Broken Lullaby (1994)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Broken Lullaby (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »


I'll have to borrow your car.

Do not tell me...
did yours get rid of you?

No, but it will be soon.

That's what you do if you borrow
your car on your Latin lover.

I did not give Ramon his car,
so was the divorce deal!

Understanding! Jordan, you're
acting like it means something.

Yeah, I got what I deserved
because I fell in love with him.

I'll be gone for a while, call
me if Aunt Kitty appears.

Look. Will you try to
help her with this case?

He just wants to be useful,
I just ask him a point.

This business will not be millions
of dollars like hers with cosmetics.


How are you Jordan?

Besides why do the
monsters do the usual?

I'm sorry aunt Kitty,
but my car left me.

I'd like you to let
me buy you a new one.

You have quite spoiled me so far!

- Would you like to bring us some tea?
- Yes, ma'am.

- What are your parents doing?
- I'm fine.

- But business?
- Good enough.

People are always interested in
learning about the family past.

Many adopted children are looking
for themselves families of origin.

If you're not too busy I
have a little work for you.

Do you want to follow someone's family?



And you!

I was an abandoned orphan in Hungary
even after the First World w*r.

An orphan?

Uncle Jack knows that?

- I never told anyone.
- Why?

When I was young, it did not seem to
it counts so much.

But now, yes!

I became more conscious
that life is fleeting!

And because it has been so long,
I've decided to discover my past.

I feel weird telling you this!

Do not be!

We all want to know where we
are from, and who we are.

What do you know about Hungary?

Not too many!

I was only four years old then.

I was at a Catholic orphanage
in the village of Vlika.

At that time I was
called Katya Davidov...

I had been found on a
street in Budapest.

I kept this photo!

Are you in it?

It may be, I'm not sure,
much has passed since then.

I was told that the
egg is a Faberge.

It is inlaid with $ million
worth of gold and jewels.

I think that such a valuable object
must be the property of someone.

It could be an important track.

My identity might be so.

The first thing I will do is to
get in touch with an expert.

If this is, in a week
there will be hundreds of false relatives.

I'm always discreet Kitty, just
Molly's assistant, you know.

Do you have anything else
to start researching?

All I had when they found
me was this picture.

And a chain that I gave
you when you turned .

I had no idea.

Please do everything you can.

I know my family is somewhere.
And they would like to find me.

I hope I still have time!

To get to know them too.

You owe me last night.
Who will you meet?

He's an expert on Faberge eggs,
and I'll meet with another,

someone named Gudrun
Kupper, is from Budapest.

I hope that whoever owns the egg tells
me who the girl is from the photo.

You'd better hurry to get
the plane out of the way.

And do not get tangled with strangers.
It came to me once.

Dr. Antonelli?

Is someone?

Dr. Antonelli? You are at home?

Antonelli, I'm Jordan Kirkland!

Do not make any sound!

Police will come soon.
We have to leave immediately.

Now, come on...

Who are you? What happened to Dr.

- I'll explain later.
- I want to know now!

You can not go that way
and let that man...

For your sake, come with me.
Like you know me for a lifetime.

Tell me what's going on?

My name is Nicholas Rostov!

I am an expert in Russian art.

But what were you doing there?

I'm a friend of Dr. Antonelli.

He sent me a copy of the
photo from you by fax.

And he asked me to
meet him this morning.

We arrived this morning in Budapest,
we found him, we called the police.

- And then you came!
- Should not we talk to the police?

I was told you did not want
publicity in this case.

Know something? I'll get
you out of here, and

I'll come back later
to talk to the police.

Why would I trust you?

You're right, you should not!

Look, my identity card,
you can check me.

Miss Kirkland, the Italian police
it's not tolerant with the detectives!

We can talk to the
Rodolfo café at . !

I'm sorry if I
scared you earlier.

I'm glad you came to talk to me.

I was told by the Smithsonian, that
thanks to you I survive the Galleries!

And few people still do a job
as good as you!

You're very kind.

You are young enough for
such a great reputation!

I learned from the best.

Like Dr. Antonelli?

Did the police find out what happened?

It seems to be a robbery, a few
things are missing, but...


There are a lot of freaks in this world.

It is often proven that a
work of art can be a fake.

I see.

Dr. Antonelli was very excited about
your photo. Do you have the original?

Of course.

Do you know what this object is?

No, but my client thinks
is an egg Faberge.

Yeah, it's the central piece
of Borodin's music box.

- Is this a music box?
- Yes.

In , Count luri Borodin tried
to assassinate Tsar Nicholas II.

And to express his regret he ordered
the construction of this box.

But this was lost
with the Russian revolution.

I did not have a photo with her.

Whom belongs this photo?

Someone who wants to stay
anonymous, Mr. Rostov.

I'm doing research to
discover her family's past.

She thinks her here is her
representation when she was young.

The Borodin family
still lives in Russia?

No, bent after the revolution.
Count is in Budapest,

but it would not be nice if
contact him.


Try to find peace.

Miss Kirkland can help
with your research.

And I promise not to reveal
the identity of your client.

In exchange for what?

Give me any information you'll
find about the music box.

It could be the discovery of the century.

I do not really believe Mr. Rostov.

They need to get in touch with
another expert in Budapest.

Dr. Gudrun Kupper?

And the count hired her to
find the music box.

Maybe he has some information.

Take care what you tell him!

It will not stop anything
to find out what she wants.

So she thinks I can drive
her to the music box?

Yes! But be harder
to get rid of it.

And it will be less fun.

I enjoyed!

I will give you all the
details when I come back.

Of course.

We're taking the same train
to Budapest, Mr. Rostov?

Of course not. I'm using the plane.
But you?

I'm heading right now to Vienna.

Now, excuse me...

The photo was taken
when it was very small.

Of course, the processing
method or type of paper used,

could tell us exactly
where it was made.

There have been some tests
at a laboratory in Vienna,

but the result will
be in a few weeks.

Very good.

Dating is the most important thing.
It helps us

to find out if it was made before
or after the music box disappeared.

I was told you were helping Count
Borodin looking for the music box.


Unfortunately I'm not very successful!

The little girl could
be a clue to the count?

I doubt! Even if it had been
made between and ...

does not match any of
his family members.

I understand!

But do not worry.
We'll find out something.

I think it would be possible for me
meet the count?

Of course!

I have the feeling that she would
give up anything to see it.

You got my number from the hotel.

Call me how fast you can.

Thank you, Miss Kupper!
You helped me.

If you need anything, ask.

Thank you.

It's definitely that music box.

I could barely control
myself when I saw it.

She knows who she belongs to?

He was careful not to give
too much information.

Where is he now?

He went to the station. I heard
he got a ticket to Vlitka.

Keep an eye on her. I want
to find out what she knows.

How did the conversation go with Gudrun?

I have friends at that cafe.

How did you know I
was on this train?

I have friends on the railways too.

You have many friends, are not you?

That's my kind. We learned from the
conductor that we are going to Vlitka.

I told her I was going where you
were going and gave me a note.

It's good to know where you're going.

I'll do it alone!

A single lady does not do well.

Unlike you, of course...

What will we do when we get there?

If you want to know, I'm going to
I talk to the village priest.

If you want to confess, I'm
ready to listen to you.

Let's see how much I can guess!

years ago your client, a young woman
ran away from the Russian revolution.

It was found by a priest
who offered him shelter.

You're very smart.

It's not an unusual story
for those times.

There were rumors that that box was
sent to Budapest with those refugees.

I'm looking for my client's family,
I'm not interested in the music box.

No other Faberge sparked
such a bang like this.

I've heard it's worth $ million.
Something like that...

For such a price, many would
not get back from anything!

Ask if you want anything else.

No, thanks.

- You do not speak Hungarian?
- Not.

Earlier later, you will
need an interpreter.

No, thanks. I'll do it myself.

Miss Kirkland, I was
told you'd come alone.

He was kind and brought
me from the station.

Be blessed for your
kindness, son.

For a while I worked as an
orphanage, about years old.

But even before that, thousands of
children have crossed the threshold.

This little girl left Russia after the
revolution. He was about four years old.

I do not know if the superior
father kept anything.

I'm afraid our registers are
not quite that orderly.

- What was her name?
- Katya Davidov.

In Russia, the female is
articulated with the letter A.

Perhaps it's registered
with Davidova.

Maybe we'll find her there...

That's all I've learned before.

But I'm sure that client does not
know anything about the box.

The next train returns to the city
at midnight. I'll call you then.

- When did the train arrive from Budapest?
- minutes ago.

I had some problems with the car.

I hope I have not been late for
your business and Mrs. Kirkland.

Actually, you did.

He left with the last train. He went
to Vienna to arrange some chores.

- And why are you staying here?
- I got stuck here.

I'll take the next
train to Budapest.

I could come back with you.

Listen, I'll watch her all the time,
she will not be alone like Antonelli.

What makes you think I have
something to do with his death?

Once Antonelli disappeared,
he would have to trust you.

The same accusation I
could bring to you!

But do not scare me with this, I
know what your real motivation is.

I think I found something!

Katia Davidova, ...

What's in here?
I can not understand.

It's a standard record of her age,
parents, but the row is uncompleted...


He was transferred to
Szent Miklos in Budapest.

There may be records there...

Thank you parent, I'm sure
that it will help me.

It was about time!

I see you had an interesting day.

I stayed here, and I
saw your girlfriend!

- My friend?
- Yes, Gdrun Kupper, the one in Vienna.

So you go back to Budapest,
or stay here at the hotel?

I do not know what you're gonna do, me
I will return to Budapest.

A ticket to Budapest, please.

I was thinking about celebrating.

Mr. Rostov, I have a lot of work.
A drink you can afford.

You've probably found
something extraordinary

and you're eager to celebrate.

Some people can not
give it to your charm.

That's how it is! Good luck on you that
you are part of them.

You can ask any question you want.

I will prove to you
that I can help you.

Have you heard of Szent
Miklos Hospital in Budapest?

In Budapest?

No, not there.
Maybe there was one of those times.

Your client spent some
time in that place?

You can tell me this, anyway,
I'll find out in time...

Let's change the subject!


How did you become an art expert?

I was attracted to beauty, and
when I'm attracted to it,

or someone, can learn
everything about it.

Is this your family thing?

Something like that. My sister, Daria,
is a ballerina, a magnificent one.

I also wanted to be a ballerina.

But I spent my childhood through
libraries and bookstores.

I can only imagine you
surrounded by grace.

Let's stay on your
family's story.

My mother was American, and
when my dad died my sister,

I made the shuttle between
Budapest and New York.

That sounds great.

Tell me something about you.

I was raised in Minessota
and my mother...

My mom was painting, and... he was
waiting for my dad to come to work.

He was a FBI agent, he's now retired.

And they grew up a romantic
in search of the truth.

I think I took more from
my dad, from his job.

But the romantic side is showing.

Is there a Mr. Kirkland?
No, I was Mrs. Ramirez before!

You were!?

Yes, he was an Argentine translator
who I met in South America.

But the relationship did not work.

I hate to say that,
but I regret nothing.

I think I'd like to stay alone.

Of course...

Do you want more? No, thanks.

Jordy, what happened?

There was someone in my compartment.

The next one is the locomotive.
Are you sure he went over here?

I did not say he took her here,
you came in that direction.

You had to show me the direction.

Anyway, it's gone...

What convenient!

Do you think I...

I'm trying to help you.

I do not need your help, Mr.

Miss Kirkland...

Good morning, Miss Kupper.

Forgive me if I did not call your
room, but I wanted to be sure

there is nobody with you.
For example, Mr. Rostov.

I've finished my business with Mr. Rostov.

Okay, because I arranged a
meeting with Count Borodin.

That, if you do not mind...

Certainly not.


Is this the Count's family home?

No, this is the latest one
restitution received!

His family stayed here until after
w*r when the Communists expropriated it.

And when the Communists
left, he got it back.

It's fascinating, you've found your
family roots to Ivan the Terrible.

Yes, but no Katia Davidova
was part of our family.

So what's your connection
with that music box?

Perhaps she is at the relatives
of those who have stolen her.

When did this music
box disappear?

In the winter of . When the aristocracy
and intellectuals were destroyed.

Nicolas Rostov told me that that box
came to Budapest with the refugees.

I'm sure Nicolas told you that
his grandmother claims to be the owner.

No, that did not tell me.

It's a mistake, and Nicolas is
accustomed to living in luxury.

I understand!

Miss Kirkland...
I am a very influential man.

I have many relationships.

I can help with your research.

Instead, you'd like to find out
what I'll find about that box.

She was stolen to my family!

Now I'm trying to give Szeth
Miklos Hospital in Budapest!

But it seems that nobody has heard of him.

The registers here seem to
be forbidden to foreigners!

Gudrun, are you calling Mr.
Viski from the registry?

Tell him to meet
with Miss Kirkland.

Of course...

Is that easy to solve?

Something like that!

I'll have to go.

So soon?

We had just begun to know each other.

Please call me if I can
help you with something.

You are welcome anytime here.

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- It was nice to help you.

Thank you, but I'll do it myself.

Nick, is that your
way of apologizing?

I did not do anything
to apologize for.

A woman like you deserves
flowers every day.

Please, get out of my way.

If I stole your notes, I'd have gone
to the registry a long time ago.

But you did not steal them!

Did you manage to figure it out?

No, but nothing is missing.

Whoever was, he was scared
before he could get anything!

Not! Why did you say it was him?
It could have been Gudrun!

I do not understand why you trust
her, and you do not do it in me.

Maybe because you did not tell
me about your grandmother.

I'm afraid I can not help you too much.
The hospital was bombed in the w*r.

Could not recover too much.

There is not much of
his archives left.

Until what time do you open?
Until . .

But the count has asked me to leave
you here as long as you want.

Thank you.

Can I serve you?

Perhaps with a birth certificate.

I'll be in my office until you leave.
Thank you.

- Excuse me!
- Sorry, sir.

My girlfriend is there.
Jordan Kirkland...

He'll work late, tonight.

- But the other gentleman who came in?
- I think you're wrong.

Miss Kirkland, she's alone
here, now, excuse me.

Katya Davidova!

Dr Visnik?

Is someone?

Who is there?

Is someone?

- Stay calm, it's me.
- Why are you sneaking like that?

I did not sneak up, I walked out
the window, got up the stairs...

- You went into the archive!
- I did not do it at all!

My file!

It disappeared...

Now he knows just as much
about Katya as I do.

Do you think that Gudrun hired him?

She and Borodin are not the only ones...

Maybe he was in the Vlitki train.

It has passed through my mind.

I think I owe you an apology.

It's not your fault.
I do not want anything to happen to you.

Did you have the opportunity
to examine those documents?

Yes and?

We'll have to work together.

The one who att*cked us now
knows important facts.

I want to be helpful. And you'll
have to give me some information.

Her name is Katya Davidova.

Documents were from the
hospital, dated December .

We also found the name
of Piotr Davidov.

Piotr is the Russian name for Peter.

There was also something written
in that document in Russian.

It's the father's name.

Do you have any idea where they were from?

Yes, in St. Petersburg her
mother died of typhus.

Tifos? You could not do much
against this disease in .

She was a strong woman.
I want to get to St. Petersburg.

I think you're wasting your time.

If Piotr Davidov left Russia after
the revolution, he did not return.

Then I have to find out when
he and Katya were separated.

All right, now rest.
I'm coming to get you in the morning.

- If Gudrun calls...
- Do not worry, I'll take care.


I do not remember anyone
named Katya Davidov.

Of course, I had a lot
more friends at the time.

I always live for a moment.

I thought you could tell Mrs. Kirkland
something that would give her a path.

Do not you remember anything, Maria?

Not. Not more than Natalia.

Are you sure this is the right name?

I do not think Miss Kirkland
would have lied to me.

Take care of who you trust.

Too much confidence has caused
the collapse of your family.

I told you everything I knew.

The woman she works for does
not own that music box.

- Count Borodin knows about her?
- Yes, Gudrun introduced him.

This greedy world is
not back from nothing.

If Borodin finds the box, he will
be able to steal Natalie's title.

Life would have been much easier
if the box had not disappeared.

Her life would have meant
nothing if you were not here.

How much the mother
loved that music box.

We'll find her again, Grandma. And we
will prove your right to the title.

Borodin's title is yours, Nicholas.
Just yours.

Even if the world is conscious
for this or not.

Daria... go back to the lesson!

Of course Maria, call me later.

See you later.

Sometimes I worry about your
grandmother doing his illusions.

If I find the music box, I'll
give it a new purpose in life.

Miss Kirkland has advanced
with her research?

I found out quite a lot. If
we will know who Piotr Davidov is,

then we'll get even closer.

I wish I could help you with something.

You are already engaged
in charity balls.

Yeah, will you come? Of course!

Why don't you take
Miss Kirkland with you?

That's how they all know.

Maria, I do not think Miss Kirkland
would like to come with me.

Have you finally found a woman
who's immune to your charm?

I could try, though.

By the way you talk about it I do not
think it will be so difficult for you.

I use it just to get it
I find that box, nothing more.

Not all women resemble
Sophia, Nick.

Perhaps it will come close to...

What happened to Piotr Davidov
after he left me to the hospital?

That's what we're trying to find out.

"We try"?

Nicolai Rostov, is an art expert.


Do not worry Kitty aunt, I did
not tell him anything about you.

He speaks Hungarian, so he can read
from the archives better than I do.

I suppose I should be
very happy with you.

Maybe I'll find my dad.

Without that document, it might
or a little harder.

What do you mean, without that document?

- It was stolen.
- Stolen!

Jordan, I have the feeling you
do not tell me everything...

It's nothing important.

The last time you told me that,
you came home with Ramon.

This time it will not happen again, I
promise you. I'll call you tomorrow.


So far, we have given Russians
who were called Piotr Davidov.

I found them at the tax office, or
at the visa, that was in dec. .

How many of them are
from Sank-Petersburg?

This I do not know.
I'm still doing research.

- Do you want a little more wine?
- Yes.

- Excuse me.
- Thank you...

It's my fault.

I'm not happy... that's good.
I'll fix it.

Then we go back to work, okay?

It would be good.

Nick, if you saved a
child to the revolution,

what would have
made you leave him?

- I do not know, nothing would...
- Did you look at the death certificate?


I want to ask you a favor. What?

Maria gives a ball of charity,
and I want you to come with me!

I'm sorry, but I do not have time.

I know you're busy, but if you
know my family, you'll feel good.

- Your grandmother will be there?
- Of course.

What's the story
behind this music box?

My grandmother was a ballerina.
Even before Lenin.

Then he met Borodin,
and they fell in love!

Is that so?

He bore two faces, and married
in a private ceremony for,

that no one in the family should interfere.

Why would anyone have
opposed their marriage?

Some greedy people marry
for money, not for love.

He died in the revolution, but his
family has reneged my great-grandmother,

claiming it was a false marriage,
even if the box was proof.

What do you mean?

She was stolen by Olga,
his beloved wife.

What happened to her?

He tried to use the
box to escape Russia.

But something went wrong. Olga and
my grandparents sister were k*lled,

Natalia escaped the music box
it disappeared.

So the music box proves it
your grandmother is the name of Borodin.


Will not that title come
back to you someday?

That does not really matter. I want
Natalia to be restituted to her identity.

So... what about that ball?

If I'm still around, then...

- Well, tonight.
- How?

Yes. Tonight.

I do not know, I have to
prepare, my hair and...

Do not worry about it, I know a
good shop where you can get anything.

I have friends in the fashion world too!

Wonderful! You will take a dress
and I'll take you to the ball.

I would like to introduce
Jordan Kirkland to New York.

She is the companion of my
grandmother, Maria. Our host.


My sister, Daria.


What an interesting chain.

It's a gift from my aunt.

Where's Grandma Natalia?

She did not feel very
well, so I took her home.

She will be very disappointed
not to see you, Miss Kirkland.

Daria, why do not you show our
guest around our surroundings.


Nicolai, I would like
a glass of champagne.

You are a very attractive couple.

It's just someone I work with, Maria.

And how does your work progress?

I'd be happier if Gudrun
Kupper had not appeared.

She and Borodin have much in common.

They convinced Jordan that
he does not need me.

I'm sure you'll do it.
You always do it.

Here are some pictures of Kuzov's
ballet from revolutionary Russia.

That's my grandmother.
Olga Galinina. Natalie's mother.

He was the first ballerina of the work.

Nick told me about her,
she's very beautiful.

And he's Anatoly Kuzov.
The choreographer of the ballet.

And Mary's mentor.

It's very good.

And here is Maria... in .

She's the one who helped
make Grandma Natalia escape.

Miss Kirkland.

- Good evening.
- You want to give me a dance?

Of course.
Do you hold me this Daria?

Thank you!

Excuse us.

I did not expect to
see you here tonight.

Ballet ballet, attracts the cream
of the company in Budapest.

Even those who are not close
to the Rostov family.

Nick is my companion tonight.

Is that so?

Gudrun told me he had some
information about Katya Davidova.

Go to our Galleries
tomorrow morning.

Yes, I will.


You charmed the count.

Some are easy to enchant.

All men are subjugated
by a beautiful woman.

Smile Nicky!

Damn Bardie, end up with the bullshit.

Do not refuse. There are many photographers
here, you just do not want them here!

Stop Beard!

- Who's your new girlfriend?
- That's not important.

If it was not, you would
have told me that.

Who was that?

Bertina Eaks, she's a
photographer at a newspaper.

To a newspaper?

Do not worry, she does not care
this subject!

We better return to the room.

"There is not someone in the official
record with the name of Katya Davidova!"

- Not in the charts of the church...
- Gudrun?

It's me, Gudrun.

"I'd like to talk to the count,
see what he thinks about it."

"There is not someone in the official
record with the name of Katya Davidova!"

I do not like people who
tell me how to do my job.

I'm tired of arguing with you!

You hired me to do a job,
and that's what I do now.

I thought that rope would scare you.
But it was not like that.

So now I will do
it in my own way.

Yeah, I know what the risks are.

Excuse me, this is a copy
yesterday, do you have one today?

Of course!

Thank you!

New York?
Nick What are you up to?

I told the police I had a date
with her, but when I got there...

Calling the police is a little risky.

I could not leave it that way.

Did they find out when he died?

During the evening when I was at the ball.

Does not that mean you suspect me?

Please do not joke with that.

Why do not you go home?
I'll handle this.

- No, I made a promise.
- Who, to your client?


I owe him.

If Borodin and Gudrun were
behind the att*cks so far,

why was she k*lled?

I do not know, maybe he found out
something Borodin did not allow to be.

- I found this on her desk.
- Did you steal this?

I did not... want to be dragged
and my client in this. Listen!

"There is an authorization that declares it
Katya Davidova, aged ,"

very sick!

Her father could not pay
for medical expenses.

- Where are you going?
- I want to check something.

I want you to sit here with the
closed door. Do not answer the phone.

I'll be back as soon as I can!


I got a message from Jordan
Kirkland, who am I talking about?

Kitty Ridgewood.

Kitty Ridgewood, from
Ridgewood cosmetics?


And you know Jordan Kirkland?

- Yeah, she's my niece.
- Your niece!

Who is on the phone?

Maxwell, I'm Bardie...

Do you still have the movie
from the charity ball?

Very well, because I
have a story for you.

December , , Piotr Davidov
of Sankt-Petersburg, Russia...

asked the Hungarian state for a visa
of residence.

Then he went to Vienna.

How do you know he's the
man I'm looking for?

There is no other evidence, but this man
leaves the country as soon as he does

a young woman named Katya gets sick.

So he could not afford to
take care of this child.

Taking into account the conditions,
the typhoid epidemic of refugees...

maybe it was better
than to stand and die.

- Poor man...
- Yes!

Most visas require an address
in the home country.

Look... Lieberman Linz , Vienna.

I'm going to be interested in a plane!

Nick, do you think there's any chance
that this man will still live?

Sit down!

Wait here!

I'm Nick Rostov, leave a
message after the signal!

Nick, I'm Bradie, I do not know what
you're involved in, but call me.

Who is?

I'm Nick. Open!

Whoever it was, left long ago.

Are you feeling alright?

Yeah, I have a wonderful holiday
in Europe, sprinkled with bodies,

no one to trust me,
I'm shot, robbed...

Stop worrying, I'm here now.

And I'm pretty scared
for both of us.

Tonight, I thought a while at...

I understand that titles and
treasures are least important.

I do not want you to lose Jordan.

I do not want anything to happen to you.

I could stay like this
for the rest of my days.

And why would not I do it?
I have to get to Vienna.

I think they know how to do
this without being tracked.

Those ferries leave
every morning.

Some go on the river,
some go to Vienna.

And if we do not take any baggage,
no one will suspect anything.

We can change the ship and
nobody will follow us.

Press the button to listen to the messages.

OK. I'm letting it go!

Nick, I'm Maria. I just called
to see what you were doing.

Nick, I'm Bradie, I do not know what
you're involved in, but call me.

Looks like that's all.

Okay, thanks Daria. Tell Maria that
I'm going to call her from Vienna!

I'll take care of Bardie.
Good luck!

Beard Wax?

The one who shot us. I think
wants us to come to an understanding.

Wait for me in the taxi.
I can handle Bardie...

f*ck Bardie!

- You got the movie?
- Do not worry, he will not sell it.

I'm sorry I have not called before, but
I did not have time for the phone.

I hope your guy deserves, because
Aunt Kitty is burning to talk to you!

He called you?

Yeah, but she did not say anything to
me, she seemed to be very worried.

I'll be over an hour in Vienna
and call her from there.

- Okay... and take care what you're doing.
- I'll be fine.

Excuse me, have you seen the
man at my table, Mr. Rostov?

- I saw him at the newspaper counter.
- Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hello, I booked the hotel.

Maybe you can explain that to me.

She says the photographer who
took these pictures was k*lled.

Her body was found in a basement
the day I left Budapest.

Jordan, let me explain.

And where did you want to start?

It is said here that he was k*lled in
the same way as Gudrun and Antonelli.

Her body was also found
following an anonymous phone.

Antonelli was my friend, you know
we were together when Bardie was k*lled.

Why did not you tell me? The identity
of my client has been revealed.

Can read about it
anywhere in America!

You lied to me!

How do you know when
you tell me the truth?

I'm used to this.

What do you want Jordan to do?
Everybody has his secrets...

Good morning, Miss.

I have a date with Sonia Lieberman.

- Miss Kirkland?
- Yes.

We are waiting for you.
I'm glad to meet you.

And you too.

You come here. Thank you.

Piotr Davidov was a noble Russian
emigrant like my grandfather.

This is.

He has become a very good craftsman.
He's been with us for a while.

Did he mention a little girl named Katya?

Yes, many times.

When I was a kid, he
often told me about it.

She had died of typhus in Hungary.

He had no money to cover
medical expenses, so...

He had to leave it there.

I think it was very hard
for him to leave his baby.

But Katya was not his daughter.

In fact, he gave him that
name to cross the border.

He was just a child he'd
brought out of Russia.

- Really?
- Yes...

My dad told me something
about Piotr when he died...

I still have his stuff up.
Come take a look.

Good luck that Mom kept
everything in order.

What's in here?

To my most loyal
servant, Anatoly Kuzov.

Thank you very much Sonia,
you have been very helpful.

Thank you. Goodbye.

- Are you an American?
- Yes.

You know, I'm doing English classes.

You are a very beautiful girl.

Do you think my pronunciation is good?

Yeah, it's good.

That car has been following
us since we left.

Do you want to get rid of her?

Not. Just change the direction
quickly but do not lose it.


Can you stop here, please?

So, wait until I signal you!

Call the police and tell them
the man in this car is armed.

- OK...
- Thank you.


Wait a minute!


You are fine?

How did you find me?

I stood in the hallway and
saw that car outside.

Thank you.

I'm sorry about the papers!

My ex-wife, Sofia, was
an actress, and...

it was like spending more time than ever!
The tabloids were watching her everywhere.

And why am I still following you?

Because my grandmother
claims the title of Borodin!

It's everywhere in the newspapers.

I'm sorry I did not
talk to the police.

If you want to call them now, I'll do it.

Do you want me to leave?


Piotr Davidov was Kuzov's servant!

So he removed the Russian music box.

As the way Sonia Liebermann
described to me,

I think he sold the box
to pay Katya hospitalization.

Let's see what we have up to now.

OK. My groom married
Count Borodin.

Owner of the music box.

He died during the revolution, my
grandmother Natalia and the music box,

were sneaked out of Russia.

The music box is gone.

In Russia, my grandmother's
great-grandmother and sister, she died.

But the music box came to a photographer
who took her across the border.

Kuzov's servant, Piotr Davidov.

- What is that?
- From a photo lab.

The one who shot the
picture did it in .

Aunt Kitty was born only in ,
so she is not in the picture.

I think you're starting
to see her true past.

My mother had dressed that
morning, and it was as usual.

She told me I was a brave girl
which my father would be proud of.

I tried hard.

But then, he said...

We'll have to go without her.

Little Alexandra, my sister...

started screaming.

Mom tried to calm her.

We had to leave it there.

Who will cross the border?

Maria, we would not have
succeeded without her.

We had all fever, it was
cold and we were hungry.

And when I woke up one morning,
the fever had disappeared.

Mary led us to freedom.

But the music box?

I was so young. I did not know
what had happened to her.

It was later discovered that
Alexandra and Olga are dead.

This happened when Natalia
became Mary's new mother.

Mrs. Natalia, do you know this
little girl in the photo?

Where did you find that?

It belongs to the woman whose
families I am trying to find!

I'm here.

I gave it to my little Alexandra.
Not to forget me until we meet again.


It's incredible. My aunt Kitty
might be your grandmother.

How close are we to be like relatives?

Technically we'll talk, we'll
be fourth-degree cousins.

That's a relief.

Hello Mrs. Kirkland.

Count Borodin.

I read the tabloids.

You've learned the story of my rivals,
now you may want to hear mine.

- At the table, for example?
- It is not necessary.

- It would be a pleasure, Count.
- Good.

I'll just wait for you.

You can not do that. This guy's the
only one who knows your moves.

If you're so worried,
you can come with me.

I found aunt Kitty's family,
and now the music box.

- Miss Kirkland...
- Howdy.

Thank you for bringing me the guest, Mr.
Rostov the butler will lead you.

Excuse me, I want Rostov
to attend our discussion.

As you wish. Please, take a seat.

So where to start?

Why do not you tell me how you used
my grandmother's title at this time.

After the Russian Revolution, Western
Europe was full of impostors, ducks, con...

even the tortured children of the Tsar.

And almost all proved to
be with false identities.


Those who had a legitimate identity
they had authority over others.

It was a very hard fight then.

- Not only did you have to fight.
- Stop it.

Count Borodin, there's a
guy trying to k*ll me.

I have nothing to do
with Gudrun's death...

Do not you know him?

We only three were
looking for the music box.

Nick thinks you k*lled Gudrun
to hide what she found.

But she did not have enough
information about the whole truth.

What do you want to say?

I think there's someone
involved in this hunt.

Someone who knows more
than all of us involved.

There's another who's hunting you
title, count?

Only Natalia Rostova.

She's not interested in your money,
she just wants to prove her origin.

If the title is hers, she belongs to her!

But to be honest, the title of count
is just so fashionable today!

And I was right.
It's about something else here.

Thank you.

Nick, I want to talk to your grandmother
again, is something that does not fit.


What is it?

It's a b*mb!


Nick, be careful.

You are fine?

You saved my life.

I'd rather believe I
saved your lives both.

Now we need to find out
who hired this man.

Perhaps no one hired him.

Maybe someone else is interested
in reaching this box.

Krusov's mother saved the ballet company.
Only Olga did not.

The box was her life jacket.

But she had a broken heart when he
was k*lled, he dropped the ballet...

- How?
- Maybe he found a way.


The one who lied to me.

Now that the assassin has been
k*lled, research can go easier.

Perhaps he hired another.

The important thing is
that you two are fine.

You said Alexander would come tomorrow.

Yeah, now it's called Kitty.

I'm really glad
Natalie's sister lives.

Aunt Kitty is just waiting to
she knows you.

I told him what important role
you had in family history.

- See you tomorrow.
- Of course.


Give me the mattress Maria.

Olga trusted you to sell this
to Russia, but you did not!

How dare you accuse me?

Do you know why you did not?
For your ambitions.

No, give it back.

I never did anything
wrong with Olga.

I just wanted to stay in Russia.

Kusov has never seen anyone
else dance like her.

I would have liked to
show him what I could do.

Did you know that Piotr Davidov was trying
to she took Alexandra out of Russia.

And when he asked for your help, you
refused. Who would have come back to you?

There were only witnesses, so
you assumed you were safe.

Then you saw the picture!

When I discovered that
Alexandra lives...

I was afraid David did not
know who had grown up.

I tried to take Alexandra
to the hospital.

But it was too late, she had disappeared.

I did not mean to hurt my children.

You just wanted to keep them
away from their mother.

And the guy you hired to prevent
us from learning the truth?

Not! I just wanted to scare you.

He said things should
be pushed further.

I did not mean to hurt anyone.

But I could not leave you to me
set aside.

You were my only family.

The family I had defended!

I watched over it for
three generations!

I did not want to lose you.

I do not know what to say to you Jordan!

I asked you to do an investigation
discreet, and then I find that...

Aunt Kitty!

You can make me cry as much as you
want later, but now you shut up.

Nick, she's Kitty Ridgewood!

Aunt Kitty, he's Nicolas Rostov!


Is that why I'm here?

Please come in!

Welcome home, Alexandra.

Your real name is
Alexandra Borodin!

And she is your older
sister Natalia...

There were followers Borodin,
four were born in Russia.

After so many years...

I thought you were dead!

I did not think you were still alive!

I wanted you to come here
when we open the last proof!

But this is exactly like...

Like the one you wore
when you were little!

I did not know what he was using.

It was the last gift
my mother did to me!

"For Olga, my beloved wife"!

Looks like we finally
found proof we needed.

And you've found your
family, Aunt Kitty.

Taking into account all
the pain caused by Mary,

Your grandmother does not seem too upset.

Finding the missing sister has made
it go beyond what has happened.

I've even reunited with families, but that
did not make me as happy as it is now.

Because it's about our families.
That makes her so special.

Our family, how weird it sounds.

I think it sounds good!

It will be hard to
leave all this behind.

Then do not.

Why do not you stay here?

I love you Jordan.
I do not want you to leave!

I do not know if I can get
used to telling you count!

I have a great solution
for this!

Marry me, and call
me your husband.
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