can't. I can't.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
Don't explain it.

While you feel like that,
even if it's forever,
don't fight it.

I want to
make love to you.

I think about it
all the time.

But in a way, in a real way,

I'm afraid.

All my life,
sex never really
brought me closer to...

Usually, it was
the beginning of the end.

And I don't want this to end.

This house, those children,
your warmth.

Everything about you.

Don't let me do anything
to lose that, okay?


Now, walk me to my car.

Are you gonna
come back in the morning
and make me breakfast?

Why? I'm going somewhere?

Afraid the kids
will see me?

I could say that.

Or I could say it's...

Because of my husband.

But it's something else.

If someone was
to be with me,

and woke me up,
something bad
might happen.

It's... It's very crazy,

I can't tell you
about it.

Can I have
that much mystery?


It's okay.

It's okay.

I'll leave. [KISSING]

Mmm. Well, you...

I could maybe stay awake
another hour or so.


If you played
your cards right,

I could almost
even make it three.





Um, hey. Come on in.


Thanks a lot
for coming over.

Um, would you like
something to drink?
No, thanks.

Coffee or anything?

I'm fine.

Um, you want to
come on in and, uh,

you can sit over here.

Um, if you'd like,
you can sit here
or there. Um...

Good morning.


I don't know why I, uh,
why I really called. Um...


I'm, uh...

I'm sorry I'm like this.
I'm usually very strong
and together.

I know.

But, um, something happened
in France last night,
and I'm...

I'm just, um...

I'm just not sure
how I feel about it.

In France?

I think I may have
fallen in love
with someone,

and I made love
to him last night,

and I don't even
know if he's real.

I'm sorry. You, um...

You slept with someone
last night in France?




Aaron, you may think
that I am

absolutely, certifiably

And if you do,
and you want to go,

I'll completely

I have a whole other life
in France.

And that's not even
the bad part.

The bad part is, um,

that both lives are so


and so real to me that...

Well, I don't know
which one is the dream
and which one is real.

I don't even know
if you're real.

Are you sitting over there
saying, "Shit. How fast
can I get to the door?"

[LAUGHS] Uh...

I'm real.

Well, you know,
that's what they all say.

I'm sorry. It's, uh...

I've been analyzed
to death, and so...

I was thinking maybe
I could use a friend.

Well, you've got that.

[SIGHS] Wow.

What can I do?

I don't know if there's
anything you can do.

But I thought


if it was okay, you could
stay with me today.


Hey. It's me.
I'm gonna take the day off.


Kiss their ass.
You can tell them the truth.
I don't really care.


I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay. Bye.


That's, uh,
her in France.

Well, or me.
It's what we
look like there.

AARON: Well, she looks
good in the earrings.
Her hair kind of...

Come on.

Let's go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!
MARTY: I'm not cheating!

Just wait. Just wait.
Soon. Soon.


Here we go.
Here we go.

It's beautiful.

It's my favorite bridge

in the world.

How come?

It's the prettiest.

The bridge, or my earrings?


Next Wednesday
is my birthday.

I'm funny
about my birthday.

Going out
would make me lonely,
so I always stay in,

which is less lonely.

So, you busy Wednesday?

I've got to go to Atlanta
till the end of the week.
Some big do in...

How about when I get back?


Be just as good.

DR. PETERS: You know,
Marty, as to your
romance with William,

it sounds like love
when you talk about
this guy. I like that.

I can see Marie.
You seem happy.
I like that even better.

But if you'll forgive
an intrusion

from the real world
for just a moment,

why did you tell Aaron
about your condition?

I had to tell someone.

Maybe we could let
Aaron be your analyst,
and I'll do your taxes.

It was a very
distancing thing to do.

Look, Marty, Aaron seems
like a nice man.

You like him.
Maybe not romantically,
but you seem close.

Of course, telling someone
you're mad as a hatter

doesn't usually
bring them any closer.

"Mad as a hatter"?

It's a medical term
I like to use.


Why don't you just keep
William in your dreams
and in this office for now,

and away from everybody else?


I'm funny
about birthdays, too.


I even, uh,
have dinner ready.

You'll never guess.

Duck with orange sauce.




I love this music.

[GROANS] It's 2:30 already.

Kind of a dirty
trick, huh?

Birthday on a Wednesday.


Guess I'd better
get you a cab.


Guess you better.


Now, look, uh,

in the dream last night,
exactly what did you
tell Mr. Reilly?

Well, uh, exactly?
Aren't you going
to say good-bye?

You gonna be
all right now?


Boy, poor Dr. Peters.
That must have rattled
his teeth.


I would have thought
you'd want me
to be honest.

I do. I do.
But I don't want you
scaring this William away.

You can bare your soul
to Mr. Reilly if you like,
but not to William.

All he gets
is your love.

And you know what
that love is gonna do?

Pretty soon there
won't be any dream
to tell him about.

Just have a good time.
Come on!

Girls, Mommy's off.

Come here, honey.
Pleasure meeting you.

Pleasure was mine.
I'll miss you so much.

Good night.


I'll live, okay?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

One of these days
we've got to work
on the room thing.

I promise.

Good night.


It's a nice place.
Little pricey.

Well, of course.
I have good taste.

When did you steal this?

Last night.


So, tomorrow night,
you gonna bring me back
some foie gras?

Oh, how cruelly
you make sport
of the insane.

I prefer "stone-cold nuts"
myself, but that's just me.


Has more character.

Thank you.


* My favorite things

* When the dog bites
What are you doing?

* When the bee stings
Can I have that, please?

Let me guess.
Let me guess.

You have an older
housekeeper and she
brings her own tapes.

Can I please have this?

* So bad
* So bad

[LAUGHING] Stop it.

Stop. I'm very identified
with Julie Andrews.

No kidding.

We're practically
the same person
on the inside.

Oh, great.
That makes three of you.

Yes. Sometimes it's...

A little crowded.


[LAUGHING] Will you stop?

* Raindrops on roses
and whiskers on kittens

* Bright copper kettles
and warm woolen mittens *

What am I gonna do?

I don't know,
but I'm sure glad you
didn't call me William.

Mmm. That was so yummy.


Yeah, it was.

You, I love.

Au revoir.

Sorry you can't stay.




So what do you think?

I mean, do you hate me?
Do you think I'm nuts?

Do you, uh...
No, no, no.

It's worse. I believe you.

You tell me about this
nightmare that you're
living through.

And all I can think of
is this other guy.

[LAUGHS] I'm jealous.

No, I'm crazed about
a guy who doesn't exist.

Well, he...

Never mind.


You really love him, huh?

I think so.

So how close does
he get to seeing
who you really are?

I don't know, but...

But he

calls my condition
a passion of mind.

Well, he's very wise.

I'm gonna fight for you.

Thank you.

Was it good?
It was good, wasn't it?


Did you tell him
about me?

Poor guy.

How's he gonna find
another girl like you?





Like it?
Oh, it's great!

Once we get
the curtains up,

TV in,

we can put your friend here
when he comes to visit.

My friend?

Your friend.
The accountant
from New York.

What's his name,
Arnie something, huh?

I can't believe
you are making fun
of the handicapped.


He's handicapped, too?

He's handicapped
and fictitious?
Pretty appealing.

Not him, doofus. Me.

I'm the one
who's handicapped.

I mean, I'm, you know...
Mad as a hatter?

Mad as a hatter.
Don't you consider
that a handicap?

Yeah, that's...

That's a handicap.

I don't think
it's ever going off.


Yeah. The light...

That always goes off
inside me.

So I can move on.

Oh, God.
You know how to do that?

Well, you commit

and yet you still
let me know

that you could run,

Damn you, that keeps me
from running first.


When you think of kids,
what do you think of?

Orange sauce.

I was aiming more at,
uh, "How many? When?"

You mean, uh, with you?

Yeah, me.

Let's see.

With you, I'd want a lot.

I'd want a lot with you.

You know,

kids come first.

I'd be real ruthless
about that.

I'm talking about
the way you are.


That. Mmm.

What about France?
You gonna have kids
with him, too?

I don't know.
Maybe he likes
the ones I've got.

Am I so


Could I commit
my life to you
just the way you are?


But I'd never do that
to my kids.

Not in a million years.

And you have to hear that.

Couldn't get Jen to
sleep. She was in
the weirdest mood.

She was wild.
Crawling under the

bed and, uh...

I don't know.

I couldn't quite
figure it out.

She was just
in the weirdest mood.


From a box in the closet.

Jennifer gave them
to me after dinner.

She said
they were beautiful,
and I should read them.

And it should
be our secret.

I didn't read them,
of course.

She's very proud of you.

What she did
taught me something

about what your dream
really is.

You said what Jen did
taught you.

In your dream,
Marty can do
what she wants.

She can work
with what she loves,

and give herself to it,
and it's okay.

She doesn't have to hide it

in a box, in a closet.

Every night I go back
to a room,

and I lie there

and I think about you.

When I dream,
I dream about you.

I know what you're saying.
No, you don't.

I do. I do.
The hell you do.

It's all built
around you.

Those people in New York,

they're all you.

You're analyzing yourself.
You're courting yourself.

You're making love
to yourself.

It's all my fault.
I'm sorry.

I said more than that.
I heard everything
you said.

All of it,
and it's right.

How long did he give you?

[SIGHS] He didn't say.


You don't have to lose
the whole dream.
Just the man.

Why do I have to lose
anything at all?

I don't want to give up
either of them.

You don't have
that choice.

You're not playing
alone anymore.

The real one will leave.

And when he does,
you'll know the other
one is the dream.

Which means
you've lost him, too.


This is your moment.

You've got to go for it.

I don't know...
I don't know if I can.

Yes, you can.

WILLIAM: I can't let you
be safe anymore.

Choose. Choose!


What are you doing?



I should have guessed.

I'm writing in here.

So, what did you
dream last night?

What does he look like?

Is he dark?

Strong? Pretty?

Is he younger than me?

Don't do that.

Please don't do that.

How does he
make love to you?


How do his hands feel?

His lips?

Does he get to
stay the night?

Well, tonight he can.

What is it, uh, Sarah says?

Don't forget about me.




Are you okay?
I'm okay.

There's something
I want to tell you. Um...

You're not going away
with me this weekend.

Are you sure you're
okay? You look...

You look kind of weird.

I am weird, remember?

Oh. Oh, yeah.
What are you looking for?

I'm glad you're here.

What are those?

How many of those
were you planning
to take?

Just one.

Why? You don't
want to sleep?

I don't want
to talk about it.
Why not?

I just don't.
Why tonight?

What's back there?
Nothing, nothing, nothing.

You can't stay awake

It's one g*dd*mn pill.

You know, you don't have
to go there tonight.

You could go
someplace else.

Tahiti, maybe.
Maybe you could...

Maybe you could
take me along.

'Cause I've never been
there, and maybe we'd
have a hell of a time,

and you could...
You could tell me
all about it over breakfast.

And maybe I want
to be alone.

And I don't want
to be alone. I don't.

And I'm afraid
not to be alone.

And I want you to stay.

Why? Why do you ever
have to go back
there again?

Because my babies
need me.

Look at this. Wow!

What a sweetie.

Thank you.
I'm really good,
aren't I?

You are good.

What's this?

Where did you get this?

Just looking around
in the bookshelf

for whatever...
Snooping, basically.

I noticed that tin box
on one of the shelves,

so I peeked inside.

You found this here?

Yeah. Right in the shelf.

You know, last night,
before I came in?

I lay there,
on that incredibly
comfortable bed,

and I tried
to hear you breathing.

Started thinking about
how close you were.

Figured I'd just
come over to the bed.
I'd see you.

And, you know, I was...

At first, I was afraid.

Like, if you woke up,
I'd disappear.

I actually thought that.
I really did.

Well, I guess it worked out.
You're here.

Yeah. Wherever that is.

These were, um,

my mother's.

And, um,
these are hers, too.

She, uh,
wore them together.

Nice pictures.

This is when I was five,
and this one's when
I was about

10, 11, I think.

You haven't changed much.


I'm gonna be late.
I gotta go.

MARTY: What?

Just thinking about
my best friend.

She sounds pretty
I don't know.

Could be quite a loser.
You might want to dump her.

No, she's not a loser,

just someone who needs to run
when things aren't perfect,

and love is never
perfect, is it?

And if you really care
about someone,

really care,
then you have to respect
who they really are.

I know who you are.

You're the little girl
whose mama died in France

when she was 11.

One time you said,
you said, don't I believe
in saving someone

I care about from himself,
and I said, "No, ma'am.

"I sure don't.
I'm not that smart."

I would rather be
your best friend

than the guy that
made you give up
any part of yourself.

I really would.

That's what I aspire
to be when I grow up,
your best friend.

So, if you need to run,
you should.







Mommy, what's the matter?
Wake up! Mommy!




AARON: You, I love.





No, no, no. Easy.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's me.

It's okay.

Why did you
bring me back?

I had to see
you one more time.
I had to say good-bye.

Oh, I love you.
I know.

MARTY: Who knows what
dreams are made of?

The kiss of
a childhood friend,

the roar of a stranger's car
on a gravel road,

the absolute calm
of my father's voice,

the warmth
of my mother's arms.

You're not drinking

No, I'm...
Talking tonight.

Confessing, actually.

You go ahead.

I can keep a secret.


how you said you
wouldn't give up on me?


You won't, will you?

Promise me you won't,
'cause I couldn't
do it without you.


So I guess my big secret

is that I love you
like crazy, Mom,

and I always will,

even if I can't be
with you like this

I've always been there,

even when
you didn't know it.

Thank you for coming.

Well, I figured there'd
be a drink waiting.

Well, I couldn't
let you down.

I meant always. Thank you.

Me, too.

Don't forget about me.

Not hardly.

Mommy, I had a bad dream.

Goodness, you guys.

Lay back, sweetie,
and just relax.

Can you rub my foot?

Yes, I can rub your foot.

It was scary.

You know, there's
something that I want
to talk to you about.

Something very,
very important.

Something for you guys
to remember and to know,

even when
I'm not with you,

wherever you might be.

What do you mean?

You see,
we're the same person.

All of us,

and I love you

with all my heart,
all of it.

Always, always, always.

And when you think
of me, you...

Think, then I will be there.

We'll all be there

I... I love you, Mommy.

I love you, too.

And wherever you are,

just think of me,
and I'll be there
for you, too.

Thank you, sweetie.

Love you, Mommy.
I love you, sweetie.

Can you rub
my foot, too?

Yes, I can rub
your foot, too.

I love you, Mommy.
Love you, Mom.

Is this seat taken?

I brought you something.

Stories from a box
in a closet.

I brought them home
from France.

I won't be going
back there.

I... I would like you
to read them.

I'd like you
to have them.

They were always
meant for you.
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