Le Sourire (1994)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Le Sourire (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »








-Madame Janine!

Grab the stick.

Grab the stick.
Grab the stick, you fool!

Are you going to grab it or not?
You pain in the ass!

The professor is going to go mad.

Little Brigitte is having a breakthrough.
Double the dosage.

-How much were you giving her?
-Three tablets a day.

-I think, I'll have to check.
-Yes, check.

Put that cigar out.

Hello? Yes the professor's here.
I'll put him on.

No, she didn't drown. Calm down…

Of course I understand.

No, she's not pretending. I know.

Just up the dosage and be done with it.
No more than 4 a day.

Call me if she doesn't stop crying.

My wife? What about her?

There's no need to go to the pavilion,
she's right here.

Yes, she knows.
She'll join you as soon as she can.

Ah! It's cold.

Cold, cold, cold.

I'm fine in the morning.
The first part of the day.

I take a leak, drink my coffee.
I've got that part down.

It's everything after that
I struggle with.

By night, there's only one thing
I want to do:

to collapse on the carpet
and curl up in a ball

so that everyone will feel sorry for me.

Breathe in.

Right. All done.

Don't get up right away.

What do these girls have in store for us?

What do they have in store?

They're going to take us
for a special ride.

That's right gentlemen.
All will be revealed.

Come on! Get moving!

Hurry up!

The show's about to start.

Cisca from Poland!

Wagon the redhead!

Toot Toot!

And Chipper from the USA!

Chipper from California.

You're about to watch

the steamiest show
in all of Charente-Maritime.

They're hot, they're smoking,

they're on fire! Climb aboard gentlemen.

To taste an authentic local specialty!

Come on,

Dig deep in those pockets

and show me the money! Show me the money!

And here they come!

The money, gentlemen!

And in they go!

The show's about to start! And my girls

like to reveal all.

Ten francs, pops. Let's keep it moving.

That's right, everything.



-You see the coronary just here?

It's not looking good.

And the constriction here.

You need to rest, old boy.

You want me to retire, don't you?
You're after my job!

I'm going to inform the board of directors
that you're after my job.

There'll be a hoo-ha.

-They'll be delighted!
-Complete rest.

Light meals. Preferably fish.

Cut down on fatty foods. Get up early.

Stop smoking.

And walk.
Three laps of the park every morning.

And let me guess,
nothing in the bedroom either?

Or can I jerk off now and then?

Hold on tight, here we go!

Are you out of work?


-Are you looking for a job?
-No, no.

-Do you already have one?

-What do you do?
-I'm an athlete.

-What kind of sport?

Are you a professional?

I'm playing in the district championships
and I'm competing in a beauty contest.

You were thinking about it, weren't you?

-About what?
-About my show, my attraction.

Are you joking?

You want to work for me?

Oh my God.

I'm not joking.

Why would I do that?

Only you know. It's your secret.

You need a secret
if you're going to strip.

The clients don't come
if the girls don't have any secrets.

What's your name?


I'm Jean, but everyone calls me Jean-Jean
because I'm nice.

So nice they like to say it twice.

We'll be here until the end of the week.

Think about it, then come back and see me.

You can easily find me.

Ask for Jean the MC, Jean the pro.

Everyone knows me.

See you.

-See you.

We keep saying "see you"!

People do when they really want
to see each other again.

If you mess around, Pierre-François,
you won't last two months.

How long?

Two weeks, two days, two minutes.

There's a big difference between
two days and two minutes.

That's down to you.

Don't worry doctor, I'm way past my best.

I can't even get it up.

I can't even manage to smile.

I can't even do my job.

I'm lucky if I can get through
an appointment.

After a few minutes

I start to feel a kind of pain in my legs.

A niggling pain.

And then it turns into
a kind of cramp, you know?

It makes its way to my arms

Up the left arm.

Stabbing pains.

It's all I can think about.

I don't give a damn
what the patient is saying.

I used to like the light in the bathroom.

It would make pretty patterns.

I can't stay sitting down.

I have to get up.

So I do the rest standing up.

Well, professor?

Listen Brigitte,
you shove your nipples in my face

then expect me to explain your psyche?

Of course I do. Isn't that what you do?

Let's change the subject.

All right.

-I wasn't very sensible this morning.
-Go on.

I went swimming in the pond.

I disobeyed you. You told me

if I did it again, you'd marry me.

Really? I said that?

I did it again.

Mado just finished the room.
The sheets are clean. Fresh.

We can do the nuptials any time.

I'm not feeling up to it today, Brigitte.
I'm sorry.

Are you remembering to take your Prozac?

Morning and night.

I think of you morning and night.

I take everything you tell me to.

I used to love my patients.

I was always finding new ideas for them,

new puzzles to solve.

Now I'm sick of them.

I'm always thirsty.

And I end up cutting
every appointment short.

Goodbye, Brigitte.

I'm old now. It's over.

I'm ashamed.

Make up the rooms and clear those two out.

-Okay. Goodbye, sir.
-Goodbye, Estelle.


Goodnight, kid. Remember to take your…

Yeah, yeah. Don't be a nag.

Hello, Chantal? It's Pierre-François.

Me? Great!

And how's your husband?


Ah… well, you know.

Sometimes you have to accept facts.
He is, after all, a royal assh*le.

No, no. I wasn't calling
to talk to you about Charles.

I'm calling about a little drawing.

Young woman sleeping, do you remember?

That's right.
The one that got us into trouble.

Well I've had enough of it.

I'll bring it back, if you want.

Well I hope so.

Yes, I thought it would make you happy.

Me too.

Sunday, okay. Ronce-les-Bains.

Yes, yes. I don't know…

I haven't seen you in a long time,

and I haven't seen the sea
for a long time.

Is this seat free, Miss?

Could you let me know when
we get to Ronce-les-Bains?

That's where I'm going, too.

Thank you.

No problem.

I'm really pleased.

Funnily enough.

Gaby did a test.
I'm going to have a heart attack.

Again. A bad one.

Oh no!

You've gone white. I'm pleased.

No Pierre-François, I'm terrified!

Ah! It was terror. I'm delighted.

Look at that face!

I'm fine. I was joking.
It was just a joke.

What a funny joke.

I'm doubled up.

I'm sorry.

Are you mad at me?

No, I'm not mad at you.

But see that guy over there?

The one in a red jacket. Look discreetly.

-The really ugly guy over there?
-Yes. That's Charles.

-The guy in red is your husband?
-Yes. So what?

I'm shocked!

When he found out I was meeting you
he went crazy.

He wanted to know the the time, the place.

Now he's watching us.

So the guy with the red jacket
and no hair is your husband?

So what? You don't have any hair either.

Yes but he's bald as a coot.

He looks like a mollusc!

Or a fish.


I don't think I'd say he's bald as a fish.

Nobody's saying he's a Greek god.

You seem furious, Pierre-François.

No, no, I'm not furious.

I'm distraught.

Come on.

Ah, yes.

Now there's a sight for sore eyes.


Oh yes.

Any man.

Any man at all.

The second I know I'm making him hard

it makes me…

I fall in love right away.

-Any man!
-That's natural.

I think about his d*ck,

getting hard for me.

And then I start getting wet.


I get wet.

But only if I have a bare ass.

He has to see my butt crack!

If he touches my p*ssy

I turn bitter,


I can't live like this, Doctor.
I can't live like this anymore.

Go on, cry. It's okay.

Let it all out.

I swear I don't have the strength anymore.

You're a doctor.

You're a doctor, an intelligent man.

What should I do?


I don't know.

-I'm sorry, I'm tired.
-You're tired?

Yes, I'm exhausted.

Exasperated, drained, worn out,

sapped, shattered.

Your stories, your anecdotes…


I'm dying!

I'm going to die for f*ck's sake!

I'm going to die!
Leave me the alone, g*dd*mn it!

Keep your dirty stories to yourself
and leave me be!

Do you understand?

-I'm going to die.

I'm sick of it! Sick of it! Sick of it!

Mado? Mado? Mado!

What do you want?

You need to sign something! Believe it
or not, you're still the director!

I won't sign anything.

I won't manage anything.

If you want to die, old boy, go ahead.

But don't come running to me
for an appointment. Do you hear?

What the hell are you trying to do?

That's it. Act a fool.

Carry on acting like an idiot.

It'll come back to bite you
in the ass as usual!

-As per usual!
-Oh shit!

Shit! Shit!

Shit, shit, shit!

Shit, shit!

Oh no…

Oh shit!

Hello there.

We met in the train on Sunday,
do you remember?


Don't worry, I'm not following you.

I'm heading home.

-Where am I? I'm totally lost.
-Come on, move!

No, not yet.

I can't go back up that hill,
my heart will give up on me.

You shouldn't be cycling
if you have heart problems.

Wait, wait! Stop!

Hey, stop the engine!

What was that about?
You weren't going to run me over, surely?

Please, I just want to talk to you.

One question.

Try to answer.

Could a man like me, a man of my age,

in the kind of state I'm in…

could such a man ever be attractive

to a beautiful young woman like you?

That's your question?


Are you asking for a slap?

I have heart problems.
I could die any moment.

You're in a bad way.

It kills me to say it, but yes.

You should try a hotline.

Or personal ads.

You want to f*ck me?

Not at all! Not at all…

What's wrong with you?

You've got it all wrong
that's not what I said!

All I want, now that I don't have
a second to lose, is to get to know you.

And if that's too much to ask…

I thought, when I saw you back there,

maybe I could just come
and watch you now and again.

I mean… as often as possible.

What for?

To look at you.

To watch you play tennis.

Is that too much to ask?

I could pay you.
We could work something out.

You're so young, so curvaceous.

Tall and curvaceous.

You have a clean voice,
like certain jazz singers.

It feels like an embrace,
even when you're angry.

I really like your voice.

-You think I'm a dirty old man.

But I'm afraid I can't.
I don't have the time, I'm sorry.

I'm preparing for a competitive exam.

What kind of exam?

To become a teacher.

-What kind of teacher?

What kind of bullshit is that?

Can't you just carry on hitting
a ball with a racket?

-Now that's something.
-I'll do what I want.

Forget about the cosmetics training
and come to dinner with me this evening.

A nice slap-up dinner. What do you think?

Martin Traiteur, not far from the fair.
Do you know it?

I'm not convinced.

All right, fine.

You're not convinced
but you're going to think about it.

-That's right.
-I'll be there from 8pm.

All right, old man!

Here we go again!

The ride that sends your legs
flying into the air.

Shit. What an idiot.
She's not going to recognize me.



Looks like someone's got a date!

Hold on tight!

What do they have in store for us?
What do they have in store?

These chicks, these hotties, these babes,

my good time gals?

First up we have Wagon, the redhead.

You know what they say
about the carpets matching the drapes!

Shake it, Wagon! Wriggle it! Wiggle it!

That's it! That's the spot.

And Toot Toot!

From the shoulders up and the knees down,
nothing to report.

But between the court house
and the post office

she'll make you lose your minds,
gentleman! She's gonna shake it!

She's gonna shake it!

A feast for the eyes
to make you bust your flies!

You'll be in good hands, gentlemen.

Tonight she's letting off some steam.
Toot Toot! Toot Toot!

-She's letting loose.
-Hats off to the artists!

What's wrong with you?
There are no artists here.

Nobody's doing any art,
and nobody wants to see any art!

Am I right?

We don't serve salad here!

Sweets and sausage are our specialities.

Who's with me?

The finest sweets

and sausage.


You see my beauties?

You see my cuties?

They're smoking hot! They're on fire!

And my girls have lit a fire in me, too.

My sweeties.

They've set me on fire.

And now gentlemen,
they'll set you on fire too!

They'll light a fire inside you,
in your bellies.

So show me the money!

And in they go! Show me the money.
Off they go!

If someone doesn't turn up for a date,
it's because they're afraid.

I was afraid too.

I thought you might not recognize
me without my beard.

Do I look stupid? Should I have kept it?

No, it looks fine.
It makes you look younger.

Really? You think?


Young lady, I'm afraid you can't come in

Do your wonderful man a favor.

Let him buy a ticket.

Or give him 50 francs and let him come in
because when he gets out,

you'll have him polishing the floors,

mowing the lawn,
washing the dishes and of course

he'll teach you a thing or two.

And when I say "thing",
I mean a real wild ride.

A wild ride all through the night.

He'll bring back something spicy
to put in your bowl.

Look at these girls
and their flaming hot outfits!

Look at all that flesh, those panties!

They'll take you to paradise.
No wonder they're on fire.

This guy's going too far. Let's go.

-I want to go in.
-I bet it stinks of piss.

-Infested with mites…
-I'm going.


-Thank you.
-No problem.

Take these fruits and flowers,
these leaves and sprigs

My heart beats only for you

You look all hot and flustered!
Can I help you?

Two seats, please.

We don't have seats.

-Only standing.
-Two standing then.

Take my arm.

Your butt crack is the smile
that lights up my life

What's he saying?

It's Italian.

Your butt crack is the smile
that lights up my life

But what does it mean?


"Your butt crack is the smile
that lights up my life."

-We're like an engaged couple!

You know, I've had a wonderful evening.
I just want you to know that.

Yeah, it wasn't bad.
Let's not go over the top.

What the hell?

Have you lost your mind?
Throwing yourself on me like that

you dirty old lunatic!

-Did I hurt you?
-I think you've broken my nose!

I've had it with you, old man.

Just you wait! In 30 years' time

you'll have changed,
you'll be nothing but an old hag!

The very proof that there is no God.
It'll be too late to cry.

Do you think you can scare me,
you withering idiot?

I can shout louder than you if I want to.

No! Shh! Be quiet.
When will I see you again?

-We live in the same town, don't we?


In 1966, Ingmar Bergman,

alone on the island of Faro,

wrote the screenplay for Vargtimmen.

He was going through one of the worst
depressive periods of his life.

He wrote to his friend Gustaf Molander,
seeking comfort.

Oh no…

Oh God!

Jesus, that's too much.

Good evening, old friends.

Shit, f*ck, damn it!

What happened to your beard?

I don't know. I forgot to put it on.

Please don't start
with your stupid questions.

Is your nose bleeding?

This'll make you laugh.
I went for a walk around the fair.

Then a beautiful girl offered me
a ride home in her Citroën.

So to thank her, I tried to r*pe her.


You're right. I'm not okay, Gaby.

This time, it really is game over.

-Am I disturbing you?
-What gave you that impression?

What time is it? I threw away my watch.

Two in the morning.

It's not usually your finest hour.

I could tell right away
you weren't happy to see me.

I started watching Hour of the Wolf.
Have you seen it?


At night I sleep. I'm tired.

That's funny. I can't sleep precisely

because I'm tired.

Nobody knows how to give you the blues
like Bergman, don't you think?

Do you want leg or breast?

Breast, if there is any.

I can't believe you shaved your beard off.

You look like a trout.


Must be all the gray.

Why a trout?

-A rainbow trout!
-Oh right.

-You think I look like a rainbow trout?
-Yes. Old, gray and a bit of a pansy.

Will you cut it for me?

You really don't want to be happy, do you?

You won't change. That's your problem.

You just love being miserable.

But nobody is happy being miserable.

Being miserable, frustrated…
How could that ever make you happy?

And everyone has to know.

But I have to be the first.

At least the chicken's excellent!


Oh, hi.

Get dressed lazybones!

I've been here five minutes.

If you say "I knew I'd find you again"
I'm leaving.

No, I was in the neighborhood.
I came to say hi.

Oh God, that's even worse.

-How did you get my address?
-Who was that old guy yesterday?

How did you get it?

Who was the old guy?

My uncle. Why did you pretend
you didn't recognize me?

When I'm working, I'm working.

-So did you decide?
-About what?

Being a stripper.

Isn't there another word for it?
Stripper ruins it.

Don't say the word. It's better that way.

I've got a business in Angoulême.

That's why you're here, right?

It's better if we don't talk about it.

-Why Angoulême?
-It's better for you.

-Your friends and family are here.

Angoulême is 60 miles away.
Nobody will know you there.

I've got a funny feeling.

What kind of feeling?

I feel like I'm turning into
something else.

You mean "someone" else.

Not "something" else.

No, for me it feels like I'm becoming
something else.

Not someone else.

-Where are we going?
-To see my gals.

Hey, girls!

Who wants some cake?

Guests first!


Don't take the cream puff.

I'll take the eclair.

-Can I have that one?
-Yes, hurry up.

-Thanks, babe.
-You're welcome.

Do you want a coffee?

No, I prefer tea.

With milk? Lemon?


Coming right up.

What else do you do?

When we're not working?

Ironing, washing,

Monopoly, rummy, backgammon,

dice, TV, walkman…

-What are you doing? Are you alone?
-Shut up! Get out of here!

Yeah, I like watching
celebrity interviews,

Wheel of Fortune, Dynasty,

the soaps…

The news… everything really.

Oh and the game shows, too.

When the season's over,

we have what we call "strip winter".

So we usually go up to Paris

and take on little jobs,

if we need to work, if we need the money.

Otherwise we wait
for spring to come around

to go back out on the road.

Those poor guys.

I'm laughing but it's not funny.
I mean… poor guys.

The girls let us look at them
and let us touch them.

I think a lot of them, really.
Because they're not selfish.

It's hard to do what they do.
Because they give it their all.

They share it with us
and make people happy.

What we do with those girls is the most
intimate thing you can do with a woman.

And they never try to sleep with you?

You get guys who want to sleep with you
for 300, 400 francs.

Who do they take us for? It's ridiculous.

I'm not like that. I won't do it.
I'm clean.

That doesn't mean I'll say no
if there's a guy I like.

But not for money.

I won't sleep with a guy
for 300 or 400 francs.

They're not there to flirt.
They're there to watch our show.

And sometimes they seem to forget that.

When you see the desire they have for us


I want to give them all I've got.

It sounds stupid.

I see them looking at me

and I think…

it's a beautiful thing.

It's awful. They have this whole act.

If what you really want is
to taste a bit of p*ssy,

then go ahead! But that's all.

Because you can't get attached.

Nobody gets attached.

Nobody gets attached to anyone.

What about you?

What are you looking for?
What do you want?

I want to make their balls explode.

That's all I want. That's the only reason.


Come on! Run!

Eye on the ball.

Keep your eye on the ball.


Odile, is that your voice? Is that you?


I tried calling but the line was busy.

I tried calling you too
and the line was busy.

It would have been,
seeing as I was calling you.

I wanted to apologize for last night.

I'm usually polite, honest, modest.

I'm kind of sorry too.

I don't really like saying I'm sorry
but I am.

Yes, at the end of the evening

things got a bit out of hand.

I wanted to…
Oh it was ludicrous, wasn't it?

It was…

But it was also flattering.



Are you flirting with me?

-I don't know.
-Either way, it's working.

-Men. You poor things.
-You can say that again.

Is your nose okay?


-Your nose. Is it okay?

Yes. Now it makes me think of you.

I mean… more than usual.

I mean…

So you're not angry anymore?

No, no. I actually have
a little question for you.

What kind of question?

What are you doing Sunday?

Sunday… I sleep in, I potter around.


Do you want to come to Angoulême with me?

Angoulême? The wildest city in France?

What the hell for?

I'm going to see my aunt.

An aunt who lives in Angoulême? How awful.

Okay, I'll come.

Super duper extra cool!
I'll come for you at nine.

-Nine o'clock. Perfect.
-Super duper.

-Extra cool.

Right, super duper extra cool.

-See you Sunday.
-Okay, see you Sunday.

I made you a flan.

Ah, a flan.

Super duper.

It's great.

Wait for us here,
we might be back in time for lunch.

Thank you!


Say, it looks like it's going to rain!

Oh look! It's my aunt.

Hi, Jean-Jean.

-Odile, an athlete.
-I've got plenty of athletes.

No but she's a tennis player!

I just got myself two Italians.

I'm happy. Business is going great.

-All right, gorgeous!
-I didn't prepare anything.

-You're right, I think she'll be good.
-Yeah. She's new.

-You didn't prepare?

She's great.

Really great. She's an absolute gem.

I told you.

Come on then sweetie, let's see you!

But I don't have a routine.
Maybe I could take my clothes off?

She your chick?

Of course she's my chick.

No need to take your clothes off.

Clam chowder.

-Have you got stomach ache?

-You sure look like you have.
-No. It's my heart.

-Your heart! That's serious. Eat up!
-God, she's a pain!


-You're Jean-Jean's friend?
-No. But I'm waiting for him.

Funny guy, isn't he?
A real devil. Don't you think?

Chic, spiritual… bit of a skirt chaser.

All right.

-He doesn't want me.
-I think you're wrong.

-He's thinking it over.

Why did you call me your chick?

Because my aunt is a true professional.

A girl without a guy
is like a spark that's gone out.

A spark that's gone out?
That doesn't exist.

There needs to be a little
spark in your eye. Without that,

whatever you do, your act will be bad.

You need a man!

Well I don't have one.

You need that spark.

-I don't have one and I don't want one.
-Just wait.

All right, boss?

Here he is, my Jean-Jean!

You're looking great today!

Like a little cake!

Did you get dolled up for me?

Listen to him!
I told you, he's full of nonsense.

-Two clam chowders!

Bring us two more, sweetie.

Oh no. You're sulking.

You can say that again.

So your aunt works at the fair, does she?

-What kind of an aunt is she?
-Watch out, it's hot!

I thought you'd enjoy our little trip.

So did I, but I'm upset.

Odile, you're one of
the most seductive girls

I've ever met.

But you're also clearly a cocktease.

A cruel, volatile cocktease.

I'm kidding.

But 100 miles in a fridge on wheels,

to hang around in a greasy spoon

like an unpopular teenager.
Do you think I'm an idiot?

She really does seem to be

-taking you for a ride?
-She is, isn't she?

All because you're old.
She doesn't give a damn about you.

-It's not nice.
-Since I met you,

you've been snubbing me
as if I were your boyfriend

but without any of the good parts.

All the downs without any ups.

-Mind your own business.
-Two clam chowders

for the lovebirds!

Thank you sweetie.

-They look like mussels.
-Well they're not!

Whose mussels look like that?

Your little bimbo's drunk.

Another bowl?

No thank you, sweetie.

I'm not your sugar daddy. Do you hear me?

You are.

You'll never get anywhere with her.
She's taking you for a ride. Let it go.

-Do you think?
-I'm certain.

-You're trying to get her into bed.
-Among other things.

And then?
What do you think will happen then?

Well you know… after that…

After that comes the passion,
the nonsense,

pathetic bickering, the lies.

I don't want the lies. I don't have time.

I just want a love affair.

How disappointing.

He wants to bang me.

Can you understand that?
f*ck my brains out.

In that case, the most important thing
you need to remember:

Don't try to woo her.

-You'll exhaust yourself.
-I've had it.

I'm going. Ciao. Where's the station?

You walk across the square,

pass the post office and the w*r memorial

then second street on the right.

Hard work, aren't they?

Guess it's just us guys for lunch, then.
Fine by me!

Right, let's keep it just us guys.

It's more laid-back.

It is indeed more laid-back.

But I'm not going to lie.
I'm slightly miffed.

Do you understand?

I'm doomed, my friend.

I can't comprehend today's youth,
or life in general.

Maybe I could give you a massage?

Isn't she a sweetie, this one?

It's not her I want. It's Odile.

-He's in love.
-Does that bother you?

Have you never been in love?
And anyway, I'm not in love!

It's lust. It's not the same thing.

This one's starting to hack me off
with all this sex talk.

It's over! That ship has sailed!

It's true. They said so on TV.

Oh God! Have we just walked into
the 4th dimension?

Tell me, what is this?

-Is this a room?
-Why, what's wrong with it?

I don't know. It's a bit… rough.

Well it's the best in the whole hotel!

I wouldn't call this a room, Miss.

What's wrong now?

It's a square.

I don't have my striped pajamas.

I can't sleep without them.
I'm telling you.

I want to be upfront with you.

Are you sure it's the best room?

All right, Mr. Le Clainche.

Have a cry. You'll feel better.

I know, but still…

I'm sitting among debris right now.

Here. Have a hot toddy.

Drink up.

That'll set you right.

Oh God!

That's strong.

Really potent.

My pulse! My pulse! Shit.

Where did that moron get to?

-No way…

If it's engaged, it's engaged.

Get the hell out of here!

Oh shit!


Who's there?

Who's there?

Who is it?




Oh God.

What an old lech.

I'm a dirty old man.
I should be put to sleep.

I'd like to see your face.

I don't have a face anymore.

Do you know how the Russians
describe total despair?

They say:

"There's no face anymore."

I don't have a face anymore.

Last night,

I saw an apparition of truth.

It was beautiful.

It was a woman. She was naked.

A beautiful, naked woman

coming out of a well.

Last night

I deconstructed the semblants, my dear.

Do you know what I mean by that?

It was Lacan who coined that expression.

Not all Lacan's ideas were bullshit.

So I've made a decision.
I'm giving it all up.


Freud, the whole lot.

To do what?

I'm going to be a horse butcher Angoulême.

Or a clown for Jean-Jean.

I spoke to him and he seems keen.

We don't have a minute to lose,
we're going to go out and have a ball!

Now's not the time to chicken out.

All right. I have a declaration to make.

Odile, I've never wanted you more
than I did last night.

I admit.

I have an awful desire to bang you.

In spite of the night,
in spite of the moon,

in spite of the weather's attempts to
thwart our fornication.

I have to say it.

All right. I'd quite like
a little hot toddy.

Where is it?

Where's the g*dd*mn Thermos?


There you are.


yet cursed vial.

Listen, Odile.

You're the last woman of my life.

I knew it as soon as I met you,
when I saw you sleeping in the train.

Do you remember?

You chose me, is what you're saying.

You know…

Go on.

Why do you like looking at my ass so much?

I think it makes me better.

Well, showing it to you makes me better.

See? Life has a way of working out.

Let's fall asleep

in each other's arms

like little children.

And tomorrow, you're going to wake up
with a dead body in your arms.

That's quite something, isn't it?

Why do you get yourself into such a state?

People have always thought of me
as a wise, mature professor.

When really,

tonight, even though it's my last night,

I'm just a whiny little kid, aren't I?

A schoolboy.


A whiny kid.

A whiny kid.

A whiny kid.

A whiny kid.

My love.


Time to go, young lady. Come on. Now.

Where am I?

-What's going on?
-She's off to make a dime, my friend.


Cynthia, Myriam, g*dd*mn it!

If you carry on like that you'll go
straight back to the mall!

Hello, young lady.

-She's looking good!
-Yeah, not bad.

Don't undress. Just take your panties off.


-When do I get undressed?
-Take off the panties.

But when do I strip?

You'll know. You'll feel it.

When they can't take it any longer.

Ah! It's little miss headstrong.

I'm not doing this anymore.

Are you doing the show or not?

I'm not doing it.

Doing what?

-I told you to pull out all the stops.
-I'm not doing that!

Their dirty mouths on my p*ssy.

Any old guy who comes in!

It's not any old guy, they're clients.

Those assholes can f*ck off!

You stick it in their face,
put it under their noses and that's it!

No way!

So you've turned into a wallflower now.

No. I won't let any old guy
lick my p*ssy, that's all.

The new girl's up next!

Come on sweetie, let's go.

Okay, pussycat, what are you having?

-Feeling nervous?
-I'm fine.

No need for nerves.
You're going to ace it.

You're an extraordinary person,
do you hear?

You're the best of all of them.

Nobody is better than you.

Listen. Nobody is better than you.

Go on, sweetie. Off you go.

Here she is! She's coming!

She coming onto the stage.

She's going to take a look at you.

She's taking a look at all of you.

Nice one! I can always count on you!

Move your ass!

Here we go! Here she goes.
She knows what she's doing.

You're gonna like it.

That's right. You're gonna like it.

Cha cha cha.

Go on! Stroke it!

Here we go!

Come here, gorgeous! Come here!

Come closer.

Come on now!

Here we go!

Come on!

Just look at her. That flesh. The curves.

The dimples.

All of it!

Come closer! Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

My dear Pierre-François,

my dear Jean-Jean,

Yesterday I had another hemorrhage.

It's happening every day now,
several times a day.

Tomorrow I have to go back to the hospital
for an operation.

When you get this letter,

either I'll be alive
and we'll be joking around,

or I'll be with the other girls
who knew how to enjoy life.
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